Support group - Miscarriages

ya, but might be too late to book. But shall discuss with hb tonite. I just booked a spa in Spore for 2 Nov. Guess the two of us will be happy to nua at hm. Parents gave me tickets to watch Xu3 Guan4 Jie2 tmrw night. Not sure if hb wants to go...
hamasaki - thanks i'll. ya! i'm afraid of leg cramp (although i got it every nite) n it can be very painful the next day.

Time flies, tomoro sat liao. so gd hor, u gals can nua at home. i still got to work.
Hi ladies, TGIF! Good good good. Oh Coral I love Sam Hui. But I didn't get the tics coz by the time I wanted to buy the cheapest left are $188. If x 2 then I can go for a trip already. Hee hee...Dunno if his singing standard is still there. Loved his songs.
Hb has agreed to go with me. I only watch his comedies b4 but never really listen to his songs. tonite go see how. And my first time to go indoor stadium. Can wear new dress I bought yday. Hehehe.

Enjoy your weekend. Very happy, the part-time maid seem quite good. Don't mind paying 30 a week for her.
Hello Gals!

How are you gals getting on? Had a nice weekend? I have been very very busy last week. Have been going in and out of hospital with my cousin. Seldom had time to log in. Think I caught the sore throat virus already... So now drinking lots and lots of water...

Take care gals!
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning ladies,</font>

How's everybody?

<font color="0000ff">Lyn,</font>
I was in &amp; out of hospital at KKH too!! My gal is unwell again! Same illness as the one in Aug. She has stomachache &amp; diarrohea again. Fever is on &amp; off.

I insisted to let her do the blood test &amp; stool test juz like the previous time. But KK doctor said usually will hv diarrohea for 10 days. Told me to continue with the medicine &amp; if by 10th day still unwell, then return for stool test. I was very displeased &amp; insisted for the stool test. In the end the doctor gave me a clean container to bring home. We managed to get some of her stools &amp; I quickly sent it to KK for lab test.

The results will take 3 days cos her stools are left to ferment &amp; they'll investigate &amp; see what bacteria it is. I told the doc that I don't want to wait till 10th day then stool test. Cos my gal already diarrohea for more than 5 days!! By the time we waited for the 3 days stool test result, she already had diarrohea for 11 days!!

This morning she complained stomachache &amp; had diarrohea 1 time when she woke up! My mum gave her the medicine again. That's what we can do now....we're so helpless...can only give her the KK medicine &amp; juz wait for KK to call me tomolo.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Confused,</font>
Last time I preggie also always at nite leg cramp especially the calf part. Then next morning that area pain till walk down the stairs also pain. I attended the antenatal class b4 &amp; this was what they taught me. Try to do the toes flex exercise on the floor. U know how to do it right? Sit up on the floor with legs stretched out. Point your toes &amp; you'll feel the calf behind stretching. Then count to 5. Relax your toes &amp; bend your toes backwards. Hold there &amp; count to 5. Do it daily &amp; many times as u wish, when u watch TV etc. It works.

Another method - my own method...dunno if u dare to try. My colleague taught me one lah...I applied the baby 'Ru yi' oil on my calves before I slept. When u rubbed the oil there, your calves feel a bit warm then no more cramp liao. Then day time working in office, put a box under your table &amp; raise up your legs. Try it out see if it helps.
hi qwer, hope ur gal keeps well soon.. God Bless her..

so poor thing that she is so unwell for many days now..

keep us update of ur gal's lab results..
hi gals, does having brown spotting during preg dangerous or not..

my friend had brown spotting since fri on and off...

coral, I wish u a speedy recovery as well..
seems like these days, many pple have been fallen down to the flu bug virus..
<font color="119911">Coral, Hamasaki,</font>
Thank you. Will update u once I know the lab results. You all must drink more plain water, weather no good I think....I juz recovered from cough, runny nose &amp; sore throat.

<font color="aa00aa">Hamasaki,</font>
I think best to tell your fren go see gynae. Think &amp; worry at home no use leh....cos dunno where the brown discharge comes from. To me, if haven't gone to the gynae, by default shld be bed rest at home 1st. No strenous household chores etc. However, I still think go immediately to see gynae is the best.
Hello gals

Lyn - Drink more water n take care yeah!

qwer - thanks for the method. i'll do it every nite n see if it works on me. (my leg cramp until i ma mu liao n dare not stretch my leg often cos once i stretch leg cramp again)

oh no! hope that your gal recover soon. u bring her to private doctor? yeah! having diarrohea for many days not good leh. i think if KKH cant give u the reason/solution tomoror better bring your gal to private doctor liao. Aiyo! diarrohea will cause dehydration, ask your gal to dink more water. (if possible dingk, H2O)
hamasaki - i heard from gynae that having brwon spottin not good lor. Better ask your friend to see or call gynae. just like when i'm having spotting, gynae gave me mc (bedrest) n injection. And try not to take cold stuff n liang food.
<font color="ff0000">Hi Confused,</font>
Thanks U. KK gave us isotonic water to feed her already. My gal kana once in Aug, we brought her to Thomson Medical see the paediatric but couldn't cure &amp; symptom got worse. Then sent her to KK &amp; she so small put on drip &amp; warded for abt 6 days at KK. Now same problem again, we thot since KK got her record so return KK lor. If the lab test found got bacteria, KK will call me &amp; prescribe me antibiotics. If KK didn't call, then it means no bacteria. I met another parent, their 5 yr old gal diarrohea for 16 days! Now like a lot of children got diarrohea.
qwer and confused...
will do just that..

