Support group - Miscarriages

Hi jasmine,
Lots of baby dusts to you

Try not to stress over ttc
. You got pregnant before, and you can certainly get pregnant again. It will take time

I am now 24 weeks. I am feeling very well
Thank you...
Take good care of your health

K, I gotta zoom out liao... kekeke...

Hi Lyn, yes, trying to have happy tots for my little one. Counting down to sat to see bb in scan.

Ryes, sorry to see you here. I'm sure it's inevitable to feel sad, but do enjoy your wedding too. BB is blessing you and hb from above. Your wedding will certainly turn out well. It's probably fine to start ttc after your first AF, but most of us would prefer to bu our body and let our womb recover and gain strength before we try again. Don't rush. Take your time. There's a time for everything. Baby dust to you and may you soon be enjoying the happy swell on your tummy.
Starlite, babydust to you and good luck. My firts time I had lots of signs form very early and this time no sign at all too. And I only tested positive on CD38. So good luck!
hello lyn... i have been walking a bit these days going out to buy things.. Exercising a bit do helps my body to recover faster, I feel..
U take gd care of urself.. Dun over-worked too much...

Coral, 1 more day to go be4 u can see ur bb this sat.. Are u feeling excited now..
hi charis
tks for sharing, im against abortion as well. Whether natural mc or D&C, hope this will the LAST for all of us.
Hope that everything run well for u and doc give a clear sign to TTC soon

Hi Ryes,
I think you were really strong, to handle so much things at the same time, moreover going through a series of emotional roller coster are really stressful.
Dun keep anything to urslf, ok. If u need any listening ears, can share with us over here.

hi starlite
high possibility that my menses will go haywire too. Do u feel very tired and sleepy as well?
Do share with us any good news over the weekend.

Hi sophia
I've nt done the brazilian wax be4, abit scared scared and moreover im shy *blush blush* :p share with us ur experience. If good, can share with us too

hi lyn
hw many days did ur menses delay during that time? Did u have any symptoms too?
Any way to make it resume to normal?
Glad that you are expecting a boy boy, u must be looking forward to see him in another few months' time.

hi jasmine
Sad to hear about ur loss. Do take care and recover ur health so that you will succeed eventually

During the recovery process, u can talk to us here. We are here to share with each other.
After my D&C, i've never felt so bitter and sorrow in my entire life. I learnt alot here too and the gals help in my healing process. Now i've focus in my health for the preparation of next TTC instead of my loss. Although it does make me feel a bit sad even now, I've learnt to look forward.
hey bestwishes,
i got to the KK website tat u showed us.....well indeed quite a couple of things to learn huh..everytime i read abt things i pick up new things....hopefully we will be successful in the nx pregnancy.....hope tat the strong sperm n egg is listening to us.....haha....
Yo woofy

im very eager to learn new things too and keen to try anything to reduce the risk for the next TTC.
When will u be going for the pre conception checkup?
Keep me update
Hi Coral,

Thanks. Are you currently pregnant also? for your 1st pregnancy, did you tested only on CD38 or u also did one before that?

Hi Bestwishes,

I hope its good news i can share with all over the weekend. I already bought the test kit yesterday. Most likely will be testing tomorrow. After the false alarms in Dec where I tested twice, i felt quite skeptical about doing the test this round. I guess some of us here know the feeling of disappontment when the test result turns out negative.
Starlite, I'm currently preg. For my first preg I tested positive on CD29. But this round only at a later stage. I was disappointed a few times this round when I tested on CD29, CD 33 and nothing happen so thought I can't be preg but on CD38 was waiting for hb to fetch me so just decide to buytest kit at Guardian and even when I tested I was quite skeptical when I saw the positive, so did the test again the next day to confirm. I wish you'll see a BFP this wkend!
Hama, I'm so excited. Can't sleep everynight, been controlling myself from going to see other gynae earlier for scans. I just can't wait to se bb. Been telling bb everyday that Mummy will see you in scan soon. I really need more assurance.
hi starlite

I know the feeling of disappointment, i can understand.I really really hope that u can give us good news but also do not want to pressurize u too much

can only wish u the best of luck
Hi bestwishes

no need to feel shy about the waxing..those waxing gals had done it duno how many times in 1 day...see until dun wan to see liao...

