Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Charis,

Sorry about your loss....

Don't worry so much, ok? Everything will be fine! You have taken the first step to try for another baby and you have done it! So enjoy the process... It is a wonderful feeling especially when you can feel your baby moving and kicking...

Smile and happy thought!
Good for your baby!

Charis, 11week. have brown discarge last night after i cam back fr seeing my gynae. so this morning, go see him again. he scan for is ok. haiz...i wonder when will the spotting/brown discharge stopped. tot going into 2nd trimester should be more stable liao. i so scare something will happen..........
Cheezel..sometimes spotting occurs when u are make sure u dont over-exert yrself.

I rested a lot during my 1st trimester..cos I had a lot of cramps.
Hi, would like to check something wit you all.

I have M/C on Aug and m/s came in 26th sept (6wk later) but it is veri little.

My hubby and I have unprotected sex after the 1st m/s. Now, i have a light pink spotting on and off since yesterday, could it be implant bleeding cos of pregnancy? or it is m/s that is coming, but isn't it a bit too early for the next m/s to come?

Don't worry too much. You got to think positively.

Take a step at a time, It will be good for you. Like you, i always think that not to try again till i have fully recovered, at least emotionally but hubby always think like else. In fact both of us are aware that the best gift to nurse our wound will be the next coming baby, however i'm confused at time too. In the past, I have heard of too many unpleasant stories of m/c and stillborn and i never think that it will happen to me. But the fact is it had.

Till now, everything is still a blow to me and still trying to cope.
Hi Shine,

I totally understand how you feel.

Actually I had the crazy thought of trying for number 2 the moment I lost my baby. I kept thinking that with the next baby, the pain of losing my baby would be lessen. Well I think it is true to a certain extent because all my attention and energy will be channeled to number 2 and sure will have less time to constantly remind myself of the pain.

But soon I told myself I was not ready and it would be unfair to my number 2 because it would seem like he/she is a replacement (even though my intention is not such).

Anyway, me and hubby agreed and have decided that we would only try for number 2 when we are both ready.

You too, take it slow and cope... You can do it! We can do it!
i have been at hm for the whole of oct cos of spotting if not bleeding or brown discharge. it comes and stops and comes and stop lo......make me so sian...but me not stress leh...only when i see the spotting come then i sian and will go see gynae for a check.

once u have unprotected sex, make sure u behave as if u r preggie hor...must take care ah.....u may wan to test yourself but not sure if accurate cos now prob still quite early

As you. How many weeks of pregnancy must we be before going to see a gyane? I know that if too early go and see gyane also no point cos cant see anything.
i go see gynae when i know i preggie...tat time abt 4 weeks...though cant see the sac yet, he say the thick linning in the womb mean something is growing there....cos i m/c b4, so was put on hormone pills str away. week 5 can see sac liao
Must take gd care k?
So happy that you and bb doing fine..
10 weeks already.. wow..

My period came only 4days. OMG!
usually 1week..

I work as a junior logistic - Shipping..
Always cant finish my work.
Dont know why so stressful.
work is always never ending ....even if u finish one pile, the next pile will come again....rememer must relax yourself and take things easy.....
Thanks Charlene!

On one hand I dont want to think so much, on the other hand am a little worried.. anyway, already faithfully eating all the medication that docs give and can just take things as it come...

hi all, I just went for a d&c on wed.

yesterday, my bleeding was fresh blood. today, i have discharge (mucousy) with blood in it. Is that normal?
hi dot,

yes it is normal. In fact i was worried as my bleeding did not stop after 2 weeks. but thank goodness it stopped after almost 3 weeks.

so as long as it is not fresh blood pouring out, it shd be fine.
Hi Charlene, i encountered the same thing as you after my m/c.My subsequent 3 menses all very light and only 3days. My normal is 5days. Then this cycle i ttc but not successful. I went to tcm after my last menses and was told i wasn't in good condition to conceive cos hormones imbalance.That causes very sparse menses. True to her expectation, i tried and failed.

Maybe same thing for you, need to go see TCM asap.
Charlene, i forgot to add. After trying her chinese medicine and some herbal soup, my period normalised.

