Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

i tot of using a sterile milkbag, store the powder in it.. then take note how much u store per bag. n freeze the whole bag w/o air. manual vacuum pack it.
so i think it shld be able to store at least 3mths more bah.. like bm?
fridge maybe can extend shelf life by 2wks. like medications.

Hi hi,
Sorry for the absence, in this forum and on my blog. Been trying to sort things out at home. We hired two maids and sent back mine, to much tears. But now that the new ones are here and they make sotongs look like the most intelligent life forms on earth, I keep second guessing myself and wondering if I did the right thing to send mine back. She was so professional and could pre-empt what I needed. If not for the whole nonsense with the Bangla men... sigh.. She even rang from the Philippines to ask for forgiveness.

I've been very stressed trying to train the new maids and cope with my son being stressed because of the changes.

hey ondine,
hang in there.
(though i share the same sentiments on how these freshies alleviate the status of sotongs...hahaha). With time, the fresh maids will learn. The most important thing is they must have the right attitude towards their work (duh, that applies to us all too! muahaha). Give them some time to pick up. Once they get the hang of things, and everyone gets more comfy with each other, you might find them to be great helpers too...

I'm new to this thread and live at dover. I have bb books to give away. My kids are older, 5 & 10. If you're keen, please let me know.

Hi mommies, I also haven't had much time to log in here. Kena very bad indigestion due to the hormonal changes with this 2nd pregnancy. Belching non-stop and loudly most of the day... <sigh> Taking small meals but no appetite most of the time and also have to throw up the food just to feel better... Only had this bad indigestion in last trimester with my 1st pregnancy, now just out of 1st trimester like this already... Quite paiseh to keep belching loudly in front of strangers in lifts, etc. too... But all in all small price to pay for motherhood

Will check in another day - take care all!

Ondine: Jiayou! Will pray for double-dose of patience for you and quick + good learning attitude for your maids. Hope your boy adjusts better too.
hi mummies!
been busy lately, and now started a new job working half days for a month, then full time, boohoo.. i miss being at home

if you can't find anyone to take your books, you could always donate it to MINDS at margaret drive too!

any mummies have any recommendations for any training seats? the other february 08 mummies are already starting to potty train, and although i'm a bit lazy i guess i could start trying to put him on a seat. my MIL prefers the seat to the potty because she says you train to use the potty then later you must train to use the real toilet, although i was thinking, the gap is going to be like er 3 years before they can go on their own? but i guess it's easier to clean on the real toilet.
any views?
dun stress me leh...I haven't started potty training yet. And baby L is 2 mths older than urs...ok, I'm lazy lah. hahaha...
morning iso, potty train? hahaha never even think of starting j yet, though my hb suggested it and when we tried it once on him, he couldnt poo the min he got put on... poor boy!
apparently first month or two will have little success.. heh.

heh i also feel a bit stress that's why i'm asking whether it's "normal", or if everyone there got herd syndrome and want to out do each other, wahaha..
hahaha...I think it's more herd syndrome. esp if the babies are their #1.

"Mine can do this and that this age!"

" clever!! come mine so slow? (am I losing out?)"

csi: I was wondering who the inerloper was!

Iso: yeah i know, but you must think e is too young that's why you're asking us right? hehe, worst than herd syndrome, this is insane syndrome
???!!!! Next you're going to be seeing, "Eh my kid is a mensa member!!!!"
potty train, my mil say it's normal to start inducing poo at 7mths leh.. i dunno. but it's working for my boy. but darn tiring to do the pooing sound until he actually poops...

my boy can't sit well yet.. i think he's lazy. becoz i ever caught him sitting by himself.. so i still can't let go of his hands too often, cause he tend to fall flat. haiz...
so far he's trying to... on my tummy. i think he wans to do free tummy trimming for me la.
Hi angel,
yup yup.
Got the reseller rights (not sole distributor though. hahaha).

I have their hats too...
so nice, then thot shd just set up the BP. heehee...then I can buy more hats for L. muahahaha....*gone mad* (Sometimes, I think to myself, maybe if I have a son, I won't be spending so much. hahaha. coz the girl stuffs are just soooooo sweet.....)
dear CSI_Fan,

good on you. I'm also guilty and irrational when it comes to shopping for bb. The JR range is just so pretty and irresistable lah
Here's one of my fav photo of Dana in JR hat:

yah lorh, the JR range is irresistable...heehee...

Wah....Dana has grown so much! She's really cute!! So chubby...!!
ooh what's the link? is it only gurl stuff or got boys also?

so cute!! that's a nice shot.

leapfrog dvds
any mummies got any of these dvds? they seem highly rated, tempted to buy, heh. i actually came across it on the WTS threads, someone was selling it for SGD$80, but on amazon it's USD44.79, so i was thinking i'd rather go buy it myself, man!!
Hi mummies... I've not been in here for awhile..

