Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

talk about ERP, i can't believe they say it's to help ease traffic, it's so not working loh! wake up people!!

anyway, apparently the ST is the world's most profitable paper, so i don't know why they must increase the price. tsk.

foreign workers, actually we have no choice lah, if we want to be more cosmopolitan, it's inevitable there will be lots of foreigners - just look at cities like London, crawling with "foreigners".

btw any mummies want nursery rhymes for itunes only? i have a collection of 157 songs which i can easily burn (if i can find some blank DVDs).. but itunes format only.

Isobellies: I'd like to have the nursery rhymes, if I may trouble you.

Petrina: That's what I mean. Don't subscribe online to ST either. It's crap. English is bad. News is even worse. No critical opinions at all. You can read CNA, or the latest controversial news from You can get excerpts from newspapers there. The only thing ST is good for is the Friday issue where they tell you where the departmental store sales are.

Well, the reasons given for ERP and GST hikes are crap. But electricity, food and fuel hikes are unavoidable, due to increase in oil and food prices, which is worldwide. Nothing we can do about it. Can't blame the govt on this. Unless, of course, we want the govt to subsidize transport and utility bills. Then where they get the money from? From higher taxes. So are we willing to pay that? I don't think so. "Sheep wool grows on sheep's body" (Chinese saying). We have to be careful what we wish for.

Overall, Singapore is well run. Every country has it's good and bad points. It's just that our govt gets it into their head to claim credit for everything. That's what I can't stand.

I've also never voted in my life either. Sad. Unless I move to Hougang. haha. He's the only opposition MP I would vote for.
erm, I thot ST Online is FOC after 7pm (or was it 8pm?). But just means that you'll have to read late news lah. Otherwise, go for CNA online or Today online lorh...

foreign workers: I agree they need their space lorh. but some tend to take advantage of that benefit. End up, nobody wants to risk it liaoz. so end up with the situation nowadays...

Yah, me neither. Never voted in my life.
emQ, when they first came out there was a promo for $14.50 or less, then became $14.80, then $15.20, now $15.80!!!!. NB is $16.20, omg luckily I bought already, not going to buy anymore diapers from them.

HC: yeah agree that ST is a big joke, they report what they are told to report. But then again, what do we expect from a nanny state. We have to live and accept all these as long as we are staying here and since there currently is no other group that is actually better, instead what we have are a bunch of renegades and nutjobs, who can take over.
hey mummies
side track from the serious talk for a while. baby E is crawling all over the house now, i was wondering whether any of those knee protector socks are any good? i saw some at robinson's, like long socks (without toes) that cover the knees... anyone tried any?
Isobellies: Would these socks be too slippery for the baby to crawl on marble/tiled floors? I didn't buy any cos Chobee was crawling on her heels instead of her knees.
iso: personally I feel that item is not necessary (and how come I seem to be the 1 mainly answering your questions, does that mean I am too 'eng'???
When J was crawling around, his knees would get rashes initially but I guess the more he crawled the 'tougher' his skin got and then he was soon cruising.

I only recently bought a pair of babylegs off the forum for fun, to see what the hoo-haa was about and it's cute to see him wear them, he looks like he's going to the gym back in the 80s but it's quite hard to find designs suitable for a boy ya? I can lend mine to you to try if you want instead of buying 1 since we're so near to each other.
I think those are called leggings. When Baby L started crawling, I used to let her wear those. They look nice...hehs. They were ok...somehow, they weren't slippery for her. She managed ok. But she has thunder thighs. So it seems a bit tight at the thighs area (but she didn't seem bothered by it). It helps to keep her legs warm too...esp marble flooring on a rainy day. Then, I got lazy. hahaha. So now, she wears them when we go out to the malls or church, and if she's just wearing rompers or skirts. If she's wearing pants already, then I dun put on the leggings for her lah. Too warm lah. But I find them useful when going to the supermarket or air con places. Then when need to change diaper, I dun have to take off pants. heehee...I'm so lazy.

yah, agree with sleek. It's not easy to find designs suitable for boys. Gals, I think any design also suits lah. hahaha. Just team up with the right coloured outfits. Oh yes yes...the kids do look quite retro, with the leggings on them. hehs...
chobee: think got ones that are specially for crawling, so guess they either got some rubber bits or won't be so slippery?
but i was thinking of the marble floor, as CSI mentioned..
CSI yours were just normal leggings or got "crawling" leggings? heh.
sleek, i don't mind borrowing to try, thanks!!
Coolmama: Tx! Yes, girl's better though she still had one "blister-like rash" on her finger when she went back y'day. Just had to get ovr the drama of separation anxiety

Chobeemama: U veri funi - save $0.80 a day. Seriously, did you all read that when we don't turn off the switches at the main socket i.e. wall, we actually are paying like $20 or more per year in residual electrical consumption? Food for thought.

