PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi ah kat,
how old are you? If I'm less than 30, I dun mind trying for 6months to a year before taking medication cos I hate eating them.
Hey Dawn,
no worries, it's over, I dun think about it anymore. I charted on FF too, it states my ovulation date as last Fri, gave me a shock, but i saw eggs at my ovaries this Mon for the scan, my gynae even asked me to try BD harder as there's still chance. confused???
And yes, good luck for your IUI tomorrow, JIA YOU!

Hi Dawn & thewife,

I am going on 29 soon, one more year before I hit the BIG 3. Is that why I shld try naturally? Initially had no plans to TTC so soon as only got married 11mths ago..looks like now not much choice..but how do I try naturally since I am not sure abt my menses cycle? When then is the time to try?

Really lost and dont know what to except...help help!
Hi Dawn,
Hmmm their service is bad, don't worry don't think too much now okay, stay positive first.

Hi ah_kat,
You can start to measure your temperature everytime you wake up and you can use the fertility friend to guide you sob you roughly know when is your ovulation day. Here is the url: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/
Hi ah kat,

i think it deps on you. When i went to my gynae, he put me onl clomid when he saw that i had cysts in the ovaries and that we told him we wanted to try for babies. but then again, he gave clomid was not exactly to help us conceive but the aim was to trigger O and c if the cysts go away. cos i remembered him telling us not to expect anything that mth. usu docs will ask you to try for 6mth-1yr 1st cos if no conception during that time, then they will classify it as infertility.. (right?)

take it easy, and relax a bit in the meantime yah..
Thanks ladies!
Is there nothing I can go now except then trying actively? Any tonic or exercise that would help??
Hi Ah Kat,
you can consider taking vitamins B (to reduce stress) , evening primrose oil to balance your hormone. You are still considered young, we're over 30 already.
hi gals, thanks for the support. IUI was fast and painless. thewife, I think I would trust the ultra scan more...since can see the egg clearly, dun care so much , must quickly BD. they say ning ke sa chuo, bu ke fang guo. (rather kill sala than miss the chance! ) haha.

ah kat, go and see your gynae and see what he/she suggests. He may give u clomid straight away, or give you metformin which is form pple with insulin resistance(most PCOS are insulin resistant).

ruggles how is kieran doing? Monday juz visited my fren with her 3 month old boy...so cute. He loves his daddy very much...the moment the daddy appear, he will giggle to himself or larff loudly. my fren so jealous! haha.

i didn't switch from iui. but i doubt there'll be any diff in costs, if any, shouldn't be significant.

tell me abt it... i dread that injection most. not only does it hurt, the injected area actually felt numb for a while and ached for the next few days. i watched the nurse do it and i worry for myself :p

ah kat,

hv u started taking folic acid? it's good to start early, so u might want to consider doing that. i think as long as u avoid strenous exercises like cycling, rock climbing and water sports u shd be fine. if u want to be safe then swimming is the best exercise i think.
Thanks Dawn,
Let's wait together, for the 'result' after your IUI. Do you inject yourself or your hubby helped? painful anot? My gynae just called me today, result is that my LH is 2 times higher than my FSH, imbalance. She asked me to BD hard this week. oh ya talk about baby shower, i try to avoid, will feel a bit sad tho.
hi dawn,

Kieran's good. But mum and dad are "peng saning"..hahah.. this little fella is a night animal, so he keeps us up all night!!! plus his timings are all upside down still so quite difficult for us to catch the correct timing to nap.

how are you feeling? you sound (or rather write..keke..) good!!
Thanks ladies,

I just went to buy Bai Feng Wan yesterday, heard that it will help to regulate menses.
Planning a trip to US before I found out abt my condition, tink will go see gynae after I am back.

Yes, I started on folic acid since last month.

