Support group - Miscarriages

hi qwer, glad that finally ur wait is over.. the result is out, so u can relax and mointor ur gal properly..

hope she recover soon..
<font color="119911">Hi Hama,</font>
Thanks! Ya hope she'll recover soon. Actually today she is better already. She went to school today.

As for your fren, like what <font color="0000ff">Confused</font> had mentioned earlier, she that time bedrest &amp; only time to get up is go toilet then back to bed. Tell your fren to be patient, listen to soothing music, stay happy &amp; think positive. Try to bring all those items which she need all to her bedroom...then she doesn't hv to walk at all...TV, drinking water etc. Hope she has somebody to cook meals for her.
that's good that ur gal is recovering slowly..
a good start to it...

thanks qwer for ur help.. she still walk ard, but only in the house or nearby her plc to buy back her lunch ..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Hama,</font>
Aiyoh your fren still walk around ah??!! Dun leh...tell her try to minimise walking lah. Lunch see whether anybody can help her buy or not...or maybe the husband can help to cook simple lunch in the morning..then she only hv to heat them up if she wants to eat.

And dun carry heavy things please....I think I more 'kan cheong' than your fren...keke....
hi qwer

she will be alone in the day time so Lunch she have to buy it from outside.. If not, cook instant noodles which its not healthy...

heavy things cant carry... why huh? till now, i just can't find the reason... exp: scare might strain and hurt her.. (that's my thinking)

me really wonder when can she move ard.. she forgot to ask her doc how long does she need to rest..
The recommended daily intake of folic acid for all women of childbearing age is at least 400 micrograms (mcg), or 0.4 milligrams (mg). During pregnancy, the recommended dose jumps up to 600 - 800 mcg, or 0.6 - 0.8 mg, a day. If you have a family history of neural-tube defects, you should probably get 4,000 mcg (or 4 mg) of folic acid a day. Most prenatal vitamins contain the appropriate dosage of folic acid along with other vitamins that will help you stay healthy.

Women who have had their first child with a neural tube defect have a higher risk of having a second with the same defect. Healthcare providers now advise these women to take at least 4 milligrams (mg) starting one month before conception, if possible, and continuing through the first three months of pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor about how much you need before and after you conceive. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you consume too much. For some women, there's an exception to this rule: Getting too much folate may hide a B-12 deficiency, sometimes a problem for vegetarians. Ask your doctor or midwife if you think you may be at risk.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Hama,</font>
Ask your fren to call her gynae &amp; ask if she forgets to ask the gynae anything. As for the 'dun carry heavy things'.....I also dunno the reason keke....cos usually old pple said so leh....I think if pregnant &amp; carry too heavy things, scared later will 'dong tai qi'. I think perhaps nowadays women are rather 'weaker' compared to olden days women. So women pregnant cannot carry heavy things, minimise housework etc... But in the olden days, women pregnant still work very hard in the farm &amp; etc.... I dunno....juz my opinion lah......

<font color="119911">Bellybutton,</font>
Usually it is 5mg per day during TTC. But my gynae instructed me to take twice per day - morning &amp; nite (5mg each). I didn't ask him why also.
hello gals

qwer - glad to hear that your gal is ok liao. Did the gynae say wat causes the diarrohea?

hamasaki- yelor! ask your friend dont carry heavy stuff.

ok, i got to work liao. today i very busy, chat with u gals later in the afternoon. bye!
Hi qwer, hama,
Try an experiment yourself. When you carry something heavy, or exert a lot of force on your arms, do you feel your lower abdomen muscles contracting?? The "dun carry heavy things" during pregnancy is becos to prevent exerting too much at the womb area.
Hope you get what I mean.

Hi qwer,
Glad that the doctor now know the cause
. Hope your gal gal will recover soon.

Hi Bellybutton,
My gynae gave me 5mg, once a day.

