PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

btw, caitlyn, when's your next scan? mine is end next week. can't wait to see baby again! as long as baby is growing well, all this discomfort is worth it!

jam - got nausea, giddiness, loss of appetite.. basically feeling super weak.. look like ghost! haha.. my next visit is like 2 nov.. got a long long wait.. ur scans seem quite frequent lah.. how often must u visit ur gynae?
hi caitlyn, saw ur post on the other thread. i also feel slightly feverish and headache at night but dun dare to take panadol. yah lor, the whole body just feels like i'm gonna fall sick anytime. but i'm consoling myself that got symptoms means baby is growing lah.

i also dunnoe how often i'm supposed to visit him. actually my frequency is about the same as yours. I saw him early last week and he asked me to go back 3 weeks later. so seeing him end next week. anyway, i'm already on package, so only need to pay for the medication when i see him. i'd rather seeing him more often just to make sure baby is growing well!
Hi Jam,
Feeling feverish and headache at night for the 1st trimester is basically very normal. I remember I have this too and I check with my company doctor, she said is normal. Usually 1st trimester, you feel very cold and need to put on more clothing. If you measure your temperature, it can go up to 38 degree leh.

Now I come to the 3rd trimester, my heart is like burning, super super hot, perspire non-stop. In the Mrt, can't stand cos like no air-con have to find something to fan very cham.
hi jam and caitlyn, yah bad health in the first tri is soooo normal. poor things.. must take care!

cody.. teehee

siew lei, i think for me, timothy only engaged at 35 wks but he came out at wk 40. so don't worry, still got time.
Hi Catz,
I hope my baby girl can come out at 38wk, don't feel like waiting till 40wk. Although lot of people told me it is good to keep longer like 40wk, liver more mature and less chance getting jaudice. I just feel so tired recently hmmm..plus somemore hazy weather...
Hi siew lei,
i dunno when kieran engaged cos i never asked. but he was already facing down since 20 weeks. also at 20weeks he was actually rather low down in the pelvis le and never turned around. thus, i nver could see his head in all the scans after 20weeks. then again, kieran was low lying throughout the pregnancy so i did not really have the significant "dropping".

usually it is good to keep the baby in for as long as possible, unless the placenta is deteriorating already (mine started at abt 30+ weeks??, so i was quite sure Kieran would arrive early)

hey siew lei
ya the weather is bad, really hate those 'people' who let this happens, its very bad for preggie mummies. 3rd trim really sound tough, im seriously not ready for another challenge.
hey caitlyn and jam,
hang in there, think you'll have another few more weeks before you feel better, you 'll be June MTB rite?
siew lei, actually it's better for u to keep baby inside due to the haze.. at least u filter the haze out from her lungs!

thewife,yah those PEOPLE should be made to foot all our medical bills! I'm so furious.. I'm suffering from bad sinusitis and I'm wheezing so using inhaler. %^&*!@#$%^&* very very unhappy about the haze
i know this may sound corny. but was joking with hubby that if it's a girl, we shall name her Hazel since she would have breathed in quite a bit of haze!
hey catz
must use inhaler? sounds bad. my colleague has been having asthma and kept coughing away.
hey ruggle
poor kieran baby, dun bring him out then.
hey jam
u are so funny..but hazel is a nice name leh.
nvr bring him out leh.. only go between my house and grandparents' place. indoors all the time and still like that..urgh...
jam, you are soooooooooooooooo corny!!!!!

thewife, yah I'm wheezing slightly and it's the only thing my GP lets me use.

ruggles, Timo also has a drippy nose from those dang indons and their haze. SO ANGRY :p I gave him Zyrtec.. now he's lagi drugged out. Teehee...
Hi Gals,
Ya the haze is really bad, I start to take my inhaler more regular now, somemore I got asthma sigh

Now my baby is 36wk liao, getting more and more excited liao
. Next week will be seeing my gynae and from 37wk onwards will need to see him every week till deliver.
hey siew lei
have u packed everything or bought everything? there is sales at robinsons and john little until today, check it out.
Hi thewife,
I have packed most of my thing liao and enough buying too

Now waiting for my little princess to come out. Recently very difficult to get to sleep, sleep only 3 to 4 hours everyday. Worst still on sunday I can't even sleep, luckily on Monday I taking leave so sleep a bit in the afternoon.

This coming saturday will be visiting my gynae and from this week onwards which is 37wk will be seeing my gynae every week till birth.
hey siew lei
ya i heard its really tough nearing delivery stage, esp the past when you need to pee every few hrs in the nite. should try to sleep more in the day esp over the weekend. hope your bb will be out soon
Hi thewife,
Not only that want to pee but I just feel very energetic at night do not know why and can't get to sleep.

