Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

heehee...thanks thanks. Yah. this is my 1st time packing maid off. So, yup. it is a nerve wracking experience. Somehow, feel guilty for sending her off, but yet, u know u have to...or suffer. hahaha. Ok, noted what to take note off.

Rest well...u really need to rest. I'm amazed how u handle 2 kids, work and pregnancy. my idol manz...heehee...

Yes EMQ, thank you so much for your valuable comments! They are wise words from an experienced maid employer and I shall take some of your suggestions. Yes will not take maid #1 back but pick a fresh one from Philippines. That'll mean we've to live without a helper for 2-3 weeks, will pray hard to ask for a way out to tide us over this period. DO take care and dun tire yourself EMQ!
Angel & CSI: You can do it! Will pray for us all... No worries... I'm ok... remember, I'm blessed with an irritating MIL to help me... hahaha...
jia you, mummies! will pray for all

as the ol' saying goes, it's hard to find good help...
wah.. mummies.. seems like having a maid can be a big headache.. good luck to all of u in ur search.. update us on what shappening k..Angel.. i think ur maid very guo fen leh.. how can kick ur dog... u will never know what she can do to ur baby..must xiao xin k.. Open eyes big big and see what shes doing.

Jia you everybody

need some idea...

what are suitable birthday presents for a 1-yr old gal and a 3 yr old boy? My cousin's kids' birthdays are coming up and there's a party...I dunno what to get for the 2 kiddos.
CSI, give vouchers (E.g. Taka, Tangs, Kiddy Palace vouchers etc).so parents can choose their own preferred gifts. If no time to get the vouchers, cash is best! Hehe

Mummies, last night we sent back the 'dog-kicking' maid. Feel so liberated and close as a family finally without any strangers (aka helpers) in the house! Admittedly, hubby and I have to do all the housework ourselves after coming back from work. And this morning, carted Baby D, her big diaper bag and a box of toys to my granny's house at CCK at 5.30am so before we leave for work, it was hard work but very worthwhile! While we ate dinner, we place D in the jumperoo next to us to keep her entertained and we took turns to watch over her while the other do the washing/sterilising/packing etc
Now toying with idea that perhaps we can do without a helper as we're sending Baby D to full day infantcare starting OCT and I'm getting a Scense machine to help with BB's clothes (not good at hand-washing!). But still weighing out my choices lah cos still need to get a good part-time help to settle housework and ironing on weekends. Any around our neighbourhood to recommend?
I thought of that...but then, I think kids like to open up their presents...vouchers, they also dunno how to open. haha. but something that they can tear away at, and then "yippee!! I want to play with this..." may be more fun for the kids, I think...ok, maybe the 1 y.o might nkot appreciate that. haha...

good job, angel! 5.30am every morning...well, just have to adjust own schedules and sleep earlier I guess. Anyway, Oct is only next week. So, it's ony for this short while...jia you!!
CSI, tough to sleep early cos still gotta clear work after putting baby D to bed. 3-yr old boys might like Thomas the Train sets? For 1-yr old gal, maybe a nice dress?

How about ask yourself - what would you like to receive for Baby L's 1st birthday?
angel, yah lah. very tough to sleep early...

Thanks for ur suggestions...Thomas the Train...good idea. hehs...I've been asking myself that question...and I really dunno! haha. Useful stuff like educational toys, books I guess. Anyway, I'll chiong down to the Isetan pte sale after work to check out the, shd be cheaper. heehee...
Angel: Good job! Yes, do-able... with 1 baby, still ok. We lived like that for 5yrs before #2 arrived... we even managed to cook dinner occasionally! But manage your expectations about a clean & neat house la... then if possible, eat at mum's place or MIL's place once a week lor... at least baby gets a bit of home cooked food & you get your weekly visits done... hee hee... Get a good part time help... not so luxurious but definitely more liberated... no strangers around the house... tough work, but happy lives... if you can manage...
CSI: Ride-on toys for the 1yr old! I love to get ride-on toys cos they are toddling at this age & definitely love their ride-ons... unless the 1yo is a 2nd/ 3rd born & family already has lots of them... then a pretty dress would be lovely... My #2 has lots of ang pows for her 1st birthday... nothing special to remember by... & if you ask us, since there's already loads of toys, we also dun bother to buy new toys for her... so in the end, her $ end up being invested lor... HB says never mind la, when she grows up, she'll appreciate that she's already a shareholder (by proxy) at 1 yo.

