Support group - Miscarriages

bestwishes, droopy,

My menses has turned regular since mid last yr after i gone through and op to clear my endometriosis condition. My cycle is around 29-31 days as compared to the past where I could have missed my menses sometimes or menses will come irregularly.

I think i can only attribute this to my work stress. I worked in a highly stressed environment and at times when dateline is very tight, I will practically enclosed myself in work and nothing else. Its because of this job that my gastric problem got "revived" and this is the 2nd time I have delayed menses in 9 months of my stay here.

I'm contemplating leaving this job and has started sending resume for the last 2 weeks but so far there has been no response from prospective companies.

Hi Charis..
Hugs... Hope you will gain back your strength again soon

Hi bestwishes,
Jia you! You will be

Hi Sophie,
I remembered already... I never used to get ovulation pain. But every cycles after D&C, I will get ovulation pain. It will be sharp pain on either side for a day or two at the lower abdomen.
You must really get your body to a healthier state before the next pregnancy
I took a few months to get my body healthier, and I dun suffer from the usual pregnancy symptoms badly...

Hi dwoof,
Yes... To have a successful and problem free pregnancy, both sperm and egg gotta be healthy
. I tried and tested ah... :p

Hi Ryes,
Do have bed rest... Try not to walk around too much
The bleeding and spotting might come back if walk or strain too much... Last time when my bleeding stopped, I started to walk around and do housework.. then next day, bleeding came back.. but I rest again and bleeding will go away...
So rest well

Hi Starlite,
It could be work stress... Try not to stress too much about TTC also
TTC stress also no good
But not easy... "guo lai ren" :p

Hi Hama,
How are you? Still having rest? If you are tired, do rest as much as you can

hee... I feel like going to Penang or somewhere "gai gai"

Will you be interested in Yoga? I signed up for yoga starting from this Sunday
HI lyn,

serious ah? I sure hope it doesnt come back leh, coz hb nearly died while cleaning up my bunnies while expecting and now I'm taking back the duties again.

Tomorrow is the last day to rest before I head back to work again.....
Hi Ladies

Was reading through all the posts and feel that this is one way for me to let it out...I lost my baby early Jan so it's only been slightly more than a month. Although I've got over the initial heartache as I was so looking forward to being a mother again, somehow, the feelings creep up especially when I see mothers carrying their newborns. Ans somehow or other it always seems that you notice more newborns when a person m/cs huh...

Also want to congratulate those who have gotten preggy again and those who are giving birth soon..will wait for my time to come when i can try again...
Hi sophie..

Thanks for advice n yr gynae's contact..Im discussing w my hubby abt who to see. How r her fees? Anyway i hav another recommendation..Dr SC Chew @Mt E..supposedly good w hi tech equipment too..haha.

Anyway does check-up hurt after m/c or DNC? Why do i need a PAP smear? I heard its painful. I think im sore n tender down there! Also I cant imagine intercourse after m/c til i fully recover.

Hi lyn..

Yup..Im praying that I recover fully very i can exercise n start work..I quit my job last year. Jus doin freelance @ home now so get lot of rest actually..except that, same as ryes im starting 2 do housework which is still quite heavy going n i tire fast sometimes w some cramps...hubby stop helping out alrd leh! He thinks im ok alrd! Haha.
Hi Starlite, my menses, is not totally regular, it range from 29 to 36 days. I'm so anxious to test is becos I need to know asap so as to avoid activites that might harm bb. Like, drinking wine, golfing, jogging etc. So I tend to be more kiasu.
Jasmine, I'm actually 7+wks preg.

On Sat, I went ot see gynae, at the hospital I just started sobbing when waiting for my turn. Cos the hosp environment reminded me too much of unhappy past so I just got so frightened and nervous and started crying. Quite embarassing for hb. Then I went in, gynae did a tummy scan and I can't see anything on scree, so my hands started shaking. Luckily we saw the heartbeat when he did a v-scan. Gynae say now 7wks, too early to do any proper observation, so will see him in 2wks' time.

