Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

DK: Welcome! I'm a Clementi mommy with a 20M girl.

CSI Fan: I strongly advise parents to put their children in care nearer home. This is very important on days when you are not well and in desperate need of some rest. This is what I've realised - in my case no infant care in Clementi so had to send my girl to Agape @ NTU Alumni. Even when I'm not well, I still have to bundle her off and come back to rest (my husband starts work very early).

Chobeemama: Air-con is okay. Agape is like that but they bring the children out for walks around the clubhouse. Also incorporate monthly waterplay at the pool for the younger ones (once my girl could stand...) I checked out Wee First @ void deck of Blk 5 (I think) in Ghim Moh. Then compared with AC environment @ Agape, I realised these: void deck surrounded by garden areas, MSCarpark so prone to mozzies breeding. Also, not secure - @ Agape, doors are magnetic type so must buzz doorbell for someone to open for you to get in. On hindsight, Agape's location @ the club is good too since they can bring the children to the playroom (slides, see-saws), run about the tennis courts (where my girl got her bua-lu-gu on her forehead from a tumble). Two weeks back, I sent her in to see her classroom looking like a warzone - the teachers had a scrambled eggs cooking session for the class and there was scrambled eggs everywhere! I was quite impressed by the activity but also had a good laugh to see the kids' messy faces. During the mooncake festival, the classes also made snow-skin mooncakes which they could bring home

Btw, we are not NTU Club members - members get like $100 discount or something. But we got a good $300 discount when we signed her up for infant care - some special price for 10 babies and she was no. 10! Now she's in PG, she's got her friends with her and we plan to let her stay there till K2. I hear there's sibling discount too so that'll help when B2 comes and if I want to continue wkg PT.

Ondine: Do ask the centres you visit if they offer sibling discount

I agree with u on the bit if we're ill etc...still must travel there to put them in CC. Hehs, for my case, I'm the one who starts work early (7am). and HB is daily rated. So, ill or not, he'll still turn up for work. Coz he dun have paid MC. He goes on MC means that day got no salary. Hehs...
CSI Fan: I c. Actually the best is nanny but quite hard to find good ones nowadays - I couldn't find one near my place. My youngest nephew's been looked after by a nanny since he was 1M+. Now @ 6YO, the nanny is still his before and after school care. On nights when my sis + her hubby wants some time, they can pick him up later. The nanny really dotes on him and so does her own daughter - the young lady go park-tor also ever bring my nephew along...
No, it is not a good time to go in Dec.
Journey there is VERY choppy - big waves, rain, etc.
We went in Dec last year and more than half the ferry was sea-sick. Crew was busy handing out barf-bags. 4 out of 5 of my family members were sea-sick and needed half a day to recover when we arrived.
CSI, no cos of the monsoon season which results in what geelong described above and you may end up having to stay in the room most of the time due to bad weather when you're there. if you want a beach resort holiday, it's a great season to go thailand.
i love how the site's URL is kiasu parents!! funny stuff.

thailand's east coast also is affected by the year end monsoons which run oct to march (so koh samui, and also malaysia's tioman, redang, etc.) but the west coast - phuket, krabi etc. are all ok. i dive so this was like the first thing to remember before picking dive spots
iso: that's what made me post it !!! heheh, but it's quite an informative site once I actually visited it. and thanks for differentiating the different parts of thailand that are ok to go, i was only thinking of phuket... lol
sleek: heh ok. actually Krabi is pretty nice too (not sure if there are still direct flights there, SilkAir used to fly direct).

speaking of kiasu parents, is it too early to be sending babies for swimming lessons at 9 months??
i love thailand.. but so mafun to bring a kiddo along..
phuket or krabi is nice.. but quite tourisy place. so things r not cheap there.
koh samui seems to be a very boring place - told by my friends.
perhaps i'm not a beach person. so i always go chiangmai.. haha.
nice weather - cooling, no rain.
pet, oh what's there to do in chiangmai?? i've always wanted to go...
koh samui is a bit more lively than krabi, more like phuket. krabi quite small, but i like that way. but actually i'm sick of all the places, after a while all the same to me...
iso: from my POV as a swim coach, I don't advise parents to enrol their babies for swimming lessons since they will be doing exactly what you would normally do; sing/ play and if you're thinking for socialization, it is almost non-existent as you, the parent will be the 1 handling the baby the most.

