Support group - Miscarriages


that's good news that you had gynae's green light already ! Hope u succeed next month !


I suspect I will be ovulating either today,tomorrow or friday. My normal ovulation day is cd21. So excited... really pray that I will succeed this round. I not getting younger liao... so hope I can have at least my 1st kid before 30. In fact I want to have 4 kids I dun think I will give myself a lot of break once I have 1st kid,... dreaming ...etc

hi Tears,

Congratz to you!! can i ask u when did u test with your 4th stick & you can see a visible results on your HPT?

reason i ask is because my last AF is 24th April, jus 3 days after yours, so wondering when is the earliest that I can test...

congratz once again.. wish you a blissful pregnancy...
Hi Curly,

glad to hear good news from you! Happy TTC and good luck!

Hi Poohy, jia you jia you!

Hi Tears, did you monitor your temp this month? If it is not regular, then it is a bit difficult to tell you whether you tested really early or not. But in any case, I think you have graduated from this thread liao, so don really have to bother about all that. Perhaps you can test again on Friday or something.. since you have quite a few HPT left?? :D

hi tears...
congrats to u...
looks like u hv struck the lottery. happy for u...

sounds like u hv good news 2!
so when wld u be testing?
<font color="119911">Curly</font>, it is great to hear that u r able to ttc next mth!!
Which is very soon cos now is month end liao!

Now, i start to wonder if i try to early!
I really dun really feel the excitment and still quite scared!
But i try to stay happy and be positive!

<font color="ff6000">folic</font>, i never monitor my temperature at all!
More or less, i let nature takes it courses of action!
But i remembered the last pregnancy, i also went to see my GP cos of having slight temperature. This time, i also felt my temperature slightly higher! So you hv the chance!
I hope u managed to destroy ur enemy (AF) and make it surrender!!

Oh <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, me got no more left test kits left liao!! Actually i bought 2pairs not 4pairs!!
All 4 pcs finished liao!! Cannot stand seeing them laying around
My 1st pair (cheaper to buy in pair@$15.90) was bought to test after my AF. Purposes is to confirm not pregnant. My 2nd pair was bought to test if i conceived as my GP stated that i had urine infection and required to take antibiotic. So me scared and jus wanna be sure before i pop in the medicine.

<font color="aa00aa">tubby</font>, u are trying for babies too?
Oh, ur AF was just 3 days later than mine?
Ok, just to give a brief dates on my "experiments" with those test kit. Dates might not be fully accurate but very near:-
<font size="-2"><font color="0000ff">21 Apr - 1st AF after M/C
25 Apr - Last day with on &amp; off spotting till 27/04/04
28 Apr - 1st testing to confirm no more tissues left -> Confirmed no lines
09 May - 2nd testing -> Nothing too
15 May - 3rd testing to see if i can take the antibiotic -> Saw a very very faint line. At one look,it is almost invisible
18 May - 4th testing -> Yesterday, i did the testing and saw the line being more visible.
Maybe I am conceived liao!!</font></font>

<font color="0077aa">Poohy</font>, i also not young liao! Next year 30 already... really hope to give birth to Monkey Babies. Was thinkin of having 2 kids but hubby wanna 3. Let dream for a while!
But remember dreams may come true if we try harder to reach for them
Hi all

I'd like to announce important here..
This casino will be closing down soon due to too many people hitting the JACKPOT..hehee!!


Good luck in TTCing, waiting for your good news.


So nice of youuu.. mail us the baby dust somemore..hehee.. And quickly update us if you have graduate.


I think you hit this month JACKPOT liao coz for my past two pregnancy, I encountered fever, headache, achy, tired and NAUSEA. But it may applies to different ppl.

Get into ACTION now !! Rape your hubby, hehee..


