Support group - Miscarriages

Dearest millie,
I just got home from the airport and rushed to see how you are. I was thinking of u the whole weekend. I am really so sorry to hear about the news, and my heart just dropped when i read it, and i'm still tearing. i feel as though i've known u for a long time since our 1st m/c was around the same time last yr. i wish i could be there in person to give u a big squeeze and tell you how brave you are!

Mums are really the best. Thank God you have such a loving and supportive mum thru'out this period. (and of course, hubby) Do rest well like your mum advises and i hope you recover well without having to go thru a d&c.

Take care.

My AF was due ytd but I got
. Since I wanted girl so I can only BD for 2 days, i.e.Thu & Fri. Ovulation must take place either on sun or mon. Apparently, I ovulated
1 day later, which was on Tuesday. Hence, my AF just came this morning.

I'm kinda relief to know the answer rather than the
. It was a torture & I'm glad it was over.

Actually right after the D&C, I was comtemplating to try before my 1st AF but I was afraid that the feotus would not be healthy again. So I was deciding to try after 1st AF or have baby in 2006. Since I was so helpless, I decided to ask for god's help. I wrote 3 notes, April, May & 2006. I put them into the container & asked in front of the cross (something like the lot that u ask from the temple). When the first note dropped, I opened & it said 2006. Wow, it was so "choon"!!! Next time I shall put TOTO numbers inside
I think it is God's will

I told hubby & he said it was better as I could "tian yang" my body and concentrate on my studies. Of course I had some dissapointment as this the first time that we tried yet we didn't conceive. (For the last 2 pregnancies, we oni tried once & striked!)

But, nevertheless, I wish all of you who are TTC
I will start my production again may be in June next year. Take care

Kiss kiss
I think I was too kan cheong to know if I had conceived. I tested on Friday night when I got home and was negative
. I was very disappointed and told myself it was bec it was too early to test....

Then yesterday night, I looked at the kit again and I stared so hard and long that I thought my eyes were playing tricks. I could see an almost invisible line! So I asked my hubby to look but he was quite reluctant as I told him it was negative on Saturday. He also could see the "invisible line". He even asked me to open a new kit to compare. I was quite excited but he advised me not to have high hope just in case it's a fault alarm and I'll be very upset....

Today is already cd 40 and still no sign of AF.... My temperature today is still at 36.9 deg. I just hope it's not bec a delay in AF. Anyway, I have decided to wait a few more days before I test. I am also seeing my gynae next Saturday. Will keep you ladies updated.....
I have an urgent question to ask, so please please give me your opinions and views if you can.

I have a history of regular periods with no PMS or pain. Late last year, I got preg for the first time and had a m/c before 9 weeks. Prior to my m/c, immediately following conception, I started to have bloated tummy with pelvic pain. This continued even after my m/c although my periods have resumed and are regular. I don't know why I keep having this bloated feeling and pain on a daily basis (apart from the 1 week following menses), and my mother thinks it's "gas".

My latest menses is now late, I suspect I may be preg again and the pain is continuing. This evening it's gotten worse (not cramps, just constant ache and some twitches of pain), I can't sleep and I have to ask someone why??? I'm so afraid that I'd have another m/c or worse, that I have an abnormality.

Has anyone felt this way before? Why do some pple not even realise they are preg whereas I keep feeling this pelvic ache? Please help me if you can. I live in KL and I may come to Singapore to see a doctor if necessary.
<font color="ff6000">Dear Odie</font>, thank you

<font color="aa00aa">Hi KL Girl</font>, I can't give you any comments. But did you go for your check up after the m/c as doctor needs to know if there is any inflammation.

May be you don't need to come to Singapore yet as the medical fees here cost more due to the Forex. My sis saw this female gynae from Gleneagles Hospital(near to Ampang?), her name is Jean Woo. Pls call Gleneagles &amp; ask to be transferred to her clinic as I didn't get the contact no. Consult her first and see what she says about the pain. Take care
hi curly,

i am crossing my fingers for you...
hope to hear the good news soon
meanwhile, take care

hi mandy,
take care and all the best!!!

hi kl girl,
yup, like what baby mandy says, should check the cause of previous miscarriage
get a gynae to do a proper check-up

singapore's medical fee is much more expensive compared to malaysia's
my cousin went to see a gynae at gleneagle as well...
i would let you know the doc's name once i get the contact from my cousin...
meanwhile, take care and stay positive ; )
KL girl... never heard of such prolonged pain after a m/c. Have you gone back to your gynae for a checkup after the m/c?