For babies so young, just bringing them regularly to the pool yourself for 15-30mins will be good enough
And from experience with jordan, he wasn't interested in swimming till recently where he now actively seeks out to play with water.
welcome harriemom! fyi there is also a thread somewhere for queenstown mummies, you gotta go take a look at the other sections
pooh luv elmo, welcome! such a cute nick...

is there a thread for clementi mummies?? heh

sleek, thanks that makes sense. i've only brought E swimming once, and as much as i think his motor skills are developing quite well, i'm quite certain he's not ready for any kind of swimming lessons.
as you can probably guess, the "other" mummies were all talking about it

i love you mummies on this thread, all living in the real world with lots of great advice!
think I mentioned to you about playgroup being a waste of $ too, it's a ploy to get more $ from competitive parents la! I feel quite stupid now for sending j for a 2nd term.. hahah cos I am bored by the class. btw, I have packages from 3 spree to sort through, so using this as an escape from the mind-numbing.. haha
hee hee.. bcos i cant find n c any threads for queenstown mommies here... i got nick- 'pooh luv elmo'-- bcos my 2yr old bb boy luv n crazy over elmo , thomas train n anyting is disney characters esp pooh .. ha..ha..
i got two bb boys.. btwn 3mths n 2yrs old... i m Sahm.. n oso looking ard anyone giving away- 6mths abv rompers plus M size -mommy poko o fitti 360 deg diapers.. anyone here got???
coz I won this 3D2N stay at Banyan Tree Bintan. Was hoping to get the Phuket one. dang....I have until Mar to use it lah...but usually beginning of the year busy lah (with CNY etc), so thot go in Dec lorh. aiyah, sian leh, if Dec not a good time to go. crap....
Welcome harriemom!

Sleek: the link you sent is rather informative. Thanks! Not really kiasu actually. I find there are more kiasu parents on SMH forum! Very entertaining to read some threads here (I usually laugh quietly by myself, or gasp in horror).

CSI: Banyan Tree Bintan might not be suitable if you want to bring your kid along. I find it's too dark and "jungle"ish at night. More for couples. You can wait till after CNY to use it, to chill out from the festivities. I think the monsoon should have let up by then.

IMO most Thai resorts are the same lah. It's just whether you get nicer beaches or not. I think the west coast of Thailand has nicer beaches than the east.
iso, if u talking abt chiangmai, i think i can be mini tour guide liao.. haha
i've been there 3x. staying approx 7days at each visit.. living like a local only diff, i stay in hotel.
for me, thailand hotel is not too impt. min nice n clean bed/room. tat's all. facilities not impt at all, since all we're interested in is the city itself.
i love their night market. i stay beside the market. so if i feel hungry at night, i'll drag my hb downstairs for a midnight snack.
love their malls. central esp... there's another. offhand i can't rem the name. i seldom go there as it's quieter there. at most twice in a single visit.
love their zoo. "hate elephant camp" & doi suthep temple. "hate the stairs"
love their wkend market.
love their local market & food "price & taste" SGD$4 can feed me & hb until we both r bloated.
love their swensens tower sundae. "cheap!"
love their mac "samurai burger" Pork!!
love their mai ping river "romantic wif real *wet* market"
love their dunkin donuts "taste" not that cheap
love their hair salon "price & quality"
love everything abt chiangmai & lots more... except for the SOOT!
opps, forgot to add, not fantastic shopping.. only 2 huge shopping malls...
if u love shopping over good n cheap food & serenity of e city, choose BKK.
Pooh luv Elmo: Welcome to this community!