For a 3yo boy, can consider getting a bicycle... I think it's abt age they start cycling on those trainers or even 2-wheelers if family is very sporty... I've seen the ang mo kids in my estate cycling on 2 wheelers at abt 3yo! fantastic hor... my 6 yo girl still on her trainer wheels... Or a pair of inline skates... cool man... Thomas train is kind of all time favourite with boys too...

At these ages... still very nice to shop for them... any older, they'll be asking for the sky! My 6yo wants PSP, DS Lite... wah say man... bo lui ah... hahaha..
wah...6 yo wants PSP??? My brother will be so envious. He got his PSP only recently, at age 16. After his O-levels...hehs. But nowadays, the kids really know how to ask for things. hehs...makes our parenting job all the more challenging...coz we've got to explain to them how come they shouldn't have such toys yet (or at all) and how come their fren can have but not them etc...

yah, the ride-on toys are nice...but yah, she does have a lot! haha. Will go with the dress idea. It's nice for a gal...

As for the boy, yah, a bicycle is a good idea too...hmmm, carrefour sells such bikes...maybe I'll get the boy that. hehs. Since younger, he's been playing with kitchen pots and pans. A gourmet chef in the making? maybe a bike will turn him more sporty...

2 wheelers at 3 yo? wow...I'm still on trainers! muahaha. I can't cycle! *embarrassed*

Your HB and my HB same mindset. hahaha. But it's true's one way to help us start up a savings nest for them. given the inflation etc that we're facing now. Just gotta make sure it's invested in the right places. hehs. But kids will be kids...they'll want something new that they can call their own, and not "kor kor or jie jie's old toy..."
Yeah lor... kids mature very fast these days... must be the things we feed them with... hee hee... in fact, my 6yo sometimes eat more than me, a preggy! Hahaha...
She started asking for hp at 5! We finally relented & gave her one on her 6th birthday. It was a prepaid card on one of our very old Nokia... which she could only use on weekends. She has been keeping to it & has not abused it... Initially she used it to chit-chat with her friends (yes, they got theirs even before she got hers! & They've been sms-ing each other!)... but she has learnt what responsbilty means & only use it on weekends for emergency or occasional chatting with her friends/ aunts.

PSP is a no-go for HB... we've explained to the girl that because both mum & dad wear glasses, her chances are high & in order to protect her beautiful eyes, she cannot play on PSP or the likes... she has Wii though... but that's played on big screen TV.

I think #2 too young to tell yet... as long as she gets to play... hee hee.. just this morning, #1 was snatching the MegaBloks from #2 (horrible right, so big still can't share)... then I told #1, MegaBloks are meant for 1-5yo, so they no longer belong to her but to her little sister. Lil one was going.. 'plish... give... ' so cute.
Hi mummies,
Praise the Lord! I received a call from my agent this afternoon. They found a Fili transfer maid for me. We went over to interview her tonight... she seems ok... single, 23 yo, agreeable to what we told her.. now waiting for processing & MOM's approval...
Will pray hard that she's the one for us... and that she can beat my 4th maid's record of 6mths... ;-p
Elder sis wants to take over my current maid... yet to discuss details with sis or maid... but felt good tonight...
Hi Mummy,
I Have at least 4pkt of brand new Pampers Comfort M Size 58pcs/pkt to let go at only $10. ( Outside selling at least $11.50/pkt) Coz my baby cannot fit anymore.. Will give away balance about 40pcs loose pieces FREE if anyone buying all.. Collection at Clementi. contact/sms me at 96960155 or email [email protected] for quick deal!!
Hi Mummies,
I've been away still trying to sort out my maid situation. We have 2 in the house and were going to send both back but decided had to stagger it. But more and more stuff came out, regarding the 2nd maid, the one we kept so we're even more keen to send her back. On top of that, her attitude has changed somewhat and I think she should go but MIL wants to keep her because less disruption.

My feel is that I rather start with 2 new ones on a clean slate than have the old one 'infect' the new one. Feel so frustrated that everyone is making it difficult for me to move on.


