Support group - Miscarriages

Thanx tears,

Nowadays, still cried a little everytime i thought of the baby...
but, i m taking things slowly, one day at a time...

Lovely poem... thanx for sharing

snuffles and poohy,
yup, really envious of those who are preggie now...
guess would take awhile before i feel 'normal' again...

went to the gynae last saturday...
gynae said should only try conceiving after two cycles...
'mian chiang' -- after one normal cycle...
friends n family members have been advising me to wait awhile (6months!!!) to give my body ample time to recover...
but, one of my friend mentioned would be good to try immediately after the doc gives the green light (cos after the D&E, would be getting lots of nutritious food... and hopefully, that is translated to a healthier body)...
i myself not too sure about this...
what do you ladies think?


my gynae only asked us to wait 1 cycle before trying again and so we are trying now.. I got PCOS so I actually induced my cycle. I feel waiting 1 cycle is reasonable. Once u feel ready physically and emotionally, it shouldnt be a problem trying ;)
Jus, yes, according to the lady who also had M/C before, told me that after D&C, our body is sort of very "cleaned". Thus, very easy to conceive. Someone also tell me that before and i hope that it is true!
But the min time frame to wait mus be after ur 1st AF hor!!

Last Sat, i went temple to pray to the Goddness and i got a "good lot" while my hubby is "medium lot". I felt happier and safer!! Oh, i also got wish that for all of us here, hope we can conceive and deliver healthy babies!!

You know, during my last pregnancy, both me & hubby got "bad lots" and that time, we really feel that must try to take care. However, guess it is fate... So now, i trying to look ahead!!
Hi Poohy and Tears,

Thanks for sharing your experience
i'll see what happens after my first AF...
At this moment, still not cleared from the 'bleeding' after the D&E...
gynae said to wait another few weeks before AF would come

Actually can't really wait to TTC again...
felt really empty...
sometimes, unconciously, i would pat my stomache (and would then remember that i am not pregnant)

but agreed with you poohy, that must be first physically and emotionally ready before ttc-ing
and hope to hear the good news from you soon

happy for you that you draw a good lot!!!
somehow this provides you the comfort and confidence that your pregnancy would go smoothly...
are you ttc-ing now?
Dear all,
My gynae said I could try after 1 cycle of AF. The most imp nutirtions for getting pregnant are sufficient level of calcium & iron + folic. If ur body fulfill these, u r fit to TTC.
Jus, you are right! It really did provide me with comfort and reassurances. I am currently not actively ttc-ing
. We just try without protection. One thing is that although pple say after ur 1st AF, we can start to try, so far, i had not gone to see gynae after my AF. Guess compared to last time, it is even much lesser.

Last thu, i went to see my GP and he was not awared that i had M/C & congrated me.
After he heard what happened, he said i shld go for the post D&C checkup even though i am not happy with KK.

He took my urine test and found that i got mild infection. I was prescribe with <font color="0000ff">Antibiotic Cephalexin</font>. But i dun dare to take it cos i worried that jus maybe, i had conceive liao...

Poohy, how's things with you?? Any good news to share?
Hi everyone!

Hope it's bee a great weekend for all!

Tears, you should treat your urine infection. if you are worried that you might conceive, you should check with your GP if the medication is ok for preggies. When I was preg, I also had urine infection. So, there would definitely be some antibiotic that is ok for preggies.
You know, in the early part of this year, I think b4 CNY, my hubby got a lot from Guan Yin as well. It says his wife will give birth to a baby girl soon.
That really cheered me up. I hope this will come true soon!

Hi Jus,
I got pregnant after one AF. It was a healthy pregnancy and I ate the supplements he gave me quite religiously. So actually there is no BEST time to try...really depends on individual's mentalilty. But just make sure you really take care of your body now. It will help in making you stronger. I drank a lot of chicken essence and ate Bai Feng Wan daily afte my d&amp;c. I think it might have helped.

Hi tears
The lot sounds GREAT!!! So hopefully it will yield good news from your tummy!!!! As for the infection, folic is right, do check with your GP.

