Support group - Miscarriages

Hi millie, congratulations! I know my postings are always a little behind others...
Envy! Envy!

I have not personally come across glaring incidents of racial favouratism but ur friend's leave incident sounds familiar. My friends and I are usually quite happy to oblige anyway cos' X'mas is a quiet period so staying back in the office is prety relaxing. Besides, we then get to take time off during CNY or other busier period so I guess the trade-off is worth it?

Hi Jus, don't worry. The 1st AF can take some time in coming (my GP said up to 10 weeks) so don't put too much pressure on urself. Relax and tell urself all will be well. Remember, being in a positive mental state is important.

Tears, I feel rather indignant at the response u received. Would u consider having ur experience published in the papers?

WOW! So many good news in such a short period of time! Feels like Lady Luck is upon us. Me - I'm going to work harder (BD that is) so I can graduate soon too.

tears, yup, go for a check-up 1st this thurs at KK. but do consider if u will feel comfortable giving birth at KK itself.

like u and tiny, i also thought of going this thurs for gynae appt. will go back to the gynae tt did my d&c. hubby said at least he has my records. well, hope will hv some gd news. shld be in my 5th wk. *cross my fingers*

baby mandy, how is the service/ nurses/ etc at gleneagles? hope ur instinct is rt!
hi snuffles! how r u? thks for ur wishes. hope u'll join the graduates soon!
my fren also comes back during cny but only for a short while. still, she seems to enjoy herself there and shows no interest in returning.

tiny, may i check with u when u tested ur both tests? before AF rt? and is it using morning urine?
Hello Snuffles,
I think u are right! 'tis the season to be baby-dancing, so go for it, ok? I hope we can all go thru it together! All the best!!
Hi Millie,
I really dunno when my AF would've come this time if i didn't test positive. But here's a summary of my cycle lengths since m/c.

<font color="ff0000">
1st AF after d&amp;c took 38 days to come
Cycle 1 - 39 days
Cycle 2 - 37 days
Cycle 3 - 32 days
Cycle 4 - 33 days
Cycle 5 - 32 days
Cycle 6 - ??</font> <font color="119911">tested +ve on CD29 &amp; CD31</font>

yes i used morning urine. actually millie, i tested again yesterday cos i bought a different brand - the guardian one (now having offer...hee hee..). the purple line was much clearer. which brand did u use?
Hi everyone!

I am in office at 645am today cos my colleague is on leave and she needed me to help set up a conference call with US. zzzzzz so now I am sitting in this con room with 10 other people at 7am listening to a topic which is not quite related to me.

Java, my hubby and I 'lived in sin' shortly prior to wedding
so you say leh? Anyway, I think its normal to have less urge sometimes. Just try not to think of it as a baby making task, then I think you will find the fun back.

Baby Mandy BFN = Big Fat Negative while BFP = Big Fat Positive. It indicates the results of the pregnancy tests.
I think we all pick up these terms either on this site or other US discussion forums that are similar to this.

Hi millie, I had my baby at Gleneageles. I find that the nurses at the labour ward were wonderful and they kept coming over to comfort me and talk to me. They felt very heartpain for me when they have to keep coming over to poke me with all sorts of needles
Although I was very sad at that time, I appreciated their kindness very much.

ok, gotta go.. talk later!

Hi java,
My hubby did not grieve BY driving, rather WHILE driving... kekeke

I understand your concerns...
I previously had asked my own doc to choose between pte and KKH
She told me that for her, she would choose KKH cos the hospital has all the nec equipment and a well-equipped NICU (just in case)
Moreover, she is a doctor, hence would be able to understand the hospital procedures better (translation: can take the longer waiting time, rude nurses etc etc)
However, she said, for me, she would recommend a pte gynae -- less stressful, better service which are important to my emotional well-being
that's why in the end, i went to a private gynae (as i previously mentioned, my KKH gynae is roped in for my CVS procedure -- cheaper and in Spore, supposedly only 3 docs are specialised in this procedure)

take one step at a time...

regarding your letter to KKH,
how about writing to the straits time as what millie has suggested (and perhaps, you might want to enclose the letter that KKH sent to you)

Thanks... would try to wait PATIENTLY... hee hee

Wow, that's early...
you must be feeling ZZZZzzzz now... ; P
Hi Jus,

yes, I am very zzzzz now! I woke up at 545 this morning! Now I feel like I am ready for lunch!! :D

hi Tears,
Perhaps you can consider TMC? It has the best neo-natal facilities before new KKH was built. Previously I delivered at Mt E. The nurses were great, my only complaint is the delivery bed. Not very comfortable, moreover I had a bad backache which intensify with each contraction.