My agent has 2 new ones waiting for me to accept now.
Ondine: I do agree that a clean slate would be good... cos like you say the old one may infect the new ones... it's like the story of the 5 monkeys...

BTW, do you really need to maids? At one stage we were contemplating having 2... but agent stronly adviced against it... saying the effort in managing 2 maids is not worth the gains... he says...
I have twins and live in a semi-detached house so it's a lot for one maid. And we are all working full time so it's very hard to juggle work and rushing home to help with the caring of the twins. So, it's a decision that I have to make even if I don't like it.
that's good news! Hope it works out well for you...

I'll be sending my current one back to agent and fetching the new one on Sunday.

Agree with you to start on a clean slate, esp if there's problems with the old one. On the other hand, I think ur MIL's concerns are it's like having to spend that time and dffort to train 2 new ones all over. With the old one present, at least you know one can do the job already. But since the attitude of the current one has changed somewhat, it may be better off having to train 2 maids all over, than to have to worry about the possible "infection". Just my thoughts...

Good luck to you too...
Ondine: OIC... but no worries... difficult to manage does not mean impossible... hee hee... besides, I believe you are trained to manage plenty at a time... Chin up, go for it....

CSI: Yes, praying for the best... have not spokent to my current maid yet, though we've applied for the new one... interesting thing is... my sis in interested to take over my current maid... I suppose sis will have more time to train & guide maid since she's a SAHM... I can't stand having to remind maid all the time... I'm a FTWM & would prefer to spend my time at home with my kids... than to be training, re-training & reminding maid all the time... though I must say maid is diligent... but just not suitable for me la.. Good luck to you too!

Ondine, go for it, send back & train 2 at the same time... similarly, I have the option of letting both old & new maids overlap, since I've applied for new maid & no out-processing done for current maid yet... however, HB thinks it's better to just send current one off (be it to sis' place or to agent) then to let both meet... he says in case the new one does sth wrong later & put blame on old maid... so might as well get a fresh start...

Angel: How are things so far? Hope you are coping well...

Glad that our maid issues are coming to an end soon...
Ondine, actually if your current maid is still obedient and not defiant, you can still retain her so she can help 'induct' the new one. But if retaining her means bad influence, then change both and start afresh. Sighz, our time could be spent in more meaningful ways than to fret over these energy-zapping maid decisions!

EMQ, am not well - down with cold
still adjusting to life without a helper - Dana constantly needs our attention and when she takes her short naps, I've to rush through the chores - to get her bottles, laundry, feeds, bath, cereal etc ready!. Plus she's been waking up intermittently in the night so hb and I are officially sleep-deprived!

Hope you, ondine and CSI can get a good replacement soon. For us, we've not chosen anyone, just trying to hang on without one and see how long we can last...I think the coming week will be challenging as all my work in office have been piling up and we've to assimilate Dana into infantcare. Sighz.
are there any part time maids who will come and clean and cook as well? or are part timers cleaning only?

angel - oh dear, take care! try not to pass it to bb, otherwise there will just be more headaches. my bb takes short naps too, i really wish i could drug him to sleep longer, but i guess bo pian

wonder if it's the season for maids to go rogue?? not like normal job seekers who tend to change jobs only after the xmas bonus right?
Hi mommies - our PC crashed and then our girl was down with viral fever so I wasn't able to check in. Think I missed lotsa "maid woes" and also days @ work... Hopefully able to go back tomorrow but our girl's got some rashes -- seems the "toxins" surfacing after her fever last week. Don't know if she'll be "presentable enough" to go back to CC 2mr...

I'm very sorry to hear all the unhappiness about maids. All your woes have me thinking about these issues and making the following observations. Please note that I am not criticising anybody but simply realising the following as perhaps being a trap of our society's advancement:
1) we bring home a baby and a new maid (whether at the same time or not) -- two entirely new strangers and this means double the adjustment as well as headaches
2) the irony of us modern day women who are able to do well in the workforce yet seem to lose our edge to cope on the child-rearing and/or home-front
Anyway, mommies with maid woes, do hang in there.

