PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hi ruggles,

yah, you are right. also not looking foward to MS. but hubby quite funny lor, he says on tv, people only know they are pregnant after they start puking. so he's still uncertain whether i'm really pregnant!

and we were just talking about how silly we were. when i saw the faint lines on the first HPT, i couldn't quite believe it. so i actually asked my husband to test with his urine. if it also shows faint line, then it's not accurate. luckily he didn't in the end, if his really shows faint line, i need to bring him see a gynae!!!!

you really farnie leh.. ask him to test??!!!!

yeah, i din have much puking that time, but those times I had, i hated it. There was this 1 night, i woke up in the middle of the night feeling so pukey that I got my hubby to bring me a stool and i just sat in front of the toilet bowl for about 1 hr, heaving... urgh.. luckily that was the worst ms i ever got. so THANKFUL!!!

prepare some crackers to put by your bedside. I had cream crackers and wheat bits that time cos i will always get VERY hungry the moment i wake up and that makes me nauseous. so the 1st thing i wake up is to pop some crackers into my mouth *b4 i even brush teeth keke) and then the nausea will stop. sometimes in the middle of the night i will b sitting on the bed eating.. hehe.. then my hubby wake up and get a shock, seeing me sitting up and crunching.. LOL
jam you really very funny leh!
I pee'ed on like 5 clearblues just to make sure tt the bb was still there.. kekeke.. this time round, lagi cool, one preg test and tt's it.. haha.

OK ppl, DO NOT wish for MS. That's what happened the last time.. I actually prayed for MS and when it came, aiyoh.. this time round, I smarter, prayed for no MS but worse still, this MS is ULTIMATE MS. now thank God everything's OK.

thewife, erm, I think I only started showing at my 5th month.. even now, I'm not showing yet.. I just look paunchy. Everyone's really shocked 'cos second pregnancy yada yada.. but hor, I think I'm not the type who gets huge until the last 3 wks.
me emailed my gynae on my uncertainties and concerns.. she says preg is full of anxieties n uncertainties but the best thing i can do to keep my little one is to be hopeful and happy as this would keep my hormones well.. hee.. she also says se didn't suggest blood test as tt's usu scheduled when ectopic preg is suspected but no reason at e moment to suspect mine is one.. however if i want to check on e viability of the preg is to go for 2 blood tests over 48 hrs..

wat sld i do gals?? happy but dun dare to be happy.. horrible feelin!!!
caitlyn: LOL u funny woman! eh dun throw clomid, give me!! its sooooo expensive!!

i'm so happy for you gals, weeeeeeeeee !!!
Hi caitlyn and jam,
i suggest that you keep cool and steady until the next scan, thinking too much will not help. like this round, i was worried cos i had miscarriage before, but i told myself if its mine it will be mine, if not the waiting will be very miserable just like my first time, i was worried sick and scan a few time in the early stage. this time i just pray and tell bb to grow well, grow healthy.

And pls dont pray for MS, it's really no JOKE.
hey catz
i think i will be like you, still look very slim hehe, sometimes a bit worried cos bb getting bigger where got space?
jam - i'm trying very hard to keep cool n steady.. but very hard to.. will always have a nagging voice.. okies.. wun pray for MS.. shall wish for bigger boobs as a symptom!! hahaha..
u also dun start wishing to grow big early k. will suddenly expand one. I started showing at abt 5 mths. by abt 7, i really suddenly expanded. so much so that I could really feel myself getting heavy and as tho my feet cldnt take it man.

talk abt bigger boobs. I used to want bigger boobs, i wished and wished. and during pregnancy the boobies did incr but with the expanding tummy, cant really tell the increment. But after K popped and with the milk coming in, i start to wish for smaller boobies now.. sometimes. U know, I actually get back pain in the morning and can't get off the bed cos the boobs are too heavy? but i do enjoy the cleavage now.. hehehe...
sigh, ai sui must tahan discomforts... kekek

so moral of the story, dun ask for it. just be thankful for watever is given. keke.. cos your boobies WILL grow... and grow... and grow... hehe..
hi caitlyn, actually i feel sore breasts still, even though the pain was much worse abt 2 weeks ago. not sure if the soreness is gonna stay.

