Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Nanz,

I had PM you my mobile. I am doing confinement too but usually cook myself as mum hv to work and she prepared the food in the fridge and i cook myself. Sorry for late reply as hubby took leave to keep me company today and i only manage to on the PC now as he taking a nap. He not being zzz well too. Buzz me anytime and love to chat wz you.

Hi Sylvia

I read abt your MC also. Yo must be more sad than me as your BB is with you for 25weeks. We all are equally sad and keep asking why izzit happening to us... i will get over but will need some time as 2 MC n one year.. But after being in here talking to you gals i reali felt much beta. Hubby had the picture but dint want to show me yet as he is worry i sunk into depression again like the MC in april so he will wait for a while b4 he show me.

My MC might due to some infection in my body tat caused the water bag to bursted. I do have some very bad rash all over my hand and was so bad tat i have to go do a biosy test but b4 the result is out, BB left us. I only know the result coming thurday at the national skin centre. I got this only after my pregnancy.. so reali dunno wats the cause of it. My broter is a doctor and he di come across our cases and is not uncommon.. just tat to know the actually cause might not be easy. Hubby wanted to test on my placenta but gynae advise him is pointless, only thing i need to do is to do a blood test to check my anti-body whether is againts the baby. So have to wait a while..

I am staying at the east, maybe we gals can catch up one day and make friends as we all being thru the some path. losing my BB 6days after my bday and 1day b4 hubb bday is reali something had to bear when i tot everything was ok at 2nd trimister but..... i can only cry in my heart as dun wan my hubby and family to get worry abt me. is so pain inside.. sob sob
Hi Angela,
Sorry to hear about your M/C..Cry if u need to as I am sure yr hubby will be very worried abt seeing no emotion coming from u.

I know my hubby was very worried when I stared in blank air the other time..he rather I cry and let out then remain slience.

This is all part of healing proceess.

Look on the bright side, after all, u have managed to conceive naturally for the past 2X..u will get your chance..

u welcome Kemmy..
u trying for IVf via TCM?

Angela n Slyvia
even though mine happened last yr dec..i still cant help to feel sad
right nw, i am composing a poem for my gal as a one yr remembrance of her on our wedding anni, cos i delivered her on 7th dec
u both seeing any TCM?
Hi Ah Kat

I reali dun wan to cry when all around me are trying very hard to keep me company.. Hubby and family always try not to mention abt this incident and talk abt something else.. They are also trying so i must try harder.

In fact is very hard for me to concieve. We tried for quite a while as i dun O enough egg to get pregnant. I went see TCM before this pregnancy but stop eating her medicine as hubby is reali not a TCM person. Seeing me eating so much chinese med twice everyday, he reali dun like it. Also my rashes get worst and worst so he wan me to stop all chinese medicine and also duphaston cos tat might be the cause of my rashes.. sighz... long story! I oso paiseh to go back to the TCM cos i know she sure scold me for not taking her med bla bla bla....

Hi happyger

so nice for you to compose a poem for your girl.. As our bb boy was born on the 10nov, me and hubby will celebrate his bday every year and buy him present oso. Hope i will hv a nov BB next year but right now real hv to buck up and get well esp mentally...
Hi Angela,

Sorry to hear abt your losses... U do take care of yourself... I know it's a very tough period for you now... If you need someone to chat, feel free to chat me @ [email protected]

BTW, I also have an outbreak of rashes the last round which lead me to my suspect of my pregnancy. I'm myself have chronic eczema, I'm not sure whether the hormone in our body that causes the outbreak so badly.. I didn't even dare to touch any medicine, regardless of oral or external. But somehow, I still lost my bb...

Anyway, we all here had experience the unpleasant...And I'm sure we are able to hug each other (virtually) and support each other... I'm sure your next bb will be healthy and strong... Let's pray for our bb and our journey ahead...

U do take care and if need to, chat with us online or here...
Hi Angela,

I can understand as I am a PCOS patient which makes conceiving difficult as well.

Well, look on the bright side, at least u managed to conceive twice in a year, which means it may not be as hard.

take care and we are here to support one another....

