Support group - Miscarriages

hi tubby
so happy for you.

Ok, now I noe...AF regular or not depend on individual leh...but I believe it's rather normal to hv irregular AF if juz recovered fr D& C.

like i had mentioned earlier, western & chinese doctors always 'clash' one. maybe i'm juz 'lucky'...after my D&C, my 1st & 2nd AF was very regular...jus that 1st 2 days more heavy....maybe I'm very kia su...juz after my sick leave, I immediately went to Eu Yan Sang to see physician liao. Cos I had weak limbs then...walk a bit legs & back aching. Now no more aching...*touch wood*

I'm so happy for you too! Wah...after reading your msg, I felt warm inside my heart...hmmm...

You too same like me? I thot most pple here already preggie liao?
hi gals
when you said bleeding before you went for d&c, the amount of the bleeding is it very heavy or just like AF?
'cos me this weekend will have something important to do and won't be at home for 3 days. so, wanna get myself to prepare if got bleeding.
hi tubby, glad to hear that u are expecting a boi boi.. guai guai yr little boy cooperate with gynae today.. happy for U.. kepp us update with more of yr news..

i am wondering if i will be like U.. laughing inside the doc room and all the way back home.. later people say me Siao..
hi sum, me still TTC.. so i was thinking if we might have the chance to strike at the same timing..

there are a few more gals who are still TTC.. so hopefully all of us can graduate at the same timing..

Baby Dust to all TTC gals here..
Those relatives are like that one, they just ask for the sake of asking only. After that they will forget liao. Just ignore them.

My chinese sinseh advise me to start trying 3 mths after taking the chinese herbs. I think the most important thing now is to 'bu' yr body after D&C. Don't worry abt D&C, its painless and u will be sleeping during the process.

u really know how to control yr weight hor, only put on 200g.

So it's a <font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font> So happy for you.
hi tian tian
after d&amp;c, will i feel pain when i go washroom for 'small biz'?

will we lose lots of bloods during d&amp;c?
Sum &amp; Hamasaki,
Me also still TTC'g. Let's jia you together. And not to forget lyn (ULN), Missylee, millie and a few more who have gone MIA liao. Where are u, Curly, pageup, jujube and Jus???

You are right. Most gals here preggie liao.
yup positiveme, once know baby gender, its shopping spree time..

happy for u tubby.. now can start planning for baby stuffs liao..
Hi gals,
Thanks all for your concern! I just came back from the clinic. Same old problem, indigestion, stomach wind, etc. Anyway I went to see doc just to get an MC, I won't take his medicine.

Hi Sun,
Yes, indeed after vomitting, I feel better, but it makes my body very weak, esp my lower back and legs. Now I'm drinking chrysanthemum tea and eating a donut. Feeling quite hungry...

Hi Tiny,
Wah so good start ML this Thurs huh? I also wan to start earlier leh, but because my ML is unpaid and I wanted to earn the 2 days CNY holiday pay, so I choose to start my ML after that. I can imagine how heavy you feel, somemore you are quite petite right? Do you feel the dropping feeling? I can feel my bb's head pressing onto my anus.

hi tubby,
Glad your checkup went smoothly. So u having a boy boy like me?

hi nyny,
Yes, you can eat BFW after your d&amp;c, it will help to regulate your menses. Drink more black chicken soup and dang gui to strenghten your uterus and improve blood circulation. Be strong yah! I'm also afraid of going under GA, but I heard that the nurse will inject your arm, ask u to count to 10 and before u know it, you conk off liao. Then when you wake up, everything's ok. I will pray for you during your D&amp;C next Monday, may God bless you with a painless op and speedy recovery.

hi joyce,
How r u? Have u prepared most of the bb stuff orehdi? I haven't bought the breasts pads and maternity pads yet.At first I tot of buying during my ML, but I think I better pack my hospital bag earlier.
hi tian tian, yeah we jia you for one another..
hope u, me, sum, lyn, missy, millie ang all will have baby news this year..

the best thing is I hope, we all can graduate at the same timing (hehehehe).. which i find really hard meh..

but at least, hope there are baby annoucement from us every mth.. That's good enough..
hi nyny, take good care of yrself.. hope u will not think too much of what had happened..

take care and come back here to update yr news..

u won't feel pain when u do your 'small biz" but u will hv bleeding for a few days, just like the normal AF flow. But my case quite bad, I have severe cramp a few days after D&amp;C. Don't worry too much some gals don't hv any pain at all. But I am puzzled why yr gynae din arrange for a D&amp;C asap cos u may start to bleed anytime from now.