On the topic of toilet training... I left things to nature... I figure since all of us got 'toilet trained' eventually, it's something that comes when we are physically ready.... so I did not really fret. We did try once or twice for #1 but found it too stressful &amp; tiring... so we just left her on her own. Then 1 fine day, she just declared she wanted to go diaper free... &amp; within a week, she was off diapers totally (even for nights!)... just like that, nothing done... &amp; we had to give away hundred dollars worth of diapers... my friends take until pai sey... I tell them never mind la... anyway my girl isn't going to use them... you see, we buy to store whenever there's a sale... &amp; we had just stocked up, no point keeping if she's not going to use them... we also cleared up space in the store room taken up by the cartons of diapers...

#2 is 15mths now &amp; we've done nothing... ;-p figure we'll just let her b... hopefully she's like her sis, declare diaper free one fine day &amp; stay off forever... hee hee..

I've got friends who trained their kids... but till now, their #2 (6yo) still wears diapers at night! #1 (7yo) still wets the bed occasionally at night... no point forcing the kids la... let them decide when is right for them...

Of course I envy parents whose kids go off diapers at 9mths, 14mths... but I guess I prefer the stress free way lor...

Have fun toilet training... whichever way you choose... just remember, every child WILL be successful one day. =D
thanks for sharing
how old was #1 when she made her decision? 9 months can go off diapers????

just today a colleague told me that her 15-month son holds his pee until they shhh him. she's happy that she's saving on diapers since he can wear it for many hours without changing, but i personally don't think it's good to hold too long, esp when so young??
Morning all,
Things are a bit better on the home front although my daughter has decided all this change is the time to see how far she can push the limits so she is very bratty. I gave her her first time out yesterday.

Anyway, toilet training. I don't know. My twins are coming to 16 months, my daughter can tell us she wants to poo or that she's poo-ed. My son hates sitting on the toilet seat and with the new maids, I haven't had time to get them to actually train them to go every hour or so.

So exhausted.
Hi mommies - thanks for the well wishes. Am much better this past few days though gotta stick to small meals, especially @ night.

On toilet training, I think my girl's CC teachers have started to train her as I noticed that since she was promoted to PG @ 18M, she's been able to tell me "she-she". Or when I enter the loo, she would want to tag along and sit on her potty. What I've done now when she wakes up is ask her if she wants to "she-she" and she'll usually tell me "yes" and go sit on her potty and 90% of the time she'll pass urine. Poo-ing is a different story. I can ask her and she'll say "yes" and then she'll sit, nothing happens and then she'll get up and go run around. Once, she sat a while, nothing happened, she stepped out to watch TV and I could see the poo coming out of her. I made a quick grab and brought her back into the loo but was a tick too slow so had to clean up one lump dropped just inside the toilet entrance... So I've decided to finetune the "she-she" part 1st...

I would have also left the whole toilet training circus to nature if not for the fact that her CC training forms part of the "natural process" for us @ home...

Right now, I'm thinking at the rate things are going, I did not stock up enough on Nepia diaper pants during the sale two weeks back
Btw, has anyone tried NTUC's diaper pants on their kids? It is soft (maybe like Pampers) and good for overnight use?
morning mummies,

Iso, sorry gal...can't give you the link ler...Have clarifed things with the US side. There is an exclusive distributor here in SG and hence I can't sell it, even though online. Have to go through the exclusive distributor. So, if I do have a partnership with the distributor here, then I'll let you know again.

hahaha...I think that's how kids are...always testing limits. hehs.
Hi Mommies,
Just wondering where you put your kids for playgroup/ childcare. Thinking about next year, when they turn 18 months.

We just bought a new place so I'm definitely going to need them out of the house so that I can actually pack and move etc!
hmmm, thought our thread was gone for good.

ondine, for childcare centers around our area, you might want to consider the little skool hse vista at ulu pandan CC, agape, cherie hearts or learning vision, not sure about others as I am not personally looking into CC services for my boy. for playgrp, playdays has a drop-off program, so you might to check with them too.
Hi Ondine: We are putting Chobee in Learning Vision at Biopolis starting in November. She just turned 18 months in October. This is to get her used to half day childcare before her little sister comes along in December, and I don't want to overload my helper with a baby and an active toddler. Also, it'll be good for her to learn from her peers and other adults, songs and dance and rules.

I've been out of town recently. Went to china for a conference and some sightseeing in Hangzhou. The impressive thing is, everytime I get on the bus, someone gives me a seat. So compassionate. I can't say the same thing in Singapore. I get offered seats only half the time. Seem to put people to sleep once I step into the MRT.

