PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hi gals, thanks for all the encouragements and console, dunno what to do if there aren't you gals in this thread giving me all the support. cos hubby dun quite understand why i am so down, he juz feel that if fail, juz keep trying.

siewlei, today is DPO13, CD 28 or 29 i din keep track of the CD.

thewife, my dpo temp is always very high one....so if it drops to this temp 36.8..it means AF is on her way. my cover line is about 36.6. *sigh* yes...getting very tired after these failures. but can't give up....think have to continue to jia you if we really want our babies! Good idea of yours to take a break. How about Bayan Tree at Bintan/Bangkok to pamper yourself? I went NZ for my honeymoon, also quite romantic especially in the South Island. Tasmania also not bad!

tweetie, i think the chinese sinseh has her mood one. i know sometimes she will smile very kindly and explain lots of things. some times she will "nag" sternly at me for not doing certain things. but i think all for our good lah, so still must go lor.

bbunny, i think you fren juz cannot accept the baby for now cos she din plan for it. Once the baby is out, i think she will naturally love the child. Read this issue of Simply Her, got a gal who accidentally got pregnant ....she was 37 and tot it will be difficult to be preggie, who knows, 2 months w/o protection she striked! she was in disbelief...and wanted to abort. but now seeing her baby, she is thankful for having the son.
i am sure ur fren will also be like this.

ruggles...jc teacher rite?

Hi dawn,

Dun be too sad! Its normal to feel sad at times when things dun go our way. Just like me, always fall sick and i feel angry with myself for hvg v low immunity. But i know its not gg to do us good, its better to keep happy spirits.... I know its tough, but at least gotta try to be "+", ok?

Hi Siew Lei,
I hope she will treat me nicer coz I quite scared of her. Hmmm......actually no point worring now, will prob decide which step to take after seeing my gynae.

Hi Ruggles,
Wow, Science teacher...Its a tough subject lei!!! I always salute to teachers coz its nvr easy to teach children on this generation. :p
the wife,
docs were puzzled why the fertilized embbies are not implanting to the womb when they are supposed to be of good quality, hence the study was conducted. there is no direct link yet to proof that accupunture aids implantation but they are seeing results on the women who underwent the test.

i was rather encouraged by the news and will not hesitate to try if i find a reputable sinseh. are u keen to try? i heard eu yan san's sinseh practice accupunture together with chinese herbs medication. i think dr xia rong is the ferility sinseh there if i remember correctly.

as long as you dun see your AF there's still hope. dun place so much stress on yourself. whatever the outcome will be, just remember we're here rooting for you.

we shd nominate you to be the ambassador for the pro-creation campaign ;P i was told you are very fertile during BF stage which means good time to conceive. so, we wait to hear your good news ah?

long time no hear. take good care and wishing you a speedy recover. dun worry abt ttc for now as your health is more important. rest well.

long time no hear too. could your AF be delayed becos you are stressed out at work?
hey summer01,
maybe its matter of timing, when everything seems ok. from the forum, dr xia rong's charges is considered high.
I was talking to a fren today and happened to know that she has irregular mense and has been seeing Yin Chuan medical - the one at Jurong East - since she was 17. she said 1 of her ovaries is lazy and by taking her herbal drink, she has AF every month, if she does not take, it wont come. She just gave birth - even have mild thyroid problem. any feedback on the physician? but must queue as early as 6am to get queue number.
Hi Ruggles
if I remember correctly you are NYJC teacher right heeee...

Hi Bbunny,
Great to hear that your friend is keeping the baby. Yes I agree with Dawn, she will love her baby and will be thankful
Have you see gynae to induce your AF. Hope your AF will come soon and hope to hear good news from you too

Hi Tweetie,
Don't worry next time you just tell her actually you are very scare of her leh cos she always sound rather fierce to you maybe she will be cautious about her tone towards you. Don't worry lah, she is just naggy since she don't like you mention about taking western medication and her chinese herbs together then you don't mention on that topic.