Rather than for us to throw guesses in the wind... I think you should see a gynae as soon as possible.
hi KL girl,

The contact as promised...

Dr Tan Lay Seng
Tel: 4257 2577

My cousin has had a previous miscarriage before and is now pregnant with her second child
she highly recommended this doc
Hi KL gal,

Usually, during early preg, you will feel some menses like cramp because the pelvic area is expanding. I think you should take a home preg test to see if you are preg, since your current menses is late. After that, you can go to the gynae as suggested by the gals to follow up.

Take care!

Good morning gals,

I came across this meaningful poem so I'd like to dedicate to all..

May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power
that you are exactly where you are meant to be....
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are
born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you....
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in
the sun...
It is there for each and every one of you....

When the door of happiness closes, another opens. But
often times we look so long at the closed door that we
don't see the one which has been opened for us.

Hi, How's everybody today?

Din log-in since Monday afternoon cos I have been feeling sick these few days and on MC. Just came back to work!! Throat itchy which caused me to feel like vomitting. Think office aircon no good. Once i in office, will start to have flu.

<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, the invisible line really seem quite encouraging hor!
Hope you succeed this time!!

<font color="0000ff">Millie</font>
, actually i am glad that ur mum stopped you from going to work and is taking care of you. I think at this point of time, u do really need to rest well.
I do believe that praying in the temple will help. Seriously, i think anything that is good for your future pregnancy, just follow! In the meantime, sleep more
and eat more!
Hi girls,
ocean, me feeling sick today too. throat feels phlegmy and like joyce's pukey icon, i was feeling nauseous yesterday and did jus that last night!'s a terrible feeling cos i've been eating so well the past 2 weeks and now suddenly lost my appetite.

KL girl, i think the other girls r right. u should consult ur gynae asap, whether or not u test +ve. he'll be able to advise u, don't delay it.

curly, hope this is your month! update us, yah?

millie, how r u? when must u go back to work? do rest well while u can.

Joyce, i really like the sweet poem. thanks..esp the last 3 true.
<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, so you start to perform the Merlion dance
liao? Must take care hor!!
I only feel nausea but thank goodness, the dance not fully perform yet!
Feeling sleepy
and stomach everyday pain too!

<font color="aa00aa">Baby Mandy</font>, must wait till next yr June meh? I though maybe till May'05?
So at least now, you shld concentrate on your studies! Hmm.... if u got toto numbers, let me know too!! Kekee...

<font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, had your 1st AF came liao?

<font color="0077aa">Joyce</font>, thanks for your sweet little poem &amp; cute pics.

<font color="119911">Haneb</font>, all the best. Hope things work out well for you.
ocean and tiny,

hope you girls are feeling better now...
puke also must eat a little...
must nourish both mother and baby! ; )

no leh...
my AF still not here yet...
called my gynae and she said to wait till end of June...
if still no sigh of AF by then, would have to see her and maybe get some hormone pills to regulate the menses...
sigh... want AF to come quick, quick...
ocean, today no merlion dancing..i hope it's a one-off thing, or maybe cos the food i ate yesterday was too oily so i felt uncomfortable the whole day &amp; finally threw up at night. i'm having a runny nose &amp; feel really tired today. but starting to feel hungry again.

Jus, how long has it been already, waiting for your AF? Before that was it regular/how long was your usual cycle?
hi tiny,

how are you today?
hope you are feeling better...

it has been about 8 weeks since the D&amp;E
previously, it's about 30 days (never exactly keep track, but roughly there)
the latest that i heard was 7 weeks (from one the girls in this thread)
guess i would still have to wait since gynae says to wait till end of june though she predicted that it should come mid june...
morning gals,

got a question to ask u all,is there any difference that the faint or strong positive line on the test kit,will it affect baby development in future?
Good morning everyone

I had a dream
last nite, I dreamt that I was pregnant
! What a dream for me... Does anyone here had a dream like this?

