PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi Dawn,
How many injection and scan you go thru so far? I still don't understand why KK IUI is expensive then private one hmmm...my injectable IUI + scan + medication only $700+ hmmm just wonder what is the difference

Breast not so fast sore one don't worry. I'm also excited for you baby dust to you again

thewife and siewlei, i think the cost depends very much on the number of injections you need. Average puregon injections (50microlitre) is 7 to 10. I oni took 6 injections and follicles responded TOO well...so had to stop (which cost $210 including the cost of the puregon pen). Most pple will need to buy another round of dosage which comes in 1/2 a dozen each time.

Then another $292 for all the V-scanning required and doc's consultation for that whole process. $150 for washing and preparation of sperms, $122 for IUI ward procedures. Some other blood tests and medication makes up the rest of the cost.

gals today i joined my mum's family to go down to her family's orchard and oil palm plantation in Malaysia. Went on a jeep to go into the plantations for a few hours ....and had the roughest ride in my life. It was really bumpy and we were literally flying up from our seats every few minutes and swaying violently from left to right. I think even got baby also shake until disappear liow. regretted for agreeing to join them......*sigh*

ruggles, I hope so! Trying to keep myself busy so as not to think much about it
hey dawn,
dun worry la, at least you tried and eggs responded, which means that the chance is always there. sometimes its ironical, for some pple, they dun even think about it then it happens.
Hi Dawn,
I think that's why as I only took 3 injections

Don't think too much now, the baby might still be there just try to relax now
eh dawn,
next time u guys cham liao.. your baby will be roller-coaster xiao one.. after being shaken so much on the jeep... :p
hi ladies,

long time no chat. just got back from a short vac before i start work next wk. so many exchanges, hv to take my time to read...


when is your bHCG?
hi gals...
thanks for all the advice....ok i know i must relax relax and relax.

summer...no wonder u disappeared from the thread so long! had a good rest? must be all charged up for your new job.
the bHCG test is next saturday....so faraway hor.....

yes, all charged up and ready to go. had a good break, albeit short.

hey, i'm also heading to KKH next sat so i might see u there. i'm gg to sign the ppr work to dispose off DH's frozen sperm as it's been in storage for 2 yrs oredi - maybe frozen sperm also has BBD (best before date);P 1 more wk to go... u must keep us posted of the good news asap, ok? ALL THE BEST!!!

is lupron the same as lucrin? for my ivf cycle, i was given lucrin injections to stop ovulation before starting on puregon. i didn't know u hv to buy the puregon pen now and it's so costly. mine was borrowed from KKIVF then and it's still with me!

siew lei,

how did the talk with your PILs go? i'm sure they'll understand knowing u hv their best interests at heart. can u check bb's gender now at 16 wks?


no latest pix of bb kieran to share? how is he doing?


remember i mentioned abt reductil? i am taking the pills now. gp said it's a safe drug to take even if i'm ttc. it works as appetite suppressant and so far it's working on me as suppose to metformin. took it for 6 days now and i can feel the diff when i try on my clothes. plan is to shed the extra kilos before i start treatment again, hopefully it helps.
summer, hope to see you there next Saturday! But if AF comes before that...no need to go KKH oredi! Din know they can freeze sperm too!
wah....got expiry date one ah...interesting! you mean your puregon pen still with you? maybe it is not loaned to you but rather you had paid for it? hmmmm.....reductile so effective? 6 days can feel the effect...good good....will lose weight quite fast like that hor? my mum tells me now i am thin enuff liow after taking the metformin for 1 year...so now i better eat more.

thewife, jia you jia you...u never know you may suddenly ovulate yah?

think ruggles still very busy her bb....still 2hour feeds now right? very siong one!
Hi Summer,
Don't manage to meet my mother-in-law this few days cos she is at her daughter's place. My husband will be going down tomorrow morning and will talk to my mother-in-law should be fine.

Hi Dawn,
Just curious what is puregon pen? I realise my injection is a bit different I was given GonalF injection not puregon

Hey next Saturday will seems far to you now cos you are very anxious now. I truly understand your feeling. Try to occupy yourself with something, something to relax your mind and try not to think about it

You know when I wait around 30CD and went to my company doctor for testing and when the test is negative, I feel so depressed. Luckily got you gals to encourage me and I wait for another 2 days and do the test at home and finally see the result.