Now I so scare that sometimes in the afternoon, I feel so tired especially sunday afternoon, I don't dare to sleep scare at night cannot sleep and next time has problem waking up for work
hey siew lei
wow tat bad..maybe your bb active at nite is it? i also have the tendency of oversleeping over weekend and cannot sleep on sunday nite. nevermind lah, i think your bb will be out over the next 1 or 2 weekend, very fast..jia you!
Hi Siew Lei, wow 37 weeks oredi! seems like like oni a few months oni when u tested positive!
poor thing.....take more rest okay...and will be waiting to read your birth story and see your little princess 's photo!

Hi gals....have been quite busy these few weeks....;) so haven't been able to post as often! ruggles, when u go back to school on 6th nov, oredi no more lessons rite?
hello hello

Need to get help ...
remember i gave one of you here the contacts to the OPK seller on this forum?

Do you still have the info? Can you pls post it here?
I should still have the info at home, but i got no access to my yahoo email from office!

Pls help, somebody....

Hi Gals,
Thanks so much really hope next week can see my little princess liao.

Hi Dawn,
Wow long time din hear from you, how are you?

Hi Cody,
Your boy is really cute
siew lei,

you're going to see your princess soon!
soon the next person to post pics for all to see here will you be, yay!!!
Hi Cody,
Ya can't wait to see her, will take lot of photos heee and of course will post to you all and see.
tks catz & thewife.
that belly is pre-lunch. it gets bigger after a meal!

actually i admit to being paranoid abt dean's tummy once. i just couldn't comprehend why his tummy was so large!
silly me....

catz, you're online!!!
hey cody
i think the tummy is cute! it's something very child-like to me, once they grow up and loses it, not so cute already!
hey ladies
like to ask what is the brand of breastpump you've used? I bought a medela single electric over the weekend, and heard that ameda is better but twice the price.
WAAAAAAAHhh.. that's pre-lunch? super envious.

seldom online nowadays, esp since i'm one woman show :p

thewife, erm, single electric is quite difficult to sustain if u intend to pump for long-term.. that's why it's a lot cheaper - the motor isn't as powerful as the Medela Pump in Style and Ameda Lactaline which are almost as good as hospital grade pumps.. my advise is to wait and see how the bf goes and if it's gg well, to get a good pump so tt u can maintain supply. for me, I bought the avent manual in preparation and then bought a PIS when Timothy was 2 months old and I was confident of bf for long term.
you gotta look for Jam for the contacts leh.. my PC crashed some time back and I actually lost the email. But the seller was Ryes, see if you can find the nick?

hey, dean looks really cute and very small boy. the pixs you posted last time? he looked older in those pictures!! very cute leh..

I'm already back in school for 2 weeks liao.. NOT 6 Nov.
But then again, my school has already closed le.. cos the As are starting liao. yeah but the last 2 weeks were crazy, with the year ending, a lot of loose ends to tie up and also the preparation for next year. Plus, many, many, many meetings..

I bought an Ameda, i think more ex cos Ameda's a double pump. It actually cost about the same as the medela's double electric. I know you've bought a single pump le, but a double pump is more effective if you are intending to express and bottle feed (single pump more tedious and takes a longer time, more efficient if you are going to pump and latch at the same time cos you can make use of the let down when feeding to pump).

i've been using the ameda since kieran was born. very good and works really well for me. I also used the avent single manual before, not as effective, i only used it when i need to clear out my boobies after a feed and too lazy to use the electric. I think it's because of the electic pump that i cld bf for so long.
Hi Gals,
Today went to see my gynae, he said the baby's head has engaged but he don't think she will be coming out soon as she seems to be very comfortable inside hmmmm...might have to wait for another 2 weeks.

I can feel the pulling effect of my pelvic can be quite painful hopefully she can be out next week which is 38wk or somewhere near 39wk...too tired liao

I also can't sleep much cos she super active and like to kick me alot, my gynae want me to start taking maternity leave. I still thinking cos still very busy at work, if I take early I still have to work from home sianz

Hi thewife,
I bought the medela Pump in Style cos lot of my colleagues used it and has a high comment on that. I bought the amercia version from the first few years in KK hospital when they have special promotion on this. I intend to bf for around 1 year if possible so I think it is good to invest a good one.
hi Cody,
just saw your post and have pm the contacts to you.

how's everyone? sorry that I haven't come in for a while. have been feeling quite lethagic. just went for a checkup yesterday, now about 9 weeks plus. thank God that i still don't have vomitting, but really no appetite for food these days. poor husband, have to keep guessing what food i can eat to make sure baby is not starving
hey siew lei and ruggles,
i'm thinking of exchanging the medela single for something esle, Ameda seems more affordable than medela pump in style, will get that instead.
you can try calling Mickey from Ameda and see if he can give u a better price for the Ameda. He is the distributor. Let me know if you want to do that cos i think i have his number somewhere.