Two of my colleagues also let go of their maids in the past mth. One was coz the Fili maid was too "kay kiang" so after 6M (had since baby arrived), they packed her off. The other I shared b4 about maid beating her daughter, bribing the girl then secretly keeping handphone. This one more trouble coz I think the employers (couple) also control too tight and overload the maid -- 4th kid on the way. Somemore I saw two of their older kids at our Sat event and realised quite "mei jia jiao" like that, a bit like run wild. Wonder if it's because they were raised by maids since for one thing the mother had to work long hours at her previous job so was able to spend as much time nurturing them... Seriously, compared to my other colleagues who have brought their kids to work.

Now with no. two on the way, I also worry how I'm going to cope. Of course, I should just quit my job and stay home but I'l miss work so much... Already I working part-time, can't go any lower than what I'm clocking now... Sigh

Chobeemama: my sincerest apology, I was unable to make it to your org's charity bazaar last Mon. Hope you all managed to raise a nice sum for the charity.
kidz and chobeemama, hope your org's events went smoothly and were great successes!

Kidz, I agree with you on both points. Two entirely new strangers....all 3 parties have to adjust to so many different things at one go. And the irony of us modern women, it is such a joke isn't it? hahaha...

Let me share how I sent my maid back on Sunday. I think some mummies might have felt that we were a bit cruel. I thot I was...till later.

We felt that we should let her attend mass, since it was sunday, and only send her back after lunch. So after church, we went to my mum's place, had lunch and left baby and maid there. Hb and I went back home to go through her things (ok, all this talk abt privacy etc...but she infringed on ours too...but does it mean we do the same back? hmmm.) Anyway, hb felt that if we were to let her come home to pack and we go through her stuff one by one in front of her, it may be more dangerous and that would give her time to think. He wanted to do it "military" style - spring you a surprise attack. and before you can get over the surprise, you're out of my territory...kinda thing.

So we went through her clothing etc piece by piece, and we stacked her stuff neatly in the living room. Toiletries etc, we placed neatly in plastic bags. Everything was moved to the living room. We removed the stuff which she took from us (stuff that we know for sure that are ours and stuff that we don't want to 'donate' to her). Then we went back to Clementi to pick her up. Left my bb with my sister and told maid to just follow us. Think she started to get nervous. Then, just outside our own home door, hb told her, "later you pack your bags". At first she nodded her head and said orh. Then she opened her eyes big big "you mean my clothes, everything?" So I told her straight in the face, Yes. Everything has been moved to the living room." And she just said, Oh, ok. and could even roll her eyes!

And throughout the whole packing process, she was quite arrogant. She even told me to pass 2 bottles of shampoo to my father's maid. Guess she was trying to show me how close they are kinda thing. All in, she took 15 min to pack and go.

Before she packed, I told her to remove anything that she might have borrowed and anything that is not hers. She didn't remove anything except the little bag which I had openly / "officially" loaned her. She had quietly taken some of my old clothes (clothes that I could no longer fit into - and she's fatter than me, so I dunno what she wants my old clothes for. Super sexy tops?). I purposely placed the old clothes separately next to her own clothes. I wanted to see what she would do (am prepared to give her those clothes). She just packed them into her bag, as though they are hers!

At agency, we requested for a body search. And agent found 2 HP on her. one of which, is my brother's old HP. Checked with my bro (who doesn't stay with me), and his old hp was gone. She just has this habit of taking stuff from other pple's homes. So after we found that out, I don't feel that we've been cruel to move her stuff into living room and gave her only 15 min to pack.

Now, with this new maid, she is new in SG. never come out before. Hence, super BLUR....arrgghh....but so far, her attitude is she is willing to learn lah. Told her to wake up at 6am, she wakes up at 5am. wow... But she's qutie blur lah. almost gave me a heart attack yesterday when she wanted to dunk my pigeon steriliser into the sink to fill it with water to sterilise the bottles (that was after I had shown her how to use the steriliser). muahahaha. but well, it was her 1st day. I'll do up an instruction sheet for her and paste it on the steriliser, so she can follow lah...hehs. As long as the attitude is good, all these things can be taught.
kidz: I'd love to stay home to look after my 3 too... however, there are constraints such that I MUST work & I NEED a FWD....