EmQ: GOO.N newborn has 58pcs, Small has 52. I just checked for my friend who's ordering two packs with me. I also need two so just nice we cross the $60 for free delivery already

Isobellies: Congratz that Baby E is crawling. Watch over carefully and ensure floor is free of anything that can be picked up and put into mouth. Agree with Chobeemama that the leggings would be slippery if you have smooth floors. On the other hand, it's good protection if you have textured flooring e.g. outdoor tiles type. I got some leggings for my girl to wear with her shirts or shorts. But at home, usually gave her long pants or she's in sleepsuit so the leggings were for going out only. There's another type I've seen at Tom and Stephanie, padded ones like knee-pads for skaters. I suppose these better for rough flooring.

JTS: Couple of nites ago, I passed my girl her cup of milk and told her hot. Her reply? "Hot ah" Can *faint* man. Like for a season she kept calling me "mommy-ah"... Good reminder of how we must really watch how we talk to her.
Kidz: okie... go ahead.. no problem...

Actually looking at the price not that ex le... wonder why I felt it was pricey back then... anyway... will scout around 1st... have not started on buying things for #3... think still got time to Jan... =D

Getting stuffs for #1 to go P1 1st... cos #3 can always use #2's things... just need diapers... but like lots to get ready for P1 le...
Isobellies: 4got to tell you to watch out for the plastic adhesive tape on Pet Pet. It's not soft-type like Pampers, Huggies, Mammy Poko. When we used on my girl, the sharp corners of the tape actually cut into her chubby thighs and caused two deep red lesions. After that we banned Pet Pet and also were more careful to examine what type of tape is used on the different brands of diapers.

By the way, NTUC has twin-pack Nepia offer @ $28.90 (usual price is $17.50 each). Can still collect 10 of the little red seals from the packaging and exchange for $10 NTUC voucher too. Quite worthwhile. Just bought some of the pull-ups for my girl - still find Nepia one of the softest and not chunky.
Hopefully it's my last purchase as toilet training her.
kidz: thanks for the advice, makes sense about the floor textures... E is not v chubby so the petpet ones are still pretty good for now
i hate the huggies tabs though, those really leave red marks!
chobee, ya.. though i subscribe, usually 4 hb personal reading, i usually venture the TNP online or CNA online for good reads..
fridays ST r for shopping use.. so true... haha

blah.. oil dipped already.. still increase elec.. but hb told me it's accounted for. so they can't anyhow increase.. dunno how true..

kidz, i always off main switch for every darn appliance at home except refrigerator & home cordless phone..

i change to sealer brand already.. velcro tat is high, catch good poo n pee. cheap and elastic..

baby talk
they follow exactly wat they hear.. tats y i restricted all sorts of farni languages n dialects in sight of ryan..
Pet: For Singapore Powers and MRT and SBS, they cannot anyhow make profits. It must be within a certain percentage. But I'm not sure how many percentage points that is.

Chobee also follow what we say now. Two days ago she started saying "Don't want" for her medicine. I think the terrible twos is imminent.
Wonder if any mommy can help me get Friso 3 samples? Hoping to save some $ coz my girl only likes this brand yet everyday day when I pack two portions of the formula for her to bring to child care, she don't drink always drink so it's wasted. Not urgent and if you can help, I will pick up from your place. I already asked for one sample from the co. and whenever go PD try to get but they don't always have in the clinic either
Pet: Very far, at United Square... also, me working, not likely to make it... if you do go & there's great deals, do share.. then I consider making a trip on Wed lor... or ask sis to go buy for me... hee hee.. can start stocking up for Xmas..
way to go, gal! Jia you!! you guys are good...still managing well.

