Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

HI Zishumo (zishumo) , I am staying at rivervale dr too! I am a mother of two. Boy 2yrs 9 months and gal 9 months old!
I am a FTWM.

Hello! Mummies

I am new here and I live around Anchorvale Road. Gave birth to a baby girl in January 2008 - she is really a miracle to us as we waited for 6 years plus...

Currently, a relative is helping us to look after her day + night during weekdays but this is not an ideal solution as I was told she will not be close to us as she grows...

Thought of finding an alternative but I am unable to find a reliable nanny near our area. Thank God she is quite easy to look after... only cries when she wants milk or pee or poo or sleep and the rest of the time she just plays with her fingers and toes and toys... her last feeding time is 11pm then she can sleep throughout till 6.30am. I was thinking that if this is the case we can look after her at night so save $300 per month.

Any lobang to recommend?

Hi Florence: FTWM means you are working full time is it? sorry not very familiar with the short forms use in the forum.

Hi Joyful: Are you working or staying home for yr kids?

Do count me in if you all are gathering the next time ok? I'm kind of not use to this new phase of my life, still adjusting...he he
Hi Tan He & Zishumo,

Welcome welcome..

I'm mother of 4...staying between plaza and mall...

Zishumo, FTWM mean Full Time Working Mother
Hi All,

Was wondering any mummies ever use TBT Baby sitter & confinement services in Punggol area? TBT is the Nanny's initials...
Hope you mummies can share your experience if any, cos I just took up her services, going to put my 13mth prince over as I'm going to work soon in mid July..kinda worry cos this is the 1st time he's leaving my sight for so long..
Hi Lydia!

I'm near plaza, wow 4 kids! how do u manage? must learn some tips from u, as I already very lost with just one baby!
Hi Zishumo,

Well,my first 3 was like 13mths-16mths different..they grown up together and play together (Of course will noti together)..when they're young,I sort of using my mom's method...Teach them to be "Independant"...

My 4th was abt 2 yrs different from my Lao San..feel abit tire when my first 3 already at least 2 yrs old already but she is a angel to all of us...

You're a working mother or full time mother?

Hope to see u and ur family soon..^-^
Hi Zishumo,

Sorry for the late reply. Been rather busy. I'm working from home so get to spend time with my kids as well. Got a 3 yo and a 7mths old girls. Hope to catch up sometime soon.

Hi Tan He,
Congrats! Must be such a joy to have your miracle baby with you. Sorry, dun know of any nanny around here.
BTW, ladies,I have a 2 year True Yoga membership which I paid in full to let go as I have no time to go now, busy with my new born baby. Got it during promotion so it's a good buy at around $100 a month, unlimited access to all True yoga clubs. The membership is suspended now, can be re-activated anytime. Price neg, interested, Email: [email protected] or 94388528
hi keikei,
I got this contact fm a fren but i did not engage this teacher as i've already found one for my gal.
Think the teacher stays in riverval crest. PM me if you want the contacts ok?
Wow! So there's going to be a swimming complex in Seng kang! Any mummies here like to meet up to go swimming in evening? Or morning breakfast in Plaza or compass point? So we can get to know each other? Joyful and Lydia?
<font color="0000ff">
Morning mommies.
I need some advice. Wonder if mommies here can advice.

My two yrs girl is complaining of pain in her gum area. We ve checked to find no ulcers but noticed the gum was a little swollen. Looked like her molar tooth is growing out.

Because of that, she has lost appetite to eating.

Is there anything I can do to help her?

I know she wants to eat... just that the gum is causing her pain.

Koalarie,Maybe those cool teething toy?..i always put in the fridge and when they cry will give to my kids..

Zishumo,so going back to work again or stay on to take care of your child?...maybe 1 day we can meet up when my off day....

Violet ah,...when u going to organize gathering again ha???....all are waiting ley....

Latte,welcome.....infant care i think only NTUC having,but not cheap...
haha... lydia.... i must find hole to hide liao :D
Since maid less fm Jan 08 i like bzbzbz everyday with the kids. Basically no one is helping me now and still need to ferry my gal to classes at nite :p

OKOK... i try to fix a day in Aug ya? Anyone willing to open house this round? My house very messy now man, pai say to offer open house... kekeke....
hi moms,

I am new in this thread and stay in Rivervale Crescent now. My gal is 3 year old this year. She's been attending Tots House for past 1.5 years. Thinking of switching her to child care near my place.

Anyone has any comments on the below cc:-
1) Young Elite Child Care
2) Cedan Child Care
3) Happy Campers

The NTUC PCF cc are a bit further away from my place so have to travel a bit. Was wondering if anyone heard which one is good.

Appreciate your advice ... thanks !
Hi i'm not staying at punggol but would liek to know more about it.trying to bid for the new bto at oasis lrt....ladies any comments.

Any pros and cons of living there?tks alot
hi ddtan,
sorry, i'm not familiar with theses cc so can't help u...

hi weishy,
although i've stayed in SK for about 10yrs but I'm not aware of this ltr that you mentioned... LOL
My place is walking dist to CP so I usually jus walk, cycle, drive or take bus there, so I can't help on this as well :p

hey kris,
hv told a few mummies i planned to do a gathering after CNY, but until now still can't plan one.
Arranging dinner is a bit challenging for me now leh. No helper liao so I had to pick my son fm nanny at 7pm. Bring him along leh i can't eat n chat in peace :D
Will be better if we do something like in Lydia's place last time. We meet after dinner if anyone willing to open house and not so rush for some if can't make it earlier.