Does doing aerobics worsten the condition??

summer, yah the HCG is the most painful shot. I was wondering why i need to come back at night to let the nurse jab me. tot it is simple like the puregon shot i have every nite. haha....the HCG shot's needle is so long...yah, my leg also pain and numb after the jab...have to hobble out of the clinic. hehe

thewife, hubby helped me jab every nite. juz close my eyes and let him jab. juz abit pain oni...like ant bite. I think need more courage to jab yourself. When did u take the blood test? is it CD 2? What is the normal ratio of LH and FSH? i tot if at ovulation, LH should be higher?

ruggles....hiaks hiaks...no wonder u r posting at such an unearthlyo hour ... 2am!!! have to slowly train kieran to sleep at nite and wake up in the day yah, how about playing alot with him in the day till he is exhausted at nite? I am sure he is worth all your sleepless nites ;) luckily it is the holidays, so you can sleep any time you like! Is your hubby still on leave or going back to work liow? I sound good...cos it is the school holidays.....yeh!!! will go shopping today!

siewlei, how is your 2nd trimester? going fine?
ah kat,
i tried baifengwan from yu ren seng, it din regulate my menses at all. I think you try a few cycles and see how. When i took vitex (also called chasteberry), it worked, really made my menses regular. can be bought from GNC or Nature Farm. now i am not taking as it clashes with other fertility medicine.

exercise is good for PCOS patients...so your aerobics should not be a problem!
dawn, what medicine does Vitex clash with? I'm currently taking Clomid and possibly will start metformin.. was hoping to regulate my cycle 'cos it's so hard to chart :p

ruggles, gosh, Kieran's nights and days are still topsy turvy eh? Just keep him on a regular feed, wake, sleep cycle and he should be onto a regular day/night routine by the end of his first month and hopefully sleeping through the night (about 6 hrs straight) by the 2nd month.

Went to my gynae yesterday 'cos I've been having crampy feeling and turns out that the Clomid gave me ONE follicle which is pushing against my pre-existing right ovarian cyst. Hence the pain. Aiyah, very stressed.. always getting negative results from OPK. :p
Hey Dawn,
I have not ovulate yet, thats why she took my blood test on Monday. at 10mm, the egg should grow to full size either end this week or next week. LH is suppose to be same as FSH. people with PCOS usually have this symtom. FSH lower means egg matures slower, thats why cycle longer.

good leh, your hubby very sweet will help u. I doubt mine will attend the class or help me.

Hey ruggles,
very cute leh, its all worth it

Ah Kat,
exercise not bad, i was just checking out on amore - 12 lessons within 3 months at $189
catz, i read that Vitex clashes with clomid and other fertility medicine. so cannot take together. last time did u take metformin? metformin suppose to regulate AF cycles too...but din help me much too. if the current follicle release the egg after a few days, it won't push against the cyst, then it wun be so painful is it? can take abit of painkiller? what did ur gynae suggest?

thewife, i also tot i have to give myself the jab one...cos hubby is usually very bochup. surprisingly, he quite willing to learn and give me the jab every nite. maybe yours will too, dun look him no up!
i dun dare to sign up with amore liow...i always give up 1/2 way, last year signed up for one full year, oni attended 1/2 year cos the 1/2 year too busy plus a whole load of excuses!
Hi ladies,
I tink me at wits end liao cause last time I tink I die die oso will not take chinese medicine one.
The lady at Yu Ren Seng told me to start taking 3rd day after menses end and then 13days again.Dawn, is this what u was told b4?

Maybe I will try 1st before I change to "Ang Mo" medicine.

Me was doing exercise for a long long time liao.
Now got new outlet at Jurong Point. 3mths unltd at $580 with 3 sessions free massage & 2 FOC personal trainer...still tinking if i shld sign...
ah kat, i juz took the BFW the 2 weeks b4 ovulation to be safe. some pple take one bottle one week, some 2 bottles a week. it all depends on how well ur body can take the chinese medicine. it is quite heaty, my sis always has break outs on her face if she takes a full bottle, u may want to try 1/2 bottle if it is too heaty for you.

