PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi ruggles,

Congrats!!! So happy to see your boy......he looks so cute and adorable.....

Rem to take good care of yrself and take plentiful of food to nourish yr body.

I heard that you should take more papaya to help with increase in milk flow. Not sure how true is it, maybe can chck with the rest of the sisters ard.


Hi Farisah,
you can take Metformin everyday. Clomid can only be taken CD2-CD6 (CD2 means 2nd day of mense). So you need provera to induce your mense before you can take clomid.
Hey Dawn,
at least u ovulate accurately with Clomid. Dun worry, my hubby also very busy impatient, if Im you, I would attend the meeting and brief him after that. I was quite pissed with him until he told me that we will change our lifestyle - he will work less, we will sleep at 1130, wake up early, swim twice a week.
Hey Siew Lei,
For IUI with injectibles, when must you start taking the injectibles?
Hi thewife,
My gynae monitor my follicles after I have taken the clomid (from CD2 to CD6) His job is to simulate 1 egg for this cycle so his advice is to have the injection on CD7 ,CD9 and CD11. On the CD10 he did an ultrasound to check whether the follicle response to the injection (if not responsing maybe instead of 3 injectiions I need to have 4 injections but luckily my follicle response to the injection).

On the CD14, my gynae did a test for ovulation and also ultrasound to confirm the follicle is growing big enough to ovulate and the test is positive. Then on CD15 I did my IUI
Hi thewife,
My ovulation is never predictable one leh..my cycle is very long like 40+ days or 50+ days leh only take clomid is will cut short to 30 days.

My gynae give me the injections and he monitor the growing of follicle so he roughly know when I need to come back to test for ovulation
Hi gals....thanks siew lei and thewife for ur encouragement....feeling better oredi. Hubby usually do not accompany me to these gynae visits just that he needs to be there yesterday cos both of us need to do a blood test.....plus he needs to learn how to give me the injection.
give him some job to do. heehee... well usu...he is not so impatient...but happened that very urgent stuff propped up at work which needs his immediate attention. imagine having to rush back to work at 6pm, tot could go home straight from there.
I think I wouldn't let family members and frens know about the IUI except u gals....*sigh* cos too stressful answering questions liow. last friday was on MC...kena another round of questioning from well-meaning colleagues about" got good news ah?"

thewife, for this cycle of IUI with KKH, i am told to take clomid from CD 3 to CD 7, taking the injectibles 50micro ml daily from CD 5 to CD 12....go back to KKH to scan on CD 10 to see the follicles are responding to the injectibles.

farisah, here is a link which u can read about IUI.... http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/WomensHealth/ProblemsConceiving/SO-IUI.htm

ruggles...busy with kieran today? hope everything ok with him.
Hi Dawn,

I also didn't tell anyone except you gals on my last IUI, therefore I am able to understand where you are coming from. Although I appreciate my family's support and concern, hubby & I agreed that it's easier to manage 2 disappointed souls then a whole entourage of them. Sorry ah... I like to joke abt such things to lighten the mood as it's already so stressful to begin with. Good luck with your cycle and keep us posted on the latest yeah.

Are you still seeing the sinseh now that you're starting your SO-IUI cycle? I am thinking of seeing dr xia rong at eu yan san, not sure which clinic so hv to check their website for info. There was a feature in CNA sometime back featuring 1 of her patient who succeeded in IVF then later miscarried, consulted in her and conceived like 6 mths later. If I remember correctly she combines brewed herbs + accupunture (ouch!).

Hi Farisah,

IUI - you will need to take 5 days of clomid to induce ovulation and scanning is done on CD 12 to check for follicles. Thereafter, you will need to monitor ovulation from home - hospital will provide OPK sticks - and will need to go back for insemination the next day after LH surge is detected. On the day of insemination, hubby is required to collect his sperm in the morn which the lab will take abt 3 hrs to process. Actual IUI process takes only 5 mins or less.
HI Dawn and Summer01
i think its a good idea not to tell so many people to avoid additional stress. I regret telling pple when I got last got preggie, next time will only annouce in 2nd trimester.
BTW, Do you think I should visit my gynae to check on my follicle, today is already CD20.
Hi siew lei,
they have the non-sweet version of the birdnest. I took the sweet one, and it's really not very sweet lor.

