Support group - Miscarriages

Hi everyone!

poohy, 8 DPO is too early lah! Be patient ok?

Millie, yah lor.. must be too much fun! :p or mebbe she lost her way in Rome?? :D Anyway, I also donno wat to do next.. I will prob give next weekend as the final deadline and then if the aunty still don come, will go report police!(see gynae)

Hi Snuffles, that's really stupid of your boss! I thot ang mo treasure family time more than us? How can they recall you back after work hours?! Take care and good luck in TTC!


Hi Snuffles,
At first my job is also like that. And I can feel my body very tensed whenever my user calls me to report problem. I know with such a lifestyle, I will have difficulty conceiving, so I quitted!!!

Thanks so much for coming! If you don't mind I can meet u up one of these days for lunch or something. Like what you said, we have been through so much, I also know you quite long already, it will be nice to see you in person.
Oh Java, they look so cute & sleepy!!! I love hamsters. Find their body very flexible and so smooth......

Snuffles, your work is so hectic huh?
Do try to catch a bit of rest in the mist of the busy schedule.

Poohy, yes, Panodol, or rather Paracetamol (Medicine name) is the only painkiller that is safe for pregnancy. Be it headache, fever, body aching, or whatever, paracetamol is safe. However, if possible, try not to take so much as there is some percentage of Codeine indside.

Tiny, my appointment is next Thu! I also dun noe how many weeks am I now. But if base on LMP, i am currently 5wks & 3days! Hopefully can see my baby next Thu! Keep my fingers crossed too!

Folic, if you aunty had lost her way in Italy and continue shopping, the chances is still there!! Jia You! Jia You!!

Millie and Poohy, hope got good news from you too!!
There is NO codeine in paracetamol. Codeine is only present in a preparation called Panadeine, which is a combination of Paracetamol and Codeine. This latter preparation is not that suitable for pregnant women.
KPOing, yap i think u r right! The Panodol we buy from outside dun have codeine. Oh, i know why. The Paracetamol that my GP last time given me got some codeine inside!!

Thks KPOing!
millie, tears, kpoing

thanx for the info... at least can take panadol.. else my headache killing me ...

folic, tears,

I am trying to wait till AF due then test ... patience.... anyway I dun feel hopeful... nvm at most try again next month !
Tears, no problem

Erhm, by the way, it is not the paracetamol your GP gave you had codeine... it is the medicine contain both paracetamol and codeine :p

Hi poohy,
Yup, can take the panadol in peace
Hi Java, yeah I really feel like leaving this job. Usual hours are already bad, now working on a transaction is even worse. Only issue is with work permit. Got to find another job first, otherwise I'd have to get a dependent permit on hubby's work permit. BIG BIG headache. But if bb is on the way, then all sacrifices would be worth it.

Hi Folic, why dun u test now?
I feel so nervous for u. Most ang mohs are quite relaxed, but within a few industries, some are out to make as much $$ as they can in a short period of time so they hardly see their families at all. And of course, they treat their subordinates as bonded slaves.
hi gals,

i decided to test this morning and i got a faint positive. kind of hopeful since my AF was due on thurs. but i am apprehensive now. why is the positive sign so faint? shldn't it be bolder since i am a few days late and i hv used the morning urine?

so in between the joy of confirmation of pregnancy, i am very nervous too. very worried tt this is a bad pregnancy again. i hv no creamy discharge and my breasts still soft. i know i shld be positive but i am rather tense now. even my hubby is not jumping with joy after what i had shared with him.

shld i see a gynae next wk? next wk at abt 5 wks, the gynae shld see a sac and by the size of the sac, can determine if it's growing fine rt?

tiny, was it because u spotted quite early in the last pregnancy tt ur gynae wld like u to visit early?
snuffles, is it true tt the british tend to bully the foreigners and their own pple get the easy parts at work? i got a fren working in UK and she does complain abt her hving no life. esp during yr end where everyone takes hols for christmas, she was told not to take leave to cover for her colleagues!

don't be too stress at work tt it jeopardise the bb making process. take care!
tears and tiny, really hope tt all turn out well and we can be pregnant together for the journey ahead!

folic and poohy, gd luck!
Hi Millie,

I am glad I logged in today!
A line is a line
Congrats!! I think it would be good to see the gynae soon. Even if cannot see the baby yet, you can at least start on some vitamins/medication to help support the pregnancy. I am sure your gynae will understand your anxiety!