Pray hard for you that you have good news
positive thinking ok? whether or not we will bump into each other, i will pray hard for good news for you.

No lah. I was joking abt expiry date. hehehe... yes, you can choose to freeze the sperm if u hv extra supply. we were just being kiasu then. no, i did not pay for the puregon pen becos i had to acknowledge on a book that the pen is a loan from the hospital. however, they didn't take it back from me after the treatment and i totally forgot abt it too.

not sure how effective but i lost my appetite and even if i did eat it's much lesser than before, as i will feel full quickly. doc was surprised why i didn't respond to metformin as it's also a diet suppressant pill. hmmm... maybe my fats are more stubborn lor.

wah! 2 hr feed? yeah, must be vy siong for her.

siew lei,
good luck ah ;)

on puregon pen - it's the name of the hormone drug that kkh uses and the pen was designed by the distributor to convenience us, the patients. the drug comes in tube form and is inserted into the pen before use, and the needle (disposable) is vy fine thus less painful. my colleague who was 2 cycles before me was prescribed the same drug u mentioned, so i think i am vy lucky.

was the drug you used packed in seperate mini bottles that has a ball in it?
siewlei, i am sure the talk will be fine...especially if you all work on the point that it is best for the baby (their grandchild). and your mil can have enuff rest too.
our injections are bit different....plus it is self administered one...yourinjection is given by the doc rite? how's the baby...also curious if it is a boy boy or gal gal.

summer, i sure hope i get to see you on saturday! haha....I am trying to keep myself very busy everyday! I heard from KKH now they no longer loan the puregon pen...they "give" us the pen. not sure if the price of the pen is included with the medicine. I paid 210 for the pen plus 300 micro litres of puregon. think they might forget about it...haha and you can keep it for good!
ruggles....juz popped over to look at your blog for kieran...really touching...and he is really sweet!
I am sure all the never ending feeds will soon end...and u will miss being a 24 hour milking machine!
i hope so..but at the moment... we are really struggling to stay awake.. haha... my hubby does the night feeds and he usu has to rock the little fella to sleep for like from 11ish to abt 2am...

tonight at least both of them has got world cup to entertain them..haha..
Hey ruggles,
aiyo its only been a month. Im sure it will disappear soon.
btw, i brewed pao sheng to drink on fri, today i have a lot of watery cm, i wonder whether it's related.
thewife, paosheng is liang...
so that is why make more watery CM...anyway, grab the chance and BD !

ruggles....u oredi look very slim liow!
not sure if this is helpful to you...my colleague gave birth to two gals and her figure returned within one month....and could wear her larger sized jeans. she said she wore this elastic wrap around her waist everyday (those very thick type that pple wear after surgery for support)...some pple even rub oil b4 wrapping. She says it is very very uncomfortable,itchy and hot...but if can tahan wearing it the whole day, only taking it off when sleeping...really effective in burning off the fats at tummy area. She also did her sit-ups daily too....haha...think she ai shui one. but she was the envy of many mummies when she came back to school to deliver her child's first month's cakes. hee hee..... you got try any massage? heard it is also quite effective.
but the elastic wrap is v hot leh.. so i cannot tahan.. and i am v prone to rash one.. hot then rash liao...

eh.. sit-ups arh..heheh... lazy leh.. kekekek...

did massage liao... but i guess the breastfeeding helps lah..
ruggles....you are fast today! is it becos keiran good boy, resting so you can come in? hee hee.
yah, i heard it is very hot and uncomfortable....*sigh* anyway you got massage and breastfeeding...sure will lose all the weight one.
anyway, it is worth all the tummies put on when you see your gorgeous boy rite?
Hi all,

May I know anyone of you have take Serophene prescribed by doctor to induce ovulation?

I have been ttc for more than a year leow but still not successful. Hubby diagnosed to have low quality of sperm. I have been told that I have mild PCOS..although I have been having menses regulary every month...this is a surprise for me cos thought I have been ovulating...still hoping will have a bb soon.

I read some of you are trying so-iui. I am currently undergoing it, and would like to compare the costs. I am taking jabs of 100iu each day for the last 10 days, and each jab cost $100. It seems that with the consultation ($45 each time), scanning ($65-70/scan), jabs ($100/100iu), sperm washed and IUI process, it would cost me ard $2000 per so-iui process, which seems to be very expensive compared to the ard $1000 i read above. Do you think my IUI costs a lot compared to yours? Where can i do so-iui at a lower cost than mine currently?