1. Electricity bills going up 22% from next month...
2. #3 arrivin in Jan 09...
3. PILs now under my roof...
4. MIL is a great liability... (excellent at messing up house, dripping food all over house when feeding baby, staining baby's clothes such that #2 needs 2 distinct sets of clothes for home & outing, leaving air con, fans & lights on when she does not need them & talking big)...
5. Becos of reason 4. we need a FWD to maintain the house & help keep our sanity...
6. Becos of reason 4. we need more fund to buy outing clothes for #2 all the time, more fund to pay electricity bills...
7. Becos of reasons 3. & 4., I can't imagine being home, I don't wish to go insane or end up doing something I'd regret later in life...

All I can do... is PRAY for God's grace...
1. for me to be more gracious & generous towards MIL...
2. for peace & harmony at home...
3. for a understanding & able FWD...
4. for good health for everyone at home...
5. for HB to be able to find additional sources of income... well actually as long as I keep my job... we can't do too badly la...

So, like my agent says... despite the banes of having FWDs.. it is a necessary evil for me... well... I wonder if I'd still need a FWD when all my little ones are able to go to cc... then again, we need to keep our sanity le... how to come home to dirty house?

Trust me... even with FWD's help, PIL's room stink with their loads of stuff... how does anyone feel good with such a room at home? Don't mean to be rude, but they have too much stuffs in there unpacked... PIL works long hours... MIL says 'those are not my things, not my biz'... HB & I say... we faint lor...
CSI: Great Job! Well, I'm also trying to find a balance between compassion & protecting our own rights...

I mean for all that she has done, how to expect compassion & respect from us? Even have the guts to pack as if her own! What audicity!

Pray for the best with this new maid... My new maid is reporting next Sun... she's available.... but because of logistics issues, we'll only get her next Sun...

I'm hoping for the best too....

I still believe that God will grant us His grace... we will find a good suitable FWD.

All the best!
Hi kidz: Yeah the event was rather a success. We raised about $2k and our boss will top up another $1k. Our handicraft store made $400, one of the top earners. I sold all the brush pouches/bags I sewed, and even have two more orders for bags. A bit fatigued from all the sewing though. I am seriously thinking of making it into a business and selling bags online. Then I can quit my fierce boss and work from home. Haha!

Modern day women think we can have it all and try to control how everything goes, but in the end... we are the ones who suffer. I don't think we can control anyone besides ourselves, not even teenage kids or 3 month old babies, so let alone domestic helpers. I am happy with my helper, so I don't have maid woes. As long as she doesn't steal, lie or abuse my kid, everything else is fine. If she is happy working for me, she is not likely to leave, or do funny things, or abuse my kid. Then I am happy. That is my mantra.
Yes...He will grant us His grace. All these are just trials to make us a better person. That's when we find the suitable FDW. Hope your new one will work out well for you...

Last Sunday at church, the priest said this during the homily/sermon. (I can just imagine the faces of all those with FDW....).

He said, "there is nothing wrong with dating a maid. These FDW also need their social life and social circle. By preventing them from meeting and dating, we're preventing families from forming. blah blah blah" When I heard that, I was stunned, that I didn't hear the rest properly. Wow...I think his message was to treat everyone properly, treat them fairly, like how all other humans should be treated. I agree with that...but I think he used the wrong example. hahaha...
Wait a min, CSI... which church do you attend?

That was exactly what the father in my church said! I was like... ok, agree that they put their families on hold... just so to come here to help us build our families... am thankful to them for that....

But I felt like asking him... what about those who are already married, yet date here? What about those who despite having children back home, yet get themselves pregnant here?

One of my former part time maid told my sis she was actually 2 mths preg & had to abort... was so sad abt the abortion... I was thinking, she didn't share with me... cos if she did, I'd have given her a shelling... halo, she has 3 sons to feed back home lor... yet dare to tell us she sleeps around & was preg! And as a Catholic, to abort! OMG, thankfully she isn't my maid.. just helping part time... I know la... that's also illegal...

But hello... majority of Fili maids insist on day off so they can work part time!

If the govt penalise me if my maid indulge in illegal employment or get pregnant... why can't we put in some measures to ensure we are protected too?

What abt maids who shout at their employers? We dun do that to our bosses...

Last Sun, we were given a book entitled 'Dignity at Home' for Catholic employers... in which it says, 'if they steal or lie, do not take it out on them or ask to be compensated' I want to faint when I read that! So, are we suppose to say, great job, go on, take some more? I've had a maid who stole from us lor... and it happened on the day she refused to go to church with us... later we found out she SIN while we were at church!