Ladies who had just lost your beloved bbs, trust me, it's normal to feel sad, to go thru the emotional roller-coaster. I go thru that cycles many many times. Now that I' preg again, I'm still going thru that. Just to constantly remind ourselves to look forward and be strong and one fine day we can let the past be the pillar of our strength and happines. It's normal to grieve. And if your partner is feeling it too. Share with them, let them talk about it. It's easier to let out the emotions than to try to bottle them.
May we all be happy parents soon.
hi Lyn,thanks for your comforting words. & congrats to you once again. so happy for you tat u got preg and smoother pregnancy tis time.
guess wat, i jus have my first menses after my m/c. its abt 30days. tik quite normal so im quite happy..
hope to TTC in 2 mths time. ;)

u are in ur 2nd trimester now ya? how u feeling? who is ur gynae?

btw, can anyone advise me wat is Brazilian..?

Hi Charis, after i came back to work, 1 of my fren also told me tat she is preg on my 3rd day of work. im happy for her but i really envy her alot. if i din have m/c mine would be 2 mths ahead of her.. but i acted v normal n din tik too much. cos no pt tiking too..
lets look forward tog oe.

hi sophie & d woof, i just went to my chin sinseh last wkend. told her abt my recent mc and she took down all the details abt it. said im abit heaty ask me not to eat tangkuei for now.

The TCM shop tat i used to go has areadi brewed the tonics. and put into bottles. so its quite convenient.

hi lingling, yep we all sharing our experiences here so feel free to come n drop notes. did u had ur confinement after ur mc?
u shld rest more now and doc usually advise us to rest at least 2-3 mths before TTC.
hi sophie
I din see u again at the other posting, u've already "shifted" over here, we shall share our tips here then

Actually im not sure whether is it a norm to encounter pelvis pain after d&c?
I've severe to mild pelvis and back pain whenever i walk for too long.
However within 1 mth, I've joined yoga, aerobics and the pain vanished and my stamina really improve a lot too. I was so surprised at the amount of my perspiration and how good i felt after the 1st trial.
Moreover the best is that they really lift up my lousy mood.

hi woofy
I've also started to eat my leftover folic acid, dun waste them heehee...

hi charis
It's better for u to change ur uncaring gynaes, SG got alot of good and caring ones. U can go to the sophie or woofy's gynaes. They are good

I heard dr sc chew is good too but he's quite ex.
Good to do some hsework as exercise but leave the heavier chores to ur hb.
We have to abstain from heavy chores and exercise as our womb is still weak.

hi starlite
Hope u can find a new job asap and leave this tedious environment!
During weekend, u must really go "wind up", to the beach or do some sport to relax.
Slp early and have a little wine.
Hope that helps

hi Ryes
I felt some "discomfort" there too after my brown discharge ended.
Don't think it's infection, it will vanish after a few days.

hi lyn
share tips with us how to get better eggs and sperms and to get ourselves healthier

I want to try TCM to achieve that. heehee...

hi ling
I also felt the same since after my mc, I heard endless declaration of pregnancy from the people around me.
Some of the gals here experience alot of hardship before getting what they want. We just have to preserve and our turn will come soon

do u like to share with us more about ur own experience?

hi coral
so happy for u
gong xi gong xi.
Do u have any symptoms before u decide to try?

hi jasmine
brazilian wax is shaving off the pubic hair

Glad that everything run well for u, hope to hear good news from u 2mths later.
Which TCM u seeing now? can share with us?
hey jasmine, congrats in getting ur af . your first cycle?

hey charis, yes lor, hubbies har, change SO fast their attitude one leh. One moment har, wah, we are like THE QUEEN, you know next moment, they think we are the super woman and can take over our housework again. box them box them.

sob sob, just got to know hubby's fren's sister is 1 month expecting and their wedding was 3 mths before ours. I really cannot wait for my AF to come soon and after 3 cycle to try again.
hi ryes,
Thks. Yep! its my first cycle. quite glad tat it came on time. expected it to come like after 40+days jus like some of you.
ur checkup is this sat? mine is next Mon.
do let me know wat did ur doc advise k.

hi coral, congrats to u & hubby!! take v good care of urself now ok. when is ur next checkup?
how long did u TTC?

thanks bestwishes for sharing the website u have found. &
hey why dun u sign up as member? then next time when are u preg we can continue to share at the other threads too.

