Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

hehe... just trying my luck & hope the BP will hit target.

My big son are requesting a birthday party also this year. I'm thinking not sweets, choc and friends for the goodie bag.

Thinking to have wooden puzzle??? Hmm
hapimimiof2, aiya 1st birthday at child care sure prepare for ALL. Actually I have started to plan for his birthday now thou his birthday is in Aug'09 hehehe~ But this yr budget tight cannot buy for the whole school liao... only buy for his classmates :p

Mikael, puzzle? good idea! For zheng's birthday last year, i gave the older kids puzzle thing too. Those like 8 squares then with 1 empty space so u can move the pieces around to put the puzzle correctly.
Hi Mikael,

Good Idea too!
Now compasspoint got popular sales @ B1..
Mayb u can go see see...
Im thinking of getting a colouring bk & colour pencils for the goodies bag..
Hi to all,

May I know if there is any recommendation of a good childcare for a 18mth bb in Seng Kang & Punggol?
Hi Mummies,
Any recommendation for K1 for 2010 around Sengkang.Looking for Kindergarden with structured program around SK.Thanks
hi all, i am a punggol mtb...staying in edgedale baby will be due in may...can anyone recommend any infant care near my area ? tks...
Hi Mummies,

Am new here. Would like to check which playgroup/kindergarten do you send your kids to ? I'm currently looking for a kindergarten at Sengkang/Punggol area. My boy is in K1 now and studying at PCF but am disappointed with the school progress as during term 1 they were taught only ABC, 123 and we received letters to parents to revise with our kids to write ABC. I'm shocked and called up the principal to check and understand that they only start to teach writing in K1. He was previously from a private kindergarten which he has learnt more than that but have transferred him out due to the increase of his school fees. Am now thinking of transferring him back to his private kindergarten or any mummies know of any good PCF at Sengkang area. Appreciate your help.
hapimimiof2, buy online, ship via vpost fm USA to SIN. U have things to buy? i help u lah coz I m buying some stuffs for zheng's bday too
Hi Sharon,
Can share which PCF your kid going to?Becoz my gal also in PCF SK(292B) not satisfied with nursery curriculum though the teacher is good, is it same PCF?I am also looking for good private kindergarden ,any mummies can suggest.
Hi sharon,
187B.oh..seems all in this area like this..
Any idea of good private schools in SK,hougang or punggol?I am looking at fee around 400-600 per term
Hi..mommies! My son is currently attenting one of PCF school around sengkang. He is in K1. But after 3 semester running (from nursery up to K1 this year), i felt quite disappointed on the way how school's running with their system.

I don't think the school sensitive enough on the needs of children. They changed class teacher every semester ended - and this time is worse, the class teacher seems doesn't know anything. The chinese teacher lost hope on 4.5 year old boy. She's been telling me "My boy fails in chinese and he is impossible to take up chinese later for primary" which is still 1.5 year later.

I paid extra 100sgd per month for drama and speech lesson which i haven't seen any progress report ever since.

So i decided to transfer my kid to other school next semester. But i simply don't know where to go now?

Any PCF school you know is probably better? or any private but still in reasonable price?

I've tried to call St anne's church kinder and Methodist kinder but they are full. Any one know any other alternatives.

Actually i still prefer PCF school, cos i believe the chinese are more stronger than private school. But where? Your recommendation is appreciated. thanks
Hi mikael,

I only transferred my boy to PCF this year. He has been there for 3 mths plus and now they're only learning to 1 - 5 and A-G. Parents were told to help their kids to practice handwritting of small caps a-g. In March, there were 4 teachers who left and the new teachers came on board in mid March. I'm transferring him back to his old kindergarten.
Hi Sharon,
Can share which Kindergarden?Becoz I am also confused which one to choose,Don't want to choose wrong one again..
Any mummies can help me,I am not sure where to send!!
Hi sashay,
PCF = PAP community foundation preschools .
They have Nursery,K1 and K2.
Understand some do have child care too.But not sure which.
thanks SahaMum for clearing my doubts

ok now i have more doubts (lol). My 31mths old son is in N1 in a pte child care, he has been learning ABC, 123 & a little bit of phonics when he was in PG last year. Phonics was taught only to let them recognise the alpha & phonics sounds. This year in N1 he has been taught phonics in more depth. Teachers feedback to me that my son can recognize A-Z n 0-9, but he can count up to 20. So far he only wrote n show letter A when we were doodling one day last year... this year nothing yet. Maybe I should start practising hand writing with him.

So my question is~ does all N1 teach different things? My thinking is its like Pri school syllabus, every school teach the same thing at the same semester etc.

