Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

melody, you should consider Their food is really yummy. Just recently when my company had a gathering , think the boss ordered their menu #10 (western style), it was excellent. Not sure if it is same standard as tunglok though.

Hi Angel,
I ordered from the tunglok catering (check their website) for last year and everyone said the food is good - $25@pax, min. 50pax (for coffee & tea you have to add $3@pax).. we were celebrating 1st birthday so splurge alittle lor ... hee ..

thanks hiaweh, i will check out their website ...

Petrina, sorry I'm busy preparing my son's birthday - haven't got the caterer/ cake/ party stuff yet!! and only 2wks + away!! Have a good celebration!

Sleek, will check out cjscatering too ... do you know any good bakery doing 3D Thomas the train cakes?? ... had a self designed cake done at Shangrila's bakery last year & it costed $200++ so was thinking to cut down on cake this year ... hee ... looking for alternatives ... not so XX ones ...

Thank you mummies for your advises
angel: i order frm yeh lai siang. food is very good also.
i also ordering either a whole cake or mini cupcakes for guests. i also ordering ang ku kuehs n red eggs.
all to be consumed there or tapao. so i dun have to separate send.

melody: if u dun mind, polar cake does thomas the train pic cakes... not bad.
Hi Angel:
Thank you for the link. If you are available today or tomorrow, please come over to pick the book that you borrow me. SMS me lah.

Hi Sleek:
Thank you for the link and advice at infant care centre. Will monitor them as I have 1 wk trial/observation at the centre.

this lady does the 3D cakes. u can request for customisation and add on ur own accessories if u like. she's in west coast btw.

petrina- sorry cant do wkends..

angel- no prbs. maclarens are very good. english products for babies are under very strict quality control. esp things like strollers and car seats. if u are driving, do invest in a good one as well.
Hi Petrina, thanks but Polar don't do 3Ds .. the pics looks very nice but i have not tried the cakes ...

Thanks Shauna, will check the site too ... wonder how much they charge... ;)
melody- deps how many pax u want. the fondant cakes, which are really pretty (i LOVE the one she did of an LV bag, haha.), costs abt 200 for 15 pax.
I guess they cost about the same then ... cos the bakery at Shangrila charged about $260 last year for a 3D cake design (2kg)... hmmn...
that cheryl seems extra expensive, I googled and came across her site when I was looking for cupcake makers for my boy's 1 mth (didn't get any1 in the end). melody, can try to google for cupcakes locally, I remember some of the cupcake makers also make 3d cakes.
that book belongs to KidzKidz actually. Just wondering if you can get your hubby to return it to her personally? We've been very very busy these past 2 weekends running errands to get things ready for our baby daughter's arrival. On top of that, it's PEAK period for me at the University as I'm handling undergrad admissions and I've been working late everyday and even on weekends.
Quite overwhelmed...

Melody, for good caterers (Western Style), you can try purplesage. Their presentation and cuisine is upmarket.
Hi Angel, thanks... i thought so too but a friend said it's so-so ... so i did not pursue .. will check it out now ..

Sleek, i went to order from Shangrila liao cos i'm afraid if i wait too long the date gets nearer, nobody want to take my order in the end ... nevermind, next year ... thanks! I hope the cake is nice this year from Shangrila cos the baker chef has resigned! sighz ...
hi angel
itz okay dearie... as i will be free from confinement this sat. Just wondering if you may want to read it - rather useful tips in this book. Let me know if to return to you or kidzkidz. As Sunday, I am free - no more confinement liao - but MIL is in the HOUSE!
See you around - Will hear good news from you soon. Cheerioz...
I can't believe this Fidget's email is still doing the rounds. I wouldn't bother answering it but this is a respectable board and it is not fair people have been misinformed. It is shocking that people are literally copying anonymous postings from other boards and passing them off as facts!

I was there and it was not nice to see the young girl hurt but it is not has it was told. The young girl was unsupervised and climbing UP the slide when her friends came down it in number hitting her and pushing her into side netting that was there to stop access. The netting understandably in my humble opinion came away from the force of so many children hitting it and this exposed 2 retainer screws by possibly 3 mm. The poor child's leg went down the gap and was cut by the screws.

