Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

How's your boy today?

Is Rivervale crescent near the temple har?
Kekeke... true lah. At least your efforts paid off.
I think I won't have your courage to be freelancer leh.

My hubby helps me with the hsework so that I can concentrate on taking care of my gal but hor, his level of cleaniness not very high lah, so I buay tahun until I do it myself. I'm still trying to make him do it properly, but guys don't like wife to nag one so sometimes have to close one eye (or both) but he is improving already.

I have a buffet celebration for her full-mth, dunno whether considered elaborated leh.
caymom, are u working? ey at least he's helping, not bad liao lah ^-^
ya, e temples r actually opp e cluster of flats lor.
u invited yr friends n relatives n such to her full-mth? n tis time round it wld be e same grp more or less rite?, it's considered liao lor...
for our case, we only hv cakes/vouchers delivered to friends n relatives for her full mth.
hi caymom

thks 4 askin. he is much better...can sleep properly now. but now i am down with the virus. very potent. sigh...
Yup, I'm working. Yah lor, as long as he is helping with hsework, very good already.
Oh, you staying opp the temples. I saw in the news that the hindu temple open liao, a lot of people attended the opening ceremony.

Yah, the full mth I invited the whole clan + friends.
This time round I thought of inviting just immediate family members from both sides to have a small gathering.

Poor thing. It's always like that, after baby is ok, it's mummy's turn to get sick. Do take care ok.
ya caymom, 'great' ceremony - alot of devotees!
if u really feel like it, then juz organise lah ahhahah...if not u'll be very 'gao wek' - keep thinking abt it, rite? ;)

mooon, do take care, haiz, we've been thru same same, so we know...
That area has a lot of temples hor. You can expect crowds during Vesak Day, Deepavali etc.

My family does not celebrate birthdays but my ils have the practice of doing so. Every year, they will celebrate the birthdays of my hubby and siblings. So I think they may feel weird if I do not celebrate. If I have a choice, I would rather have a simple celebration involving only the three of us.
That's how we celebrated xmas and I really appreciated the peace and quiet and the fun of seeing my gal tearing the wrapping paper of the presents.
finally cannot take it and went to see doctor today. slept the whole afternoon after taking the medicine. glad I went. feel much better now.

thank you all for your concern.
my little boy also much better, just left with slight running nose. hope he get well soon....

can let me know more about your freelance job?
i will be out of job by end mar, urgently searching for opportunities.
thanx in advance.
Punggol Drive is near Kadaloor station,the most 'ulu' part of Punggol.u mention yr hubby help u in housework mah,so i guess u SAHM lor. If both working, hubby can't just help out only; cleaning the house is two persons' job.
It's very tiring being SAHM, i was for the past 6 months, coz took 2 mths unpaid leave to stay at home 'enjoy' my son.

U stay at Punggol Drive too! It's a pity our Primemart close.
My milk supply also dropped drastically after I return to work. It's such a pity as I took great pains maintaining the supply during my stay at home.
I see. Somehow, I don't think my hb feels that cleaning the hse is two persons' job. Anyway, I'm grateful that he is helping. Wow, your co so nice to allow you to take 2mths unpaid leave.

Hey, the bigger Primemart closed already??? I like the big space there leh. The Primemart near my place is so squeezy.

I think I'm the odd one out. My ss actually increased after I return to work.
i'm unable to fulfill my job responsibilities to be on 24x7 standby and go back during non-office hour for system maintenance, thus was asked to leave.
this thread has become so pathetic, juz e miserable few of us hahaha...

cxope, sorry 2 hear that, but I prefer not to reveal my work in this forum. Besides, u may not be of interest too and even if u r, u'll need time and cost(to learn) to re-start in my field which might not be feasible to you now...
btw, where r u staying ar?

so, caymom, hv u decided on wat to do on yr child's 1st birthday? when will it be?
actually my family oso like to hv birthday celebrations, n i've got alot of siblings, nieces n nephew, so u can imagine how buzy we can be throughout e whole year hahaha.
but i chose not to hv a full mth celebration for my girl cos it's only 1 mth since her birth, it'll be better for us to rest for min 40days I was told. Plus it was on a wk day, so more troublesome to arrange lor.
Hi Cookie

Yup, me also stay in the most ulu paert of punggol. Not a lot of ppl know this place...hehhe.
I was so sad when I heard that Primemart was closing. I went there to buy milk powder just the day before it closes. Sigh. It was so convenient last time. Just need to pop downstairs to buy anything. Heard from the employee that they loses S$30,000 per month so must close. Dunno true or not.

