Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

CSI Fan: Haha, yeah lor men can be insensitive to this issue and make demands like that
Where FM is concerned, do continue to let Baby L try different brands.

My Baby SA really "nan chi hou" where FM is concerned. Kept rejecting all the different brands (samples) I got from PD. Finally she finds Friso agreeable. This was just 2-3M before she got bumped up from Infant Class to Play Group. When she entered PG, she again become difficult customer by refusing to drink from bottle. After 1 wk, her teachers offered her FM in her straw cup and she actually took to it like fish in water. Alamak!!! It's been 2M+ and now she's okay to also drink FM at home when it's served in a straw cup...

Children are really unpredictable and being parents so interesting!

kidz: yah loh.. but i guess if working hours are until 6pm it might not be so reasonable to expect that i can go home earlier than that. so i'll just put in my regular hours..

and kids seem to like to keep us on our toes eh?
maybe i should try straw too, E also is quite tempremental when it comes to milk, he can drink very little some days, and some of the other thread mummies were talking about training bbs to drink from straws (but these are the same ones talking about potty training and buying thermal cookers to save money on electricity..jeannie shhhh. hahaha)

CSI: wow, 11M, that's a major feat already! at that age, probably the health benefits of BM might not be as much as you being stress free and happy? i know i'm quite relieved that i don't have to keep worrying about my supply anymore..
Iso: Baby E 8.5M now? If you've introduced cups with spouts successfully, can try straw one then. That's the step by step change when I bought a set.
kidz: 9M tomorrow!
i tried the avent sippy cup but he seems to sometimes like it and sometimes not at all, go figure! i didn't want a spout which was non-spill because he likes to hold his bottle and move it all around so i thought if it's a spillable spout it might be all over the place. what do you think?

Actually my girl use the spout cup in infant care - I also not sure how her carers trained her
I do know they asked me to replace it because she was biting the rubber spout and it had cracked i.e. spilling more than she was drinking. Since she's in CC a lot of the training is carried out by her carers e.g. blowing nose, drinking from cup, starting to potty train... On my part I'm trying to maintain the last and to help her graduate to drinking from an open cup
i personally think bm is still most nutritious.. i dun see myself stopping anytime soon.
unless my son want to wean off me by himself.
until the day his digestive system can handle fresh milk, i think i'll carry on wif TBF.
i'm too afraid of melamine to be stress-free...
dun wish to harm my son for the sake of my sanity..
i think there's a mother featured in a magazine about having enuff milk for 2. still TBF during pregnancy and post-natal. 3yr old boy & NB gal...
very inspiring.

CSI, great job. though it's tiring, keep it up.. sometimes when my supply drops, i'll drown myself in lactation milk, then force express...
i see my twin peaks becoming twin papaya very soon.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">HAVE YOU READ THIS WARNING?</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Seems "Pooh Luv Elmo" has a whole campaign against her. Check the following link -- someone there even commented this one machiam our "thread founder" Shirley... PLE had asked for some freebies in her posts here -- hope nobody had any unpleasant experience with her as a result...</font>
wah quite funny that she actually say she dun intend to buy but just trying luck. wahaha!!

kidz: actually infant care teaches kids a lot hor? i've seen 2 year olds who can feed themselves quite well (ok maybe 2+). quite impressive. they should also start "How to train your baby to..(fill in the blanks).." classes. haha!
Iso: This type of characters make our world interesting

U're very rite about CC teachers. I take my hat off to them -- my older sis was one for quite many years and she shared many stories with us. Still, it's a blessing that our Baby SA has very good teachers guiding her in Agape. I know she's quite a "resilient" kid (read: stubborn) so can be tough to handle. Because she's in CC, she learns more through the wider exposure and in particular her speech. She's graduated from "NO!" to "DUN WAN!" or "I want my mommy!" (the latter when she's very upset). Btw, the capital letters are intentional. Haha...

Anyway, as I posted b4 it's a two-way relationship btw parents and our children's carers. We must respect and be considerate of each other's "stresses" and avoid being a further "stressor"... heehee
Kidz: I agree often it's a matter of 2-way communication &amp; respect for realtionships to work.... but some teachers are just nicer than others la... of course as parents, we also need to do our part to maintain good interaction with the cc... =D

And yes, kids pick up a lot from cc &amp; interacting with other children... more so than with adults... amazing hor... I've noticed that since #1 stopped going to cc (school term has effectively ended &amp; she asked to stay home for the 2 mths prior to going to P1), #2's linguistic developments has improved by leaps &amp; bounds!

