Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

hi Mydarlings,
hope yr son is better le.....

welcome littleoink,

We hv a gathering on 15-Aug, do join us if u can

Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia & Family (2 Adults & 4 Kids)
2) Kris & Kelly -
3) Violet & gal
4) Pet & boy (hubby might come along)

Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia & Family (2 Adults & 4 Kids)
2) Kris & Kelly
3) Violet & gal & son
4) Pet & boy (hubby might come along)
5) Florence ,Keith , Hazel and helper

hehe voilet , you missed out my name!
Hi,Does anyone here have good chinese doc to recommend? My son & two daughters are always coughing & have alot of phelgm. Thank!
wowowowow...all sudden here so BUSY again...with the mommies sharing abt right brain class and chinese medicine...

well,the swimming pool nearby do have a LRT ...(Cheng Lim)it's the west bound train...

Everyone will be welcome to join in the gathering at my hse,papa can come even better...^-^,I didnt fix any timing,maybe till ard 10pm?

My kids used to have sensitve nose (From my hb)...I will cook dong chong cao with ji zi,dang sheng,bei qi,red date,pao sheng with black improve a lot...

if not can try....bai mu er,chuan bei mu,nan xing,bei xing with rock sugar and china pear...

hope tat help.....^-^
yest nite rushed Kelly to KKH coz of suddenly nose bleed, doc dunno the reson but ask her to go back for review n a wk. so worrying.
littleoink & Violet, thanks, my boy is much better now. in fact we brough him for a swim yesterday and he refused to get out of e pool.

evonne, i go to a chinese doc at serangoon gardens. will pm you the number if you are interested. I just heard from a fren over the weekend that there is a good one at sengkang area too but i have to find out the contact no. Let me know if you are interested.
kris, hope kelly is better. could it be she is too heaty? my nephew (quite grown up now) used to have nose bleed when he is abt 2yrs old, doc say too heaty. he recover with no major problem after tat.
My boy also has sensitive nose. I am not sure whether I can try the chinese recipe because he has G6PD and not advisable to take chinese medicine. *haiz*

Kris, hope Kelly has no more bleeding. Quite scary hor. My nephew (now 4 yrs old) also has nose bleeding from young. Do a lot of scan and Doctor said it is because he has sensitive nose.

I will try to make it for the gathering on 15 Aug.

Kris,Hope kelly ok ok now..

Littleoink,those are just normal recipe for normal meal but it do help esp the dong chong chao but it's always better to ask first before giving to children..^-^

Violet,can give me the contact for the homebased class for the right brain also,one of my friend is looking for tat for her kids...thanks
Lydia, the bai mu er recipe is also for sensitive nose? it seems quite yummy. you buy e ingredients in a ready pack? or the medicial hall pple will recommend the qty for each ingredients?

sinseh said tat my boy is heaty base so dun give dong chong cao first.
bleed twice on sat, sun n mon no bleeding, lots of ppl say heaty.

we asked the doc at kkh whether its heaty but he say western med no such thing as heaty. he schedule us for a follow up in 2 weeks.

kkh doc oso say might b sensitive nose or mayb she juz happened to pick on a blood vessel till bleed.

kelly now better le, juz a bit of blocked nose.
hope it's nothing more serious than normal nose bleed...
Come to think of it, one of my gal's classmate until now, 6yo le, still hv frequent nose bleeding. she is going to ENT(EarNoseThroat) doctor every now n then for review. Also due to sensitive nose and when she rubs she nose bleed easily.
my darling, Yeah it'll help with the chuan bei mu...normally i buy myself not those package one becos will be more fresh...

Nomrally i will use 1 pear with few bai mu er,1/2 liang chuan bei mu (Smash it),1/2 liang nan xing,bei xing ...for abt 1hr then put in some honey or rock sugar for another 30mins....can serve warm or cold...

Kris,if she all along dont have this problem,then maybe due to weather dry and heaty la but still need to take note lor
hi lydia,
was your fren able to contact RBN? I brought my kids there for class this evening and they told me the waiting list now has about 70 kids for 1-2yos le...
hi mummies,
cannot remember if I've posted in this thread before...