The parents didn't have a clue, they were all round in the cafe having coffee when the little thing went to her mummy.

The Fidget's people did their best but this was not the normal type of thing you would expect to see and another parent was leading the first aid. The mother asked for a taxi to be called but the Fidgets lady insisted on taking them in her car.

We go to that place every second day and we find the staff pleasant and helpful. They patrol that place like the border now even though it is clear, on entry, that we, the parents, are responsible and you only have to look at how the place is kept to see it is a quality place. I got their newsletter last night and they donate $1 to Singapore Spastics Children's Assoc for every child entry. They announced they had raised $3,097 in three weeks. This tells me two things, a) they are unlike most companies and giving back to the community and in particular children b) 3097 means they are doing very well and clearly most people do not agree with the rubbish written.

Make up your own mind by all means but don't let people get away with 3rd party stories and copying anonymous postings and passing them off as accurate. We don't lose our independent minds when we become parents.
Here are Good Caterers I've used at our workshops or office parties:
1) Deli-Hub (Halal subsidary of Neo Garden, many menus, nice food and value for $$$)
2) Chilli Padi (nonya crusine, they actually started from a restaurant @ Joo Chiat, very delicious food)
3) Orchid Thai (delicious but can be spciy -- olive rice is wonderful!!!)

Baby's Full Month Celebration Sets
I only recommend Choz Confectionery which is the choice of many local celebrities. My colleague gave me a set before and I was hooked, then patiently waited till Princess came along to put this contact to use. As expected, my colleagues were all amazed by Choz's ang ku kueh (skin's thin and filling smooth) + glutinuous rice (zhu bee png). It's non-halal but they use no pork, no lard either. I understand can just order trays of the zhu bee png or ang ku kueh and collect from a bakery @ Bukit Timah 7 miles (Toh Yi). I compared packages with others like Melrose (many don't recommend coz not outstanding) and Choz's prices are reasonable. Moreover they give one box free for every 10 boxes.

Melody, sorry, I can't seem to find the contact for the former Ronald McDonald clown. Actually, I have no idea where I filed his card in my name card collection. I couldn't find under clown nor party but guess I must have filed under the man's name except now I don't even remember what's his name.... Paiseh.
Sleek & Flower -- thanks for Dr Yvonne's contact. Latest issue of Mother & Baby (mediacorp publishing) listed a new wellness clinic in Rochester Park (opposite ACJC) which includes pediatric services. I suspect it's for more targeting the expat community there so the rates may be high. If anyone goes to try out the pedi there, do post feedback here.
Angel -- which infant centre you sending bb to? Agape? Princess is there. It's air-conditioned so I provide long sleeved rompers and long pants for her all along - though some days she's in short sleeved rompers now.

They sterilise the milk bottle each day but maybe you want to follow Sleek's advise to bring back and sterilise too. Princess doesn't want to drink formula so they returned me the milk bottles already. Only got Pigeon Mag-Mag straw cup for her to drink juice from.

Provide lotsa burp cloths and bibs. Right now I've switched to buying bigger and waterproofed bibs to catch food spills rather than drool. Don't bring stuffs like pacifier or teethers coz the older infants "share" these unknowningly. Remember to provide diaper rash cream too.
Sorry, the earlier post is directed at Angela, not Angel. Haven't managed to get enough rest yet since Marriage Convention just ended on Sun.

Angela: I no chance to clear off yet as got lotsa to wrap up now. But no worries, let me know when you need a hand and I'll pop by where possible. But I'm NO expert hor. Can try to be extra pair of hands lah.

