Support group - Miscarriages

Aiyoo... sorry for posting 2 times! Thot the earlier one did not turn out!

<font size="+2">Folic</font>, you too much liao lah!!
How can you do such a thing!! Post the menus here!
Hmmm...<font color="ff6000">Sashimi...</font>

Hey Ocean... so has the spotting stopped after the jab?

Thanks Folic for the insight and number. I will check with my hubby. Ermmm.... but the problem is that I am in casual today cos its dress down day for my workplace every Friday. Hopefully there is no dress code.
Hi Ocean

I did another test yesterday morning and the line was very faint but visible. I saw my gynae yesterday afternoon and he confirmed the pregancy! He gave me a jab and 2 weeks MC. I also did a blood test but the hcg result was very low at 11! He didn't sound very optimistic
.... I will be seeing him again next Thursday and hopefully the hcg level will go up to the appropriate level.... At the moment, I can only hope and pray....

I also have on and off light discharge and am monitoring it. It's difficult not to worry about it....... I will try my best to relax and be positive!

Haneb, sorry to learn about your loss! Enjoy your cruise!!

Millie, glad that you are feeling better! Rest well and yah, get more MC!!
Hey Curly... the best that you can do now is to rest and eat well. Do come in here as often as possible... and we can help take your mind off the negative ;)
Hi Curly,

you are still in very early stage of pregnancy
that's why hcg level is lower...

did your gynae request you to do another test in two days time?
previously, that's what my gynae got me to do
the HcG level should double

don't worry so much
stay positive and get a good rest!
<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, as long as the HcG level double after 2 days, it meant that the pregnancy is growing!
From your HPT test, at least being more visible, it showed a positive sign!

Yes, i agreed that it is difficult not to worry
especially we had gone thru the loss before! But still, try to stay positive and talk to your baby.
I still do that!

Remember at this point of time, continue taking folic and the hormone pills that your doc given you. Rest well
and dont move around too often! By the way, i am taking Obimin too!

I sincerely wish
that this is a good pregnancy and you will have good news on next Thu!

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, as my spotting is usually intermittent, i cant tell whether it stopped. It usually spot for 1-2 days, then stopped and begin again!
That why it gets me quite worried. Moreover, even now, i can still feel the pain in my tummy!
FOLIC, how cld u torture me like tt?? even post the menu here. but okay, as long as u hv eaten my share..u r forgiven. ha...

haneb, so sorry to read abt ur loss. do take care and rest well. we need to regain our strength.

curly, don't worry. u r still early in ur pregnancy. i pray tt u will hear gd news next wk. do keep urself occupied over the wkend.

ocean, first time in my life i will enjoy the homework given to me.
thks. i am confined to home and itching to go out. maybe over the wkend, go walk walk ard with hubby.

erh, those of u who took mc for miscarriage last time. did u tell ur boss the reason? i just called my company to tell them tt i am on another wk mc because of some female problem. i don't feel like telling them. i did tell 2 of my colleagues who i am closest with. but i wonder to tell or not to tell is the best option. just to share, if i get a gd pregnancy next time, i intend to take no pay leave to rest throughout my pregnancy period. (so wonder if i shld let company know abt my case). if that's not possible, i guess i will hv to quit. my priorities hv definitely shifted after the experiences.
Oh <font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, i forgot. You din mention that ur gynae give your hormone pills. Did he give you duphaston? Others type of hormone pills are Turinal and Gestrenol, i think. I hope he did. If not, maybe u wanna take duphaston from me cos i got enough supply till my next visit on 24/06.
Hi Odie,

there is no dress code there. Me and hubby were both in t-shirt and jeans.

Hi Millie, got eat got eat :D I am not sure about your company culture. If it is me, I would tell them and also discuss with my boss the possibility of taking no pay leave in near future. I always think it is better to be upfront than to ask about it when needed later.

