Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

Hello Poko,
My PD is at Gleneagles. I'm having the same problem too. My son is 8mths old now. I think it's due to teething, if not then it's the preference to solid food instead of milk. Since yours is only less than a month old, have you considered trying formula milk to substitute or feed breastmilk direct instead of frozen ones? You can try feeding him sometimes breastmilk and formula milk, separately of coz. Or maybe he has wind in his stomach? You can try burping him halfway instead of asking him to drink all at one go.

Hi Evon,
Great stuff!!! Thanks!

Hi Cloud9mummy

Thanks for your advise, I try all methods that you say, PD say he is ok nothing to subscripe for him... He just being notty. I am actually tolerating ley too when he is 3 ro 4 month old he will not reject milk, but since you say that your son 10 month still rejecting I think I xiao liao...

Now I try not to give in to him when he cry, today he cry and cry until he give up and finish it after 30 min crying... My heart so pain you know...

Actually he is a good boy, can play with himself while awake but once meal time he start to be notty...

Still exploring... Learning to be a good mommy. I think he will hate me always force him to drink milk milk.
hey both my gals are also with Allyson Tan!
She's not bad .. take her time to explain the medication, the problem etc.
Read that Metro is having some sales tonight from 6.30pm - 11pm purely for ladies.

Ard 20%.. But some told me need to be Metro member.
Hi Qdee

Yah she is really nice, call her again yesterday regarding my son reject milk problem she call back nearly immediately... Now then I realse Justen rejecting milk is due to his KS mom... Always tot that he need milk every 3 hours so feed him once he sob sob a bit. Now then know that he is not hungry so don't feel like drinking. I increase his dose from 120ml 3hr to 180ml 4.5 or 5hrly or until he cry really fierce for milk.
One-Time Special for Branded Educational Toys wth Damaged Packaging

one-time special year-end clearance sales this coming weekend, 3 & 4 Dec 2005. It is a rare chance for you to grab some branded quality enducational development toys at crazy prices, especially those that are in good working condition but with damaged packaging. We are talking more than 50% slashing in price. To give you an idea of the attractive toys we have, pls see the attached.
Stuff to look out for:

- LeapFrog toys - US #1 Educational Toys
- Infantino puzzles
- Sassy toys (infant toys, bathing & feeding) - all 50% off
- Assorted fashion hats & hair accessories
- and many more....

Pls note that it's CASH transaction only.
Only limited stock available. 1st come 1st served.
So hurry down!!
And note the following;

Date: 3 & 4 Dec 05 (Sat & Sun)
Extended opening hours: 10am to 6pm.
Address: 23 Tagore Lane, #03-04 Tagore 23 Warehouse, S(787601)
Contact Tel: 6454 1867
i would like to rebond my hair soon for the festive season. any recommendations for hair salons around hougang/sengkang???
belladona, think the 2 salons(2nd level) @ Rivervale Mall are hving promotions, not sure if it's still on.
Do check it out.
febnian, thanks for sharing all the 'lobangs', very nice of u!

Oh ya, the candle thingy website is so 'touching' :p
hi all,
been busy at work..... everytime i log onto the forum, i read and read and read... then when i wan to post, i gotta run....

was sick over the past week..... ms comes and goes... but still feeling generally yucky.....
Hi everyone,
I just came across this forum yesterday. I stay in Sengkang, Compassvale Street, behind Compassvale Secondary. I'm a SAHM till end-June 2006 to 17-month-old Theodore Lee, aka Teddy. Would like to know more mommies to meet and chit chat with, and for Teddy to socialize. Poor thing has no friends except for his neighbours, who are much older than him!
hi chantelle, sorry din reply u earlier(me oso kinda busy here n there, esp tis mth!)... hope u'll feel better soon.
must be very tough on u since chloe is still so young. Tis is wat I really admire abt u ladies who are so courageous to have yr 2nd one at yr first's such young age... i dun think i can, freelancing work and my baby is already enuf to make me shagged like mad - rushing here n there, taking care of her needs before and after my assignments... geeez, i think when my 2nd one comes I'll really hv to consider hiring a maid!

Take care and try to enj yr current pregnancy and the coming Xmas holiday ya!
Hi ladies, if u or anyone u know is looking for maternity wear, let me know as I'm trying to clear my maternity wear(only those which I've bought expensive and worn only max 3 times - those which I wore more frequently then, not nice to sell lor). ^_^

email me : [email protected]
cxope, as usual, it's very kind of u to share e news of "goodies" ard...Thanks
Everyone! Isn't it exciting that e Xmas holiday is juz around e corner!
Here's wishing all a Very Merry Xmas in advance!
Time flies, it's New Year's eve today.

