Support group - Miscarriages


wat is most impt now is to build back your health again......

I went thru the D&C 3 months ago and its definitely not a good feeling.....but have to be strong k gals?!!

Take Care


wat is most impt now is to build back your health again......

I went thru the D&C 3 months ago and its definitely not a good feeling.....but have to be strong k gals?!!

Take Care

wat is most impt now is to build back your health again......

I went thru the D&C 3 months ago and its definitely not a good feeling.....but have to be strong k gals?!!

Take Care
Hi girls,

Thanks for all your encouragement. Pain is still there although "jing shen" is slightly better.

After thinking abt it the past few days, i think the best way for me to get over it is to conceive again. Do you gals have any idea how soon we can we try again?

Also I am thinking of looking for chinese physicians to seek advise how to build my body. Does any of you girls have anyone to recommend?

Many thanks!
Hi girls,

Thanks for all your encouragement. Pain is still there although "jing shen" is slightly better.

After thinking abt it the past few days, i think the best way for me to get over it is to conceive again. Do you gals have any idea how soon we can we try again?

Also I am thinking of looking for chinese physicians to seek advise how to build my body. Does any of you girls have anyone to recommend?

Many thanks!
Hi girls,

Thanks for all your encouragement. Pain is still there although "jing shen" is slightly better.

After thinking abt it the past few days, i think the best way for me to get over it is to conceive again. Do you gals have any idea how soon we can we try again?

Also I am thinking of looking for chinese physicians to seek advise how to build my body. Does any of you girls have anyone to recommend?

Many thanks!
Hi batgirl,

Don't hurry into another pregnancy so soon...find out what happened and try to bu back 1st

Wish you luck!

Hi batgirl,

Don't hurry into another pregnancy so soon...find out what happened and try to bu back 1st

Wish you luck!

Hi batgirl,

Don't hurry into another pregnancy so soon...find out what happened and try to bu back 1st

Wish you luck!

thanks ah_kat! =)

it is almost a week after my D&C, but I am still bleeding. Is this normal?

My first m/c's recovery was fast. this time a bit longer (but preganancy was more advanced than the first one). not sure is it because i am more distressed this time.

I tink it can be quite normal.
I was bleeding for a week ( but mine was natural).And then spotting on and off..

Maybe u want to check w yr gynae?
Hi Jingle bun and gals,
i did a d&c last year April. This year May i lost my 25week baby due to incompetent cervix. My world just collapsed on knowing that i am one of the 2% of women affected by incompetent cervix.
I suspect the d&c did take a toll on my second pregn. The next pregncy i have to sew a cerclage at the 3months into gestation.
The concern here is, D&C has been proven to be one
of the culprits to incompetent cervix. Whoever had a D&C and found pregn again please inform your Gynae of the previous surgery.

Dear gals, apart from the cervix being traumatised during d&c, the womb is actually badly scraped thus needs a couple of months to recover and get back to shape. Better wait for at least 6 months then try again. If not implantation may hv a problem.

Those who went thru natural expulsion ( pls correct me if i am wrong.) can try as soon as after 1 cycle, clinically speaking. But depends whether emotionally ready or not. For me, i delivered 4 months ago and had 3 cycles already, thus trying this month. Gynae says perfectly ok to try after 1 or 2 cycles.
Hi sylvia..

I think its somewhat true rgd D&C affecting the cervix in future..also sometimes cos some women have 'low cervix'.

I seriously considered the side-effects of D&C, so that's why I opted to have a natural m/c. I think some have tried after 1 cycle n successfully conceived..but I waited for 3 cycles before trying again..even then my MIL scold, say we should have waited 6 months to 1 year..which is too long I believe. 3 cycles gave me time to recover emotionally n physically.
I did a D&C last month after 11 weeks pregnancy, baby just stop growing and lost the heartbeat. I was managed to recovery from the lost. But when around next menses cycle, I feel very unnormal pain, therefore I want back to my gyne and have further check up. So surprisingly to heard from gyne, I got complication call: Cervix Blockage. Have no choice I done another small procedure to open the cervix and let the blood flowed out. I am quite worried because never heard such thing before. I went to another gyne to have 2nd opinion. My hubby and me was so shock to heard from another doctor , this kind of complication is purely due to doctor's mistake during D&C. And the chances to hit is only 0.1%.
My previous gyne didn't do any treatment for me and try to cover up her mistake, even chrg me for the second time operation fee. When I call the clinic, the nurse always tell me it is normal to have blockage and ask me why I call many times to check. I'm very upset about the all issue, and very worried because no gyne knows whether the cervix is open or block again..till to next cycle.
I really want to try again for a baby, but now everything need to postpone due to the complication.
Hi happy..