Isobellies: My friend's wife is a swimming coach too and she's been conducting for a group of daddies water-based bonding sessions with their infants (below 2). My friend says it's lotsa fun as the focus is not on teaching actual swimming but getting the daddies to "play" and "excerise" with their babies -- except in the water. I thought this is quite fun as my girl enjoys splashing around in the pool with me the few times we had a chance to. And a group setting can accentuate the fun.

Sleek: Wonder if you would be able to organise something like this for our little community here? Water-based mommy-baby bonding sessions?
It would be good excercise for us mommmies too...

Pet: You really can be unofficial Chiangmai tour guide. Maybe get you to bring us another time
. I know my friends who've gone there likes to visit handmade paper products factory where they buy very nice tissue-type wrapping paper and notebooks with pressed-flowers, etc. in the paper. They also bring back lotsa dried longans - very tasty!

CSI_Fan: With 2009's CNY in end Jan, perhaps the Valentine period is a good time to getaway - unless there are blackout periods for the prize you won?
yah...haha. that's what I thot too. but MIL was saying, "dun sell away ur luck..." hehs...

true also...after CNY may be better. Aiyah, cannot dun bring baby L along...coz nobody wants to look after her at night (all only want to play, but not look after...haiz). And baby L only looks for me at night...(she does not even look for the daddy...)

yah year may be better lah horh. hehs. Blackout periods...have lah...but dun think V Day is one of them. hehs...
pet: wow, thanks! i will keep that info in mind for when i can finally drag my hubby there
do you think it's a child friendly place? if i go in jan, E will be 11 months old.. btw sorry about the diapers, these days v busy, think easier for me to just buy from NTUC since they having an offer

kidz: thanks, that does sound interesting
does she do this on a regular basis? i would like to find out more!

attention kiasu parents! shichida is opening a kindergarten jan 09, saw them putting up the banner on sat
iso, nvm.. i'll keep until ryan can fit in it.
child frenly or not i can't tell. but i do see ppl using baby carrier ard their wet markets.. very seldom i see strollers..
I think for the touristy places, baby carriers are better lah. coz a) dunno the terrain there, may be difficult for stroller; b) may be crowded for stroller. the pple culture there can also be quite different. who gives way to strollers?; c) if their culture there is very different, they might not care if they bump into ur stroller etc. so...might as well just use the carrier. baby is nearer to you...safer. That's what I think lah.
pet: oh you mean it's too big? thought it's too small for ryan, so u selling.. hee.

CSI: true, but bbs are always getting heavier and not lighter! *shoulder and arms aching*
thailand ppl loves babies n preg women..
cause they feel babies or preg women bring luck. so stroller probs r secondary. only prob is tat it's not too stroller frenly as there ain't many ramps ard.. so need to carry strollers up n down.
chiangmai is more of a "tuktuk" plc rather than taxi. so not convenient to bring pram up.
unless u take mrt or "songtel"
Hi Mommies

I've consolidated a shopping list for items my colleagues and I need. Posted it under WTB. Do contact me if you have items on our list to sell/give away/loan. Tx!

Also, looking to learn from any mommies in the vicinity how to knit and crochet. Any other interesting crafts hobbies too. Looking to start "lessons" Dec-Jan when I'm clearing leave. Plus I'll resume making bead jewellry so if anyone like to do this together, let me know
Flower: Hey, no news lately. Away or started work? Anyone got update?

Ondine: How's your search for CC? Let me know if you visit Agape. Intro you to my gal

Mommies: Anyone got any M size Huggies Swim diapers to giveaway or exchange or stuffs?
hello mummies.. making my special appearnace here again..
Hope all of u are doing fine.

isobellies... i also think too early go swimming lessons.. sshh.. :p i think when we bring baby to the pool is more for bonding and have fun.. i dunno just cant imagine my bb learning how to swim now.. i think basic stuffs like kicking we can play and teach them lah hor..

kidzs.. i have swim diapers.. u want get from me.. i stay at holland drive. can pm me
heehee.. shhhh.

but then the "lessons" that kidzkidz mentioned does sound quite fun!