i think my body ultra "liang" ...can take 2 bottles weekly without any effects shown.
dawn, yah the follicle is already 2.5cm(??).. about to burst anytime but no positive on OPK lei... Quite worried that it will turn into another big cyst. STUPID PCOS!!! The pain is not horrendous but it's just irritating 'cos I can feel this 'pressure' feeling at my groin area. Nope, I have never taken metformin before but I asked gynae to prescribe 'cos my weight gain is phenomenal :p So hopefully either I strike this round (unlikely, both me and hub so stressed at work plus we've got a rascal toddler tearing up the house) or I start metformin next week and Clomid 2nd cycle. Gynae also mentioned that I am just barely reacting to Clomid - only 1 follicle, whereas some people have multiple follicles from Clomid. STUPID PCOS!! So stressed now 'cos my son is already getting to 18 months and not so good to have a big age-gap. Sigh.

So no Vitex for me, I guess!!! I guess I might take Vitex if I have to take a break after hitting max 3 cycles of Clomid lor.
catz, 2.5cm is quite big oredi hor? who knows u may ovulate today or tomorrow....sometimes the OPK can't catch the LH surge? good good, go and take the metformin, i lost about 5kg of weight over 1/2 year taking the metformin even though it did not help to make my cycle regular. i guess i m too stressed at work. maybe clomid + metformin will work for you like it does for many women...so u dun have to try the vitex!

who is taking care of your boy now?
sorry, just want to familise with some of the terms..what is OPK? And what is BD.

Thanks dawn, I will try after menses come as havent "seen" it since Apr....sigh...
Hi ah_kat,
You may try yoga to relax yourself. I have been going for yoga and pilates before my pregnancy and I think it help me to relax myself and strengthen my lower tail bone muscle. I will resume my prenatal yoga class soon.

I remember one of my colleague, if she exercise too much, her menses will be a bit haywire. So far I find yoga very good and ya swimming. I swim regularly last time too but now stop cos lot of people told me public pool not clean sometimes can cause infection so I scare scare and I think just attend the prenatal yoga class will do

Hi Ruggles,
I think everything is worth it now even if losing some sleep. Hopefully Kieran is much settle down after 1 month. My friend's daughter the 1st month always give trouble during night and her confinment lady is so burn out for that month and she told me after that her confinement lady quit doing confinement liao. She said she so paisei and she also gave the confinement lady a $200 Ang bao when she left. She told me luckily the 2nd month her daughter okay liao and sleep thru the night.

Hi Dawn,
Today seeing my gynae and he does a triple blood test for me and he said if 1 week there is no call from him means no worry. Just pray hard everything is okay and next appt will be 1 month times.

Hey good luck for you now and rest well okay and yes try to BD as much as possible now. I remember after my IUI the next few days I keep BD and BD until very tired ha!

The chinese sinseh told us that the initially 7 days start from the day of ovulation the fertilised egg need lot of sperm to support but after 7days should stop BD and if you BD it might have risk of miscarriage so take note.

Tell you I don't have much energy to continuous BD for 7 days, after my IUI I only continue to BD for the next 3 days and I stop (very tired) heee..
Good luck okay really hope you have good news to share
Remember relax and relax and don't walk too much too hor
ah kat, BD...is Baby Dance....and OPK is the ovulation prediction kit. hang around more and talk to us...u will soon be an expert in this jargon too!

Siew Lei, the pple at KKH told me not to BD after IUI...cos they said i have too many follicles that were juz smaller than the 3 dominant ones...so have changes of getting multple births which will lead to many complications. so i think better listen to them, though i look at them in disbelief...cos getting pregnant with one baby is difficult enuff, they are telling me it is possible to get those sextet...etc that is life threatening!

hope your blood test is ok....pray for you! Will still walk around abit...going shopping at 3pm...haha.
Dawn, oic...sorry hah, pls bear w me on these terms at the pt! Btw, where to get the OPK? is it the same as the ovaluation kit?