Im truly sorry about yr loss..n also the complication..

I guess its possible for these kind of things to happen with D&Cs..although less likely. Its good u wait for at least 3 cycles before u TTC (try to conceive). And do indicate to yr next gynae in future abt this complication so that they can take extra care.
Hi gals,

I'm back to work. Ordered 1 week confinement food, hopefully can 'bu' my body in time. Still spotting but not sure if it's healthy if got abit like mens cramp every now and then. Gynae said if persist, must see her. My next followup is next thur though.

Wow, din know d&c results in so much complication...Medically the docs will said can try on the next cycle but according to my friends who had multi miscarriages, they said try to rest for at least 4 - 6 mths. After their 1st miscarriage, most conceive again quickly but can't last. So wait longer and succeeded. Again, I think everyone experiences diff things.
Hi favoured,

I think we went thru the procedure the same day (last Weds 20th). I am also still having spotting/bleeding after so long. Quite worried though. Gynae say no need to see her as quite normal.
Hi Charlene and ladies,
I come to learn how harmful D&C can be to our reproductive system. Our womb is badly scraped, our cervix forced open thus traumatised, and not done skilfully, may develope repercussions. A professor from MT E says he will never recommend this method to abort nonsurviving fetus.

Charlene, sounds like you already had your 1st menstrual cycle? You can try on the 14th, 15th day after that. But the best way to detect your fertile date is to look out for very very stretchy transparent discharge. That will be the day!

Most importantly is you are emotionally back to normal liao.

Thanks sylvia! you trying for another one?

working 12hrs not gd during pregnancy?
but 3working days and 2 day off..
I dislike morning sickness.. can vomit 20times
a day.. really terrible!
But no choice, if i'm preggy..
got to earn & save $$ for bb..
Hi sylvia,
I wonder how to we know that our womb is badly affected? I had an d&c last nov then I got preggy after 6 mths. the 2nd pregnancy only lasted 14 weeks before I had a natural m/c. But the natural m/c is not too successful becos I still have some tissue inside and I had to go through another d&c.

This time round I decided to wait 1 yr before trying again as recurrent miscarriage is too much for my body. I get weak easily and feels that i had some form of night blindness.

hi ladies,
I finally get my PC up. I am now in Taipei with my hubby.. trying to get lots of rest and will stop TTC for the time being.
working 12 hrs a day during preggie is definitely quite tiring. Our company shift colleague who is working 12 hr shift once discover they r preggie will immediately change to normal working hr.

rest well ok.....
Hi Icy, i feel very sorry for pple who have to go thru D&C with or without a choice. Pills can do the job too. I did my D&C last yr mar, and waited till 9 months before second pregnacy. My second preg was ok in the first 22weeks but i lost it to incompetent cervix. ( and the culprit could very well be D&C again!!!) I read from many sources that it is
safe to ttc 9months after D&C that was y i followed..
So icy, i think this time so long as you wait 9 months to 1 year shld be ok. Physically we wun feel anything wrong with our uterus but its wall is still in the process of healing. Thus your second m/c cond be attributed to that. But be strong and look forward to a next one. Starting from now, i suggest you do all you can to build your womb. TCM is best in helping you get back to shape. TCM also works to balance our hormones so that chances of early miscarriage can be lessened.Some women have the problem of habitual miscarriage due to lackage in hormones,( what hormones i dunno.). TCM can help to produce more.
Oh ya, i have started trying just only.