Is your menses regular? Else testing on CD29 is it a bit too early? Today is my CD41 already. In Dec, my menses was delayed till CD41 before it arrived so I thought i will wait till after CD41 this month b4 testing again.

Really admire your perserverence testing so many times in a month. Test kit not cheap also. Somemore when u go gynae visit they again charge u for the test again...

How many weeks are u in now?


Thanks for your well wishes. Really hope to share good news.

When is your last AF?
Hi Lyn and coral,

thanks for your concern and all the encouragements. I have gotten over it but now is hubby's turn, he would be upset whenever he is alone and to think after our wedding, we should be awaiting for our next step to be parents and yet unfortunate things happen. I read in net and think we fall under the "information not found in our genes" hence, the embroyo was deemed to be defect and had to be eliminated.

you had two m/c? I'm sorry to hear that. How did the 2nd one happen? I am also very afraid that I would get a 2nd m/c. It would be very devastating.
Hi coral,
Jia you!

Hi hama,
Do rest well and take good care
You gonna have a healthy and happy baby

Hi bestwishes,
My menses came 8 weeks after d&c. I had regular menses before that. It took 2 cycles for my menses to be regular again.
Thank you.. yap... will get to see baby in a few months

Glad that you are looking forward already
Baby dusts to you
Good luck

Hi Starlite,
Good luck
Baby dusts to you
Which brand did you buy? After the many disappointments, I started to buy the cheapest one from guardian... kekeke... and it works!

Hi Ryes,
Yap... hubby do get upset too... My hubby hid in the toilet and cried before I went for surgery for 2nd m/c. He thought I was sleeping soundly, but I heard...
2nd one was ectopic.
Meanwhile, try not to think about the past, try to look forward
. Think of happy things
hi zhuzhu
ok i shall go and try it..heehee

hi starlite
my last AF was on 27jan so waiting for the next cycle with much anticipation.
Hope mine won't go haywire so that easier to monitor for my next TTC. I think i am very paranoid about my health after my mc.

hi lyn
tks for ur baby dusts
Im not ready to TTC yet, currently still building up my health.
Hi Lyn,

I bought the guardian brand all along. Tested positive for my 2nd pregnancy and thought the brand is quite good cos it shows result quite fast and is value for money. Just too bad the pregnancy did not turn out well.

In Dec where i tested twice, i also use Guardian brand. I still bought Guardian brand twin pack yesterday.

When you tested for this pregnancy, did you have any symptoms other than missed AF?

hi bestwishes,

I thought you are trying already. Didnt know you are still not ready yet.
Hi Lyn, thanks for ur support n encouragement! wishing u smooth delivery and happy baby boy!
so when is ur EDD?

I also wan to share tat i used to have sore breasts, feeling so full one week before AF. For ur case, u din experience any sore breasts after ur mc. hmm tat wld be quite relieving to me. but on the other hand, got to find other symptoms liao.

Hi Ryes, dun be sad. try not to brood over it. during tat time my hubby gave me alot of support, concern. 2 of u need to be strong and only by getting over the loss, then we can move on to creating our next baby! rite..?
cheer up, try to go for a short trip or nice dinner.

Hi bestwishes,
Tks for ur advice. i also focusing to rebuild my health for the preparation of next preg. hmm, btw what does TCC stands for?

BTW, i saw some posting at the mothers website. jus wondering whether are those from you?
how long have it been since ur last m/c?
hi coral, another half day to go be4 its Sat.. Yeah, u can see ur little precious soon...(think tonight u will be tossing in bed)...
I was always like that the day be4 my next scan..

btw, Is ur appt in the morning tmr?

hello Lyn,
... thanks so much for ur sms .. i am feeling much better now..
Hi starlite,
tat time i also bought the guardian brand. actually i tik watsons also sells it. v accurate.
hope the nxt time i test it.