We noticed the same when #1 started cc at 17mths... before that, #1 was already quite advanced linguistically (but slower physically... HB still finds her a little clumsy at 6yo), but within 2 mths of going to cc, she was speaking in complete sentences... quite amazing for a 20mth child...

As for #2, we find that she's physically much more advanced than her sister, could crawl at 5mths+, was already doing forward &amp; backward rolls on her own before 1yo, can pull herself up with one arm &amp; climb with ease, etc.. However, linguistically, she hardly speaks... that was till #1 started staying home...

Now #2 blabbles all the time! She just turned 16mths &amp; with her sis' company has been blabbling non-stop... she'll give instructions using 1 or 2 word phrases... interestingly though, she's more interested in using functional words &amp; not as interested with words like 'head', 'nose', 'eyes', 'hands', etc... she's not 'entertaining' in the sense like my niece who'd blink her eyes or wave her hands to cues. But #2 will not hesitate to give instructions or express her desires using functional words like 'please', 'give', 'outside', 'in', 'up', 'down', 'yeah' (for yes) or even 'bu yao' (MIL uses CL with them)...

And one thing we've noticed too ~ #2 will imitate everything that #1 does... even her screaming... sigh... #1 is the noisy one at home... while #2 is the 'mover'... she's on the move all the time... sometimes so steathingly, you do not realise it!
Kidz: But my niece very cute one... she'll entertain us lor... not my #2 (&amp; they are born exactly a wk apart)...

I wonder if firstborns are more social... cos I always felt my elder sis is more sociable than me lor... then my #1 is so out-going, she'll make friends &amp; talk to strangers... but #2 will only look &amp; shy away from strangers... she'll take a while to warm up... even then, she does not normally let others carry her...

#2 seems only interested to entertain family with her acrobatic antics... hee hee...
EmQ: I'm middle child and most sociable in the lot. My elder sis quiet and steady type... My girl very shy, always got deep frown 4 people in the lift or when they start talking to her. Then they'll talk to her even more -- telling her not to frown. If I happen to be carrying her, her forehead will immediately crash onto my collar bone. That's her - needs time to warm up. Took her about wk+ to adjust to PG from Infant. Every morning cry and don't want to let her teachers carry... broke my heart. But now she happy like a bird there...
Cecilia: Yeah, with virtual communities like this we never can really tell who the other person's like. Like we chat, chat and suddenly one day realised "hey, it's a guy -- not a gal as thot all along"
. Coz we all also enjoying the community atmosphere and let down our guard.

Btw, next Mon I got day free. Anybody keen to meet up with kidz or without (better for sanity?) Haha. Let me know if anybody interested and do recommend where to go. I quite Mt Tortoise about kidz frenly plcs.
i'm also elder and think my younger sis is more sociable, hee.
but i do think that having older bbs around helps younger bbs develop - baby E spends 75% of the time around his cousin (11 months older) staring at what he's doing. either that, or E pushed himself to start crawling early just to get away from the cousin, haha.
me too. I'm the eldest, and I think my younger sis and bro are more sociable leh. hahaha. I always had the impression, coz u're the first, parents tend to be more protective end up, more sheltered, and hence less sociable. hahaha. I dunno lah...
kidz, Iso, CSI: Dunno le... I feel that my elder sis more sociable... my #1, my niece also lor.. however does not seem to apply for guys. My HB is 1stborn, but quite a quiet guy... well, maybe just individual character ba...

Kidz: Can check out Jacob Ballas Garden (Botanic Garden, enter via NUS Law Sch carpark) or Hort Garden (somewhere opp PSA Bldg)... heard that they are very nice. I've been to JBG, pretty nice for kids... not been to HG though...