The book also compared maids' pay of $350-$500 to our cleaners' avg pay of $600... hello, maids are so much better off lor... our poor cleaners have to pay CPF from this pathetic sum, pay for their own meals, transport & housing! If a meal costs $2, the cleaner needs $180 per mth. If bus to & from work costs $1.50 per trip, they need another $60, excluding outings... And these are the lowest estimates... not forgetting these cleaners have to pay for housing & they are not only suppporting themselves! Our maids are housed & fed... they have at least 3 square meals of good food & some snacks in between. We pay for their toiletries... they even get to dine at resturants every wkend... how often do our cleaners get to dine at restaurants?

What a pathetic comparison... sigh..
Holy Cross lorh...
hehs...u were there too? I was at the 10am mass in the Children's Room near the Choir...
(but sometimes I go St Mary's)

Yes!! I agree with you EmQ, coz that's exactly what my hb and I were thinking too!! Which employer would want to risk it? Not only for the govt's penalising us, but also our families' safety etc. And then we're given all these propaganda as though we're soooo in the wrong. but perhaps those were meant for the extreme cases lah. Those employers who abuse the maids, employers who starve maids etc.

It's like telling us to turn and offer the other cheek when we're slapped on one side. It's not easy to do so...very very difficult. I had this thought yesterday evening (hb and I were still talking abt Sunday's homily...hahaha), that maybe we shd be praying for the maid we just sent back. Pray for forgiveness for her. I got this incredulous look from hb. to pray for your "enemy"?? Yes, it's difficult. I'm not sure if I can eventually do it also...hahaha.
think the FDWs must be sniggering...yes yes, see the priest also say so. come, give me my off day. I think that must be what my ex maid must have been thinking. hahaha. then a few hours later, we sent her back to agent. *poof* (goes the dreaming bubble)
Hahaha.. I'm usually there at 11.30am cos my girl attends the 11.15am cathecism class...

Ai yo, then I read a poster saying maids are there to attend mass, not tend to crying babies! Hello.. so if we have babies who may cry during mass & maids are suppose to attend mass in peace, should we skip mass altogether? Or babies should be ban from church?

Well, I do pray for my maids even the awful ones..

M1 could not cope... I had to send her off... but pity her cos they kanna penalty everytime they transfer... so pray that she's more suited for new employer... well, she's still with her 2nd employer....

M2 stole & lied.... I prayed that she'll repent & do a better job at her new employer's place... this prayer, not answered - she was transferred to 3 other employers within the next 4 mths & finally sent home...

M4 was very sorry when she asked to go home... was crying at the airport & kept asking for my forgiveness (cos she knew we let her go despite not having a ready replacement)... I told her I don't blame her cos one day, all of them have to return to their own families... just that she chose to go back before her contract is up eventhough she had promised to stay... I prayed for her to go in peace... she was a good maid & no point feeling sore about things...

M5, current maid, going to work for my sis... I pray that she finds things more managable at my sis' place... and that my sis will find her to be a suitable maid... cos I know if sis cannot stand her, transfer her, she'll kanna penalty again...

M6, my new maid reporting this Sun, I pray that she'll be willing & sincere in being part of my family... and that both she & us will be happy to have her here...

Fresh maids tend to be super blur... then one super smart one I had, was so smart, she stole money, food, clothes, stationery, even make phone calls home (many times while MIL was home!).. my new one is super fresh too... never mind lor, as long as willing attitude, we just be patient & teach them lor...

God will grant us the patience & strength to guide our new maids... and I do agree that with each maid, we learn to manage the next better... =D
Hi sleek, thanks for the sharing. Will visit the shops to check out... still wondering which diaper to buy for #3.
Hi sleek, where can I buy goo.n NB/ small? I've always been using Drypers. I don't see goo.n in Cold Storage or Carrefour.

