Support group - Miscarriages

morning all!!

I am doing fine at work and coping better....anyway it is now about 1month and 4 days after my D&C and I am realy realy feeling better now...
I dun cry much now...but of cos still miss bb...(bb shd be 16weeks now...) but I have gradually try to let go this sad history and look forward...

still drink red date tea on weekends,drink chicken essence and birdnest occassionally...
won't be trying if my AF arrives as will want to lose some weight first....

my D&C was on 13 Sept so my AF shd arrive these few days? if it doesn't...i might have to see gynae? haha this is the firs time i wish my AF will visit me soon!

Hello all

Last week, we found out that bb was not growing and there was no heartbeat. I had D&C after seeking 2nd opinion, now resting at home, doing mini confinement. As it's our first bb, I'm gradually settling down... lots to learn and let go at the same time

We spent about $2,500 on D&C. Is it expensive ? We're keen to try again after 3 AF, wondering if we should look for new gynae.

Choo, I hope I can pick up myself at work. Some of my colleagues are very mean (yes, they enjoy adding salt in wound). I read that AF will arrive after 4-6wks (some abt 8wks). Like you, I wish my AF visit me soon next mth
I lost 3 kgs, which I gained (abt 0.5kg each wk during my preggie). I believe these are mainly water-retention. Hope to loose more so that I have more buffer during next one

M&m, hope you are better, let's go through this period together.... *hugz*

*pat pat*hope u are coping well...are you on 1 week or 2 weeks medical leaves?

for the D&C bill it is about $1300 in total but we only top up$700+ in cash as rest pay by medisave....

right now...dun think too much..must eat more bu to build up your health...
<font color="aa00aa">Hello Gals!!!</font>

Where's everyone?

How are you gals feeling today?
Today is a bright, sunny day!
Finally can get my laundry out to dry

<font color="0000ff">Hi Hamasaki,</font>
Yap, everything is fine with the check-up
. I will be seeing gynae again this Saturday
I am currently under a bit of stress...
I am trying to be positive and sleep well at nite...
So I will post on and off
. Dun wanna affect you pretty gals with my mood...

<font color="0000ff">Hi fluffy, choo,</font>
Jia you! Jia you!

<font color="0000ff">Hi m&amp;m, nydcheez,</font>

Do eat more "bu" to get back your health
Take care...
hi nydcheez,

thanks... *hugz too...

Take good care of yourself. I am trying to rest as much as I can these couple of days. I am going back to my gynae for review this Thursday. Hopefully everything will be fine.

I spent $1K on my D&amp;C and because it is done at my gynae's clinic at Gleneagles, I can't claim medisave but I was told by my insurance agent that I can claim from my insurance policy. Will give it a try n see how much can I claim back.

hi Droopy,

thanks for your concern and advice. I am feeling much better emotionally. Will let my body recover n try again. This experience makes me treasure my children so much more (I have a boy 3.5 yrs n a gal 2 yrs.) They are just such precious gifts from God.
hi gals,

thanks for being here to encourage each other. It makes a whole lot of difference and I really appreciate that.
hi Lyn, what sort of stress are u having now..
stress of ur studies or biz..
u can email me if u wanna share out ur troubles with me..

dun mind hearing it...
Hi all

I sneaked out to have a breather. I can't stay alone at home too long, if not, I will start talking to my 4 walls
Looking out of window .. it's a sunny day, more imptly, you guys made my day. I'm happy to see your reply.

Wah, my D&amp;C bill is very expensive.

Choo, I had my D&amp;C few days ago, so I'm on MC this wk. Soon, I will start counting down.. dragging my feet back to work.

Lyn, you're back, I love to see your cute emotion icons. Previously, you mentioned website, I find it very informative. It answers many of my ques which makes me feel better now. Thank you.

M&amp;m, I'm going back for check up this Friday. Hope everything is fine. I agree it's precious gifts from God. That's why I want to be a happy MTB and enjoy pregnancy. Though what had happened, I still strongly believe in it.
<font color="0000ff">Hi nydcheez,</font>

It's good to go out for a walk
or have some shopping therapy
. There are many interesting things to see out there
Just enjoy the free time now... Listen to some soothing music is good too

My D&amp;C bills were much more. My first m/c already spent 10k cos I went through laparotomy togather with D&amp;C.
Then second m/c 4.5k cos I went through laparoscopy togather with D&amp;C...

Try to "bu" your health back

Jia you!
Hellow Gals!!!