Charlene, i hope you are emotionally back to normal and ready to ttc. I believe there is no problem for you cos you went thru natural birth.
Your cycle regulated already?
Hi Icy and ladies, forgot to add, Chicken essence is very good for our womb. Not those we buy from outside. But the type your mum cook at home. Normally one chicken can produce one small bowl of essence. Very very nutritious. But can be quite tedious to prepare. But ask you mum, she sure knows. Eu yan Sang bai feng wan is another thing i trust alot in helping to regulate menstrual cycle and balancing hormones.
Hi batgirl,

Yes, we went thru the pain on the same day. Yours at Thomson Medical? By now, if you are still bleeding fresh blood, you shld see gynae. the norm is spotting on and off, from red to brown. Went followup last thur, thank God everythg is fine. And my spotting 'offically' stopped 2days back. So almost 3weeks! I read the website, its normal to spot up to 1 month, so long is not red red.

Everyday I'm boiling red date longan drink with ginger to get rid of wind. Heard have to drink for a mth. It's true...I stop drinking a week ago (thot mini confinement mah) and drank plain water stomach trap lots of wind, very uncomfortable and painful. 10 more days to go :>. Also, dunno how to bu my body...rely on brands chix essence everyday.

You take care...when to conceive again? For me, will listen to my body and heart. Don't let previous experience dampen the joy of your next pregnancy okie. I'll try again next year but still let Lord direct my steps...strongly believe in His restoration...double blessings, double portions!
yeah, the 2nd time, I din want to go through D&C so I had pills, it makes me hurt so much for like 3 days but the whole tissue cant be out.

Oh yes, I am trying out TCM now, hopefully it will be better.

i saw my mil preparing the chicken essence for me, really very troublesome.. it is like have to let the chicken dripped out the essence and then we cant eat the chicken.

yeap I am resting great deal now and having fun touring around first. :D
I thought if TTC sure preggy..
=( help me!! Somemore my period came brownish
color at first.. today 3rd day..
last time alot of blood.. this time not much..
What does spotting means??
I thought TTC sure preggy..
=( help me!! Somemore my period came brownish
color at first.. today 3rd day..
last time alot of blood.. this time not much..
What does spotting means??
Hi all,

I get mixed feelings reading the postings here. Sad because postings here are substantially, if not all, about the loss of precious babies. On the other hand, it's also heartening to see that all mummies have not lost hope...

I lost my baby a few months back. She was 1 day old before she left me for good. I have many regrets after my baby left.. I regretted not holding her enough, I regretted not seeing her with her eyes open, I regretted not seeing her smile, I regretted putting her through pain and suffering....

I have been trying to move on, sometimes I think I have moved on, sometimes I think I have never moved on.....

it's really painful.....
Dear Charlene, to be frank, i am also trying. I dunno whether i will succeed cos this is the first month i am ttc after my last m/c. I am prepare i wun strike cos i sense my reproductive system abit haywire eversince the loss. My first, second and third menses are so little! maybe 20% of my normal volume. So i went to see TCM and was diagnosed my blood is not circulating well. And also attributed it to very imbalance hormones. Somemore i feel nagging pain on my right ovary. It feels like mild appendicitis. I went to my gynae for u/s but nothing seems wrong. The Chinese Phy gave me "huo2 xie3" capsules.I ate already found no more pain but my next menses haven't come yet so i dunno how it has helped in my sparse menses. So i guess in your case, it might be similar problem. So u may like to consult tcm. I was told if hormones "shi tiao" very hard to conceive. My Chinese Phy also gave me herbs to cook with chicken or lean meat to regulate hormones.