Hi wendyl,

I tot whether it is faint or not is more dependent on the stage of pregnancy?
The earlier the pregnancy, the fainter it is cos the HcG level is still pretty low then
How are you?
Its been a while since we hear from you

Hi joyce,

I have had that kind of dream as well
But when I am awake, reality hits and I felt the loss
hi jus,

i am fine.......but occassionaly will still think of it lor.....Sigh......hope i can lost my memory

hw u getting on also?knw that u are still waiting for ur first AF to come......dun worry lah.....

At this moment, not too busy (work)
Would be having a conference call later in the afternoon...
Guess more work would follow after that

i understand what you mean...
but i felt that the loss has someway been a blessing in disguise (brought me n hubby closer, more appreciative of babies and prenancies, friends etc)
yes, it was a loss, a tremendous loss...
but, i guess we have to be positive...
everthing happens for a reason...
for my case, maybe God thinks that i m not ready and fully prepared... maybe that's why the loss...

do be positive
our time would come soon, i m sure
Hi Jus,
Thanks for asking...i'm having a sore throat &amp; cold now. wondering if i should see a gp or my gynae.

i never really knew what the difference between D&amp;C and D&amp;E is. Mine was d&amp;c and I bled for about 2 weeks after that. Then it took another 5+ weeks for my AF to arrive. so that was 7+ wks altogether. When did your bleeding stop?

Anyway, I found this article:

Subject: menstrual cycle after miscarriage
Forum: The Maternal and Child Health Forum
Question Posted By: Ginger on Thursday, July 02, 1998

My question is how long does it usually take to start your menstrual cycle
after a miscarriage/d&amp;c. What happens if you don't start your cycle and you think you might be pregnant?

Thanks ginger

Dear Ginger:

The average time to ovulation following a miscarriage is 6 to 8 weeks and most women have resumed their menstrual flow by 3 months following miscarriage.
I ask patients to use barrier contraception from the time following miscarriage that they resume relations until they have a normal menstrual period.

The hCG levels linger following a miscarriage and may give you a "false positive" pregnancy test. It can take 6 weeks for these levels to fall to undetectable amounts. Thus, if you think you are pregnant, have a blood test done by your physician and a second quantitated level after 3 days. The pattern between these two tests will determine if this is a new pregnancy or residual hormone from the old pregnancy.

So i guess there are some cases where it takes a little longer since 3 mths is 12 weeks? I guess your gynae would know how to advise u accordingly.

faint positives are due to low hCG levels...but i must add that even high hCG levels also can be misleading, cos when i tested for my last pregnancy the line was extremely dark &amp; clear (if u had seen the photos i uploaded), but still ended up m/c leh!
Hi gals!

Hope everyone is well! Some good news.. my hubby won $1k in 4D yesterday
So I am getting some good treats these few days! hahaha

Jus, I agree with you on the part about growing closer with hubby. Last time, I feel like I am the only one with the biological clock ticking but now, I feel that we both want to have a baby.. together. And I like the feeling better.

Am in a meeting now and cannot post long long posts. Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Tiny and Ocean... I hope that everything has been going well for you two.

Jus... be patient... I believe it will be due next week as advised by your gynae ;)

Wendyl... don't think it has any relation. It should be dependant on the stage of pregnancy.
Hi tiny,

Thanks for the info!

Oh, for my case, its a D&amp;E (as I was 4 months pregnant then)
This procedure is of slightly higher risk than D&amp;C

The bleeding stopped at roughly the third week and after that continuously had on-off spotting for another 1-2 weeks

I have had done a DIY pregnancy test and its negative (done at about 6 weeks)
So, I guess the HcG level has dropped/ almost gone

I guess after going through the trauma together, it strengthen our bond with hubby
Although its only 8 months after my wedding, it seem like a long time as so many things had happened

What to do
Just have to be patient

Btw, went to the Expo, motherhood fair last Sunday (to buy air purifier) and ended up subscribing to motherhood magazine
Dun know got any pantang or not (see lar getting superstitious by the day)
Hubby said its only a magazine kekeke
The magazine is pretty informative
Guess we know most of the pregnancy stuffs since most of us search websites for information
The magazine provides info on babies and toddlers as well

Lots of pregnant ladies there
So envious
gd afternoon everyone! hi tiny and ocean, thks so much for ur thots! i am feeling better. bleeding has stopped. seeing my gynae next mon. i think i will ask for more mc to rest. i am physically very weak now. u 2 take care and hv strong cute babies!