BFW = Bai Feng Wan = chinese medicine
hi tian tian
actually he wanna arrange it asap one. but i have sth important on this weekend. so, i push it to next week.
so, meanwhile, he gave me hormone pills to hold it first.
btw, if it bleeds b4 the d&amp;c, will it be very heavy or just like AF?
hi nyny,
I'm sorry to hear about your blood test result. I find you are a very strong gal. Glad that you are taking it rather well but must take good care of your health. Take more bu during the period after your D&amp;C. You'll feel stronger one.

hi gals,
Here's my update on my gynae's visit today...

I should be 13+ wks today but the scan shows that I'm 14+ measures 8.3cm today.

At first my gynae thought to try using ab scan but becos my fats too much so cannot see too clearly...
In the end, still gotta go by the v scan. Both my hubby and myself were more concern of the bb's progress so never ask the gynae to check on the bb's gender. Anyway, was very happy to see bb growing very well. At first bb was not moving. My gynae say bb is sleeping very comfortably inside so she tried to disturb bb by shaking my tummy so bb kind of frustrated move the head and limbs a bit then went back to sleep again...Very cute.

I also had my triple blood test done today. Hope all will be okay lor. Next visit will be 3 weeks later and that will be my detail scan liao. And also discussing on the gynae's package lor.
hi miao, happy that yr baby is doing well.. keep us update of yr news..

Yr darling is cute.. so comfortable in Mummy's tummy.. that's great..
Sum, don't be afraid of those kaypo relatives. Just tell them "Soon, soon" confidently! Or you can say you're giving them another year to save on ang bao first.

Nyny, sorry to hear the news, and here's a *Hug* for you. I'm glad you manage to keep your spirits up, it's really no point brooding over it, and once you get over it you are able to move on and feel better. You will prob feel better after the d&amp;c actually, cos it puts an end to the agony and uncertainty, and you know you can look forward to a brand new start. It's ok to try after one cycle, just double check with your gynae.
dear nyny,
BFW= bai feng wan... it's a chinese herbal pills.. if u wanna buy it, pls get it from Eu Yan Sang... it's a bottle of v small black pills &amp; u can jus take it wif warm water... veri easy... reason why i ask u to buy Eu Yan Sang brand is becos i once read from one of the threads dat 1 other brand contains some harmful ingredients... but i forgot dat brand liao... according to the report, dis brand shd be taken off the shelves in s'pore... but then, u neber know whether there r still a handful still circulating in the mkt.. better play safe lah..

jus standby a few pads when u pack ur bag for dis weekend... always wear a panty liner dis few days... so dat u wont keep on checking for stains..

as for the D&amp;C itself, u will be asleep... when u woke up, u might feel slightly weak, so rest until u feel ok to stand up, always get someone to support u when u get off the bed.. as a precaution... over the nix few days.. u will feel cramps as ur womb is contracting back to normal... dis is veri normal... ur gynae will prescribe painkillers for u... jus take it... sometimes gynae will oso give antibiotics... take them faithfully... post D&amp;C bleeding looks like AF... for dat 1st week, dun do strenuos stuffs or carry heavy things... rest well... *big big hugz*
dear nyny, hamasaki, Sum, tiantian, positiveme &amp; java,

thks for ur well-wishes...
i had a great time teasing my hubby jus now... saying nix time he has to bring our DS to toilet &amp; train him to hv good toilet manners... &amp; oso, sex education... hehhee...

hi Sum,
ur day will come soon... for me, if u read thru' the past archives, i neber tot dis day is possible for me as well... but it DID!!

i wish all the TTC-ians all the best, hopefully, we'll hear more BFPs coming over the nix few mths... *truckloads of bb-dust*
I'm very happy for you.
Really can feel your sense of achievement to this point lor. Congrats to you. You are having a boy-boy. My gynae did not focus much on finding the bb's gender leh. Maybe becos she feels that both me and my hubby still very nervous about bb's progress. My gynae always say I look very worried.

