Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

kelly is wif the other gal wif chinese name, juz cant rmbr her name. personalli i find dat genise is better, frm the few times i speak to her.

y u pissed wif shichida? dun tink u tell me b4 rite?

hahhaa, finali i got to noe dat her name is Yen Peng.

hi mydarlings,
i've got yr PM and replied u le

my boy's nanny is my neighbour so very easy for her to come over to do, kekeke.
My boy is not with Skeh 'cos their flexi care prog oni for afternoon and my boy naps in the afternoon. I will put him to full day at Skeh next yr. Now he is with another cc nearer to my place.

hi klcc,
so far how do you find the teachers? haha, tks for sharing yen peng's name

They keep changing teachers and you know young kids tends to get attached to the teachers after a while. They will take some time to get used to the new teacher all over again.
My gal is still alright cos she warms up to new teachers pretty fast, but her classmates became so reserve after each change and this is disruptive to the them as well as to the whole class mah 'cos the kids will fuss.

We complained but they insist must change, then when the ang mo parent(he was away when we complain) in our class go complain they quickly change back to previous teacher. Fed up rite?? So is can change but they dun wan to change for us. When ang mo complain they immediately change. What is this man??!!
Then can u imagine the changes the kids go through? 1st teacher settle down le, then change to new teacher #1, settle down with new teacher le change to new teacher #2, before can settle down with teacher #2 changed back to new teacher #1. some of the kids confused man.... y first few wks see this teacher then next wk see another teacher....

Sorry for the long long lau sau... LOL

Genise is more open and active type of person i think and is more straight to the point whereas Yen Peng is more reserve type bah i guess :p
One of my frens prefer yen peng 'cos finds her more 'patient' as she speaks slower... so really depends on which type of personality one prefers lor

I'm fine with both 'cos I find both are pretty good with kids, tat's most impt! :D
Kris, Violet : ya..agree that YP is more reserve compared to Genise..My elder ger with YP while younger with Genise..think YP is more suitable to take the older kids :p
I also quite fed up with Shichida..find them v $$ minded lor..anyway they r commercial school afterall..
Hi Mummies, chanced upon this thread. I am staying at Sengkang too. My gal is nw 18mths

Violet/ klcc - Can I have the Genise's contact = home based right brain training center in Bishan... thks in advance.

Swimming Pool in SK - where's the exact location... v excited abt this
leng leng.... depends on lydia lor :p
my kids generally kun around 9+ now so i'll probably leave around 9pm le.... hope to see u and the little ones, esp yr newborn!

hi lynn...
yea u can get the contact fm their website that klcc provided

The swimming complex is within Anchorvale area(shd be bah 'cos i dun live tat area), quite ulu now de 'cos not many cars pass there when i went to take a look
mydarling, u can use my name..i will get 5% off situation

Will PM u my particular..but I heard their weekend classes r full unless u try weekday sessions
klcc...great, thanks in advance.

maybe i might sign up for weekday first then waitlist for weekend ones.

do we have to sit with them during class or they are suppoesd to be by themselves?
Violet B (violet_blaze) : can I use ur name ? hehe that is the school ur kidos attending too right? I remember asking u on the other forum. I called them some time again. they say new intake in sept wor. will call us.
yea, that is the center that my kids are attending, no prob to use my name

If they are conducting classes they will not be able to ans calls lor.

I dun remember seeing a LTR near the swimming pool wor... but i can't really recall clearly 'cos it's been quite some time since i visited the area. Can oni remember it's quite ulu :p

since yr boy is in bishan, the caregiver can bring him to class on wkday day time first? For my boy is 2.n 5yo he needs to be companied by one of us, my gal no need to company her when she started with Genise as she is familiar with Genise.
klcc - thks for the link... Trial available?
Can i use yr name for referral? Tks in advance
Me staying at Rivervale Cresc

violet / keikei - Anchorvale area got CC ah... Me oso nt familar... thks for info

my darings - any trial available? tks.
Hi Violet,

I am interested to find out more about
home based right brain training center in Bishan too, possible to PM me details also? Thanks so much in advance!

I am living in Punggol, looking for a keyboard teacher for my 5 yr old son, anyone has any to recommend?
hi Purejoy,
I happened to know of a good keyboard teacher that stays in punggol

She was my gal's teacher in a group class, but i find the progress is too slow for my gal so I switched her to private teaching.
Wanted her to teach my gal but she says since I'm letting my dd takes up piano next time might as well start off with a private piano teacher instead of fm her since she is only qualified to train on keyboard now.
So she recommended me her own trainer to me, she is still training under this trainer for piano.
I've recommeded her to one of my fren's dd, my fren say first time hear her dd take keyboard lesson got laughter one

i've PMed u the contacts to the right brain center, let me know if you want the contacts to the music teacher as well
din noe they r dat bad, my fren is wif shichida n she finds it gd, tink nw they dun change teacher liaoz. dunno hw to request to b in genise class. sianz YP too mild n quiet.

its somewhr across compasspt toward TPE. u can c on the way to TPE on ur left hand side.
Hi Violet,

You are wonderful! Thanks so much for the speedy reply and contacts

Have replied your mail about the keyboard teacher.