The TCM shop has 2 branches, one at tampines and golden landmark. 3 sinsehs there. tik all of them are v good n prof. in 1 of my visit, the sinseh actually suspected i may be pregn but jus cant confirm yet cos maybe dun wan me to be disappointed. but in fact, i was pregn then.
Hi bestwishes, I don't understand what you mean by any symptoms before I try. Please enlighten me.

Ryes, it's brazilian waxing. Getting rid of pubic hair. Be patient. Your time will come. For now, enjoy your wedding and honeymoon. Get your health back in shape, have a happy time with hb. Then you'll have better chance when you start to ttc after your 3rd cycle. Being too anxious may just cause your cycle to go hay wire. So one step at a time. Whatever had happened is really unfortunate, but look on the brighter side. you know you're fertile and can conceive. Like lyn say, sometimes it hard when those around you conceive at the same time and have a healthy bb while you lost yours, but be assured your time will come. Many here have graduted. Some sooner, some takes a longer time. But we just have to continue to believe. Stay positive Gal!

Jasmine, congrats on your AF, it's a good sign. I started TTC Jan'06 and strike on our first try. My next visit is on 11 Mar. By then sghould be 9wks. Just praying to sail thru to 2nd tri soon...
Hi Coral, good to hear that things are going well for u!
Could understand how u feel. Till now I still feel nervous looking at the ultrasound monitor. Just remember this is a brand new pregnancy and u will sail thru. Take care!
Hi Ryes,
If you doctor has covered you with antibiotics, you should be ok. Don't worry so much. I sometimes get itchiness down there from wearing pads, so I use a bit of Vagisil powder to keep myself dry there and prevent rash.

Hi Lyn,
I'm following some of your examples to get my body healthy, like eating different colored vegetables, although I cannot find all 5 differnt colors... red, yellow, green, orange and the last one? white?
I actually don't eat much red meat and dairy products, so I find your advice on less of these foods easy to follow. Now just trying to chomp more fruits and take multi-vits everyday

Hi Charis,
The gynae told me Pap Smear is to make sure there is no infection. It's not really that painful - just keep chatting to the gynae about other stuff... I always do that and before I know it, it's done. Heh, the doctors probably think this girl is so talkative! As for intercourse, do it when you are ready not just physically but emotionally as well. I BD-ed 5 weeks after D&C. Even then, it was a failed attempt cos halfway through, I started thinking about my m/c, D&C and then went totally dry! Had to tell hubby to stop and then we continue another day
I then decided to distract myself by going shopping for pretty undies etc... heh, it helped me at least.

I'm not sure about Dr. Chua's fees though. The first time is always more expensive (which I cannot remember how much) but subsequent consultation is around $40-50, and then scan another $40-50 too. Call up the clinic and ask! Their number is 6254 2878.

Hi Jasmine,
What is the name of your TCM? Congrats on your AF!
I couldn't stop smiling to myself the whole day when my first AF came too! Yep, Brazilian is waxing away all the pubic hair. I tried it to spice up my sex life so I will not have sex for the sake of making babies

Hey bestwishes,
Actually, I thought I was strong and started doing yoga and swimming everyday about 6 weeks after my D&C. This is despite the fact that I still had a bit of abdomen pains (I didn't get pelvic pains and backache). And even with the yoga and swimming, the abdomen pains didn't go away, that's why I stopped and tried to see if it'll go away if I lead a more sedated lifestyle now
btw, I just did the Brazilian wax! I'd be lying if I say it's not painful, but the pain is really only 5 mins on certain parts, and everything was over in less than 15 mins!

Hi coral,
*hugs* Stay positive! You are a strong girl!

