Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

hi lydia,

been to thid thread before but mia for many mths..
im stayin at sengkang east way opp the field whereby many people fly kites
Hi mummies,

I just got to know this thread. I am a SAHM to a 17 mth old girl and staying at punggol. Please count me in if there's any gathering.
Hi febbaby,welcome...

Pkum,oic..mommies here sometimes will come N go but this thread always on becos new mommies will pop in ..hehehe..

I'm staying at Seng Kang East Way as well but mine is near to the Rivervale Plaza and opp the 3 temples...

Sammi,we often visit the wet market at kids love to buy small fishes from the fish shop there ever since Seng Kang East side here no more fish shop..
Lydia, maybe we can meet there after we move.hehe.. but still long time to wait.. Grr

I went to the wet market last time, is it a really small markt? but i do see that fish shop. maybe my boy will like that too. lol~
hi febbaby! will chk out st anne too.

now waiting for my hubby's off day to go chk out agape, zion and st anne.

hi lydia, i m very busy with baby. she is getting more clingier thanever haha..
i think its that 'clingy stage' she is having now. and she naps little in the day.
we always go to the temple at rivervale to pray on 1st and 15th.i see, u r at the other end.
sometimes we take the free shutter to r. mall.

ur friend still lookin for restuarnt?

hi florence, r. plaza is the wet market one? whic lrt station is that? thks

hi sharon, is ur child with appletree? it is playgrp n nursary? no childcare right?

hi MTDT, character montessori is quite gd, my friend's kids are there. but it is too far for us. n quite costly right?
Hello Pkum!

How old is your baby? My girl also likes to cling on to me. I am thinking of sending her to playgroup when she's about 18 mth. I hope she can socialise with more kiddos.
Pkum (pkum) : st anne's waiting list is terrible. hehe very very long. wahaha. I tried to put my son in their kindergarden but they tell me not to wait as the list goes on ....

My kiddos are joining amazing star in august!
hope they like it there! keith is coming 4 and hazel is coming 2 in sept!

It's kangkar lrt and yes. there is a wet market there!

febbaby (febbaby) : Is it near the swimming pool?

had always wanted to plan for a breakfast gathering ... hehe but not yet successful. wahaha
hi febbaby! mine is only 8mths. but i need to plan whenever possible as i dun get to online frequently.
Florence, i have 10 mths to wait.. do u think i have the chance? i tink they will give priority to the church-goers right? too bad, we r not.

mornin gatherings.. i can join on sunday.
pkum - ooh... ur fren in CM? kid wat age? if 06, maybe classmates

wow.. suddenly hv so many newbies in sk thread.
Sammi,yeah it's just a small wet market now but heard in future Fernvale will be having a big development..hehehe..

Pkum,I'm staying just the opp of the Rivervale Temple.maybe one of the 1st and 15th we can meet up there..hehehe..

Kids at her age normally will cling on abit la becos it's time for them to start to pick up things and start to know what to scare,my 4 kids also like tat previously but once they're steady on their own,they run wild without u liao..hahaa

Florence,you're staying blk 11X or 12X?
Do you mean whether my place is near the swimming pool?

It is good that you are planning now as good school always have long waiting lists. I have not signed up any for my girl.

Kudos to you. It's not easy to handle 4 kids.
sammi,febbaby,xie xie...they're all god's gift..

Florence,OIC..Quite near to me...I'm staying at Blk 122B

Sammi,well,some ppls who is working send their kids to infant care after the confinment,some send to child care after all depends on when you want them to be in child care and why...
sammi,I think after 2 will be a good age to go child care becos more or less they already learn some skills and it's time for them to mix ard with other friends of his age liao...
I am staying quite near to punggol plaza, near to a big field where pp fly kites. It's not near to a swimming pool. There's no pool in punggol. Do you stay near the Seng Kang pool?

Agreed. All babies are God's gift.

At Seng Kang there is a big field near to the Seng Kang Swimming pool whereby on weekends lots of ppls will go there fly kites,including some of our mommies here..hehehe..
MTDT, hehe i dunno their age. but the little girl katherine is very well-spoken.

lydia, u go to that temple too? we go to pray in the GUAN GONG one. hehe can arrange to pray together. 4 kids! super mummy!!! *bravo*

febbaby, opps just spoken to daddy. he not very keen to put our precious to cc so soon.. he wants to wait till she is 2yrs old..

sammi_breit, i hope i m making the right choice.. "i want him to learn more stuff. also can give me a break.." same here!!! chatworth? near jalan kayu that one?
Welcome jjmum.

Pkum,My gal gal having tuition there and my kids love to be here on every sunday as our hse just abt 5mins walk from the temple..

Florence,U mean breakfast or lunch ha??heheh..
Hoho..ic. I am so suaku thinking that there's only 1 big field in this area where pp fly kites!

I may also wait till my girl is a bit older.

I have to give this gathering a miss. Hope to meet up another time.

Halo again
febbaby & Pkum,

I am sure you dont bear to put ur litle sweetie in the child care lor...I also the same,want to keep them with me till they are at the age of schooling,seeing them grow up it's such a joys.
Indeed leh. I can't bear to put my gal in child care but at the same time want to have some free time to do my own things. :p
Welcome to all new mummy joining

Yes, Last year sabrina's in Appletree.I have appletree to give it away anyone ?
Now she is in St Anne's church N2.

I'm at 158B just next to temple

I'm will be fulltime stay at home mummy in Aug09
anyone . so we can meet up ?

fly kites i interested .. anyone want to meet up for flying kites ?
Hi hi all,
I'm a temp. SAHM staying at 245 Compassvale Road,
will return to work when our #3 is 18mths old in Jan to go to child care.
Hello mummies!

Re: flying kite
Hv bought a kite.. after buying it, has been raining on weekend.. so far 1mth already, not yet started its "1st flight". Plus my girl dowan use it, said "dowan it fly away".

pkum - ooh.. katherine. think she is 05kid. (unless there is more than one kathy) :p

my boy does play with her in cc. always her her name from him.