I was exactly like you when my bb gal died, I can't wait to be concieve immediately but first thing we need to nourish as much as we can before TTCing. So eat more nutritious food, then you'll got the energy to RAPE your hubby to get WORK done..hehee


Relax, I think YOU are the next one to hit the JACKPOT !!(This 'casino' gng to announce bankruptcy liao lor


BD season over liao ah, tired hor? Now can relax and wait for the good news liao (me too!!)Juz now @ 7.15pm saw some white discharge when I went to toilet...
Tee Gong Po Bi ah...
Hi all,
Wow, haven't had time to check my mail and when I saw so many I figured there must be some good good news!!! Indeed...Tears, i think u have succeeded! Quick, update us asap! Congrats in advance!! (Envy u, get to use your HPT 4 times in less than a month! The 2 HPTs I bought last year after m/c still sitting in my drawer. collecting dust already since Sept! Got expiry date or not, ah??)

Joyce, so closing down...let's hope so!

Slight fever? Folic, that's a good sign! Hope u have good news to share too. It seems like this thread has not much excitement for a while (except for now..)
Hi Joyce,

Thanks for your concern...
ya-lor, must nourish more...
actually, i think i have put on a few kgs, even heavier than when i first discover i was pregnant... hee hee... must be all the 'bu' things

hahaha... you are so funny... 'RAPE' my husband...
wait till i tell him this...

i also wish this casino will go bankcrupt as well... hee hee

Congrats once again!!!
dun worry so much about whether you try too early etc etc... i guess, all pregnant ladies would worry one thing or another...
most importantly, must take good care of yourself
eat more nutritious food ; )

poohy, folic, tiny, millie and all who are ttc-ing,

can't wait to hear your good news!!!
Good morning gals!

Joyce, your posting is so funny!

Just for fun, I took my temp this morning. It is extremely low leh... lower than most of my coverline.. so that sort of dashed my hope a little. But I am still having painful boobs and some creamy discharge... so i really donno how to interprete. I guess I can only hold my breath and wait. I will prob test on Sunday if AF does not come on Sat.

Hi Java,

I have been thinking about you. Hope you are ok cos I have not heard from you after your previous posting.

Did you manage to get the thanksgiving mass for Jordan? I would like to attend the service if you don't mind... I feel like I have known you for so long and that I would like to be there, to support you and Jordan. If you don't mind, please PM me the details.

Take care!

<font color="119911">Joyce</font>, u r so cute!!
When u mentioned many pple hit jackpot, i was thinking... is it you got good news too!
Asking <font color="0000ff">Jus</font> &amp; <font color="ff6000">Curly</font> to RAPE
their hubbies!!

<font color="0077aa">Tiny</font>, envy me for using 4 test kits within a mth??
Hahaa.. it is not intentional, but i realised that after M/C, i cant stand the sight of any test kits lying around!! So i cant "save" them.
Maybe deep down inside my heart, i was hoping for a miracle!

<font color="119911">Folic</font>, i keep my fingers crossed for you. You do sounds very positive!! I hope the lot that ur hubby had from Guan Yin will come true!

I think my IMAGINATION of being getting PREGNANT runs all over my mind again. Normal vagina will have more white discharge when you are pregnant.(Informations from my pregnancy guide book)



Good Luck.



I glad that you understand. Ya.... rape your hubby once you have replenish your energy.



I haven't use my HPT for this month no good news for you lor.


This two months is quite a torture to me leh, keep doing 'BED EXERCISE', must try to be more funny to relax myself mah..hehee..

<----- Cute huh?
Hi Folic,
I'm alright. Here are the details:

Venue: St Anne's Church at Seng Kang
Date/Time: 30 May/9am

During the Mass, the priest will pray for all petitions on that day. I'm not sure if you will hear any names being mentioned. Thanks for always thinking abt me. Really touch that you want to come.

Quite disappointed with this baby making business. Next week I'll be seeing Dr WK Tan from Thomson Medical Centre. My mum ask me to see her to do a thorough checkup. My difficulty in conceiving is because my cycle duration is too long. 36/37 weeks. Last time it was 30 weeks, but also quite irregular. So perhaps I will ask the gynae if she can give me any medicine to reduce the cycle length. Scared she will give me Clomid, coz heard from my fren that it will make you put on weight.

