PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Congrats Jam and Caitlyn...

Din come in for quite some time, hope u gals still rem me..im one of the TTCs.
Not much luck for me..I'm still am TTCs and will be proceeding to use IUI!!! Has anyone tried that method before? Abit worried here :'-(

Catz - #2 (20 weeks?) Girl
Siew Lei - #1 (33 weeks) Girl
thewife - #1 (17 weeks) Girl
Caitlyn - #1 (-- weeks?)
Jam - #1 (5 weeks)

Cody - #2
Dawn - #1

thewife, congrats
Girls all around eh? i've been squirreling girly things away but honestly I hv a lot of Timo's stuff tt is unisex *phew*

ruggles, eh eh, this porn engineer thing has to stop hor :p

cordydceps tastes like s***.. erks.. cannot tahan.

ling, of course we remember u and wishing u all the best.
hey ladies
really cannot eat papaya? i ate quite a bit of papaya and honeydew.
hey catz
have you start buying girl stuff? so nice and so hard to resist? i kept imagining how i should dress her up.
i dunno about papayas effect on pergnancy, but i sure ate ALOT of it during my pregnancy.
cos of my piles, i took to papaya for an easy poop.

get this, i ate 1 WHOLE hawaiian papaya per day!
think i ate it for like 4 months??

dean was re-admitted to hospital for photo-therapy within the 1st week.
My MIL still blames the papaya for the jaundice (of course its not related!).

ruggles, thanks for the hug.

catz: LOL the p*** engineer! think you're stuck with this title forever! hahaha
caitlyn, don't worry so much. i also thought my symptoms are disappearing, but the scan this morning just confirmed that the baby is growing even though we may not feel anything!

ok, ladies - i'm not sure whether i heard correctly about papaya... maybe he said i should eat more papaya! lemme check with hubby tonite, good that i brought him with me to the gynae this morning...

I have added ling's name. don't worry so much ok? mood / stress can also affect the chances. here's some babydust to you!

Catz - #2 (20 weeks?) Girl
Siew Lei - #1 (33 weeks) Girl
thewife - #1 (17 weeks) Girl
Caitlyn - #1 (-- weeks?)
Jam - #1 (5 weeks)

Cody - #2
Dawn - #1
ling - #1
no problems with any fruit lah.. just eat.. it's better than being constipated. just be careful about eating pre-cut fruits if the stall doesn't look clean.. it's always best to cut the fruit yourself so you don't kena diarrhoea or food poisoning.

thewife, yah girls stuff is sooo sweet but i'm really being very very restrained as i've got heaps of baby clothes already (unisex lah mostly).. I'm not gg to get her slutwear i.e. strappy bikini stuff.. i prefer the laura ashley look.. heh.

sian man... cannot stay porn engineer lah.. my drive too high until my hubby tells me to buzz off :p sianz.
Hi J,
Yes hair loss is one of the symptoms of PCOS. I'm like you, I used to have thick hair and there is once my hair suddently become so thin as it keep dropping. This is because due to our ovulation problem, we developed some male factor and this is like bold..as my case worst, there is sudden outbreak of pimples and my menses become like 1 month came thrice and really haywire.

This problem like last for about 6 month before I decided to see the gynae and he put me with metformin and I tell you it really work for me, taking metformin for just 2 months, my pimple slowly clear leh and my hair dropping getting lesser so slowly it back to normal. Then my menses back to those long cycle like 50days or more but at least don't come like thrice a month really troublesome.

