Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

linda, the 24 hr non-conditioned coffee shop w econ. thot u lived near there.

now me BF mah, so worried supply will drop. really enjoy BF, close to bb mah. now just discovered a lump in right breast! so EBM now...

ya..abit confused!! but now i know which one u guys talking abt...heehee too, miss my ger badly for the few weeks back to work!
I just finished EBM at 11pm.
Glad to see another BFg mom here. Massage the lump when you EBM, it should help to clear it.
haha..of cos cant lah..keeps calling home to ensure everything is fine at home!

think every1 will sure go through this stage lah, especially 1st time mummies like us..
The first week was tough but got a lot of work to keep my mind occupied. I kept calling back to check on my gal.
me been pumping since 10.30pm!!! lump still here leh argh!!!
used hot compress, bit better w some let down. later bb wake then feed this breast first. hope lump goes away...

how long u been BFg?? ur girl 1 yr rite??
wow..u two veri good leh..still BF! I given up the 1st mth liao! find it veri diffcult cos no1 to guide n help me...was veri depressed that period...feeling so gulity and useless.
My gal 9mths old only.
Kekeke... when I get 'stubborn' lumps, I just let it be as long as it's not painful. No time to keep pumping. It usually clears by the next pump.
i think u shld try to massage it instead of using hot compress..this is wat my collegues adv me the other time.
me was depressed too!! no milk at all n super engorged! felt so helpless...

went to find lactation consultant lor... then EBM, till 1.5 mths later, bb could latch then TBM till now.
I went through that phase too. My supply came late and my gal was screaming from hunger. I fed her FM instead. I had the same feeling of guilt too. Eventually the supply came and I switched her back to TBF.
My gal could latch but I got no BM. She sucked until so hard and cried angrily like I'm cheating her.
oh..izzit! but at least u two knows wat to do ma..
i was so tired n depressed tat husband even suspect me of having post-natal blues..hahaha
see me so stress, then keeps asking me to give up instead of encourging me..
ya same case here. but my boy could only latch on right side. then my mum made me give boy FM. 5am went out to NTUC express to buy...
Hb always like that one, even my mom and mil also discourage me at times... out of kind intention but that's not what we want loh.
ya i dun like when my hubby n mum told me to give up. cos i really wanna BF.
i also totally blur so went to see lactation consultant. 3 times!
Wow, 5am?! Must be really urgent case.

Wow, our gals only 5 days apart. Can your gal crawl already? Any teeth?
btw, just wana check if your baby already teething? cos mine still 'teethless' leh...but i heard its normal also lah..
Hey Linda, your gal's bdae is special... 20052005

Wah, you see lactation consultant so many times. Did they charge you? I only see them when still in hospital.
ya lor..i also very much wanted to BF her..tat's y i was so sad lor! come to think of it, i was realli not 'hardworking' enough to try again..
My gal's tooth just came out last week. Yah, it's normal. Different bbs different teething time.
Dun say that lah, I also wanted to give up... but I already bought electric dual pump, heavy investment so die die must try.
ya..really veri 'qiao'

i hv a fren, also staying in Punggol..her baby boy was 10 days earlier then mine 10May

anyway, my ger still duno how to crawl also leh, but she likes to stand n jump on her feets.
ya, she v nice. she gd w bbs. me gave birth at mt e but took antenatal classes at TMC. cos heard she's gd. heh.
hmm..thks huh..true lor, everything already past..mayb i shld try harder with my no.2 next time...heehee
ya..many ppl also say i'm not too worried lah..just wondering why she not quite like other babies mah...heehee
