Support group - Miscarriages

morning gals,

How's yr checkup?? BB going to pop soon???
Feeling so excited for u.

I'm praying hard that your beta blood count will increase
. Let us know ok, you are a strong gal.

my gynae also share the same views as yr gynae. He say hormonal pills and injection are a waste of money. If the foetus is no good, wat amount of pills and injection also cannot save it.
Btw, when are u showing us your photos??

Hi Ladies
After my m/c recently & last month I had my first mense
However less than one month, I realised I had brown watery discharge yesterday & today

Please advise, is it normal
Thanks for Ocean's info...Hope Cheris can pass the hearing test. I'll pray for her.

Thanks, I'll drop by this thread more often

How's your checkup? Rest well & don't think too much. Doctors have their own practice, one doc may think injection but another may think no need. I strongly agree with Millie & Tiantian. My gynae also ever told me if foetus no good, no matter how much amt of injection or pills, also no use. B4 I m/c, I had bleeding for 4 days non-stop. My gynae juz to 'comfort' me, gave me jabs everyday. But bleeding never stop. I juz wan2 let u know that for my case, even jabs are waste of money cos in the end, also can't save my pregnancy. It's all fated, u know what I mean? But of course, right now, u must rest well & don't go jalan jalan too much. DON't GIVE UP pessismistic.

congrats! Wedding this Thur now must be very busy. Collected your gowns already?

decimal point,
pls be patient, sometimes juz relax & dun think about it, things will come your way.

my sis-in-law juz gave birth last sunday, bb boy! very cute little boy, weighs 3.275kg.
postive me,
u wan2 consult your gynae? ever since my m/c, i become hyper kia su already. little bit of things will ask my gynae. btw, did u experience heavy menses? after my d & C, my 1st & 2nd menses (1st 2 days) quite heavy. i took iron pills.
Hi Sum
i just drop him an email maybe call him later cos morning he is busy

my menses flow was nt much during my first mense compare to my normal menses flow
I also don't know why

nw I am worried about the brown discharge when I go toilet
Usually the 1st few menses after D&C is abit haywire one. My 1st menses cames 3 weeks after D&C and the flow is very light.The 2nd one came 8 weeks after that and is not the normal flow, it looks like bloody mucus. Maybe u can give yr gynae a call if u are concern. Take care.
i wld like to write more...but PC at home got virus, no time to get it repaired. now depending on office PC. but sometimes due to work, no time to come here to write. then realised already so much postings...hee..hee...

I had gone thro' 2 rounds of regular menses after the D&C. I wanted to try again for a bb but I'm very scared the bad history will repeat. Really very scared....
hi sum, we yak pretty fast.. sometimes 1 or 2 days without coming in, zoommmm we will see many many postings liao.. pretty hard to catch up (hehehehe)..

why not wait till u and hubby is ready be4 trying again.. Maybe in a mths time or what.. this is what i do.. i make sure that i eat well, have a positive mind, take lots of folic acid and multi-vits, have a check-up with doc etc etc be4 TTC..

U and hubby also must be really ready.. dun dwell on the past but look forward for a new start.. I understand how u feels coz me ever been in yr shoes be4.. The feeling is awful but i really hope U will look forward instead of remembering the sad unhappy things.. Its unhealthy..
positiveme my dr mentioned before brown discharge is old blood. maybe yours is old blood? i have them all 3 weeks after my d&c, now patiently waiting for 1st cycle.
crazy day at work once again. hate it. i hate my promotion.
hi tiantian,
your icon is so cute. that's just how i'm feeling these days! A mixture of excitement and nervousness. Sat's check up went well. baby is now 2.6kg and her head is low down.

yes java, am into my 38th wk and this Thur is my last day at work. decided to take start my leave cos i really feel so heavy and huge and tired these days. climbing up the stairs are like climbing up bukit timah hill!!

Sum, think positive! Don't be worried about trying again. since your cycles are back to normal, that's a good sign and you can try once you're mentally and emotionally ready. All the best!

Nyny, how are you? Do keep us posted and take care.
Good morning gals!

Sum, I feel that it is important to be ready emotionally before you try again. Not just you, but also your hubby. Although I was given the green light to try again after 4 months, I didnt really dare to till mebbe6-9 months later. I feel the fear and also my hubby does not feel ready. I got the courage to try again after talking to others with similar encounters and also building up confidence by taking steps to ensure that I am in a better health condition than before (eg, exercise more to reduce some weight, taking folic acid and evening primrose oil, monitoring my ovulation pattern to ensure that I am ovulating properly etc). Hope you start to make small steps towards the next baby

Tiny, glad to hear that everything is well for you! 38 weeks! Yippee!
Take care ok? And do keep us posted when you do go and pop!