Hi Ruggles and thewife,
Ya I try to rest more but like today work is still very pack. I really hope I can give birth end of this month and forget all about work lah, just too tired liao. I will try to claim my 1 and 1/2 day time-off this week if possible and have a good rest

Okay going to sleep now
Updates this friday will be 34wk liao
hey catz
u are so funny....slutwear. hehe. i just find that there are too many pinky clothes for girls. i prefer the sweet princess look, thinking of getting a cap with fake ponytails..
btw my appetite is still not very good, its really difficult to think of food i want to eat, so before meal time, i have to plan earlier and decide fast rather than wasting time to search. i cannot be eating mee siam, mee rebus everyday..sighz...
hey siew lei
must really take care, your bb can be out anytime after week 37...you'll see her soon, so envious.
morning all..

my blood test results out liao.. cfm preggy.. now just need to wait 2 weeks to my appt.. but all symptoms gone.. hmm.. will just try to keep my spirits up.. =)
Hi Ladies,

Wow....this thread has become so active! Hvn been here for ages... Seems like there are lotsa of good news ya!

M still TTCing but to no avail coz dun ovulate at all. The chinese sinseh asked me to do a hormone profile blood test n the results came out v bad. My FSH and LSH are very very low although I hvn been diagnosed with PCOS by my gynae.

Dunno what's wrong with me also, the sinseh also a bit surprised and tot i ever went for IVF. Was asked to take progesterone test last week, results not out but I reckon it shd be as low as well. Suddenly feeling so down even though I did have some mental preparation.

Now waiting for hubby's SA results to c got improvement lor.

hi tweetie.. can understand how u feel abt ur results.. just to share with u.. i took 3 blood tests to check hormones.. all the results were similar.. super high LH levels and relatively low FSH levels.. so diagnosed with PCOS.. e worse result was actually my progesterone levels.. it was actually in the menopausal range.. was super upset even tho mentally prepared but just kept hoping n hpoing for a miracle.. was due to start clomid next cycle.. but by a miracle, it seems i've managed to conceive.. so dun be too upset k? we never really noe for sure.. hugz.. even tho i not sure how's e progress of my preg as it's too early.. my hb n i are hoping for e best n prepared for e worst.. coz all the docs we saw (i saw 4 in all) said it was near impossible for us to conceive n tt even if i do, very high chane of m/c.. hope this helps.. hugz..
caitlyn: congrats!!

catz: LOL hubby told you to buzz off? how come your drive is so high?!?? seldom that men will turn down women leh!
same same, lara ashley look for me too!
caitlyn: wanna ask you a question ... how come you went for blood test to check for pregnancy?
you didn't do a home urine test?
cody - i did a HPT but was a very very faint line.. went to gynae cannot pick up anything frm e scan.. being super kan cheong coz just 1.5 mths back was told i not likely to get preggy n even if preggy may not be able to sustain preg by this gynae.. i just asked her wat i can do to check tt i really preggy n whether preg is viable.. so she advised to do 2 blood tests over 48 hours to chek out e levels..
cody - so far so good.. =) still a little apprehensive but will just enjoy e news for now.. =)

eh.. can eat mamee and potato chips anot ah? got craving..
Hi, all,

Wow! Am happy pple on this thread are getting preggers. Can I ask which gynae you all are seeing? I'm thinking of getting a second opinion for my condition.
caitlyn: eat in moderation lor, cos those snacks are high in sodium. So far no particular mention about sodium intake during pregnancy except for those expectant moms with high blood pressure.

if you don't have, should be safe to eat.
wow, cravings setting in so soon?
good sign!!

Chatz: welcome! (or are you already on this thread before? i blur lah)
I'm with Dr Christopher Chong (Gleneagles).
cody - haha.. cravings is not a symptom of pregnancy for me.. i always have cravings.. sometimes i will jus have overwhelming desire to eat stuff.. haha.. i've been like this since young.. n sometimes if i have craving.. i die die must eat one! haha.. coz i trying not to eat snacks which are a daily staple for a week liao.. will power dying.. hee

chatz - i'm seeing dr chua yang.. her clinic is 'a clinic for women' at bukt timah area.. near beauty world.. =)
Hi Chatz..mine is Dr. LC Foong (Gleneagles)

Hey gals..so none of u using the IUI method?