This new one...she's fresh. never been out of Phil before. Has a 3 y.o. son. She enjoys playing with baby that's not too bad. Just that she's super blur and slow. She's messed up my EBM once already (I could feel my blood vessels nearly burst). But after that, so far...ok. hehs. Except that when she tries to put baby L to sleep, she tends to shake baby L, which we have forbidden her to do so several times. Till today, baby L still doesn't want her to carry to sleep. Prefers my father's maid. hahaha.

Angel: Good job!

CSI: I've got my new maid too... she's transferred but only 1 day with former employer... so considered very fresh. So far, attitude has been very good. Just that being fresh, she's a little slow compared to the experienced ones. But good attitude lor... then she has a degree in nursing! Even volunteered at some hospital for 6mths without pay or allowance! My kids love her... but good thing they dun really stick to maids... so I'm fine with that...

It's just 2 days... praying for a good 2 years... =D
aiyoh...didn't see ur post till now. Me back in office le...

wow, only 1 day with former employer? Quite poor thing leh. Come all the way here to SG, then one day, kena send back to agent. can be quite stressful I think.
CSI: Yeah lor... so poor thing... emotionally traumatise man... but hopefully she'll appreciate us better lor... I told her she's slow in her work... but not to worry too much as she should pick up speed with experience... she like a bit kan chiong, went to bed at 1am then MIL says was already up at 5.30am cleaning away! I told her not to do that... no pt burning herself out, just to keep trying her best...

sleek: OMG, the report brought tears to my eyes... especially when the dad says he'd do all he can for the daughter (getting an artificial toe for her)... I hope my mum does not read the article. She hates the idea of crocs for the kids... but I simply love the feel & designs... I've 2 myself and some for my 2 girls... mum nags all the time & tells me not to buy or wear them... hee hee... guess no more crocs for me... I can't imagine such a thing happening to any child... or anyone for that matter... sigh... maybe when kids wear crocs out, we'll need to take the lift instead... ;-p
emq: i already discarded my crocs to the back of my cupboard... my hb's also... but sometimes he will sneak n wear when out alone.

csi: nvm.. c when u free bah..
sleek: oh my goodness!! I am so not going to buy crocs for my kids...I have a pair of what I call, fake crocs. hahaha. Now I dunno whether to wear that or not. *shudder*
my hb and I have never liked the brand and would never buy it for ourselves and certainly not for my kid. we think it's ugly la plus I've heard it wears out really quickly and becomes slippery. I wonder how many more of these incidents will it take for other parents to believe that this is not something that only happens to other people's kids.
What a horrific incident to happen on such a young girl's life. It is very important to mind safety when on escalators - to stay away from the yellow lines marking the danger zone.

I remember back in primary school that one of my classmates had the laces on on his school shoes caught in the escalator @ Bt Timah Plaza. A security officer quickly switched it off. His shoe had to be cut apart to free him.

Btw mommies, Friso's on offer now (free 900g with 1.8kg) so I won't be looking for sample tins now. Just hope my girl gets "hooked" on it more regularly and not waste...

Angel: Keep it up and practise keeping one eye closed to housework
yah. I find the original crocs design to be ugly too. Not to mention expensive (to me lah). But some of the later designs of slip ons...I find those ok. not too bad. But still expensive lah.

did any of your babies ever experienced this:-

I've been supplementing my gal with 1 feed of FM for a few months. Been giving her Mamex Gold Step 1 (brith to 12 mths). Then i thought, shd change to Mamex Gold Step 2 (6 mths to 12 mths). But the last 2 days, tried to give her Step 2, she would hardly drink that feed. Whereas previously, she would finish up her Step 1 quickly. Not sure why she is rejecting the feed...
*stress* I've even tried reducing the amt of solids for her dinner, so that she might be hungry and drink up her milk (the FM is always given for her 7.30pm feed before bed), but she still refused to drink up. How ah?
Oh dear poor girl! The big toe is crucial to getting balance when we walk. I hope she will get the artificial toe attached soon. Otherwise its absence might affect the way she walks in the future.

Crocs should be banned on kids. Adults are fine cos the shoes are too big to get caught anywhere. And maybe fake ones are fine too cos they are not so malleable. Anyway Crocs are so ugly I wonder why people buy them. Give me Birkenstock anytime.

