Support group - Miscarriages

bye ladies!!

nice talking to you!
I have overcome the 'fear'for coming back to work!

Good ta hear that, Choo, it's not as bad as you thought isn't it

Coral, dun worry so much abt your body, what is important is your health mah. Once u pick up an exercise regime, then your fats will disappear loh. Agree with confused, once u r ready to TTC, just relax n before u know it, u will see a BFP on the test kit!

bb dust to all, jia you jia you!
one way of regaining self confidence when trying clothes: pick those that are one/two sizes bigger than your previous clothes! this way, you won't see spare tyres bulging out. And forget about the old clothes. i've long given up the hope of trying to fit into them. in fact, i used to wear small and i now buy only M or sometimes even L! this way, your clothes still look loose and it will be less depressing, definitely!
is anyone tempted to buy the oto trimax that is supposed to help get rid of excess baggages?
hear flying dutchman and glen ong raving about it everyday on morning express, really feel tempted to buy! but i wonder if it really works. anyone here owns it and can testify to its performance?
confused, then take carrot and celery stick also can... for fruits just avoid those high-sugared ones like grapes, honeydew, mango, durians, banana... but ok to take green apple, orange.

Choo, and also try taking vit C supplements... cos your body will be weaker during this period... so up your Vit C to strengthen your immune...

it also depends on your body.... sometimes our body can be too "cold" or too "hot" also can take quite a lot of the bu initially....after the D&C cannot take so much liao... I start reducing 2 weeks after the D&C until 30 days.... in total I actually took 45 days full confinement and 15 days mild confinement. :p
PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome... about 15%-20% of women has it.. basically it can cause irregular ovulation..... and high chance of getting now I'm very careful with my sugar intake....

Zara, ya.. it's better to avoid herbs... things like red dates and gou qi zhi is fine.. but the herbs esp to be careful... thus should not take....

Bellybutton, me! :p but then I'm very careful about getting another white elephant lor... so still haven decided. :p
<font color="0000ff">Good Morning ladies,</font>

How's everyone today? Hmmm...looks like some of you are 'disturbed' by the weight gain &amp; the flabby tummy. Hv u all tried exercises? I wore size S b4 pregnant. After giving birth 3 yrs ago, I hv to wear size L &amp; even XL! I cried &amp; cried everytime I hv to buy new clothes.
However I didn't throw away my size S clothes. Now I'm wearing back size S clothes!

This is how I regain my weight - now left 45kg. I attended ab-bliz (abdomen exercise) classes at Sports Centre. Hv to be very discipline lor...learn once a wk but hv to practise it daily at home. Though now my tummy still not as flat as b4, I still can fit in size S clothes. I intend to enrol in belly dance class. Class will commence next mth. I heard it's a good form of exercise so thot of trying.

So ladies, pls dun give up. If there's a will, there'll be a way! I dun wish to comment on those slimming pills &amp; OTO Trimax etc...even my husband is also very tempted to buy the OTO Trimax. To me, only exercise is the best...keke....
But I also lazy liao....nvr exercise anymore &amp; I worried tummy will be flabby thot of belly dance.
morning ladies...

me dun feel good leh...yesterday afternoon was sleepy....
then reached home 9plus already dozed off on sofa..furthermore due to wisdom tooth pain,got a bit headache plus slight fever..

this morning so xian to get up!!really feel like report sick or take urgent leave but CAN'T!!!


I also take Vit C liao...u very obedient leh...can take so long confinement food...

wat is OTO Trimax....though i wish to lose weight but wont not go see dr for pills liao...used to take pills from family dr quite a few times before wedding...
Good morning ladies. Can you believe I actulally reserved 15 pieces of clothes from Isetan yesterday and going back for more during lunch.

My hb ever bought a massage thing from Osim which can help reduce fat, but the two of us use it only less than 10 times and the few hundred dollars equipment still in cupboard...

qwer, so happy to hear your slimming story. Like you, I prefer to lose weight by exercising. At least the flesh wont be flabby. I'm doing 120 situps everynight. For the start muscle really ache, but soon it'll be ok. I'm determined to go back to pre-preg weight.

