Support group - Miscarriages

Hi nyny
I didn't go thru D&C I was given some pills to insert & the sac can dispelled out by itself
You may ask yr gynae on this & its cheaper
At first I also worry thinking I have to go thru D&C who knows there's such procedure

Maybe after all u do not need to go thru all these

take care

hi nyny,

this is what my gynae told me: Miscarriges will ultimately be dispelled by the body but you will not know how long it takes. I feel this is not good cos it is quite torturous to bleed and know that, oh, that's my baby. Another minus point is that the dispel may not be thorough, leaving some tissue inside. i think there are a few options, ask your gynae for advice. I know how you feel-hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. But I really hope you need not have to do any of these.

hi bookworm, i think natural miscarriage cannot be prevented. am i right girls?

sum i also think like you. believe evrything is fated. but sometimes it only takes news of a recently pregnant colleague to send everything into a mess. but will tell myself that i can too cos i did before. meanwhile just wait patiently for AF to come! sigh... y take so long????
Hi nyny,
yes, my gynae has the same view as decimalpoint's. According to him, once it's a missed abortion, d&c is a safe option, and i guess in a way it's also a proper closure for you. It is not a painful (physically) procedure and it's 'cleaner' - but don't think about it just yet.

Hey, don't be discouraged, girls. it may seem like it's really so long, but remember that your body also needs to heal physically so sometimes it's better to let it take its own course. Something i didn't really realise myself until on hindsight, when i realised that my cycles were getting more regular only after about 3-4 post m/c cycles. I guess you can say it's God's perfect timing, or to those who believe in fate or other things, it's all about the right timing.

Today a friend of mine told me she was pregnant. I almost broke down in tears of joy! I was so happy for her, cos she has been trying for about 3 years!!! And she's almost past her 1st trimester now. A few months back she was really discouraged still. I'm really, really really so happy! And I'm sure like her, for those who are ttc after grieving, your turn will come too!
Baby dust to you!
hi tiny, glad that U are looking up and feeling happie and at peace..

yes tiny, baby dust to all TTC gals..

keep us update of yr latest news.. god bless u..
thanks gals.

in my scan report there is one note:
ovary identified with Corpus Luteum of 14mm.
what does it mean?
Hi nyny,
This what I found:
After an egg is released from the ovary, the corpus luteum is responsible for making the hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy.

A typical corpus luteum is round and fluid-filled and can range in size from less than two centimeters (about an inch) to six centimeters or more. On ultrasound, a fluid-filled (cystic) structure greater than three centimeters is technically classified as an ovarian cyst, even though it may well represent a normal finding.

Ovarian cysts usually don't cause any symptoms. In fact, corpus luteum cysts appear toward the end of the menstrual cycle, last into early pregnancy, and then usually resolve over a period of time without any special treatment.
If the ovum is not fertilized, the corpus luteum begins to regress.
If the ovum is fertilized, the corpus luteum becomes the CORPUS LUTEUM OF Pregnancy and continues to maintain the embryo and uterine lining until the placenta can take over maintenance.

Oh... now I understand how come last time the radiographer was trying to find my ovaries... Maybe to measure the corpus luteum...

The corpus luteum is a hormone-secreting structure that grows on the surface of the ovary after ovulation takes place. In pregnancy, functions of the corpus luteum include:
promoting the growth of the fetus through the 12th week of pregnancy.
stimulating the development of fetal sex organs.
promoting the synthesis of male hormones by the fetal testes.
Good Morning everyone!

2days ago I met up with my ex-colleagues. They were asking me when is my 2nd baby. I didnt know what to answer them just smiled and kept quite and asked myself when will be the 2nd one coming......

Well, they brought me good news. Another ex-colleague is pregnant again. That colleague had a misscarriage 3 yrs ago. She was 4mth preggie when the baby's heartbeat stopped. Now she is preggie again and in her 7th mth. I am sooooooo happy for her. U know, she is in her early 40s and yet able to conceive. I feel really inspired by her!
many thanks ULN.

so, it's not bad thing in my current situation? if the corpus luteum still exist, does it mean that this pregnancy still has hope?
hi ULN
haven't got chance to see my doc for explanation. that day after got the rpt, went to look for him but he's not around.

next wednesday will be the appt with him.
I found something interesting... Sorry if it's boring to some of you... I am a researcher so I tend to read research papers for information...

It was found that emesis (defined as the
reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth.) was associated with corpus luteum located predominantly on the right side, while the non-emetic pregnancy often had a left-sided corpus luteum. It is suggested that the venous drainage, which differs between the right and the left side, may be responsible for the fact that the same woman can either suffer from or be free from nausea during pregnancy.
Meanwhile, stay positive ok? There's still hope

I will be busy next week, but I will pop in on Thursday morning to see how you are doing...
I will pray for you

I am looking forward to be a beautiful bride next Thursday and Friday
hi ULN
that's interesting! the corpus luteum found is at my right ovary...
sorry, my english is not very good. so, does it mean that those women whose corpus luteum is at right side will tend to have nausea?
Hahah, this morning's discussion so medical... sounds like a group of doctors

Will come in to chat later.