Hi Folic,
Your lot sounds great too. Baby girl..hmmm....Can dress up!!! Really hope to hear from you soon.
hi all,
Recently just came back from Langkawi. Quite a good break. Folic, u came back from Italy? How izzit? fun?

Last Sunday, I just submitted a request for a Thanksgiving Mass to pray for the repose of my baby's soul. Its coming to 1st June, 1 year birth and death anniversary of Jordan. This month I also feel abit out of sorts, coz during last year at this month is when the "accident" happened. I even dreamt of the scene after I gave birth to my baby. Just needed to post my thoughts here.
I am very bored at work today!

Hi Java, yes, got back last Sunday. It was very fun in Italy
Lots of food and nice scenary. Not much shopping cos the Euro is way too strong and I feel seriously poor there!
How was Langkawi?

I think it is very nice to have a Thanksgiving mass. At least it will help you to be more at peace, knowing that Jordan is taken care of. I hope you will not feel too disturbed this period although I know that anniversaries such as this can be traumatic. Like last Dec, I was counting down to my original EDD and feeling all weepy and unhappy. When the day came, I found that I got throught that ok. But I am not so sure how I will handle Aug 20 though... Afterall, that is the day when it all happened. BIG HUGS to you!! Hope you get through 1st June fine.

Hi Java,
Think it is normal to feel sad or out of sorts. It doesn't matter to air your feelings here. Maybe you can spend it together with hubby at church where there is peace and quiet.

think you shd treat the infection. Cos later you pregnant already, it may be more difficult to treat since a lot of medicine cannot take.

For me, today is cd18 and I am still waiting for ovulation to occur. This last 2 days I noticed my cervical mucus increase and sometimes its creamy, sometimes seems to be eggwhite. But no cramp leh.. cos I normally will have mid cycle cramp prior to ovulation. OPK also negative. So I am a bit anxious abt ovulation now... I normally ovulate on cd21. But I worried this cycle, becos at the start of my cycle, there is still detectable hcg level, it may render the clomid+metformin ineffective to induce ovulation. fingers crossed now... I praying day and nite..

how bout u ? R u in 2ww ?
Folic, i very paisei to chk with my GP. It is jus tat i was not confirmed if i conceive again! i dun wanna too many pple to noe about this....
By the way, really glad that your hubby got a good lot too. Any news on Made In Italy Baby?

Java, i dun noe what to say. It is a sad thought but do dropby and post your thoughts. We are here to listen, support, cry and laugh together!!

Oh, i bought a pair of Guardian Pregnancy Test Kit again before i went to pray. My hubby very bad, said i think too much liao... But i jus cant help it lor!!

Linda, my lot is good one, but hubby is medium stating that there will be some risk/fright during pregnancy. But as my lot is a good one, i guess to combine all, it jus state tat i have some fright during my next pregnancy but things will be smooth. i really hope so!

2ww = 2 week wait...during the luteal phase after your ovulation where u r waiting to confirm pregnancy
Oh so you are waiting to test liao ah... so envy.. really hope you succeed
Hi tears, you are so funny.. 2ww = second ww?? well, it feels almost like that.. fighting with the urge to POAS (pee on a stick... in case you wondering!

Well, I hope AF stays away from me and I can test this weekend. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed right now.

btw, no harm telling your GP lah.. nowadays, if I fall sick during my 2ww, I will just tell gp to give me preg safe medication and they don usually blink an eye over it.

Hi ladies,

I am currently taking supplements (Vit C, Folic Acid, obumin and some those 'bu' alcohol -- not sure the name cos my MIL gave them to me) -- would be adding calcium to my supplements soon
hubby said, quite scary to see me popping in so many pills... hee hee

i m not too sure whether Cephalexin can be consumed during pregnancy, but i do know that augmentin is safe (i took them when i was pregnant)

have you tried the pregnancy test?
hope to hear the good news!
Thanks for the good luck messages. I am trying not to hope for too much.. I did not have much EWCM this month during the supposedly fertile period. But these few days, I keep getting stretchy creamy CM and some watery ones. I read somewhere that watery CM after O means egg is dead and AF is coming. Anyway, i am in between keeping my hopes high and not keeping it too high.. can you see me balancing??? :D

Hello ladies, I'm back in the office today..... Had been very busy with non stop phone calls and emails..... Dont really have time to read through all the postings though....