Bellybutton, I'll feel depress if I have to waer clothes that are bigger size than before, cos I can deceive others but not myself leh. I'm lucky cos I'm tall, so the weight I put on is distributed aroung my body. SO not very obvious to others. But I always wear body hugging clothes, so must really keep fit. Noe tummy area rather flabby. So no choice, must be hard working. I just wish I can go jogging. But heard from many that jogging is bad for ttc.
<font color="aa00aa">Wah Coral,</font>
You SO STEADY! Do 120 situps every nite!! Keep it up. For the ab-bliz class, I learnt a variety of tummy trim exercises. Though it was only half hour session, it was very shiong! The instructor ON the music &amp; we were supposed to follow the rhythm &amp; do the exercises together with him. All lie-down abdomen exercises. Sometimes was to add something on our buttock &amp; tilt our legs up &amp; do situps, some are other pose. Non-stop...aiyoh...tummy aching initially...many of us, beginning still can follow the rhythm, but halfway all shag liao, become slower &amp; slower, haha!

I believe situps will help too.
Ok, since it does work for you I'm motivated too.
I was so depressed cos I saw a few friends carrying the excess weight no matter how they diet or eat pills. I'm so afraid I'll not be able to get rid of the stubborn fats too. Hope exercise will work better than slimming centre.
I very vain, so no matter how shiong, also must carry on, and hb cheer me on every night.
I was also naughty lah... I drank few sips of cold drinks.during the confinement also.... :p but only few sips.... kekekekek....hubby dun allow me to eat ice-cream... so I can only drool. :p

Wah! qwer/carol, you gals are so discipline... I think I must also start doing something... :p always procrastinate. :p

Choo, OTO Trimax is supposed to be tummy fat trimmer.... it's like a massager you wear around the waste lor...cost about $298 now. :p
<font color="ff6000">Coral, Elmo,</font>
I'm not discipline liao. Now can wear size S already then stop exercising, kekee!!! Recently always hungry at late night, so eat &amp; eat. Worried later tummy grow big again, so intend to enrol belly dance class. Though I can fit in size S, my tummy still fleshy leh. Not as flat as b4...wear hipster pants can see the fats at the waist there. Sigh...
Hello gals

Elmo - ok thanks i take note liao. har! u mean POS will cause u to have diabetics?

coral - wah! peifu! i do situp last less 100 times i lem beh (cant get up liao)
ya! it's good to exercise but dont go overboard lor. (i used to go gym 3 times a week but once i stop i boom non-stop) so now i dare not go gym liao. i only go swimming n golfing only.

Wow! u reserve so many clothing. So nice hor! happy shopping yeah!

Gals - metro oso have 20% sales on Fri - sun.

just now ate lunch...ate duck rice but only ate the meat/egg/beancure but NO RICE!!!would want to cut down on carbo..shd be fine right?cos I will still drink tonic soup once a week...but take out carbo from my diet...can right?last time I did try Atkins diet...completely take out bread,noodle,rice....for the first 2weeks lost 5kg...i can't tahan not eat bread and rice but not noodle!!was tough....

just now silly tots...quite desperate feel like going to gp to take slimming sick of my figure!!!!
my fil bought some yoga vcd for my hubby told them i can't do jogging and skipping at the moment....intend start this sat...but is yoga good?will I perspire?

I prefer jogging/skipping leh...more perspiration and feel more energetic and in a way lose more weight...

just now sms hubby...said i very tired of my figure...felt inconfident....told him i regret "BOMB"after wedding...he told me as long as i dun "grow"further,and try reduce weight SLOWLY can liao....

confused, actually it's the other way..... it's something about the insulin resistance in our body.... so causes PCOS... that will also have higher risk of developing diabetic....