Petrina, Ryan's celebration's on Sun, not Sat? If on Sun I need to take a raincheck coz I've visiting grandmother-in-law due to work. Will double-check with hb 2nite and let you know asap.
KidzKidz, can really see you're really tired. Your post to Angela abt popping by to be extra pair of hands is directed at me lah...hehe
results of sleep deprivation.

btw, anyone has any idea what the long post above KidzKidz is and who that person is? Is it spam? I couldn't figure head or tail of it...
angel: rem the way earlier post abt a girl injured at fidgets?

so the long post above is to clear the misunderstanding... anyway we dun go there so dun bother la.

since we all so busy, shall we fix a second potluck gathering?

hehe, anyone's hse upz for *rental*?? mine is avail. but no toys to entertain the kids la... n i realised tat my hse not really toddler-frenly...

so prob my plc is not suitable...
petrina and Shauna

oic, thanks for clearing the air...I thought, 'alamak, someone spamming our beloved Clementi Thread'. phew.

yes, let's meet up perhaps at 1 of the ice-cream parlours or coffee joints nearby where we can chill out and chat? Like Cold Rock in Holland Village or Coffee Bean? But it has to be soon otherwise when my bb arrives, I think I'll be grounded at least for the 1st week
angel- i'm fine with anywhere. but sidney wun stay still for very long, i promise! haha. so coffee yes, but we may have to start walking when he screams.. or he may really scream the entire holland v down.
no worries Shauna, whenever Sidney starts to fidget, you can bring him around for a walk then come back to sip your coffee then take a walk again...
Angel: yez, I'm about to KO and kopi also can't help. Going back to zzzz soon. Hectic schedule last two weeks made worst by Princess waking up a few times each nite so I didn't get good sleep at all. This AM too, she was very clingy before we left for "bear bear school". Sigh...

Pet: thought their choc fudge cake is quite nice. But for sure their zhu bee png and ang ku kueh can score points one. Heheh.

For gatherings, Food Haven @ Singapore Polytechnic (Gate 2 or 3, next to Telecom tower) is quiet after lunchtime. Usually has some cakes and ice-cream. Or go to West Coast Park Mc's -- can walk around later.
Hi kidzkidz, thank you for your advises, i have ordered the buffet from Chilli padi - Peranakan for a change and since the food is nice & cheap too, double bonus... I have engaged the balloonist recommended by hiaweh and he seems very friendly person compared to other bigger names in the market...
Thank you to all the mummies ...
Melody: welcomed! My family ordered from their CNY Reunion Set two years in a row coz very nice food (had to pick up tho since eve of CNY). Oh, just remembered tho about their catering: the fried fish fillet is quite big piece, not small finger food portion. And this dish they give like enough only -- during my office party some clumsy fellow dropped a few pieces and that was really wasted. If you order this, I suggest you ask if they can make the portion smaller so there's more to go around.
kidz: wah.. u make me drool liao... i also like chillipadi... but i can't eat yet... cause c-sec. so sad...

HV suits me to a T!! hehe... arrange time n date bah... i m avail after this sun lor... hehe
Hi kidzkidz...
must be tiring for you dear - just relax with some deep breathing exercise...

Be sending BB to PGS - Wee First@Ghim Moh.
I kinda of like AGAPE - but rates for infant are ex and HD does not like the place. Also another factor is when we went there for inspection, the toilet at the lift area stinks. Hence it makes us wanna puke leh.

Maybe after 18mths - will consider to BB at AGAPE as they have lots of enrichment programme.

Thanks for the tips on bottles, burp cloth, etc etc...

Hi Shauna:
Have replied your PM - pls let me know.

Angela: I know, the toilet outside don't know why for a week, the NTU Alumni Club cleaners like never clean!! But that toilet is for teachers and parents only.

You know, we also checked out Wee First and I joked with hb that their complete name is Wee First, Pooh Later. True enough, after that visit, Princess came home and delivered big pooh-pooh! Haha. But the staff also very nice there.

After that I found Agape (thru parent mag) and they had a 10 babies promotion -- $350 off before MCYS $400 subsidy (think full fee is $1,400?). We got her in as baby #10. Heehee. So been paying $650 since and likely will be too when she goes to PG at 18M, as PG current fee is also $650. No uniform to buy till 18M too so everyday is Fashion Parade -- gd to ensure the clothes given to her sees daylight. But I needed to stock more pants and long-sleeved rompers since Agape is air-conditioned.
Andy Parkin,
If you'd read my post correctly, I am merely sharing my concern with other parents and I have done so without any malicious intent. "So for all who plan to go, put it on hold first", was how I concluded my msge.