btw, i realise i feel hungry very easily now. maybe that's what causing discomfort in my tummy. i feel so hungry especially when i wake up in the morning! think i'll take up ruggles' suggestions and leave some tidbits at my bedside....
jam - all my symptoms have disappeared.. causing me to worry.. will just hope for e best.. both hb n i tokking to my tummy... haha
yeah, i get the very hungry thingy in the mornings (actually i was hungry all the time.. keke).. its VERY hungry... like kenna starved like that. but that too will pass lah.. towards the end of 1st tri. hehe.. after that it's just the "can eat a lot and many times a day"!!!
hi ruggles,
ok..i guess its also until 5th month, that having a physical bb inside you becomes more real right? how i wish i can see him/her everyday. im going for my scan tomorrow (start of 17th week), hope we'll know the gender tomorrow. my tummy is small and round, complexion dry, appetite so-so likes sour stuff now. any guesses? hehe
hey jam and caitlyn
my symptons are: slight painful boobs plus nauseous when i step into toilet, hungry late at nite but different pple have diff symptoms which is why some pple didnt even realise they were preggie until much later.
maybe its bcos that's whn u really start to not be able to fit into your clothes, cannot sleep properly cos thrs a melon obstructing, start to waddle etc? kekek..
i'm perpetually hungry even when i not preggy.. haha.. just one greedy pig here.. hehe..

all e experienced preggies here.. wat are the big NO NOs?
caitlyn, jam: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so exciting!!!

OK here's the lowdown on big boobs.
I was blessed with a full B cup, then pregnancy saw me to a DD cup.
now that i've stopped breastfeeding... what have i got? SAGGY BOOBS!
Really k, i look like a cow with her udders hanging. Bleah, very unsexy lah.

Caitlyn: i go by 4 majors NOs during pregnancy.

Diff gynaes may have different approach on the herbs, but my gynae insists on it. Likewise my neighbour had a nightmare come true with herbs. She downed 2 bottles of some herbal drinks for her preg-related sinus, and shortly after delivered a stillborn at 20weeks. Very tragic k...

Caitlyn: LOL the perpetual hunger!!! Be careful of your intake also. I thot pregnancy was my passport to eat. i was svelte slim when i concieved, then i ate enough to feed a small country during the 9 months, and presto! i am still fat as a cow now, 2 years after my boy was born!

so the rule is, Eat in Moderation.

happy preg-ing!
hey cody
cup B to DD! i have a client, expanded from a flat AA (looks like it) to an ultra DD even looks like F cup to me! but now its back to norm again. Im C, so even if it expand, the change will not be so drastic I guess.
jam, caitlyn, if you got appetite now, better eat before the MS sets in at wk 8!!

i echo the no herbs tt cody says.. really too risky already. dun forget no cold cuts and sashimi, also soft serve ice cream like you get you get at mcdonalds etc.. no no no. also if you're ultra kiasu like me, no salads esp if they are pre-packed 'cos the amt of bacteria is vv high.. same goes for pre-cut fruit unless u cut them yourself.

thewife, dun worry lah.. maybe we're just 'deep' ppl..haha..

yah dun wish for weight gain 'cos when it comes, it just keeps coming. with timo, i started off at 52kg at 2nd tri (after 5kg loss during first tri) and for this one, alamak, after 5kg loss, still start out at 61kg. die lah, i'll be a hippo at 30+ wks.
wow, thanks for all the advice. didn't realise so many no-no.

i've been timing myself. i think i feel hungry every 2 hours now! this is really unusual for me as I normally eat 3 meals a day only without any snacks. i think even before i see the baby from my scan, i already put on a few kgs! but well, at least hubby can't complain i'm fat now!
jam: not that many lah .... just the 4 golden rules lor.
if you are not a smoker or drinker, the other 2 are easy to follow.