Sigh..dear Strongyetweak, your posting reminds me of my poor baby i lost at 25weaks. In fact he was born and half an hour later he passed on because resuscitation failed. I know exactly how u feel...thousand knives came piercing thru your heart..I know!! I hated myself for my incompetence to bring my innocent boy to full term...( i have incompetent cervix.) but i have come to terms with the fact that everything in life is predestined. Do not self reproach anymore cos it will take a toll on your ability to conceive again. All of us have different sad experiences here thus we are all here to lend a support. Feel free to pour your sorrows. If you wish, you can share with us what exactly you went thru.We are all "ears".
Hi Sylvia,

My baby was diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia when I did the 20th week scan. Not sure if you have heard of this condition, but briefly, my baby had a opening too wide in her diaphram which caused her entire stomach to move up to her chest level. The stomach pushed her heart to the right and compressed her left lung. Her heart then compressed her right lung. There were many possible complications with this condition, for e.g., heart not growing well, higher risk of down syndrome, lungs not formed properly which will affect her ability to breathe on her own, premature labour etc etc.

We had a choice to terminate the pregnancy but decided without a doubt to keep because we would not know whether baby's condition is a serious one or not until she is born. If it is a not so serious condition, all baby needs is a corrective surgery but of course if it turns out to be a serious one, we will lose her. We were determined to keep baby as long as there is a chance.

My pregnancy was a smooth journey, no morning sickness at all. The only uncomfort was the itch on my tummy and limbs but those were nothing.

I gave birth exactly on my EDD. Baby was hooked up with many tubes and machines to help her breathe, open up her lungs so that she can go for the corrective surgery once her condition stablises.

I didn't even had a chance to hold her as she was sent to the Neonatal ICU immediately after she was born. I returned to my ward and caught some sleep. When I visited her couple of hours later, she was already on sedation to relieve her of the pain (tubes etc) and also to enable readings to be taken more accurately as she will be sleeping and not moving.

Doctors were quite positive at first but soon told us baby was not looking good as she the level carbon dioxide in her body was high since she was unable to breathe properly.

Things just did not turn for the better and baby's heartbeat went really low 2 times the next day. The doctors did not manage to revive her the 2nd time after 15 mins of manual massaging and drugs. Her heartbeat just went downhill.

We were at the ICU all these while and witnessed how the doctors tried to save my baby.

I almost fainted when the doctors stopped what they were doing and walked towards us. I knew it was bad news.

We held our baby in our arms, took pictures, kissed her, told her we love her very much, told her that I have no regrets in carrying her to full term, told her that we were proud of her bacause she did not give up and fought so hard, told her not to worry about us, told her we would be strong if she needed to go..... And my baby passed away in the evening a day after she was born...

We made arrangements for her burial the very night and buried her the following day. We changed her with the clothes we bought, gave her most of the clothes, toys etc, keep the rest for memory sake and took more pictures. The whole process was really painful and heartbreaking.

Now we visit her as often as we can, bring her toys almost every visit and tell her we love and miss her lots....

Sorry for such a long story, couldn't control....

r u feeling stress up? Remember to take thing easy and enjoy the process.
dun worry too much...can sense u r abit tense up leh.

i'm so sorry to hear that. cant help but cry when i heard abt ur little baby. i'm so proud of u for carrying her to full term. even if u only manage to have her for a day, i'm sure she will always be in ur heart and parents wil always be in her heart too. Please do take care......
Hey cheezel,

Yes I will take care, still a long journey ahead.

It's just that I miss my baby too much... She is so adorable and chubby...

Doc said if not for her condition, she would be a very healthy baby.

She is and will always be in my heart. I carry her pic with me whereever I go. I also have her pic as wallpaper on my phone...

I will kiss her pic everyday and wish her "good morning" and "good night"... wish she knows that she will be my angel always..
Dear strongyetweak, no you need not be sorry for long story. Tell us more if need. It is part of healing.Very heartwrenching reading your account.I feel very sad.My eyes filled with tears.Your baby has been real strong. She fought her way thru to her birthday to take a good look at her daddy and mummy.You did a proper burial and took pics. There is memory of her so it is a comfort. The lovely sight of her will be etched in your mind forever. For me, i was so devastated i did not take a look more than 10 sec at my son. But my hubby took a photo and we uploaded it in our PC.
Sorry strongyetweak, may i ask, was this your first pregnancy?Have you started trying again?

Let's all give each other strength and move on together. It is not easy but we have to take on the challenge. It took me 3 months to accept it and want to try for a next one. During the 3 months, memories of days i felt my baby's kicks and me singing to him..etc. All but memories.