A quick update on my gynae visit yesterday. Everything is good. My gal has grown from 1.02 kg during the 28th week to 1.52 kg yesterday. I start my 31st week today, so doc says baby growth is good and slightly above average. We are monitoring the baby's growth closely as I am classified as a diaebetic mum and diabetic tends to have bigger babies. But so far, things are great. She even made a 'du du' mouth at us when the doc scan.. like as if she is kissing us
I will see my gynae in 2 weeks time. Time really flies!

hi gals
yesterday went to get my blood test result. the hormone level showed decreasing trend. next monday we will arrange for D&C. i am not very sad though, think i am already mentally prepared for this worst situation.
Hi Nyny, sorry to hear about your blood test results. Do take care. Glad to hear that you are mentally prepared.

thanks folic.

ya, hope that after d&c, my emotion still stay like what i have now. then, we are able to try soon.
Hi nyny
at least now you have an answer rather than waiting for an unknown answer whether baby is growing etc etc
I can understand the feelings you going through
take care!
Morning gals,

Hi Tiny,
How time flies, 38 weeks liao!!!
Jia you Jia you. Do keep us updated when u 'pop' ok??

Hi Folic,
Yes, time really flies. Great that everything went well. Your bb so cute, made 'du du" mouth.
you take care too.

Hi nyny,
Sorry to hear abt the blood test results.
You are really a very strong gal.
Tiny, Hamasaki, Folic,
Thanks for all your advices. Really appreciate that. I know it's pointless to dwell on the past....think I'll juz wait for few more mths 1st. Haven't asked my hubby's opinion...will find an appropriate time to discuss with him. Thank you.

Btw, CNY coming...very scared of meeting those 'long time no see' relatives....cos they'll sure ask me questions abt when having bb lah etc...they don't know anything that happened to me few mths I can't blame them for asking me. I tell myself that I must be mentally prepared, cos they sure ask me one. I wonder if I can take it or not.

Congrats & Jia You! Very fast you'll be carrying your sweet little bb in your arms! So envy! Njoy your motherhood!!

Your bb gal very lovely leh...still 'kiss kiss' you all during the scan. How lovely!

so sorry to hear abt it. you hv to rest well after the D&C. eat more nutritious food & 'bu' your body. drop in more often to talk to us...take care & god bless.
hv your brown discharge cleared? what doctor said? i heard from my doc last time that brown discharge is old blood. but if u still feel uneasy, do see doctor pls...then u'll feel more at eased after the doctor's assurance.

sorry to pop in here....hope u take good care of yourself ok? dun think too much.....we are always here with you ok....
hi folic, glad to hear baby is doing well.. she is adorable to kiss U by making a du du mouth(this is how i thinks)..

Great, keep us update on yr next appt in 2 wks time..

hi nyny, sorry to hear that.. take extra care gal..
hi nyny,
Sorry to hear abt your blood results, but you sound like a strong gal. I'm sure you will heal well after this incident and try again when you are stronger. Do tok to us.

hi folic,
So cute hor! Your bb kissing you. Glad your checkup went well.

hi Sun,
Your fear of meeting those "long time no see" relatives during CNY, really reminds me of wat folic and I used to discuss last year. Yes, being mentally prepared is good. Just tell them to bug off! No lah just joking. If they ask u when u having bb, etc, just say, you leave things to happen naturally lor. I lagi "worse", my parents didn't even tell my relatives that I'm pregnant, then suddenly when they see me during CNY, I tell them I giving birth in 1-2 weeks time.

hi gals,
Just woke up....I'm at home resting again. Yesterday went to a wedding dinner and ate something not agreeable to my stomach. Last night had serious heartburn and can't sleep. This morning vomitted twice. Now I'm cooking porridge to eat, dunno if I can even get it down. I think this vomitting episode reminds me not to be a greedy pig and stuff food down my throat with a 2.5kg bb inside me.
take care Java.. rest well and hope U will feel better later..

Did U see a doc yet.. I hope after u have vomitted out, u will feel much much better..
hi gals

hehe... actually not that strong lah. thanks for you gals for the patience and ears/eyes to look at my sad messages in previous weeks. that's y i am able to adjust it along the way.

at initial pregnancy stage, i already knew that there are lots of risks involved in a pregnancy, so, i set my mind that everything just leave it to god and fate. if it's belong to me, i will have it. if it's not, ultimately, it will just leave me. with that faith, i am able to cope better and faster.
Hi Sum
Thank you for your concern...
My brown discharge turn to like menses
though not as heavy as menses
I called my gynae and he said maybe my menses have gone haywire, monitor for another month first
I hope its ok
Sum, yah, I was about to comment about relatives and holidays this morning but forgot about that
Java and I used to have this long discussions on how to handle the situation. For us, it is a bit tougher cos we were obviously preg jus mths before last year's CNY. But I guess it should be ok if you just treat it as a normal kpo type of questions, since they would have asked you the same questions even if you did not have the miscarriage. I find it easier if you just smile at them or laugh off their suggestions.

Positiveme, it is not unusual for menses cycles to go haywire initially. Don't be too concerned. It will slowly stabilise over time. BIG HUGS!!!

hi sum, i agree with what folic said.. just laugh it off abt what they said..