Me working... so won't be able to join.
I find Hort Park (not Hort Gdn lah...hahaha) nice. Wanted to hold bb L's 1st bash there, but...think again, better cut cost lah. Hehs. Hold it at home. muahahaha...

bb L just turned 11 mths over the weekend, and last night, she had her first bout of fever...think paracetamol must taste very horrid. hahaha. and she wun allow us to sponge her. Even when she's asleep (we think she's in deep sleep), put a wash cloth over on her forehead, her hand will come up to 'flick' it away....this morning, her temp was 38.3-degrees (taken from the ear). HB say later want to bring her to see Dr Yvonne. Lucky thing he's off today. hehs...
CSI Fan: Do you hv the aqua seat cushion -- it's got coolant inside and drivers sit on it to cool down. Anyway, it's what KKH use on kidz with fever. We got one from Tom and Stephanie -- been using it everytime Baby SA has fever or even we hv fever. Very good since baby just slps on top of it and it brings fever down. Think pharmacies should hv.

With Baby SA, she didn't like to take meds until she was about 15M. Since then, she can ask for "more" after each dose has been administered. Maybe this is a phase they'll go through since kiddy meds are usually sweet

Ok, JBG or Hort Park - will chk these out. Also, think can start bringing her to zoo though gotta lug stroller along since got much ground to cover...
that tree top walks thing from hort park to telok blangah, anyone knows if it's all ramps? am thinking of bringing E but want to use stroller and if there are too many stairs it would be a headache..
CSI_fan, dana's also down with fever, 38.9C. We brought her to Dr Yvonne last evening too, but didn't see you. Today her fever's still hovering at 38C. Kidz, maybe can see how the aqua seat cushion looks like and get one for Dana too. This is her 2nd fever since entering infantcare 1 month ago

Re: Hort Park
CSI_fan, coincidetally, we also checked out the rates for rental, thought can hold Dana's 1st bday celebration there but it's on a 4-hour block so works out to be at least $400-500. Too costly lah just for venue rental..
angel, of course.. infantcare/childcare so much germs.. prob u wanna get some vitamins for her early. so build up her immune system.
hahaha...angel, we think the same...

yah, hort park works out to be quite a bit...just for rental. might as well spend on a nice buffet that everyone can really enjoy...

Oh, dana's sick too? Poor thing. I'm home today to look after baby L. Same lah, her fever is hovering ard 38-degrees too. In the end, hb didn't bring her to Dr Yvonne...coz her fever went down...but it came back up again at, it's back down again. aiyoh. Yo-yo manz.
Yeah, fever in children always yo-yo. Worst, likes to peak in mid of night. For Baby SA, she had one bout mth back which peaked at 39.8 for 2 nights -- 1st night around 1am and 2nd night around 3-4am. We let her slp w us so in mid of night, her head was against my arm and I suddenly woke up coz very warm...
<font color="0000ff">Free Int'l Shipping @ Jshoppers</font>
Mommies - their promo now on with no min. purchase needed. I got baby stuffs from this site before and liked the design + quality. Take a look
<font color="ff0000">Day Confinement Help</font>
I'll likely go for this option as my mom's two yrs older and can't help me next Apr. Anyone got lobang e.g. knows someone reliable in the neighbourhood who might be able to fill this vacancy? If not, I'll just cater confinement food - anybody has tried and like their confinement catering? Can recommend?
poor mummies and babies who are sick! is there any way to build up their immunity? i heard you can take colostrum supplements, not sure if that's good?

i tried natal essentials before, they delivered the confinement food to my home, but i wasn't impressed cos it wasn't cheap, and the food was quite normal, just that the dishes are those which you'd be more likely to eat during confinement, like pig's trotters, fish, soup, and longan tea. i don't think i'd do it again for #2, think i go downstairs and buy the vege rice comes up to the same thing, haha.
Isobellies: Thanks for the tip. I did a trial with some company during my confinement -- think it was just for 3 days and also cost a bomb. Yeah, if get the package it'll cost a Nuclear Bomb!
If i remember the package price, just slightly less than getting a Msian CL (stayover some more). My mom did some cooking for me -- mostly with sesame oil. Some friends also prepared a dish here and there so I did have good food here and there.