Pls help!!!
Hi Dawn,
Mine also suppose to inject myself, my gynae give me all the 3 injection and the nurse told me if I have problem or don't dare to do the injection myself, I can seek nearby clinic for help. I actually seek the clinic near my home for help heeee...(all company doctor so I don't have to pay any charges leh heee..)

My husband talk to his mother last Saturday. Actually my MIL is fine she said aiya don't bother about my FIL cos she said she is okay that I hired a confinment lady cos she also cannot help for full 1 month as now her hand is very sensitive and cannot touch too much water too

We feel so relieve to hear that. I think it is really my FIL's idea cos I know that my MIL has very sensitive hand since last year and she already try to avoid washing too much.

I also very curious to know boy or girl I think next appt might be able to see

Hi Summer,
yes it is a small bottle but I don't think got ball in the small bottle hmmm..

Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for sharing your pictures it is so nice
Lot of my colleagues have urge me to start taking photos I think i should start soon heee... btw I heard if you carry a boy your belly button will pop up and i saw yours really pop up, now I'm at 17th wk plus belly button not pop up maybe mine is a girl.

Girl or boy nevermind as long as normal and healthy will be fine.

Btw you are actually quite slim leh you don't put up too much weight huh. My face already bloated and my SIL said it is water rentention and now only 4th month old only wow cannot imagine the later stage.

BTW I already feel very numb on my right fingers, I think I'm very fast a bit scare too. I ask Dr Lim he said it is normal especially in the morning but now it look like it numb almost whole day but morning is worst lah

I have started taking the birdnest you recommend cos got sales actually 1 bottle is like $134 and now $105 so I bought 2 bottles. Wow really highly concentrated leh
I also bought their pearlin powder also got discount $94 and can last for 4 months
hi gals.

thewife, i am not sure about why she gave u paosheng...maybe she got her reasons?
i am not a trained sinseh. but i can ask my sis's fren for you...she is in her final year studying chinese medicine.

blueblue, welcome! your serephene is a brand of clomid. Yah, i think all the gals here have taken clomid...even you have ovulated every month, it is suppose to help you to ovulate even better. It is usually given as a front line of fertility treatment as it is cheap and quite effective for some gals.

Alyy, hi welcome! Where are u doing your IUI?
I was told by KKH that the average cost of SO-IUI will be around 1.5K depending on the number of injections needed. Since u are taking 100iu for 10 days...maybe that is why it is so expensive? I oni took 50iu for 6 days. Just nice, as I bought 1 bottle of puregon injectible 300iu for about $210. Hope that helps....
i like your blog site - simple but nice - and i'm sure kieran will appreciate all these that mommy has done for him. btw, i can tell he loves the camera ;) hehehe... finally, can put a face to the name. did anyone tell u look sweet, esp your smile.

i will try but u shd be there vy early right? i can understand your anxiety as you draw closer to the day. remember, positive thinking! we will JIA YOU for you!!!

hehehe... must be lah, or they would hv called me by now asking for the pen. i was looking thru my receipts and there was nothing on pen charges.

welcome. dun worry, many of us here hv also been ttc for a while now, myself included, and we're here to lend each other support. dun give yourself too much pressure and u never know, mircales do happen.

welcome. i reckon your iui was done with a pte doc? it's usually cheaper at restructured hospitals as their med costs are lower.


did u watch the news last evening? an australia study shows that accupunture helps in conception. they did a test on a group of women who had failed ivf attempts and found that the success rate increased after they've had accupuncture treatments. i think this is good news hor?
Hey Siew Lei
Some pple said if your nose become bigger should be boy, dun know how true. Have you think of names?
Hey Dawn,
thanks for asking

Hey summer01,
did they say why accupucture helps?
summer, i do believe that acupuncture can help in conceiving. Anybody know of any good ones in singapore? hee hee...i think they really giving you the pen liow...! can keep!