Today is Jordan's birth and death 1 year anniversary. Sorry for keep harping about this. Last night when I told my hubby "Still remember last year at this time where were we?" He say "again????" and why I can't let go and such.... Its not that I can't let go, just that its in my character to look back to the past and remember.

folic, 545am is very early!!! Me woke up at 8.20am today. hehehehe suan you.
A BIG HUG for you...
it's ok to remember and cry
that's why we are here... to provide support and encouragement to one another
Java - u showing off your tai-tai hood huh?! hmmmmm!

Happy Birthday Jordan! Maybe it is more cheerful to remember it as his birthday than his death anniversary?
A lady in the US board brought a little cake to her son's grave and celebrate there.

Dear Java, hug hug
After I've made the decision of terminating my pregnancy, my gynae told me not to look back. What's done is done &amp; what's past is past. Or else we'll be more sad
Said is easier than done but we will learn it. I'm sure they are well taken care off by God

<font color="aa00aa">HI Millie</font>
Let's talk about the package first. Gleneagles used to have a 3 days 2 nites package(sounds like HKG tour), hahaha
. I opted for single ward where my hubby could stay overnight with me. The delivery suite was very comforting, it didn't look like a delivery suite in the movie where big lights were on the preggie, no drama scene at all. It was like a hotel room though
Nurses were very assuring &amp; experienced. They told me Dr Mary Yang is one of the famous female gynaes in Gleneagles. I was glad that I chose her. I opted for induction hence midway my boy wasn't that happy &amp; his heartbeat was dropping. I was really worried but the nurses told me "Ma'am, to be worried is our job and not yours, you just rest &amp; wait for the good news" with a warm smile. When I had dilated to 9cm, the nurse congratulated me &amp; said very soon I'll be mummy, I burst into tears instantly, it was so touching &amp; relief when the nurse told you that

BUt the drama scene happened when I was about to due. The nurse transformed the hotel room into the delivery suite within minutes. She was so fast &amp; she lifted my legs on the legs stool &amp; turn on the BIG lights. She laid all the knives on the table. At that moment, I told myself "Ya, this is exactly what I saw in the show"... With epidural, it was painless to deliver an 8 pound baby

Service was very good. They would check on you periodically. During Bfding, they taught me several ways on bfdg.

For the termination, it took me 18 hours. They were sympathetic &amp; attentive. The downside was it was more expensive that having a baby
Haiz... ...

<font color="0000ff">Hi Folic</font>, I see, in a week or so, I'll be able to tell you if mine is BFN or BFP
Java... I would say that familiarity with the body shouldn't be the cause of it... as long as the feelings are there everything should be fine. Maybe you are too preoccupied with thoughts of conceiving that you have lost the feelings. Its as though ML is only a SOP... a means to having babies. If so, time to let loose and just enjoy the moment ;)

Like you, I tend to look back and think about what happened at that exact point in time. Guess that men and women grieve differently. For them they move on from something when they stop thinking about it... but for us we need to grieve and cry our hearts out before we can give it closure. Be patient with yourself and your hubby... sometimes we just need to understand that everyone is different.

Tears... if you feel that it will give you proper closure... do go ahead with it. On the contrary I feel that KKH like all govt agencies are not profit orientated and hence they do not place customer service as priority. To them they are just doing a job. People will still go back to them because of the subsidised rate etc. But for those in the private sector it is different... they need to ensure that the service is good otherwise nobody will patronise them and that will affect their bottomline at the end of the day.