Hi puppy2006,

thanks so much as i only hv hotmail (MSN) so cant add you on as you are yahoo user. I will only get my biosy result coming thurday and i reali hope to know whats the cause of my MC.. now when i look at my hand i am quite angry but i have to tell myself to move on..

Was talking to nanz, and i agreed with her now tat we should look forward, move on and start trying again. Leave the past behind... Felt beta chatting up with her.

hey pupy.. do keep in touch and maybe we shall meet up one day.. my email address is [email protected] and you can email or add me on MSN if you have. thanks again... cheers!
Hi Ah Kat

yes i will try to recover and try again. we will support eachother all the way as we all being thru the same path afterall...
Hi hi,
almost 2 mth since my mc. initially i thought of getting preggy asap after 1st cycle of AF. But now i have mixed feeling.. i doubt if this is really wat i want(to get preggie agn). i knw not young anymore but just dunno why..i have this feeling now..
guess i think let nature take it course agn..
hope u gals all get well and healthy and bless with healthy baby soon. ;)
Hi RedTea,

I fully understand what u had also been 2months plus since my m.c and for a month I was also feeling what u are going through now.

I felt so hateful that I have to kept taking medication and don't know for sure if I really want a BB or not..somemore, my hubby's sis just gave birth and there was so much pressure then.
On the other hand, I dont want to miss the 6-8months "furtile" period after a m.c (heard from people that typically a woman is more furtile after a m/c).

But, right now, I think I have got over it and is TTC again...somemore, even though I am already taking clomid & metaformin, my menses is still not accurate - cannot afford to wait anymore.

Wish u luck and we can jia you together.

Angela: yes, we really need to support one another here...
hi Ah kat,
but my hubby seem less interest to have a bb so soon. guess he's having the thought of let nature take it course.

I will do continue to ttc. i'm trying BBT now. from the previous pregnacy my O date seem to be on CD17. but till now CD21, my temperature is still low at 36.69.. i'm wondering does the mc cos my O date to change? sigh~ i'm very confused now.

Yes..let all ttc again...hope very soon we all be sharing good news and discussing on BBs rather than m/c.

Ah-kat, heard tat too much clomid is not good leh...try not to take more than 6mths..cos it may have side effects and cos ur system to be lazy to work on itself the next time.
Hi girls,
Really sad listening to your stories. I can relate to all of you. I'm a mommy of a 2-months old girl but prior to that, I've had 5 miscarriages back to back so it's nothing new to me. I've tried just about everything on this earth to get successfully pregnant again, I swear I can write a novel about my attempts. If you wish to TTC again, general guideline is to rest after 2 or 3 period cycles and make sure that both you and your spouse are in good health. Keep that folic acid going.

Any of you girls on aspirin? Due to my multiple miscarriages, my gynae suggested I take daily doses of aspirin before I conceive. I have no problem conceiving but I have problems sustaining pregnancies. So the aspirin actually did the trick. However, I am not advising you to take without doctor's instruction but maybe discuss that with your doctor if its for you. B'cos aspirin helped to sustain this pregnancy of mine.

A miscarriage can alter your period cycle definitely. If you're charting and taking note of your ovulation date, I suggest you use ovulation strips to help. I used the fertility monitor to help in addition to the ovulation strips. My O dates are never the same each month. As for the fertility period of 6-8 months, I doubt there's any truth in it but no harm believing in it b'cos the mind is the most powerful thing to manipulate. Number 1 rule for fertility is of course "don't stress it".

If any of you here has only gone through a miscarriage once, i advise you to not waste money and time on tests b'cos it's really a matter of bad luck. I'd recommend a test after three consecutive miscarriages though, unless you're rich. I've had my first thorough test after 3 and it costs me more than $1000!

