PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

i actually brought kieran to the zoo abt 1 mth back.. heehee.. was fun and tiring.. cos got to either push the stroller or carry him. and guess what? the only animal he saw was this little bird sitting in front of him... a bird stroller toy that spins.. kekek. Then again, I had free admission lah.. if must pay i also wont bring k at this age!!

water retention? cant prevent one lah.. if you are susceptible then u are. can only alleviate it. put your feet up as much as possible, lie flat as much as possible so that your kidneys can clear the water. that's abt all you can do..

with kieran, i sometimes have bad water retention that my hands look puffy and i'm of those that develop metacarpal syndrome, where my hands really hurt in the morning cos the swelling presses on my nerves.

terok leh... i also dunno who to teach leh.. teach the maid then mil wont let the maid handle, teach mil but she either not at home or she cant handle... teach fil.. urgh. he is the "he whr got want to sleep? eye still big!" when K is like whinning liao. so play until he turns grouchy and diff to sleep... *shake head*
Now i am there in person, i think it'll be all chaos when i'm not there...

wah catz, only 9kg gain? I gained like 14kg arh!!!

hey catz
you are right, dun even know whether the young kid can appreciate anot, but there are so few places to bring them around.
hey ruggles,
you so petite, 14 kg is alright, but im aiming for 10 kg, hehe. hope to gain back my weight loss in 2nd trim, and let it be in the last trim, sounds like a perfect plan...just hoping lah.
Hi Gals,
i'm back again, today call is lesser, last few day like call centre, have been receiving call non-stop from my users

The thread is moving so fast can't catch liao.

Hi Ruggles, thewife and catz,
I think my weight gain now is already 15kg liao...this trimester has slow down which is good cos 1st trimester gain 7kg and 2nd trimester gain 7kg too wow lao..better slow down this month.

Now at 34wk, since 1st trimester till now still the same only feel numb at the right side fingers, do not know what is the reason.

There is no water retention at the fingers at the moment my ring still quite lose and I still can wear my normal shoe so no water retention at my foot at the moment too. I do not know is it because I go for pre-natal massage and it help to reduce those water retention problem but I guess at the later stage sure there will some water retention.

The only problem now is I start feeling sharp pain at my lower tail bone..the scololis part have a bit of difficult in walking liao...so I really hope to see my girl around 4week later...that's mean 38wk...
hey siew lei
im so excited for you, really can't wait to see your little princess. you take good care and rest well okie....
hi siew lei,
the numbness is due to the water retention pressing on the nerves. I got that in my last trimester also. just keep flexing your fist and allow for circulation. it will alleviate.

can bring them around lah.. only dep whether you want to. I've been bringing K everywhere since he turned 1 mth.. (heehe.. even during the confinement we also sneaked out once in a while). just make sure to take care that he has sweaters when he is cold etc it's quite fun to bring him out actually.
siew lei:
the pain in the tailbone will go away after delivery, tho i did read that a v v v small % of people suffer this tail bone pain even after delivery.

just hang on!
your princess will be arriving soon!
siew lei, wah so fast, only 4 wks more to go..

ruggles, i guess i'm heavier lor.. if i gained more than 10kg, i'd be like 70 kg??? for this one, i'd like to remain under 70kg too but dunno if it's possible esp if the last tri weight gain kicks in again.

thewife, i guess it's good to watch your diet but cannot restrict your weight gain lor, esp if you're small to start with, u hv to gain more weight.. for me, i'm big boned and tall so i don't hv to gain so much weight.. not to mention i've got lots of extra fats.. haha

ruggles, i don't envy your position.. but you're so lucky tt you'll be around in the afternoons..
yeah, i'm thankful too.. at least can "minimize damage" keke... but next yr things may be different le. when term starts next yr, I'll probably have almost full days and a few really late days per week. so.. yeah.. u know..

btw, the pain that i had on my backside.. not tailbone but off the side the moment i got preggers mysteriously disappeared i think almost immediately after delivery.. i dont remember feeling it after K popped.
Hi ruggles and cody,
I have slight scololis at my tailbone that's why it can cause the pain easily. This few day I rest well, it seems to be okay. I take whole day time-off to rest today is really tired recently.

