Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

mikael, ok will send out the photo to u n happimimiof2 this weekend.

Blog? aiyo i din do anything, its blogger template lor. Just have to find the blinkes n paste in the blog then put photos n everything lah. My blog is very simple, u shld see some other mummies blogs, theirs are really sophisticated.

Lynn, hope ur ger is well now. U have a good rest ya
AugBoyz: Thanks, she's beta now... Jus go bk to her PG yesterday aft absence for 1 n half wks...
This mth skl fee bai huan de :p nxt wk skl holiday liao...

Btw where's to get blogger template, sori Me kuku one....:p
AugBOyz, I've a blogspot a/c liao but how to chg skin & hw to create the LEFT side
<ABOUT me, 'Leave a note' bar ETC...)
Ladies...i need suggestion!

Today, it's the third time i had meeting with chinese teacher at Francis' school. (We meet every term ends). Ever since, the teacher said Francis got no progression on his chinese. And she always gave an impression that my boy can't possible take mandarin as his second language when it comes to primary1. (Which is one and half year later).

I dun really like her attitude for losing hope to my son! Three times met her - three times she said that to me.

She informed me that my boy didn't wn to involve in the lesson. He didn't wn to speak up or follow the lesson.

However, I received positive response from tuition teachers recently that he's already showing his interest and wn to speak up. I am sending him to Beijing Language sch and Phonic class at SK CC.

I felt the school's teacher fails to create warmth and comfy environment to my son. With her attitudes - in which she's been showing me the last 3 term - she definitely not a teacher that my son need.

But, on top of that, she indeed had a point : that i need to speak with my son in chinese at home.(already force hubby to speak at home!)

Thinking to find a group or playmate that speak mandarin. Anyone knows where? or any suggestion?
for language i think have to constantly speaks then will improve. Yes, force ur hubby to speak to him in mandarin.

As for Chinese playgroup, not sure whether have or not.

What school is Francis attending? Maybe change to another one?
augboy - actually i am open to all kids event. thus going for shows for kids are also one of them.
I like to expose my boy all everything! haahhha :p

ACT3 - there are some cater fro age 2 onwards. I need to be selective in choosing suitable shows too

Kiteflying - looks fun! there is a kite flying event in pgl this sunday at the oasis lrt i heard

maybe u gals can also consider kids run
i can view too. but then i click n click, did not managed to find the run date...

and hor, my 2yr old must run arh? walk can or not? LOL I think 3/4 of the way i will be carrying him lor.
thanks MTDT... i can view liao..
sorry for the trouble..

look interesting...
my hb is very interested in this kind of event..
mayb will join..
Hi, I am going to move to Punggol and will send my babies to the infant care as i have to work. I found one infant care center called BRIGHT KIDS SCHOOL HOUSE PTE LTD at 192, PUNGGOL CENTRAL, #01 - 311. May i know if any mummies have sent or are sending their babies to the center? Can i have your comment on this infant care center or any other recommendation? Thanks for your sharing.
just rem to login here :p man how many posts I missed :p

yes I wanna learn to make blog too.. nice nice one

and yes everybody can join with or without Kite lol ( reminds me of my hb's broken kite's nose :p)

Nice meeting u all.. so when u guys wanna to fly the kite in Punggol ? :p
Hi all
Am a new mummy and also staying in sengkang

Hi Mikael
Perhaps you can try Julia Gilbriel which has Mandarin EduDrama, my colleage tried and his son enjoyed
ling ling, kite flying in April??

Abt blogging, can asked ur hubby to teach u lah, guys usually knows more then ladies wor~
Soto mummy
welcome... I stay at PG

can can.. let's plan properly..

Blogging ask hb ? He where got time one ?? Reaches home from ofc late oredi n weekend his wife prefer to roam roam hehehehe
lingling, can can, we fix a date.

hapimimiof2, i still owe u the photos fm our 1st kite flying, sorry abt tt... very busy last weekend. Will try to send out these few days k :p
hi soto mummy,
welcome !

which part of sengkang u at ?

re: kite flying
Count me in too !

re: blogging
my hb know nuts abt blogging.. he only read, dun contribute.. lol
My heart pumped very fast to read this.

JTS from another thread

Hi Mummies
re: pnuemococcal

im a mummy in may forum.. but my bb was borned in Apr..

Just to share on pnuemococcal.. For mummies who have not bring the babies to vaccinate the above, pls do so.

My colleague nephew just passed away 2 weeks ago. He was only 25 mths.

He had fever on a Monday (on and off, less than 38 degrees). So his mum only fed him with the pink panadol.

His fever did not get better. Thus, by Wednesday, brought him to see a PD at Pasir Ris (Pasir Ris Baby and Chxld Clxnxc). The doctor gave them some medicine and they went back.

By Friday, the boy still did not get better. They called the clinic to ask how. The doctor said "Nowadays, parents so kiasu, come and see me on Wed and Fri call me again!". On hearing this, the mummy felt that "Oh, maybe I really to kiasu ald.. just monitor to see how"

Things did not get better. On Monday, they decide to bring the boy to Polyclinic since he started to feel restless. The doctor decide to do a blood test for him since its the 8th day of the fever. After drawing the blood, the boy went to sleep... and passed away... Everyone was shocked...

The blood test report came out on wed and the boy was diagnosed with pnuemococcal.

The doctor at the mentioned clinic is under police investigation currently.
Soto mummy
helping out Mikael to answer this. the vaccination can b taken anytime but the older the less jab they have to take.. For your kid I think will b only 2 jab

ya lorr.. so scary.. was delaying in hoping can do it only when she reaches 1 year, less jab less pain :p but reading story very scary
so sad to hear this..

i oso hv not brought both my kids for the jab too cos aft the required jabs, i feel heartache to see them take more jabs..
so din go for any further jabs..

hi soto mummy,
i oso hv a 13 mth old gal..

so ur bb is oso born in Feb 2008 ? is it a boy or gal ?
is really sad..
and we parents, can't we be more kiasu to ask a few more qns to ensure our children health?
sad to know the dr reply was like that...
my gal already taken the jab, but not my son..
im waiting for him to turn 2 then i intend to give him the jab.. so he will only pain 1 time..
same as happymum2b, very heartache...

is ok.. take ur time to send...

no rush...
wah den i cruel lor... made my son took tt big needle TWICE
and I paid $160+ TWICE! Haiz.. be more KS; read Kia-see then be sorry.
Morning Mummies, that's so sad &amp; scary...

Re: Pnuemococcal

My gal haven taken....still waiting for my gal to recover fm her cough &amp; running that drags almost a mth
Lynn, have u checked with the PD/GP whether they have ready stock of the dosage? Like my GP, she says can go for the jab any time as she has ample stock. Another GP at my blk told me have to call n check if have the jab, if dun have then have to book.
Hi mummies...

My gal bday coming in May...

Does any mummies got the expenience how to celebrate bday with ur child in the CC?
any ideas on goodies bags? I dnt want food/sweets stuff...

Hi Mummies...
Thanks so much for ur ideas...
I will go check it out!!!

By the way, anyone of u know where to get nice cupcakes? Cost abt $2 each? cos I intend to buy cupcakes instead if a whole cake...

leng leng, ur kites are nice.. but then hor, over my budget liao la...