I think the PIS is abt $600-700, the ameda shld be abt $300 now only.
Hi ruggles and thewife,
Ya I agree the PIS is much ex. The PIS orginal price is $700+ as they have phased out the $600+ already. This $700+ has extra function like the let down mode which will simulate breast milk if your milk flow is low. During the robinson sales the distributor don't even allow robinson to sell at cheaper price so sian

Luckily I got it at KKH from the first few years shop as they have the US version also latest model exactly the same but they can give cheaper price for the US version which I bought around $599 and they give extra converter since US the power head is difference. The robinsion only sell the UK version one.

I never know about ameda cos my colleagues only use medela and keep saying is very good and urge me to get it. Hmmm if I know about Ameda and have the same function like this, I might consider cos is much cheaper. The function is it similar?
hey jam
you hang in there...its like that, hopefully yours is only a bit cham.
hey siew lei
i heard ameda's parts are more vulnerable, but guess its worth for the price, can only get it from 2 places in spore at slightly cheaper price at 300-$320.
btw can i ask wat is the recommended brand for steriliser,warmer and bottles? and is it necesssary to get diaper bag and thermal hot & cold bag? so many things, really dun know what is for wat purpose...like cot sheet, changing mat, rubber sheet, confused..hahha
get from the distributor is slightly cheaper. I got mine before they increased the price but i think it's abt $300 now lor. I dun have the number liao.. but you go hunt around some of the threads for the ameda pump and look for this guy called Mickey.

steriliser & bottles: as long as they fit your bottles and that's good liao lor. I got avent cos I am using avent bottles.

No need warmer one k.. i had one from my sis but i found that it was easier to use a big cup with hot water to warm the milk. cos the warmer makes the milk too hot by the time the beep goes off, so you have to remember to take the milk out before then. chances of the milk getting too hot is lower when using the a cup of hot water mthd

i think bottle type is personal preference and baby's preference. i like avent cos of its clean look and the wide neck, makes it very easy to clean. I have friends who swear by nuk cos they say the teats are Bf friendly and babies do not get nipple confusion with them, but I had no problem with Kieran since I've given him EBM since he was 1 mth old. he still prefers breast whenever he gets them.. hehe.. he has no problems going from bottle to breast and vice versa. Only disadv with avent is that it is a selfish system. once you are on avent, everything must also be from avent lor.. cannot use teats from other brands cos they dun fit.

diaper bag: no need those fanciful ones. as long as serves your purpose can liao. dun be in a hurry to buy. enjoy your baby a bit 1st then get an idea of what you'll bring out most of the time then decide on a bag.
I have a cheap OP diaper bag that I throw in the car, and very often, I bring Kieran out w/o a bag even, esp when I wont be out for long and I know that he just pooed. keke

thermal hot/cold bag:
I have a small one cos now i have to bring milk to and fro (office/ inlaws). Not exactly a must esp if the milk only travels a short distance. putting the milk in a bag of ice will do if it's going to be like 10min away from the fridge. again, dun be in a hurry to get this. in the beginning, you wont get much milk to transport around anyway, you would be trying to latch baby on most of the time as that is the most efficient way to build up the supply.

i've been using my ameda for 5 mths liao, every single day at least 1 pump a day (nowadays at least 2-3x) i havent had any broken parts yet. i'm still using the same valves from day 1 (touch wood), still in very good condition. Plus i'm the always sterilise before use and sometimes sterilise more than necessary cos i'm too lazy to take them out of the steriliser before I put in new items. but one thing that i really like abt the ameda as compared to medela and avent is that it is very easy to assemble. avent pumps have got too many parts.

cot sheet:
is this bed sheet??? keke.. but if it is the protector with the plastic at the bottom.. hmm.. i got one but found that once i put in on the bed, it becomes too warm. then again, K is a big sweater...

rubber sheet:
the pink/blue ones are good esp for when baby comes out of the bath. get another smaller plastic ones that can fold up for you to bring out with you when u go gai gai.. so that you can put it under your baby when you change her.

Hope this helps...

siew lei,
I dunno abt the medela let down function. what's that?? i am very happy with my ameda, it does the job of getting the milk out, tho' i would prefer a softer suction horn. I think only avent has the comfy suction/ petal pad thingy that makes pumping so comfy.. i tried the duo electric ones.. really shiok.. but avent is so damn ex.. both medela and ameda have similar plastic ones.