As for choice of gynae... I would think that you need to choose the gynae rather than the hospital. Firstly... he or she will be the one to ensure that your pregnancy is fine for the whole 40 weeks. Secondly, like what Jus mentioned... it should be for your well-being. Thirdly, if the gynae is good and should complications arise, he or she will know how to handle the situation and make the necessary arrangements to transfer you and the baby to KKH. The hospital can have all the facilities but if the gynae is lously... having all the state-of-art wouldn't make much difference.
dear java, 1st june is a special day for u and ur little angel jordan. it's definitely ok to remember and share with us.
don't be too hard on ur hubby. men just hv a different way of handling situations.
tiny, i used guardian's test kit before. must say it's pretty gd and clear - considering the cheap price and packaging. think i'll test again tomorrow morning. i hv seen ur pics. the lines are darker than mine. sorry, i kept talking abt it but it's quite worrying. anyway, i shall see my gynae this thurs afternoon.

folic and baby mandy, thks for the info on gleneagles! the nurses sounded friendly and reassuring.
cross fingers, i'll get to 'enjoy' the facilities and services 9 mths fr now!

glad tomorrow is hols. shall sleep in late. folic, r u counting down to leaving the office?
Hi millie, I just came back from lunch.. my head is almost nodding to the keyboard already! I decided that I will leave office at 4 today. My hubby is going to collect his medical report from raffles hospital. i will go with him and then go intercon hotel to drink coffee and pretend that i am a rich tai tai who don need to work

Baby Mandy, kekee...
No More Tears?
You are so sweet. Actually, i do have a regular nick in SB Forum. Just that when i first lost my BB, i really dun wanna too many pple to know and maybe feel sad for me!!

Baby Mandy, thanks for your well wishes to Millie, Tiny and myself.
I hope u, Folic and Poohy can hit the jackpot this time too!!

Java, guys are like that. They move on, not meaning that they are not sad, but rather it is their way of moving. It is natural to feel sad, especially it is jus a short one year! Well, i am sure your little angel jordan will watch over you and like to see you happy.

That is how i feel. If one day, i no longer here, i will like my love ones to stay happy. It would hurt me to see them cry. I'm sure your little angel would feel this way!

Millie, it is true that the Guardian test kit is very sensitive!
All my 4 HPT are guardian brands. They are cheaper too!! Kekkee..

Today, i not feeling very good. Last nite felt dizzy and headache. Abit nausea, but suprisingly, i can still eat. But now i got diarehhia.... Felt that today is a very tough day!! Later still mus go for meeting
Hi gals,

I think my AF is here... so no Italian souvinir for me! I am glad that it is here though.. then I don't have to keep thinking about it!

I will take my temp faithfully this cycle and monitor. Hope to strike soon!

Hi Folic,
At least u know there's nothing wrong with u! it must've been worrying esp since your cycles were ok the last few months. Now don't worry and u an try in 2 wks! Hey, thanks for the wishes. Enjoy your birthday too!

No more tears is appropriate! Do change it!

Millie, i don't really know about faint lines &amp; all...i know most people say that if it's faint it's not too promising, but did u see the 1st pic? It was taken last yr and u can see that the vertical line is VERY was much darker than the control line...but even with supposedly high levels of hCG, i miscarried. so...i think what's more impt is that since u've tested +ve, go see your gynae for advice. Have u made ur appt on Thur too? Mine will be at 2.30. Altho prob can't see anything, i'm rather nervous.

Bebechic, are u still around? i remember when u found out u were pregnant u didn;t dare to see your gynae till quite late so that u could see something. when was that? Actually i'd wanted to do the same (only go in 2 wks time since no spotting thus far...crossing my fingers...) but i wanted advise on whether going to Phuket this weekend is ok. Any of u travelled during the 5th/6th week? or is it very risky?

Baby Mandy, thanks for the cute wishes. I'm also praying hard that this time all will be fine.

Enjoy your public hol tommorrow girls!
It must be difficult but i agree with Folic. perhaps u can try to think of it as Jordan's birthday and give him a little pressie. Soon after I had my m/c I had to go to the columbarium (dunno how to spell) to pay respects to my grandpa. There, I saw a few engravings which belonged to little children, some of whom were a day or two old. I really cried when I saw them. I also noticed that many of them hung keychains, small stufftoys and little notes all over. In my heart i thought that that was so sweet. I was sure the children in heaven would look down and smile. Just know that your Jordan is in a better place and is well taken care of, and one day u will meet again.