But i dun mind organizing one if u all still prefer dinner

Date : 14-Aug
Time : 6pm
Venue : Any suggesstions?
Attendees :
I'm new to this thread. Mum to a 11 mths old. Staying in Punggol.

Other than the morning Jam to join TPE .. I quite like this place, nice and quiet. I have good neighbours who kept the corridor clean and the place quiet. Out of the 6 household here, 4 have been here since day 1.
Hi all,
Can I join this thread? will be moving to SK this weekend..I was a SK ppl bef I married, now moving back to SK to be nearer to my mum..
Klcc &amp; Jovialz ,welcome...

Violet,Oasis LRT is at punggol not seng kang la...,14 Aug is a Thurs?I will put my name first la...

Date : 14-Aug
Time : 6pm
Venue : Any suggesstions?
Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
muz b veri tiring for u, got to take care of 2. btw kelly started 2 classes wif genise, not too bad so far but she cant sit down n concentrate for 1hr, the max she will go is 45mins. faint.

Date : 14-Aug
Time : 6pm
Venue : Any suggesstions?
Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
2) Kris &amp; Kelly - swensen CP?
welcome klcc and all new comers,
do join us in the coming gathering ya?

14-Aug is thu

tiring will la.... 'cos used to have maid to help out mah :p
But I not as li hai as Lydia lor... still salute to her and her hb man!
It's usual for kids to fuss when they are new to class, my son oso fuss a a few lessons but not jia lat de la. kelly will get used to it very soon de

I'm not sure if I can make it on 14-Aug tentatively put down my name first ya...

Date : 14-Aug (Thu)
Time : 6pm
Venue : Swensens @CP
Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
2) Kris &amp; Kelly - swensen CP?
3) Violet &amp; gal
hi mummies,

i'm glad to have found this thread. i'm staying in punggol with a 15mths old boy and 1 more coming in dec.

would really like to join the gathering on 14 aug but dun tink i can make it since i'm working at city hall and need to pick my boy from bishan after u know e traffic is horrible...

But if there are any gathering on fridays i would love to join as i'm off every please do add me in if u have one...thanks.
Thanks guys

went there a few times to bring my bb for those swimming sessions and was oki

think the oasis station is after or near the mall,think only la
klcc - wow so fast join this thread huh

hi gals.. long time no chat here.

Got questions:

Currently my nanny is charging me $600 per month for my 2yo boy.

I am thinking of going half day CC+ half day Nanny. 1pm to 730pm with dinner. My boy will take the sch bus to her blk so she dun need to go and pick my boy too. Wat's the market rate for such nanny service?

Then next yr fullday CC+2hrs nanny from 6pm - 730pm with dinner. Similarly my boy will take the sch bus thus nanny need not travel at all. Wat's the market rate for this arrangement?

Anyone got experience? pls share.
how is kelly with genise?
She was my gal's 1st teacher when my gal was with shichida, and my gal continue to be in her class since she started with them.
I found her quite good I decided to put m y gal there since I'm also quite pissed at shichida that time :p
hi violet,
genise is a school or teacher?
i'm interested in sending my son to Shichida but heard that they are very money minded...any other place to recommend?
hi mydarlings,
genise is one of the teacher in the home based right brain training center in Bishan. genise and the other teacher are ex-shichida teachers so i dun mind signing up with them

I pay my boy's nanny $550 'cos my son goes 3hr(9am-12nn) childcare daily and she does housework for me 2 or 3 times a wk while my boy is in cc

Dear all,

i've rec'd feedbacks ont he gathering and hv decided to change the gathering date to 15-Aug. Lydia has kindly offer to open her house on that day.... Thanks to Lydia

Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
2) Kris &amp; Kelly - swensen CP?
3) Violet &amp; gal

Pls add on the list..... hope u all can make it
hi violet,

can you give me the contact detail for genise? i would like to find out more about the class.

My boy very active and love to move about, is it a good idea to sign him up for genise's class?

i would like to sign up for the gathering...
Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
2) Kris &amp; Kelly - swensen CP?
3) Violet &amp; gal
4) Pet &amp; boy (hubby might come along)
hi mydarlings,
I can't PM u, can u pls PM me your contacts so that I can send you Lydia's add later and also genise's contact.

My boy is also a very active boy but he is very interested in the activites they do during the class as there are so many things to play with.

Usually for the 1st few lessons most younger kids can't settle down. Some will wail and fuss wanting to go out of the class.
But after a few lessons they shd get used to the routine and settle down. You shd go check out the classes before you decide

Glad that you can join us for the gathering
See u then...

Hi florance,
Lydia stays near to RV plaze, think is almost further down fm north spring pri sch... hope u can join us
i would like to sign up for the gathering...
Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
2) Kris &amp; Kelly - swensen CP?
3) Violet &amp; gal
4) Pet &amp; boy (hubby might come along)
5) Florence ,Keith , Hazel and helper!

I stay opp RV Plaza ... haha!
hi my darlings,
u can activate PM setting under profiles

I've jus checked my mail and I did not rec'd yr PM, can u pls send again?

glad u can join

Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia &amp; Family (2 Adults &amp; 4 Kids)
2) Kris &amp; Kelly
3) Violet &amp; gal &amp; son
4) Pet &amp; boy (hubby might come along)
5) Florence ,Keith , Hazel and helper

I'll take care of the drinks
Anyone wanna bring snacks?
violet - i saw u on TV! :p
oh ur nanny comes to ur home huh? so good, do hsework for u too. :p

ur boy also in Skeh monte now?

MT, ya..migrated to SK mah so join this club lor..kekeke..
Violet, my 2 gers are with Genise/Yen Peng too :p..I saw the programme that featured yr 2 kids too :p