java, so envious of u. like a tai-tai!
going facial at orchard on a wkday. but seriously, all the best to hearing gd news fr u!

jus, the temple is in the vicinity of great world city. it's just behind concord hotel area, near a famous bak kut teh and teochew porridge area. hope ur AF come quick. i hope mine will come in due time.

folic, lucky u and hubby!

haneb, ur checkup is today? hope it turns out well! *cross my fingers*

wendyl, like wat the gals say. faint or strong dpds on the stages. but if more than 4 wks (days after AF is due), still faint. may not be gd news. best to check with gynae.
Jus, your case quite similar to me. When I lost my baby, I was married for less than 1 year (11 months) In fact, after my confinement, we went to Japan for holiday to cheer myself up and also to celebrate the 1st anniversary. It did add more meaning to the celebration

Morning Everybody!!
Hope today is a good day for everybody!

<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, your AF was really long huh?
Maybe your body is taking it own sweet times to recover itself &amp; by then, you will have a very strong womb!

<font color="ff6000">Wendyl</font>, like <font color="aa00aa">Jus</font> said, the loss is a very sad one... there is nothing we can do to prevent it.
But i agreed that it made me more appreciative to life.
Aiyoo.. sorry, now is afternoon liao!

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, well, that is a good start!! So may all the good things start to roll in! Hmmm... makan?

<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, my throat was very itchy till i cant sleep last night!Got a fright last night cos got spotting again. On and off, i have spotting, but felt that last night was slightly more!

<font color="ff6000">Millie</font>, so your homework for the week is rest
and eat
! Kekee...
Hi millie,

Glad to hear from you!
Should take longer MC to rest
Must eat more bu things

Oh, guess we were talking about the same temple
Have passed by a number of times but have not been in the temple itself

Yup, hope my AF would come soon too

Yup looks like we went thru similar path
My anniversary is in Oct
But hoping to get pregnant by then hee hee
See how-lar
Certain things cant be rushed

how are you now?
hope your spotting has stopped
did you check with the doc regarding this?

some pregnant ladies were given hormone pills/ injections to 'streghten' the womb and to prevent bleeding when they have spotting

you might want to check with your gynae

sorry, just saw your previous qs
when i was sick during my previous pregnancy, i would normally consult my gynae (just to be on the safe side)
cos, some doc may prescribe medicine not suitable for pregnantladies
<font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, actually i was given hormone pills, Duphaston, since the first day i went to KK. Was given 1 wk's supply, followed by 1mth supply and my last visit, another 2 wks' supply. According to doc, spotting is quite normal. Even my ab pain was normal. It might be due to my womb being weak and BB growing. Thus i felt the pain...

But you know, i jus cant help wondering if everything is alright! Was very tempted to go KK 24hr clinic today, but was thinking if i shld wait till next thu! Now there wasn't any spotting! Maybe i had a long day yesterday!!

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, i hope everything went well for me and <font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font> too!! Thanks!

oh i see...
i was prescribed this medicine previously as well...

i understand your anxiety...
previously, i was super-duper kan cheong as well...
even if it's minor, i would check with my gynae and would visit her if she asked me to

i don't see any harm in going to KK 24hr clinic
just to reassure yourself...
alternatively, you can wait a few days later and monitor your situation closely

also, must get enough rest, ok...
hi oceans...
dun wori so much...
i'm sure u will be fine.
i had spotting in my 1st tri too... in fact, it lasted nearly 2 weeks for me. i went down to kk 24hr a few times. everytime i went down, i will be praying dat everything will be alrite and everytime when i see the heartbeat flicker on the u/s machine, i felt sooo relieved.

there was tis one time when i even had fresh bleeding. it scared the hell out of me. i immed rushed down to kk...

ultimately, was being told no fresh bleeding... so cld be old blood and bb is fine...

jus rest well within tis time and tk the duphaston daily... if u are not reali assured abt the bleeding, u can always request for the gynae to give u the hormone jabs.
Ocean... if you feel that by seeking the gynae it will give you a peace of mind... just go right ahead with it. So have you decided to stick to the last gynae you saw?

Millie... glad to see that you are taking it well. Do try and rest more and keep us updated of your condition.

I am back! As expected, there wasn't any improvement from last week. I went for d/c....well, guess it's for the best....