siew lei, do u 'feel' it is a boy or gal? they say stomach round is gal, pointed is boy? then if become uglier will be boy, but if more radiant and prettier will be gal. hee heee...old wives' tale!
siew lei,
TB lim will say anything also normal one... haha.. but really the numbness in your hand esp in the morning is normal. but i think u got it quite early yah.. it only hit me in the last 2-3mths i think. very bad in the morning. nothing much u can do abt it... just have to suck it up, endure until baby pops. the only thing u can do to relax it is to clench and unclench your hands every morning when u wake up (with your arms in the air) to redirect the water retention away.

the boy/girl predictions.. hehe.. according to TB lim, my belly button pop becos i got weak tummy.... hehehe.. but i think the nose one is true leh.. my nose became so bulbous leh.. before pregnancy, i think my nose is nicer..HAHAHHA... it happened to my sis also... then she had a girl for 2nd baby.. nose didn't grow!!

thanks. i guess the blog is also somewhere that my hubby and i can eventually write our thoughts and to remind ourselves not to or to do certain things the next time around (*wink* thinking of next one le... HAHAHAHAHA!!!)

how are u feeling??

btw, you are well researched leh... hehee.. quite fun hor, to predict using these "signs & symptoms" keke.. let me add some more..

no morning sickness (B) got morning sickness (G)
no excess fat around the waist (B), fat around the waist (G)

this is a good one.. if both Hubb and wifey age (lunar age i guess) are odd then is boy.. :p
siew lei,
forgot.. abt the water retention thingy, since u've gotten it so early liao, u have to try to get off your feet as much as possible. put a box/ stool under ur desk to elevate ur feet. also when u come home, try to lie flat with ur feet propped up so that water can move back n the kidneys can try to remove it.. (dr say one..)

btw, i put on abt 14kg..
Hi Ruggles and Dawn,
Thanks for all your tips heee...hopefully this month end I go down can see the gender liao lah or else will have to wait again hmmm...

BTW my SIL told me she got to know her boy gender around 7th month cos she said her boy very naughty not cooperative, hopefully mine not like that...7th month really late...

Hi Ruggles,
You put on 14kg just nice, they said the normal range is around 12kg to 14kg...I still maintain at 7.5kg increased at the moment, hopefully I will gain around that not too much

Ya I have already started to elevate my feet when I'm at my sitting position liao even when I sleep, I use a pillow to support my feet hopefully not too much water rentention for my feet area. I have a friend, her shoe size increase 3 size due to water rentention really scare I will be like her hmmm
siew lei,

heehee.. my boy was v cooperative that time.. leg open coffeshop until so big arh.. so at 20weeks i saw liao...

the water retention thingy is really bobian one man... cannot do anything to prevent it one lah.. but u'll have an excuse to buy new shoes!!! hahaha...

Sorry to have been missing in action for so so so long! I hope all the sisters out there are doing well and I can see Siew Lei's progress has been good, heh...heh... happy for u! Sigh,... was down with sore throat and fever since end of May till now, and I still hvn recovered. Hv been on v strong antibiotics for close to a month but all my symptoms didn't clear except for fever. Cough has slowly developed to bronchitis and doc is quite worried, so on constant review. Supposedly to be on MC for 3 days but i m in my new co not long, so i tot its not nice to take MC at this time also.

I feel so so upset over the whole event coz it has sort of delayed my plans of TTCing. Was off TCM for one mth already and my body went topsy turvy as well with AF missing since the last one which was induced in March. Actually I arranged to c gynae this week but i dun tink its possible coz i m still on antibiotics. Feel so worried abt my condition n my health when I cant "bu" my body and can't improve my condition.

Really feel so depressed over the whole thing.
Tweetie, don't feel depressed hor. When I got pregnant, it was VERY unexpected 'cos I was ill before the day of conception for about 2-3 weeks. So it is possible that you still can get pregnant when your body is not 100% well.

ruggles, wow, you sound like a mothering pro already
Motherhood definitely suits you!!!

dawn, how's it going? i haven't started taking metformin yet.. too lazy after going on holiday and getting sick after that. holidays just ain't the same with a kid.. I love my son to bits but have to really think good and hard before going on vacation. SO TIRED!!