Anyway most miscarriages occurred only once or twice and hardly thrice. So I can't see anyone having worse luck than me. The key is to stay strong and think positive. You'll make it someday.
you are indeed very strong mann. 5X! i can't imagine it. bUt CongratS! ur bb girl must be very cute.
just wanna ask, so O day will confirmed not the same for every mth even if ur cycle is regular at 28-30 days?
Hey Melissa

thanks for sharing your stories and your tots. reading yours make me feel there is always a pack of gold at the end of the rainbow. God will stand by our side and give us a bb eventually.
Hi Melissa,

My menses had never been accurate as I am diagnose with with the m/c, guess it just make everything more complicate & haywire.
I am experiencing breast tenderness and bloatness for at least 2 weeks and -ve pregnancy & no's just so frustrating! Based on my charting, O day also not here yet...anyway, am visiting my gynae later to better understand.

this is my 1st cycle of clomid...also dont know if it is working for me or not but seems like not...anyway, will go see gynae and get it resolved.

Baby dust to all here


Happened to browse thr this section. Just want to share my experience. I had 3 consecutive miscarriage. I understand all the pain that some mothers had gone thr. It was so sad and no words can express how i felt that time. BUT dont give up HOPE.

Last year i conceived again, my 4th pregnancy. My new gynae recommended to me to do a few lab test after knowing that i had 3 miscarriage. And then the result is i was infected with a virus called toxoplasmsis. According to gynae, my previous miscarriage might be due to this virus. So i was given a medication throughout my whole pregnancy. I really had a difficult pregnancy, couldn't walk much as i had very bad muscle ache. I can't even onboard a bus. My gynae mentioned that my case is very rare, maybe my baby press on some of my muscle.

Finally this year March, i gave birth to my darling baby girl. After seeing her, all my suffering is worthwhile.

Personally i feel that lab test is important. Yes, u might be paying a huge sum but at least u know whether your body is fit a not or if you are infected with any virus.

Lastly,to those who are trying for baby. Keep trying and dont give up hope.

Best wishes to all of you
Dear Angela,

Sorry to hear about your loss. Do take time to grief and be true to yourself about your own feeling. Understand that there are time were you have to control shedding tears infront of your hubby and close family members as you want to be strong and brave before them. During my m/c I cry myself to sleep after my hubby slept and night times were tough... till i broke down right infront of him on one accassion...and we both cried over the loss.

From there we built up a very strong trust and mutual understanding between us. We promise to stay healthy and look forward together before ttc again to avoid another m/c. It will be good for you to seek support and understanding from him.

Dear Gals,

The story of Melissa is so touching and lead me to believe that miracles to happen to all mummies. Lets all stay strong and firm in our beliefs and faith and I am sure that one day, we will all be proud mummies and when that day come, we shall all have a gathering with our lovely babies. Yeh.

hey ah kat

before i took temp and use O strips to make sure i dun miss my O date. but i find temp is much accurate rather than the O strips. usually after 12days after AF, we will do every alternate days as reali dun wan to miss it. some might say is tiring to do for the seek of doing.. but i always tell myself we are "making love"
hi shine

i am slowly recovering from my loss... and yes night time is te worst as i use to talk to my bb b4 i sleep. till now still cry before i zzz and still talk to my bb and hope he is happy in heaven now. hope he can come back and be my b again.. honestly felt beta talking to u gals as i know we all being thru and shd be strong and support eachother. My hubby give me lots of support and tell me dun give up.. will try once green light given by gynae. thks dear... YES we will be proud mommies one day.
Hi Angela,
stay strong. as time goes by you will realised that you have go into another level of relationship with ur hubby.. and it will make u wanna cry too.. but in tears of joy.
my hubby oso give me alot of support then.. and i found that i love him more..
Hi ladies,

Went to see gynae yesterday.
She told me that if I am on clomid, I have to be discipline and do charting/taking temp so that I will know if it works for me.

Looks like this cycle is "wasted"...will try again next cycle.Sigh..
Hi Angela, no problem man.

hi cecilia,
the ok to ttc agn depend on which stage u have ur MC, if 1-10 weeks, i guess, after 1 cycle if u are mently ok. u can start ttc liao..

sigh~ after my D&C, i'm infected by fungul, and it keep coming back to attrack me when my AF is coming.. the itch is killing me.
If your cycle is very regular at 28-30 days then it's likely that O day is about the same but you have to know your luteal phase (LP). Some people have 14 day, some have 12, some have 10. This part is usually quite consistent. If you know your LP, you can count backwards to find out your O date.

Sorry about PCOS. That's the standard symptoms. So sorry can't really help for PCOS conditions. You have to consult gynae. She might or might not prescribe Clomid and/or metformin for you.