Million thanks!
jus happened that i've jus switched my gal fm gp music class to private teacher in July. Dun mind sharing if there are good lobangs lor...
I changed to private not 'cos the teacher was no good lor jus tat the overall class progress is too slow for my gal, she's pretty bored in the class :p

actually i find for the right brain classes it is better for one parent or at the very least one grandparent to be inside if possible. 'Cos for a maid their committment is not there and for some they simply do not know what to do lor. Of course there will be good ones who will know how to guide the kid during the class la, but i think not many around bah :p

You are most welcome, glad to help

I'm seeking the teacher's consent before i email u their contacts ya......

think too many parents complain bah :p If they dun buck up they will lose out to their competitors... They are also very inflexible in arranging replacement classes. So when a child is very sick the parents still brings them to class de
'cos per lesson is very very ex mah...
You gotta try yr luck for next term le, if they hv other classes for similar age gp taught by genise and one of the parent decided not to continue then will hv change bah....
genise has called me back. there are no trial lesson but they will hold a so-call preview class where she will go thr with us e program and how each lesson will be conducted.
however, this preview will only be in sep cos the new term starts only in Oct.
for now they only have slot for my boy on weekdays which is tue-thur. weekend is full.

your gal will most likely be in the group grp as my boy. you can call her and leave her your contact, she will call you when she holds the preveiw.

i am also not keen on getting my maid to go for e lesson with my son, so i have to wait till oct for the new term.
Thanks for the note
Wkend full... i m fine with wkday too

Nice to see u in this thread....u keen :p
haiz, a tiring thur morning...
my boy cough and running nose e whole nite, puked 4 time cos he cough...anyone have experience this? how can i help to prevent him from puking? cos i afraid he not taking in the medicine too if he keeps puking.
is he running a fever? high fever may cause bb to vomit. If he is able to puke out the phlegm then it may be a good thing. Perhaps you can visit the PD and get the med that helps prevents vomiting?
my darlings,
Agree with violet that it's a gd thing that he pukes & throws out some phlegem... Cx with the PD regds to his vomitting.

My gal is still coughing almost 3wks esp nite time. She still duno hw to spit out her phlegm...
I am thinking of trying Eu Ren Sheng at Rivervale mall. Mummies, can I know whic ch doc to see?

Thanks in advance.
hi violet,
he is running a slight fever, below 38. if he still puke today i will bring him to the pd. i'm a bit worried cos he fell down on sun.

Currently he is taking e chinese med.

i bring my son to the sinseh at serangoon gardens, beside the UOB bank. if you want i can pm you their no, need to call before you go down.

i find chinese med is more effective.

Pls pm me their no btw hw's the charge? Dun worry too much call Pd & inform abt his fall too.

Thanks and take care too
i have pm you the no.

tat time my son had a cough, after taking the chinese med, he is ok in 3-4days. Hope it works for your gal too. Kids cought very poor thing one, esp at nite, they cant sleep well.

but for my son worst cos he will puke. this time more worrying cos he fell b4 that.

i'm so tired this morning, plus pregnant...been parents really not easy man.
mydarling, try not to give him solid food at dinner time & feed the med few hours bef he sleep..they will start to cough only when they fall asleep. R u & yr boy sleeping in A/C room??
ok, thanks for the advise. in fact last nite he puke out his dinner, all not digested one. and yes, he cough more when he sleeps, and since he still wakes up at 2am and 5am to drink milk, he will puke after each feed too.

he is sleeping with my maid in the other room, but when he cries, i will go over to check on him and carry him if needed.
my darling, i see..cos my doc usually will ask us not to on the A/C esp if they r having cough/blocked nose..which usually lead to puking..
reason being nose blocked, they will need to use mouth to breath, A/C room dry, therefore trigger cough and thus puke..
A/C - Maybe tat y she's cough only at nite... we on aircon if not she will be sweating & cant get to slp.

Thanks. got the nos.... YA it's nt easy being mother. When I m draining out, I always think of my girl then I will feel better
Hi mydarlings,

saw your thread about your son's puking.

My son just experienced the same thing, vomitted his dinner, medicine, milk at night etc

Not sure how much milk your son is drinking, I actually decreased my son's milk intake by half (for that time being) and also gave him lighter dinner, soupy stuff so can digest better. This was advised by my PD. His vomitting stopped.

Will slowly increase his milk intake again when his cough / phlegm gets better. Can also increase the no. of feeds if you son wants milk but per time feed lesser for easy digestion.

Just my experience, hope this will help ...
Hi purejoy,

thanks for sharing.

we did feed him a little bit lesser only. maybe i will cut more tonite and hope he dun puke again.

and also either give him more liquid stuff for dinner or jus milk...cos his appetite not tat good too.

Hello Sengkang/Punggol Mummies,

Just chanced upon this threat. May I join in?
I am a FTWM staying at Rivervale Crescent. My boy is 12mths old now.


Hope your son get well soon and take good care of yourself too.