Both our EDD should be about 1 wk apart hor. I'm 13+ wks and you are 14+ wks....
Think we can exchange information about our daily/monthly progess liao. Today I was given additional Multi-V pills and lots of other supplements too. One good gynae says no need to prescribe duphaston for me liao!!
hi tubby,hahaha teasing yr hubby.. Its great that u are in high-spirits..

i am also thinking and worried at the same time if my hubby will help me out with the education of our child (crossing fingers now).. (seems like its still so far for me to think abt it)..
thanks gals for the encouragement.

ya, these few days,i have been wearing sani pad, instead of panty liner. hehehe... a bit kiasu, just in case it bleeds a lot.... *touch wood*
Miao2, jia you jia you! Now you are in 2nd tri liao! After a while, you will feel more relaxed. I think this is especially true when you can start feeling the baby move. Then there would be constant reassurance.

Tubby, also glad to hear that things are well with you and that you are expecting a boy!
I am very happy that we are all moving along well!

hi nyny,
Are you currently working? Avoid walking too much I think becos try not to exert too much.

I'm not too sure how it will be like but the other time my gynae says it's better to perform the D&amp;C early 'cos she says that the process of the bleed and pain might be rather traumatic for some people. Sorry.... I don't mean to scare you lor. I'm just worried for you leh...

Hi Miao,
I am so happy for u. You have crossed another milestone!!!
I can really feel the happinese and relief in u and <font color="ff0000">tubby</font>You two are buddy just like <font color="0000ff">java</font> and <font color="0000ff">folic</font>. jia you jia you.
Thanks, your idea is very good!!

How're u feeling today? Hope better...

Tubby had given u a very clear explanation of pre &amp; post D&amp;C, in fact those are what I wan2 tell u now no need liao...remember to rest as much as possible after D&amp;C. Treat it as a mini-confinement.

Thanks for the encouragement &amp; truckloads of bb-dust!! I 'catch' some of it liao! Hee..hee... Anyway, I'm not ready to TTC now. May after CNY then see how... Health wise I think I'm ok now...cos my limbs not weak anymore, 2 AF cycles very regular &amp; I feel that I'm stronger compared to few mths ago. Now is my mental

Heythks, ya hope to hear ur good news this yr!

Noted with thks, will ignore &amp; learn to act blur, hee..hee...

U &amp; Hamasaki jia you!! All the best!
hi, i'm new here
i suspect a miscarriage
started bleeding 5 days ago after my gynae check up
am on duphaston now
shld i go see the gynae again
wud can he do for me
i'm afraid the internal check up will injure the baby more
I don't think internal check will harm the baby, you've to go to see gynae for a check cos bleeding for 5 days is no joke. Sorry I don't wan2 frighten you. Did ur gynae gave u injection? Try not to walk around too much, if possible take MC now &amp; bedrest. Take care!
hi miao miao
actually yesterday morning i had a horrible stomach cramp. it caused me cold sweat, leg numbs and hands shiver. horrible feeling. but luckily, no bleeding.
yap, i am working now. not require me to walk a lot.
actually my gynae also warned me on the bleeding and pain thing, too. but no choice, i can only wait till next monday for operation 'cos got something important to do this weekend.
at the moment, he gave me duphaston to hold it first. but he said no guarantee. anyway, i have prepared for it. in worst case, got to rush to hospital.... :p

hi jill
you should go to see your gynae once you notice there is bleeding.
then, he can do another check up or scan for you to advise you the next step and you might need to bed rest for few day if necessary.
don't worry. make an appt with your gynae to see him/her asap. don't drag anymore.
and i don't think the scan will hurt bb.
pray for you. cheers!

During my 4th week, I had spotting too. Gynae found that it is due to low lying placenta. After injection &amp; duphaston, the spotting stop.

Your bleeding may or may not be a miscarriage. Pls make an appt &amp; see your Gyane immediately...

Take Care!
u shd see yr gynae asap. Bleeding for 5 days is no joke. Is the bleeding light or heavy and wats the color, brown or red. If it's red, pls see yr gynae immediately.