Ruggles thanks for your tips I will try to do that hopefully it help to reduce my numbness. This numbness at my right fingers start very early since 1st trimester till now.

Hi thewife and catz,
Ya is really fast, I really hope to see my little princess at 38wk but do not know whether she will come out at that time all will dread till 40wk.
hey siew lei
see earlier better, off the load! hehe. so yours will be a scorpio girl? she will be in time to spend the coming christmas with ya, so fun!
by the way, when did you ladies first felt the bb kicking?
hi ladies,
long time no chat. work has been really stressful, in fact I was so scared that the stress last week would affect my baby's growth. but when I went back for a 2nd scan this morning, already can see heartbeat even though I'm only 6 weeks now.... I find it really amazing!
everyone has been asking me to be extra careful during 1st trimester.... that makes me even more worried. Can't wait for the first trimester to be over!
hey, caitlyn, i've joined the Jun 07 MTB thread. maybe you can also come and talk to other fellow MTBs....
hey, i remember feeling Kieran's movts at abt 14/ 15 weeks. But at that time I din know they were his movts until abt 16 weeks when they were stronger, then i realised that the previous ones that I felt were from him!!

isn't it wonderful? to see and hear the heartbeat? It's like woah... from nothing , suddenly there's someone inside..

anyway, just be more aware of everything around you, but dun be overly cautious cos may end up paranoid then even worse.
i dun remember when i started feeling movements, but i remember that the books said it would feel like a butterfly in your stomach.

well, mine was nothing like a butterfly.
pardon my language, but its the most apt:
it felt like a fart that couldn't find its way out!

Hi thewife,
I think I only feel the movement for my baby girl around 23wk leh. Mine is rather late. Once you feel it, you feel great
Really hope to see her by end of this month as she will be almost 38wk heeee..

Hi jam,
I remember my chinese sinseh told me to avoid of going to crowded place cos scare virus spread from crowd. For 1st trimester just avoid cool stuff and rest well and eat well
haha, cody, you are always so funny. but that's a really good analogy for me to prepare my expectation

thanks all for the advice. will try to follow all of them. after all, i'll always remember that this baby is a miracle!

btw, caitlyn, my friend bought me this book called What to expect when you are expecting. It does answer quite a lot of our questions. Worth taking a look if you have not already got one.
hey jam
congrats! dun worry too much, try to relax a bit, things will be fine

hey cody
your description of bb movement is so funny! i felt pinching but not sure whether that's it...very confused.
wow siew lei,
end of the month very fast...must quickly post her pix okie..btw how heavy is your bb girl now?
oh ya talking about book, once we digested What to expect when you are expecting, we have to move on to What to expect in your bb's first year rite? that's a whole lot of things to remember!
cody, heheheeh
trust u to describe it like that!

ruggles, wah u very sensitive hor? i only felt timo at 21 wks.. this one i felt at 18 wks.. but more pronounced now at 20 wks.

jam.. so happy for u lah.. dun worry, in a flash u'll be enjoying 2nd tri.

caitlyn, waiting sucks hor? just eat well int he meantime!

aiyoh, my tummy very small leh.. hope bb is growing ok. must be all the stress i kena when i was working as gahmen servant. :p
Hi thewife,
When I visit my gynae at 32wk, my gynae said my baby girl is 2kg so now I guess is around 2.4kg, will know better when I see my gynae this Saturday.

I have started to drink the coconut and start packing my bag, bit by bit. Yes really excited to see her soon.
hey catz
so im not too late, a lot of girls felt the bb kick already except me..guess i have to wait a bit more. you have a kaki with small tummy here, maybe our bb girl petite lor.
hey siew lei
thats quite a good weight,girl girl no need to be too heavy, easier to give birth. i have a fren so slim and gave birth to 3.8kg son but he's not fat, maybe his bones are heavy so not tat bad.
Hi thewife,
If her average grow is 200g per week then by 38wk should be around 3kg and I think the weight is just alright
thewife, u probably can feel the kicks.. it's just tt as a first time mom, u can't differentiate the kicks from the farty feeling (like cody says
) i don't think my girl is tt petite lor 'cos my son was born at 75th percentile.. right now she's at 50th percentile
yeah!! very apt description. felt like a chain of little farts kekeke..