Hi millie,

At the initial stage of my previous pregnancy, I was given 1 week MC as I exp spottings. I did tell my manager about it as we were then rushing for a project
Then, when I had miscarriage, I let my manager and directors know as I was on 3 weeks hospitalisation leave

I felt that its ok to let them know esp during the early stage of the pregnancy (esp true for cases like mine, with spottings)
At least they would understand the reason for taking so many MCs
When I miscarried, they were sympathetic

But, I supposed this also vary cases to cases
If the company is more pro-family, then they might be more understanding
Otherwise, this may affect your career prospects

But, if you are not comfortable about telling them, then go with your gut feel many postings in half a day, and all sparked off by Folic's yummy meal!!! Folic, according to my calculations hor, $50 nett per head means u &amp; hubby only spent $100 nett. so that leaves another $900...hmm, can treat 18 good friends hor??
Kidding lah. anyway it sounds really good. i'd love to try it one day too! I absolutely adore Jap food.

Curly, that's good news! Pray for the best ok? Same here, all I can do is hope &amp; pray. I thought it'd save me some anguish if I make my appt 2 weeks later ao that i can see some +ve signs, but now I kinda regret and wish I could see my gynae right now to see if the baby's growing at all. I have no clue and have to wait till next Thurs. This 2WW is also torturing!

Ocean, great to hear ur baby's fine! I'm sure I'll cry if ("when" sounds more optimistic) i hear my baby's heartbeat. i'm so looking forward to it, and I think of it all the time! Hopefully next Thurs...Take care and rest more if u're still spotting.

Millie, you've stopped bleeding already right? guess it's ok to go out, do s/thing relaxing. just dont' strain urself. maybe catch a movie or something? As for telling ur bosses, i did. i also wanted them to know that i was planning to start a family so that they would understand why i didn't want to take up some added responsibilities. Sometimes it helps i think, cos they were more understanding after that. (before that, work was piling up like MAD!) but of course, it's at the risk of stuff like promotion prospects, etc...u think so?

haneb, do rest well. and yes, the cruise will be good for u! come in here to chat...great support here.
<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, kekee...
Yap yap!! Good that you did a calculation!! So... <u><font color="ff6000">Folic</font></u>, not only <font color="119911">Java</font> ur gd friend, we are all your good friends too...
KEkee.. *hint hint**

<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, why u regret not seeing gynae earlier? I think it is okay as long as you feel alright. For me, everyday i feel the pain in my tummy!
When i was in KK and saw the heartbeat, i felt safer.
But now, the anxiety is there again.
By the way, what is ur EDD huh?

<font color="119911">Millie</font>, make sure
u do your homeworks huh!!

Er... <font color="ff6000">Haneb</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Curly</font> must do these too!
1) Eat

2) Rest

3) Sleep
Hi Jus, Folic, Oceans, Millie, odie, curly and tiny.....

Thank you for all your concern and encouragement.
I am doing ok as I was prepared for the worst to happen. The only thing to do now is to take a good rest and get my self ready for the cruise..;P heehee "Zao Si" go blow "hai Fong"

Curly, like what Ocean said, take it easy and just rest as much as you can till your next appt. ;)

Hmmm...gotta go now, cramp is getting bad, better rest.....
As a father, I will speak from a guy's point of view.

In Year 2000, my wife missed her period and after doing the "off the shelf" test, we reliased that our first baby will be on the way. I was so happy then. I pampered my wife so much and took care of her, ie come back to work earlier, etc. However, into the 2nd month, she became very tired. I have advised her to quit her job but she didn't want to because she told me it was alright. That was the biggest mistake that I've made...letting her continue working. Her friend came to visit her one week and she accompanied her for one day. That afternoon, I received a phone call from her (from a public phone at Raffles Hotel) saying that she was having severe stomach cramps. I asked her if there was blood, but she said no. I panicked (I was at our home at Bkt Timah...somewhere near the cross section of Adam/Farrer Rd) and ran out of the house heading for Raffles Hotel. I intended to get a taxi but as usual, they were never there when I needed them. No choice, so I actually ran (yes.. I RAN, no walking) all the way to Raffles Hotel. It was just amazing....(the power of love I suppose, makes ppl do impossible things). I reached the Hotel and we got on a cab, and home we went. The pain went off until it reoccured at night again! This time it was more intense. My wife was actually rolling on our bed in pain. No choice, so I called the Ambulance and took her to Mt Elizabeth. She started to bleed at the hospital. Called our gynae and confirmed that our baby was lost.
......... As a father, it was the saddest moment of my life. I was stunned but then looking at my wife (I am sure a mother's sadness is at less a couple of times more), I regained my calm and comforted her. It took us months to recover but like some of the posters mentioned, it made us closer than ever before. We resumed our life after that, picked up all the broken pieces and that was 2000.