Hey dawn,
Baby's back at hospital since yesterday cos he's got jaundice and Dr wanted to put him under the light. So, I've been running in and our of the hosp to either feed him or to deliver EBM. Didn't really want him to go on formula and also, I miss him a lot. So will keep going there to visit him. He'll be discharged tmr le..

yah, i think the fish+papaya soup works (siew lei: note this
, but it is not nice to drink) cos after i drank it milk came in. Then again, just drink plenty of all kinds of soups and lots of fluids to replenish the lost in breast milk. now i can actually pump the same amt as what the hosp is feeding him (babies drink A LOT more milk in hosp one..).
hi everybody..
i juz got my pap smear result. everything is normal for me.. i juz wondering when can i get my blood test result?
Hi Ruggles,
Hope your baby will recover soon from jaundice. You go back to Mount Alvernia or to Mount E. Btw you stay 2 bedded or 4 bedded at Mount Alvernia. Actually I also a bit worry about the cost that will be incurred at Mount E if my baby need to stay in hospital hmmm..

Ya ruggles I know about the fish + papaya soup cos my confinement lady mentioned to me before. She said if I don't have much breast milk she will cook this for me to drink
Hi ruggles,

Good to hear that yr problem has been solved. Now gotta pray that bb keiran will be discharged soon. Then it will not be so taxing for u.

Take care everyone
Hi thewife,

Sorry... are you on any program now? If not, isn't it a bit too late for scanning on CD 20?

Hi Ruggles,

Bb Kieran will be fine. My nephew was also hospitalized for jaundice shortly after discharge.

I have to give it to you for your persistence, which is not easy. Kudos to you!!! How long do you plan to breastfeed for? Do u have a lot of supply? My cousin bot a mini fridge to store hers.... keke... My colleague told me the nutrients in BM is only effective on the bb until they are 6 mths, but I also know of some mothers who hv been breastfeeding their child for 2 yrs with no FM supplement!!
Hi Summer01,
wat program? just taking clomid..and see when i ovulate and BD during the fertile period. thought of IUI actually.
Hi all,
Kieran's back from the hosp le. Thanks for all your concern and prayer. We just have to sunbathe him tmr morning.

Siew lei,
I stayed in a single bedder @ Mt A cos my hubby roomed in with me. the total bill came up 3700+ (i think medisave deducts about 1700). Single bedder at Mt A and Mt E costs about the same cos Dr Lim has good discount at Mt E.

For the jaundice admission (bk at Mt A), the cost was 564 (room + phototherapy etc). After medisave, I think only pay about 50-60 in cash.

I still haven't really figured the cost out yet cos the bill looks confusing. but it shld be abt like that lah.

I hope to bf for as long as possible leh. yah, as long as bf for at least 6 mth, the bb will have gotten most of the benefits, but it is still good to continue cos the bb can continue to obtain antibodies and DHA, AA etc from u (for as long as he hasn't started on other food).
Hi thewife,

Me blur... do u hv to go back for blood test? i remember i had to go back for blood test on CD 21 to check if i had ovulated but no scan was done. will you try iui or so-iui? i cannot start my treatment cycle now as i'm starting my new job soon, so hv to wait for 3 mths which also means a good break for my body lor.

Hi ruggles,

this is good news!!! at least you can hv some good rest and not hv to shuttle btwn home and hospital.