Do you feel discomfort in your ovary? Cos i did, now no more after the medicine.
what do you mean by discomfort in ovary?
sorry.. heez
oh.. Sad.. then should wait for how long?
But last month's menses was 1week, regular.
Just this came only 4days. I'm getting worried.
TCM? thomsom medical??

You still trying ttc now?
Jia you.. i guess you be preggy very soon !! =)
all the best! keep trying!!!

ok.. i will take it easy.
take gd care ya!
hi there, i've just moved from the june 2007 mtb chatgroup to here. lost my baby at 8 weeks last wednesday nite. was having a bad flu whole of last week before it happened. still thinking what did i do to cause it to happen...
hi cynder~
sorry to hear your loss,
Did you consult a doc during that time when you're
having bad flu? Is it because of the bad weather?
What did gyane says?
too stressed?
We all here for you. And willing to be your listener. Take care!

hi cynder,

i'm sorry to hear about your loss.

i also lost my bb at 8 weeks cos gynae said bb not growing. i have spotting at 6th week and saw my gynae every week but still cannot prevent the loss. i took good care of myself during the period. eat and rest well but still it happened.... i was not working then so i have the time to relax and try not to walk around so much. i never expect myself to go through D&C esp when i did all i could to rest and rest.

sometimes, there is simply no reason.

i've been trying for the past 9 months liao but still no bb news.

maybe i should give TCM a try next month.

take care ya. spend the next 3 mths building up your health. D&C can be quite harmful to our body.
thanks bbpram and charlene. i went to see the gynae for the first time at week 6 and was oredi worried cos only saw a sac thru the transvaginal scan but no sight of the embryo. gynae still hoped it was becos i remembered dates wrongly and not that the growth was stunted. was supposed to go see her again this week at week 9 to see if there is a beating heart. who knows the tragic incident happened at week 8.

today my mom took me to see euyansang tcm doctor and the physician said i have very weak chi. prescribed some medicine to clear my bad flu and he will start me on tonics nx week. he also recommended that after miscarriage, women should take cordyceps (either pure, essence or tablets ok) and baifengwan.

wish all health and i hope to recover soon.
Dear Charlene and ladies,

TCM is traditional chinese medicine, i think u know by now..sorry for the late reply.

What i meant by discomfort was that i felt a tinglig slight pain in my right ovary. A feeling i never felt before pregnancy. I am ttc but have taken it easy. The more we want, the more we can't get. A lot of women get pregnant unplanned and went on to have smooth envious of them.

Observe ourselves, if we start counting days to ovulation and menses due date, that means we are too preoccupied and it is hard to succeed this way.
Dear Cynder,

Sorry to hear about your loss, take time to rest and try not to think too much for the time.

Like you, after my m/c at the 8th weeks i tried to find out the reason that cos the m/c and realised it was due to the medication given when i had a back injury during my pregnancy. Image that the m/c was indirectly resulted by my consumation of medication prescribed by my GP. Till now, I'm still living in my own guilt. However, i have not regret in knowing the truth as i know what are the precaution to look out for in my next one. Do take care!


If work can be completed, the bosses does not need us. Priorise the work and complete the urgent one first, set yourself some date and learn to relax. Only then can increase your chance. Hee....

hi shine,

how do u know that it is due to the back injury medication? now i suspect is becos i drank 5 cups of chinese tea and 2 cups of japanese green tea the week before. or is it that i have been a heavy coffee drinker for the past one year? or is it that i was working till 10pm daily the first few weeks of pregnancy? sigh. i dunno anymore...
hi cynder,

heard ur m/c from the june07 mtb thread. I'm sory to hear that. when i read your posting, i feel so sad too......

how come u drink so many cups of chn tea??

nevertheless, u must take really good care of ur health.

all of us here went thru the same thing of lossing our previous bb....but must be strong ok?
hi, anyone know when it is rec that we try to get in shape after d&c?