Take for instance, the recent report in the newspaper regarding the increase in HFMD cases since the schools reopened in March. Would you still send your child to school "blindly" knowing that there's an increase in number of reported cases? As a concerned parent, one would enquire with the school as to whether there are any reported cases in the school, what actions are the school taking to protect the rest of the students and are there any preventive measures in place.

We are adults and when we become parents, we will always do what is in the best interest of our children. So it is up to the individual to decide, after reading such comments, whether to believe it fully or take it with a pinch of salt.

Whilst you may be comfortable with patronizing the place although you witnessed the whole incident but some of us may just wish to adopt the 'wait and see' policy.

2pregnant, you can try to contact grace lim, she does from her home in west coast or can go to your place. Her website is I didn't do any postnatal massages but did 2 full body massages with her; very good!!!, relaxing and no bruises. Would love to go back to her now but that was under her promo price then and now normal price, so can't go anymore
shauna: I haven't gotten any chinese books for my son yet, but I was told that there is a bookstore in Bras Basah complex think it's on 2nd floor near art friend that sells books (both english and chinese) at cheap prices (books that can be found at borders, kino). heh or did you mean to ask some1 else cos I am super lousy at mandarin
Hi melody,

you may want to try manna pot catering. my sis uses them for her wedding in Jan08 and it's full of praise by everyone. go to their website and check their prices. I personally love their sheperd's pie though rest of food equally good. Resonable price. Hope this helps!
hi kidzkidz,

I have given my feedback to the principal too.
Can't remember what was the offer given by the principal liao...

after subsidy, pay abt $617 at Wee 1st. Got uniform rompers and non-aircon. So okay lor.

yes, long sleeve & long pants required - just in case the aircon is too cold for your princess..

looking forward to see you around...

sleek- haha. no i meant to ask u coz i genuinely think u offer sound advices, of course i was trying my luck on the chinese books part lah. i'm so desperate to get some decent chinese books for sidney! yes i'm hitting bras basah. thanks anyway! ")
Hi mummies... happened to read this page!
Today is my baby's first day at Wee First. Ms Wendy Ang is still the principal, did Sleek send her baby there too?
My baby previously taken care by a babysitter near my home, but babysitter can't cope with her own housework, so I switched.

Angela, have you brought your baby already? or is your baby starting soon?

Baby got to adapt to the many carers there, and adapt to having many other babies around him... but I'm glad they are around the same age. But then when 1 cry, many will follow, like a CRYING PARTY, boo hoo...

I'm there whole day today, tomorrow onwards go back to work!

Angela, when's your baby starting?
Hi Angela,

Where is Wee 1st? It is for infant care?

Anyone here send their children to Babies Inc. Thinking of sending my 18th month old girl there and like to get some feedback before deciding. My Eldest girl now presently at Columbia. So tot of trying another school for my 2nd girl.

2pregnant, I did my post-natal massage 2 months ago with this lady who does home service. I like her very much and relaxing. If you like, PM me and I'll give you her contact.
shauna: haha, my goodness you make me feel so shy! btw, I would be interested to tag along when you do go to bras basah, if you're ok with it
petrina: yeah it was fun to chit chat, glad we sorta figured out how to use the sling too. I think the diagram they have is wrong for cradle carry, not possible to have baby's head that side cos won't be supported and I rem my friend who uses another brand's sling also has her baby's head at the ring part.

To me, your MIL seemed to be quite nice and friendly maybe abit old fashioned only, maybe for you living with her is a different matter.

thanks Jaime for the infor. will check it out and KIV it for next year!

Shauna, I went to bras basah today - there's this Children's book shop on the 4th level (come out from smelly lift and you can see it on the left) and they were having sale 30% ... there's some nice books (ladybird esp. which i feel is a very good buy) there though selection is limited ... you may want to take a look - one thing though i did not see any Mandarin books there, maybe i wasn't looking for them ... hee ..