Java, I just got back from your church. I was sitting somewhere in the center rows of pews at the back, surrounded by crying toddlers
. I wouldnt mind meeting up one day... but I am really a shy person... so mebbe one day, when I not so shy, ok?

This is a good month! So many graduates! 3!! I think that is a record! I am still thinking of whether to test again.. I am quite sure it is just my haywire cycle so it can be quite disappointing to get a negative result should I test again. Maybe I will test again this Wed, a public holiday and also my birthday. Hopefully, I can get a Beautiful and Fantastic Present!

Congrats millie!! So excited and happy for you. I agree with folic that you should see your gynae soon. That was what my colleague told me too, so that the gynae can give some kind of booster/vitamins to support the pregnancy. Hope the day I see the positive line will come soon too......

Good luck folic and advance happy birthday!!
Hi Millie,
I'm so happy for you!!!
Like Folic said, a line is a line...don't worry about the 'faintness' yet. could be you ovulated late this cycle...u never know! for me it was also a surprise that i ovulated early this cycle, as i've never ever had such a short cycle before (30 days). I was wondering if it's cos I'm now 30 years old...(just turned 30 a few days before my cycle began!)

perhaps you can try again in 2 days? What brand did u use? I tested again yesterday morning and the result was a lot clearer. check this out...(take note of the dates)

millie u're right, my gynae prob wants to see me cos of the previous case. maybe u should also make an early appt just so that you can be reassured. i'll prob go this Fri..i haven't called him yet, tho.

I really hope all will be well for all of us, and that we can go thru the 9 months together.

Yesterday night after my shower, i fell in the toilet! It was slippery and i was carrying my iron on one hand (wanted to fill it with water) and clumsy me, slipped and fell on my bum - rather hard too!!! i hope it won't affect the development...sigh. so silly.
Hi Folic/Java,
How was the church service? Hope it was a good closure for you, Java.

Folic, happy birthday in advance! Your bday is on my wedding anniversary! Hope u get your Beautiful and Fantastic Present too!
all the subtle hints...who knows, right?

your new roboroski very cute leh
I had a pair like dat too last time. There was time I was crazy abt hamster, and go ard buying winter whites, sapphires, robo... do they allow you to hold them ? I find robo dun like people to hold them and they run very very fast

what other symptoms do u have ? cramps ? So your breast/nipples still soft... maybe becos the pregnancy hormone still low level lor
Do take care hor...


pls take care also !!!!!! Try to avoid slippery floor....
Oh, Millie, that was great!!
I felt so happy
for you. Like what others had said, a faint line might be due to the fact that you ovulate late. However, whether late or early, you had succeed!!
Hurray! Hurray!!

Yes, i understand your fear and anxiety! My hubby and i dun feel that happy when i first discovered the faint line. Hubby even said i think too much. But when the line became more visible the next round, hubby started to believe that just maybe, maybe... i have conceived again!

Do go and see a gynae now though it might be abit early. By the way, do you have spotting? I was given duphaston to help to stablise the pregnancy. At this point of time, anything that helps, i dun mind taking!

Tiny, do be careful hor!! Was thinking initally why u bring ur iron to toliet!!
You are so cute taking pics of your HPT results. i thot of doing so too....

Folic, wish u a happy birthday
in advance and may you be blessed with a special present this birthday!