Charlene, dun be discouraged. Try till you get! And i am positive your next baby is on his way!
I think my first attempt has failed too. But it doesn't mean anything. we try somemore ok?
hi Strongyetweak,
do take care! Really sad about your story and
also reminds me of mine.
I'm also carrying my bb pic with me where ever i go.. wish our bb angels are save in heaven.
Hi Sylvia,

Yes, that was my first pregnancy and no, I do not have plans to try again until I am ready.

The memory of losing my baby is too fresh.

Hi Charlene,

Thanks.... I'm sure our baby angels are in good hands... Although I would give up anything and everything to have my baby back in my arms....
Dear strongyetweak,

Sad to hear what you have been through. It must have been very tramatised for you by all these happening. You are supposed to prepare for the arrival of the new bundle of joys yet to go through your entire pregnancy with constant fears and worries about the health stauts of the unborn.

Your story reminds me of one that my best friend who shared news of her colleague then and console me when I had my m/c. I was totally shattered when I received news of my m/c and my baby was only 8 weeks old then. She had constantly remind me to be strong compared to those who carried their baby to the full terms yet lose them soon after delivery.

I have never believed in miracle after my incident but knows that all those little angels whom we lost are playing in the clouds with God and they know that there will always be a place for them in their mummies' heart.

Lots of times, I'm like you. At times I appear to be ok and normal during works but cry myself to sleep in the night. Sign.... Life...
dear ladies,

Let be strong and move on with life..look on the bright side lah.

My menses juz ended and ready to TTC again...wish me luck!
Hi Favoured,

I did my D&C at Mt E. My spotting also seemed to have cleared 2 days back..also about 3 weeks. Hopefully everything will be fine.

I went to see TCM, he advised me against trying to conceive so soon. Minimum 3 mths as my body is very weak.

With this ongoing haze, my respiratory system is just not doing well. I have to get rid of my sickeness first before i can "bu" my body.

As for TTC, probably will try again after CNY next year. Have to make sure that my body is strong again.

Hi strongyetweak,

You are so brave to make that decision to give your child a fighting chance. You have given every chance that can help her survive.

I hope you will get stronger everyday...
Dear Shine,

I was really worried abt my baby's health initially but managed to think positively soon as I know being sad and down will not do any good to my baby. Did not want to jeopardise anything by feeling blue!

I was then carrying my baby as if she was well and treat her condition as one of those minor ones. And frankly, I have totally "forgotten" that my baby has such condition since I started thinking positive. I was happy and looking forward to see her then.

So when I lost her, I could not take it because I did not think that was possible. I was not prepared.

Hi batgirl,

I bet every mother would do that and anything else which would give their babies a chance to see the world, no matter how slim that chance may be.

I took 3 painful jabs to help my baby's condition but I guessed it did not work or may be it did, but merely to the extent for me to deliver and see her before she leaves me for good....
my bb doin fine. me now 10 weeks. had bleeding last scare..quickly rush down to hospital to meet my gynae...lucky bb is ok. but dunno y bleed also. slight MS lo.....hopefully will go off after 1st trimester.

hello ladies,
good luck in ttc.
baby dust!!

Im truly sorry for yr loss..U have given yr baby a chance to live by not aborting here earlier..u have done yr best..Grieve as much as needed..n take courage n move on ok..


Take care. Get lots of rest..u still in 1st trimester right?
Hi Charis,

Thanks for your kind words...

Yes I will and am trying to move on... Just that I am not sure if I have the courage or rather, when will I have the courage to try for number 2... Very worried that the same thing or some other bad news about my baby will happen to me again...


Yes...I understand yr fear..I had the same fear too..I still do I guess..I TTC 3 months after my 1st m/c in Im 22 weeks. I still worry..but I jus have to go on.

My friend lost her baby at 24 weeks..I was very sad too..also thinking what if happen to me..but worrying wont help..have to hope for the best.

Its ok if u want to wait longer before TTC again..its good u recover emotionally before u try..n believe me the stress will be less when u wait..