I have found peace and detaching myself from the sadness. Somehow, I feel guilty for not feeling sad but I guess I've come to term with what happened. I named my bb RJ and I pray to God every night for taking care of him.

Linda, I always comfort my hubby by saying that God need more angels in heaven, that was the reason RJ was called Home....

I have been trying to monitor my ovulation period but I dont think I have much mucus or I had not ovulated yet! Today is cd 19.... My temperature is still very low.....

we are in almost the same cd. Today is my cd18. No ovulation yet though quite alot of cm. Let's pray together that we will succeed this cycle

I pray for my bb too... pray that my faith will be strong and one day I will see him in heaven...
Just to share my cousin's exp here...

My cousin lost her baby last year n went for a D&amp;C
both her and hubby were devastated as they wanted a kid and has been TTC-ing for quite a while...

after her D&amp;C, while resting at home, her hubby (who took leave to take care of her -- mini confinement), had a vision
for a flash second, he saw Jesus carrying a baby in His arms
and after that 'vision' both her and hubby were more at peace knowing that their baby is at God's side

I personally am not a christian, but i do hope that my cousin's exp gives all of us hope that our babies are now well taken care of and are happy wherever they are
oops, i meant she had a mc 3 years ago
she had since given birth to a healthy baby boy and is now pregnant with her second child
<font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>, actually i dun noe about this 2ww period one.
In fact, after my M/C, i already bought 4 pairs of test kit.
Very Kia Su hor!

1st one, i tested ard 27/04 after my AF to confirm that there was no more HcC left in my body.
Then, the 2nd one, i tested on the following week!!
I noe that it was early but i jus feel very tempted.

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, if 2ww is really <font color="0000ff">POAS (pee on a stick...)</font>, i think i loose the battle liao!!
The test kit(3rd &amp; 4th ones) tat i bought last Sat was actually to confirm that i am not pregnant so that i can take <font color="ff0000">Cephalexin</font>. But i was so happy when i got a good lot from Guan Yin Goddness that i tested on that nite.
Initally wanted to try on Sun morning where HcG is said to be most concentrated!

Just to let you noe that i saw a very faint and almost invisible line. I shown it to my hubby, but hubby said i think too much!!

<font color="0077aa">Jus</font>, i wondered if you r taking too much supplements? Vit C and calcium can be found in Obimim. Although Folic Acid is presented in Obimin, think it is okay. The alcohol u took is it DOM? I also got take DOM. Currently, i take Brand Essence of Chincken, Obimim &amp; Folic acid which i rotate. Meaning today take Folic, tml will take Obimim. At night, i will drink Milk enriched with Folic acid and zinc.

<font color="119911">Curly</font>, dont feel guilty for feeling better. In fact, i think it is good that you are feeling better! I believed your babies would love to see the smile on your face. You need to stay healthy and happy!

hey that means if u test tomorrow morning... it will be darker .. cos u know .. the hcg level double every 2 days mah
hahah .. let us know the good news hor ! ;) faint line as long as it appear before the time period specify by the test kit is still considered positive and not evaporation line ! I think u probably successful liao !

In that case, dun take the cephalexin first. In case its not safe.
Hi Tears,
haha, so funny. 2nd world war? but actually it does feel like it...fighting for a long 2 weeks and hoping the enemy (AF) doesn't come!
Hey, faint line means got chance right? Good luck!!

Folic/Millie, when is your 2WW up? Hope to hear good news. BD season has just ended for to fight the war
hope we all win this round!

Just to check with u girls, do your breasts feel a bit painful/tender during ovulation? I've never felt this before but this weekend (around my time of ovulation) it felt this way. does it happen?
tears, hope u get gd news.

tiny, actually,2ww coming soon. mid next wk. but till now, i dun feel any sign.
i also got not much ewcm. oh well, just got to wait and see.

joyce, u really got cute cartoons! thks for them...really lift my spirits...
Hi Tears,

Maybe you r right...
i could be taking too many supplements...
obimin is what my gynae recommended me right after my D&amp;E
she mentioned that taking folic acid is fine, though i did not checked with her that i am also taking Vit C and would be getting some calcium as well...
nope, the liquor i took at night is not DOM, think, it's some tonic that my MIL got from the herbal shop
wonder if i could 'overdose'?

have you tested? I feel so excited for you as well... ; )
the line should be darker...
keeping my fingers crossed for you...