Continue to take the chinese herbs to nourish your body and at the same time tell her that you are very weak always falling sick. Check with her whether any chinese herb to increase your immunity first

Hi Summer.
No harm trying the acupuncture leh as long as there is chance to conceive
Jia You
Hi siew lei,
wah, you are resourceful leh... i dun think i mention where i teach b4 leh..

i thot BF is natural contraception leh... esp whn total BF.. no lah.. we've got our hands full with this one le... must rest and recuperate 1st..hehe..

i oso want to go holiday... !!! must start to train my baby to be hardy then we can go out all the time.. hehehehe..
hi gals, AF reported an hour ago....having very bad cramps now. *sigh* now dunno whether to rest a cycle first or continue with the 2nd cycle of IUI.... have to decide by today cos have to call KK.

summer, so I wun be seeing u this saturday liow!
I am interested in this acupuncture thing leh...if you try oredi, let me know how is it.

ruggles, hee hee...either u harden your heart and put your baby with your parents and parents-in-laws then u can go for a holiday! but i think it is hard to part with your lovely child at this age.
eh summer, dawn,

just my little input on how accup is like... i did it cos i zek tiao my hand while carrying my baby... not pain but where they poke hor then they tweek the needle, the feeling is very sng one... =) but i really think accup can help one leh..
Hi Ruggles,
If you are not the one who mention then must be Dr Lim ha! Cos that time I'm checking with him to see whether you have given birth and I just ask him did he delivered any of his patient that week who is a teacher heeee..

Hi Dawn,
Is okay don't give up try again, sure will strike 1 day. Jia You
Hi Dawn,
sorry to hear that, if you feel sad, maybe should rest for a cycle when you feel more relaxed. It's like that, when something fails, we'll keep wanting to make it happen, then it becomes stress.
My cleaning auntie keeps asking me to see her daughter's doc (regulated her AF) - so i went. She gave me this pill called Progyluton which consists of estrogen and Progesterone, to be taken over 21 days, and to try for 3 months to regulate mense first, so I wont be taking the clomid for these 3 months. She also gave me a jab to strengthen uterus + iron + daily vits = $80 only!. The clinic is called Chen May, situated at Hong Lim Complex. I hope these hormone pills will not make me put on weight
Is Ah_kat around still har?
>>Ah_kat, could you turn on your pm? It's under your profile, preference, untick 1 box....Wanna ask if u are interested to get OPKs not...
where can i find the thread on dr xia rong? your friend is one of the many lucky patients of ying chuan... i was with her before and was also diagnosed with lazy ovaries and took her medication for abt 4 mths. thereafter she referred me to dr fong yang. yeah, gotta to start queueing as early as 5am... there is also a thread on her and it seems, dunno conincidence or what, most or all of diagnosis are the same leh. i am also trying to find out if there are good sinsehs around, will let u know when i hv the details.

siew lei,
it's true. when there's a will there's a way lor. thank u! i will jia you all the way. hey, when is your edd? started shopping for bb stuff oredi? so exciting hor? think i will go crazy when my turn comes. hehehe...

that's what i was told and i even checked with my friend to confirm. i think she conceived while she was still BF-ing. oh oh...

ok, no pain is good news. i watch da chang jin and everytime the accup scene comes on screen i will shrink. so silly hor?

i know nothing i say is going to make you feel better, so i'm just going to ask you to take care, ok? hv u called kkh to book your next cycle? actually, i agree with thewife. it's better to break for a month before you embark on the next cycle lor.

no problem, i will definitely share my experience with all but i need to find the sinseh first. still asking around leh.
thewife, ya...I have decided to take a break for at least a cycle or 2, to get my mind of ttc....quite stressful.
hope the new medication this doc gives you will help you! what is the jab that she gave you?
pain or not?

summer, siewlei and ruggles, thanks, i feel much better oredi. yesterday was the worst i think. today oredi expected the AF, so not much feeling....went shopping even though got the cramps....haha....popped panado to stop the pain.
summer, i by pass the Plaze Sing EYS just now leh, is the dr xia rong there? or in Paragon? How is Dr. Fong Yang?
Hi Dawn,
Take a break will be good. When you are not so stress and more relax try again. Are you going to switch to private gynae for next try?

Meanwhile take care and enjoy your shopping

Hi Summer,
Not really start buying any baby stuff yet just bought the pigeon rapid steriliser as it is having good discount at Robinson from $140 reduce to $80+ and free $20+ worth of product so better buy first.