food wise, just eat what is totally cooked and freshly prepared for your consumption.

i was so kiasu i didn't even eat leftover food!
(ok ok, i admit - i was PAMPERED lah ...)
yah lao sai during pregnancy is very scary lor.. so it's true tt u really must try to eat fresh food where possible..

jam, it's good tt u are hungry. at my 3rd tri, i die die need to eat every 2-3 hrs if not low blood sugar, get a bit giddy.
Hi Gals,
I really miss alot for talking to you gals here. I'm soooo..busy, my system has to be up by monday but still so many bug need to be fixed, I guess I might have to burn my weekend. I still working now but luckily can access the system from home so don't have to stay in the office.

Just drop by to say hi first just incase you all thought I go for delivery heeee.. take care will catch up with you all soon
all you preggers here,
i think hor, the bigger u are (boobies i mean) b4 pregnancy, the bigger you will grow leh!! All the people i know that had really big boobs when preg all had much bigger boobies than me when pre-preg. I went from an A to a B. but still I can feel the diff liao man..

NO HERBS (except those widely accepted ones, but still in moderation lah)
NO SMOKING (agree)
NO RAW FOOD (agree)

to add on:
No hotdogs from hot dog booths
No hams, cold cuts
No caffeine (ok.. this one, actual drs say can a bit lah)

No chin chow (dunno true or not)
No coconut (read chin chow)
No eng chai (read chin chow)

anyway, eat lah.. after give birth just BF. BF-ing really allows u to lose wt v fast leh.. I nvr exercise at all k, and Kieran is now 4 mths and I'm wearing my old pre-preg pants le. I'm just 4 kg heavier than my pre-preg wt now, and this little surplus is to sustain BFing. PLUS, I lost all the pregnancy wt by the time kieran was 2 mths old!!! NO exercise.
BF-ing RULES!! BF helps u to lose wt, and gain BIG boobs.. kekek *sound like advertisement for slimming pdt*

er cody.. ok.. i pray i wont get saggy boobies, but then i again, i was so small b4 that i think i will go back to pre-adolescent size... urgh!!! AIRPORT!!!

ok.. seriously, hungry then eat, dun starve but eat healthy nutritious food. I was snacking on cranberries, cereal, milk, fruit juices all the time when i was pregnant.
hey siew lei,
are u in 34 or 35th week already? must be feeling excited! can't wait to see your little princess. must update us nearing your delivery ok...
hey ruggles
dun scare me pls. nowadays when i bend my body, my boobs can touch my tummy, grown a little bigger but not tat drastic. carrying a little baby at later stage is already not easy :p
wow u eat all the nutritious food when preggie, i still drink tea, eat ice cream, eat mee siam...but its not the same, i can only take small meals, cannot eat heartily yet..
my cousin used to tell me," when preggie, the boobies will rest on the tummy and the tummy will rest on your lap" keke.. but i nvr got the boobies on tummy one leh.. but tummy on lap.. yeah.. cos Kieran was lying very low that timr. hehehe..

yeah.. i forgot.. eat ice-cream!! hehe..
in 2nd trimester, shld be able to eat heartily le.. then towards late 3rd tri, then must eat small meals again, cos the bb is so big that the stomach kenna pushed upwards..
hey ladies
Im back and its a GIRL! and a girl with long legs..hehe. at one moment gynae was scanning her area there to check the gender, the next moment she quickly cross her legs to hide, so cute.
thewife, congrats! your princess so cute. must be very pretty with long legs and shy

btw, ladies, how about these? are they no-no also?
- "cooling" fruits like water-melon and pineapple
- "spicy" food like tom yum or chili crab(i just ate kimchi for lunch!)
- green tea (have been feeling bloated and feel like drinking green tea)
- "cooling" drinks like barley

thank you!
Hi jam
i hope so, hope bb has height from daddy's side and face from mummy. my hubby has chubby and broad face, cannot cannot.
err..as for food, i think im quite a selfish mum, eat what i prefer to eat cos Im rather picky, and there is little type of food i like, but i dun take the 4 items you've mentioned except kimchi - take the not so spicy one - like the sour taste.. My taste bud turns weird, now i dun know why i like food like mee siam, mee rebus....
i took watermelon, tom yum, chilli crab, barley. cant rem if i had green tea, i think so lah..