confused, how long does ur spotting last and how long u rest? did ur gynae said anything else: like utreus is expanding so have some spotting etc ?
qwer - oic. Then must monitor your gal liao. hope she get well soon. (maybe weather not good) tomoror update us on the report ok?

hamasaki - my spotting last for weeks. Dr ask me bedrest for almost 1 mth. i cant recall wat my gynae say but if i not wrong something got to do with the progestone (i dont know spell correctly or not) and i went for my checkup every week n got injection. Then my spotting stop i need not have to go for injection liao n my checkup become
3 week once.
<font color="0000ff">Confused,</font>
Ok thanks. Weather no good will cause diarrohea &amp; stomachache meh? I really dunno leh...she so young stomachache &amp; diarrohea very jia lat. Also dunno how to describe to us the pain...only tell us that she stomachache. Brought her to KK, the doctor pressed her tummy here &amp; there &amp; asked her pain or not, my gal juz nod her head.

<font color="ff6000">Hamasaki,</font>
Slight cramping &amp; brown discharge during preggie hv many reasons to it. We not doctors so can't tell or explain exactly what's happening. When I was preggie 3 yrs ago, very early stage also had slight tummy cramp on &amp; off &amp; gynae said it was uterus expanding &amp; nothing to worry. Then I remembered at 4 mths, I mopped the floor &amp; then later got brown spotting. Immediately went to gynae &amp; was given a jab. Then slowly few days later the brown discharge reduce &amp; stopped.

Asked your fren see gynae. Dun wait liao cos worry at home will make her more uneasy. Who knows it's nothing to alarm leh? Let the gynae assure her so that she will be less worried.
hamasaki - bu yong ke qi
oh ya! Dont walk too much n must lie down on the bed most of the time. (toilet, bed, toilet bed n no where) juz like the nurse told me.

qwer - i oso dont know leh. i agree lor n very heart pain to see our child suffer.
<font color="119911">Coral,</font>
U having diarrohea for 2 days liao? Saw doctor? Did u eat anything unhygiene? Try to drink more isotonic drinks or glucose to replenish the water loss.
hi qwer, this thread has been quiet for some time liao...

really missed those days where so many gals was here chatting away...
Hi ladies. My tummy still pain leh. Did not see doc. So sian of seeing docs been seeing them almost daily for the last 6mths. Now want a break from docs. I ate exactly the same thing as Hb on Sat and Sun, but he perfectly alrite leh.

been feeling blue recently that's why never come in to chat. Didn't want to pass my blues to you gals.

Hamasaki, better get your fren to the doc soon. And tell her to avoid too much movements and walk slowly. Should eb fine after some bedrest. Get her to excuse heself from housework for now.

Confused, do you take calcium pills? that's suppose to help prevent leg cramp too.
hi coral, what happened that make u feel so down and blue ?
maybe u pour it out to us, it can make u feel better..

just share share with us..
Hello gals!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Coral,</font>
Take care and drink lots of water
. Diarrhoea is caused by bacteria or virus inside the digestive system. It's the body's reaction to purge out these "toxins". Just try to drink lots of water
to replenish the water loss and have some rest

I also got a little bit crazy at night the last few days...
Maybe too busy during the day time
and no time to rest my mind... then at nite gone haywire "hu si luan xiang"

<font color="0000ff">Hi Qwer,</font>
Hope your gal gal will get well soon. Will you want to consider private paediatrics in Mt E or Gleneagles?

Do give her more water to drink to prevent too much water loss.

<font color="0000ff">Hi confused, hama,</font>
Thank you
. I have been drinking lots of water today. Could have been the lack of water for the past busy week, plus the virus from the hospital. Today I only got itchy throat

Ok... I gotta be more disciplined already... Gonna log out and get my work done
hello Lyn, so happy to see ur post...

great that you are slowly Recovering well.. take care..

try to avoid going to the hospital too often for visiting or accompany pple to there if u can... so as to avoid catching any virus from there..
Unless bo bian that u're the one who is going..
Hello hamasaki
Wow... your icon so cute... Like your teddy bear

I was in and out of hospital last week with my cousin... whole day stay in hospital for all the tests and injections... Gotta bring her around and her family too.
You do remember to eat healthily
hi lyn

what happened to ur cousin.. did she got the same virus as ur case ?

so how are you feeling now..

hope u're feeling better each passing day..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Lyn,</font>
Thanks. Paediatric at Mt E and Gleneagles are better? Cos I dunno any good doctors there, so thought KK is the best. Ever brought her to see a paediatric at Thomson Medical 2 mths ago but also couldn't cure then.