Joyce, for myself, i just go through one cycle!!
Now still hoping everythin is okay! i guess i can only felt more reassured after the 1st trimester!
Millie, I agree with the rest that you shd see the gynae soon to stabilise pregnancy.

*Sigh* really envy the 3 of you. During my checkup last week, my gynae ask me to TTC on 28,29 May coz she measured my follicles and O day is those days. But during my temp charting, my temp also never dip like the past few months. Dunno if I should buy the OPK kit to test for ovulation. What do you gals think? Should I buy? If buy, should buy the use one time kind or the Ovulation Monitor that cost around $250?

Hi poohy,
YES!!! I can hardly carry them, I was hoping when they get bigger, it would be easier to hold them. They run very fast. My first hamsters were dwarf campbell hamsters, later on I kept sapphire winter whites so now I try robo hamsters.

Thanks for coming. St Anne has many young couples with toddlers. Sengkang and Punggol many babies and pregnant ladies. I very stress whenever I go to Compass Point, I think I see > 10 pregnant ladies everytime. Today when I see my hubby to the lift, saw another preggie. Yesterday, I quarreled with my hubby on the way to church. He forgotten that the thanksgiving mass is at 9am, and he wanted to go to the 10.30am one coz he wants to sleep longer. I feel very sad, because my hubby does not share my sentiments.
Millie.... Congrats!!! It is never too early to see a gynae. So many graduations lately.

Tiny... that's what hubby did for my last pregnancy. He took a photo of the test kit :p

Happy Birthday to Folic in advance. I will be able to try and conceive around my birthday... hopefully I will have that as birthday present as well.

Java... can sense that you are feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. Take care of yourself... and try not to fret too much. Sometimes men are not as attentive... so don't take it to heart. I think everyone here would have their fair share of grouses about their own hubby from time to time. BTW... instead of keep on charting your ovulation (which can be pretty stressful in my opinion) why not just try BD every other day? The stress of trying to catch the actual day may affect your body cycle. Maybe it will be better to just let loose. This might invariably increase your chances. Who knows?
Hi Java,

BIG HUGS!! You know,hubby are usually like that.. they don't see things the same way as us somehow. My hubby is the same as well. Once, he told me he cant really remember which date we lost our baby. That date is sort of engraved in my memory!Just have to accept that guys react to such situations in different ways. Afterall, they did not share the same bond we have with our babies. I still recall vividly the way my baby kicks me in the tummy and on the last day, he was particularly responsive, kicking me whenever I told him to. That is why, I told my hubby, that I find much comfort chatting here and in the other forum board. It helped me to post my thoughts, air my feelings etc which only ladies like you gals can understand and relate.
But I think the service yesterday was nice. It was my first time in a Catholic church.

I think if you have already danced like your gynae adviced, then no need to waste money on the OPK lor.. mebbe you have already O'd and then if you use and not able to detect, you would be frustrated. Good luck this month! Hope you make it! You deserve another baby soon!

Congrats Millie!
happy to hear the good news!!!

must take care of yourself, ok...
don't over stress yourself...

i guess it just slipped off your hubby's mind...
sometimes, it's not that they don't care, just that guys tend not to show their emotions so openly
for my case, i felt that i need a proper closure (e.g., some quiet time where i grieve on my own)
but my hubby is different...
somehow he did it while he was DRIVING!!! can you imangine?(i wonder how did he manage that!)
and he definitely did not take as long as i did

i am still rather worried...
it's the sixth week now and still no signs of AF
called my gynae but she's on hols...

the more 1 read from pregnancy and ttc websites,the more i worried...
never thought that there can be so many types of pregnancy complications
got myself so worried...
hi poohy,

ask you a stupid question...
hpt is pregnancy kit, is it?

but prior to last weekend, we had not BD at all...

hence, did not really think it's possible
moreover, when we BD, we were using contraceptives
<font color="0000ff">Jus</font>, that not stupid qn lah!
At first, i also dun noe that. It stands for <font color="ff0000">Home Pregnancy Test</font> kit, right? But using contraceptives also can have accident right? Maybe you just waited till this weekend and see hor.