I loved spicy food when i was preggers..
Hi thewife,
Congratulation. Wow you very fast know the gender already hor, I think mine around 22wk plus then know the gender cos she always hide here and there.

Yes try to take nutritious food but sometimes really very difficult. I remember for my 1st trimester I always crave for chicken pie for my breakfast.

Burning my night again today, I'm still working, very tired but cannot sleep. Hopefully I don't have to burn my weekend to get the thing up on Monday...

Hey gals,
Take care and have a good weekend
hey siew lei
dun work too hard, why your company load you wif so many things, knowing tat you are giving birth soon. my gynae is 90% sure cos we took a few shots seeing nothing in btw her legs, tho at times she tried to hide. you take care and relax from next week onwards ok?
thanks gals for all the advice!! very valuable!! hee..

my boobs currently are like A-- lor.. i can hardly find bras to wear.. so pathetic rite? i just hope if i really preggers.. can at least increase to a A lor! =)

me down with fever and flu since ytday.. hope it wun affect anything.. took a blood test today and will take another on monday to check the viability of the preg.. =)

thewife - congrats on a little princess!! must be exciting huh?! can start shopping for lovely pinky clothes liao! hee
hi caitlyn,
aim for B or C! my boobs getting painful at nite...yeh lots of girls' clothings in pink colour, i must stop myself! and finally i'll have a girl to go shopping wif me next time cos my hubby hates tat. hehe
Hi thewife,
No choice cos that system is my baby and there is a problem at the backend side and affect our testing schedule.

Yesterday work till 3a.m and slept really late but wake up around 8a.m and went for my gynae appointment. He told me try to take at least 2 day leave to sleep not good for both me and my baby for working so hard. REally no choice leh, really hope can take 1 or 2 day leave to rest next week but still got something to solve too

Look forward for my due date so I can have a good rest and with my baby and forget all about work.

Ya happy for you, baby girl's clothing really alot and really cute and nice but I did not buy much only 1 set so far. You know my sister-in-law has 3 BIG BAG of baby girl's clothing for my girl and my sister's friend just pass me 1 BIG BAG too. I think I only shop again when CNY is coming need to get a brand new cloth for her for CNY only heeee..

Hey I think when you give birth I can pass to you my baby's girl clothing leh so don't spend so much on the baby cloth okay.

You how many weeks more to go? Take good care okay.

Oh forget to update, my gynae said my baby girl is now at 2kg at 33wk. Estimated growth is like 1 week 200g so if giving birth at 38wk maybe will hit 3kg liao
hi siew lei
you really poor thing, please rest well over the weekend ok? my SIL will also pass me some clothes as well, think newborn clothes no need to buy just use hers, but will still buy a few pretty dresses. hey thanks for the offer! Will let you know when my delivery is nearing. Im only in week 17. catz is another mummy with princess too.
Hi J
my hair is thin and little, sometimes do drop a bit but not sure whether its considered as a lot.
siew lei,
er.. i think you shld start resting now k. to get a good rest when your girl arrives is a MYTH.. hehehe..
yeah, babies shld average abt 3kg when they arrive. But i realised gynae's usually give textbook figures, cos they really cannot tell how heavy the baby is gonna be!! but aim for 3kg. Personally I think that's a good size to deliver.. the bigger the baby.. the bigger the ahem..

er, I don't think hair loss is a PCOS symptom? Usually PCOSers are hairy..

Catz - #2 (-- weeks?) Girl
Siew Lei - #1 (33 weeks) Girl
thewife - #1 (17 weeks) Girl
Caitlyn - #1 (-- weeks?)
Jam - #1 (-- weeks?)