my brother is getting married in nov (late), and i want to lose some weight, esp my tummy which had begun to show. i really dun think i can take it if my relatives ask me if i'm pregnant during the wedding. i dun want to spoil my bro's wedding by breaking down that day
Hi Dot,
attending wedding dinner can make u feel sad/moody as there's happy atmosphere. i attended my Cousin's wedding 2 weeks after my M/c and i drop tears silently when i felt happy for my cousin and cousin-in-law. cos i thinking abt my lost bb. my relatives ask me the preggy question too... but i jus answered them, no la and let nature take it course. can't avoid.
i have another invitation from my colleague nxt coming weekends and i'm not sure if i'm ready to attend another.
Hi Dot,
It is a difficult question cause u cannot diet now as u need to "bu" yr body...suggest u start doing more exercise once doc said u are ready. In any case, believe now is mainly water retention and "air" in your tummy so shld be easier to lose with exercise.

Cynder, don't blame yrself! This will only make u more miserable. Let it go and time will heal.

Dear Cynder,

Sorry abt your loss. I also lost my bb at 8 weeks. Dun reproach yourself over drinking those cups of tea. I had exactly the same feeling as you when I m/c. As this was my second m/c, I did a genetic test on the foetus as I wanted to know why it happened.

It was due to the foetus being abnormal. So in a sense it was a blessing that it did not come to the world. So try not to think what you did caused the m/c, it is just nature.

Lets be kind to ourselves.

Hi dot,

I am starting to take pilates classes after 1 mth from my D&C.
Start with light exercises first. Dun push yourself.
i'm having my first period after my M/C. it kind of heavy. any of u experience this b4? is it normal? have sent email to ask my gynae but wan to pop the question out here too.. Thanks
Hello Ladies,

Just popped in to share my story. If you gals read the archive, I used to frequent this thread and it is partly through the support of my friends here that I was able to go through the most depressing period of my life.

Last year, I lost my boy at Wk 21 and went through induced labour. It was a traumatic experience. It is a mystery why my boy left us for the detailed scan at Wk 19 showed that everything was normal. I did blamed myself and my mind kept replaying what I did the few days before I felt no movements from my boy. But it is really nothing we have done or eaten, cynder. Dun look back, look forward, think about how you can stay healthy and positive for your next baby.

For me, after feeling depressed for a while and deperately TTCing after my 1st AF, I refocused my energy to something I have always wanted to do. I relaxed a little and got pregnant shortly after. My lovely princess is 7 months now. I still think of my boy from time to time and I thank him for watching over his little sister. For me, the 2nd pregnancy was not easy as I was very paranoid and worried. If you ask me, what you can do now is to eat healthily, exercise and relax. Prepare your body for your bb.

Red Tea, yes the 1st menses wld be heavy.

Ladies Jia You! Jia You! Ok?
hi ladies.. just came back after a rest and op in the hospital. had a miscarriage at 7wks+.. baby didnt have a heartbeat and stopped growing.. was admitted immediately.

it was unplanned pregnancy but we wanted to keep the baby.. we lost our baby exactly after 2weeks of discovery

gynae admitted me with "evac of uterus", not sure if it's D&C? was very weak after the op.

erm.. just want to know what to expect next? i read from you ladies that spotting might last even for a month..? nurse said no sex for a month. are there foods that i cant take for the moment? my bf was told by my future MIL that i canot eat chicken, beef, seafood, cold drinks.. anything else? he bought chicken essance for me though.. was told by the nurse that my medication for the week canot be mixed with food that contain high iron and calcium.

didnt expect my first post in sgmotherhood would be like this.. my friend even started collecting stuffs for me.. sigh
sorry for the lengthy post as it is my first pregnancy and i have yet to tell my mum about my pregnancy.. dun think it's necessary anymore.. so would like to sort for advices.

I miss my baby angel..
thanks. droopy.

my gynae have oso said that it's common. but i got this fungal infection after the D&C, applied medication 3 weeks ago, tot rcovered liao. but it seem to come back agn.. sigh~ got to go waste $$ get medication agn..
double sigh~ my hubby out of town today.. have been clinging on to him since the M/C, feel like something missing in me..