Agree that temps are very important. Do you check your cervical fluid as well? Signs of ovulation - dip in temperature (not always but it's true for me), positive ovulation strip test and watery discharge. I know that baby dancing when charting is very stressful but I have full support from my hubby b'cos we went through it without thinking much of it. It's like second nature. I guess b'cos we both wanted a baby so much we're willing to try anything.

Feeling ready is about physical and mental thinking. I mention before, after 2 or 3 period cycles is ok. The famous saying is that you're likely to be fertile in the 6 months period post D&C, so if you're going by the old folks sayings, you're likely to miss your window of opportunity. I say, try after 2 period cycles if you're kiasu. I know I was! Hehe.

Yep like you I had a test after 3 consecutive miscarriages. My test results came out perfect and my gynae was at her wits end. She don't know what's wrong with me. MY hubby did an SA test and found out that his sperm count, motility and morphology is excellent. To be extra kiasu, I put him on selenium, multi-vitamins and pycnogenol. As for myself, I took care of my diet and was on multi-vitamins plus cranberry. I think in my 4th pregnancy, I had to go for jabs to strengthen my womb. I think it's synthetic progesterone. But what it did is to prolong an unsaveable miscarriage. Imagine seeing a dead fetus in you. It should've aborted itself but it couldn't due to the injections I've been taking. Tests are good but it's really a gamble whether it works for you or not.

Forgot to mention, after D&C, never ever use tampon and always pee and wash after every intercourse. This is to prevent any infection down there. Take yakult/vitagen, this will prevent yeast infection as well. YOu can also include pure cranberry juice or cranberry tablet in your diet. Infections can also cause miscarriage.
How about a concoction of warm water + salt to rinse off your private parts after every toilet visit? Then you wipe off. This works for episiotomy wound but I guess it could work for other discomforts as well. Salt has plenty of healing powers. Nature's provision.

RedTea & Angela,
Yes the part about loving your husband more is so true. Trust me girls your husbands hearts break as well and when they see you like this, they will love and appreciate you much more. I notice that couples who conceive very easily makes a boh chup father who leaves everything to the wife to take care of the baby, and the wife will leave a lof of things to the nanny. Not us, we're both very hands on. I totally breastfeed her, change her diapers and bathe her. If my girl can't sleep at night, my hubby will put up with her cries, sacrifice his own sleep and gently pat her to sleep.

It always takes a little challenge and hardship to appreciate the finer things in life. Your babies will be much luckier in life soon!

Jia you girls. I promise you will all make better mothers soon. Just don't give up.
Hi Melissa,
thanks for the advice. my gynae have given me some medication to take a few days b4 my nxt AF, which is coming soon. he said that taking these dose will clear the infection. hope it's works.
Hi Melissa,
Yeah, was on clomid & metformin since last cycle but did not do any charting as find it too stressful. Gynae is saying that since I am on metformin & clomid, it is better that I chart as it will tell if the medication is helping or not.

Can you teach me how to chart & take temp?

Hi RedTea

temp is high... is a good sigh!!

i went to see gynae yesterday after 1week of my MC.. gynae say i am recoving well and the lining look very fine. can even see 5eggs inside but think i can only try again after first AF cos now hormone level might not be normal. she say most important i must be ready and i can try anytime when i am ready. dun need to wait 3 or 6 months.
Hee.. Thank Angela for the encouragement..
But too bad.. no good news.. i have to take the fungal medication b4 my AF come.. and the medication cannot be taken if pregnant.. so i tested and the results is negative.. :p phew..

ur recovery oso looking good.. lets jia you together.
Hi Red Tea,

thanks for the webby..good info.
Now so sianz, as got to test if the clomid is working for me or not, got to take BBT everyday..hate it...

Somemore hubby going US for work next 2 weeks, he might miss my O day as well..that means, this month again waste effort & clomid...**(&^^&^&*
Super low morale...

angela, joycelyn and melissa,
i also had re-currenance miscarriage. 1 at 21st nov 05 and another one at 11 aug 06. I was crying hard today becos of the day itself. I always thought rest 6 mths is enough for me to try again.. but somehow at week 14th, i feel the sag break and I kind of deliver the small bb at home.