I did not really keep track of my ovulation period
However, din notice any tenderness in between the my periods.
tenderness only felt during my pregnancy...
could it be that you...?
am keeping my fingers crossed for you too... ; )
hi tears,

what u meant by after AF,u tested &amp; confirmed that no Hcc left in ur body?sorry,i dun understand.btw,what is Hcc?
Jus, would like to think that but highly unlikely, cos tenderness was felt around ovulation egg yet!!! so cannot be lor...

Millie, don't be discouraged...there's still hope as long as u don't see red. you never know!
<font color="0000ff">Wendyl</font>, HcG is actually the hormone (dun noe how to spell
) that we produced if we are pregnant. So after my AF, i just wanna to confirm that there was no left over tissues from my M/C!
Imgaine if there is some HcG left over, i might thought that i have a m/c again... How are you now, Wendyl?

<font color="ff6000">Joyce</font>, good luck!! Good luck!!

<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, actually when is considered ovulation? How you know it is your ovulation period? I always felt confusing reading all these terms!
Maybe i being too lazy. I agreed with <font color="119911">Jus</font> that maybe... just maybe.... hehehe....

<font color="0077aa">Poohy</font>, yes, i had tested again!! My 4th test kit within a mth!!
This time, YES, the line is more visible! I think i might had succeed in fighting the first battle!! (Already conceived)

Showed it my hubby and he is finally a little bit convinced. But i guess he is more afraid than me. He is more or less in a Self-denial mood! he told me wait till i see Gynae to confirm!

<font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, i dont really had any sign earlier on. But i really felt very tired &amp; sleepy since last week. Find it abit strange cos been taking Essence of Chicken &amp; DOM daily....
Hi Tears, you are right the I shouldnt feel guilty! Afterall, I'm sure my RJ would be happier if he knew that I have felt better. So you already ttc?? Good luck to you

Tiny, I think my breasts would be more tender during ovulation time but after d&amp;c, I'm not too sure liao.... seems to be tender all the time? dont have much mucus and temperature just dropped this morning.... So eager to ttc again but cant pinpoint my ovulation period

I'm seeing my gynae this afternoon for my tests results (cause of m/c) but I doubt I'll get an answer...
Morning gals!

looks like a few of us are in the 2ww zone! Good luck to all of us!

I had a slight fever yesterday nite suddenly. Felt so achy and tired. I might be getting imaginative but I seem to have a lot of symptoms like going to toilet really often, painful boobs etc. Hope I am getting these cos I have striked and not cos AF is coming!


I was just re-reading your post. I think you might have striked! As long as got line, means positive mah! When is your AF supposed to be due? Maybe it is too early to test? Keeping fingers crossed for you and hope you successfully striked!

Hi Tiny,

dun be discouraged... you never know...
but i agree with you that in a way, we should not give ourselves too high a hope...
but, be on the positive side, ok... ; )

Hi tears,

So happy for you!!!
must take good care of yourself, ok...
i rem that alcohol is a no-no during pregnancy, does that apply to DOM as well? -- i was thinking of stopping the 'bu qiu' that my MIL has given me once i try to ttc...
now can't wait for my AF to come so i can start ttc-ing soon...

hi curly,
don't worry...
maybe the gynae may be able to give you insight to what had happened
next time round, can take the necessary precautions

hi folic,
good luck to you as well...

hi wendyl,
how are you feeling?
planning to ttc soon?
hi tears,

oh,i understand liao,thanks.....i am getting fine,but occassionaly,will still think of it lah.....

congrats to u,TTC successful
hi jus,

i am fine.....

i not planning to ttc soon,will rest couple of mths when u start gtg to TTC,after ur first AF?
hi wendyl,

am planning to ttc after the second AF...
but see how-lar... dun know if can wait so long...
hee hee...

i understand what you mean, sometimes i thought of my baby too
are you taking any 'confinement' food?
i m taking all those ginger + liquor soup, dang kwei, red dates etc...
my mom said i good life... she did have such good food for her own actual confinement... hee hee
i m trying to 'bu' as much as i can during this period

you must take care as well...
<font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, during my mini confinement, my mum also said we this generation very good life. Last time, they dun noe what is confinement!! Hehhee...