Oh, just want to share. Recently I finished reading this book titled "The Price of Privilege". The link is here;s=books&amp;qid=1224944161&amp;sr=8-1
It discusses how high (competitive) parental expectations, overscheduling our kids and materialism may lead to emotionally disconnected and depressed kids. I find it very useful and full of good advice. Don't want to turn into a kiasu parent. :p
Hi Choobeemama,
Have you visited LV at Biopolis? How is the school? I might need to put #2 there... #1 goes to LV@MOE... #2 was given a place in Dec/Jan period. Initially I told them I'll put her in there in Feb, after my confinement &amp; CNY... however, ML was increased to 16wks... &amp; decided perhaps that's a blessing ~ so I can spend more individual time with #2 before she goes off to CC... it's gd timing too since #1 will be off to P1... however I'm afraid MOE will likely give the place to someone else ~ doubt they'd keep the place for so long for me... so looking at alternative places for now...
any mums have leftover S diapers I can exchange with to try on my boy? He seems to have lost weight from this past week of runny nose...
competitive kids...
i just heard today that a friend of my hubby migrated his whole family to sydney becuase they felt that singapore was too stressful for their son. who is 3! i was like ?!?!?!

chobeemama, sounds like a book i'd be interested in, hee, will go see if the library has it, although i wonder where i'll find the time to read it.

sleek, he lost so much weight?? gosh.
Chobee: That is interesting observation in China. Btw, is Hangzhou the city rated as Top 3 most liveable ones in the world? Or something like that.

Sleek: Is Baby J lanky like you - that's why he's only on M-size diapers @ his age? It does sound worrying that he's actually gone down to S-size just like that... how's his appetite on normal days?
Nothing to worry about
. I *think* he may be able to fit into an S, not that he *definitely can*. But yes, he is slim and wiry as he is very active but he eats alot and poos alot too *faint*. If you carry him, you definitely won't think he is light... kidz, I remember that your girl is slim too
Sleek: Good that Baby J's appetite is healthy. Since you've introduced him to more group settings, just bear with it while he builds his resistence to common childhood viruses. It's better for him in long run.

It must have been more than half a year since you last saw my Baby SA. Being in FT CC, she's built up a stronger resistence towards colds. Her appetite's also very good so she now sports a little Pooh Bear tummy
the pooh bear tummies are so cute right?? baby E is starting to grow one, think i should just casually ask the PD if it's ok for him at such a young age? (only 8.5 months)

i don't mind the petpet, where do you stay?
HI all,

I am new to this forum, a first time mom, staying in holland ave. EDD in Feb09. So happy to see that there is a thread for mommies living arnd this area! :D
Gonna look forward to all the sharing, and tips! Feels great NOT to be alone, indeed! hahahaha... recently i am getting worried on all the confinement help, looking around for nanny etc... It'd be great if the experienced mommies can share some tips!
i am desperately looking for nanny
anybody wanna help me to take care 5 mths old BB boy
now potty training, using cloth diaper and no yaolan BB
pls let me know
We plan to put Baby L at LV too...when she turns 18 mths. But will most likely be the LV @ Republic Poly. Coz hb works will be easier for him to send and pick her up.

Ondine, not sure where your work place is, but there are quite a few CC ard the area. Just need to take the time to check them out.

Oohh...pooh bear tummies. hahaha. so cute yah? Baby L also has pooh bear tummy. I didn't even think of it as a pooh bear tummy. hahaha...
Hi mommies,

It's the beginning of the work week again. I feel so sleepy. I'm definitely more sleepy in my second pregnancy than my first. The first time round, I was "chionging" department stores until the day before I was induced. Now, a few hours at Carrefour will wipe me out.

EmQ: We went to take a look at LV@Biopolis only. Well, it's the only place I went to, besides the one downstairs at my block, called Daystar or something. Chobee seems to like it there (the biopolis one) and was running around the place and touching this and that. But I don't like the confined space there. Feels a bit claustrophobic, cos the whole place is air-conditioned. But anyway, it's convenient cos my office is just in the next block. I can look out of the window and maybe see her.
The teachers seem to speak well (I've only spoken to the principal and her diction is very clear). Can't say the same thing for Daystar. The teacher mixes up English and mandarin in one sentence. Also at LV, the principal assured me there are no spelling lists for the kids.'s a strange criterion to have, but I really don't want Chobee to memorize spellings before she enters primary school.

kidz: Hangzhou is ranked the most tourist-friendly city in China I think. Most livable city is Dalian (where I visited this time as well). I can say Dalian is most livable, only by Chinese standards. Hangzhou probably has only Westlake to brag about. But it's crowded over the weekend and full of cigarette smoke.

Isobellies: Talking about competitive parenting. I have heard of parents "volunteering" in a primary school when their kid turns 3 as well. I hope I don't go down this road.

DK: Welcome! I live at block 7, Holland Close. You can ask for referrals from your friends for confinement nannies. But from my experience, the good ones are booked out way in advance. I called mine when my urine test came positive (it's that early!), and she was already booked!! :p For my first pregnancy I waited till 3 months was up (for pregnancy to stabilize) before I started calling. Ended up have to call 10 nannies before one referred her friend to me!

just as bad as my friends who registered their daughter for st.james kindy when she was 3 months old?
i hope i don't go that way too, although my mum has already said she'd go pay the nuns at maris stella kindy a visit (can you imagine her going, "hey wasssup sistassss!")

pooh bear
yah i think the name is so cute! i'm going to call it that from now on

sunset, a stone's throw from sleek - maybe i can try to pick up on sat?