kidz: maybe my mum can teach you how to knit, but then someone would have to look after little E!! haha..
btw i brought E to BJG last sunday - it was quite interesting, altho my hubby say their flashcards so "ugly" (the photos look like they're from the 80s loh, i think when E grows up he won't be able to identify with them, haha..), but i learned quite a bit, like the gym part and my hubby already want to try flashing cards on his own.
Isobellies: I also keen if there's a waterplay bonding thing going on nearby. Unfortunately my friend's wife only doing it for his group of guy pals and only has x once a wk (somemore in eastern part). Understand she has coaching job with David Lim/APS that type of swim school to keep her busy most days. That's why I wonder if Sleek's able to lead us. Then maybe we can use the pool @ someone's condo in this vicinity or go Clementi/Buona Vista pool. When I think about swimming lessons for my girl would also prefer fun-based type - the bonding bit would be a huge bonus

Knitting, crocheting, etc. I've been wanting to pick up for years so decided to set a deadline -- next two months! Thought it did be a cool idea to gather mommies around an activity like this.

Jeannie: Hv PMed you
iso.. ur hubby very funny lor actually commented on the pics of all things??? :p

But i must agree the pics not that nice.. they should have some recent celebrities?? Hehe..

The gym part got learn anyhting meh?? u mean the hold 5 s thingy???

So does E likes the flash card.. i tried w my ger.. sometimes work sometimes cannot..
yaaah! i think he thinks it's q unprofesional i guess.
the gym part, i thought the monkey bars was cute, will bring E to playground to do that! But he can't really concentrate on the flash cards, only once or twice he got it right there, but most of the time only wants to crawl around..

FTWMs, any advice on how to balance everything? i just started a new job and finding it difficult. before i joined my boss's boss gave me the impression that there is good work-life balance but now it seems he gets quite annoyed if we don't work late like him. sian......
Iso: I must say that work-life balance depends a fair bit on your workplace culture. I'm a workaholic by nature and will give my all when at work. So I found it difficult to tear myself away when I'm committed to projects. It took a miscarriage & an ectopic, plus my gynae's warning to force HB & I to re-assess our lives... well, we are happier for that..

We've since found better work-life balance. We are enjoying FANTASTIC work-life balance & quality family life right now... can only count our blessings...

However, even in a 'horrible' place, we can still achieve work-life balance if we are admanment about it. I had a high ranking superior who is superb at it. She gets into the office slightly earlier than she needs to but leaves almost on the dot at the end of the day. Over the many years, she has continued to cook & clean for her family, without the help of maids. She raised 2 very bright scholars and is herself a high ranking officer. I admire how efficient she can be and yet still maintain the work-life balance over the years.

I guess our priorities MUST be clear & right and we must stick to our beliefs.

My current workplace is very pro-family & we are constantly reminded to value our family as much as our work. We are given time-off to attend to family matters & our superiors make slight adjustments to accommodate our family commitments. As such, we achieve win-win situations whereby staffs are more willing to commit and yet we are able to take care of our families.

I guess what we can do on our part is to stay focussed at work. I get early on most days to complete my work but will leave on the dot to fetch my daughter from cc. When I'm at work, I do not attend to family matters (unless they are urgent) and I do not allow my family to call me for trivia matters when I'm at work. In this way, I am able to concentrate on my work and work more efficiently. I get to complete most of my things on most days. Then when I am home, I either spend time with the kids or surfing the net (for my own leisure).... I do not allow colleagues to call me after work hours for trivia matters either... anything related to work will be discussed when we are in the office... and if need be, via emails... for urgent matters, sms... if immediate attention is needed, then we'll call.

In this way, work & home is clearly marked for me... home is time for kids, family & self... while work is strictly work.

There's no quick fix. I must say it took me a few years to learn to balance things better... of course it helps that I've a fantastic workplace culture.

All the best!
EmQ: Didn't know you and your hubby went through such heartaches. I admire your strength. You about right about us needing to get our priorities right.

I also work @ a family-friendly org (got award to show for it). But I'm in events so gotta give and take. Most impt is hv understanding boss who also facing work-life challenges on his own. Not easy for working mommies to strike harmony between home n' work but priority and attitude is very important.