Siew Lei: me exercise freak one...cause I put on wt easily and if dont exercise will be diaster!!
Maybe will try to take up yoga as I find yoga a bit slow lor..
Hey ladies
exercise like yoga are recommended. My chinese Doc said dun jog or do vigorous exercise after you BD, cos if the egg is implanted, it may falls off easily. not sure how true.
Hey dawn,
im not persistent too. haha. but i tried to put on weight - 3 kg despite taking metformin - and fats ended up near my tummy and arms now, cannot take it so ugly. dilemma leh.
Hey Catz,
whats the dosage of clomid you are taking? sometimes I also feel twitching around the groin area esp. the left side.
Hey Ah Kat,
your package sounds very 'shiong'!
thewife, u mean expensive the amore package?
no know leh..me still tinking but as I work out at least 3X a week..so may be worth.
Hi ah_Kat,
Last time I used to join the yoga at CC and they only teach hatha yoga and a bit boring. Later I join the true yoga one and fall in love with their yoga. There are lot of varieties of yoga and I start with gentle yoga and slowly also join their power yoga (very siong okay, even my husband join the trial with me for the power yoga, he don't believe it can be so siong cos need lot of endurance). I also join their pilates and there is also lot of dance classes too but still don't have the chance to try cos their varieties of yoga enough to occupy my slot liao ha!

Hi Dawn,
Oh ic cos I read from some website they said must maximise the chance so must BD after IUI that's why I kiasu and do it and also listen to the chinese sinseh of the sperm need to support the fertilised egg so my husband said must do it heeee...

Don't worry and just relax and enjoy your shopping but remember if tired don't force yourself. I don't know why for my case a few days after my IUI, I already have some funny feeling of my stomach like something is moving around and also feel a bit painful so I don't dare to walk too much.
ah kat...yup yup...it is the same as ovulation kit.

siewlei, the chinese sinsei scolded me when she saw that I BD after ovulation leh...she say will cause the embroy to dislodge? so i am very confused. how how how?
so should I BD tonite some more? cos KK told me not the BD after the IUI leh..... I oni have mild cramps the hour after the IUI...these 2 days very tired...since given MC, and is school holidays so sleep and sleep like pig.

I tried yoga at amore before....once attended a wrong one.... damn siong leh...must balance on head....i think everybody there expert. Normally the one I go dun need to balance on head one. haha....gave me a big scare...and i made sure i never attended that session again.

thewife, *sigh*...i understand...even though i lose weight...my fats are still at my tummy, arms and bums.....that is why sometimes my hubby tough my tummy and larff...say like a preggy woman. I juz gave that glare.....
Hi dawn,

what is bd? pardon me for my ignorance as i'm pretty bad with these abbreviations. When is our Bhcg test? I think u shd try to rest as much as possible and try not to exert yourself.


i read from an article from ST's "mind your body" that reductil pills that aids weight lost is recommended, so i am gg to my GP tmrw for the prescription. Am 1.62cm and 57 kg, so my aim is to lose another 5 kg at least.

Ah kat,

i was with amore and hv since switched to fitness first as they are better equipped at the gym and, most importantly, better facilities. and i'm paying only $133 per mth which is slightly more than what i pay for a 3-month unlimited package at amore.
no lah...i had been doing my usual exercise routine w the Singapore sports complex..probably will not take the amore package..
For my case, I am more interested in classes then gym lor..

Anyway, now counting down to days before I go to US and meet hubby..these few days had been a rollercoaster ride.
Hi Dawn,
The chinese sinseh told you this hmmm she told me from the day when your temperature is low should start count 1st day and BD till the 7th day and stop leh and afterthat cannot BD liao.
The KK nurse call you don't BD maybe cos your case is difference hmmmm nevermind then you don't BD just sit back and relax now

Wow the yoga you attend is very high level leh, I have never tried that but it is always advisable to start from the gentle one first
HI Ah Kat,
dun worry too much, we're all in the same boat, enjoy your trip in usa!