<font color="0000ff">Jus</font>, try not to get yourself worry so much. Take thing one step at a time. It is difficult but it does helps. I also dun noe that there is so much complication for pregnancy too. Last time, i was very ignorance, thot that once woman gets pregnant, the baby will ultimately come out after 9mths!! But that is not true!! I learnt it though the hard way!
In the meantime, while waiting, remember to take extra care of yourself and your body!
This applies to the rest too!

<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, dont take it at heart.
Guy are like that! My hubby was even worst, he even asked me if i need to see a psycogist
(dun noe the spelling
) when i think about my lost baby! But you cant really blame them as the bonding is always between the mother and the baby. My hubby always said baby always is more attached to mummies due to the fact that we will be carrying them in our tummy!!

<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, i agreed with <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>. Maybe you just try every alternate days!!
Sometimes to measure your temp and to see those Ovulation kits can be quite stressful and affect your mood. Just maybe, you try for this cycle and see how!!?

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">B</font><font color="0000ff">a</font>b<font color="ff6000">y</font> <font color="aa00aa">D</font><font color="ffff00">u</font><font color="0077aa">s</font><font color="119911">t</font></font> for you, <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, <font color="0000ff">Poohy</font> and all who are ttc-ing!!
hi tears,

thanks... would try to bear that in mind...
was also wondering if the delay in AF due to my anxiety (for my AF to come ASAP)
i should really learn to relax...
yesterday, had a dream on having exams (read somewhere that this kind of dream is usually associated with stress)
could it be that i am stressed but not too aware of it... ; P

yup.. totally agreed with you...
i was also ignorant about all these pregnancy thingy initially...
then, did lots of research, read pregnancy books
so, in the process, frightened myself... hee hee

my hubby asked me to see a pschiarist too...
guys! haiz...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Jus,

Don't worry so much, my AF came 7 weeks after the termination cum D&amp;C.</font>
Dear Millie,


I hope that all the girls here can join the three of you real soon!! \image(bb)

I read from the article that we should just take each day at a time &amp; stay positive throughout!!
My case is different so I would only clear my worries after my 20 weeks...

May I check do any of you suspect that you are pregnant now???

Today is my 7DPO, but I can't help but to feel that I'm oredi pregnant. My belly is bloated. I feel tired &amp; nausea. Or is it because of my imagination??

I wouldn't want to place high hope or i'll be dissapointed later
Hi Baby Mandy,

I think it is common to imagine that one is pregnant when one is trying so hard to conceive
Every imaginable symptoms become like alarm bells ringing
However, it is not totally impossible for you to be preg now, but might be too early to test at 7DPO. Be patient.. mebbe wait a few more days ok? GOOD LUCK!

Let me share another real life incident that my nurse fren from the other board wrote. She was working the night shift one night and got a call from teh A&amp;E dept. They were sendinga woman who claimed that she was in labour. (nurse fren work in labour and delivery ward, in case you gals forgot). Her colleague did a scan and looked worried and went to call my fren. My fren felt the woman's tummy and it did not feel pregnant. They were also not able to see any baby in the scan. The woman, in the meantime, kept mumbling " is there a baby? Is there a baby? My hubby will be angry if there is no baby". It so turned out that the woman is NOT preg at all. But she craved so much for a child that her body psychologically stopped having menses and she developed all the pregnancy symptoms. Her tummy 'grew' cos she is bloated with air!!! She is in 'labour' cos the pain finally got to her!

It is a true story, although it is bizzare. So just bear in mind this when we next start to wonder if we are preggie

Hai... cant really concentrate on working!! By the way, rem the complaint letter to KK CEO. I got the reply. It was sort of very disappointing and sad.... It remains me of my lost bb again and open up my wound again. More or less, i felt very disappointed and wondered if i wanna wrote another letter to her....