This said, it really is dependent on individuals. Some of my friends & colleagues are those who are more dependent and thus they are always stressed over this work-life harmony issue. Others like me prefer to take it easier (also called "who cares" attitude...) and focus on just family happiness -- then the decision-making involving work is a lot easier. Of course support from hubby extremely impt. Good child care arrangements too!

Personally, I have no regrets switching to PT (60% hours but 100% wkload tho...). Pay-cut means I shop less at dept stores and hv to buy fr BP more tho
Iso: Your situation is challenging. Just to share what I likely in such situation: New work arrangements not ideal, 1st talk with hubby on what we really want (family vs income that type of thing). Then see if need to talk to boss over what he has promised during interview -- impressions he gave don't count hor... 3rd is whether any change for the better @ work is coming. Don't have then I seriously would go back to the heart of the matter which is usually the matter of the heart: what my heart desires. Think for most mommies, it's usually our babies and family

I shared the followng "horror story" before about someone I encountered through my line of wk:
This 31YO lady's struggling with 3 kids (incl 2 naughty boys) and expecting a 4th (accident...). Her situation: income is the main thing as she not making much yet more than her husband. But she's now very stressed about family front and work front too. Work stress mainly coz she's not cut out for the job and it means can't fully managed. But she's stuck between a rock and hard place since she's supporting her family. For this case I really pity her. Plus I wondering how husband can let wife bear such a burden...

Her "horror story" got me thinking:
- am I really the one raising my child (or just come home and discipline?)
- hv my hubby and I properly planned for our own as well as our girl's future?
- How impt family planning is!
- How impt job fulfilment is for me - coz unhappiness @ wk will always spill into other areas of life...

Other WM wanna share your thoughts?
Hey mommies, i am back! lost this thread for awhile..hahaha...cos i kept thinking of ghim moh instead of dover... :D absent-minded!

anyways, parenthood is indeed daunting... guess it will be rewarding definitely, but definitely a new learning experience.

Seems like all of you are experienced mommies here! :D
i know i can always "count" on this thread for some good discussions

so a little more background, my boss's boss (ang moh guy who has TWO young boys of his own) was the one who offered me a 1 month contract first to work part time to transit. quite nice right? even the headhunter was surprised.

now i find out that he doesn't really eat lunch (apart from say, subway) so he's not too happy about others going out for lunch if it's more than 15mins at your desk (ok i'm exaggerating).
but i only found this out from my boss (chinese lady, single) today, so i'm going to give it some time to think over it.

unfortunately the co. i left earlier this year is now going through retrenchment, otherwise i would rejoin without hesitation - official hours are 9 to 5, and by 530 on most days you can hear crickets. very conducive if #2 should come along ;)

my priority is definitely family, but i guess i can earn a decent amount by working, and i think because when my hubby grew up his family were quite poor, and his own income fluctuates, he feels my working will be a fail safe for the family. he's the one who has been pushing me to go back to work, otherwise i would be happily spending my time at home
Halo everyone...

Being WM and working in Hotel industry, is not an easy task at all. My work constantly requires me to be 24/7. Long working hours when I am single and it did not change at all when I am now married and with a 8mths baby. Working long hours is a norm in Hotel industry - maybe some of you have heard or knew it. Therefore, it is my work passion and I have no regrets. Although monetary is not so fantasic but it is rewarding.
And sufficient $$ to keep family expenses together.

I do balance my family priority. Like picking up baby at cc before it closes at 7pm. Although I felt bad when baby is the 2nd or last one there.
I will make it a point to pick baby earlier the next day to make up for the loss of waiting time.

Additional income for the family with children is important I think, rather relying on one sole person. As it will ease out the expenses burden alot, and improve on the quality of life. No luxury items of coz.