I read from a site - how to have a better diet to increase fertility chance and have a healthier baby:
1) Drink more water to detoxify
2) eat less meat (a lot of animals have chemicals injected into them to speed up their growth, when we eat them, maybe it affects our hormones)
3) Exercise
can't remember the rest...
hi dawn, catz & siew lei,

dawn: dun try the play with the baby until he's v tired in the day tactic k.. cos he'll b so exhausted and lagi wont sleep at nite... (tried and tested.. cos everyone wanted to play with baby in the beginning... & he was a monster on those nights!!!)

he's sleeping thru from abt 2am all the way to 6/7am le.. just that he's really a nightmare when he sometimes refuses to sleep from 10 to abt 2am or the 7pm to abt 10pm that kind of timing..

yah catz.. now i limit his playtime with ppl le.. been trying to get him to fall asleep after he finishes a feed. but i think yday he suddenly got extreme hunger leh.. he went back to asking for milk every 2 hrs..
Yesterday my husband told me my father-in-law ask him why we don't want to let my mother-in-law do the confinement.

My husband has tried to explain to his father saying that he don't want his mother to burn out for doing confinement and somemore she is still helping his sister to take care of the kid.

Both my husband and I feel that we will be able to rest better for the 1st month if we have the confinement lady around to take care during night. If she is the one to take care maybe we will be paisei to bother her and at the end I will not be able to rest well during night. If I really tired and I rest during night and my baby is naughty and cry thru out the night she will burn out.

My husband said will try to talk to them again. Hope they can understand our "gu xin" and we already told them next time they will be taking care of my baby. FYI my husband is only son in the family so my parent-in-law is waiting for that day to come.
Hi ladies,
came back from scan, eggs dun seem to be growing and I hate dun know what to do next, she asked me to wait for another 10 days if nothing happens, i should induce my mense again, and increase my clomid dosage.
I'm feeling very depressed now, feel like giving up. Having to keep track of temps every morning, checking on OPKS, im very tired.
hi siew lei,
that is always a tacky issue. i had this problem also, but mine got other underlying issues one lah. at the end of the day, just be firm and do what u feel is right for urselves. dun give in for the sake of making others happy cos it'll be more difficult for you. let ur hubby go handle it. afterall they are his parents.
siew lei, I can really imagine what you are going through and empathize with you.....i think i will face this problem too...cos my hubby not juz oni son..he is only child of the family. Parents-in-law have been telling us that they can help us take care of our children even b4 we have any! I think your reasoning is quite good and logical, not wanting your MIL and yourselves to burn out during the confinement month. My mother also thinks it is a MUST to get a confinement lady so that you have ample rest and get all the "bu" food cooked by the CF lady.

thewife, you said previously that you always ovulate late....last time was CD 35...so maybe have to wait abit longer for your ovulation. Don't be depressed....i understand what u r feeling. when i read stories about couples who tried for more than 7 or 8 years with countless tries on IUI and IVF...I feel that I should fight on if i really want a baby. After going through this IUI...I find the process quite ok, so if this cycle is not successful, I will try a few more times IUI before shifting to IVF. Hopefully one day we really can have our own baby. Jia you!

ruggles, i actually replied you on sunday on the forum, but i guess i so blur...i forgot to click post message after preview. hee hee...what a big sotong. Roger, next time cannot play too much with babies to spare the parents of the torture of facing cranky kids at night! Are you planning to have your baby's first month?
Hi Siew Lei,
this is your baby, so you have your rights to do what you think is best for you and baby.

Hi Dawn,
ya, i ovulated with a not so good egg which is why I lost it. My gynae said this round if I do ovulate, it may not be a big or good egg, but still encourage me to try. contradicting right? She also said if 150mg next round doesnt work, will have to do SO-IUI but PCOS girls tend to have too many eggs stimulated which is risky, unlike IVF.
I'm more upset that I dun seem to be normal compared to many girls.
thewife, worse come to worse, we do IVF lor. I have been reading widely on the web these few days...overseas docs seemed to use this medication Lupron before they give the clomid + injectibles...to reduce the large number of follicles stimulated in IUI. going to check with my gynae during the next appt.

do you have alot of work stress? I am thinking of taking 1/2 year of no pay leave....to get away from all the stress...*sigh*
Hi Ruggles,Dawn and thewife
Thanks for your encouragement. This evening my husband and I intend to go back to his parent's house to have a good talk with them. My husband will handle hopefully they are okay sigh

Hi Dawn,
Last time I also got the same hint from my MIL that she will take care of my kid when i don't even pregnant yet. The pressure is quite great and I think my parent-in-law will be even more happy if we get them a grandson (anyway I also prefer a boy heeee..) but I told my husband if I try twice all girls, I will still stop. For my husband he is okay whether a boy or a girl cos he said aiyo pregnant is not easy liao so don't choose heeee..