One of my frenz bought a confinement recipe cookbook and she got her maid to do the cooking but the maid only tried a few dishes and repeated again... Anyway, still too early to decide anyway. And I've found some online sites offering recipes on Chinese confinement food so see how in the end
I bought a confinement recipe cookbook and got hubby to cook. muahaha. I just stuck post it stickers on the dishes I wanted to eat. I also drew up a menu timetable for him to follow (like, which day eat what etc). Heehee...I'm so bad horh. But, ok lor. It worked for him. hahaha. He just followed recipe book and cooked accordingly. Dishes were mainly with sesame oil, ginger, herbs and chinese wine.
CSI Fan: Wah, you drew up menu for him? Your hubby very poor thing. Unfortunately mine can't take leave -- I think he even a trip scheduled 4-6wks after I deliver B2. Sigh...
haha...yah lorh. coz I worry hb dunno what to do I might as well plan it out for him, then he just follow. Easier for him. Lucky thing for me, it was during the hols when bb L was born, so hb had 3 weeks off. 1st week, MIL came to help out.

Oh, bb L's fever has subsided...but now her whole body is covered with rashes!! I think it's that fake measles...roseola. Aiyoh, dunno how and where she got it from. And her first bash is in 3 week's time. sianz.
Just pop by to ask if anyone is looking for carseat (9kg onwards) or IKEA high chair or twin stroller. I'm letting go the above pre-loved items. Can meet at SIM @ Clementi Road. Please PM me for pix and details if keen. Thanks!
yah...but hehs...she's ok liaoz. It went off quite quickly. Heehee...didnt' expect so quick. rashes only there for 1 day...lucky thing it's mild one lah...all throughout, she's still just as active...only decreased appetite.
wah! you train your hubby so well to cook for you!! what's your secret? haha.

baby toothbrushes
mummies! i have some OralB Stages toothbrushes, for $2.80 each. got toothbrushes for all 4 stages
postage is going to be about 80cents, so unless you can collect from raffles place at lunch time, or dover mrt 645pm on weekdays, think it'll be cheaper to buy from NTUC.
Let me know if anyone is keen, then i'll go check the colour combinations and let you know what's available
Izit with Pooh/Baby Eistein design? If got either of these (Pooh's preferred), I need one for 2-4YO stage? I got mtg @ One Raffles Quay 2mr, so can mt you around there -- RP MRT station included -- if you're okay with 1:30-2:00pm. Let me know. Tx!
i can go home and check, think maybe no pooh and don't remember any baby einstein but got lots of princess ones :p

but tomorrow i'm on leave, will u be around this area again? my timing is usu q flexible unless got meeting
hahahaha. I just told hb, CL cost close to $2k for confinement period (28 days) (about there I think). That's like my 1 mth salary. So while I'm not at work, my pay goes to this stranger who's gonna be staying with us. Then still must add on the marketing $$ for the food etc...and she'll only cook for hahahaha. Then he think think think, press calculator...say not worth. Afterall he's free for that mth that I was on confinement. So he say save $$, he'll cook. muahhahaah....Lucky thing he knows how to cook lah. I dunno how to cook one. hahaha.

Oh mummies,
anyone has a manual balloon pump that I can borrow? Those round yellow ones that you just step pump normal balloons....coz I have quite a few balloons, and I don't want to use mouth to blow...think cheek muscles will ache when I'm done...hahaha. Thot the manual pump will be faster? Hehs...

you work at Raffles Place?
me too...I also work at RP...

How do u get to work? The roads are like super jam every morning...sianz. But today it was very smooth traffic...
Hello hello I am new, can I join this thread??

I am currently staying in CCK but will be moving to Clementi end of Dec. Am looking for a PD for my 2 girls somewhere near Clementi. Any good ones to recommend?
hi luanee,
there's Dr. Yvonne See at Clementi Arcade, which is in Sunset Way, it's walking distance from my home but i prefer to go to Dr. Dorothy Ong, at Bukit Timah Plaza. She's a really jolly doctor.
Apart from that there's apparently one Agnes something at Jurong East and a GP who's good with kids at Coronation. Maybe the other mummies know?
oops missed your post, sometimes my hubby will drive me, or i'll take the train. but the train is sometimes so crowded and i feel like a worker bee getting to and fro work, heh. what time do u usually get to work?

Thanks Isobellies! Why isit you do not go see Dr Yvonne See? Becoz Sunset Way actually very convenient for me as my mil staying there and we bring kids to her place every morning.