In Feb 2002 (sometime after CNY), my wife missed her period again. Did the test and confirmed that she was pregnant. Remembering our mistakes that we made previously, my wife and I took more care in her health, ie eat well, try not to overwork, etc. Went to gynae for regular checkups, everything was fine until we hit the 4th month.

1st problem
Her stomach wasn't growing after the 3rd month, but the baby's growing. Lack of xxx liquid in the womb (forgot the medical term). Gynae mentioned that it will be dangerous if this situation kept going on. Without sufficient liquid, baby will not be able to live. Due to this dangerous condition, gynae advised my wife to visit him at least 2 times/week for monitoring and stay bedridden. Hopefully, the liquid content will increase. If not, hope that we will hit 30th mth and try to remove the baby (prematurely). Removing the baby before any earlier will be too risky....

My wife quit her "high paying >$5K" job without 2nd thought and stayed bedridden. The power of motherhood and I respect her decision.

After taking medication, seeing gynae everyweek... the liquid content was increasing, bit by bit but still borderline case. We sighed in relief as we went into the 6th month, knowing that if we hit the 7th month, everything should be ok (even if the baby were to come out prematurely). This was until another problem strikes...

2nd Problem
Due to her womb condition, the placenta was found located exactly at the onus (I think it was this medical term). The gynae advised her to be admitted to the hospital immediately because any incremental weight of our baby will push the placenta down and cause bleeding. This bleeding is very dangerous for both the mother and child. My wife cried and didn't want to stay in the hospital. So no choice, asked her mom to fly over from overseas (my wife's not local) and take care of her at home. She has to lie down on the bed and not sit/stand up unnecessarily to avoid bleeding.
Due to this bedridden condition, her mental state began deteriorating. She became highly emotional and irritable. I was so sad to see her in that state but had to be strong to standby her side. Everyday after I come back from work, I will lay down beside her and chat the whole night to keep her company, ie discuss what we are going to do with our child, what to buy for our child, etc.

Miracalously, we passed the 7th month. Gynae assessed her condition and suggested to look-and-see instead of removing the baby. This went on to the 8th month. BTW, water level was still borderline. At 8th stomach size about 4 mths (barely noticable).

One fine day, she started dillating and bleeding profusely. Went to the gynae and confirmed that the baby was in distress due to umbical cord wrapped around the throat area, and placenta was broken! So no choice, at 36 weeks, had to do an emergency caesarean and our baby was born!!

I burst into tears when I saw and touched my son for the 1st time. My wife has gave birth to our 3kg son on the 12th Nov 2002, the day that will remain very special to us. But that didn't end.... (for me at least)

3rd Problem
My wife began to show signs of post natal depression and developed a split personality almost overnight. Although we were supportive of each other throughout the pregnancy, she started to blame me for almost everything. I felt so sad, but knowing that this depression is normal, I patiently took all her insults, screaming and scolding. I had to endure as she was constantly suggesting divorce just to tick me off. It was a very difficult time for me. This went on for almost A YEAR!!! I loved her dearly but for some reason, she has began to neglect me. Whenever I tried to touch our son or even hold him, she will scream and asked me to back off. This state continued on until the end of 2003... (In the meantime, I resorted to more overseas business travel to divert my attention)

Then out of the blue, one fine day, she came to me and burst into tears. Said sorry for everything and she didn't know what came over her. I still remember it clearly, it was near Christmas. We finally got to celebrate our first "Happy" Christmas together that year. We have since tried to build up our relationship again, and our love is getting stronger every day since. Our son now is 19 months and is already talking. We are so happy to see him grow up everyday.

But deep in my heart, I have never blamed her. She has been through so much. I once took Pregnancy as something simple, but it's definitely not. It is definitely not easy for all MOTHERS out there. They are the best!! So Fathers....pls support your wife whenever you can!
Ladies, thanks for your concern! Really lifted up my spirit
. I will try my very best not to move around too much..... Unfortunately I can't go back to my parents as they just went to Malaysia this morning as my aunt is in a critial condition.... They also don't know that I'm pregnant yet. At the moment, I will just cook for myself (hubby can't cook).