Lyn, how are u now..?? hope our sunny sunflower will be cheerful alwayz..

nydcheez, sorry to hear abt your loss. do take care and bu.
i really dun understand why is it this days bbs are so prone to have no heartbeat or stopped growing.. has it got to do with the enviroment or our self being..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Gardeline,</font>
I also dun understand why...mine last year also no more heartbeat. I think even gynaes won't be able to give us a good explanation. Anyway, let's not think back. We are supposed to look forward leh....ok....hee hee....
hey gals,

just passed the 1 week after my loss.. how are all of you? I had a chat with a couple of colleagues today and realised that almost everyone of them has miscarriage before.. am rather shocked! i too agree with qwer that no idea why nowsaday it is getting so commom. are we getting weaker or our life style is too stressful.. sigh..
BTW, how long did you folks 'pu' after the mc? i only drink chicken essense every morning and have DOM every night plus some tonic soup for dinner every day after the 1 week confinement. Is that sufficient? Oh ya.. not forgeting eating the folic acid every morning as well.
I also have a question.... does your gynae asked you to go back for checkup after your first AF to check if the womb is okay? Mine simply told me is not sufficient. she said i only need to see her after i am pregnant again !! hmmm... i wonder if that is normal leh... any advise?
its really such sad news to hear of many women losses..

esp: when gynae could not give us a reason and answer to what happened...
Gd day ladies,

I'm on IT course today! Now using their PC to log on &amp; chat with u gals! How's everybody?? My course is 2 days leh...hope it is an interesting one!!
hi ladies, how have all of u been? hama, qwer, lyn, confused??? i just seen my gynae on Mon, its confirmed i'm having a bb boy. i'm 17weeks 4 days now, going for my detailed scan in my 20th weeks.

to all the ladies who just joined, sorry to hear about your losses. stay positive &amp; take care.
Hello frens

Thanks for TLCs ... Like Orange03, I also wonder how long do we ned to 'bu'. As I always work late, I can't go back to mum's place for tonic soup. I think I will drink chicken essence and take folic acid. I will check with my gynae this Fri, to see if I need to go back for check up after my first AF.

I don't know if you've same problems like me, there're 101 possible reasons for MC, which I myself also dunno which is the specific cause. However, my PILs keep on hinting that it's my fault, bcos my body is weak. If by admitting, makes them feel better, it definitely makes me feel hell.
Hi Missy,
I'm fine thanks....

Wah so fast 17 wks already ah! Hey I hv recovered from my flu since 2 wks ago. Can meet u for lunch liao!
hi hi nydcheez,

I dun think it is a matter of body being weak coz I conceived my 1st 2 kids easily and without complications too. So dun let your PILs make you feel that it is your fault that you had a MC. There isn't any explaination as to why it happened. I guess stress n the food we eat play a part.

I went about the 1st few days wondering why I can't keep this pregnancy this round, tho it is my 3rd but I am 30 this yr, not considered as the high risk group either. In the end, I just reconciled myself with the fact that this has already happened and I need to get on with life. I can't let this affect me n my family. It is also not fair to them. So I perked myself up after a weekend of grieving and crying. Felt so much better that releasing all those feelings of loss. Now, I just tell myself to let my body recover n try again when it is the right time.

Qn: why must take folic acid now? I thot no need to since bb already no more??
<font color="0000ff">Hello Gals!</font>

Very Good afternoon!

I went out this morning and just got home. Now cooking some vege for lunch
. So tiring, feel like sleeping
. I woke up very early this morning... Last nite, I have a sweet dream

<font color="0000ff">Hello Gardeline,</font>
Thank you for the encouragement
The medical world cannot answer exactly why miscarriage happen. Meanwhile, we just gotta "accept the inevitable" and we will be happier
Try not to dwell on it and look forward ok?
. It could be the environment. I dunno if you will agree with me that ourselves are affected by the environment. So the root cause is "environment". Think about the quality of air we breathe in, the quality of water we drink, the food we eat, the environment we are in, etc. Are they getting better as compared to our forefather's time?? Something to think about...

<font color="0000ff">Hi orange3,</font>
I "bu" for a few months
. I have been meeting many couples who get their health to the "best" before trying to conceive.
I met a health consultant who said that to get a very healthy baby, both husband and wife gotta prepare in terms of their own health for at least a year.

Ok gals... I finished my plate of vegetables already... Time to go rest
then wake up and prepare dinner for hubby
then out I go...
Still haven't decided what to cook for my hubby though
WAh.... so many posts again when I posted...

K a quick one...

I visited my gynae one week after D&amp;C, one month after and then 2 months interval already. For my case, will be different from yours, cos I had other problems...

hmmm.. talking about lunch.. I still feel hungry.. dunno is it hungry or simply "tam jiak"... kekeke...