Today must've felt like the longest day of your life. Do rest well tonight and know that there will be a brighter tomorrow. Take care and a big hug for u!
Dear Java,
I know that words can't begin to take ur pain away. But I wanna give you a big *HUG* to let u know that we understand and that we will be behind you all the way.
<font color="aa00aa">No More Tears,</font>it's my pleasure
Thank you for your well wishes too

<font color="0000ff">Stylobb</font>, yes, I'm trying bb for the 3rd time. But I oni have a kid now. 2nd pregnancy was not healthy. So dun get me wrong, I'm not super productive till govt loves me deep deep ya, heehee

<font color="ff0000">Folic,</font>do rest &amp; relax now &amp; prepare your body for the "battle" in 2 weeks time. <font color="ff6000">Gambate!!</font>

<font color="0077aa">Tiny,</font>I'm sure this will be a smooth one

Sometimes I wish that my hubby is a local so that I would not be so stressed out. I prefer to deliver in Singapore as all the necessary resources are available here. Overseas would be more tough for our traditional confinement... ...
dear folic, happy birthday!!!!!!

dear tiny, happy anniversary!!!!!! my appt also at 2.30pm tomorrow. doubt can see anything but at least, hear what the doc has to say. actually, my girlfriend went on hols to krabi and even scuba dive when she was abt 6 wks. but she didn't realise tt she was pregnant till she's back. so there's no pressure on her part to take care of herself. personally, i think it's fine to go on hols esp on early stages like 5 wks as this is the period when most pple don't even know they r pregnant and still remain active. i went to japan when i was abt 5 wks pregnant in dec. of course, it didn't turn out to be a gd pregnancy but just want to reassure u tt it shld be fine to travel. just take care of urself!

but because of m/c, it's gd to check with ur doc.
Wow! Thanks gals! It is indeed a fun day today! I am just lazing at home. Tried to make the 'nine layers cake' - you know the nonya kueh?- but flop big time..
hahaa Now, waiting for hubby to wake up from his nap so that we can go watch a movie and have dinner

Tiny, I think it is ok to travel but my hubby doesnt think so. Although we made a booking to go Bali in Aug, he says that if I got preg, we will cancel the trip. Anyway, hope you enjoy your trip!

Millie, hope your gynae appt will go well! Do keep us posted tomorrow

Baby Mandy, are you living in Singapore now or overseas?

Folic, I'm currently living in S'pore. But got to prepare to leave at anytime when hubby finds suitable job
hi folic,
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you enjoyed yourself!!!

Me today back in the office. *yawn*
hi folic,
Happy Belated Birthday!

Hi Tiny,
Happy Belated Anniversary!

previously, when i was 5 weeks pregnant, i travelled as well...
Actually, the doc would say that there is no harm
but you might want to confirm this with your gynae
Hi All, i have decided to change back to my regular nick, Ocean. So this is probably the last time i used <font color="ff0000">Tears</font> (I hope so). Just back from KK. Today visit was ok. So far, of the many specialists that i had seen, this Dr was the best. In fact, my last visit in the 24hr clinic, she was there too. Very reassuring!! i think she seemed to be awared that i did wrote in for complaint.

Folic, Happy Belated Birthday!
Since ur AF had came, i guess we just wait for the next cycle. Hopefully by then, you had a belated birthday gift!

Tiny, Happy Belated Anniversary!

Tiny, i exact from the little booklet that the Dr gave me on Travel:-
Commercial air travel poses no special risks to an uncomplicated pregnancy. Unless u r abt 32 to 36wks, there might be a curtailed. In view of the increased of developing deep vein thrombosis(clots in legs) in pregancy, air travel shld be kept to minimum. It is advise to walk every half hr during a smooth flight and to flex and extend the ankles as well. Fluids shld be taken liberally cos of dehydration effects. However, it is impt to seek medical assessment b4 air travel.

Baby Mandy, any good news?
Hi everybody! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

Java, must work today huh? cannot sleep late huh?

Baby Mandy, I see. "Marry chicken must follow chicken" mah
Where is your hubby from? I guess you will move over to where he came from right?

Hi Ocean, glad you finally decide to dessert the sad nick. btw, maybe now that you have written the letter, they sort of put you on a VIP alert profile?
If you are comfy with the gynae, then I think you should just stick to her!