Hi Ling,
Sorry to hear about your loss... we'll jia you together and look forward to our turns. The success stories here have helped a lot in boosting my confidence and giving me hope.
hi jasmine
im bestwishes, im using my registered a/c now
Maybe u can PM ur sinseh add for me to keep as reference or u might like to share over here too so that others could benefit.

hi coral
i mean do u encounter any pregnancy symptoms before u decided to test?
u strike on ur 1st try, congrats congrats. Ur little darling is a gift from god, u r always in my thoughts
best wishes for u.

hi sophie
Hope that ur pain will go away soon

the brazilian wax sounds great. hw much does it cost? hw do u feel now? got the "liang liang" feeling? heehee..
U very funny leh...after you had done the wax...really got liang liang feelin...cos its all bare there..I think strip charges $40+..can't remember the price..

Where did u do ur waxing? After the whole thing is done, do you have a feeling of "Yes, I had achieved something"...
i felt dat way when i 1st done my waxing...SHIOK!!
coral, u will indeed have a Blessed smooth pregnancy and delivery... God Bless U

Hi Lyn,
.. thanks so much for ur concern.. I am feeling so much better now.. Also Have started going out to see and buy some bb stuffs...

Yoga? Hmmmm.. i dun really like that.. hahahaha also dunno why...
coral, u will indeed have a Blessed smooth pregnancy and delivery... God Bless U

Hi Lyn,
.. thanks so much for ur concern.. I am feeling so much better now.. Also Have started going out to see and buy some bb stuffs...

Yoga? Hmmmm.. i dun really like that.. hahahaha also dunno why...
hi zhuzhu
I also can't stop laughing also hahahaha....
ok i shall go and try it out, i like tat feeling :p
hello ling,
sori to hear tat...we will be here to lend our listening ears if u nid them....

ya lor muz really hope tat the nx time after bd, the gd sperm muz be able to find my gd egg to prevent mc from happening again....

care to share which sinseh u r seeing? how izzit? gd?

hehe....oh ya muz eat folic acid ok...rem at least one a day...

hi ladies,
YIPPEE! my menses is here hapi but den still experiencing some aching.....mood swing as well dun feel like working do u count the CD liao har? do u count from the day u did d&c as a day?
hi bestwishes, zhu zhu,
You very funny... dun have "liang liang" feeling, but it sure feels a bit sore right after doing it, maybe cos I got sensitive skin. Maybe the "liang liang" feeling will only set in a few days later
But I did have a "I did it!" kind of feeling like what zhuzhu said. I did it at Wax Affair, with a girl called Diana. She's really good and fast, and very funny, so much so that I didn't feel weird having her look at my nether parts! It's $40, and Wax Affair is above Subway Sandwiches at Holland Village. If you wanna do it, better do it soon, cos Diana is going on maternity leave in a few weeks. I came home and hubby is happy with his "bare surprise"
but cannot BD cos the top area still raw and red. Eh, don't worry, when I mean top, I don't mean the inside of the folds... those area are actually OK. It's actually the top part of the pelvic area where you do the bikini wax that is a bit red. Bestwishes, go try and surprise your hubby!

bestwishes, i like the website... very cute and humourous!
Hi Coral, Congrats.

Hi Ladies,
Like to check with you's still 2 months and my mens not here yet after D&C? is this normal?
hehe, i was wondering after d&c got CD to count or not..den now realise dun haf so those gals whoe went thur d&c cant wait for the AF to i noe the reason why we are so eager to wait for the AF to appear....

the avg length after D&C tat mens shld come is range from 4-6wks..n urs is oreadi more than 6wks....beta call up ur gynae to check it out as i heard tat if ur mens doesnt come after 6wks, itz best to check wif ur gynae
hi sophie
ok i will try sure hb will luv it :p
Glad that u like that website, there's alot of fun issues in it.

hi PS
u like to share with us more abt ur experience?
Hw many mths were u when u did ur D&C?
Usually 6-8 weeks will be the norm for the next AF. Think urs will come within next few days

u are in good hands of Dr Chua,
she is mygreat pillar of strength!
she is a christian so that's why do not do abortion....