My cousin who is is going Australia in July to further her master course and she insist to buy something for my baby so I just tell her to buy 2 nuk milk bottles. She bought 2 nuk milk bottles, plus the cleanser and the bag that can keep the milk bottle warm (forget what it call paisei ha!).

As for baby cloth maybe will buy only 1 set for the baby to wear when he or she discharge from hospital cos my sister-in-law and colleague are going to pass me lot of baby's clothes...My sister-in-law gave birth to a twin ( a baby boy and a baby girl)last year march and her babies is now 1 year+, very lucky of her so that's why she has baby cloth for both sex hee..
Hi Summer01,

Happy to hear from u again. How hv u been?

Siew Lei,
Okie lor, i prob will try to tell her but sometimes she gets very impatient listening to what I say. Maybe too many patients liao, she fustrated. :p

Muz remember to update us when u pop, ok?
the da chang jin needle is damn fat lor.. the actual accup needle is v thin.. thinner than the injection ones.. i v scared to needle one.. but the accup is ok.. the 1st time the needle go in will cringe a bit lah.. but really the needle go in is no pain at all, it's when the sinseh tap tap on the needle that time then then sng feeling come.. then it becomes like sng for a while lor.. i did on my hand then my whole hand got no strength like that..

siew lei,
the newborn clothes must buy v small ones leh.. u know that type that sell at kiddy palace type that says size 12/14 etc (12 is the smallest) will still be too big for newborn. my baby only started wearing those at abt 2wks, even now still too big. (then again i got a skinny baby lah.. hehe..) I bought the mothercare rompers (sell in 3s) cos those are smaller in size and fit better, plus they are longer so can accomodate the diaper. the other rompers are usually broad and short, so they always look too big but too short..
Hi ruggles,
any good recommendation for accupucture?

Hey dawn,
good to relax first, im sure chances will be higher after we take a break. im considering either Japan or New Zealand for my trip. The Jab I took is to strengthen the uterus or uterus wall I can't remember, she said its to help the egg to stay implanted next time.
btw, I have sore nipples today leh. does it mean AF coming or ovulating? cannot be AF leh as my temps have been very low.
Hi Ruggles,
What is rompers ha sorry I'm a very blur mother-to-be now heeee...
Ya I know need to buy very small one for the cloth heee... btw how heavy is your baby boy when he is born, my sister-in-law's twin one each is around 2.8kg only.

Hi Tweetie,
Ya maybe now she is too tired liao, whatever she said to you, you just say okay
Hi everybody. can anybody help me with my problems..? i have been taking "Provera" for 14 days since 1st June. after taking for 14 days today is my first day of menses. So can anybody tell me when is my next ovulation period?
thewife, usually when i have sore nipples, AF is after ovulation leh.
but every gal has different symptoms...so i also dunno leh!

farisah, you can also use your BBT and CM to help you guage your ovulation day. If your cycles are very accurate at 28 days, then you can take Day 14 as your ovulation...but if like mine....it is haywire...different every single month, oni god knows when i am going to ovulate!
hi dawn,
my temps have been very low 36.3 and below, so should not have ovulate, if so, cannot be ovulating or having AF soon. something seems wrong with my body. anyway will start my medication on mon if still like that.
thewife, if temp low for long time....agree should take medicationt o trigger the AF to come. are you taking the noristherene...or some other type of progesterone?
I also taken that a few times to induce AF....when AF disappear for more that 2 - 3 months. this month i am not on any western or chinese medicine. I hope AF will not disappear for 2 months or 3 months again.
hihi ladies...

eh....ruggles..dun think so leh...me stress get diarrhoea only..think af on holiday...haha..i drink so much liang stuff also didnt come.....me boil the luo han guo with chrysthanemum also didnt come...

hey dawn, the wife.....think i have ever gotten 35.6 before....but im wondering has it got to do with the aircon..my hubby likes 16 degrees room...me like hot rooms....so wonder if the room temperature causes it to fluctuate...coz everyday we keep changeing the temp in the room

hhmmm...my af hasnt come for ages already....sometimes, i feel like just giving up and dun bother already...im beginning to feel really sianz....people rubbing it in...long time dun call me, then out of the blue, call me to tell me that they bringing the baby to make passport, tell me baby so cute etc...sighz....dun want to feel upset also cannot...then people dun want their baby, sighz.....