Jus, I think my hcg SUPER LOW! Yesterday was DPO 18. Below is what I found -
10 DPO: 10 - 50 mIU/ml HcG
13 DPO: 20 - 100 mIU/ml HcG
16 DPO: 40 - 200 mIU/ml HcG
19 DPO: 80 - 400 mIU/ml HcG
22 DPO: 160 - 800 mIU/ml HcG

My gynae didn't request me to do another hcg test.... I suppose will do it next Thursday.... I think I have to "ting tian you ming".....

Ocean, I was given folic acid and gestinin (?) to be taken twice a day. I am also taking multivits. And thanks for your offer of duphaston! Made me very pai sei bec I cannot go out and you should rest too! No worries, as I might go to see my gynae tomorrow if the light discharge continue....

I don't get as much cramps as my last pregnancy, I can't help but wonder if it had stopped growing? I am also having a massive headache!

Btw, I told my boss about this pregnancy yesterday and he wanted me to let him know (after my mc) my decision.... Well, I planned to quit at some stage but not so soon!
Morning Everybody!

Cant sleep last nite due to the injection done on Thursday.
The jab was on the thigh as according to nurse, it is oil-based and thus need stronger muscle.
On Thu, i only felt my leg painful. But it got worse on Fri &amp; I started to feel itchy and it actually spread to my body!

Supposed to be on MC but still have to come to office due to lack of manpower. My collegues happened to be on leave!! Yawn..
very tired...

<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, how do you know your BhCG?
Well, let's hope that it will start to increase.
Oh, for the hormone pills, if you need, let me know.
Not you collect from me of cos, Your Hubby can do that! Afterall, you supposed to rest!!

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, i still got very slight spotting last night!
Wondered if i had to live with it... Just try to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best!

<font color="0000ff">Porcu</font>, think you are being very understanding!
Feel happy for you that suddenly your wife is feeling alright.
It must be a very nice feeling to see your child growing day by day!
Ladies, bad news! I lost my battle yet again

I had some dark brown blood this morning. Went down to the clinic and was seen straight away. My gynae said it's very rare to have spotting at such early stage, so most probably it's a m/c. Did a hcg test and it dropped to 3.9 (not pregnant)
!! Luckily, don't need to go through d&amp;c. Will be seeing him again on 24th and we will do a chromosome blood test.

I was quite calm when he told us the result. My hubby was very disappointed, upset and angry. I cried a little after my nap. But I guess it's just not meant to be..... After 2 m/c in less than 3 months, we have decided not to try so soon, maybe another 4 to 6 months. We are just so tired and I think my body needs a rest....

Best of luck to those who are expecting and ttcing.
My hubby is so paranoid that he said he doesn't trust my gynae! He said every we went to see him, something goes wrong...... He said he's racist! The thing is I have total trust in him and he really helped me through my first m/c. It's really driving me crazy.....
Hi Gals,

I'm into
again, It's kind of mixed feelings actually
.. coz I told myself I will let things go naturally
but.. I.. simply can't. However I will
to the God regardless what the result it may turn out to be and
thank for the God's decision. I guess this is the only way I can do
This is my 3rd month TTC-ing
, well, I hope this will be the LAST. Coz all these @#%&amp;* are driving me CRAZY


BabyDust, Peace and Blessing To All~!~

Ladies, just to check, how soon can we take tonic stuff?? One girlfriend told me that it should be taken 2 weeks after m/c but during my last m/c, someone told me must "pu" within 3 weeks. During my last, I didn't really "pu", probably once a week for 3 weeks.
hi curly,

I m sorry to hear the news...
hope you are feeling better...

i guess your husband is a little sensitive...
it's perfectly understandable
i was too... hee hee
i wanted to change our gynae, only that my husband told me to stick with her as she's pretty good and caring...
do what you n hubby are comfortable with...
if both of u are comfortable, only then would you have the confidence in the doc!

regarding the tonic stuffs...
actually, you can right away...
just take without alcohol (as it is supposed to improve blood circulation, hence might cause excess bleeding
the duration would be for about 3 months (similar to a confinement)
but if you feel you are getting heaty, then just reduce hte 'bu' stuffs...