I wonder are there diff bet. child conceived naturally and child conceived via IUI in terms of mental and physical development...
ling - i dun think there will be any difference coz it's still our own eggies n spermies.. my col conceived via IVF n frm wat i see.. no diff at all.. except for the process of how e child comes abt..
Hi Caitlyn,


Hv a smooth 9 mths ahead!

I nvr really believe in miracles but yr story really made me tink otherwise. But then again, dun tink it will happen to me coz i m quite unlucky gal. Nothing in my life seems to be smooth sailing one.

Actually, what is FSH, LSH and progesterone? I hv no idea abt their functions. How can u tell if u hv PCOS?
tweetie - i nvr believed in miracles too.. also same as u always feel i very unlucky.. one reason i dun dare to feel too happy is coz i somehow always jinx things when i'm very happy.. i think FSH is e hormone tt helps eggies to mature.. LH i not too sure.. progesterone is e hormone tt is produced after ovulation n can help support pregnancy if one is preggy.. but all my layman understanding lah.. as for PCOS.. doc will do a scan.. if ovaries show a lot of little black spots then may be PCOS.. can also tell by blood test on specific days of cycle.. if LH is more than twice FSH, then most likely is PCOS.. tis is wat i think..
Hey tweetie
do u want to take chinese herb? no harm trying. go to medical hall, tell them you wan to regulate your mense - they will usually recommend paosheng with cordycep to warm and 'activate' your ovaries. i also took bai feng wan, dom..cos i had miscarriage so all these might have help to bu my body and i put on 3 kg and conceived!
Hi, Cody, Caitlyn, Ling,

Thanks for responding. Presently, hv been TTC-ing No. 2 for a year, menses v irregular; think I've had 4 cycles in the last 3 yrs! Sigh... plus not getting any younger, next yr going to hit the 'danger zone' liao! So getting more and more kan cheong, thinking of getting all my tests done again. Does any of your gynaes specialises in sub-fertility?

Cody - yes, I've been on this forum before, but afraid tt I'm a v lazy member! :D
oei.. all of you like me n catz, bian cho gang one arh??? so many posts man..!!

I'm starting to bring K to my in-laws early in the morning.. hiaz... going back to work soon.. but hor.. very shack leh.. trying to "teach" my in-laws how to take care of him. Quite siong, cos they keep wanting to play with him until he is over-stimulated and grouchy. Patience man..

my gynae also told me not to expect to conceive or anything when he 1st gave me clomid cos he only wanted to chrck if he cld get the ovulation going. still i got Kieran!!
Have faith k!!

hey chatz,
i rem talking to u b4. cos i rem mixing u up with catz!!! how hv u been?
ruggles: no mood lah ....

dun worry abt in-laws playing with baby all day long - my MIL was like that too.
i had 2 days of "Orientation" with them - for them to learn and for baby to get used to it.

when i was physically there - it was ok.
but once i started work - aiyoh, all hell break loose again.

stimulation aside, my MIL couldn't recognise my son's cries. so everytime he cried, she fed him.
in ONE single day that i am at work, she fed my son 6 bottles of EBM! each bottle was 120ml.

most times he was just sleepy, but she kept feeding and he kept drinking.
moral of the story?
that the in-laws will learn soon enough.

sure, go ahead and stimulate the baby now.
but when MIL is the main caregiver in your absence, she will LEARN not to over-stimulate K else she will have to handle a very grouchy baby.

I suppose you can say its learning the hard way?
ruggles - yup.. trying very hard to relax.. =) me not on clomid or anything so this was a huge surprise.. just hope n hope for e best.. i really wish i could have at least ONE symptom so i noe.. my boobs not growing.. e one thing i was so looking fwd to n tt's usu e first symptom rite? =(

cody - keke.. i agree w ur moral!! hee.. coz they will be e ones who suffer if they overstimulate e bb! hee
aiyo.. u 2 days only arh.. I am preparing 2 weeks intensive crash course arh.. today is 1st day only!!