And if N1 does not teach the same things all at the same time, is my son's child care centre "fast" in teaching or its the norm?
Hi Sashay,
Understand for preschools schools have diff curriculum.
Last time my daugter in Childcare Playgroup can do A-Z 1-10 and know a lot of rhymes.
But now in Nursery in current PCF ,understnad their whole year curriculum is A-z and 1-10 .fainz,But they do little writing
Worse still,I understand some PCFs start writing in K1 only. If this happens they might rus the kids for P1 preparatory.
SO i sourcing for some other kindergarden.
For your son ,I would say norm as most private kindy also teach same.good for your son so long as he didn't feel stressed.
Hi SahaMum, ok so his school is ok. Dun think he feel any stress... but if i start practising hand writing with him, he will feel the stress :p

So fm wat u n other mummies wrote, PCF is not as good as pte kindy?
Actually all preschs dun hv a fixed curriculum.
so kindy/cc - all schs differs. some says CC is more for "CARE" whereas kindy is more for "learning". As it is, kindy is govern under MOE but CC is govern by MCYS.

thus all the talks abt improving presch standard - all aim at kindy with MOE website stating min qualification of kindy treachers etc. So all the more impt to choose a gd CC as in CC - any auntie can also be ur CC class teacher.

My 06 boy's CC currently also teaching phonics. He can recognised all A-Z and 1-20. counting up to 30-40. Recently he can write out his full name too. chinese - mainly recite those chinese rythmes only. sch is not teaching words recognition yet. Think still ok... nothing overly sressed :p Maths - beside the 1-20.. they are also doing number bonds (means addition/subtractions) etc.

I noe some CC - 06kids are learning beyond tat... like recognising chinese words (simple ones) and learning letters blending to form words liao.
hi SK/PG Mommies!

Was looking for a punggol mommy thread and am glad to find this... Can I join in?
i'm at punggol and mommy to a 9+ month darling girl. Just curious any SAHM here or are you ladies mostly FTWM? I'm in between.. Will be great to make some SK/PG mommy friends
wah... I have learn something from u all liao..
thanks mummies..

But can any mummies tell me wat is montessori teaching? is it important? wat is the different with other normal teaching? Will my child loss out anything if she dnt take montessori?
"hapimimiof2, buy online, ship via vpost fm USA to SIN. U have things to buy? i help u lah coz I m buying some stuffs for zheng's bday too"

Approximately, how much the percentage we should add in for the shipping cost? 30% less or more?
mikael, it depends on the weight of ur items. Shipping can cost more then ur item price if its heavy. Frankly I never did bother abt the shipping cost i always order for myself so usually dun take note ahah~
HI...mommies who joined SK baby contest: you can collect your baby's picture at SK CC now. Btw, those who joined the photogenic baby lohhh.

I browsed the oriental trading, i keen on some toys the price is around $9.99 for 12pcs...just wondering how much i should pay for the shipping. If i need to pay more than $10 for only shipping..cialat lohhhhh!!!! The price might be the same if i buy them here.

Cos' I've ever wanted to order exersaucer from amazon, the shipping cost was over the price of the exersaucer itself. So i just bought it from Taka fair - it's cheaper although not the same type..but's an exersaucer also.
ok just a rough guide, i sold some of the leftover crafts packs in loose here, i only add in ard $0.50 per piece of craft. So $0.50 x 12pcs = SGD6. This is only a rough guide ok. And the crafts I sold are foam crafts which are light.
Hi all mommies,

been a while since i last check this thread...

gave birth to my no 2 last dec, and jus came back to work after maternity leave.

jus sharing, I just celebrated my boy's 2nd birthday last week and i got some cheap and good stuff for the party pack from Mustafa.
Noted! Thanks.

I've been wanting to go to mustafa..but no chances. They said the place is not convenient for kids to go along..isn't true?

I need to bring kid where ever i go...hikkksss...sometimes pity me!
Hi mikael,
i brought my 2 boys and my niece too...
the place a bit cramp but overall ok place to bring kids la. you go to the new wing, i heard is better...
the place is damn big and TONs of things, if my SIL dint bring me there i will be lost. you will most likely need half a day minimum to shop cos finding the department u wan can take a while if u are not familar with the place. some of the toys are quite cheap and good for party pack(but dun expect qual stuff thr).
Hi Sashay,

I am hoping to find a good childcare as in 'caring teachers, clean place, qualified teachers, good academic program'.

Hope someone can recommend a good childcare.

hi jajnj, hmmm... my son's child care lor *siamz before other mummies throw smelly eggs at me* wahahaha~

seriously, I really dunno abt the standard, I jus feel comfortable with the teachers in my son's cc. Good academic program... hmmm.. I did not do a comparison with cc coz I lazy lah haha~

So other mummies, maybe some one can help?

Hi Jajnj,
I had my DD in NTUC childcare in both blk 230 and 295 for almost 2+ years.cannot continue as now quit fulltime working.Both are fine to me.Teachers are good,Though prefer BLK 295 much.Hope this helps.