do take good care of your health...
we would be here to support you...

ocean, tiny,
how's the mother and baby?
morning sickness?
hope you are resting well!!!

joyce and all others who are ttc-ing,
all the best!

haneb, millie,
how are you ladies?

just came back from my mom's place...
went to see the chinese sinseh
brought back lots of herbs...
told me to eat consistently and should only try after about 4 months of medication...
a little disappointed as we actually wanted to try sonner...
but, i guess would have to wait and kwai kwai take the medicine...
btw, hubby also need to take... kekeke
Thanks jus! I am ok.... I suppose it happened so soon and we were not too optimistic when we saw the faint line (kinda of expected but still hoping). It's just not time for us to be partents yet. I'm sure our time will come.

My girlfriend whose MIL is quite specialised in chinese medication, told me it's ok to take DOM but the "pu" stuff should be taken after 2 weeks. My mum's going to take me to see chinese sinseh too. So maybe can ask later....
hi curly,
I'm so sorry for your lost. I agree that perhaps you should take a break. Go sight-seeing, enjoy life first, at the same time, build up your health. Eat more brocolli, drink milk, soybeans, lean meat.

So how's everyone today? Did you all read the forum abt this lady who was rejected by the company because she is pregnant? I dun think the govt can do anything abt it.

Me today at CD35. Usually at CD 37 I will see red liao. So keeping my fingers crossed.
Morning gals,

Oh.. today I have a bad sore throat and loss of voice too... this a sign of pregnancy (heehee)? Coz I fell sick for my past two pregnancy too... arghh.. my imagination runs all over me again.. think I will cross my finger
like java.. just hoping my aunt
went shopping liao..
<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, i felt so sad upon learning your loss!!
I just felt that life can be so unfair!
How are you feeling now? Do have a good rest. You need to do a mini confinement of 2wks to recover. This is what i did too last time.

Not too sure about the "Bu" thing but maybe they are referring to those herbs. During my mini confinement, i took Chicken Essence every morning. I went back to my mum's hse and she cooked lots of food using sesame(spell
) oil and ginger. Everyday i drank those red date logan drinks. Only drank plain water when taking medicine! These are all to reduce the "wind" in the body!

By the way, why your hubby saying ur gynae is racist?
<font color="0000ff">Java</font>, today is not so good. My leg still sore after that jab. In fact i think the medication flow down to my knee due to gravity and started to swell. It was so bad that i cant even walked on Sat night! Instead of resting at home, i cant due to lack of manpower.

<font color="0000ff">Java</font> and <font color="119911">Joyce</font>, good luck!
Hope you too suceed this time!

<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, you must be a good gal and guai guai take those herbs hor!
I agreed that the 4mths waiting time is very long. But maybe, if u be good, your waiting time can shorten?
Thanks java! Actually we already had planned a trip to Mauritius in July before we knew abt the pregnancy. But now we have to think of our finances due to the tests (chromosome and possible a day surgery for me) and my hubby wants our 3 cats to be tested as well. We might go to a cheaper place..... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Joyce!!

Ocean, I agrees with you! Life is really unfair but such is life! Thanks for your concern, I am ok already. No more tears liao.... My mum already asked me to move back but I think I'll just go back for the food!!

My hubby is not Chinese.....
<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, no wonder your hubby said that. Sometimes, it might be the practise/culture is different. This reminded me of my previous bad experience....

My 1st pregnancy, the gynae whom i saw happened to be a Malay. Told him got intermittent spotting, he said was alright as got heartbeat. He did not seen to be concern at all and we found him racist too.
And when i was bleeding, it happened to be him again, he said heatbeat not clear and spotting can be serious. It was totally different statement made. And he was the one who scold me rude when i was lying on the hospital bed.

Sorry, not that related but really, maybe you can checked with your hubby. Both of you must be comfortable with your gynae, especially yourself. By the way, i exact from the website on cats for your information.

<u>CATS &amp; PREGNANCY</u>
Cat owners are often told by their doctors that they will need to get rid of their cats during their pregnancy because of the risk of exposure to toxoplasmosis. You do not need to get rid of your cat! Just take some simple precautions and you should be fine.