Hello gals...
I am in a dilemma this time... I dunno whether to cancel my appointment with gynae this Saturday. On my right brain, I think there's no need to see him since I am very healthy now already. And my hubby need to do a SA test last Saturday which he have not done. So, seeing the gynae will be a waste of time and money. On my left brain, my AF overdue already. There's a 50-50% chance I could have BFP. We did not try very hard. I take those symptoms that I am having as PMS. I think you gals will ask me to use a HPT, but I still don't feel like testing. I dunno why... Maybe there's still fear inside me. If positive, I might get very "kan cheong". If negative, I might wonder what's wrong with me... Haiz... I am so negative today... Sorry about my ranting... Think I gotta go and meditate and do some relaxation things to get back my mind again...
hi qwer, lyn and confused...
thanks so much for offering kind advise.. understood...

Lyn, I understand what u mean... so now, i know the answer liao... (horray)
Lyn, maybe u postphone ur gynae's check-up to a wk or 2 later till after ur hubby had done the SA test and got the result..
then u fix an appt with ur gynae that time..

Lyn, May I ask when how many days ur AF is overdue ? if urs regular every mth?
Hellow babes!!!!

me so tired with my new flat this days.. really need to come in for some spiritual encouragement!

i've missed AF since June although my AF is not regualar but its like too long alr hor.... sighhhHHhhhhh wat's wrong with me again..

Wat's BFP..??
hi qwer, glad that your gal is feeling better... must be tough for you...

hi hama, can ask your fren to get her hubby to boil some soup for her... use slow cooker..just throw in pork ribs, carrot, onion, etc... before going to work.. then your fren can use the soup and cook mee sua or noodle.. healthier that way....
<font color="0000ff">Hi Confused,</font>
Thanks, the doctor juz me that my gal got this bacteria called 'Campylobacter' from food. I thought my family &amp; I are always very hygiene &amp; careful in preparing her food...dunno how she got it. Now we must be even more super more careful!

<font color="aa00aa">Hama,</font>
Don't mention...keekee...hope u won't find me 'lor sor'...haha!!

<font color="119911">Lyn,</font>
Like what <font color="ff6000">Hama</font> was asking earlier, how many days your AF late? If u juz wait &amp; wait at home, u won't be able to get any results. Yes, only HPT will give u the answer.

<font color="ff0000">Gardeline,</font>
BFP - big fat positive on your HPT. You missed your AF since Jun 05 ah.... I hv PCOS so my AF is irregular. However, I'm currently on medication so AF quite regular. Did your gynae previously diagnosed u have PCOS? Maybe u shld see a gynae &amp; let him check on you...
gardenline, big fat positive on your HPT... (preggie sign)

qwer, I wun find u lor sor lah..
U and some of the gals here are so supportive and provide me advise and info.. (happy me)
<font color="0000ff">Lyn, Hama,</font>
I also very confused this mth. Though I hv already put aside all my OPKs &amp; stopped using for 2 mths, I noticed EWCM on CD14. So out of curosity, I took out 1 OPK &amp; tested. Saw double line. Then CD23 I hv EWCM again! I dunno why I'm so weird come got EWCM on &amp; off leh?? So on CD23 I took out another OPK &amp; tested - double line again! Aiyoh....really scratched my head!!
Dunno why like this....system inside haywire liao!!! 1 mth can ovulate twice meh??
<font color="0000ff">Hi Elmo,</font>
Long time no hear! Thanks for your concern &amp; thanks from the concerns all the rest of you here. Yes, indeed when my gal is sick...very tough on me. Lucky my mum is very good....she helps to look after my child. And my mum never interferes with my teaching style. I'm very 'fang xin' when I go to work.

<font color="aa00aa">Hama,</font>
See....even <font color="119911">Elmo,</font> also said so...ask your fren's hubby to cook lah. Duno tell him to learn lah. Very easy one mah....juz buy a slow cooker. Cut of the stuffs &amp; throw in with water &amp; boil. <font color="119911">Elmo's</font> idea is very good...can use the soup to cook 'mee sua' etc...and also can eat the vege inside.
<font color="ff6000">Hama,</font>
Really ah??! Oh dear! Or maybe my body is too dependent on the medicine. Cos past 2 weeks my gal unwell, I totally stopped taking my medicine cos no time. Then body system becomes 'siao' again! Ovulate twice ah!