Oh, i have stopped taking DOM liao these few days when i suspected that i might have conceived. <font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, if u r still doing confinement, it is alright to drink abit of "pu" alcohol, but not too much!

Actually, i had called KK yesterday to go for my post D&amp;C checkup which i din go last week. Now i guess i go there to take more folic acids and Obimin. Need to decide on the gynae.

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, my last AF was on 21/04 and it ended at around 27/04. So maybe if i conceived, i might be 2 to 3 wks. Heard that test kit will only able to detect HcG from 2nd weeks after conceiving! Oh
, so that is our 2nd World War?

Hmmm...<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, those signs sound very familiar especially if you got slight fever. I find that as individuals differ, systoms also differ. But the thing is if you have slight fever, chances are higher.
That wat i felt during my last pregnacy and this suspected one.
Good luck to those who are trying!!!

Tears... time for you to change your nick to "Smile". Hope to hear the confirmed news from you soon... but nonetheless must congratulate you first ;)

So have you got any other good recommendations for gynae? Hope you decide on one soon... cos we are just anxious as you... and can't wait to boot you out from this thread... kekekekke :p

Take care and all the best!!!

so happy for u... pls take care hor.... I think you are confirmed pregnant
I also going to ovulate soon cos I got EWCM and my lower adobmen cramp (normally got this cramp prior to ovulation), so I am going to try my best ! lol
Hi Tears,

Since your last menses is 21 Apr, that means it is already CD 29 for you. How long is your usual cycle? The reason why HPT can only detect 2nd week after conceiving is because no matter how long your cycle is, menses will come approx 14 days after you O. So yes, you got the concept of 2nd world war correct! And if confirm, please change you nick to a cheerful one, ok? :D


Am still taking the 'bu' alcohol...
Just checked with my gynae and she said that it's fine to take All those supplements
That means Lots of pills-popping... hee hee

You might want to try Dr John Tee, a senior consultant at KKH
(fyi, i did my CVS testing - something like amnio with john tee of kkh (cheaper!) and my own gynae is from Thomson)
He was recommended by my GP (supposedly in Singapore, only 3 doctors who does cvs regularly and john tee is one of them!)
i found him very experienced and friendly
however, i must add that he does rush a little during consultation due to high volume of patients
i was very touched that after my D&amp;E (performed by own gynae), he called me personally to see if i m ok (was really touched by his gesture)

agreed with the rest of the girls, time to change your nick!!! hee hee
<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, my previous cycle was very irregualr. From every mths to every 1.5 mths and sometimes almost 2 mths! So i am not so sure! Maybe after M/C, hopefully my cycle changed! So you can see that i tested very very early right? Kekeee.....

<font color="119911">Poohy</font>, when u going to ovulate, it meant that you will produce the egg soon?
So it is time for you to ttc
more actively during this period?

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, i hope not only me, all of us will graduate from here! Strange, i suddenly had a feeling that all of us will be able to concenive this year and by next year, we have all moved to the next threads on mommies to pursuse our higher degree!!

As for Gynae, i am still sourcing!!
Actually had been browsing since M/C. During my last visit to see the GP last week, he actually referred me to his wife's gynae for some post D&amp;C checks since i din went back KK for that... Still wondering....

So far, other than my hubby, you are the only people who noe about this!
I just wanna to share with all of you as we went through the same experience though some of us at different stages!

Let me sprinkle some Baby Dust for all of you!!

Tears, I really hope you have good news for us!!

I just came from my gynae.... Blood, sperm and womb test results are all normal. But he thinks that my womb is weak so asks me to take tonic stuff to strengthen....

The good news is that he has given me the green light to ttc next month!!