I will only leave enough EBM there (ok, maybe 1 extra bottle). I told my MIL that cannot always feed when cry. I actually told her that K will only cry for 3 things, hungry, sleepy or pang sai. so if it's less than 3h after a feed, thn cannot be hungry again. so wont go wrong lah rite?

Actually it's my FIL that do the "no lah.. where got sleepy, eye so big" thingy.. always donch believe I say that K is sleepy liao.. so he will continue to play with him.

anyway, i'll only be bk in sch for 2 wks b4 sch closes again, so this trial period is gd. b4 K starts being there for longer periods.

Afternoon K is at home with me.. he is so good man.. and very tired also i think cos he seldom nap for such a long time w/o waking up to whine a bit.

not from clomid? Lagi better right? rule out 1 possible risk for m/c!!
fun worry abt the boobies leh.. heehee.. mine also din grow in the beginning.. was wearing my old bras for i think the 1st 2 tris!! dun anxious... they WILL grow!!!

diff ppl got diff symptoms lah.. mine was just hungry, hungry, hungry..
Hi siew

i am losing hair so badly.. can see more obvious bald patch...i hope the metformin help me to reduce hair loss too... really dun have so much hair left to lose... none of my sis and mum got this prob... make me think why cant i be like them?
btw how long did you take the metformin before you see the first period?
hey ruggles
do u manage everything yourself after the confinement? can cope? i will have nobody to help me after confinement, not sure if i can manage.
i have frens who said that they'll go crazy of they have to face bb whole day everyday while some cannot bear to leave bb to start work.
don't brush post-natal blues aside, it CAN be very damaging to yourself and to your family ties.

It will be good to have some help on hand, be it an extra pair of hands or just tingkat meals delivered to your house.

I had my MIL do my confinement for me, but macam like never do. she only came over at ard noon, and leave after dinner. As the days went by, she came later and left earlier.
So basically i cared for baby myself while my maid prepared meals for me.

Maybe you can hire some help to do the housework & laundry and order tingkat dinner.
Then you will only be in charge of baby-related things eg bottles, feeding, diapering, bathing etc.

If you want contacts for part-time cleaners for your house, i can provide you with a legal agent at approx $12 per hour.
hi cody
i have a part time cleaning auntie- once a week. getting confinement lady - its the after confinement period which Im considering extra help, if yes, may get a maid and work part time, if not, will manage bb myself and bring to work.
Hi, thewife,

I agree totally with Catz, get all the help you can get. I stayed at home for 1.5yrs after my dd was born. Like you I had a confinement lady for the 2st two months then I was on my own. And man, was it tough!

The whole day is all about the bb, expressing, feeding, washing, bathing, diapering... I had to get tingkat dinners and lunch was usually leftovers or my hubby wld buy back for me. There was simply no way I could manage housework and caregiving. It got a little better when my bb took to semi-solids at 6mos, but even then lunch was watery porridge at 3pm during her afternoon nap.

This is when I truly appreciate my mother's and grandmother's generation!

BTW, my bb was the very clingy type of bb, must see me all the time otherwise, cries a river type of bb. Even up to now! sighz.
chatz, sama sama! my son is my siamese twin...
we're joint at the waist.
sighhhh ... can't do anything at all!

i try to look at it positively, esp for boys.
now that still cling to mommy dearest, but in a coupla years they won't even want to be seen giving his old ma a hug or kiss.
hi thewife,
i was on my own after confinement. true lah. cant get many things done but it is still good cos i had kieran all to myself.
for me, it was ok for the house to be a little untidy. it's not too bad actually. got better whn he turned 3 months and had a better routine going. nowadays he plays on his own, so i get more things arnd the house done.
i wouldnt trade these few months for anything in the world. if we could afford it, i wld be a sahm, no question abt it!! but still, diff people feel differently lah.. or me i cant get enough of my baby.