Hi coral, have u tested areadi? any good news for us?
Hi starlite,
tat time i also bought the guardian brand. actually i tik watsons also sells it. v accurate.
hope the nxt time i test it, it wil show positive...

Hi coral, have u tested areadi? any good news for us?
Hi starlite,
tat time i also bought the guardian brand. actually i tik watsons also sells it. v accurate.
hope the nxt time i test it, it wil show positive...

Hi coral, have u tested areadi? any good news for us?
HI lyn,

yes lor, poor hubby they must appear strong infront of us, but deep down, they are as upset as us. Hubby did tell me he cannot appear sad and depressed when I cry, he has to my pillar of strength. Now that I'm feeling better, I try to cheer him up. This experience does makes us feel much closer and stronger...

You girls talking abt the test kit brand ah? I always buy clearblue one, never try others before leh.
hi starlite
i am giving myself 6mths to build up my health now, considering to approach a chinese sinseh to tiao my body, a pre conception test and nutritionist before attempting again.

hi jasmine
TTC stand for Trying To conceive
Some postings at the mothers website?
may i know which website? My mc was 2mths ago.

hi Ryes
i always use the clearblue too, it's very accurate and could predict HCG as low as 25.
Hi ladies...

My good friend who's older in her 30s, told me today that she's pregnant n she knew i jus had a m/c..I wished she didnt tell me...Then my walls come crashing down the brave front disappears...I realised how down i feel that i've lost my baby...Im only strong going thru the m/c..I kind of didnt want to show ppl tht i feel truly sad abt my m/c..everyone says "u r young u can try gain"..U know u cant replace a life! I appear brave BUT deep down Im so grieved..I feel so empty.
hi charis

Hug hug 2u. I could understand that feeling very well, my frd also told me that she's pregnant shortly after my mc.
That kind of awkard feeling was hard to describe. For me, i also put on a strong front, I didn't shed a single tear to others except my hb.
However this gave others the impression that i've already got over it. Sometimes they say things that hurt me and didn't realise it. I dread it too when they told me that i was young and can try again.
Only those who've gone a mc can truely understand hw we feel. After my mc, i was in the room from morning to night, crying every night.
That grief was unbearable.
We've been through the same stage, u are not alone. If u need someone to talk to, I've send u my email.
U can email me if u want to find someone to talk.
hi charis,
be more +ve....i was also sad when i see my colleague's tummy getting bigger...if i m nt wrong she is also abt 2-3mths liao......i thot to myself..if i din haf the mc, i might be 1mth bhind her....
worst of all, i was at the clinic yesterdae...met my friend there..he was wif his wife who is preggy...he asked me wif a smile "you have oreadi har?" den i say no embarrassed....usually pple c gynae coz they r preggy but den i was a bit tongue-tied as i used to haf it but now embarrassed
haf to look on the bright side den u will be stronger n ur body will be this pt of time u really nid to pick up all the bits n pieces n put them back again......
we really understand how u feel as we went thur wat u r gng.....cheer up...

will be gng for pre conception checkup some blood tests etc....oh ya...hope tat u will be able to see RED soon so tat u r able to monitor ur cycles...hope tat it doesnt go haywire.....
Hi bestwishes...
hee... Keep the baby dusts till later when you are ready... ;) It's good that you realised the importance of building up your health in preparation for the next pregnancy
Jia you! I did not realise that till after the second loss... In the second pregnancy, I had breasts lumps.

Hi Starlite,
One week before my AF is due, I already suspected it
. My nipples grew bigger. After two pregnancies, I realised nipples will definitely appear bigger during pregnancy. Becos of so many disappointments before, I tested 3 days after AF is late. I have very accurate cycle. I did not have sorebreasts till week 6 in this pregnancy. I started to have nausea at night at week 8.
I also think the Guardian brand is value for money
. I tried clearblue and digital clearblue too. I think Guardian brand is cheap and good and fast.

Hi Jasmine,
Thank you
My EDD is 18 June 06
Last time before my first m/c, I will have sore breasts for exactly 7 days, then AF will come. After the m/c, the sore breasts disappeared. I did not have any symptoms, only count the days...