Below are a brief summary of <font color="119911">my letter</font> and <font color="0000ff">her reply</font>for my M/C:-

<font color="119911">1) 1st visit was at 5.5 wks with spotting, BB heartbeat can be seen vaguely. Doc only give me folic and schedule next appt in 7 wks time. No medicine to help to stablise the pregnancy.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Reply was, if a M/C is going to happen, nothings help!</font> Goosh, what if M/C is not likely to happen if medicine was given...

<font color="119911">2) The empty promises given by nurse from 24hrs clinic that if really M/C, D&amp;C will be done and i can be discharged by noon.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nothing was mentioned</font>

<font color="119911">3) The lost of file which resulted in my delay of operation and as a result, an addition one nite stay.</font>
<font color="0000ff">There is only a sentence of apologised for the loss of file</font>

<font color="119911">4) Doctor scolding me rude when i asked him not to give me excuses for the delay in operation</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nothing was mentioned too</font>

<font color="119911">5) Few days after the washing, i developed pain and went to KK again. Doc suggested to go for another D&amp;C again which i refused. There was an indication of washing not properly done previously.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Reply was that i do not want to be admitted and anytime i can jus go back to KK 24hr clinic</font> I was angry here. Do the CEO thought that i am very rich and free. Got nothing better to do than to pop by KK with tons of money to spend. Even subsidised rate frm Govt also must pay. Moreover i shld be resting....

<font color="119911">6) Request to look into their process as the waiting time was seriously very long</font>
<font color="0000ff">Reply was that she would look into it and wish me health always.</font>

That is roughly what is inside the content of the letter from the CEO of KK. I really felt sad and seriously very disappointed. Nothing much was mentioned about training for her pools of doctors... And for the loss of file, if TIME is a factor, by then, i should be dead! And yet, she doesn't seemed to take it seriously!

I remembered one Medical officer stated that i can try to claim for some refund as a form of compensation. Do you think i shld wrote to the CEO again or just let the matter rest?

Sorry, but i jus need advices...
Folic, the story sounds really bizzare, but i believe that it might be true... But it was really sad hor for that woman!

Oh, got another sad story to share though nothing very related.
This is a true case though i think it was not reported in the media. Remember the case of the woman who jumped down with the 2 kids? There is another case of a 7mth preggie whom jumped down. She left behind 2 kids. Think she is suffering from depression as her hubby is having an affair.

I really felt disturbed when i heard of this. But i told myself that no matter what, one must really learnt to treasure life in any circumstances. And i learnt that from my last M/C. So now, i just try to stay happy and postive. Like Baby Mandy mentioned, <font color="ff0000">just take each day at a time and remained positive throughout!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Folic</font>, ya, my gynae told me that when I had my first baby. I felt the preg symptoms but it was too early to detect anything. She told me there was such thing called psychologically pregnant. It was my first try so I didn't think that I was desperate. But I was indeed sad after listening to it. I guess she didn't want me to be dissapointed. But I was indeed pregnant

As for my 2nd pregnancy, I also knew I was pregnant. I hope that I'm right the 3rd times, keep my finger cross

Yes, mean time, I just need to "loon" till next week. I'm thinking to test it on 14DPO, will HPT work?

<font color="aa00aa">No More Tears</font>, heehee, I changed your name for you
. Oh dear, the CEO's reply was really not so nice hor.
Have u ever thought of changing to pte?

