Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

My neices attend SMARTIE COTTAGE cc, I think they learn quite a lot of things, esp. chinese. Everytime, when i see them, they will sing new songs and recite tang shi as well.

My neighbour sent her boy to the NTUC cc near the buangkok mrt, she feedback says the place is quite good. But I never ask further for details.

<font size="+1"><blink><font color="aa00aa">THIS SUNDAY 15 FEB'09 KITE FLYING AT THE OPEN FIELD NEXT TO CHENG LIM LRT~~~</font></blink></font>

Anyone interested???
re: Kite flying
i can't make it this sun cos i am celebrating my gal's 1st bday this sun..

re: mosquito bites
yes, my son also kena alot of mosquito bites lately..
Looks like SK alot mossies.. I shall see if i can check who to call to complain.
Maybe they can send someone to fog the area.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">KITE FLYING CHANGE TO 22 FEB'09 AT CHENG LIM FIELD~~~</font></font>

Any mummy wanna join me?
Lynn Tan,
kerosense... no way!!!
My mum applied on me when I was young,
my hair drops after that!!!

Just see doctor, they have special shampoo to get rid of them
I found the english word for kutu is Flea! hiihiii

Head lice:
I remembered when i was small, when there was a new maid-just came from kampong- my gran- mother always had a check on her head and hair. Usually they got head lice on her head.

My gran-mother used to use "kerosene" to kill the head lice. hiii..hiii

After poured down the kerosene on the poor maid head, then my gran-mother would asked the maid to shampooing with sunsilk.

The head lice is also very uncomfortable, and cn pass on to ours oso


I'm in for kite flying on Feb 22, it's on the evening, right?
In the morning, my hubby is participating the ocbc cyclist event! Any hubby joins?
hi anyone has feedback on these 2 playgrps

1) Talentplus @ Blk 187 Punggol Central
2) Wunderkinds @ Blk 163 near Punggol Plaza

Wld really appreciate any feedback

There is sengkang baby contest on 29 march 2009. Let's join lolll...just for fun.

Registration at sengkang cc (next to compass point mal). Btw, priority for sengkang/punggol residents. So, to be cn call 63125400. To check whether your addy is still under the district.

There are 3 categories:
A. Infant 6-12mth
B. 12-18mth
C. toddler 18-24mth
Hi mummies! I am a SAHM wif a 2.5yr girl.
Wanna find out if any of the mummies have kids in Shekinah Montessori (montessori starters) @Punggol Plaza? Any advice? Thanks!
I just call the Sengkang CC regard to bb contest. They mention is mainly for punggol central resident. But she put my bb in the waiting list.
hi all,
just happen to came across this thread although i have stay in SK for more than 7 yrs liao.

re: kite flying
i know the spot u all talk abt, its near anchorvale cc right?
I also saw a group setting up a tent selling kite there. those quite nice ones but looks exp, never ask!
rivervale mall got sell ah? where ha?

re : Childcare centre
there's one new one at anchorvale cc under Cherie Hearts. but think quite exp
Anyone heard of Zion CC at blk 319C ? How is it?
our kite flying date originally planned for yesterday was postponed to 8th march..
do you wan to join us on tat day ? :p

we drove past last evening though.. saw alot of pple flying kite.. u must be one of them ! yes, looked fun ! we cant wait till 8th march... :p
Hi mummies...

Im new to this forum..
Im stay SK too... 2 children, DD 34mths, DS 18mths...
Saw that u all r planning for kite flying on 8 mar..
Wanna join too.. my hb is crazy abt kite flying recently...
Btw, wat time will u all be there?
*fingers crossed - no raining on 8 mar*
hi hapimimiof2, welcome~

well... SK pple suddenly have kite craze hehe~ If the weather permits, we shld be meeting ard 4pm+ at the Cheng Lim LRT field. Will confirm again later this week.

Quikie q's: do singaporean like to eat avocado? eat them as desert?juice? or cut into pieces as part of salad? or cook as veggie dishes?
ya.. saw ur blog..
the studio pics are so sweet...

which cc d u send him to?
have u heard of Intellect Monte Pal Skoolhouse? Located @ Punggol Ave 24.
hapimimiof2, i send him to children's discovery at rivervale. i stay in sengkang not punggol so not familiar with cc in punggol. Frankly ask me abt cc i only know abt my son's the rest... either cannot remember their exact location or cannot remember their name haha~
Hi..augboyz! I just got so many replies that not many singaporean love to eat's like ang moh..not like durian.

Are you sure that you are singaporean?
avovado is nice!! YUM YUM! eating raw with no seasoning is ok with me. I like avocado drink YUM YUM. and I am definately 100% singaporean :p
morning to all...

I like avocado juice with chocolate.. very fattening.. kekeke...
I like to drink especially when im pregnant.. dnt know y...

AugBoyz, my gal is in cc liao.. but decide to transfer her to other sch. And im also sending my son to cc soon.. so now looking for cc lo...
tired to do cc search...
she is now at faith educare @ punggol.
then now im looking at intellect monte pal skoolhouse.

u are children discovery "代言人" is it? kekeke...
no lah coz i find tt school is good ma, plus i said earlier, i only know my school, the rest of the cc no comments so if u want recommendations I will say discovery lah :p
Augboyz - ur blog v nice.

my boy's blog is

hapimimiof2 - hi.. I stay in pgl with a jun06 boy. he is attending character montessori in sk.

avocado - I only drink their juice or when it's in a sushi :p
hi MTDT, thanks for the compliment
My blog always not very updated hehehe~ then I have to do mass blog update :p I m rushing out now, later then visit ur blog ^^

Good! Avocado has lots of vitamins. My home town PD always suggested to gv baby avocado.

Indonesian's one is more fleshy, lot's of vitamins, and good texture.Plus cheap!

Next time, if i got a chance to go back and bring avocado..i will invite avocado's lovers to have avocado together at my place...hiiii...hiii