Hi hama,
Take good care oo...

Hi Ryes,
Hee... My hubby cried when he thought I was sleeping... then smile at me when I wake up... I think your hubby will feel happier when he sees you feeling happy
Gotta try to move forward

Hi Charis,
Hugs hugs... It's normal. People around might wanna say something to comfort you, but they did not realise the things that they say might hurt. It can never be forgotten... Hope you will recover soon. Sometimes, we gotta accept the inevitable in life...
During my first pregnancy, I got a friend who was pregnant at the same time too. And our EDD was almost the same. I lost mine... and I was invited for her baby's full month... Imagine my baby will also be celebrating full month at the same time... but I managed to overcome the sadness and went for the full month party.
hi woofy

sometimes i was a bit awkard and sad when somebody ask me tat qns or any planning to have kids as they didn't know abt my mc.
I can't possibly say I just had an mc to them..haiz...
I wonder i say this before..tat time a few days after my mc, i went out and a lady just came over and ask me "Do u have any kids"? I felt extreme sad and held my tears back. I smiled to her and said "No".
Then out of a sudden, she added "Next yr (2006) will be a better year". In my mind, I hope so too.
Tks, i really hope that my cycle will resume to normal and not gone haywire. Im really paranoid now :p always thinking of this and that...
After u went for ur checkup, must update me. Quite excited for u. After all the preparation,u can start TTC soon!

hi lyn
I think pregnancy is like a marathon, some people could breeze through the finishing line easily.
For others, there might be a few obstacles ahead. When we fall down, we have to pick up ourselves, overcome our fear, be better equipped in order to achieve our precious goal. We become stronger and wiser each time we overcome a obstacle.
We learn to treasure our goal more as it doesn't come easy.

Tks. u keep the dusts for me until i m ready to race again

I read the previous posting, i know u put in alot of effort for ur marathon, i must learn from u.
In fact I've benefit alot from this thread, learnt alot of things too.
U r really strong!! I don't think i m able to attend the celebration unless it's my very best friend.
Hi Charis,
Don't be too sad - like what Lyn said, sometimes people just want to comfort us, but don't know what they are saying hurts. At the time of my m/c, I also found out that a friend PLUS my sister are pregnant. Of course I was happy for them, although I cannot help feeling sad at my own loss at the same time. And they kept asking me whether I can start TTC-ing already... and at that time I didn't have the OK from the gynae to TTC yet, but I just tell myself that they mean well by asking.

I like bestwishes' theory of pregnancy being like a marathon in that we just have to persevere and we'll see the finishing line one day
I'll just like to share a success story with you gals - I had a friend who had 2 stillbirths, but now, she has 2 beautiful boys (her 3rd & 4th pregnancies), about 1.5years age difference. Whenever I feel down and feel afraid to try again, I always think of her and tell myself that I just have to persevere.

Have a good weekend, gals!

P/S. If my AF stops today, I'll go for my Brazilian, and bestwishes, I'll let you know about it!
Hi sophie
Whenever i feel sad, I will tell myself "it's ok for others to start first, it's just a matter of time that i will catch up".
I gotta prepare myself for the best and wait for the right time.
I feel better when i think of that

Ur frd is indeed an inspiration, she is really brave and determined to get what she want.
I hope to be like her too.

I look forward to ur Brazilian. Must update me after u've done it.
hi ladies...

bestwishes, CD is Cycle Day. CD 1 is the 1st day of yr AF.

hugz Charis, I could understand how u feel. Abt a month after my loss, two good friends announced their pregnancies. They didn't dare to tell me earlier. While I was happy for them, tears just trickled down my cheeks automatically. When they celebrated their bb's full month, I also thought of my 1st boy boy who would be a few months older. However, we are at this age that we cannot really avoid so like Lyn, I choose to face it.Well said, best wishes, we have encountered some obstacles in our marathon, but we will reach the finishing line, everyone of us!
tks droopy,

Nw i understsand the meaning of CD

we are here to cheer, share and lend our support to each other, we shall reach the finishing line hand in hand together
Hi Bestwishes,

Jia you!
Get yourself prepared first before racing again

The celebration I went is not my close friend though. But I think it's good that I went
. That time I told my hubby that I dun feel like going, but I went in the end at the last minute and we were late :p I felt better that I overcame it. Life gotta go on, rite? We gotta face it

"Fan2 shi4 fa1 shen1 bi4 you3 qi1 mu4 di4,
qi2 jie2 guo3 bi4 you3 li4 yi1 wo1."