you sound determined about bf which is good. colleague told me bb has to latch on to aid in supply. she also said a lot of mothers cannot take the pain/discomfort and choose to express. so, good for you. do you know the chairperson of the bf club is still giving her children EBM until today, and her kids are oredi school going age. i think they dun drink it plain but eats it with cereals, which i find it strange... but to each his own lah. i assume you are on full BM? Any forumula milk on stand-by? it seems similac is the most popular brand here.
HI Summer01,
i had blood tests on CD21 for my previous 2 rounds of clomids, but all show no ovulation before CD21. I was very disappointed then and was about to start third round, but who knows i ovulated on CD35 then got pregnant, but too bad it didnt last. This round I decided to check thru BBT and OPK Kit, if shows signs of ovulation then quickly go and scan. I dun think I can do SO-IUI, have to take injections prior to ovulation but I dun even know when is mine.
thewife, i think you can do SO-IUI if u want to...you dun need to knowyour ovulation date, the injection will help to stimulate the ovulation....have to keep taking the jabs until the follicles are of correct size. I just started my jabs last nite....luckily not very painful.

summer01, u changing job? is the new job better? My fren tried for 2 years plus couldn't get pregnant....the moment she changed job, immediately get pregnant that month she reported to work! Sometimes changes are good!

ruggles, hope keiran is better now!

siew lei, i juz went to see the chinese sinseh on tuesday nite. she told me cannot take chinese medicine for IUI cycle? but my bbt temp went hay wire these few days without taking the chinese medicine leh.... aiyah, dunno what is happening.
I think if your pregnancy is smooth, not much difference in the cost of delivering the baby at private or government hospital. My fren's bb needed to be in ICU for 2 months...as she delivered 2 months earlier....she told me today her bill came up to 20 odd thousand at SGH. If she had chosen private hospital will be 80 odd thousand. Luckily now her baby is discharged liow.
hey, feeding bb now, so came online to prevent myself fr dozing while feeding him...

hey summer01,
i dun have any formula ar home. keke.. that was to help prevent me from succumbing to the temptation of supplemg!! hehe.. but @ the hosp, i used Enfalac whn i cldnt feed.

thks!! he is much better le.. just have to sun bathe him tmr morning.

how hv u been? be strong yah, even with the pills u hv to take and the pain of the injections!! just keep thinking that, if u succeed, all ur efforts will be worth it. also dun stress & kan chiong spider k... relax...

siew lei,
yup. normal delivery (even w epidural) is quite comparable @ all hosp. so u oso dun kan chiong n stress. just rem to rest and an tai, so that bb only pops as close to full term (abt 37wks) as possible. cos scn & icu is really exo

to the rest of u gals,
sorry i dun really follow ur iui/ tcm processes as i hv not gone thru them. nonetheless, wishing u guys the very best in anything that u need to go thru yah... hang in there!!
Hi ladies,

Just check with you all, what do you normally do during the 2WW? Do you eat any tonic or take any supplements? Or is there any foodstuff we should avoid?
Hi Dawn,
Hmmm don't know last time I also take leh. Wow 20K already alot, don't say 80K. Have to pray hard my baby only come out near to the full term. Good luck to your IUI, please update us your progress okay

Hi Ruggles,
Only 15 weeks leh, I already feel my waist is aching liao very cham. I will try to rest well just scare my job will be making me stress soon, have to cool down.
Hi thewife,

dawn is right. during my 2 rounds of so-iui i oso didn't ovulate and they monitored my follicle size to determine when is the right time for insemination.

Hi dawn,

is this your 1st cycle? you must be using puregon pen to inject right? the needle is vy fine so less painful was what the nurse told me.

i think you shd stop tcm now you've started your cycle. i asked gynea if it's appropriate to do that and she said, no. reason being some of the herbs will conflict with your western drugs, so best to avoid.

yes, the new job provides more career growth. i'm in hr and the new co's core biz is hr, so that explains it. yup, heard similar stories but i am never lucky leh.

hi ruggles,

my friend is oso feeding her 2 kids enfalac. heard it's good but more ex than other brands in the mkt. wow... your supply must be a lot to not even hv to stock up on FM. so, do u feel like a cow? hahahaha.... just kidding, no offence ;)

Hi siew lei,

is your tummy vy big oredi? any thots of taking your prenancy album with those professional photograhers? saw my friend's and it's vy well taken.