If I remembered correctly, we are of same age right? Born in the year of rabbit 1975. I was looking at the Chinese calender, if we conceive from lunar Feb - Oct, the gender of your &amp; my<font color="0077aa">(if I strike)</font> babies would be girls
<font color="ff0000">Folic</font>, ya, my gynae told me that when I had my first baby. I felt the preg symptoms but it was too early to detect anything. She told me there was such thing called psychologically pregnant. It was my first try so I didn't think that I was desperate. But I was indeed sad after listening to it. I guess she didn't want me to be dissapointed. But I was indeed pregnant

As for my 2nd pregnancy, I also knew I was pregnant. I hope that I'm right the 3rd times, keep my finger cross

Yes, mean time, I just need to "loon" till next week. I'm thinking to test it on 14DPO, will HPT work?

<font color="aa00aa">No More Tears</font>, heehee, I changed your name for you
. Oh dear, the CEO's reply was really not so nice hor.
Have u ever thought of changing to pte?

If I remembered correctly, we are of same age right? Born in the year of rabbit 1975. I was looking at the Chinese calender, if we conceive from lunar Feb - Oct, the gender of your &amp; my<font color="0077aa">(if I strike)</font> babies would be girls
HI tears,

the CEO's reply is such a standard PR letter and totally lack sensitivity! I am not sure if you should pursure this further, and giving yourself more grieve!! If you do want to pursue further, here's some pointers which you might want to include:

- It is true that 1st Tri miscarriages are difficult to prevent but most gynaes in private practice will see the patient at 3-4 weeks interval especially if the patient has symptoms such as spotting. 7 weeks is way too long.
-Point out that you incurred an additional one nite stay due to administrative errors and you should not be made to bear the cost of this additional night.
-Ask if any disciplinary action has been taken against the doc for his bad bedside manners.

But be prepared to get snubbed if you want to pursue. Anyway, the compensation will not be much but I guess it is the principle in it. Do it only if you have the energy to fight it ok?

Baby Mandy, I hope you are right this time round! Since you seem to have a track record of correct instincts!
14 DPO should be ok to test using HPT.

hi gals, wow so much postings!! thks so much for wishes and support. i know i need to be positive but can't help to think of the worst scenarios at times. is it true tt it's better if we suffer from MS? at least, tt means tt the body is creating hormones for the pregnancy? i never had MS and i don't hv any this time too.

think i shall make a gynae's appt this wk. hope i can get a slot tomorrow.

tiny, taking photos of the test kits is a gd idea! never thought of it. i don't know if i wld like to test again. fearful tt if it's still faint, i will hv more worries. guess i will go straight to gynae. when r u going to see yours? be careful now. do take care of urself!

joyce, i started try for bb since mar after doc gives green light. so tt makes abt 3 cycles (after feb AF)?

java, i stay around sengkang area too!!
understand what u mean. everywhere i turn, there's a pregnant lady at compasspoint! there's one staying rt next to me now! i do hv mixed feelings looking at them.

folic, ur story is bizzare but interesting. nothing is impossible. the poor woman must be under tremendous stress to hv baby. ur AF still not here? any signs of AF/ pregnancy at all?

tears, i can't believe the CEO letter is so cold!!! i agree with folic. if u continue to pursue the matter, u may be emotionally drained. did u discuss with ur hubby? i feel tt u can write to the CEO again or if u 'garang', write straight to forum/ newspapers. this may let sporeans be aware of the service standards at KK and get KK to wake up and re-examine themselves.
so, which gynae r u going to now for ur pregnancy?

baby mandy, poohy &amp; curly, gd luck to u!!!
Hi baby Mandy,

Ill be crossing my fingers for you ; )

I agree with folic
Pursue only if you have the energy
Cos knowing government hospitals, they would most probably issue another PR letter that might cause you more frustrations and hurt

You might want to consider private gynae as well
I understand that for KKH, if you were to choose the doc, you would not get the subsidy
Which makes the cost to be almost similar to private practices (my KKHs gynae costs about 80 per visit, while my TMC gynae costs about 100 per visit)
Of course it is still cheaper to go to government hospital (but the difference in costs is minimized if you are opting for a particular doc)
Moreover, the private doc would be more attentive (given the fact that they have less patients) and the waiting time should be shorter (also depending on which doc you choose)
Tears... I agree with Folic... do it only if you have the energy to. If you feel that it will reopen your wound and cause more grieve... do think twice. Usually when they know that they are at fault... the replies you get will never be conclusive. Your health is more important than anything right now.