All ur pics are very cute.
tears, congrats! slight positive/ line also confirm pregnant liao.
don't worry too much ok. rest and eat well!

to folic and myself, hope we strike the jackpot this mth!
i hv no signs at all which is so weird. i used to hv all sorts of signs when AF coming (which of course similar to pregnancy signs). but since m/c, i don't hv any signs anymore. so, got to wait and see if my 'auntie' visits or not.

joyce, u hv such cute pics! where do u get them fr?

java, are you getting the gynae to track ur cycle and let u know when is best to try and conceive? don't be disheartened ok. do share with us your thoughts and we will be blessed when our time comes.

all your cute pix always bring a smile to me..
; )

Dr WK Tan is well-known at Thomson
Don't be discouraged... I m sure the doctor would be able to recommend some form of medication
Joyce, cool! I like the Baby Shower pics!! Very happy to see that pics
and hope all the babies will come to we all as we are dying to carry them in our arm!

Java, please dont be so discourage! Glad to hear from Jus that Dr WK Tan is good! I did heard that Clomid will help to regulate the cycle, but din noe that there is a side effect. Maybe u just check with Dr Tan on this. Do try to stay positive!

Millie, thanks! Hmm... yap, it sounds werid, no signs at all. I hope your AF had gone hidding for 9 mths! So no systoms at all!!

hmm not everyone will have side effects taking clomid. I had been taking clomid 150mg (minimum is 50mg) for the past few cycles .. and no significant weight gain and side effects. In fact among the infertility or ovulation induction drugs, clomid is the least side effects especially in terms of weight gain. The injectibles are worst.... I read that they will cause u to have water retention and weight gain. Duno how true.. cos I only take clomid.
Hi Java,

I know St Anne's church. My grandma used to stay in Ponggol area, when it still ulu, with pig farms and the only flats are those 4 storey ones at Lor Buangkok. A little story about St Anne's church - When I was a little girl, about 7-8 years old, I wanted to take a bus very much. I stay in Outram Park last time (considered city gal by my cousins) and I get ferried around in my dad's car all the time. So to me, the bus is a very big lure and to show my kampung cousins that I am no city softie, I secretly took a bus from grandma's house to somewhere near your church
It was only 3-4 stops away and I was 'away from home' for about 30 mins. When I got back, I have a whole army of aunties and my mum hunting for me. Needless to say, I got a major caning session after that

Ok, I will go there again on 30th. It will also bring back some sweet memories for me

Hey gals,
Thanks for all the encouragement. Hope Dr Tan can give me some advice. I go to her because I can't trust any other gynae but her coz she was the one who delivered me 26 years ago. Maybe I will tell her, "The baby you delivered 26 years ago wants to have a baby"

Tears, congrats! Take care of yourself yah. Dunno when is my turn to see the vertical line. Just now my colleague also tell me that she feels she is pregnant. Folic, hope to hear good news from you soon. When are you testing?

Count down to last 3 days at my workplace. But I will be working part-time (2 days a week) for them again until the project finishes. In the meantime I thought of going to Amore to learn pilates/yoga and also korean language
Hi Java,

congrats that you will celebrate freedom in 3 days time
I didn't realise that you have irregular menses problem and it sounds quite bad. Do you know the cause of the irregular menses? Anyway, such probs are very common these days. I am sure there is some treatment for it. Don't give up! Afterall, you had been preg b4!

I did pilates for more than 2 years. Although it did not help me lose weight, but it did tone up my muscles
I stopped recently cos I thope to get preggie soon and I don't want to pay for another term at Singapore Dance Theatre and then have to stop the class.

I will test on Sunday.. if AF does not come on Sat. Keeping fingers and toes crossed now!

Hi Tears,
Keeping a positive mind is very impt!
All the best!

Hi Java,
Dun be discouraged. Weight gained can be lost mah. Whatever it is, you know you will be in good hands (Dr WK Tan) and you have our support! I will be thinking of you on the 30th.

Hi Folic
I hope you will have great news to share when I log in on Monday!!!

Hi joyce,
Hey! I love your pics!!!

Hi Millie,
Keepin my fingers crossed for you.
Hi gals,

I have been reading a lot of this thread after my own miscarriage and have decided to share my story. I had a miscarriage two months ago at eight weeks, fetus only measured 6w3d when I went to see my gynae and there was no heartbeat. It was a missed miscarriage, the fetus bled itself out the next day but I still had a D&amp;C to clear the remnant tissue in the womb. Even though the pregnancy was unplanned, I was really looking forward to being a mother and both me and my hubby were devastated at the loss, we never expected it.