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite. Common sources of infection are undercooked meats, cats, unwashed fruits and vegetables, or in soil contaminated by animal feces. The only way that you can contract toxoplasmosis from your cat is through direct contact with its feces. Most people never have direct contact with the feces! To eliminate the risk of exposure to this parasite, you should use gloves when cleaning the litter box or while gardening in an area that is frequented by cats. Wash your hands thoroughly when you are finished. Once the organism is shed in the feces, it takes 24 hours for it to become active and able to infect you. This can be completely avoided if the litter box is changed daily. If you are still worried, have someone else clean your litter box for you. Another way to reduce your risk is to avoid undercooked meats. If you are used to ordering your steak rare, start ordering it well done until your baby is born. Make sure to wash all fresh fruits and vegetables well. Keep your hands washed. This will reduce your risk also.

A simple blood test can tell if you have been exposed to toxoplasmosis. The test looks for antibodies that are produced by your immune system to protect you from this particular parasite. If you are exposed to toxoplasmosis while you are pregnant, your chances for birth defects are minimal. Symptoms of exposure are similar to the flu. Toxoplasmosis is treatable.
Good morning gals!

I went to the zoo with my two little nieces yesterday and I can feel all my energy sapping out!! Makes me wonder if I have the energy to handle my own kids!

Curly, have a good rest.Hope you are able to calm your hubby down
. I think hubby tends to be over protective and will start reacting in the same way your hubby did. My hubby also feels that I should not visit my gynae cos always each session is always some bad news. btw, why does he want to test the 3 cats??

Ocean, hope you are feeling better. If really need to go home and rest, then must rest ok?

Java, good luck! Hope you succeed with the new styles you tried! :D

Joyce, Happy waiting! Hope you will be well rewarded!

Porcu, it is refreshing to read from the guy's perspective. I am glad your wife has your support and that you and your family are now enjoying your family life!

Ok.. that's all for now.. will write more later.

Hi Curly... I am so sorry to learn about what happened to you. Take care. Maybe you can consider going to some nearby places for a holiday instead.

Ocean... work will never finish. If you need to... take medical leave. Health is more important than anything.
Ocean, I am very comfortable with my gynae and my hubby agreed that he's being over sensitive! Anyway, even if we saw another gynae, I'm sure the m/cs would have happened.... And thanks for the toxoplasmosis info. I had already take all precautions and my gynae already warned me not to take raw meat or sashimi until I have at least 1 baby.

After my first m/c, we did a few tests to check the cause and toxoplasmosis was 1 of them. However, the result showed that I have no antibodies even though I have lived with cats for more than 2 years....

folic, he wanted to test the cats for toxoplamosis as what Ocean had posted. Anyway, I had checked with the vet and she told me that the chance of me getting toxo from the cats are very slim if we cleared their feces within 24 hours which we always do. Moreover, our cats are always indoor and do not eat raw stuff, so their having of toxo is also very slim. Only a blood test can confirm.

Thanks Odie! Yah, maybe we might consider Bali instead.

Btw, we went to the chinese sinseh just now. He told me my womb is extremely weak and hence the m/cs. He said my womb is more on the cool side, so should avoid cooling stuff. Gave me some medication for strengthening womb, regulating period and "bu qi xue". My hubby also saw him and got some tablets for strengthening sperms, haha...
Hi curly,

Some of my friends took Dom as well
Supposed to be good for the body
I only took DOM after the bleeding more or less subsided

Yup, its good to go for a holiday, even to a nearby place
Just to relax and unwind

At least your hubby is willing to take the chinese medicine
I have to threaten my hubby before reluctantly takes them

I had bargained with her
Kekeke initially, supposed to be six months
Then I asked should the time be shorten if I kwai-kwai take the herbs everyday
She then said, at least 4 months hee hee

Hows your leg?
Hope the swelling has gone down

My AF has come! Finally
But, just a question
How different was your first AF after the MC as compared to before pregnancy?
Heavier flow? Reddish? Any blood clots?
Mine was quite little (first day)
And saw a light brown/ pink blood clot that looks like raw chicken lungs (sorry for the graphical details)
Was wondering if this is normal?