Hi Ocean,
Not so early lah. I think today is either 10-11DPO. Can't test yet, am I right?

Hi Folic, agreed. Besides hubby is a "dog", so I marry dog must follow dog lor. Wahahaha
He is fr US. Hmm, not exactly. It could be HKG, Korea, US or anywhere lah. As I'm those like to "mei mei" type, so very worried can not find those after birth massage lady in foreign land
and I would turn into "fei po" lor...
Yes, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>. Actually been wanting to tell you, but dun noe how.... And then when i learnt about your case, i felt like telling you dont be so sad under Ocean, but yet, it makes me sound insincerce!! Remember that time i mentioned that i think maybe i was.... Things just started to happen so fast shortly!

<font color="aa00aa">Baby Mandy</font>, 10-11 DPO is too soon meh?
Actually i also dun noe.
Must wait till 14 DPO?? Well as long as ur AF dun come, you still got chances for a Monkey Baby!!

Oh, so ur hubby not Chinese? Ur boy is mixed blood? Then must be very very cute lor!!
Was thinking <font color="aa00aa">Baby Mandy</font>, u must be very pretty then!!

<font color="119911">Folic</font>, not sure though you see... But she knew that the first doc that i saw whom scold me rude was a Malay doc. So i guess more or less she knew about my complaints. She was more understanding as she told me she had lost her baby during her 1st pregnancy! If i have decided to stay with KK, i think i will choose her as my gynae!

<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font> &amp; <font color="119911">Millie</font>, both of you are seeing gynae today at 2:30pm right? How does it go? Hope everything is well!

<font color="0077aa">Jus</font>, had your aunty came? Hopefully she dun go for shopping too long!!
In the meantime, must rem to eat some "bu" food for your body to get ready!
Hi Ocean... no worries... it is only understandable. Hey no more sadness kay, cos things will be better from now on ;)

Hey since you like that gynae... why not take her on? My gynae's wife went through 2 miscarriages... apparently one of the baby was lost when she was 6 months pregnant. I guess that made him more understanding as well.

So did you manage to get a scan done today at the gynae?

The rest of us are meeting on 12 June... heard that you won't be able to make it. Hopefully you will be able to make it next time round.
Hi there girls!

Thanks for all ur wishes. Had a nice day at the beach 'chao da' already!

Ocean (sounds more positive!), I just got back from my gynae visit not too long ago. It was ok. The nurse was so sweet, I think she was very happy that I'm finally pregnant and kept asking me (when I first reached there) Positive ah? Test already? When? etc..My gynae's nurse is extremely motherly and always makes me feel very assured. Well, as usual, he did a scan and managed to see the pregnancy sac. As expected, it's too early to see anything more, it's slightly less than 5mm. he dated it 5 wks, and will be seeing me again in 2 wks so by then hopefully can see more! He gave me some progesterone gel to insert daily...says it will help to strengthen the lining of the uterus. Also checked my ovaries and apparently i've got a cyst in my right ovary. but he says it's rather common and nothing to be alarmed. Well, hope so!

Ocean, how was ur visit? Did u have a scan and was the doctor able to date ur pregnacy? Glad to hear that u have finally found a nice doc to guide u thru.

Millie, what abt u? Was thinking of u when i was at my gynae's just now. I was really nervous on the way there. My heart was beating so fast!! When he took my BP, i was hoping it was normal! (thank goof ness it was..haha)
oops...just saw a mistake...thank goodness, not goofness!!!

By the way, thanks for all the advice on travelling. yup, my gynae says it's no prob as well. so glad to hear that, cos i'll be going to phuket this wk end and to Hong Kong from 12-16 with my cousins. really didn't want to miss that!
Hi ladies, I think I have a lot of catching up to do..... Hope everybody is well

Folic, I hope you'll win the battleship this month/cycle and same for others too!

For me, I'm on CD 35 and probably DPO 11 but my chart says DPO 5.... Very tempted to test but I doubt will be able to see anything.... I guess I just have to be very patient like the rest of you.
Hahaa.. Tiny, u so funny, can still immediately highlight the error!!

Tiny, same here! Today while i was waiting for the scan, my goodness
, my heart was beating so fast
! I was very nervous and worried. Kept telling myself to calm down and then i softly tell my tummy
that we are seeing doctor later.