I envy those people who get pregnant now, especially now 4 friends were all pregnants this yr. I keep wondering if I should wait and try now. You know seeing people who is preggy now and i would think i would have bb myself it not for....

But of course, i am worried becos in both cases I flew before I start spottings. I am following my hb as an expat now.. so I wonder if this is a wise choice to try now.

anyway sorry for all the sad stuff.. maybe it is just today, i feel extra moody.
its a blessing that we still can ttc.. look at the news of the young doc who died at sleep..
so ladies, lets all cheer that we are still alive and kicking..
hmm.. i'm seeing a triphasic curve today. hope its not due to my sorethroat that i'm seeing a 37C when measuring this morning.. now i'm scared..

but this is oso what i have read on the webby;
- The triphasic curve supposedly shows implantation. Many typical pregnancy curves are not triphasic, and many women who have triphasic curves turn out not to be pregnant.
Hello to everybody

I've just lost my baby boy, Hosea. I was in my 5th mth when i had a miscarriage. My water bag burst. Few days prior to my miscarriage, during a routine gynae check-up, while scanning I saw him playing wih his toes and fingers. The next thing I know, Hosea and I were in hospital fighting for his little life.

2 days after we were hospitalised, there's no sign that my water bag is going to mend up by itself. My gynae said there's nothing anyone can do to mend the broken waterbag, except to hope that it will close up by itself. At the sametime, my gynae wans me to seriously consider removing the Hosea. He was worried infection wld set in. I REFUSED! I told him I will continue to hold on for as long as I can. But of course, he is not agreeable.

He does not want me to risk my womb for infection. But on the other hand, I can't bear to let go. Hosea, during those time are still very very much alive. Without the water around, I can feel him even when he makes the slightest movement. So how can i bear to let go? How can I bear letting the gynae stop his little heart? The gynae said he wld inject some kind of medicine into his heart thru the scanner, and the thought of watching his little heart stop gradually will kill me. So i refuse to do it. Then the gynae again said, the longer I hold on, the higher i am at risk for infection...he's worried that infection can be so bad, in the end i will not only lost Hosea, but also my womb.

Still.....I REFUSE to let anyone touch Hosea's life. But my gynae said, eventually the body will auto-abort the baby.

At that point, it was like I am being slapped hard by reality that IT'S A FACT I WILL LOSE HOSEA. I slipped into depression. I went hysterical in the hosipital and doctor had to be called in to calm me down. I thought I was going to die. Next day, my gyane came and check on me and told me that we realli hv to decide when to pull the plug. And I told him, I will not let ANYONE poke anything into Hosea's heart. I will not let anyonw hurry Hosea into anything. Since he said earlier that my body will auto-abort, I will wait for the labour to kick in then.

Next day (23 July 06) I felt something in between my legs, I asked my hubby to get the nurse in. They checked me and found Hosea's leg dangling outside me. My body had started the labour process without me knowing, I din feel any great pain...just some pain ard the abdomen area..maybe bcos afterall the heartbreak that I had been going thru, I am numb my other pain I din even realise the my body had already kick start the labour process!

When the gynae came and check, cervix already dilated to 3cm. At that point, though Hosea had slided down already, he's still alive! I can feel him moving his tiny feet the whole night while waiting for my cervix to dilate further. The whole night, I just lay in bed, talking to Hosea....telling him how sorry i am to have to put him thru this. I hated myself.

On 24 July, my own gyane came and see me in the mng and after checking, he told me my cervix did not dilate any further since last night, it's still at 3cm. Bcos Hosea already slided down, they can't pull him (his fragile tiny body will break) so they induce me.

After 2.5hrs of labour pain,Hosea was born and called home at 1130am. The nurses asked if i wan to see Hosea, I told them no..which i regretted now. The casket pple came and collect my Hosea in noon, my husband knew I wld regret if I don't see him and so asked the casket pple not to seal his tiny coffin until Mommy sees him.

Next day, I was discharge and went straight to the casket company. As I see the casket guy carry the tiny coffin out, I nearly died. I wish I could be dead at that instant, so that I can go with Hosea. And I thought that's the worse I will feel. I am wrong.