Java, joyce,
Hope to hear the good news soon!
curly, so sorry to read abt ur loss! rest well. i ate 'pu' stuff since 1st day of m/c and i've been drinking DOM every nite.

i went to my gynae today. my blood test showed my hcg level at 30 which is extremely low. so the doc had already anticipated tt i wld mc. lucky thing is i don't need to do d&amp;c. my hubby and i also do chromosome testing. very expensive hor! but what to do, got to find any possible causes. according to my gynae, a blighted ovum's causes are usually either infection or chromosome defects. we already had medications for our infections the previous time. *sigh* we are testing for infections again this time - sperm test and pap smear test.

may i ask why do u need to go for day surgery?

folic, jus and tiny, thks for advice. i will tell my boss abt my case and my plans if i get pregnant. nothing else matters as much.

jus, guess it's a big relief when u see RED.
i got much heavier flow after mc but no blood clots. mine was heavy fr the beginning. erh...raw chicken lungs? i don't think i had them.

my chinese sinseh told me can try after 3 mths and i understand how u feel. i hope to try again soon. but think it's better to heed by their advice. rest well, 'bu' well and baby dance at ur prime time.

java and joyce, cross my fingers to hear gd news fr u!!!!

ocean and tiny, hope u both r getting better fr the 'sufferings' of pregnancy. take care!
Hi Curly, I'm very sorry to hear about ur loss. Take care and keep your spirits up.

Hi Millie, how are you doing?

I came across this book in the library recently: "Miscarriage - What every women needs to know" by Professor Lesley Regan. She is a consultant obs. practising at the early pregnancy clinic at St Mary's hospital here in London. I found it very useful because it deals with all the multiple causes of m/c, provides scientific backup where possible and most of all, connects emotionally with me because she is also a woman. At one point, she describes how she had major bleeding in her pregnancy during a meeting with all the eminent doctors in her field. I hope it would be a useful reference for those who are interesed.
Thanks millie! I went back to my mum yesterday and she made me a big bowl of brandy ginger chicken! I had never eaten so much chicken at one go.... hahaha.... Don't know if I had overdosed with DOM as I already got rashes on my legs....

Yah, the chromosome tests are really expensive! My gynae said around $300+ each. The day surgery is optional. He said he would puncture 2 small holes on my tummy to look for things (such as old infections) which the normal womb scan can't detect....

Oh, your hcg level is 30.... Has your bleeding stopped? My gynae told me the bleeding (on &amp; off) will drag on for 2 weeks....

jus, just to check, is your AF late??

Thanks snuffles! I am ok... just make use of this period to rest.

No worries joyce! Hope to hear good news from you.
Jus... finally you can set your mind at ease.

Yes... in my case I realised that my flow is much heavier than before but there isn't any spotting after the heavy flow... it just stopped rather suddenly. Before the miscarriage... I will normally have light spottings for the last 2 to 3 days. Other than that... I don't suffer from any signs like tender breasts which I used to have.
<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, if you have rashes, maybe you take lesser dose of DOM. Like instead of 4 tablespoon, take 2. For me i only take DOM after i complete my antibiotic. Scared i overdose as morning i still took essen of chicken!
<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, so now, you must try to avoid cold water since the Chinese sinseh said your womb is more cooling.

<font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, good that you dont have to go thru D&amp;C too! Must rest well and eat "pu" things too! I find that at this point of time, we woman really have to take care. This is not only for ourself, but also for the future pregnancy!

<font color="119911">Jus</font>, it is really very reassuring to learn that your AF had finally come!
I guess this is the only time when we are so happy to see <font color="ff0000">RED</font>.
For me, my 1st AF was light but i dont have those discharge. I had those clot of blood earlier before my AF. Compared to my previous AF which the 1st 2 days was heavy, my 1st AF after M/C was light all the way!
<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, i hope you win this battle too!
When will be the timing to test?

<font color="119911">Jus</font>, orange{Folic} and <font color="0077aa">Odie</font>, i am feeling better today. The pain is not that serious now. The only problem is that at times, especially night time, i really feel very itch on my leg and foot!!
Anyway, my next appt is next Thu! Still a long way to go.....