Thanks for the cloth diapers on Sat. I will ask Marilyn to try them out on Chobee.
Yes agree with Sleek. For newborn, GOON is good, very absorbent. Baby D uses it. Then she progressed to Pampers 'S'. Now using Huggies Dry Comfort 'M'.
Actually, I kind of know the boss of Goo.N ~ our kids attend the same art class. However, he doesn't give special discount... I tried the diaper once, found the quality good, soft & asorbant... but thought was quite pricey then... (in the earlier days in S'pore).... wonder what's the price now..
if you thought it was pricey then, it is even pricier now as they have increased the price. But I think pampers and huggies ultra for newborn is still more expensive per diaper?
Agree, GOO.N is soft and the thinnest on the market. It's quite reasonably priced for NB to M size. From L size onwards, it's pretty ex since theren't that many pieces. But it still is the thinnest and has a high waist so I buy it for my girl to use at night - no leaks when she sleeps on her tum-tum.
Actually I need to replenish soon - think only got about 10 pcs left. Anyone wants to order 2gther? Collect from my plc opp Clementi mosque or I can meet you up with you at my convenience around Clementi or Dover. PM me if keen
congrats! your no. 2 on the way?

agree with your POV..
anyway, hope your gal is better already.

It scrazy man, the hike of the electricity. the stupid Pay-And-Pay (PAP)...
Vote for me, vote for me, i give you money, give you GST credits blah blah... BUT!!! i will take them all back and DOUBLE, with more ERPs, higher food prices, higher electricity, higher transport costs, higher childcare. *pui!*

sorry, was so angry when i read the papers...
its absurd man.

side track a bit, well, maybe your priest has his rational for "encouraging" the ways of helpers.. one thing for sure, gov will encourage maids cos they earn a LOT of tax from having foreign workers in sg to work.

Anyway, for all facing the maid issues, hope all will iron out smoothly...
Hi Coolmama,

Whoa! I think you should stop reading Straits Times. You can save 80 cents a day and a lot of heartaches. Anyway it's all government propaganda. You can get the same news online.

Well, the money we get in perks and baby bonuses has to come from somewhere...there is no free lunch. But overall, I think our govt is still doing a good job, even though it's sometimes not fair competition. Well, we get what we vote for, if we get to vote at all.

I agree with the priest. But guess I'm the only oddball here.
sleek, is that so? I really cannot remember the price then... but I know about a week after I decide it was a little pricey, the guy came over to tell me that they were having some CNY offer or sth... & ask me to check out their website... I forgot... and never went back to it... hee hee..

I guess #2 very good skin, no problems at all with drypers... cheapo brand... no leaks, no rashes... perfect for her... so I never bothered to source around... hee hee..

Remember my #1 backside a bit more golden... we used pampers premium for outings & nights... & drypers for day... not so many brands then & only Pampers premium worked for her then...

Since #2 no problem, guess we just save cost... hopefully #3 like #2... then dun need to spend so much... ;-p

BTW mummies, how much is a pc of Goo.N for NB/S? Maybe can consider buying a packet to try for #3...
haha ya the ST can have a lot of "propoganda" sometimes! apparently they have a meeting each week with reps from the different govt agencies who will suggest stories. just what i heard lah
i've never voted, but i'm not one to complain about what we have. our taxes aren't too high and we can walk around relatively safely almost anywhere - i'd give some (of course, not all) freedom of speech for security any day!

maybe the priest was sian of all the counselling he has had to do for helpers and employers, heh.

EmQ: i'm using the pet pet and pampers active combination, i just bought a pair of mamy poko pull ups to try though, but even on offer it's more expensive than pampers active, siao! drypers not bad also, around same price range as petpet. i don't like huggies at all though, because of the tabs and it doesn't seem to cover much at the sides at all. you can get ONE free sample of goon from but i wasn't all that impressed, hee.

coolmama: i actually agree wif u.. not really abt the voting cause i've never gotten a chance to vote in my entire life.. hehe
crappy talk abt hikes.. erp is a good eg, of course those wif cars may gain overall if they seldom venture erp areas. wat abt those w/o cars who venture erp areas everyday? super blah..

they give childcare rebates, the ccs will juz jack up the prices. in the end, lose-lose situation.

maid issues
though i hate to see the roads being crowded wif foreign workers who seem to dress so little, machiam too poor to buy proper clothes, i do agree slightly tat they r human also, need their pte space. but then again, the more we give, the more they demand.. so perhaps it's better to stick to the boss n slave scenario.

chobee, online edition also muz subscribe.. pay also. hehe.. anyway newspaper hike is the lowest compared to elec hike, f&b hike..