CSI: You might want to add in the Step 2 surreptitiously, one scoop at a time to Step 1. Slowly increase the proportion when your girl gets used to the new taste. She is just rejecting to the new taste.
different taste? oh...possible horh. I was thinking same brand, so taste should be the same. Just nutrient composition different. But yah lah. different nutrient composition can make up different taste. hehs...ok. shall try adding 1 scoop at a time. heehee...Thanks!
chobee: i wear crocs when i was preg.. haha.. e mary jane type.. another type is a plain slip on.. like normal shoe.. i also added clip ons. so it looks nice.

csi: yup. diff taste.. u need to add 1 by 1. increasing portion few days once.
btw, how come u supplement wif fm?
pumping amt dropped?
CSI, depends on individual baby. Some babies are more fussy. My 2 girls are more fussy compared to my boy. I just swop my boy's cow's milk to goat's milk without any problem. But I do mix half half for the 1st to feed before giving him all goat's milk.

I'm getting Goat's Milk from, if you got anything that you like to buy from her, let me know, can topang as she'll be sending the milk to my place.

Let me know early.
talking about goat's milk, i just got a bunch of samples from karihome and tried their sweet, it was so yucky leh!!! but my boy was happily sucking away on it.. hahahah, he is great with weird tastes, even likes the japanese fermented beancurd, natto.

jas, how much is 1 tin of the above 1yo goat's milk?
HC : yah ^5, give our family birkies anyday! I'm just waiting for when J has bigger feet and can fit into them before I buy a pair for him. Even my hb has been converted but we got the wrong size for him, so waiting to sell that off before we order again for him.
yah...supplementing coz pumping amt dropped. I use EBM to mix into her cereals also...breakfast, lunch and dinner cereals. plus 1 milk feed while I'm at work. Then the other milk feed...not enough lorh.

wah, but to mix the FM, means I must buy 2 tins of FM. Darn...and each time I buy 1 tin, before I finish using it, maybe 1 quarter or less, the milk inside will start to harden. (by then it will be 5 or 6 weeks after opening). So, wasted lorh. Hmmm...think I'll continue with Step 1 lah. then when that tin is reaching it's end, then I'll buy step 2 to start mixing. hehs...
My girl used to drink Friso. The change from Step 1 to Step 2 was a breeze. but somehow for Step 3, most milk brands like to add vanilla, honey or whatever sweet taste to it. She totally rejected Step 3. So... I can only get Dugro and Mamil original taste now. Sigh. I mix them half half. Dugro cos it's cheaper.
Sleek, you use Ergo right? Can you tell me where can I buy one? BB Dana's outgrowing her Bjorn soon as it's getting a lil tight under her arms and thighs
Does CK Tang have?
angel, metro used to carry.. but now oos already. i dun think they carry it anymore.
only online shop..
u can wait for BP though. if they have any...

csi, i have lah.. step 2 dumex... quick, collect frm me... hehe.. i pass u some to try.. otherwise also wasted in my hse..
Sleek: Babies come with clean slate so not surprising they like what we may not -- we've been thru too many years of "conditioning" already e.g. hear other pax's comments abt taste of this and that. For my case, was surprised that my girl actually enjoyed wasabi prawn and chillied brinjal -- but she didn't like durian

Angel: Dana settling in infant care? For your Baby Bjorn, have you "released" it to the max. allowance under the armpits/by side of the body and at the crotch? This increases width and length (the latter means bigger "leg-hole"). Unless Dana's not tall enough then don't extend the length or her face may get covered a bit... I had the original Baby Bjorn and was able to use it until my girl was 10M+ and around 8kg. Then I found it heavy so I switched to juz carrying her
Trying to get some Usbourne books (UK brand). But quite ex in Kino/Borders. Anyone got lobang for cheaper buys local or online? Tx.
thank you...
but I also have Step 2. heehee. cheaper than step 1 mah, so bought Step 2 lorh. then now she dun really like the taste, I gotta go get Step 1 again to mix with some Step 2. But at the usual rate that I'm going with the Step 1, I think this time round, will have more "wastage" coz may take even longer to use up all. Gotta think of a way to store the milk better...These FM all dun have the metal lid one. Like that sure "spoil" faster...
csi: no probs.. i'm giving fm every monday. hoping he'll finish it so no wastage..
ya.. dumex came up wif enviro frenly box.. haha
easier to open n scoop mah. store in fridge? can last longer mah? or dry freeze in portions?