KK hasn't called me. Waiting for them to call today.
Hi hamasaki,
My cousin is from Penang... So I gotta bring them around

Hi qwer,
I am not sure about whether they are better cos I haven't try before, but I do think the process of finding out what's wrong will be faster. I trust doctors at Mt E and Gleneagles, cos the doctors there need to be very good before they can open their clinic there.
If money is not a problem, I will always go there. If you want, I can ask my sis's friend to recommend.
Hope KK will call you soon...
qwer, I know of this Paedi in Glene very good and patience. He's YY Yip. Let's see if KK come back with good news. If your gal's condition not improved, then better seek another opinion. cos it's not very good feeling to have diarrhoea.

Hamasaki, I dunno why, just feel blue. Still thinking abt my bb lor. Keep telling jyself to move on but at times still think of him and feel sad. Just feel different now.
hello ladies, hope everyone is feeling great and high today...

hi qwer, keep us update later of ur gal's results..
dun worry, everything will be fine.. Stay clam and positive..
hi coral, can understand how u feel.. Its really hard at times.. we just can't help it but think of our little one..

I ever been in ur shoes be4.. the starting point is really hard for me.. I nearly went mad and got depression.. took me such a long time to recover and get over it..
I still do think of my child, but wun be that badly affected as last time.. hope time will heals all ur pains.. U can make it..
hello gals

qwer - KKH call u liao mah? ya! i agree with coral, if your gal still no improve go see another opinion.

Lyn - u gotta take care yeah. Drink honey lor cos its good for the throat.

coral - u oso not feeling well ah? take care yeah! Aiyo! u feeling blue ah? Dont okie? anything u can come in n chat with us.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies,</font>
Thanks for all your concerns. KKH hasn't called me. I called KK few minutes ago....aiyoh...was put on hold &amp; hold....nobody answer. I also dunno where exactly - which dept to call for the stool test results. Actually the nurse told me that I don't hv to call to check. She told me that they will call. But I scared they forget to call me lah....

<font color="aa00aa">Coral,</font>
Thanks for the recommendation. I will take note of that doctor YY Yip fr Glen.
<font color="ff6000">Hi ladies,</font>
Wah lau! I'm so fedup with the hospital. I called the tel (requesting for medical report). The clerk who answered my call asked for my child's birth cert no. I told her once &amp; I thot she took down. Then she asked other questions. Later asked me again what's my child's birth cert. Wah lau! Asking the same question! Then asked me who promised to call me. I hv forgotten the doctor's name cos A &amp; E - any doctor on duty will see the patient leh. The clerk said will check &amp; call me. I really doubt so. I'm going to call hospital again to make noise.
Hi gals, need some advise.

I had a miscarriage last friday. I didnt go for D&amp;C as the gynae checked on me yesterday said based on the HCG level, my body is already back to normal. My question is do you gals went through mini confinement if no D&amp;C was done? Is it okay to drink DOM every nite as i am definitely going to try again in 3 months time (advise from my gynae not to start BD too early).

while i am really keen to try again soonest, i am so afraid after this ordeal. Anything else i need to do to get my body prepared? Is it true that after miscarriage, women are at very fertile ? is it alright to wait for 3 mths ? Thanks !!
think u better heed what ur gynae's said to wait for at least 2 or 3 mths.. let ur body rest and in the meantime, build up ur body strong for ur next TTC attempt..

take healthy food and vits and folic acid..

<font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies,</font>
Sorry to make u all worry. I was on half day leave this morning.

Thanks for your concern. The result was out &amp; I managed to speak to a doctor after a super duper long wait &amp; like a 'ping pong' ball...being thrown here &amp; there. In fact I've typed a long story to you but halfway typing my boss came in. Then I closed everything &amp; all gone!

In short, that hospital's staff nurse really terrible. Whatever I asked she said cannot help. Then I so angry &amp; told her if she can't help then don't answer phone calls. I requested to speak to somebody of higher authority or somebody who can help. Then she transfered my line unwillingly to a doctor to read out the results to me!

To make it short, bacteria found is known as 'Campylobacter'. Here's more info on it -

It's mentioned that the bacteria comes from poultry. One drop of uncook raw chicken blood or fluid is enough to cause the disease. Think at home we didn't separate the chopping board. So my mum used the same chopping board for cutting raw chicken meat &amp; then washed the board, then chopped cooked vege for my gal.

Doctor said maybe diarrohea for 10 or more days. But as long as frequency no increase, no more fever, then juz have to continue medicine &amp; wait for her to ownself recover. No need antibiotics. Today is the 12th day. Better now, but juz now poo again, not watery but juz very soft stools. Hope she is recovering.

Thanks all!!