When I read your post about your experience, to a certain extent... there seems to be malpractice on the gynae's part because usually most gynaes will prescribe hormone pills and 1 week of bedrest for cases of spotting.
Hi all,
Feeling really really sleepy today. Monday blues i think...
FOlic, it's interesting to read about the case. i've seen what is sometimes known as 'phantom pregnancy' in my previous dog! (she died in 2000) She was not sterilised, and once in a few months she'd behave strangely, whining away the whole night with the bone in her mouth. when i took it away from her she'd be frantic and look all over for it. she'd look for places to hide it and after hiding it away for a while, she'd take it out and look for somewhere else! this would usually last for a few days. my mum said she thought she was pregnant &amp; had given birth and the bone was her 'baby'. so wierd hor?

Joyce, this was my 6th cycle after my d&amp;c. i was already considering discussing fertility assistance with my gynae...looking back i'm sure for a few cycles we were just too 'gan-cheong' and i was always worried about ttc, so didn't succeed. Cos for my 1st pregnancy, we only tried once.

Baby Mandy, I also had a feeling this time. Altho there've been some past months where i think i have all those symptoms...but i was never really confident and didn't even think of testing. But this time i had the feeling quite early and that's why i tested so early too! In fact, my hubby noticed that every morning i was very fidgity and asked me if it was cos i thought i was pregnant. For a few days, i was actually wondering if it was the right time to test...

Tears, I actually took a picture when i was pregnant last year cos i wasn't sure what the result meant, and e-mailed it to my 'experienced' friend to interpret. If u saw the picture (dated 28 Aug '03), it has a very clear vertical line (|), but hardly any horizontal line. however, clearblue instructions state that there should be a cross (+) if you are pregnant. So i was worried there was something wrong lor. And since i kept the picture last yr i also decided to take this time round! Hopefully i'll be able to take photos of my own baby soon...not just of BFPs! ;)
don't be sad about your hubby's not remembering such things. i think guys are made differently and they are able to push away such issues. surely doesn't mean he doesn't care, guess they're just more practical and deal with grief and sadness in other ways. in a sense i admire them for being what we term 'unfeeling' or 'insensitive' cos we women tend to make things seem worse than they are. sometimes i wonder why i always see the negative side of things and am not able to enjoy the moment like my hubby. for us, we think too much and we often create more misery for ourselves. i'm often like that!

And I guess that's why there aren't any men who've lost their babies in this forum!
Hi Millie,

I still don hv AF. At times, I think I am like that woman in the story... have air in my stomach but think I am preggie
I thought of testing this Wed but got too curious, so I tested again, and again it is BFN. I think AF is on its way.. I have some pink/yellowish discharge just now, but now, nothing again. I suspect that I did not o or o really really late this month. I started taking my temperature about 1-2 days before my actual AF due date. It was very low and I had some discharge that were pretty stretchy. Subsequently, it had been quite high. So, assuming that the low temp I took was 'ovulation' dip, my AF should arrive by this weekend. Hopefully, it does arrive as it is driving me nuts!

Hi jus,
You made me laugh when you said ur hubby come to terms with grief by driving!!! hahahah I also wonder how he does that.

Hi odie, folic,
I do temp charting so that I do not need to BD every other day. Like that I become very sian of SEX already. Can I ask whether did you and your hubbies had heavy pettings and such before your marriage? We did, and sometimes I regret it, coz now so familiar with each other bodies until not so "on" liao. I find that I enjoy intercourse more before and after AF, rather than during O days. coz O days think more abt baby making than having pleasure.

