Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

i'm staying at 158D.
perhaps can ask the bank to notify the other party on the blunder and get the other party to contact you?

most of the jobs require me to be on standby or work ot or do system maintenance eduring non-office hour, which i can't fulfill. reason being i am staying alone with my child and i need to fetch my bb from infant care before 7pm each day. so now looking at other areas as well. God will bless me with a suitable job, and sail through this rough patch

hi Caymom

if u wanna take lifts, u might wanna try the loading bay lifts. No need to squeeze with inconsiderate pple and is spacious
Anyone stressed up with choosing playgroup/childcare/whatever classes for your kid? It seems that a lot of mummies & daddies are their kid to one at a very young age, like 2 years old. Some even to very ex classes.

I'm already feeling stress for my boy even though he's only 7 weeks old. I really want him to enjoy his childhood and not bogged down by various lessons. But as a Singaporean, worried that he will lose out as well ... dilemma ...
Hello everyone...
anyone stayed near rivervale crescent? hehe..

thanks for the welcome...caymom and all

Hi Mikel
I have the same thoughts as you initially and wanted my boy to enjoy childhood

but apparently society don allows this to happen haha..(or excuses?)
i signed up my boy for playgym class during weekends for socialising and play..and he enjoys it...i still let him have his childhood..

as for playgroup, i will only enrol him when he is 2 years old..for 1.5 hours daily...
will only put him in childcare when he turns 3...

guess itz only mommies worries?

anyone send their kids to playgroup already?
Hi Joleena
How old is your boy? I really hope I will refrain from signing too many classes for him when he gets older, espcially those enrichment classes. Is your area opposite Rivervale Mall?

Hi Sparks
Is Dayspring the one near the punggol beach, housed in a bungalow? Seems very rustic and it seems to be a very nice environment for learning ...
Hi Mikel
My boy is 15 months today

Yes i wouldnt want him to attend too many classes either. So will sign him up for one weekend class for the time being.
My flat is opposite those temples. walking distance to rivervale mall..
what about you?
ya, i agree wif u mummies, being a Singaporean parent, most of the time u'll be placed in such dilemma situation haiz. I'm also caught in between. I really dislike e idea of being a KS mum and hving to send my girl to school so early, but haiz...
Another thing I'm afraid of is that she'll catch viruses frm other kids too! HOW!

caymom, i was using iBanking. Lately i find the internet connection very very bad! n I was rushing to meet the deadline to transfer e $ to the spree. N my girl was making alot of noise, kept crying, so i hv no choice but to pick her. Then jun jun, picked her up only, e page loaded, so i hv to do it whilst carrying n hence e mistake lor.
but now ok liao cos tat lady returned me e $ liao :D

cxope, u're indeed near me!!! do u bring yr kid down to e playground or not?

joleena, me n cxope stay near where u are la!!!
Hi Joleena
I'm staying in Punggol, near the meridian LRT.

Now I'm scouting around for appropriate playgroup for my boy though he's only about 2 months old. The usual playgroups that pop up are Julia Gabriel, Chilton House, GUG, Little Gym, MMI and Shichida. All very ex and FAR (except MMI which has a branch at Sengkang)! Maybe we should carpool ...

we only go down to playground occassionally during weekends

btw, anyone been to the taka fair? any gd deals?
Hi Mikel
Oh I know where is it. There is this kopitiam that sells crabs right?
quite a nice place

Wow your playgroups choices are far and expensive hehe...i rule them all out cos of location and price hehe..

Hi febnian
i just went taka fair yesterday. Not really any good deals. maybe for baby cot and car seats?
I only boughty baby wipes and a milk bottle...
Hi Mikel,
My boy, Hunter, now 13.5mths, is going for enrichment classes at GUG. Although its far, i think that their lesson plan is quite good and Hunter loves it too.
I will be participating my kid at GUG to. Am waiting for their reply for the next available session. I tried their trial last year and my son paid attention leh... Then I didn't participate cos no driving license, difficult to travel from Seng Kang to Thomson... He will be joining the Gifted Babes. Can I know what type of activities do they do in enrichment classes? Thank you...
Any mummies interested to get a very new Combi Avatar car seat? My son hates that car seat cos he likes to be sitting straight than lying. PM me...
They are not my choice yet cos they are quite far and you're right, very ex. However, if I manage to get a job, I may consider letting my boy to go JG. My brother-in-law's son went there and he knew a lot of vocabulary though he's only 2 years old.

Lesson plan!! Wow, must be worth the money, right.

So many choices but don't which one to choose. Hate to go for all the trial lessons and if my boy likes all, then I'll have trouble choosing one for him. However, that's going to be next year's problem.
Ya, Hunter is now in the Gifted Babes class, every tues and thurs from 4pm to 5.30pm. I take the train all the way from sengkang to Novena. I think you should call them again regarding the vancacies. I think you can register for the next term now.

so far so good. My cousin's son is also 2 years old now and can read by himself. He too knows alot of vocabulary. Can view at the Amazing Development thread.
Hi Mikel,

That's the one.. I am staying in Woodlands will br transferring my boy (who will turing 3 in June) to that Kindergarten. Heard that its very popular among teachers around the area. However, I am not too comfortable with the classroom layout hence my posting in this thread
joleena, which block are u staying at?
Do U always go down to the playground? which one? n ard wat time?

cxope, which playground do u go to too?
btw, i went to e taka fair y/day too, out of curiousity. Lousy, complete waste of time even though we only spent less than 5 mins there.
are u still working at present?

missylan, saw u posting yr boy's 1st b/day pics on tis web, e one carrying him is yr husband and u're besides him(cake cutting pic)?
me staying at blk 118.

started work today but din go back cos managed to get permission to work from home. but feeling stressed cos have to go office tmrw. haiz.

dun work also cannot. sahm siong on household income.
Blk 118 is near the TPE right? Executive apartment or premium flats right?

So good can work at home. How I wish I can.

Who is taking care of your boy?
ya! aiyah, but my work fr home is fake one. they still expect me back at office once a wk. no such thing as free lunch!!
in the days i go over my mum's. she helps me.
so late still awake???
Go office once a wk good enuff already.
Good that your mom is helping you taking care of your boy. My mom helps me with my gal too.
About to sleep soon.
Didn't expect to see neighbours here at this time so stay a while longer.
how old is yr baby?

i think most of the punggol mummies already went to bed..din seems to see their reponses..
nice to meet u guys here...realli tink punggol got alot of new mummies, and is increasing every mth...hahaha! I'm also 1st time mummy leh.
ya, i guess i should b contented huh? once a wk is gd enuff. tks leh... was feeling stressed cos will b away from boy. will miss him.