Normally, when things happened, most people will want to know the explanation or easiest to blame it on someone to get rid of the stress... Hugs..
Hi m&amp;m

I'm taking a step each day. Yesterday, I saw a maternity shop, instead of avoiding it, I took up the courage to go near. I tell myself, must be positive, it could be a good place to shop next time

Maybe these comments came from loved ones, the punch is harder. If they can't understand, who can. Maybe our viewpoint is different. My concern is my health, their concern is lost grandchild. I'm ok now after venting out. I will take care of myself.

I'm not taking folic acid now. Once mini confinement is over, I thought of taking it. I'll check with gynae if it's ok.
Hi to everyone... it has been a really long time since I came here to browse. Life with a baby has taken a 180 degrees change.

Glad to see Lyn, Hamasaki and qwer still hanging around to cheer the others on. Keep up the good work!!! Makes me feel so inadequate though :p

5 November is approaching again... wonder if I will "survive" it well this year round. Time really does fly.

How are the others doing?? Java... Folic... Missy... Poohy... et
<font color="0000ff">Hi Odie,</font>
It is nice to hear from you again! How now? Busy with work &amp; baby...must be right? Our dear <font color="ff6000">Missy</font> juz came in n chatted leh....hee hee...

Ok, take care &amp; keep in touch!!
hello missy, congrats to you for expecting a bb boy...

time flies.. U're in ur 2nd trim now...

hi Odie, long time no see u...
how's everything with you..

U're very busy with work and family now... Got to take care yah...
Hey nydcheez,

Please dont put the blame on yourself lah. Instead concentrate on bu your body, rest well and plan for the next try!! i can understand what you had gone through.. as i just went through the cycle .. sigh.. i blamed myself for the biz trip, blamed myself why i didnt go for check up earlier, blamed my hubby why he went to the biz trip when we suspect pregnancy.. it's endless lah. Look forward now and be positive!!!

m&amp;m: according to the gynae, folic is necessary to be taken before attempting conceiving. It is for the spinal development of the baby... something like that. Normally, when ones realise that she is pregnant, is too late liao lor. So is advisable to have it before trying bb ..

lyn : Thanks for sharing
I am so eager to try again leh.. but also this is my first attempt and had mc.. sigh.. Also, my job is pretty stressful with a lot of travelling. So am trying to cut down the travels.

Odie : Good luck Good luck ! all the BEST

To the rest of the gals, we jia you together okie !!!
hi <font color="ff6000">Qwer,</font> we should arrange to meet up for lunch soon then. just sms me, i will arrange my lunchtime. cya soon!

hi <font color="ff0000">Odie,</font> so nice to see your post again! its been a long long time... how's your boy?? i'm doing fine, in my 17 weeks now, i'm expecting a bb boy too

hi <font color="119911">hama,</font> thanks
i'm so glad to be in my 2nd tri now. hope your turn come soon too. here's some baby dusts for u.

hi <font color="aa00aa">lyn,</font> wah! u seems very busy today huh? zoom in &amp; out. how r u?
<font color="0000ff">Hello Hamasaki,</font>
I had a sweet dream
NOt about baby though...
I dreamt about my business growing and the satisfaction I got when I see more people getting healthier and happier.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Odie,</font>
Glad to see you here again. Take care.

<font color="0000ff">Hi missy,</font>
Yalor... Have been very busy lately. This week is a busy week... Everyday also have appointments. I am getting more energetic thoough
can prevent me from "hu si luan xiang" too

<font color="ff6000">Hi orange,</font>
My gynae used to tell me to relax and solve all my stress problems
. Stress can contribute to m/c. Try some relaxation excercise

Dun despair ok? Then what about me? I m/c twice already... :p Now my third try already
. I believe in things happen for a reason
<font color="0000ff">Hi Hama &amp; Lyn,</font>
You all good lah...can 'nua' at home.....I still hv to attend course though not sleepy!!!
morning all!

how's everyone!
where is elmo and mei mei?

till now my AF still not kinda of worry....
<font color="119911">Hi Hama,</font>
My gal is ok already thank you!

As for me, kana food poison last Fri midnite. HB n I went out abt 2am to find 24hr clinic. Was given a jab, Sat recovered already.

glad you are fine!
food poisoning really terrible..had once and vomit like noboday business....

tell u a good lost 2kg!!

i intend lose at least 10kg....then start ttc....

CHOO!! am here lah.. bz with work lor :p

dun worry abt ur AF ok
depends on individual coz some will report after 4 weeks.. while others will report 8 weeks later
or might have good news again lo