hi pekochan,

i think there is nothing you shd specifically avoid other than food that's classifed as "liang" by tcm. i only know to avoid melon type food, kang kong and pineapple. when i did my ivf, doc said to avoid chinese tonics (might conflict with western herbs), chicken (they are injected with hormones to speed growth) and soya based products.
Hi Summer,
My tummy not very big lah but can see liao lor cannot hide liao. I have gained around 7kg so far (very cham). I think i have to control a bit and take less rice(during evening). I told my gynae he said not to worry so much about weight now but after I give birth and want to have another kid must make sure I'm not overweight.
siew lei,
just sit down whenever u feel tired. altho some exercise is gd but dun die die must exercise k.. if u are constantly tired, bb may just decide to arrive early. dun worry abt weight gain, just aim to gain abt 12-16kg n that's fine. 7kg gain @ 15wks is fine..

my supply not v high lah.. i think last 2 days i was exhausted fr running in & out of hosp, supply suddenly dipped. no fm at home is really to reduce the temptatn of an easy way out.

and yes.. i do feel like a cow... nope i think more like the mother pig where she just lie there all day then the little piglets just suckle n suckle!! keke...
thewife, I don't know the cost yet.....think KKH told me is about 1K plus, depending on the number of jabs i need to acheive the ovulation.

summer01, what do u mean that during ur 2 rounds of iui, u din ovulate? after injection should ovulate right?

ruggles....though tired...i think u will feel really satisfying to see your little boy suckling and well fed the whole day rite?

siewlei, I also pray u have a safe and smooth 2nd and 3rd trimester! yes...will u all updated. these 2 weeks suddenly alot of events/meetings....so quite stressed. think will affect the IUI.
Hi Dawn,
good luck! I'm keen to try that too, will have to start saving if it's ex. I'll be visiting my gynae on Monday and ask for her advice.
hey dawn,

yupz yupz. tiring but satisfying.
today he slept quite a bit and I even managed to take a good nap. frankly speaking, i will "bu she de" even when i go supermarket even for a little while.
hi everybody..

anybody know how much is the consultation fees for gynae kat KK? i will be seeing the gynae kat KK dis week, no idea abt the consultation fees?
Farisah, if u are referenced by a polyclinic...then will be quite cheap 30plus to 50 ....but can't choose your own gynae. if u go on your own, depending on the rank of your gynae, first consultation can be as expensive as 80plus...subsequent 50.
btw, who are u seeing?

ruggles, cos the little prince too cute and endearing oredi rite?

thewife, r u going to check if u have ovulated with this gynae? hope got good news so u dun have to do the IUI.
hi dawn,

thanks for your info. Next week will be my first visit to KK, so i have no idea who i will be seeing. have u been to KK before? any recommendation for gynae ?
Can anybody explain to me what is HSG?
Hi ruggles,
i'm sure thats why some mummies gave up their jobs and decide to stay home...just can't bear to leave their adorable babies! haha
HI Dawn,
yes going back to check on ovulation and see what to do for the next round. Anyway its very delayed and I doubt it'll be of good quality. was reading a book today, and found out that quality of egg is no good if its delayed ovulation. Its best when u ovulate at CD14-15.
My hubby advised me to take western med only, in case my chinese med cancel the effects of clomid. He said achieve results first then use TCM med to tiao body.
hi, just went to do my first v scan today. The KK pple are extremely rough. *sigh* I have done the v scan with a private gynae twice b4...and the feeling was just abit uncomfortable that's all. but today...this lady is so rough....shifting the probe so sharply as if it was a joystick for car racing....wah i was wincing in pain. told my hubby I may want to switch to private liow.

Anyway, juz to update, there are too many follicles...about 6 on each side of the ovary..the largest one is oni 13mm....today is CD 10...so have to do down tomorrow again and let them monitor. the rest of the follicles sizes are between 9 and 11. if too many also cannot proceed with IUI cos they scared of multiple births. so sian........