So is your unit facing the front or back??
Then men will always think keeping the house tidy is the women's job. Sometimes i tell my hubby help me do this and that, he'll complain that i dun like to see him rest n make him work when he's resting. Sigh.... No company is so nice. i'm a teacher u see.

I was sad too when i heard our dear mart close. I always buy from that place, though could've taken LRT to Punggol Plaza, as i wanted to give it my full support. I wonder how long our coffeeshop can survive. Our area kinda pathetic hor....
I'm staying at 641B, my unit is the "viewless" one, look into other people's apartments. What abt yours?
Hi Cookie
My block is 638B. Facing the Coney Island. My hubby insisted that his flat must have "view". But I fee that there is nothing much to see except the empty plot of land and the port in Malaysia. Cannot see the attraction. Somemore so dusty. Sigh. But lucky he does the housework so cannot complain too much. *heheheh*
We're like the supermoms huh! Work, look after baby and house!

My unit doesn't face the sea already v dusty. Every other day must clean the floor. Yr hubby so good leh! Mine only occasionally clean the floor, if he doesn't clean i also dun clean so i'll wear slippers.
No firm plans for the 1st birthday but most likely we should be having a meal outside. It will only involve the direct family members from both sides.

Wow, they are making so much loss. No wonder lah. There used to be a FJ Square near my place but it was never crowded so now replaced by Kopitiam. Before Kopitiam came, I have to travel further to GM food court or Punggol Plaza to get food, very ma-fun lor... especially I was pregnant then.

Precisely! Dun understand why men auto assume that women should do hsework.
Oh, you are teacher, no wonder.

Your area is quiet but I like to go there actually. Very peaceful. There was one time me and hb will stroll there during weekends, go to one of the rooftop gardens and play at the playground then walk back again, we very bo-liao hor.
hey wat happened to the rest of the club members? haha...
caymom, tat's good, watever it is, hope u all will hv a great time! when ar?
Yah lor, that's the way my ils celebrate birthday in the family also.
I have yet to decide the date. The actual day is on weekday so we may celebrate early. Heard it is not good to celebrate late. I also celebrated my gal's full mth earlier than the actual day so that it will fall on weekend.
it is actually 'correct' to celebrate on actual day. That was what I was advised when I seek a Master's opinion abt her full mth(He said that 'celebrating' bbs' full mth, according to the Tong Shu, it's either on the 30th or 40th day). Tat was why we din 'celebrate' then lor. And for her 1st b/day, we held it on her actual date(luckily it was on wkend).
I also heard before that it's no good to celebrate late, this however, dunno how true... but no harm listening lor.
caymom, we also go to Punggol Plaza for makan at times, wonder if we've met before? LOLz...
hmmm, come to think of it, for all we know, we cld hv all already bumped into each other liao w/out knowing rite?!
sure mikel. tell us abt where u stay n how old's yr kid? Girl or boy?

yvonne, me at rivervale crescent lah, very near u! lolz
Wah, you come over to Punggol Plaza? I think Rivervale Mall is much better. Maybe you are sick of that place? I actually like going to Rivervale Mall, I usually take the free shuttle over. Maybe we have really met each other before.
He not that good lah. He does it cos his standard too high, say I clean not clean enuff and too slow. So I tell him since he has so much comments he better clean himself lor. hehehheheheh. Our place here very dusty hor. I try not to open windows too often and still dusty. sigh

The tze char at my place not bad lah. According to my neighbour, all the tze char in Punggol are run by the same boss, punggol plaza, gm, the 2 kopitiams etc and the one here is so far the better of the lot. Have you tried?
Other than the tze char store, the rest of the stores not fantastic. Dunno how long can they last. hehehe
Kekeke, my hb also complained that I clean not thorough enuff so I quickly pass the job to him. My hse also gets dusty very easily. It was worse when there was construction nearby. My unit is facing roof-top garden and not outside but already very dusty. Can't imagine those facing the open space where the wind is very strong.