Will rest for a week, then go for a 4 day cruise....
Hi Ocean,

Just to share with you, during my 1st pregnancy, I was spotting frequently in the 1st trimester. There was one time, I even bled quite badly that I quickly went to KKH 24hr. Luckily the baby was not in any danger. I was given Jab and hormone pills, vitamins, folic acid....and rested on bed most of the time. My mom prepared chicken soup for me almost everyday. After all these, the pregnancy slowly stabilised and the bleeding stopped.

Try not to move around too much though the bleeding could be due to the purging of our "left over" menses. I think bed rest will help a lot.
hi Haneb,

Sorry to hear the news...

how are you feeling?
must get more rest and eat all those 'bu' things so that you would recuperate faster...

good thing that you are going for a trip...
can relax and keep your mind off things

take care and rest well!
Hello all my frens (yes Java, you too),

I went for a fabulous dinner last nite. It is a Japanese dinner at Suntory Restaurant in Inter Con. They having UOB credit card promo $88 set dinner but pay 1 for 1. We had wanted to go there for a long time but felt it was too expensive even after 1 for 1 discount. But.. we splurge last nite and the food is really really good
So, if you have a UOB card and a special ocassion to celebrate this month, you can go there. Net, is about $50 a person but it is really good. And.. I did eat on behalf of all you here lor

Haneb, take care and I hope you enjoy your cruise.

Ocean, don't worry too much ok.. rest well!

Hi Haneb... sorry to hear about your loss. Please take good care of yourself and rest well.

Folic... thanks for the info. Is it crowded? Let me go ask my hubby if he wants to try tonight. Yesterday he told me he was craving for jap food :p
Dear <font color="119911">Jus</font>, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, <font color="0000ff">Haneb</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, thanks for your concern!

I had went to 24hr clinic after seeing your advices. Dr checked and found that everything is ok. There was no current bleeding and baby is ok. Goosh, you know, i finally get to see the small little heart flickering on the screen!

I was told to be admitted as i always feel painful in my tummy to monitor. I see no point. Anyway, Dr upon hearing that even though i was on hormone pills, yet still got spotting, she decided to give me a jab!

<font color="0000ff">Haneb</font>, so sorry to hear about your loss! Do have a good rest in the meantime before you go for cruise!

<font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, wow, what a good dinner that you have!! So, u must have eaten alot on our behalf lor!!
Hi odie,

It is not very crowded when we went but I noticed that people start coming in after 7.30. You might want to make a reservations for tonite, since it is a Friday. tel 6431 1064. I hope you get to eat it tonite! drool drool! Maybe I give you 'preview' of what I ate:

Appetizer - Cold bean curd with flying fish roe
Soup - I took the Paper hot pot soup and my hubby took the tea pot soup. Both also good.
Sashimi - 6 slices - 2 salmon, 2 tuna and 2 yellow tail. If you don't like sashimi, you can change to california roll. You can also order one of each

Hot Appetizer - Prawns in spicy mayo sauce. Yummy!
Main course - My hubby took beef and I took the salmon. My hubby says both also very nice ( I don't take beef, so I didnt try that)
Noodles/Rice - We both chose the unagi sushi to finish off. You can also choose Zaru soba.
Fruits/green tea ice cream.

Hope I tempted you to go

Dear <font color="119911">Jus</font>, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, <font color="0000ff">Haneb</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, thanks for your concern!

I had went to 24hr clinic after seeing your advices. Dr checked and found that everything is ok. There was no current bleeding and baby is ok. Goosh, you know, i finally get to see the small little heart flickering on the screen!

I was told to be admitted as i always feel painful in my tummy to monitor. I see no point. Anyway, Dr upon hearing that even though i was on hormone pills, yet still got spotting, she decided to give me a jab!

<font color="0000ff">Haneb</font>, so sorry to hear about your loss! Do have a good rest in the meantime before you go for cruise! Take care!

<font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, wow, what a good dinner that you have!! So, u must have eaten alot on our behalf lor!!

<font color="0077aa">Curly</font>, how are you? It seemed quite sometimes since we last heard from you. How?

hi folic,

sounds yummy!!!

so tempting...

hi oceans,
glad to hear that you saw the heartbeat
must have been reassuring!

but as what haneb advised, rest more!!!