thewife, yah, i think better dun mix chinese and western medicine.
Hey Dawn,
at least it shows that the jabs are effective to make your follicles develope. My fren had 5 in total but IUI still not successful. Do you feel crampy with so many follicles?
I'll stop my chinese med. the scan shows that I have 1 10mm follicle plus some small ones on each ovary. think they are growing really slow at this rate at CD25. sigh, if they grow bigger within these few days, not sure whether to try anot, i dun wish to suffer another m/c due to bad egg. Next round I will increase dosage to 150mg. Also did hormone test today for LH, FSH and Prolactin. spent $250, heartache.
Oh ya, if you want to change gynae, can consider mine - Dr Jocelyn Wong at TMC, very gentle and nice lady. After my D&C, she came to my room to see how I was, and even called me after that.
Hi Dawn,
Don't worry your case is like mine, I also got lot of follicles and one is slightly bigger I remember around that size and my gynae is able to determine the grownth of that slightly bigger follicle and advise for 3 injections just to simulate 1 egg

Keep my finger cross for you and relax do update me your progress

My gynae, Dr Charles is a guy but he is extremely gentle too and even doing the IUI I don't feel any pain. I guess government hospital service are usually in a rush cos too many patient liao
siew lei,

as long as you are eating healthy and normal and doc thinks your weight gain is all right, then u hv nothing to worry. pounds can be shedded off after delivery. here's my equation... 1st pregnancy + happy = more weight gain.. 2nd pregnancy + happy + experience = lesser weight gain... hehehe. so boh liao.


twice for my so-iui program no LH surge was detected when i did my OPK in the hospital and at home, and this went on for a few days when my follicle size were of good sizes oredi. anyway, still went ahead with insemination and the rest is history...

i empathize with your experience at kkh. yes, their sonographer is indeed on the rough side and i dread it when my name is called each time; felt like i'm being called to the slaughtering bay.

can they not switch u to ivf program, ie., if u are ready? i rememember that was an option if i had too many follicles. when in doubt i always refer to staff nurse sarah or nora, they are my guiding angels ;)

the wife,

give it a try, u never know there might a good news awaiting to happen. we'll pray hard for you that everything will work out as you want it to be. JIA YOU!!!
Hi all,
I just went for my 1st pap smear scan and casually mentioned to doc abt my irregular menses. Doc sent me for a ultrasound scan of the pelvis and the result said that there are "suggestion of polycystic ovaries".

Just to find out, how can I confirm if I have PCOS?

Pls help
hi gals, went for scanning again this morning. It was worse than yesterday cos after the sonographer inserted the probe *roughly again* (but i was prepared this time) ....she realised i have not emptied my bladder completely....and ordered me to go to the ladies first. so kena poked roughly by her twice. how dreadful!

during the scan, the largest follicle was 15mm, 2 more were 13.5mm....then they found more follices....another 12 more smaller ones. so they told me to stop the puregon injection today.

summer, they did tell me I have the option to switch to IVF now since I have too many follicles.... but I am not really mentally ready for IVF...plus the cost of IVF is about 6K plus righte? so even though the nurse told me if i go ahead with IUI not very high chance (cos the follicles have not reached the optimal size)...i still chose to continue with IUI. When u tested previously that there was no LH surge, didn't u go for the HCG injection to release the egg before the insemination?

siew lei, you are lucky u don't feel a thing. I will seriously consider changing to the gyanes u gals recommend after this cycle of IUI. meanwhile, i will juz try to bear with them. today, they left me waiting for 45 mins without telling me what i am waiting for after the scan. very pissed off.....last time during your IUI, when u have one slightly larger follicle...what was the size? I heard must be at least 16mm to 20mm?

anyway, hubby says don't hope for too much....*sigh* and I agree with him.

today heard a lady who has 21 follicles....she chose to convert to IVF. Heard her telling the nurse, she will be sian if she has to forgo this cycle of IUI. brave.....wonder if i should have converted to IVF.....haha.

thewife, u tested for LH at KK? is it using the clearblue ovulation kit or a blood test? their kit very expensive leh...$13.65. heart pain.... cos bought online oni about70 or 80 cents per test strip
ah kat, u can go for a blood test on CD 2. i think the hormone ratio can confirm if you have pcos. otherwise, check for symptoms like:
irregular menses, easy to put on weight, hairiness....etc.