Can I ask you girls something? For OPK, when I test, it usually only comes up with 1 line. However, on the day I was supposed to surge, it had 2 lines. On the instruction page, it says that the 2nd line must be darker than the control line but for me, the 2nd line is still lighter than the control. When I conceived the first time, the 2nd line was also lighter than the control. So I'm not sure if there's something weird about my OPK results????
hi gals!

ruggles....it is always very fun to predict if it is a boy or gal....but i think most impt is baby is healthy! you sound good leh! u mean last time u dun have much morning sickness when u had your boy? now to think of it...my 2 frens also din have morning sickness....and they had boys. I must go and do more surveys and research... Catz you leh? boy rite? got morning sickness?

*sigh* yesterday when I woke up, felt AF cramps quite strongly, was disappointed...told hubby think no chance liow. breast not abit pain or swollen liow no matter how much i poke! haha

Catz, heard that the OPK result is not very accurate for PCOS patients. theoretically must be darker than the control line then it means positive. But i also do know that there is a new type, as long got faint line, no need darker than control line means positive liow.... so have to read the instructions that came with your OPK.

tweetie, your illness sounds really serious...2 weeks oredi! better get well first b4 TTC. Health is more important. TTC is really out of our control....think we just have to try our best and wait for the time to come for us to become mummies.
Hihi ladies...

its been ages since ive popped in here last....so much activity going on....also got new ladies joining...hihi to all too

wow ruggles..u must be really really busy now with ur little darling...hehe...must be so fun and tiring...but at the end of the day, its all worth

siew leh...looks like u're coping well.....hope u can sort out ur inlaws thing....

rest of us....jia you...
me still no news of AF coming....sighz...half a year liaoz...still nothing happening....dunno where it went....prob went on a long long holiday.....haha...must go make another appt with the gyne..

was abit upset earlier.....have a friend who found out she's 6wks preggie...and it was an accidential baby...she was thinking of aborting it....
told her...people like us so hard to get, they get so easily...cannot anyhow get rid of it....sighz...dun want...give me lah....

eh tweetie...better take more care....sounds terrible....yeah....like dawn says...get well first then ttc....

one day, we will all become mummies...just must hurry up our little eggies...hahahahah...
HI Tweetie
dun be sad la. mine also missing and the last time I induce was in early May. Anyway, I may want to put TTC on hold until early next year. I think my hubby is quite affected by it that it sort of affected us - he's feeling that everything I do is for baby-making and Im feeling that he's not supportive. So in the meantime, I will just take pu and see how, and I want to switch my focus in planning a long nice romantic trip
any recommendation?
Hey Dawn,
dun be sad lah. we'll all here to support 1 another. maybe cramp does not mean its AF. Seems like most pple strike during 2nd or 3rd try.

I used both type of OPK kits. I always get 1 faint test line regardless which one I use - so fed up dun use liao.

Hey bbunny,
why dun you see gyane to induce it? Have anyone heard of this medicine called Progyluton? 21 tablets to be taken over 21 days - consists of both estrogen and progesterone - suppose to help regulate AF.
Hi Dawn,
Don't worry too much at the moment as long as AF not come yet still got chance leh

I have 2 friends both no morning sickness but having girl leh so I think not that accurate heee..

Hi Tweetie,
Don't think too much first, take good care of your health first and it is good you should wait till you are fully recovered then ttc.

As you just join the new company and you will need to cope with new environment and new colleagues, I think it is good to wait till you are much settle down before ttc.

Take good care okay

Hi bbunny,
Thanks my MIL is actually okay with our arrangement and I think only my FIL just want my MIL to help. Maybe he want us to save the cost. My MIL said don't bother about my FIL so we "bo cham" liao heee

Hey you are right your friend should not abort the baby lah. You should tell her if she abort this time, she might hurt herself,next time she want it might be difficult. You know those who has abortion has high chance of getting ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage for their next pregnancy so better think twice.

Yes 1 day you will be mummy too, take care okay

heehee.. me still trying hard...
ask u hor, u last time bf hor, your baby got feed from 1 feeding time to another or not? my baby always does that esp in the afternn. he falls asleep at the breast after like 10min (max) then the moment i put him down he cries, then whole afternn will not sleep and also dun feed well leh.. but night time he is ok... how??

u take care k.. dun stress yourself out.. try to relax.. just BD for the fun of it?? *wink* think it'll work better

how have u been??
ruggles, yeah Tim used to cluster feed in the evenings when my milk ss was low... hmm... I guess your body will learn how to meet his needs over a period (perhaps 2-3 weeks).. in the meantime, you gotta make do with a permanent booby fixture..
But you seem to be taking REALLY well to motherhood. Just make sure you get enough rest for when Kieran starts to be more wakeful for most of the day (and night!)

dawn, thanks for the info. Acc to the package instructions, I did not ovulate but it's weird 'cos when I conceived Tim, it was the same kind of read-out. So was wondering if other girls had the same experience with weird OPK read-outs.
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for supporting and consoling me!! Hmmm, feel so touched!!!