Cody - #2
Dawn - #1

Hey, realised that you gals are all having girls!! Girl club arh?

eh cody, let's form a boys club.. ok.. catz u are in too!!
thewife n ruggles,

thks for your replies... i used to have a thick head of hair... but been losing a lot of hair... so thin now ...sad

nx yr i will be TTC... but my gynae putting me on Metformin to get my menses.. cos due for month after i took mysyelf on the Pill...

best wishes to all preggers...always good to hear pcos preggre success stories!
hey ruggles,
the chinese calendar in motherhood states that if we conceive between age 30-33 (chinese lunar age), we'll get girl in most of the months. mine quite accurate.

Hi J
all the best, try taking metformin for a while to regulate your mense first. next year ask gynae to let u start clomid to induce your ovulation as well.
J: welcome!

Thewife: CONGRATS!! economy will improve by 5% next year, thanks to thewife for singlehandedly contributing that 5%!
hahaha, just kidding...

SiewLei: dun work youtself too hard. Remember, your baby is more impt!

Ruggles: yeah, boobs on tummy, tummy on thighs. still the case for me now. my tummy is HUGEEEEE even now, can kenah mistaken as preg.

i BF for 1 year, but i put on 20kg. Still got 7kg more to lose.

i just read that aloe vera (esp fresh ones) are NO NO for preg and lactating moms as well. Dunno the reason why, but fyi lah.

re herbs, "widely accepted" herbs eg tang gui are known to cause miscarriages (due to increase blood prodcution over and above the body's natural production). so whether to eat any of it at all is your decision lor.

I chose to go totally herb free for the pregnancy and lactation.
it was also the perfect reason for my MIL not to force weird stuff down my throat!

menstral cycle still v long with clomid, approx 45-50days each cycle. Gynae wants me to lose weight, cos he says the additional weight i am carrying is prob the cause of it. sigh... so i'm hitting the gym again on wed.

meanwhile waiting for menses to come, once it arrives i'll be on clomid 150mg per day.

if the increased dosage still fails, means daily injections.
hi ladies,

went to see my gynae again this morning. finally saw more things from the scan. this time, can see a dot with a "yolk sac" inside. also signed the package with the gynae and got a mother-to-be gift pack. so hubby and i suddenly feel more real that we are gonna have a baby
but still can't see the baby's heartbeat yet, so have to go back again next week. have updated my details below, but not too sure about the month cos' not sure when the ovulation took place.

anyway, i also asked my gynae whether i should avoid any food. he said should avoid raw food and papaya! dunnoe whether i heard wrongly or not. but since i not papaya fan, dun mind not eating that. thanks to cody's advice, now i tell hubby that i won't drink any of the herbal stuffs that mum-in-law boils from now onwards
i dun mind a gal also, would love to doll her up!

cody - don't be discouraged ok? one of my colleagues told me that when she tried for her second one, doc also asked her to go on clomid. but she didn't succeed during that time and kind of gave up after a while. then a while later, she was suddenly pregnant and gave birth to a baby gal (her first one is also a boy)!

Catz - #2 (-- weeks?) Girl
Siew Lei - #1 (33 weeks) Girl
thewife - #1 (17 weeks) Girl
Caitlyn - #1 (-- weeks?)
Jam - #1 (5 weeks)

Cody - #2
Dawn - #1
cody - hugz hugz.. jia you jia you!! maybe dean is not ready for a sibling yet!! go seek his "permission"..

jam - congrats!!! me gotta wait 2 more weeks.. plus all my symptoms have just disappeared.. sighz..

oh yeah, agree with cody, the tang gui is a no-no cos it contains compounds similar to oestrogen i think. but i think cordyceps are fine. Yeah, i also din really take the herby stuff when i was preggers. better be safe.

Jia you k.. learn from the Pxxx-engineer... maybe your pillow prob your butt at the wrong position? heheh..

relax, relax, relax..