total spent for me was 8+k, minus 4k medisave. however, if this is your first cycle then u shd be entitled to 6k medisave grant, so cash outlay is much lesser. i think the decision to switch to ivf is individual becos money concerns aside, u also hv to put up with more physical pain, so to speak - there'll be more injections and scanning. since u hv up made u your mind then dun look back, u might just go on to conceive despite what the nurse has told u. always expect the unexpected. when is your procedure taking place? all the best!!!

yes, i had the hcg injection 24 hrs before insemination. is that the jab on your thigh that has to be done at the 24-hr clinic?

i think docs hv diff school of thots in terms of ideal follicle size. kkh is happy to proceed at 15mm while another gynea i saw must attain a min of 18mm.
summer, 8K becos u have switched to IVF? normal iui is about 1k rite? Will be doing the IUI this coming thursday...juz went down at 9pm to have the hcg injection at the thigh at 24hr clinic. wah, the needle is really long....when the liquid is pushed in...it is painful.

yah, last time the private gyane that i saw also take 18mm as a average minimum.
Hey Dawn,
seems like the eggs are growing about 2mm per day. On thurs, should be bigger already so there should be hope. Sometimes strange thing happens, for my previous case, I went for a scan after I felt lots of CM,found a big drift in my temps which i happened to start BBT for a few days, and My OPK Kit shows dark line. During the scan, gynae said egg very small, dun seem to be ovulating. I was so disappointed but still, tried naturally that night, and we strike! That's also the reason why I was very stressed when I found out about being preggie, as I felt that something must be wrong..sigh...
anyway, I would have stick to IUI first in your case. IVF will be the last resort, if not laproscopy.
Hi Dawn,
Me went for a blood test as well but not very sure how to read the result as the blood test was for many other things. Do you know which is the items that I shld look for?
What does CD2 means hah?
In any case, I have some of the symptoms:irregular menses, easy wt gain (but I am not overwt).

Getting worried and dont know what shld I do now?
Doc said that since I have not been actively trying, advise me to try for the next 6mths naturally before I seek gynae advise. But I am still lost and worried
Hi Dawn,
Just trace back what I have written about my follicle size, I have lot of small follicles and 1 slightly bigger 1 before my 1st injection is only 9mm and I think after 3 injections it manage to grow to the correct size and ovulated.

1 thing good if you go to private so far all my scan is done by my gynae, nurse is not doing it at all just stand beside to help to check certain information. I feel very comfortable with my gynae with all his scan and IUI, he is very caring too

Don't worry too much first okay and pray hard and good luck for your IUI, baby dust to you again

I can tell you not to worry but at that time I'm also very worry and always feel no hope but my gynae is very cheerful and told me got high chance

Try to relax and remember after your IUI don't do any exercise or too much chores, try to rest more
Hi all that can help...

Did you gals tried clomids the moment you are diagnose with PCOS? I think I had just been diagnose as a PCOS but family doc told me to try naturally for at least 6mths before I start on any medication. Is this real? I have visit any gynae yet...shld I start now?

We havent really tried TTC yet but plan to start soon...now I am totally lost & scared.

ah kat, CD 2 means the 2nd day of your cycle once your menstration starts. If your have just started TTC, no need to try clomid, take your doc's advice and try 6months first. i went to the gynae 1 year after trying.

thewife, maybe during the scan, the eggs are oredi released liow, that is why your gyane couldn oni find small follicles? I am sorry about your loss...must be really sad.

siew lei, thanks for all your advice and encouragement. i think i agree with you about private gyane being more personal and caring. I was with a private gyane at Bedok, Dr Heng but went to KK's specialist in infertility, thinking that they are more specialised in this area and will have more advance technology.
At KKH, the sonographer can juz pass comments so casually to the nurse beside her...as if chit chatting. Was quite pissed off during the scan when i hear her commenting "wah...so many hor....then *snicker snicker and whispers*. Anyway, I feel that it is not professional and encouraging....even the counselling by the young doc (not the normal doc that i see), they told me chances of success not high cos of the follicle size so they are not optimistic but say that i can still continue with the cycle if i want to. *shrug*