sorry...its the past midnight bug and im just venting some frustration
Hi dawn,
wanted to start my medication today - its called progyluton - to be taken over 21 days (first 11 days of estrogen and 10 days of estrogen + progesterone). This method is to regulate AF first then ttc. anyway, my temps were 36.0 /36.26 /36.23 /36.24 then today went up to 36.49. I hope I've O which means I will postpone taking the pills first - tho we only BD on Sat and I got up shortly cos we had an appointment, but at least if AF comes, i feel more normal. seems like mine is more or less a 60 days cycle..sigh. And let's aim to have a normal cycle soon.
Hi bbunny,
35.6 is really low, maybe you will be O-ing soon? aircon also cannot cause such low temp right? dun be sian, in the meantime, try to do things that make you happy - like travel, shopping, spa etc. It helps.
bbunny, if AF have not come for ages, think should go to gynae to get medication to induce the AF to come. at least can start another new cycle. understand how u r feeling. Some older colleagues thought i dun want to have baby, keep advising me to start early otherwise will regret. really feel like crying, cos have been trying so hard. *Sigh* like you say, frens who call to tell u they are preggie unintentionally also hurts. What to do, we have to jia you!

thewife, good good, temp goes up prob means u have o on sat or sun.
hope the temp stays high or goes up higher!
good for you. i'm glad you're taking a break to relax your body and mind. meanwhile, do something for yourself, eg., holiday or go on a GSS shopping spree

i've only consulted with dr fong yang once. i appreciated the fact that he didn't rush me into treatments as i'm sure some docs would. are you planning to see him?

dawn & thewife,
dr xia rong is with EYS paragon, however, she is leaving for china soon and will not be taking anymore new cases. therefore, that's one source down. i was told there's another physician that'll take over accupunture but is not a fertlity specialist. i'm still asking around but no luck as yet. btw, their charges are quite ex leh - $300+ for medication and $40 for accupunture.

wow... your temp is so high ah? i remember mine even went as low as mid-35 kind of temp. it's kind of demoralizing looking at it hence i stopped charting until now.

siew lei,
good planning. it's always good to take hand-me-downs for baby's clothes as they are outgrow it so fast. moreover, old clothings are more comfy than new ones. btw, i was told it's not recommended for baby's to sleep in sarong. reason being the swinging motion makes the baby drowsy (tao gong gong - hokkien) hence they tend to fall asleep faster than usual.

so far so good. still ttc but naturally this time (not placing any hopes tho) becos i just started my new job. so, hv shelved my plans for ivf until later this year. you are still seeing the sinseh in hougang? i was supposed to see her last mth but becos i am taking reductil, i thot it's better to see her after i'm done with the pills, aug perhaps. hv you seen any improvement after seeing her?

i hv no fear for needles at all, but the ones used at da chang jing is the ultimate man... i've not come close to seeing those accup needles yet, so am glad you clarified. hmmm.. wonder how it feels to be pricked at the tummy followed by the sng feeling. must be weird.

understand how you feel. i bump into my ex-colleague in my new co and she just had her baby... however, she was vy nice abt it lor. just igonore those insensitive folks lah. what goes around comes around.
i dunno who does accup for fertility leh... when i hurt my hand, i went ma kuang to treat it lor.. it seems that they have a lot of qualified tcm doctors

siew lei,
rompers are the full 'suit type'? u know, the type that button at the bottom, over the diaper ones.. ?? 2.8kg each for twin is quite heavy leh... very good arh.. most twins i hear abt are at most in the low 2kgs..
my baby was 2.9kg when he came out..
Hi thewife,

My temp also like roller coaster.... I couldn't even u/s at all. But after takg chinese med, my temp seems to be higher than before at 36.3 & above. It used to be always below 36.0. So I believe it helps but just that I was sick for so long and on antibiotics, so I didn take TCM for a mth. Feel so bad abt it, dunno if the antibiotics will kill all the goodness of TCM i consumed over the last 3mths.

Hi Summer,
Me 2. Hvn gone down for almost a mth. Fixed appt to c my gynae this sat to induce my AF, somehow or rather, my AF came a few days ago but v light, not the usual AF I have. So juz nice to check with gynae, n then go HG to see the sinseh. Hopefully to convince her to let me take TCM and western med combined.