Choo, I dun advocate the idea of eating meat protein and just cutting down carbo...
I think we should eat more veg...cos too much meat protein is actually very bad for health....
yoga is actually more for toning,will lose a bit... but not as fast as cardio exercise........will perspire a bit...
Choo - yo! if u say u are fat then i am worse lor. I personally feel that dont take slimming pill lor. (Supplement ok but not slimming pill) B4 i get preggie, i oso thought of taking slimming pill n then i think abt the actress Andrea D 9paiseh i 4get her name) then i find better dont take the risk. (no point having a slim figure n got sickness forever) the most import is health. (i always hear people saying health is wealth) go exercis lor, juz like coral n qwer. so sad i m not allow to exerice at these moment (due to previous m/c so no choice got to see my weight increase n increase)

elmo - oic. so can it be cure?
I think for losing weight, different people needs different method lor. I'm one who can't go without food, so no way can I lose weight by dieting, so exercise is the way. confused, I used to jog 45-60mins a day till doc say I traumatised my feet so I stopped completely, but luckily I never BOMB up. This time I grow fat all bcos of preg lor. Cos mum and MIL say I weak so they made me eat alot more. I can say 3times more than b4 so I grew fatter.
Bought 25items altogether, 5 pairs of shoes. Tonite when hb fetch me sure faint. 3 big bags and to think I was telling him I no mood to shop. Got mood sure buy over the whole Isetan.
which ever way we use, let's get slimmer healthily. I'll try to preserve. Cheer me on if I give up hor.

I am FAT!fatty boom boom!
wear clothes always long didn't buy clothes liao...
if i am preggie and my size is like tat...i can accept it...but now...


me very upset think that when I was still preggie few weeks ago..i completely let go...went satisfy wat ever craving i have!!without considering if it will add unwanted weight gain!!now bb gone...left a fat things also lethargic....


envy you!!
i really how many years didn't shop like that...(2years plus lah) during wedding still shop alot cos still slim....does it cost alot?

I must lose some weight before I start ttc!bt the most irriating part is i can't jog and skip now!!
choo, I also prefer exercis that let me sweat. But like you can't jog or skip.

I spent 800+, average of 30% discount. Actually, I've not shopped much for 1yr+ liao. So it's ok lor.

Choo, maybe don't cut rice out totally, cos there's some B complex in rice that keeps women happy, so if you cut that out totally, you may expereience depression. Maybe no carbo at night, but lunch time take a bit, lor 1/3 or so...
i'm not too sure either... I think the condition can be controlled... I intend to check with gynae in my next appt...anyway, now cannot TTC... so might as well take the chase to cure it if can.

Also.... PCOS give me difficulties in losing weight. hiaz! So, if can cure, I would be most happie.

Choo, no pills! Some pills have side-effects and you dun wan any risk right? I'm worse than being preggy now... I worse right? :p Just eat healthily...and exercise.... dun lose weight so suddenly... it's not good for our body....
you sure can lose weight one.. just set an achievable target and work towards it...

Coral, it's good to do something you like
but you sure can shop...
<font color="0000ff">Elmo,</font>
I also hv PCOS. On top of that I've endometriosis &amp; adenomyosis. I've heard that PCOS can only be controlled but can never been cured. I know 1 of the symptom of PCOS is over-weight. But dunno why gynae said I've PCOS, I'm always underweight...even till now. Maybe from the v-scan, he can see multiple cysts inside...I not sure too... My gynae is Fong Yang.
Ya choo, set achieveable targets then you won't be disheartern and not want to try. I give myself 2 months to lose 1". If I can't I'll tell myself 1/2" also good.
elmo, I think I'm under influence of colleagues. They bought so many things so I also buy lor. But I bought 4 pieces of bra, cos all my bras too small liao, cannot breath. And bcos I never wear my office shoes for a long time, a few actually tear, so good excuse to buy lor.
Hamasaki,why so early today?
A beautifu friday for you? I'm feeling rather good today. Woke up early to do some housework before coming to work. Hopefully my part-time maid will come by next week. Phew!
I prefer to do house work when hb is not around. I'm more efficient this way. Tonite going out with colleagues for farewell, so not much time. weekend gotta keep parents and inlaws company, also limited time...
Yes, busy busy. Last nite waited for hb to finish work at 8:30 then hv dinner, after dinner he felt like watching movie so back hm only 11+pm. Tiring.
Wow, sound very serious. You better eat your med on time and rest well. Don worry, kend coming soon, hb can stay at home to sayang you. Will get well faster.