Destitonia is fine and infact we meeting up for dinner tomr wif Beautiful ,
Beautiful is also Dr Chua' patient
those interested to meet up for dinner can PM me

We gng for jap food,sushi yum yum...:p
Hi jasmine..
Thanks for sharing yr story..i need all the encouragement i can get..i see my fren at least every week..I wish she cld b more sensitive.. n furthermore her pre-schooler son who was my student is quite close to its difficult to avoid. But my hubby say it'll get he finds if it helps to sort of avoid her for now its ok i guess.

Hi sophie...
Thanks for the Dr. Chua's no. Ive never seen a lady gynae actually..i tot a male gynae is easier for my hubby..well i'll see how.

Im seeing gynae tis sat..alrd 3 weeks after my m/c. But havent decided who.

Hey she's a christian too..then maybe she wld understand why i chose to hav a natural m/c some more w/o any gynae monitoring me.
bestwishes, before I tested, there was one day when I felt very nausea, but it's only onece so i thought might be just fatigue. Other than that the i8ncrease in discharge led me to suspect that I might be preg as we're suppose to be dry during the period after ovulation leading up to AF.
Val., enjoy your gals' night out. I can't pig out with you gals now. I'll just look in envious. No appetite for food today. Surviving on fruits.

Hama, thanks for your well wishes. Enjoy your shopping but don't get too carried away, don't tire yourself.
hanor Coral,
wanted to jio u but u suffer severe ms
but good la, ur little one is growing well

will keep you in prayer,
can email me? I accidentally delete ur email add:p
forgot to save:p

I thot hving a gynae is more of ur own reason?
cos we ladies are the one seeing gynae more often mah..hee...
I was looking for a christian female good gynae and thk God Dr Chua is the one...I hv been wif her for 2 years liao

err...regarding u hv a natural m/c I cant advise anything
but in any m/c, you shld hv a reliable gynae to monitor ur condition to avoid any infection
my 2 cents worth
Val., now my company block hotmail, so i need to go home to get your email add from my hotmail account before I can email you. Will prob send you my yahoo mail as that still works in office.
Hi Ryes,
Yap.. Rest till the bleeding or spotting stopped for a few days already then start doing light housework, else gonna start again... kekeke.. I experienced that twice le... cos I was so bored at home, then I just mop the floor, nite time start to bleed again... Then got once, I tot stopped already, I went out, just sit in the car go airport fetch my friend, and next day started bleeding ah... Then I panic called gynae and went down to see gynae lor... kekeke.. that time I see gynae like every alternate days ah... So better rest well

Hi Ling,
Hugs.. Take good care
Wish your dreams will come true soon

Hi Charis,
Pap smear is not painful...

How long have you been resting? If it's a week already, and bleeding or spotting already stopped for a few days already, should be ok

Oh... you usually stay at home also? kekeke... me too... :p It's good also to prepare yourself for the next pregnancy and also to "yang tai" next time
I read from "tai jiao" book that if the MTB is stressed at work, the baby will be very stressed also and come out cry every nite...
So you have got a good start

Hi Coral,
Try to stay positive
I dunno if you do believe in "tai jiao". Gotta really try to control our emotions. If not, baby will sense it. If cannot control, gotta tell baby it's not it's fault and gotta apologise. I read that in the first two months of pregnancy, gotta tell baby to grow up healthily, daddy and mummy love baby very much and looking forward to seeing baby...
kekeke.. I just read that book... but I passed that stage already...
Take good care

Hi Jasmine,
Yap... 24 weeks already
. So far so good.. still can go out whole day till my hubby wants me to rest at home... I just feel my soles hurt when I get home at nite...
My gynae is Dr Peter Chew at Gleneagles... He's very caring
In this pregnancy, I never ask him questions. haha... everytime he will keep asking me if I got any questions or worries... But ok la... I am trying my best to stay positive

I read up quite a bit on health after my first m/c cos I also had fibroids and endo. I did consider TCM, but in the end did not choose the TCM way
mainly becos there are just too many stories around me and I have not found one that I can trust...

I have changed my diet and my hubby cut down on meat, seafood and alcohol. No more soft drinks and instant noodles too. More vegetables and fruits
We both did a detox too. After chatting with my mum yesterday, I am lucky that I did a detox before this pregnancy... cos my mum had very bad morning sickness during her pregnancies...