Gina, take care.
u shld let ur mum knows too. else she will be sad that u din regard her as mum. our mum oso very concern abt their own kids one.
for me, i cannot take cold drinks only. and i don't have any medication to take after my D&C, the medication given are antibotic only. and only last 2 days.
I had d&c done on 1st Sept and till now menses still not come yet... negative result on pregnancy test kit...

Anyone experience this after d&c ? is it true that we shouldn't have sex within 1st mth after d&c ? My gynae didn't say anything le...
hi bluesand,
u have regular menses perviously. if yes, guess ur menses shld have reported.. think u better chk with ur gynae..
Hi Gina
Sorry to hear that. Just to share I started this thread in 2003 when I m/c in abt 7th weeks. I not too sure what op u had, but in such early stages of pregnancy - it is normally a d&c. If you are unsure, check with the gynae who perform the ops for you.

Drink the essence of chicken daily, it helps to boost strength and DON't carry heavy stuff or over exert yourself. Food-wise, I wasn't told to avoid anything but I myself did avoid posionous food like seafood and cold drinks.

My girl (2nd pregnancy) was conceived only after one real AF after my d&c, D&C on 30th Apr, 1st AF in May 20th+, found myself pregnant in June. She is going to be 3 next feb.
We did have sex within the mth after d&c.

Hi bluesand,
Do check with your gynae. Sometimes our 'system' might have been thrown haywired by the d&c, but just to make sure, do ask your gynae for a blood test which is more accurate.
Wow! Linda, u r so lucky.
wanted to start trying coming nov, but going on a holiday in dec, HB said don't, cos got to take plane, scared got things happen.. sigh~
hi RedTea, I understand what you mean.. it's just that to my mum, we've just started not long ago, she keeps telling me to slow down and stuff, and when i am prepared to tell her i am pregnant and our plans....i lost my baby..

And because my bf is malaysian, she has been nagging about everything and anything about our future and such. sigh.

I guess i just didnt want to disappoint her, since my sis married with a baby a dozen yrs ago.

Anyway, don't be discouraged. Your HB is concern about you yar?

So Linda, erm how about cold milk? or shld i just leave it to lose its coolness before consuming? Oh btw, i have a week's supply of medication (including antibiotics), was told not to mix with food that are high in calcium and iron.

Glad to hear about your girl

Think i am going on a roller coaster mood.. just that i feel more secure when my bf is there. Speaking of guys, did your better half have certain behaviours that made you worry or something? I know he's not feeling good either.. and i don't want to be always crying and stuff making him feel bad yet he come and console me.

Sorry if i become abit long winded as there's nowhere else i can turn to :\ friends are there to encourage but i guess they just wun be able to understand that well..
Hi Droopy Eyes

Thanks for sharing... i read your story and glad that you have gone through it and have a happy ending now with your baby. May I know how soon you got pregnant after delivering your boy at Week 21 ? Everyone tells me to wait 6 mths before I can try except my gynae who says 3 mths is good enuf. I cant wait to be pregnant again, yet there is this change of feelings (sometimes you feel desperate, sometimes u feel its fated that you will not have kids, so dont try..) Will share my story below as I had similar case like Sylvia.


I also lost my recent pregnancy at 23 weeks due to incompetent cervix on 20 Sep 06. When I read this forum for support, I can totally understand how you feel and the collapse of the world.

After 1/2 a yr of trying to ttc without success, I consulted fertility specialist (as i have v bad menses, sometimes absent for a year or 2-3 times a year and have PCOS) and got pregnant after 3 mths of clomid. Unfortunately, it ended up ectopic and my left tube was partially 'damaged'. This means, I am left with right tube for pregnancy. It was a bad enuf blow but I moved on courageously.

I changed gynae and luckily got pregnant 2mths later with clomid & injections in April 06.

The pregnancy went on fine and smooth, no morning sickness, no excessive weight gain and I was absolutately radiant (according to colleagues). Had some bleeding at week 11, but was sorted out as it was just the edges of placenta that was 'excess' sheding. Baby boy was always so active and cute on the scan, wave to us everytime we scan. Even gynae says he is v active.