btw the what to expect book is good. no need to memorise lah.. just every mth read it. I have the what to expect 1st yr one also.. but that one i nvr really ref to it after the 1st 2 mth lah.. collecting dust somewhr man.. hehe..
but i think it's still quite good for the beginning lah.. now i just play by ear
err.. maybe i fart all the time and just kinda realise that those are not my usual farts? HAHAHAHAH... actually i din know they were kicks until they became more pronounced and I thought back on the ones I felt earlier.. i think it also helped that my sis was preggers at the same time with #2
hey catz
how u calculate the percentile?
hey ruggles
have u gone back to school? how's everything?
hey siew lei
after confinement and after your maternity leave is over, who'll be helping u?
btw did you ladies eat any bu during the 2nd trimester?
Hi thewife,
My MIL will be coming over to our house during weekday and hlp.

Actually I din eat any bu cos don't dare to take any herbs during this period. Just make sure eat well and eat the supplement from gynae that is and eat lot of fruits and green vegetable too and of course some meat for protein, well-balanced diet lah.

During 2nd trimester lot of people say can eat durian so I eat some durian for "bu" but later stop cos it can cause high in sugar if eat too much. Oh ya can take birdnest lah

hi thewife,
hvn rtn. i will b going back on mon.. urgh.

i took some cordyceps thru' out the pregnancy. not a lot, just once in a while use it in chicken soup. yeah.. birdnest from 2nd tri onwards. i ate quite a bit of durians when preggers!! not to bu or anything.. i just like durians!!
hi ruggles,

how come you only took birdnest from 2nd tri onwards? think my MIL very excited, wanted to boil ginseng and birdnest. told her i wouldn't take ginseng in case it clashes with the supplement that my gynae asked me to take now. but thought birdnest should be ok?
hey hey
maybe i can start eating some durians..
my fren recommended me to take cordyceps too but im not sure whether to, maybe try a bit..
hey jam
better dun take ginseng, dun take chinese herb during early stage. birdnest at 2nd trim cos bb dun absorb nutrients from mummy at 1st trim yet.
ruggles, oh dear, monday is d-day huh? bet u'll sprint back to K after school ends.

thewife, the gynae should give u all the charts of baby's growth (head circumference, tummy circumference, length, blah blah) at the detailed scan at 20 wks.. don't worry. as for bu, better not anyhow take lor.. herbs can be really dangerou. bird's nest only from 2nd tri onwards, if not too cooling or something like dat.

buay tahan cordyceps man.. but i drink chicken essence almost daily 'cos i like the taste.. heh. durians.. mm.. i got crazy durian cravings this time round but controlling 'cos scared kena poked for glucose tolerance test!
eeks.. i can't take the taste of chicken essence.. sold all my essence gifts away!!! cordyceps? i barely like it but for baby.. i take lah..

yeah.. my ears will be attuned to the dismissal bell, my arms will be attached to my belongings, my eyes affixed to the sch gate, my feet, ever ready to make that dash!!!.. ;>

actually some ppl say that take birdnest too early, the baby oso wont absorb. for me.. i thot it was too ex to takr thru out preg lah.. heehee.. i take it partially also bcos i like it thn i take.. being preg was an excuse kekeke.. thn again, also in moderation cos the complex proteins are also linked to allergies.. ie like if got family history of allergies, drs will usu advise u to avoid peanuts like that.

watever it is, everything in moderation is good...

btw, not too much ginseng cos it is linked to hirudism (think it's spelt this way) in babies.. hairy babies..
hi thewife & ruggles, thanks for the advice. sigh, i've been feeling guilty after meals now. just had a fried rice and i happily ate the sunny side up. then realised that's also considered uncooked! hope it won't do any harm to baby
hey catz and ruggles
so its ok to take chicken essence now? i heard eating beef will cause bb to be more hairy, true?
hey jam,
eat already then forget it, dun worry about it. eat more food now before MS strikes..hehe.
thewife, erm, my son came out like wolverine and i ate copious amts of beef but then hor, hubby and i are hairy ppl too.. so dunno which one was to blame - the beef or the genes. heh. nevermind, the hair will drop off.