Hi Sophie,
Still got purple - brinjal. Easiest red, yellow, green - the 3 colors capsicum. Black can be mushrooms, black fungus. Yellow can be sweetcorn. kekeke.. my vegetables usually very colorful... Nowadays, I eat beans too
Also different colors... just boil all the different types of beans I have in my cupboard. I also take "wu gu mi", and I will add sweet potato, or vege, or black beans or soya beans inside...
My family has stopped taking cow's milk. We only take soya bean milk, even with cereals
Cereals actually taste very good with soya bean milk too...

Hi bestwishes,
Different places charge differently for Brazillian waxing... I never had the courage for tat... kekekeke... cos I am scared of pain :p

Hi dwoof,
The first day you see red is counted as CD1.

Hi qwer,
How are you?
Haha Sophie, you make me feel so guilty. I used to go for brazilian. That's before I know hb or get married. Maybe I should do it for him too. hehe, but not now for sure. Maybe when I need to sedue him next time. But how do you like the naked feeling? i somehow felt insecure without the protection that's why stopped doing after 2-3times.
Hi Coral,

Erm, I think it wasnt me who asked what's brazilian leh. I know what it is, but keep holding back to go....

Hey sophie, what's BD? I cannot figure it out. I know is equivalent to ML right?

hey lyn, you got've got the same gynae as my friend, Dr Peter Chew who delivered her.

My gynae is at Gleneagles too, Dr KM Seng, he is the one who delivered me. HIs charges arent cheap when I found out and they accept only cash or cheque leh. Always must ask hb bring lots of cash there...What does CD stands for? Apparently they say having morning sickness is a sign of having a healthy baby?
hi coral,
stay cheery and jumpy! loook forward to seeing ur precious one on the nxt scan soon ya.

hi bestwishes,
wow, i agree totally with coral.. Shaving off the pubic hair would feel bared n naked rite...too cooling huh. i dun dare to do it yet. btw, how much does it cost?

hi ladies concerned, my TCM medic shop is called Nam Hua. Their namecard is at home but the tampines outlet is located at the tampines interchange to the 4d/toto shop.
ring any bell??

hi lyn, thanks!! really envy u tat tis time ur pregn is so much smoother. i dun take soft dks but sometimes do have cravings for instant noodles!! haahaa..funny rite. do u have morning sickness? my gyae is at kkh, dr tan. she was also the one who did the ops for me. find her skills quite good. cos i dun have any complications. she is v personal. she actually consoled me and explained to me..v comforting. before i was pushed into t he theatre.

hi charis, ur most welcome. im also seeing my tat fren who just got pregn today for lunch...and imagine i always ask her how is she. talk abt pregn...i feel quite down sometimes too. but try to look bright lor. wats past is past. we shld let things ard us to affect now us. if u really cant control ur emotions yet, better to avoid her for time being.

hope everyone is feeling good today.
Hi coral,
Argh... I didn't mean to make you feel guilty! Anyway, some men don't really like it, like a guy friend of mine thinks it makes him feel like a paedophiliac! The feeling this morning is better, less red but the top area still sore. And yes, this morning when I went to to bathroom, I left a bit naked and unprotected... almost a non-womanly little-girl feeling. Hmm... maybe next time won't do full-monty, but try Playboy style
btw, the lady told me to try not to shave cos once shaved, the hair grows back thicker and from 2nd layer of skin... and I asked her what about in pregnancy? What if the nurse shave you to deliver? and she said don't let the nurse shave you... do the waxing before delivery... maybe you can do it then, or later in 2nd or 3rd trimester, hehe, cos I heard from friends the pregnancy hormones make them jump on their hubbies all the time!
So you and your hubby can have lots of fun then!