I was legally married in 2000. Next week will be the usual chinese wedding with tea ceremony and banquet... I am having 2 dinners on consecutive nites... So now pretty busy...
wow... 2 dinners.
enjoy your preparation. i missed my preparation process for AD, though there were lots of frustration. kekekek
Hi Gals,
just read the jan MTB thread abt Ocean. she is very stressed cos Cherish not taking breast milk well. Also, she needs to re test Cherish hearing. Seems that her hearing test fail. Let pray that Cherish will pass her next hearing test.

you must be having yr beauty sleep now.
How's yr checkup today?
Hi all

A little update from my checkup, my bb has engaged and weighing 2.4kg at week 33th. Everything looked good, doctor told me "no problem", ask me dun worry.

The feeling like strike 4D, lol

Saw that Ocean's baby gal hearing test failed, hope everything turn out fine for her. God Bless.
God bless Cherish...

Congratulations Joyce...

Thank you Hamasaki...

Where is everyone else today?

I have been sleeping for the whole afternoon... I have caught the flu virus
Hopefully I will recover by my wedding day...
hi ULN, take great care.. drink plenty of water and rest more..

If not well yet, see a doc and take its medicine regulary..

God Bless U.. Get Well Soon..
any of you got fibroids? my dr say that i hav a 6cm fibroid but said no need to remove cos will scar the womb and does not affect anythg and certainly did not cause my miscarriage. will it affect pregnancy or even fertility? i read on the web, quite confused cos some said yes some said no. maybe i shld trust my dr n leave it as it is? read on the fibroid thread, seems like 6cm is considered big and some gynae remove them. any advice?

today rather happy cos finally got clear discharge with no blood streaks! 3 weeks after D&C finally then can see body becoming normal.
decimal pt,
after your D&C, what did you take to bu your body?

yesterday i dreamt that i went for d&c. sob sob.... and my mum took care of me instead of my mil. lagi sob sob...

ever since she heard that 1st scan showed that bb had no heartbeat, she only cooked birdnest once for me. which was 2 weeks ago... thereafter, she never called up or showed any of her concern....
maybe i expect too much?
Hi decimal,
That's a good news.
I had fibroids when I was pregnant. The fibroids had contributed to my miscarriage cos the fibroids grew faster than my baby. Fibroids take up a lot of blood and for a baby to grow, it need blood as well.. So there's competition for blood. From what I know, if my baby did survive, it will have to compete for space to grow with the fibroids. I went through the stress that my baby gotta be premature at 28 weeks if it did survive with the presence of fibroids.
Maybe you should seek a second opinion. My gynae believes in removing any growth before planning for next pregnancy.
Decimalpoint, glad that you have stopped bleeding. Now to look forward and hope for good news soon!

Nyny, don't be too sad. Sometimes, people are not well adapted to handle sad situations. They just feel awkward. My in laws are wonderful people too but when they heard about my previous miscarriage (when I lost my baby at 23 weeks), they are also at a loss in terms of wat to say to me. I know they are concerned because they have talked to my hubby and also offer advice but they do not really know how to talk to me or comfort me. So some may think that it is best to leave you alone at this time to handle the situation. Sometimes, I think that is better too. Don't get too bothered about such things ok?

I am feeling so sad today...
I hope it's just the hormones playing tricks on me, or just pre-wedding anxiety... I feel that my hubby no longer loves me as much since the miscarriage. I dunno why. Dunno is it becos he's afraid that I get pregnant again, or is it he's afraid that I miscarriage again, or what... It makes me wonder if there's a third party. A lot of things happened last year. I returned from UK, found out his colleague fell in love with him and they did went out, then I got high risk pregnancy, then a miscarriage... I dunno if he had fallen in love with her too. I try not to think about that. He's a different person now.
I feel so sad...
Sorry for being so "sao xing"... I got nobody to turn to. I am getting depression again...

Just for your information, not to get you worry, but my pregnancy was classified as high risk becos of the fibroids. On ultrasound, the biggest was 8cm. When removed, it was 12cm.
Joyce, just saw your posting. Looks like you are all set to go!
You must be counting down enthusiastically now to the day you meet your little prince!

Sorry if I confuse some of you.. I have decided to change my name.. but dunno how to change my nickname. I realised my sis comes into Singapore brides very often too... I dun wan her to know it's me...
thanks folic, lyn.

have a good talk with your hb then it can ease your confusion and sadness. sometimes it's because all the stress from preparation of wedding which makes your thought goes wild and think -ve.

for me, few weeks b4 the wedding, i was so frustrated and loaded with lots of things and noticed that hb wasn't helping much on the preparation. so, i kept telling him to cancel the wedding and not going to marry anymore.
but after everything is done, i am 'back to normal' again.

hope you can sort things out with your hb before wedding and enjoy your wedding day!
thanks nyny...
YOu take care too... dun think about D&C yet... I know it's difficult, but try to think positive and listen to soothing music...
Hope you will get over this stressful period...
thanks lyn.

just now went to toilet. found a bit of pinkish discharge. and got light brown, too.
is that a sign of m/c?
Saw yr posting. So Happy for you.

It's better than striking 4D, isn't it?? Just wonder u and Java, who will pop first?