SomeX its good to take a break and try naturally. Hee...hee... like me, I just started my new job and only coming 4mths old, so now juz nice to try coz not so easy strike, so no harm to try now. U shd consider trying prob when u r 3mths to the job since time is not our side.

"Ganbatte', ok?
Hi Summer01,
I think very difficult to stop my mother-in-law for not using sarong cos she only have sarong..don't think she has a baby cot. She take care all her daughter's baby all use sarong and all my sister-in-law said the baby need lot of sleep for brain to develop and they feel that the baby will sleep longer with sarong. They said as long as you don't swing it too hard, it should be fine.

Hi Ruggles,
Thks for your enlightenment now I know what is that heee..
ya you know my sister-in-law gave birth to her twins at 8th month not even 9th month leh..if 9th month even bigger hor hmmm...anyway my sister-in-law is rather big size I guess she has the strength to hold the baby if for me I think I will face lot of problem.

Hi Tweetie,
I think if you want to go to the HG to see the chinese sinseh better don't provoke on her by asking her again you want to combine the western medication with chinese herb. I think you better check with your gynae first and finish the course of medication to induce your AF then take your chinese herb after you have finished the course.

Last time for my case, my gynae din give me any medication to induce my AF just give me metformin and if you are taking metformin it is okay to combine with the chinese herb. Just make sure you take the chinese herb at night and don't take the metformin during night time and make sure it is must at least 4 to 5 hour a part.

For metformin I can give you advice as I have gone thru the stage of treatment with the chinese sinseh and she give me such advice so I think you don't have to ask her again

Good Luck to you
Hey Tweetie,
ya ya, tcm med will cause our body temps to be higher because its heaty to warm up the womb.
Hey summer01,
i wont see xia rong, so ex like my previous chinese doc. i just take it slow and see how first. i think maybe body condition changes so ovulation temp differs, my cycle in Jan has O temp at mid 35 also.
Hey dawn
my temp went a little higher 36.57 today but i overslept 1/2 hr, hope it stays.
hey tweetie,
maybe only this round like roller coaster, after you recover, should be ok liao.
Hi Siew Lei,

Ok, ok!! I better dun ask her too much in case she get upset with me again. Let u know again nxt week when I c my gynae.

Hi thewife,

Thanks for yr encuragement! Hope things will get better soon.

Good Morning ladies,
how come today so quiet? Im so excited cos have finally decided to visit Greece on F&E. Has someone travelled there before? any tips?

Hey Dawn,
looks like I'd really ovulated on sunday on my CD45! waited for so long and it came without clomid, how ironical.
good good...at least ovulate liow. I always ovulate that late too if i do not take chinese medicine or clomid. so now you are in the 2ww!

Wow.....greece...a romantic country. I always wanted to go there.....but hubby dun like that place leh. My galfren went there b4, she says quite hot during june last time she went, but very interesting. Must go the Ai Qin Hai....where all the buildings are white and the sea is so blue......can sit there at do have cold drink by the seaside, very romantic! Maybe u can have a Made in Greece! hee heee
hi all,

i'm new to this thread. can i check if 150mg of clomid is considered a little too much? cos my gynae dr fong yang asked to increase my dosage for my next cycle... he diagnosed me with PCOS though my menses is super regular one and all my BBT and OPK charting shows dat i have no prb ovulating. so now, i not sure if i shld take 3 clomid tablets as i heard dat prolong dosage will lead to ovarian cancer. is this true? thx!
Hi dawn,
im planning to go around aug/sep maybe not so hot then. Im more excited about the trip, may not be able to go on such trip if can have baby by next year. not really 2WW for me, I really dun think im so lucky, 4D and Toto also never strike before :p
Hey Christine
its quite puzzling that he ask u to go on such 150mg since your mense is regular. usually gynae will start with 50mg. You should ask him why. more concern if too many eggs are ovulated.
hi thewife,

i'm on 100mg now. but during the scan on CD12, my gynae said my egg is maturing alittle slow, so he asked me to take one more tablet for my next cycle to ensure dat the egg will be juz nice to do IUI if we wana go for it. cos hubby's soldiers are not in gd form and so he asked if we wana try IUI... oso, he did not give me any HCG jab as he said he wana see if i will ovulate on my own anot. so, keeping my fingers crossed now.
Hi Christine! How long is your normal cycle? 150mg is quite alot, but still within the safety limit. Just don't take too much clomid for many consecutive months, it may lead to ovarian cancer, or hyperstimulation of ovary.
If you ovulate ok every month, then no need to take the HCG jab lah.