I have 2 gals- 5 yrs old ( nov 03) and 10 mths old ( sept 07). I'm staying at edgedale plains, currently sahm till 31 dec 08..
hope to intereact with mummies in these areas!!

hi florence!! glad to see u here
is funny also in this thread?
hi evone,
abt chinese doc- my family sees one at bukit panjang..super far and he practices from home now as he closes his shop few yrs back. has been seeing him since my mum had stroke abt 8 yrs back. normally for phelgm, he gives this powder- bitter but effective. I used to bring my elder gal to Yu Guo but its super crowded. Think its at upper chnagi rd, something like that.
hi kris,
how old is kelly? when i was young, also used to get nose bleed for no reason. then it just went away as i grow up..u know our parents time, dun really care much even if nose i never know what's exactly the cause of frequent nose bleed.

hope your gal gets better soon.
kelly got to go ENT on 21/8 for review, hope nothin serious coz my mum died of cancer, so im super wori.

i tink she super heaty coz her nose is full of dried mucus. she dun usualli have this prob. reli hope its juz heatiness. today gonna cooked her some barley.

kelly is 15mths. nw monitor her closely, keep looking at her nose.

Chinese Sinseh
anyone got gd ones to recommend? i tink sometimes got to visit them since western docs dun believe in heatiness.
hi sk mummies, long time nvr post here... anyone works near carrefour? want to buy something from there but dun usually go to town lah... paiseh...
hi all...

anyone has extra McDonalds Athletic glass to give away or exchange? I have extra basketball and vollyball.... Pls let me know... Thanks!
if carrefour has the 5% + 5% promo usually i will go buy FM during lunch time. But dunno when they will have it again. If i'm going i let u know if what you need is not urgent.
the vollyball is my fren's extras, she say let me try for the athletic exchange :p
but if later i found le still have it i ask her see can give u bo ok?
Shd be ok de la... provided she no give other ppl ya

I let u know.
lydia, i got 2 volletballs! ha! change wif u?

i've told violet dunno if can make it for the gathering or not. is it potluck or something?
jen jen,
I guess by that time most would have already taken dinner and it's quite rush to do pot luck if anyone is working bah....
So i'll jus be a simple gathering like last time with some snacks if anyone is bringing. I'll be bringing drinks

hope to see u

Some kind soul will be giving me her Athletic glass! And my fren is ok to give away her volleyball glass. Ok if you want fm me or Jen la. Just let us know and I'll bring on 15-Aug
updates on the gathering :

Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia & Family (2 Adults & 4 Kids)
2) Kris & Kelly
3) Violet & gal & son - bringing drinks
4) Pet & boy (hubby might come along)
5) Florence ,Keith , Hazel and helper

Do add on the list and let us know what you'll be bringing, if any.
Hi Jen & Violet,thank you ha..

Jen,if u want a basketball,I can exchange with you..

Violet,if ur friend dont mind,can give the volleyball to my friend who is collecting as well?

updates on the gathering :

Date : 15-Aug (Fri)
Time : 7:30pm
Venue : Lydia's home(I'll sms u all the add when it's nearer to the date)

Attendees :
1) Lydia & Family (2 Adults & 4 Kids) (Nuggets)
2) Kris & Kelly
3) Violet & gal & son - bringing drinks
4) Pet & boy (hubby might come along)
5) Florence ,Keith , Hazel and helper

Do add on the list and let us know what you'll be bringing, if any.
Hi everyone,
sory... din login for long time liao..... din have time, too bz with work.

To all the new members,

U register ur gal into which P1?
aiyo... fren.... u asked me when catherine is coming leh so I tell u it's postponed la... LOL

Gathering at Ltdia's house no change la, kekeke

so blur or not???
Morning all mummies,

The gathering on this friday. I have to give it a miss because my boy still coughing and running nose and apparently, I caught the flu from him. I will join next time, ok?

My nanny's daughter also got into the SengKang Primary Sch. She is very lucky and ballot was successful. Heard that the registration is overwhelming leh.
hi littleoink,

no prob... hope yr boy gets well fast

SK pri no balloting leh... for the past yrs oso no balloting de. I feel so heng no need to ballot 'cos it's jus at our 'doorstep', so easy for my gal to get to sch next time

Do u mean Rivervale or Compassvale or Nan Chiau? These are the few very popular schools which kena balloting every yr de.

Leng leng,
is ok la... when i hv #2 half my brain gone oso le... took me quite a while to recover it... LOL
really hope to see u this fri ya...
hi mummies,
my son's having cough and flu again. got it from my maid. hope he is ok by this thur, otherwise i will have to give the gathering a miss too.
lydia and violet,
kelly n i might have to missed the gatherin tis fri coz of her blocked n bleeding nose n oso bcoz my fren is gettin married n we got to meet up with her, as she flies often, it is reli difficult to get everyone 2gether.

sorri for the diappointment, hope to house u all the next time rd when kelly got well.