I got pregnant again even before my mense had the chance to come. I guess this was the only way I knew to get over the loss. Though happy that I have conceived again, I was overcome with great fear and anxiety. Two weeks ago, I discovered a bit of spotting and I thought to myself that we have lost it again. But thank GOD, everything is alright for now. I think my pregnancy is still rather unstable now. I have been going to the gynae weekly eversince I found out about my pregnancy. Now I just have to take care of myself and pray very hard for my BB.

Good luck to all of you gals who are TTC, I am sure one day all of us will be happily pregnant again.
Meiling, so sad to learn about your M/C 2mths ago! Your cases sound similar to mine. My BB was abt 7wks then and it was just gone.

However, Congrats to your current pregnancy!!
I know the anxiety and fear that you are feeling. By the way, how many weeks are you and who is your gynae?

It's nice of you to share your story here. Everyone here had gone through pain and sadness. And I believe time will heal all.
Sorry to ask you, is it appropriate to get pregnant so fast coz I believe your body is still weak after the m/c?

Hi all,
Meiling, sorry to hear about what happened. But now that you've conceived again, don't look back ok? Think positive and I'm sure all will be fine!

Joyce, you have made this 'gloomy' thread very colourful and more cheerful!

Java, I read your comments with great interest! similarly, the reason why i'm seeing my gynae is cos he's also the one who delivered me 30 years ago...and five mths after that, he also delivered my hubby! isn't that such a coincidence? That's why none of my friends or anyone I know (besides my mum &amp; mum in law...haha) go to him. The 1st question they ask is "how old is your gynae"?!!? But i feel he's really very experienced and gentle and i feel comfortable with him.

Folic, keeping my fingers crossed for u! what joyce said, waiting is such a TORTURE!!
Hi Meiling... don't worry too much (I know sometimes its easier said than done) cos your baby will feel your stress. So for the little you must stay positive.
hi Tears,

thanks for your reply to me... going by ur cycle, i think i can test today but then yesterday i saw some brownish stains... for the last 2 cycles, i had some spottings before my AF arrived.. so my hopes r not high...

i appreciate ur reply &amp; enjoy ur pregnancy...
sooo many good news!!

congrats!!!! and at the mean time...please take care and rest lots! i am given amoxillyn for infection..and its safe...but i am not sure abt urine infection.

very stress over the lot i got 2 months was a bad lot...just like wat i got last time...the uncle there explain that everything will be gone and back to square one...i almost bang my head and die at that moment...and so i am very very stress up..went to do all sorts of praying to "clear" off the bad luck..then one day after i lost my job which i haf not even started..i hope that its a replacement of other aspects of my life like hubby and bb....counting down to see my princess...

glad the ordeal is over and you haf concieved again. i stike 3 months after D&amp;C, but still panicking every single day of this journey...
dread the feeling of telling anyone the good news too...its difficult not to worry..but i realise its easy to become happy and proud as well!!! enjoy the moments!
Hi all,

I am feeling really tortured now.. I am so so tempted to test!!
But, going by previous experience, I am one of those who cannot get BFP early one.. so.. no choice but to wait and wait. I even stopped myself from going pharmacy cos I know I will sure buy one home. My plan is to buy tomorrow afternoon, when I go out, if AF is still not here.

bebechic, don't be too stressed lah! I am sure your baby will be alright!
Maybe you can eat vegetarian on 1st and 15th day? That might make you feel better psychologically.

Meiling, thanks for sharing your experience. Take care and I am sure you will hold your little bundle of joy in your arms soon!

so now.. back to wait wait wait wait wait!

that's a good know i was eating vegetarian frequently at my old work place coz i like..rather than for religious reasons..but now currently working temp here and there and dun see any vege food around...sigh...maybe i will make that effort...

i usually wait for AF to be 10 days late then test...hee.. sometimes its good to be in suspense...must ren!!! hope that you strike this round!!!
Oh dear, you gals really can tolerate the waiting hor!!
For me, i cant cos i got reasons to buy the HPT mah.
1st time confirmed all tissues cleared and 2nd time to prevent myself from taking the antibiotic in case i conceived!!