Kekee...<font color="119911">Jus</font>, you can still bargain with ur Sinseh?
Bargain never mind, but must follow instruction to take those "pu" things. Afterall, the least we can do is to provide a "Better environment
" for our baby!
Sigh, today my temp drop liao, guess still no chance this month. Hope the rest of u who r TTCing have better luck!
Ocean, I already cut down on my DOM last night... Actually I seldom drink cold stuff after my first m/c. But I drink cold milk though... it's a habit to have a glass before I go to bed. Glad that your pain subsided already.

Cheer up java!! You can't escape when it's your time!!
Hi Ladies,

only got chance to come in now.

Jus, just realised that your AF is finally here. Gong Xi Gong Xi. I remember feeling like it is finally the point of returning to norm! I can't remember much about the bleeding though.. so it must have not differed from before I was preg. The only thing I know is that it is more regular now.

Ocean, glad to hear that you are feeling better.

Java, we try again together next cycle lah!

millie, hope you learn something from the test results. I just spent a bomb myself on some blood tests related to my backache. Apparently, I have some muscles inflammation. Now my heartache ah!

I happened to look at my driving license today. I just realised that I passed my driving test on this day, 14 years ago!! WAH! makes me feel so old

Hi folic,
Which CD are u now? 14 years ago??? So I can guess ur age!!! hehehe. Me still dunno how to drive. I wish to learn, but I scared if I halfway take up the driving lessons then pregnant, then cannot continue the lessons also wasted.
java, u can consider taking intensive lessons now since ur korean class has not start yet. think pregnant can still drive rt? work hard hard on ur next cycle and we may hear gd news fr u soon!

folic, muscle inflammation sounds serious! u ok? need medication or any therapy session? do take care of ur back.

ocean, glad to read tt ur pain is lessen. i am very 'kuai' and do ur homework.
may not get use to working when i go back next wk!

curly, my bleeding has stopped. it lasted for abt a wk for me. check up yest showed tt i had shed (what a word!) most of the lining. and gynae saw my hopefully, my AF will come in abt 2-3 wks time. r u on mc? better rest well so tt we will be in our best condition for future pregnancy.

did ur gynae mention the term ' balanced translocation?'. my gynae commented tt we may hv this problem. normal pple hv 46 chromosomes made up fr a pair of 23 chromosomes. but pple with 'balanced translocation' hv 46 chromosomes but made up fr a pair of diff no of chromosomes (e.g. 21 and 25, 22 and 24). so if either male or female got this defect, the fertilised egg can't be developed properly. there's no cure for this....except to keep trying until we get lucky and the fertilised egg manage to get developed! don't know to be glad (at least we wld know why) or worried if either hubby or me diagnose with this!

snuffles, i am well. thks.
how abt u? any sign of pregnancy?

I am in CD 15 now. My cycle usually 34 days.

Yah.. 14 years ago...
nowadays also lazy to drive.. my husband is now my chauffer. Everyday must drive from Pasir Ris to Alexandra... zzzzz. Anyway, can still drive when preg mah.. so no harm starting the process, since you quite free now. Start with the theory tests first lah.

Millie, Odie, Oceans, Folic,
Thanks for the info
Todays AF is pretty heavy
Guess its due to the long period before it finally arrived

Yeap, my first AF came only 9-10 weeks after my m/c
My gynae was quite chun she said mine would come mid of June, and I should see her if AF still is not here by June end

If you were to avoid cooling stuffs, should avoid cold milk as well
How about warming it before drinking?

Luckily managed to bargained kekeke
But, hubby was saying that if I really cannot tahan, then dont wait till so long
He would be more than willing to help hahaha
On a more serious note, I guess I wanted a healthy pregnancy as well
So, wait lor
We have begun to eat those herbs
Hi Jus, thanks for the concern, have been having cramps after my d/c. It got worse on Sunday and till now, I have been having muscle cramps at the lower part of my tummy, on and off every few minutes.

Hi Curly, I am sorry to read about your take care and I thought you are to avoid any drink that is cold???


I do hope I could win the battle too
. If not, I will

Most probably I will test one week after my (24th period due)
missed period
(if lah.. heehee), then it would be on the 1st.

These 2 days, I felt so tireless (sleepy)
, nausea (bloated feel)
, I think it's maybe the cause of my sore throat and coughing (heaty body).

to all..... ZzZZzz