If for me, i guess i will juz tell them will let nature take its course.. If I have any baby news, will inform them so stop rushing me (hehehhe)..
Hi Folic, great to hear that your checkup went well. Ahhh.. your baby sooo cute huh..

Hi Java, hope you are feeling better now.

Hi nyny, sorry to hear that... may god bless you a baby soon.
Yah, I was so thrilled yesterday! One other good news is that the baby put on 500g and I put on 700g, so total, I only kenna fatter by 200g :D

Positiveme, don need to be envious. I am sure your turn will come soon! I have all sorts of obstacles that will prevent me from getting preg, so if I can do it, I am sure you will too!

How u feeling now? If still no better, do see doctor. Next time don't eat too full...or maybe the food too oily...pregnant woman slow in digestion, that's why heartburn (I think). U can also cook some 'mee sua' with clear ikan bilis soup to eat...light meals better. Reduce the quantity but increase the frequency of meals.

Ya, maybe juz monitor for another 1-2 cycles & see how it goes. If still haywire, my personal opinion is to see a chinese physician to 'tune' back the body's system. Anyway, it's juz my personal opinion only lah...

hamasaki, java, folic,
Thanks...laugh it off...I think I can't leh.... Juz hope that I'm able to handle the situation well when the time comes. The best need to go CNY visiting!! HA HA...then no problem liao :p
My gynae told me anytime when I feel that I want to start, can juz start. But my chinese physician said at least wait for 6 mths. I think chinese & western doctors always 'clash' one if u want a 'safer' side, personal opinion is after 1-2 normal cycles 1st then start.
Nyny, usually, for early miscarriages, docs will tell you that you can start trying after your 1st cycle. Depending on individual, cycles return to normal almost immediately for some but there are others who experience haywire cycles for a couple of months.

Sum, put on a brave smile when you meet them!
Talk about other things.. I treat those questions like those I get before I get married - when you getting married huh type of things.. last time I feel like telling them that I am a lesbian to put them off guard! :D

thanks folic.
after d&c, i will expect spotting/bleeding for few days?
thinking of the d&c makes me tears.
'cos nvr been to op theatre b4, and not even GA. very scared.
dear nyny,
i'm sorry to hear abt ur results... *hugz* usually gynae will advise 3 cycles after D&C b4 trying again... dis is to allow ur AF to regulate back to normality & oso to let u & hubby get over dis episode emotionally... i guess dis period of time is veri impt for u to 'bu' ur body, cheer urselves up to prepare for ur nix pregnancy... it's really impt to use dis time to 'bu' ur body so dat when ur nix pregnancy comes along, u r more confident to face it...

hi positiveme,
i hope to share wat i've been thru... my 1st AF after D&C took abt 8-9 weeks to arrive... then shortly after, abt 2 weeks after AF cleared, i got stainings again for exactly 1 week... then my 2nd AF comes 3 weeks later... then my 3rd AF comes exactly 4 weeks later... my guess is ur body is slowly adjusting... give it 1 or 2 more cycles to regulate... i took BFW faithfully after AF clears... i guess it helps alot... can understand ur anxiety... hope it helps... *hugz*

hi Sum,
folic's advise is v good... i met my relatives for the 1st time after 2.5 mths post D&C, i put on a smile on my face to let them know dat i am 'coping well' ... everybody jus treated me as per normal...
Hi nyny
My gynae & chinese physician said after 3mths can try

Hi Folic
Yup i will stay confident

Hi Sum
I am on chinese medication too but nw don't know is it crash then my menses come again or not
gynae told me to stop eating
tubby, folic,
Ok, a brave smile....I'll try. Hope I look 'natural'... Intend to ask my hubby to help 'change topic' if those relatives continue to ask me non-stop.
sum, i believe u can handle the situation well..

hahahha folic, U nearly tell them U're a lesbian to shut their mouths.. that's funny..
don't worry. you sure can make it if you determine to do it.

ya, your hb can be your shield if you can't take their 'bombard'.

hi gals,
an update for my gynae's visit today...

according to scan, i am abt 14wks plus today... so officially i am in my 2nd trimester liao!!

bb is extremely co-operative today... at first, gynae says bb is cross-legged... so can't see anything... so she measures the head, waist & leg first... then when she go back to see dat part again, she said bb slightly open up legs... she used her fingers to slightly shake my abdomen, i was luffing cos it's quite cute to see 'communication btw gynae & bb'... she then paused the screen & pointed out to us 'there, the birdie is veri clear, can see it?? i saw a stick-like image in the screen & was luffing veri loudly.... can't stop smiling even after i left the room... it was a veri pleasant surprise for us, cos all dis while, i tot i will be hvg a gal, according to motherhood website...

my gynae is quite nice, she patiently ans all my queries cos i told her, if dun ask now, hv to wait another 4 weeks... hahaha... she oso suggest dat i attend antenatal class to gather more info... so i registered for a class starting in March..