Now I am ready to tell people I lost two pregnancies before and wun feel so sad inside... Last time, I would cry when I talked about it... But now I am ok
It will take some time and efforts

hmm... that time during my confinement, my cousin gave birth... and I gotta visit her after my confinement... At that time, I gotta pretend nothing happened...
Hi all,

Hmm...i tested this morning with my 1st urine.

Result is negative...

Can't help feeling sad though i half suspected that im not pregnant cos there's really no pregnancy symptoms.

Just wondering why my menses delayed again for so long. This time is even longer than Dec where my AF came on CD41.
Hi woofy,
I remember reading that you will be going to a TCM physician to find out how to "tiao" and "bu" your body? Which TCM physician are you going to? Does he/she take your pulse and then can tell you what's wrong with the body?

Although the gynae gave me the OK to TTC, I think I am not ready yet. Walked a little today and realised that I still get pains on my right and lower-right abdomen. So I thought maybe my body needs another few more months to recover, and I would like to consult a TCM physician to find out what kind of herbs/tonic etc to eat and bu, but I am not keen on the ready-packed kind of medication (e.g. powdered form) from TCM.
Hi ladies...

Thanks for all r encouragement. Im glad u all understand. My hubby also told me to say it out n jus cry...Feel better after tat.. No one else know how i feel except u ladies n hubby..I feel guilty to tell others how i feel...If i say im happy for her..i would be lying..I keep thinking of myself n my bb..the emptiness. BUT i believe it will get easier..n my GOD gives me grace to overcome.

Thanks ladies.

Thanks bestwishes..Will drop u an email sometime these few days.
hi lyn
Tks for ur encouragment, i hope to be as strong like u too

hi starlite
Perhaps wait for a few days before testing again or else is it better to consult a gynae for a blood test to know the outcome?

hi charis
Whenever u feel sad and need someone to talk to, we will always be here for u
Morning Ladies,

Hi starlite, agree with best wishes, do consult yr gynae. Yr cycle is quite long right? So maybe u need a few more days.

Sophie, could the pain be ovulation pain? I experienced pain during ovulation too.
Morning Droopy!
Is ovulation pain like running pains? I actually recorded in my diary all the pains/medications starting from after my D&C. And when I looked back, I realised that I recorded on the 3rd day after D&C "pain on lower-right abdomen, like stitches when you run too hard and too fast". Then for the last 3 months, I've been getting this pain on and off. When I walk too much, e.g. just shopping yesterday for 2 hrs, I got the pain. And when I sleep on right side, I also get the pain, so most of the time I need to sleep on my left side or lie on my back.

I am so afraid to TTC again cos of this pain, but gynaes said scan showed nothing. I don't think it's any infection of pelvic/fallopian tubes either, cos I did a Pap Smear after D&C, and results are OK. So as a last resort, I think I will try and see a TCM physican to "tiao" my body back to health before I try again. I'll just ask for herbs to brew into tonics so I know what exactly goes into the soup.
hello Sophie,
oh yes, my first visit to the TCM physican last weekend. Explained to her the situtaion and thereafter, she can roughly diagnose ur condition. Next, she will take ur pulse to confirm. conclusion: Womb is a bit weak so this mite be the reason in resulting a mc but body is while waiting for my AF, take the medicine as well as folic acid. she highly recommend folic acid.
As I dun really like to brew chinese medicine (find it too troublesome), I decided to go for this physician coz the medicine provided is in tablets as well as liquid...was given abt 7 different types of tablets with one bottle of liquid form.......
My hb was there wif me so he also consulted her. given medicine to build his body system too (mainly his army lah). We believe to TTC both parties really play a part aft this mc. We nid to haf healthy egg n sperm to haf a healthy pregnancy....