as for the blues, i kenna a bad one abt 1/2 wks just after delivery. cos i kept having visitors in the house and i felt thst they were taking baby from me and i was so depressed that i just shut myself in the toilet and cried for hours!!! that was scary man..

yeah cody,
i'm enjoying each moment that kieran clings to me or smiles at me!!
wow chatz & ruggles
it really sounds tough, i have a busy hubby to manage the business, i dun want to bother him too much. ya the postnatal blues sounds scary, i just have this feeling tat im going to be helpless and lost.
Yes, it definitely depends on the bb. my galfren's bb is like your Kieran, ruggles. he'll play by himself and only looks for her for milk.

And yes, while I comprain about being unable to have privacy even in the loo, I did enjoy the times I was SAHM. A lot. Coming back to work just wasn't the same anymore.

Looking back, I wish I had a stay-in helper but no, I wldn't trade those 1.5yrs for anything else.

thewife - don't worry, just enjoy the time with ur baby! we mommies will always find ways to manage one. :D
Hi Caitlyn n thewife,

Thnks for your encouragement and clarification!

Yes, I m seeing the chinese sinseh in HG recommended by Siew Lei. So far, drinking the yucky brewed med every week but no diff. Suppose muz hv patience patience patience.
kieran will play by himself for as long as he can see me.. haha.. i only managed to "train" him to not need me to carry him. yeah, he is fine as long as he sees me around and and i dun go out of his sight for too long a period. I always try to talk to him when I am out of his sight.

yeah, dun worry, somehow you will find the energy to do it. I sometimes wonder how i can survive on 4-5 hours of sleep a day for the last few months.
ruggles - still no symptoms nothing.. really getting me anxious.. i wait for my visit gynae wait until like giraffe but still got TWELVE days!! so tempted to call e clinic and BEG for an earlier slot! haha.. pathetic hor
hallo girls.. just came back from zoo outing.. super tiring. tt's why never log in these few days.. too many activities..heh

went for my 20 wk detailed scan yesterday and things seem ok. my little girl insisted on squeezing under the placenta and she's only taking up half of the womb!!! alamak.. but still, i'm considered v small for 5 months preggie but tt's fine with me. according to my gynae's record, i hv ZERO net weight gain fr the start of this pregnancy..haha, i was really a hippo when i conceived

caitlyn, oh wait until u hv to keep changing bras!!
so happy for u!!!

ruggles, aha, so how's the training gg so far? my parents were also really terok - see timo's eyes open a little bit and both of them would POUNCE on him for playtime...teehee.. but they will learn lah.. *fingers crossed*

post-bb blues.. yes, it's a very real danger.. right after the birth, u will lose all your happy hormones so it's normal to feel slightly blue.. but of course, it can be more serious depression for some ppl. for me, i know a confinement lady would drive me into depression so it was good tt my mom took care of me for the first 2 wks.. and then i was on my own.. until bb is 3 months and has a routine, it can be quite tough lor... cannot expect to hv a neat/clean house.
hey catz
so fun, i look forward to bringing my daughter to the zoo, must wait for so long...
im also very small for 17 1/2 week, but i heard some pple gain a lot during last trim due to water retention rite? how to prevent tat?

thewife, heh.. think u still got a long way to go before u can bring your little girl to the zoo.. it's so darn hot. i only brought timothy just before his first birthday 'cos i was soooo paranoid of dehydration. besides, too young and they're really too blur to appreciate. $20 per adult for admission leh!!!!

yah last tri is the worst.. most ppl gain a lot during that period.. i think for my total weight gain of 9kg, 5kg was gained in my last 2 months, no thanks to my mom using me as her makan kaki.. heh
i'm trying to avoid that this time round, esp 'cos i'm soooo scared of getting gestational diabetes.. my gynae says she wants me to do the glucose tolerance test but i die die don't want.. she didn't mention it again this time but the last time, she said PCOS tend to get GD. eeeks...