Now just pray hard my triple test is okay, my gynae said if 1 week no news from him will be good news. Forget to ask him, 1 week is it only count the working day like that will have to wait till next Monday/Tuesday. Now very scare if my mobile rang and the clinic call for me

How is everything for you now, do you feel anything difference this few days? Remember relax and rest well okay

Hi thewife,
Don't feel upset okay we are all the same I'm sure your turn will come soon and don't give up easily okay

Hi Ruggles,
Now I'm 16th week should it consider 3rd month or 4th month, very confuse with the week and month calculation. 40 weeks like 10 months but it mention it is 9 months.
Hi thewife,

Dont be sad, u can get encouragement from us...I havent gone to the stages tt u all are in now & must admit hearing all yr stories make me so scared & sad...maybe becos u are into this too much that is not making things happen?? Suppose u take a break from focusing on baby making for a few mths & recharge then try again? Not sure if this will help but somehow felt tt u seems to be under too much stress now.
hi siew lei, hope your triple test is good news ! i think they say IUI most often will get boys leh!? cos the timing of sperm meeting the egg is so near ovulation. but i think most important is the baby is healthy lah!
I still feel the same...oni a bit of sore breast...which is due to the HCG shot i had before the insemination to trigger the egg release. Heard it can stay in the body system for up to 2 weeks. other than that i have no more symptoms....so in this horrible 2ww.....*sigh*
Hi Dawn,
Understand your anxious. I'm like you before that 2ww is horrible ...affect my mood for working too.

Will pray hard for your success. Are you still plotting your BBT chart, remember to plot and see any differences
siew lei,yes still taking temperature every morning.today at 37.05 degrees celcius. But my dpo temp has always been this high until the day AF comes....so have to pray it stays all the way like this till next saturday! Thanks so much for the encouragement!
Hi Dawn,
how much did you pay so far for the SO-IUI? I've decided to take a break this round until my AF comes which may take forever
. Do u think chinese herbs can help to regulate mense? There is a EYS branch near my place.

I would love to go for a good long trip. On the other hand, must save $ in case need to go IVF next time right? sigh....

And yes, happy waiting! The 2WW is very exciting! But dun be over-anxious leh! Jia You!

Ya Siew Lei & Ah Kat
Im not very patient, probably because I needed 1 to overcome the 'loss'. If not for that, I should still be in the 'if have then have, dun have then dun have' mood. Im feeling better today, thanks so much for your encouragement!
siew lei,
the conversion of weeks to mth thingy is really confusing one lah... so after a while i dun bother with that liao.. just stick to weeks.. anyway 17th week then consider 4th mth..

9th -12th
21st - 24th
25th - 28th
33rd - 36th
37th - 40th

so total it is actually 10mth gestation. baby is actually considered full term the moment he/she passes the 37th week mark.

with tb lim, he will not call if everything is normal one... so no call is good.

eh dawn,
i a bit lost in this thread le.. u on 2ww issit?? good good!! baby dust to u!!! relax yah.. nad all the best!! high dpo.. good good..
thewife, I paid about 900+ for IUI so far ...still need abit more for the progesterone blood test on CD 21...which cost 30+. I think chinese medicine can help...but it takes a long time...so like siew lei said, must try about 6 months.
I understand how u r feeling....my AF went missing in dec, jan and feb...oni came after taking medication to induce. very frustrating!take a short break if no money to take long long break.
5 or 6 days are fine too...as long as you go away from work.

ruggles....heehee. yah, it is the horrible 2WW. no symptoms....even breasts are not sore liow today. thanks, really needs lots and lots of your baby dust. kieran good boy today? ;)