I am not trying to scare you but my gynae told me before it is better to do D&amp;C asap cos it is no good to keep something that is not viable in yr body for too long as it may cause a infection.

And yes duphaston will help to hold it for a while but once u stopped taking it, the bleeding will start. It happened to me. I went to see my gynae on fri and he actually advise me to go for D&amp;C on Sat but since I was sick, he scheduled for me to go on mon. Fri was the day I finished my last duphaston AND on that fri nite, I saw BROWN and fresh RED color on sat monring. Was rushed to hospital to do a D&amp;C immediately.

Please do take extra care these few days ok.
thanks tian tian
ya, the chinese sinsei also told me it might cause infection if drag too long.
will be careful these few days and try not to walk too much.
hi gals,
Had to clear so many emails this morning. Now then got time to come in here. Still feeling abit weak. Last time I had a series of false contractions coming at every 10 mins interval. Quite scary because I can feel my cervix tightening. Actually my gynae gave me some medicine that can stop the contractions, but luckily this morning, it subsided already. I had this before somewhere in my 2nd tri, gynae said its due to irritable uterus. I must constantly remind myself to watch what I eat.

Hi miao2,
I'm glad your checkup went well. Do continue to keep us updated on your progress yah.

hi adora,
How are you? You are in your 20th week?

I wonder how's Odie? Haven heard from her for sometime.
As my AF is quite regular, so I knew it the moment I missed it. Actually din want to visit Gynae so early but as I was spotting &amp; tummy feels cramp so had to go...the scan shows 4weeks plus.

Yes, I am in my 20th weeks now. Can feel bb kicking nowadays but it is very mild &amp; not very frequent. As mine is a boy, I tot his kick should be quite 'powerful'. I hope everything is fine.....

Are you on leave now? Resting at home? Must take care okie...u are reaching the finishing point soon! <font color="0000ff">JIA YOU!</font>
hi sum, thanks for yr well-wishes.. certainly i hope there will be baby news this year.. Good luck to U as well..

hi jill, i think U better check with a Doc asap.. 5 days bleeding is not a joke.. It could indicate something bad or not.. SO check it and treat it fast.. Keep us update again..

Hope everything is fine..
hi Java, do take extra care.. Hope this scare will not happen again..

pretty scared I feel.. Take care and give birth to a healthy sweetie baby..
You're welcome. Thanks....hope we've good news together. But for my case, I don't know easy to conceive or not, cos my 1st child, tried more than 1 yr. She's 2 yrs old now.
Hi Java, I'm fine, tks.
I'll be recycling my old baby clothing and accessories. So there's nothing more for me to stock up except for new milk bottles and pacifiers. Yah, btw, I also haben buy my maternity pads. Maybe will buy next week.

And hor, you dun laughed at me ah, I've already packed my hospital bag liao. In case got sudden labour, haha!

So how's your side? If my bb din move for few min, I got paranoid liao. Too stressful liao... I can't wait to give birth now!!
hi joyce,
Actually yesterday when I stayed at home I felt quite scared coz I'm alone at home. That's why today I prefer to come back to office, feels more normal....

I won't laugh at u lah. I think its good to pack early.

Same here. I get extremely paranoid if I dun feel any movements from my bb the whole morning and afternoon. And I'm very demanding, even if he give me a soft kick, I'm still not pacified, I wan a HARD HARD kick!

Are you seeing Dr Koh? I read from the other thread that this lady also had a stillbirth at 36 weeks. Can really understand wat she been thru.
Hi Java... nope. I'm seeing John Tee at KKH. Think he's more responsible than the latter. And especially after the terrible incident, I dun dare to go back to Dr Koh liao.

Last night my back so ache, lie down also cannot, sit also cannot. Told my HB that I can't tahan anymore.

Exactly, in fact I felt so assured and happy when he's wriggling and kicking hard... although I felt painful sometimes.
hi joyce,
Yah I think John Tee is a good gynae. I heard many good comments abt him. I think he specialises in amniocentesis right? Yah sometimes my bb's nudges can be quite uncomfortable, but I rather he does this then not move at all.

Hi Java, not sure if he's specialised in amniocentesis. But I think he's quite experienced.

Therefore, we still have to tahan for few more weeks before we can release from all these stress.