jam, wah my hub would scold me.. he overcooked EVERYTHING for me.. wah kau.. i bochap, last wk went to eat Ya Kun soft boiled eggs. yah eat more before MS comes hor.
wow, catz, your husband so nice. will cook for you.

yah, dun dare to let my husband know. surely kenna scolded. he can't cook, but he actually wanted me to write down what i planned to have for lunch every day for the whole week!

actually, maybe i complain too much abt no symptoms. feels like MS may be starting to set in for me.... have kind of lost my appetite this week and almost vomitted last night....the worst thing is i feel extremely sleepy. can fall asleep in office anytime!
hey catz
haha wolverine, heard hairy people are horny pple..hehe.
hey jam
this kind of thing very pang tang one, dun anyhow say...tat time i told pple ms stopped, then it comes back immediately, better dun say.
yeah.. me too.. i ate quite a fair bit of beef and Kieran is hairy.. BUT.. like catz.. my hubby & I are hairy monsters too.. kekek. . whn K was born, his back and upper arm was soooo hairy.. but most of it has dropped off liao. but when you look carefully, he still has hairy legs. fine light coloured hair.

if the egg is fresh is ok. just bcareful of salmonella poisoning.
i was always sleepy in my 1st trimester too. must always come home to take naps after school then will fall asleep by like 10pm latest at night.. even when i had afternn naps!!
hey ruggles
does that mean u are a 'horny' person too? hehe.
think i better dun eat too much beef, i dun want a hairy girl girl. so glad tat its a girl cos my hubby has always been working hard and late as well, with bb girl, i'll have someone to accompany me and talk to...sigh.
hi ladies,
i was diagnosed wi PCOS thid July... consulted a chinese physician yesterday and she arranged me to do a detailed scan next week, and said i might need to take metformin... but i know nuts abt this med... may i know any ladies here taking that med as well? is there any side effects huh? thanks in advance
hi dodo
metformin is to regulate your sugar level, which somehow regulate your mense as well. one of the side effects is diarrhea, usually gynae will give u smaller dosage and increase along the way. dun worry try this for a while and see how it goes.
hi dodo, the metformin is actually a diabetes medicine and PCOS is somewhat related to diabetes. why not see a gynae instead of a chinese physician?

ruggles, heh.. I *have* heard hairy = horny which is true in hub and my case. Teehee
Ask Cody... think it's true for her case too. Hahahahahaha

jam, yah feel v tired in 1st tri. I used to fall asleep 8.30pm!!!! Now at least I can nap in the afternoons so can tahan until 10pm.
and u say to stop using the pxxx... ahem term?? heehee..
maybe true leh.. we used to be quite ahem too.. until K came along.. heehee..
ruggles, oh yah there's nothing like a kid to act as a natural contraceptive
aiyah, me not up to p*** standard liao lah.. we're talking pre-baby here
where's our dear friend cody ah? she definitely knows what i'm talking abt.. heheheheh..
Ouiiiiiiiiiii, i go on one day leave and i see my name splattered all over? ;)

oh yeah, hairy = horny SPOT ON!!
hi all.. MIA-ed last week coz bad bad nausea, giddiness, plus fainting feeling.. so took MC.. pushed fwd my gynae visit which was supposed to be today coz looked like a ghost most of e time.. bad bad.. hungry but cannot eat..

anyway, good news is managed to see bb last thurs.. 0.5cm.. plus saw e little one's heartbeat.. such an amazing thingy..
Hi Ruggles,
At how many week, your baby head is engaged. Although my baby head is down but still not engaged yet. Coming this week is 36th week liao. I super super tired and getting very breathless liao. Really hope end of this month can give birth. If my baby head don't engaged then will have to wait and wait hmmm...

hi caitlyn,
congrats! at least now you feel more assured

so you are experiencing more symptoms now? i also haven't been feeling too well. have lost all my appetite. don't have serious vomitting, but keep having this heartburn / nausous feeling and burping
can't even sleep well at night now even though i'm so tired in the day..... maybe i should learn from the ladies and take afternoon naps during lunch...