if u r interested, i can give u the address (this is recommend by some gals in other thread)
Hi Sophie,

I am experiencing the same as you, dont know if it is my own hu si luan xiang or what, but I had great pain after my D&C on my right side lower abdominal too. Even as I sleep whenever I rest on my right, I feel the pain too. Today is 1 week after my D&C.
Hi Sophie... mmmph...sometimes when I walk too much, I will get the type of pain u mentioned as well. Ovulation pain is not like side stitch though. U said u get it when u sleep on yr right side, n gynae scanned n confirmed everything ok, maybe it's just muscle pulling or u may have unknowingly strain that side? Could be unrelated to the womb or ovaries I mean. Dun worry too much, see what the sinseh have to say first. I visited the sinseh but in the end never take the medicine too coz find it too heaty.
Hi woofy,
Jusr came back from seeing the TCM at Upper Thomson. He was recommended in the TCM Gynae thread. Reason why I prefer to brew own herbs is cos my MIL is quite anti-TCM and pro-Western medication, & if she sees me with funny bottles/powder in my flat, she will freak out
so brewing own herbs is better for me cos once done, herbs are thrown away & she will never ever see them! It's good that your hubby is so supportive and taking TCM with you. Anyway, this TCM doc says no bird's nest, no hashima, no ba zhen, no Bai Feng Wan for me at this moment... just take his herbs for 4 days next week, then go back see him just before my next period. He says if I had gone to see him right after my m/c, he would have given me some herbs to flush out all the "old and bad blood" (?), although I told him my gynae specifically said "no danggui".

Just curious... which TCM did you go to?

Hi Ryes,
Do take care of yourself and not walk too much or carry heavy stuff ok? During my follow-up after the D&C, I asked my gynae how come I had pain/spotting for 1 whole month after D&C, and then immediately my AF i.e. I didn't have any clean break in-between? And he said the more I walk, the more I will bleed and spot. Which is true cos I did walk a lot, and I noticed when I walked, I bled more. But both gynaes scanned and said nothing wrong with my right side, so they said pain is probably not related to the reproductive organs/D&C. You should be seeing your doctor for a follow-up after your D&C soon? Why don't you ask him about the pain? Keep me updated too!

Hi Droopy,
Gynaes have said the pain is probably unrelated to the womb/ovaries etc, which I take as very good news, cos I'd rather think of it as a muscle strain too. But then I have stopped all exercises for the last 2 weeks, and I still get it. And it is more painful during my period this week. That's why I decided to go see the sinseh and just get herbs to build my body up. I'm trying to be positive and believe it is unrelated to the internals cos the scan showed nothing, so I'm just taking the Chinese herbs to build my body up and get rid of this "muscle strain".

There goes my TTC plans for the next 3 months... but now I've come to terms with the fact that I should build up my body to become strong in order to have a healthy baby, rather than rush into TTC-ing immediately.

Hi bestwishes,
I was just surfing other topics and realised you asked me in a separate thread (Miscarriage?) about the link for this current M/C Support Group URL. My apologies for not replying you cos I didn't see it. I couldn't really come into this forum too much cos hubby doesn't like me to come in here. He thinks that coming in here reminds me of the m/c and makes me paranoid etc, but he doesn't realise what a great help these gals have been to me. That's why I went quiet for a while in the last 2 months.
Hi sophie & ryes...

I have similar pains..its acute pain at either right or left side of abdomen..I have not seen gynae after my natural m/c which was 2 weeks back..cos my gynae didnt ask me to come last 2 gynaes seem to not care if i did DNC or natural m/c..none ask me to come back for follow-up..I really dont know why these gynaes r like that. My only real doc n gynae these past 2 months have been my GOD i believe..I really dont know how i managed if it werent for supernatural help. NO fever, no more bleeding..Im like my normal self physically except that I tire easily, n have little cramps when I walk too much. BUT to be on safe side, im going to see gynae soon..I dont like gynae visits though..cos
my expce so gynaes weren't very helpful n cant seem to handle an m/c properly.