Family support is important too. While you know that child is taken care of, you can work at ease. It feels good when my partner gives me a hug at the end of your hard work day. That strong arm & firm chest of his, gave the assurance and strength for each day.
Wow, limangela, you're in the hotel industry...It really is not easy. My mum is also in the hotel industry. She's been in there for years......and she has 3 of us. Of course, I grew up seeing my dad more lah. Long working hours, and sometimes there's duty to do. The worst is during festive seasons, she's always at the hotel. Although I'm not in the industry, but I totally understand the long working hours. hehs...

But, mine is not any better! hahaha.

I'm in the finance industry, and my hours are loooong too. Part of the long hours is at home, if you bring work home to do. It really is not easy, esp since I have to be in office at 7am, 730am. I leave office only at 6pm, 6.30pm. (with such stressful job, I'm very happy that I still manage to bf, express my milk...till now that she's 11 mths old. PHEW!! Sheer hard labour manz...) So I'm thankful, that hb's job has much shorter hours, it's more he can spend time with baby L, and she gets parent bonding. Weekends, I devote my time to baby L to make up for the short time I spend with her during the week. But that said, coz I'm still bfg, week nights, she must have me. hahaha. So, that kind of makes up for it too.

My boss has 4 kids. So, being in the same industry, he manages to balance it well. So I take a leaf out from his book. He comes in early. Leaves on the dot. During office hours, I see him work really fast. So, I think it's all abt planning ur day's work well, and focusing on the work on hand. Do it right, the first time, everytime. That would save us time for other things.

Oops...what am I still doing here? hahahaha...

wow, u went through qutie a bit. I used to be a workaholic too. Worked right up till the day I popped. Now, just dun have the energy...hahaha.
Iso: Wah, that guy is a conman then! Hmm, offering you a 1M PT contract is likely also his strategy to see how you react to real demands he has about work hours. Like that I can't imagine if you were to work for him FT or perm!

You know, at the back of my mind I've always thought of the home tutor line as a back up. Back up in the sense that should I become SAHM and then gets an itch to work. Or even w/o itch, it's also a good way to stay active, contribute to family income and best of all beef up on parenting skills/patience through dealing with students. This is my "plan"
- I used to give tuition during school days up to early years of my worklife. The most lucrative is group tuition of course -- kill many birds with one stone.

Angela: Can imagine how tough it is for you. I've used many hotels for events and made a few friends as a result - they do share with me about the need to be flexible in your industry. I realised that those who are single has hard time having proper social life -- otherwise they end up meeting guys who work long/upside down hours like them. I take my hat off to you too...

CSI_Fan: Wow, you're still able to express at 11M? Actually I also can't remember when I stopped. Maybe also around there, haha. But now I still supplement with direct bfdg morning and evening/nite. To help wean her off nite sessions, I get her very tired so she'll just zonk off easily <evil>

My PT income is enough to pay for CC, buy baby supplies and buy things through the BP here
. Other than these, my husband takes care of the rest of our family financial commitments e.g. housing loan, food, groceries, parent support, etc. Don't think we can afford holidays now -- though I would very, very, very much like to go somewhere this year-end before I get grounded for the next few years (additional expenses with B2). I mean finally B1 is 20M old and old enough to enjoy a trip but my husband is not keen. This mommy is such a poor thing

yah...I also dunno how I lasted this long. Just go through the same motions at the same time everyday...and before I knew it, it's 11M already.

Actually, dunno whether it's me, baby L or hb...who wants the bfg to continue. hahaha. I enjoy bfg her ('s so convenient)...I'm just stressed out sometimes, by the need to express enough to meet her demands for milk, esp when she had diarrohea 2 weeks ago. (I started supplementing FM, but she ended up with diarrohea - think the FM not suitable for her?). Then baby L also likes the comfort of the nip. hehs...then daddy believes strongly on the benefits of bfg, so keeps encouraging me to continue...but sometimes, I think he abit insensitive lah. just a few days back, he suddenly tells me "can increase her milk intake for lunch? I think she can take more than 180ml one". Waraoz, my 1 pump in office ah...can only pump 150ml leh. Means at night, I must stay awake after baby L suckles to zzz-land, just to pump additional for her. He talk like so easy like that. bleh...`