Really ah, the tze char stalls all owned by same person. Hmm... I tried the one at Punggol Plaza only. Not bad, I actually eat quite a lot despite having poor appetite during my pregnancy. Haven't tried the master crab at the kopitiam, always too crowded. What other shops are still there? I recall that there is a clinic, bakery, kite shop right?

Actually, the shops near Meridian LRT has lower turnover rate. Only FJ Square cannot make it. If only the area is bigger and can accommodate more shops. The area at Cove LRT is good but I think the shops kept closing down too.

I really wish there are more places that I can bring my gal to jalan jalan. I am so bored pushing her at my void deck and roof-top garden.
yvonne, me half half SAHM hahaha. u din read all e posts one har? :p i work freelance and am currently still hving a break frm my work(since CNY) lolz...will be resuming my work very soon.
ya lah i know u hv a 13mths old son, I told u(abv) tat my girl is only fews days older than yr son wat... u ar!

caymom, my place isnt very far frm P/plaza, esp if we go by veh...sometimes i do my work there too. But I used to go there wif my husband n my girl for b/fast :D
Rivervale Mall, ok lah, but for jalan jalan, I'd prefer to go to Compass pt instead
mum05, oh...really ar.... getting so forgetful... and too lazy to view all the posts liao.

who take care of your gal when you are back at work?
mum05: My boy is 7 weeks old now and I stay at punggol. I don't jalan much nowadays, just go to my parents house during weekends. Will only go jalan if my mum comes along, so that she can help me to look after my boy. He's quite demanding and impatient. I hope to go back to work after june.

Actually the master crab near meridian LRT is quite good. The crabs are very fresh and the rest of the dishes are quite good.
This site is not very user friendly, difficult to navigate and difficult to check topics. Hope the administrator can do something. The same topics appear under different headings ... so a lot of repetitions.
yvonne, either my sister(on wkdays) or my hubby stays home to look after lor(on wkends)

but once i resume my work, I'll be cutting down my assignment intake to wkends only which is not a prob as most of my clients wld prefer that also.

mikel, when my girl was ard that age, it was also very difficult for us to bring her out shopping. It's always juz grab n go kinda shopping whenever we go to Compass Pt(cant go too far either then). It cld be due to the noise which she wasn't accustomed to, as on wkdays, my home is very quiet with juz me n her during day time. But we persevere, we kept bringin her out. Soon, she got used to it n now she super loves it ahhahah.
yvonne, in a way, but then again, if they cant make it, then wkdays' work are gone(means income gone ahhahah).

err, joleena, actually u dun hv to ask, u juz come in here, contribute yr 'conversations', then u're more or less joined in liao hahaha... tis is a public forum mah
cxope, u next block??? geez, me also another forgetful. yr tat post(promoted to another page liao - so nothing for me to refer to here, hahaha)
oh wich block ar? hehehe
wish u good luck in yr job search.
aiyoh i tel u ar, i very kek sim. I was taggin on one of the surfers' here to buy O.N. stuffs, then hor, in my haste(n my girl cried n cried when I was doing the $ transfer, n...I clicked wrong acc! now, juz hoping tat that pax will refund me lor haiz...)

btw, do u bring yr kid down to e playground dur day time?
I also like compass point but it can get really crowded at times. Waiting for the lift can be tough despite the fact that there are 4 lifts. Hb doesn't want to use escalator when we are pushing pram.

I always dun get the chance to try master crab. Always very crowded when I go. Really must try one day.
My gal loves going out. My mom takes care of her during the day and she will bring her out a few times a day. Back at my home, my gal will be super cranky if she doesn't get her usual dosage of gai-gai.

I get distracted when my gal is making noise too so I rather just play with her. You know that person of the account that you wrongly transfer $ to? I made the same mistake once. Luckily that person refund me but it took me almost one mth to get my $ back. BTW, are you using ATM or iBanking?

I dun think I will be bringing my gal to pierce ears but my mom may do so.

Hi Joleena,
Welcome to the thread.

You are an IT professional? I think there is a high demand for IT people. Is it true?