Hope everyone has got their 'resolutions' ready

Here's wishing every mommy here, A Very Happpy, Meaningful and Wonderful New Year!
hey, what happened to this thread? Looking at the last post I've put up, har, so long no one come here liao ar!

Btw, I hv a query here. I read that bbs from 9-12 mths shld be reducing their milk intake per day and concentrate more on e main 3 meals. Can mommies here share with me on how much milk shld a 1 yr old child be taking a day and wat wld their meal routine be(rough guide)?
My girl is turning 1 soon and I'm not sure when & which to cut. So I need to hv some examples from some of u here so that I can gauge(according to my girl's pattern also)...

woah, time really flies, e 15 days of CNY has ended!
hey, where r all the SK/PG mommies?!

Let's revive this thread! ^-^
sure, Caymom, which part of Punggol are u staying?
how old is yr child-girl or boy?

hey, where's everybody?! Come back n revive this thread before I resume my work!
Hi mommies,

I like to join the club. I'm staying at Punggol, Edgefield Plains. My gal, Rachel is currently 15 mths old.
This thread has been quiet for quite sometime, think need to revive it.
I'm staying at Edgefield Plains. Which part are you staying? Mine is a gal, just turned 9 months.

You are still on maternity leave?
hi hi! I'm at Rivervale Crescent, my eldest sis n my niece are staying at Edgedale Plains(133 and 138)!
my girl is coming 13 mths old

yvonne, my girl is only a few days older than yr son!

caymom, no lah, I'm a freelancer, juz tat i'm giving myself a break for the CNY period lor :p
Hi all!

I'm new here, a first-time mummy to a 8 mth old son residing in Punggol. Anyone has a good part-time house cleaner to recommend? Thanks!
Is Rivervale Crescent near Rivervale Mall? Wow, your gal just past one year old. How you celebrate for her? My gal turning one in 3 mths time, still cracking my brains on how to celebrate. My mom told me no need to celebrate but I told it's quite impt leh.

OIC, freelancer so good leh, can self-declare holiday.
Hi Cookie,
Which part of Punggol are you staying? My gal is only one month older than your son.

I got no contact for part-time cleaner. I am still struggling with the hsework, very tiring. I am trying hard not to employ part-time help but sometimes I really felt like waving white flag especially when my gal is getting active and demanding constant attention these days. Hard to leave her to play on her own while I am doing the hsework. My hubby helps out with the hsework but he is very busy with his work so we are both so drained out these days.
Hi Caymom,
I'm staying at Punggol Drive. Wat abt u? It's really tough coping with babies and housework, plus both hubby n i are busy with work as well. So, i HAVE to get part-time help. My boy also very active, he's an angel only during sleeping times. haha! Btw, are u a SAHM?
Where is Punggol Drive?
Is it near Punggol Plaza? I'm at Edgefield Plains, near Meridian LRT station. Hee, I appear very eng so you thought I am SAHM har.
I am not lah. Actually, I think SAHM more busy.
Oh dear, what happened to your boy? Have you brought him to see doctor?

My gal also very cranky when she is unwell. She will want me to carry her all the time.

You just returned to work about 1.5mths ago. Are you still breastfeeding?
he has flu and slight fever...nose blocked so always crying cos cannot breathe poor thing...

no, i stop when i went back to work cos supply suddenly dip so much

febnian, that's very useful info! thanks!

caymom, u're rite, Rivervale Crescent is pretty near Rivervale Mall.
Aiya, u see me good I see u good lah hahhaah, declare holidays n u got no income lor ahhahah
n it's always very tough when u first started out - I still rem my mum n sisters all scolding me crazy for giving up a well-paid job for gg freelance in something which was out of the line I had been in. But I wanted a career of my interest mah. N luckily my efforts paid off lor hehehe.

Me oso hv been engaging part-time maid since end last yr, buay tahan leh, esp when I hv alot of assignments, hv to take care of her some more, geez, where got time n e energy to clean up e home so often leh. But tis help only come in 3 times a mth.

hmmm, if u hv had an rather elaborated celebration for your girl's full mth, then maybe can forego her 1st birthday lor. For me, we didn't really celebrate her full mth, so we decided to give her a 1st birthday celebration.