Actually ameda and medela are very similar as they originated from the same company. medela progressed towards consumer markets while ameda when into hospitals etc.. so medela products look a little more fanciful (hence the price) while ameda focusses on functionality, no frills.
Hi thewife,
For warmer I get it from pigeon find it quite good, now I used it warm my goat milk heee..pigeon one you can put the temperature like 40 degree then the water temperature once reach 40 it will stop the heating and maintain to 40 degree but once it is lower then that it will heat up again if you did not switch off the main switch. Usally around 15min you can get your milk ready and not so hot.

I also agreed with Ruggles using warm water will be enough but sometimes just think that if forget to boil the water in advance then need to boil the water and then warm the milk up takes a bit of time, that's why I get the warmer heee

As for steriliser I think any brand is okay, I get the pigeon one when it has special promotion price during robinson sales at $80+ and free milk bottles plus cleanser, usual price is $120+. I get the one it state rapid steam steriliser, and I have tried it, it is really fast and only need to pour like 120ml of water and then after 6min everything is sterlised

Look out for at robinson during sales whichever brand got promotion just get that lah

For milk bottle I will be using Dr brown 1 cos 1 of my friend gave this milk bottle to me and then told me is really good as she used it for her baby girl. She said it can really help to prevent colic as some doctor will recommend this if your baby has lot of colic problem. Since she buy that to me so I think I will used it but I heard Dr brown one quite ex.

Hi Ruggles,
The let down function is exactly like the baby sucking from your breast and it help to simulate the milk flow before it go to expression of milk. I heard is very good to simulate milk flow if the supply is low.

I heard from the first few years shop at KK that KK is also using the medela pump which they buy from them so they can give that special promotion price. I saw the ameda website ya it look very similar with medela and much cheaper, if I really know this from you earlier I will get ameda wasted!

My husband told me don't compare liao since I have already bought hmmmm...in future if people ask me I will call them to check out Ameda cos it is really much cheaper and I think function is really similar. Thanks
hi ruggles and siew lei
very comprehensive explanation! thanks a lot!
btw ruggles, how are u coping now? can send pictures of keiran? must update us.
hi thewife,
no probs. dun be overwhelmed with everything. just get the essentials first. everything else can slowly get one. e.g. if you are going to BF, you wont really need bottles in the beginning, so even if dun have the steriliser also can one lor, just boil the bottles once a day, screw everything together amd they will be kept sterile for 24h. that's wat i do at my in laws now with Kieran's bottle teats and all that. cos so little things to sterilise that i never get a steriliser there.

Kieran is getting really big liao. 5 mths + le. can turn and wriggle a lot. so sometimes we worry that he'll fall off the bed or something. He really is a good boy, so i have no problems with going back to work and coming back to him in the afternns. (ok.. maybe I have problems going to work in the morning and leaving him behind.. keke..)

Ok, here's a picture for you. very soon you'll post your baby for us yah!!!

hey ruggles
thanks ya! bb keiran is really very handsome, very good complexion and I love his eyes. I think this kind of eyes are very charming, single eyelid yet looks big cos its almond shape. I hope my girl can have this kind of eyes...aiyo i can understand why you cannot bear to leave him for work...
thanks, heehee.. i think that's y many ppl say Kieran looks very 'you siew'. ppl come to me and ask, "boy or girl huh".. urgh... he looks like me now lah.. so i think that's y ppl always ask that. But i still think he looks very boy leh..
Hi Ruggles,
Your boy is really cute leh and so chubby feel like pinching him heeee... I hope my girl can be that chubby too.. I heard usually boy will look like mum and girl will look like daddy.

Hi thewife,
Ya don't have to be so anxious to get everything ...take your time and when there is great bargain then buy can save lot of cost
Hi Ruggles,
Need to check with you, do you get a maternity leave sheet from Dr Lim. I will start my maternity leave next Wednesday which is coming of 39wk. My HR is saying need a medical sheet from gynae. Do you get anything from Dr Lim and submit to your HR?

Best Regards
Siew Lei
Hey Ruggles
yes, yiew siew is the word, a bit like korean lor, like I mentioned before.

hey Siew Lei
dun say girls look like daddy leh, i'll faint...hehe. actually i bought the wrong breastpump during sales, finally exchanged it for these items i'd been reasearching on. think im 75% done..will leave the rest till end of the year hehe. I also got a good deal for pigeon steriliser/warmer/starter kit at $129 only!
Hi thewife,
Just hear from other, I also hope my girl look like me but I really saw lot of cases that girl look like daddy leh hmm

Is a good buy leh, mine is without warmer but free milk bottles and cleanser at $80+ I think to added the warmer it will be slightly more than $129.

siew lei,
i only started my maternity leave after i delivered and i only got the MC (for the full 12wks maternity leave) after the 1st week when i return for my checkup. I think you can ask him for the mc on ur next visit.