Unfortunately, I have another problem which I didnt knew. I have an incompetent cervix which gave way at week 20. When I had some weird discharge like mucus blood (which i read was a cervix plug that closes the cervix), I called the doctor & was asked to go to the hospital. When i was warded, membrane/ water bag was already bulging out into the vagina. Yes, I was in labour!

Was hospitalised to stablise condition (v traumatic as they hang your leg up higher than head, hoping that water bag will go back into womb) before Dr put in an emergency cerlcage to tie up the cervix abt 3 days later. By then, it was already 8 cm dilated. Anyway, dr did tell me I have v little cervix left to 'sew up' and thus need complete bedrest to at least 28 weeks before foetus can have higher chance of surviving normally. I managed to tahan 3 more weeks before the stitch gave way and i was bleeding profusely with intense contractions, I had to deliver my poor baby boy at 23 weeks. The baby was in a good condition when delivered and he was kept alive in NICU. HOwever, after hearing from all doctors and professionals, 23 weeks is too premie and may have long term effects like blindness, hearing loss & etc along the way. No amt of tests can confirm it at this stage. After discussion with hubby, we decided to give up our baby after 3 days he was in NICU. It was such a painful & traumatic experience.

All the while, I consult my TCM and gynae concurrently with this pregancy. In fact, just a couple of days before, went for my routine with TCM and gynae and none could detect that its so soon. Gynae detected soft cervix and took some samples to test for infection and b4 test results came out, already ot of no return. TCM says I am having a perfectly healthy pregnancy, so guess its fated.

Now, I am in my ups and downs. At times, I feel like getting pregnan NOW and get a cerclage as soon as I can. At times, I told myself I shldnt do it again and kill innocent lives. I also started talking to adoption agencies as I think this may help me to move on. I told my gynae abt my intention and he thinks its quite a pity as I am v near having my own child. I get so lost that I also ask for lot in the Waterloo Street Temple. The lot says bad as in I shld be contented with what I have and no pt trying for something not fated. Then I think back, the last round I ask for a lot too and was good, but still I lost my baby boy? My confidence gets shaken too. However, my fren who reads tarot cards says future bright for having my own children. Maybe I should not be so 'superstitious' which normally I am ok, but maybe I am lost at this stage.

Sylvia, I also have this right ovay tingling pain like you! Have been searching internet for answers but no infor until I read your condition. Did your TCM say why? My TCM says its prob 'time' of the month where ovary trying to get things 'right'. I have my first period 3 weeks after my delivery, q heavy. My gynae has given me medicine to induce my 2nd period but it hasnt come yet. Gynae says to try after 3rd period. How abt you? Are you still trying?
hello Curl,

Sorry to hear about your lost !

Me same draw lot at water loo temple 3 weeks after d&c, lot saying now is not good time to jump out from boat as wave is too strong and dangerous, hinting now is not good time to be pregnant again, ask me to be patient. But my hubby also draw lot while i am pregnant saying every good things will come with this pregnancy, make us so happy to wait for new born arrival but look what happen ? Baby no heart beat at wk 11 check up, no sign at all....

Tarot card reading also predict the month i will get pregnant with smooth pregnancy (few months before i got pregnant) and now when i go back to check, my card show that next pregnancy will happen soon but might end up a miscarriage too... the tarot card lady say that sometimes if the card show out, mean you still have chance to change it by being extra careful on everything... which i thot might be true as I am so confident that I will give birth to healthy baby during last pregnancy.. look what happen ?

I had brown discharge today and i don't know whether to call it menses, guess will wait 2 more days to see if the flow would be heavier...
Hi Bluesand

Sign... guess when we are 'down', we need all sorts of reassuarance, but my hubby 'counselled' me yesterday and say dont believe in all these things so strictly... sometimes maybe we are better off not knowing the future lor.

Can I know what happen to you? How many weeks were you when u miscarry? Is this your first pregnancy?
Hi Curl,

Yup, it is true. Me n hubby learn to accept if it is fated to be yours is yours.

This is my first pregnancy and first grandchildren for both hubby and my family. So we are very excited and happy. Mother in law also pray a lot and go temple draw lot. She also go tarot card reading (me n hubby also go at different time) and all indicate the pregnancy will be good. We are over confident because of this.