Wah...then for those fertile pple, if 1 mth ovulate twice, then the percentage of conception is super high lor?? Too bad I hv so many problems....that's why my chances of conception so low :-( But anyway, bo chap lah...dun hv, then dun hv I rather think of happy things than dwell on unhappy things liao....dun want to waste my time.

Btw, I started to learn bellydance last week! Very interesting dance but body very stiff lah! Never even dance or exercise at everytime after class, waist &amp; hip 'suan suan'.
<font color="aa00aa">Hama,</font>
Exactly! Train the men to do housework &amp; cook. So next time our life will be easier, kekekeke!!!

Btw, thanks a lot for the URL. I really appreciate it. Thank you!
hi qwer, i read before in a website... this is what they said..

then u better start taking ur med on time.. try not to skip it... Any doubts, check it out with a doc, to play safe..

for those ppl if they do ovulate twice a mth, (maybe might happen once or twice in a yr) then chances of getting preggie is high..
but they must know when its their fertile period and take notice of it..
if not, also can't get pregnant...
<font color="119911">Hama,</font>
My husband also never cooked a single dish for me! I mean a proper meal lah. Last time pregnant, he prepared my breakfast - egg omelette or juz boiled vege.

I have just lost my 3rd bb(8.5 wks) today. Went for scan and realised that bb not growing and there is no heartbeat. Just undergone D&amp;C. Resting at home now.
Poor m&amp;m. Please take good care of your health now. I'm very sorry, but do be strong.

qwer, glad that your gal is fine. Good idea to use different chop boards, I do that at home.

Dear Lyn, use your positive mindset to help yoruself this time. Be brave, what comes may.
hi M&amp;M, please rest and take good care of yourself now... be strong... *hug*

hi qwer, I myself have been sick for 2 weeks liao.. that's why neber come in and post...only get better recently... still sick thou. :p
Good to hear that you are having enuff help.. if not sure headache....

hi Hamasaki, no need special skills one.. this receipe very easy.. just wash cut and throw in with hot water.... :p
big hugs to u m&amp;m.. take great care and rest more at home..

elmo, will ask my friend to teach her hb..
Hehehehhe, me also must teach mine as well...
hi lyn, how are you.. is ur menses still not here yet ?

have u decided to go for ur gynae's check-up this wk or decided to postphone it..
hi everyone,

I just want to drop a note to thank you ladies. Like most of you here, I experience a miscarriage in Aug this year when the bb is abt 8 weeks. I seriously thought like it was the end of the world for me. Had never shed that much tears in my life before. Moreover my husband had to be away for one over month. It was then I found this forum that I realised that its really common among women nowadays. I'm not alone after all! I guess pple generally do not talk abt it so the impression is that the likelihood of happening is v slim. Now that 2 months have passed, it still hurts a little. But the thought of trying again and having a baby always brings back tears of joy..

To all mothers-to-be who have to go through this pain, pls don't lose hope! We all jia you together!
hi gals,

thanks a lot. I was feeling quite ok on the 2nd day after my D&amp;C but depression sort of sets in on the 3rd day. Perhaps it is due to the hormones. Then my eldest son (3.5yrs) kept asking me where is the baby? I explained to him the night before that I have lost it and he seemed to understand. I think he is very disappointed coz he was the one who was most enthusiastic when he knew I was pregnant. He said he wanted a didi. That made me really upset coz I felt that I hv disappointed him. Well, I just tell myself to wait a bit more and then try again. My gynae said can try after 1-2 mths, is that true?

Hi Ladies,

Hi m&amp;m, rest well and eat well before u start to try again. My gynae said it's ok to try after 1 mth, what is important is emotionally u r ready. Take care okie.