Hi Lyn,
I totally forgot about brinjal! It's my favourite vege, but I don't really know how to cook it. I also like "wu gu mi"! I cook them porridge style and add in sweet potato and pumpkin too
Have you tried rice milk? I alternate between soy milk and rice milk. Rice milk goes well with cereals and is also very drinkable by itself. Rice Dream Original Enriched is quite good, with higher levels of calcium.
Hi Valerie,
Good to know Destitonia is OK. Would like to go out for dinner, but have got a cold and don't wanna pass it to anyone... you guys have fun and send our regards to Destitonia!

Yes, Dr. Chua is a very good. Not many gynaes spend time to talk about the emotional aspect to patients, which was why I thought Charis may like to see her.

Hi Charis,
My husband felt very comfortable with a female gynae, and Dr. Chua really makes both the wife and hubby feel comfortable, so it may not be that difficult for your husband to adjust to a female gynae.

Hi Ryes,
BD means baby-dancing... yep, same as ML. Go to the website bestwishes gave and there is a list of TTC lingo on the top left corner... cute website!
hi lyn, time flies and now u're in week 24..
In another 3 mths plus, u will be able to see ur little boy in ur arms.. Magical feeling and moment..
Hi Ryes,
BD = baby dancing.. equivalent to ML.
CD = cycle day...
Dr Peter Chew is very popular.. not on the cheap side also... only cash or cheque and recently, NETS.
hmm... I have a different view of having morning sickness
. Later I tell you my view, I kena shoot, cos not the normal beliefs... Most people here believe the worse MS is, the better it is. When we have bad MS during pregnancy, it's better to take very good care of our and baby's health next time. You can PM me if you wanna know details...
aiya Sophie,
too bad you cant join us tomr
u take good care of urself, loads up ur fruits

how long u been wif Dr Chua? u knw she gt 5 kids hor? hehe...:p
maybe can PM me ur MSn acct or email so we can exchange more info

ya Charis,
Dr Chua makes my husband very comfortable too
she mentioned gynaecology is her great passion

aiyo Coral,
ok i wait for ur mail via yahoo
Hey lyn,

share with me okay. Coz apparently that was what Dr Chew told my friend and she told me one. Same lor, I think my gynae and your gynae is about the same age and also same seniority one, all not cheap hor.

keke, so cute, BD= baby dancing...I didnt know that.
Hi Jasmine,
No need envy
You can certainly make it and have a smooth pregnancy
You conceived before, so you can certainly conceive.
I had morning sickness for 2 weeks... nausea at night after dinner when I dun watch what I eat... :p

Hi Sophie...
hahaha... I find the pregnancy hormones make us jump on our hubby part very funny...
I steam brinjal or add a bit into my other vegetables to stir fry togather
. Brinjal need to be cooked longer for it to become soft. Oh.. You eat "wu gu mi" too!
Yap, add in sweet potato and pumpkin very nice
. Sometimes when I am lazy, I will dump the vegetables inside too... I am quite KS so I try to add more of other vege and beans
for a more complete nutrition. Nowadays, I will add red dates and sometimes a few dried longan to "bu" blood.

hmm... I never try rice milk before... I am afraid it might be only starch.. kekeke... I havent find out a lot about rice milk though... Oh.. I did not know rice milk also has calcium... Maybe I will look out for it when I go shopping next

Oh yes, when you boil "wu gu mi" porridge, can also add some raw walnuts, almonds and cashew
very nutritious

Hi hama,
Hee... last nite I had a sweet dream... I dreamt my baby comes out can walk already.. hahaha... and I no need to feed baby so often and baby wun keep crying. Now, I ask baby to gives us a smile when he sees us
and to "cure" my thalassaemia. kekeke... Maybe you all will think that I am going crazy...

Hi Ryes,
Apparently, the only thing that preggie should get as symptom should be tender breasts. Dr Chew will ask about breast tenderness in my last two m/c when he suspected. MS is not what he will ask first. Even getting water retention is not healthy. But it seems like a lot of people now expect themselves to get water retention during pregnancy. It's quite scary... It's just like high blood pressure getting very common and becoming a norm.
Dr Chew thinking of retirement... kekeke... I hope he will still practice till I "close shop".
Sometimes, I think we pay for what we get
. And I want to pay for doctor's skills
So, my doc gotta know what he's doing...