All along my pregnancy was smooth, no morning sickness. And i am seeing 2 gynae from TMC and KKH so about every 2 weeks i have ultrascan to monitor my baby. Reason seeing KKH gynae is because both hubby and me is thalasemia carrier, so we need to do CVS procedure at wk 11-12 and it is cheaper to do at KKH.

On the day of my CVS scan, i still remember it was a heavy down pour on the way to KKH, infact the whole morning. Hubby comment the rain make him feel sad. Dr put me to normal ultrascan before actual procedure to measure baby and locate position, depth etc and there we found out baby alr no heart beat and the size remain as wk 8 size (it strunk). We do not know exactly when it happen as I have no sign of miscarriage at all.

You can imagine how shock and sad we are to find out this news on the date of CVS procedure. We have make plans to buy pram, baby cloths etc if CVS report show baby normal. I have waited so long for the CVS test day to come and yet it ended up in tragedy.

I don't think i will have the courage to type out my story 2 mths back. But, times is the best medicine, you will eventually move on and learn to accept that the baby angel left for good ! And GOD will bless us with a healthy baby when time is right !

So take care ladies and we need each other support here !
Hi Bluesand

Understand how you feel. Though baby still small, but its the attachment & excitement & anticipation for this new addition to family.

I was careful but not overly paranoid during my pregnancy too. But still things happen before we know it. Actually for your case, you shld be able to try again soon right? Normally for first trimester miscarriage, can try after 1 cycle?

For me, becos I had a delivery, i actually delivery my baby like any normal pregnancy, just that baby is much much smaller. He was only 550gram, so Dr say recovery much faster. He suggested that I shld try 3 mths later. But all the old pple say 6 mths minimal. I really dun know who to believe, but hope that I can try again soon and if all esle fails, I will adopt. In fact, have already ask abt the costs & process.

How abt you? What are your plans? You working? I am on maternity leave now.
Hello Curl,

Yes I am working. Dr advise can try after 1st menses. And menses only come today after 2 months. I have mild PCOS and menses have all along never been regular except those month that i do regular exercise.

Will let nature take course for when to pregnant again. Different people give different advise, I guess follow own heart better. If you feel you are physically and mentally strong and prepare, go ahead !

Imagine if we waited 1 yrs but during this 1 year we live in depress and mourning over the past, do you think this is good for next pregnancy ?
Hi Bluesand

Understand, I have mroe serious PCOS, so only mense once and twice a year. Lucky years, its 3-4 times.

You are right, diff pple give diff advise, so sometimes v confused, dunno who to listen. I guess mix feelings. On good days, I think I am ready. On bad days, I am fearful of everything.

Good that you are back on track, hope that we will have good news soon and we will share our journey together.
Hi redtea
Depending on u and hubby, I wouldn't recommend tt you start trying now since preparing to go on trips in Dec... Not tt scientifically proven anything but hor, I lost my first prenancy after I come back from Genting, not immediately lah but still.... We wonder if it is the case but of course doc says no lah.
Can try during the holidays?

Hi gina,
I would think not cold from the fridge. Let it 'warm' a little by placing it outside for a while lah. If doc recommend, then you should avoid taking milk in the day. Just drink before you sleep and make sure it is some time past your previous medication timing.

Men cannot express themselves well... I remember my hubby was very slient then, and cos we had a HUGE fight the night before, I thought he was mad at me for losing the baby. Also his manners were very distant. But my sis-in-law said he cried when I was in the clinic doing my ops. And his crying is the slient type. So if you think your partner also feeling bad, encourage each other together. I find it easier not to talk abt the m/c though.

Hi Linda,

i can get very emo and stare into thin air at times.. sometimes it just comes to you even if you don't think about it. We didn't talk much about the m/c but did joke about future number of kids, him or me mimicking our child's response to our behaviours.. with the Daddy and Mummy stuffs.. Guess laughing did help abit but yar.. probably a disguise too.

Now the wedding is shelfed til i graduate next year.

Now i cant wait to see my gynae next week.

Hi Curl and Bluesand,

thanks for sharing your experiences.. at least I know I shouldn't be discouraged to try again in future..