On 25 July, we held a funeral mass for Hosea. Hosea was baptized at the same time. Afterwhich, we went to the "huo hua" place (the place where casket were being burnt)....I thought I am strong to go thru it...I was WRONG..

When they moved Hosea out of the hall, I.....I...on its way to the burner....I was devasted...I felt my mind being torn into pieces. I thought I wld be strong to witness this, I wasn't prepared for this over whelming pain. When we were at the observing room, I almost died when I saw his little casket being pushed into room, ready to go into the burner. I hope so much there and then...God wld come and claim me RIGHT how he had claimed Hosea. I screamed, I yelled,I cried my heart out, nothing can stop my Hosea being pushed into the burner. Nothing..........

The pain of losing him is HUGE. No amount of words can calm me, no amount of support can help support the pain I am feeling, no amount of anything can help me in any way.... I jus wished I wld die. The correct way of saying shld be.....I wan to BE DEAD

2 days later, I was back in the emergency room in the hospital....My womb kena infection.. I had very high fever and I can't breathe. I had less that 70% of oxygen in my body. I cun breathe on my own. For a moment, I was very glad. I thought GOD had heard me and taken pity on me. I remember asking my gf "Am I going to die" before passing out. I thought He had come to claim me to be with Hosea....but he din...

After a few days of stay in the hospital, i was cleared of infection and was diagnosed with Adenomyosis. Had 3 growth, the biggest measuring 10cm. Gynae told me to come back in Oct to do surgery to remove them. The downside of this next preggie, I cannot have natural birth, it wld be a C section.

When I saw my gynae 2 weeks ago, he told me he CANNOT any trace of them being there!! They are all gone! He expect to see 3 smaller balls, but they are not there. My gynae told me it's a miracle that they are gone. PRAISE THE LORD! See, for all that I went through, I din know how to deal with the immense pain and sadness that I am dealing with I went to seek refuge in God's loving arm. I buried myself in God's word and teaching in whatever free time I have. I lifted all my worries,anxiety, sadness, pain to Him.

It's been 4mths since I lost Hosea. But the pain still remains. I still misses Hosea. All the morning walks we wld take together, the songs and story which I will sing and read to him, the food we ate together, the shower we take together, the play times we have with my dog, the chats we have while i am walking to the train station...and many other things which I share wif Hosea. Nobody will ever be as close to me as Hosea. Not even my husband. Once a while, I will slip into the valley of depression when I think about Hosea. The missing part is just so unbearable. ****If you are Christian reading this, pls say a prayer for my son, Hosea. Hosea didn't leave this world with peace in his heart, I don't want him to be in purgatory..pls say a prayer for him****

Now I am worried that I will not be able to conceive again due to Adenomyosis. Thought Adenomyosis is not life threatening, it does affect fertilty.....Does anyone know what can I do to slower the thickening of my uterus wall (caused by Adenomyosis)
Hi hoseas_mom,
I'm sorry about your loss.
I cried after reading your post.
it reminds me of mine..
Can i ask a question?
Water bag break already can go for C-section?
Gyane got no other ways??
Really sad..
Its not your fault, Dont blame yourself.
Nobody wants it to happen. You got to take
Good care of your health ok? I'm sure hosea
also dont want to see mummy so sad.
You can!! Sure can preggy ok..
we all support you ~
Jia you!
dear icy, so sorry to see ur post here for the 2nd time.. its really a devasting period for u which i can fully understand..
Do hope that for ur next preg, everything will be prefectly well..

Do take this time to build up ur body well and stay strong... Eat well, exercise well, keep urself in tip-top shape.. also u may consider taking vits, folic acid as well.. God Bless U...
dear let go.. so sad and sorry to read of ur story... Its really so hard for u to go thru all these... My heart goes out to u...

I do believe that ur son is well taken care by GOD which all our babies are in a beautiful place free from pains and sufferings...

God Bless Hosea...

dear Icy,
sorry to heard abt ur experience. do take care of urself. guess ur hubby is oso very sad to see you like this, jus that he dunno how to express it.. he must be very hurt too.