When inside, the doc cant see much frm ab and thus do a v-scan. Can see the sac and asked if can see the yolk and estimated date, dun wanna tell me!
Think he is in a rush! It was only until i got the report then i can see that there is a heartbeat reported on that pcs of paper!
I am schedule for a scan in another 2 wks time!

So still keeping my fingers crossed and thanks everyone for being so supportive and nice!

Odie, so u gals are meeting next Sat? I cant cos i got duty that day! Enjoy urself hor!
Hi ladies,

Happy to hear all these positive postings...

Ocean (nice nick!) and tiny,
glad to hear that your visits to the gynaes went well

My AF still not here leh... ; (
still worried -- is it because my cycle has yet to revert back to normal
very tempted to test... (just in case...)
maybe later i'll buy one from guardian
Ocean, how come your gynae don't wanna tell u anything?? so strange. If got heartbeat must be a big thing, he should tell u what!! i'd be really excited to hear the heartbeat. i purposely asked for the next appt to be later so that i will be able to (hopefully) see &amp; hear something.
What's the size/length of your sac? mine like a bit small leh...i was comparing to last time. that time at 5 wks it was 11.7mm...wondering if they measure differently? strange.

actually i saw the error just when i pressed "Post message"...but too late! already pressed the button! so quickly correct it lor...

Hi Curly, haven't heard fr u for a while. why does ur chart say DPO5 only?
Glad to hear that both Tiny and Ocean are doing well =)

Tiny... don't need to worry unduly. If the sac is too small... I'm sure the gynae would have told you so. Since your gynae didn't say anything... then it should be fine.

Ocean... yup the date, time and venue have been more or less firmed up (finally.... kekekekek :p)

Jus... did you gynae give you an estimated date? My gynae damn zhun... he told me 28 May and my auntie really came visiting on that day.
<font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>, that was a sonnagrapher (spell?). The doc only did scanning. But dun noe why he din tell me too.... Initally he told me can see the sac and i asked what abt the yolk. Did not answer me. In fact, he was totally blocking my view. Anyway, i was also quite afraid to look at the scan.

As he told me very small, so i thought maybe i ovulate late and might be just 4wks and thus no heartbeat was still ok! So you can imgaine i was so surprised that the results stated on the point: Cardiac Activity(heartbeat) indicated a <font color="ff0000">Y</font>. The bb is abt 15.3mm (Think so cos the ink smurged...).

I cant tell if it was bigger or smaller than my last pregnancy cos at that time i dun noe that i shld actually kept a record for myself.

By the way, <font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>, any scan that is done before 8 weeks right, the date is not that accurate yet. So the gynae was telling me it would probably be more accurate in another 2 weeks time!

<font color="119911">Millie</font>, how about you?

<font color="0077aa">Curly</font>, i hope you win this battle too. Last mth, there was me, <font color="ff6000">Tiny</font> and <font color="119911">Millie</font>. So hopefully this mth, the numbers increased with you, <font color="aa00aa">BB Mandy</font>, <font color="0000ff">Snuffles</font>, Java, <font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>, <font color="119911">Joyce</font> and all ttc-ing!!
hi Odie,

She said Mid-June, but my then it would be about 7-8 weeks after the D&amp;E...
Called her to check, but she's overseas and would only be back next week...
guess i would have to wait till then : (
just tat i m feeling kind of anxious and worried at the same time...
hubby kept on asking not to worry...
Jus, if your gynae said it is abt mid June, then you shouldn't try worry too much! Maybe you wait till next week and see how?

Dont worry, you will be fine. The impt things is dont stress yourself!!

Oh the guardian kits is S$15.90 for a pair! Considered quite alright as compared to Clear Blue. Think it is quite sensitive giving the case that i tested quite early and yet can see an almost invisible line!

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, how i wish can meet u all. Been talkin about this for so long!! Nevermind lah, wait till the next round! Oh, so when will u be ttc-ing?

hi folic,
Wah now u can suan me. But tomorrow I can sleep late late again. Me still in office, going off at 7pm.

Hi Ocean,
This is a nice nick. Glad to know that Tiny and yourself are doing fine. Do keep us updated on your progress.