thewife, by aug it will be cooler then.... wow...enjoy yourself while still have no baby to lug around.
thinking of going somewhere to travel during my next holiday too.
Hi Christine,
its puzzling that you have AF regularly but yet your egg is maturing slow. Im also on 100mg, and my egg is also, maturing slow so my cycle is almost like 2 months once. You may want to trust your gynae and give it a try - as long as you are on clomid for less than 6 cycles, and if your side effects on 100mg is ok.
hi dawn, thewife,

my normal cycle is 31 days. infact, my cycle has always been regular and i never once miss any cycle before. dat's why i oso find it weird. maybe i shld seek for 2nd opionion...
i am not going to think about it for now, becos i know for sure i won't be lucky lor. like i told DH, it's easier for me to touch lottery then to conceive. hahaha... hv you seen your gynea yet?

it's good to go for a long - if possible - and relaxing holiday. you may strike it there!
summer, so how's your new job so far?
I am taking a break now......not sure what to do next...haha. maybe see Dr Fong Yang or the gynae siew lei recommended. or maybe do another round of IUI or IVF lor. who will u do your IVF with? KK or SGH?

siewlei, have u found out whether it is a gal gal or boy boy?
i've heard tat greece is really beautiful. yupz, go enjoy yourself before having a baby is good.. i wish i can do tat also, now bringing baby out can be a major operation man..
Hi summer01,

Hahaha!!! U at least better than me, nvr even strike lottery in my life. :p I m seeing gynae this comg sat, actually quite prepared to hear more bad news oredi. Sigh, Wat's new.!
Hi Dawn,
I only get to see my gynae next wednesday, hopefully my baby can open his or her coffee shop big big so can see the gender, I'm quite excited to know the gender too. Next Friday will be 20th week liao. Time really flies, really hope November period come quickly and I can give birth ha!

Dawn, good attitude try again and never give up sure strike 1 day. Ya you can try Dr Fong Yang or Dr Charles MP Lim who is now specialise in fertility treatment.

Hi thewife,
yes Greece is very beautiful, my colleague went to the place 2 years ago and he took 500 to 600 over photographs and all his photographs are so beautiful. It is really a romantic place leh but my husband don't really like to go to Greece hmmm...

I think after I give birth and wait till my baby is 1 or 2 years old maybe will go for a short trip to Phuket or Krabi to stay in the resort to relax myself. Never go to resort before, always join the tour rushing here and there. 2 years ago went to Japan, the trip is great but very tiring.
Hi Ruggles & Siew Lei,
really ah...Im so excited now, can't wait leh. The cheapest airfare is from Qatar Airways - i thought its some lowclass flight- but turned out that there are a lot of good feedback. Im planning to book the local packages so that we have the flexibility to roam around on our own.
Ruggles, yours is different kind of satisfaction, its worth the sacrifice

Siew Lei, can't wait to know leh. BTW do you know when you strike? near ovulation? based on your age and the month you strike, can predict baby's gender. shall we see whether its accurate?
Hi thewife,
Wow, I'm so excited for you, enjoy yourself okay. Last time my colleague went to Greece, he also free and easy, he said better. Before you go do some research lah

Ya I know my ovulation date cos I do IUI so should be quite accurate. I check out the prediction it said it is a boy cos the prediction all depend on lunar month, and age. For my chinese age I'm 34 (very old ha although born in 1974 but it is before CNY so it is still consider a Ox leh), and the chinese lunar month which I strike is "Zheng Yue".

Okay let's see whether it is accurate
Hey Siew Lei,
how come 34? you should be 32 this year (after your birthday) + 1 year = 33 for chinese age? im only 1 year younger than u.

thewife, btw there is this website call trip advisor...sort of like a forum like SBO. very very helpful for planning F&E trip. last dec I went Taipei F&E....relied on this forum to plan a good itinery. lots of advice and recommendations on where to go and where not to go for each country.

siewlei, hope the prediction is correct! we will know it this coming Wed rite? hee hee.....