Folic, oh, i hope to hear good news from you on Monday!! I agreed too that the WAIT IS REALLY VERY TORTURING!! But really, wish it is a good new!

Tubby, i think u can try testing liao. Spotting can be due to implantation bleeding or left over bleeding from the previous AF. But it can be otherwise too. Maybe, if your AF is not here by this two days, u might test to confirm.

Joyce, i had not see a gynae yet. Be quite worried this 2 days. Think i got spotting. It is not that noticeable unless look closely.
My D&amp;C Follow-up Appointment with KK is next Monday and i had not decide on which gynae to go to... These few days really can felt the pain in the lower abdomen. I see how, otherwise maybe i jus go KK 24hrs clinic to do a scan after work...

Bebechic and Linda! Thanks for your well-wishes, but i really felt quite scared. Afterall, my last pregnancy was lost during the 1st trimester and thus at this moment, i still felt sort of like floating in the air... Doesn't seem real!!
Tears, Joyce, Tiny, Odie, bebechic, folic,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am trying as much as possible to relax and think only the positive. Jus went for a scan last night and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, I think it must be the sweetest sounds I have heard.

Tears, I am now 8 weeks plus. Baby is due around Christmas.

Joyce, I didn't think too much about whether my body is oki when I tried. I guess I wanted it too much.

I am same as u...I cant bear with the suspense and waiting. Must test and test and test lol. Last cycle I tested from dpo 9 onwards.. kiasu rite. This cycle I plan to test from dpo10 onwards. And the moment I got any faint positive whatsoever, I am going to fly down to see my gynae. He said that he will assess whether I need supplements or jabs when I see him.

In my m/c, my heavy bleeding started on the day my AF was supposed to come even though the pregnancy kit is continually positive and even double after my heavy bleeding end 5 days later. So I keep feeling maybe I got hormonal imbalance that cause the uterine lining to shed prematurely... so very kiasu this time.

oh during my last cycle, my pregnancy kit tested faint positive on dpo10 onwards. Got spotting soon after, and by 14dpo (expected AF), I start bleeding heavily. 5 days later the bleeding become spotting and the pregnancy kit is even darker than before. In fact blood HCG shows it actually double... but later on, it falls again and another round of heavy bleeding ensues. That's why my whole miscarriage process took abt 5 - 6 weeks.
ARRRRGGGH!! I can't concentrate!! :p My mind just keep wandering to day-dreaming land... thinking of the what-if I am preg scenarios
I still trying not to raise my hopes too high but I am beginning to wish I have my gyane's power to determine whether one is preggie or not by just looking/touching the boobs!. I remembered that when I went to her clinic cos my AF was delayed, she told that I am not preggie cos my boobs don look preggie
My AF eventually came a few days later. Then, when I was really preg, the HPT I took at her clinic showed neg. But she says, maybe too early, cos your boobs looks preg. :D Can you imagine how much we can save if we all have that power?? heee heee!

Anyway, to lighten up the mood here, I share with you a joke which another gal posted in the US forum:

>Fresh from my shower, I stand in front of the mirror, complaining to my
>husband that my breasts are too small. Instead of characteristically
>telling me it's not so, he uncharacteristically comes up with a
>suggestion: " If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a
>piece of toilet paper and rub it between your breasts for a few
> Willing to try anything, I fetch a piece of toilet paper and stand in
>front of the mirror, rubbing it between my breasts. " How long will
>this take? " I ask. "They will grow larger over a period of years " he
>replies. I stop. "Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet
>paper between my breasts every day will make my breasts larger over the
>Without missing a beat he says, " Worked for your butt, didn't it?"
>He's still alive, and with a great deal of therapy, may even walk again.
>Stupid, stupid man.

Poohy, the reason why urs was sort of longer was because u did not go for washing right? Hope i remember correctly!

Hmm.. got <font color="ff0000">CD</font>, <font color="ff0000">2ww</font> and now <font color="ff0000">dpo</font>. Urm... what is <font color="ff0000">dpo</font>? So when are you testing?

Actually I felt very excited &amp; hopeful for you, Folic and Millie!!
Hope to hear more good news by then!!