Ruggles, went to bb keiran's blog.. really nicely done. I m impressed. Btw, r u a language teacher?

Yeah, I guess I would hv to shelf TTC plans and TCM aside for a while. Cant TTC now coz still on antibiotics. I usually will fall v v sick when I hv been down n depressed for a while, so nw trying to calm myself to keep my spirits up else v hard to recover.

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will get well soon coz i m seeing my gynae nxt sat to induce AF. Will prob hv to skip TCM for a while but i worry the sinseh will not b happy with me coz she ever mention to me not to mix her med with western med.

siew Lei, u got prior experience with her. Hw u tink I should approach her. I quite scared of her leh actually coz i tink she is fierce.
gals, am very down today...cos bbt plunges down to 36.8 degrees, after hovering at an average of 37.1 degrees for a week. even though trying not to get my hope up...also can't help being sad.
will take a break b4 going for the next cycle of IUI as I will be handling many major projects/events 2 weeks later.
dawn, i know it's useless to say empty words to cheer you up.. i guess i know how it feels 'cos i'm really getting very stressed about TTC too... just have to tell ourselves to relax and maybe things will happen more quickly that way? and i guess you should always remember that there are all these caring ladies in the thread to cheer you on .. so take care yah? no need to work so hard lah... work is only work, family is more impt. cheers
HI dawn
dun be sad first, 36.8 is still considered as high. When I got preggie previously, my temps never exceed 37. I know its not easy but try to psycho yourself that it's very difficult, so when it turns out positive, you'll be even happier, if it doesnt, at least not so sad lor.
im even more impatient, tried 3 cycles already feel very tired.
Hi Tweetie,
Is okay to mix lah, I also don't know why she said a difference thing to you all. Last time I told her I take metformin and ask her need to give up metformin, she told me don't have to just make sure 4hour a part. She told me take metformin in the morning and afternoon and at night take her chinese herb.

I think maybe now she got more and more patient might be a bit stress out heeee...so far she never scold me before but sometimes she might sound a bit serious. If you scare that she will scold you then just don't mention too much to her just remember if you are taking metformin then at night you will take the chinese herb and don't take the metformin. If you are taking clomid (as clomid is taking at night), maybe then you better don't take the chinese herbs for that period.

As you are seeing the gynae to induce your AF when your AF came liao then you can stop your western medication then you see her to take the chinese herbs. if she ask you why so long never see you, just said you are sick for quite awhile

Hi Dawn,
Remember my temperature also drop and flunctuate, I also like you very worry you just wait and see first. Now which CD are you at?

Take good care first
cheer up k...
I know it's difficult, but being optimistic will help much more than being sad..

i think motherhood is quite fun actually, despite the exhaustion
and er... he IS wakeful most of the mornings AND nights... urgh..

yah, i always worry that the little fella doesn't drink enough cos he can be feeding from me for like 1/2 hr and then still downs like 60-80ml of EBM 1/2hr later then still wants the breast.. and whenever i carry him, he's always looking for the nipple... :p even does that to me hubby arh... keke..

nope.. not language teacher. I'm a science teacher.. hehee.. i can only do simple webbie stuff, anything that is more chim is done by my hubby one..

Hihi ladies

hihi thewife yep...going to schedule one appt with the gyne soon...now too busy with so many things...no time to take off to visit...

yep siew leh...she going to keep the baby, but everytime keep getting upset that the baby there...say accident..she not prepared to have another one...she only wanted one...haha...good lah..at least ur mil is understanding...

hihi ruggles...me like that still lor....still no menses...haha..i used the fertility friend thing...it went haywire...the little note said they dunno how to count...but so far..it looked like i had ovulation a few days ago...but i bd 4 days after that day...haha....hey didnt know u were a science teacher....where and wat level u teaching??