Anyway I did a lot of research rgd m/c..These pains is usually nothing serious..In fact its normal after m/c n DNC, cos the hormones are regulating, eg adjusting to the falling HCG..basically to re-align our bodies n reproductive organs to pre-pregnancy stage. The pain is like ovulation pains right? BUT we r not ovulating yet. U can find out more on this
Hi Charis,
I admire you for having so much faith. To be truthful, I faced a lot of questions about my own faith during my m/c, but I am now at peace knowing that everything happens for a reason.

You didn't like your previous 2 gynaes? The one who handled my case was very good; in fact, she gave me a lot of emotional counselling throughout my m/c. First she assured me it's not my fault as I was blaming myself for running about too much, hence tiring myself out. Then when there was a heartbeat but it may not sustainable, she gave us the option of ending it or waiting for the heartbeat to die out by itself. She told us that it's better to wait it out so that we will not look back with questions in the future. Although it was a torturous 2 weeks wondering whether the heartbeat will sustain, I feel that we made the right decision by listening to her advice as we do not have to live the rest of our lives wondering if the pregnancy could have been viable if we had not ended it earlier. If you would like to see this gynae, you can PM me and I'll give you the contact. It's the same gynae that some girls in this forum go to. I'm not sure exactly what her religion is, but I know she does not do abortions, so if I had chosen to end my pregnancy earlier, she would have to refer me to another doctor. I don't like seeing doctors either, but do go back to a gynae and ask if you need a Pap Smear done to rule out any infection etc.

As for the pains, they're not ovulation pains, as Droopy said that ovulation pains are not like side stitches. I actually had my D&C done end of Nov, which is 3 months ago, and I still get the pains until now, That's why I thought I should just try making those TCM herbal stuff to build up my general health.
hi sophie,
oic.....u went to the Upper Thomson TCM...i guess i know which one...itz at imperial court rite..used to c him once quite long ago.....but as i said i dun like to brew medicine so i din not intend to go back there.....actually some gals did tell me tat there's a kind of pot tat will be able to brew do nid to look after the fire (3 bowls to 1 bowl of water) long as we r comfortable n we get stronger n healthier, it doesnt matter which TCM we are seeing..
currently i m seeing the one at fortune centre.....
hi sophie again,

as for the abdomen pain, i still experience it sometimes. i guess itz jus nor pain but den we are worried too much.....anyway can share wif me who ur gynae is? my gynae is nice too...he encourages me too n i went back to him for review twice after my d&C n from the last appt, he asked me to go back to see him in 3mths time....

so when r u ready to TTC again....
hi woofy,
Bingo! It's the same one at Imperial Court! I think I'll just use my normal pot and set an alarm clock for the brewing so can save some money on another appliance. Haha, talk about the reduction of brewing of herbs... I mistook the lady today; thought I heard her say boil for 8 minutes, and I happily said "Wow, 8 minutes only?" and she looked at me like I didn't understand Chinese and said it's actually ba fen, as in reduce to 80%!
But even if it's boiling to reduce to 80%, I think I won't need any special pot ;)

The gynae who handled my m/c was Dr. Eunice Chua from TLC Clinic at TMC. She is really great, explains everything to us, so maybe that's why her waiting time is so long. Very reassuring and very cheerful and chatty. She even remembers my husband's name and said if my mum comes along for the consultation, she will offer to explain to my mum in Chinese how m/c is a random occurance.
Which was why I thought Charis could try seeing Dr. Chua if she didn't feel comfortable with her 2 gynaes.

Think I'll probably start TTC 2 months later if I feel strong enough, although the TCM doc says 3 months

HI sophie and charis,

Yesterday marks my 1 week after my D&C and the bleeding finally stopped like yesterday but I still do have slight brown-yellowish stains on my pantiliners and quite itchy down there one leh. I have also finished my anti-biotics so better hope it's not an infection that's coming up.

I will be having my first follow up with gynae this coming Sat, so will see what he's gonna talk to us. Hubby said he told him he will speak to us about conception...