Hi Tears,
I think ur experience with KK is really bad. Did you read today's newspaper abt this doctor in polyclinic fail to detect cancer in this lady? No wonder some ppl would rather pay high $$$ for private hospitals and clinics.

OK talk to you all again tomorrow. Gotta be housewife now and cook dinner... tonight is steam kailan with sausages...
Millie, have u made ur appt? i'll be seeing my gynae at 2.30 this Thurs. Want to enjoy my anniversary on Wed first...

Tears, i would prob not pursue the matter if i were u. like the rest have said, it'll be draining and i don't think they will really do much eventually. It's really unfortunate that it's happened but i think without sufficient evidence that there was any neglect they prob won't do much. and at this stage, u can't afford to let it affect u emotionally! More important to find a gynae u can really trust and are comfortable with, to help you thru this pregnancy.
<font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>, ur appt this Thu?? Mine too. But it was in the morning!! Actually, i felt quite scared to go... and yet anxious to confirm that the baby is growing!

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, thanks for your suggestion on the letter to be written. Actually my english no good... and so sometimes find it hard to express myself. So i just like to hear from another party view of this, cos scared that my viewpoint is too narrow and i might be wrong.

<font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, i sort of cant believed that too... initally i thot the 2 page letter was written by the quality mgr. But when i realised that it was signed of by the CEO, my disappointment became greater cos she is in the top position in KK. If she did not take loosing of files and insensitive doc seriously, i really dun noe who can look for. It gave me the impression that KK is very profit-oriented. Though subsidiared by govt, by the money is still paid by govt and myself. KK still earned the full amount....

<font color="0077aa">Odie</font>, yes, i think i will write one last letter to her after my visit to KK this thu. Well to inform her that i am currently pregnant again and to raise some of those issues that she either did not take it seriously or choose to ignore. If i dont do that, i think my mind will keep thinkin of this issues and felt bad for my lost BB. Guess it is more of doing one final chapter of fight and a closure.

<font color="119911">Jus</font>, it is true that if you choose a gynae, the cost will be almost the same as outside. When i was discharged from KK after M/C, hubby told me not to go KK again. We are angry with the long long wait...Subsequently, i did do some checks for a pte gynae. But before i decided, i conceived again and remember i told u all, everyday, my tummmy felt very pain. So i went KK 24hr clinic.

During this visit, i saw a specalist that is quite nice. She wanted me to be under her. Although she was kind and reassuring, but to be charged under a pte patient rate, i took a step back. I was not so sure if i wanna to be delivered in KK. And if really wanna to convert as pte, i might as well see a pte gyane. But the fear was that what happened if i had complications during delivery cos hubby was previously a prematured baby!!

Scared that it will be back to sq one, pte hosipital transfer me back to KK due to lack of specialised equipments... So currently, i jus take thing one step at a time. Since at this point, KK schedule me for scan this thu, i will go ahead first and decided later.
Baby Mandy, yes, we are born in Rabbit Year!! I think Poohy too!!
I also got check on the gender. But i like boy better leh!
Anyway, think a healthy baby at this moment is more impt than anything!

Hope you succeed this time. If you are not thinking that hard, you just try to trust your instinct. Cos mummy instinct can be very accurate!!

<font color="ff0000">Folic</font>,
May I know what BFN is? Sorry, I'm so "sua ku" lah

<font color="aa00aa">Tears,</font> I think if your first letter were to post to Streats, the reply would be totally different as they need to take care of their public image.
I delivered in Gleneagles w epidural, total hospital bill is $3K+. Hope this info will help you to decide.

For my gynae, when I had threatened m/c, she would give me 2 jabs in a week &amp; oral medicine. I thought there were effective!!

Ya, like I've said, if I missed the boat this time, I will have baby in 2006. Let's nature takes its course... ...

<font color="0000ff">Jus</font>, thanks dear, I'm keeping my finger cross now

Baby dust
to Folic, Java, poohy and the rest of us
