Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Sleek - i latched on bb not very often @ hospital. When discharge, i latched her on then got sore nipples so i stopped, started pumping only 2 days ago and today i started to latch her back.

csi: voted for your princess, if petrina don't want, can my son date your darling.. haha :p this thread only has a few girls, rest all boys!

koori: you should have latched on as long and as often as possible in the early days. if the nipples are just sore from getting used to being nursed from but your latch is correct, the sore nipples will go away in 1 week. if you want to persevere with your bfeeding journey, do check with a lactation consultant if your latch is correct and also stop pumping, just latch on as much and as often as you can. some women are not able to pump out alot but you must rem that baby can drink alot more from your breast, you just cannot see it and as long as you give bb the chance to. also if you have the mindset that you must see and control how much bb drinks then it would be good if you try to change that mindset.

I think I said it before in this thread, latching on in the early days before milk comes in is to 'waken' the milk receptors in your breast, the more you allow bb to latch on and nurse, the more receptors will be awakened and the more milk will be eventually produced. This does not mean that you won't be able to increase your supply now, you just need to allow bb to latch as long as bb wants to, as demand = supply. do visit and for more info. Good luck!
hi all!
i am a clementi mummy, and chanced upon this thread.
been wondering how come don't have it in the chat sections. how come its here?
anyway, am i eligible to join?

I am mummy to coming 4 yr old & 7 mths old princesses.
good morning. Bb Dana has been a darling so far in the day but she has been regurgitating her night feeds. Am quite worried, is it because she's drinking too fast or we gave too much? anyway, I've a bag full of preloved baby boy's clothing given by a close friend. Too sayang to give to others - Petrina, do you need? If you do, can get your hubby to come collect from me?

CSI_fan, I voted for your Princess!
CSI: voted...

sleek: i wan... but hor my silly hb so weird... nvm, *ri jiu sheng qing*... let ryan play wif louisa often.. then frm playmates can become good friends.. hehe... i noe ur pumpkin also very charming.. i better teach ryan to smile faster.. otherwise lose to ur boy liao... keke
i want a DIL wif hainanese genes.. hehe... so i dun mind slightly older DIL. haha

angel: u give me ur addy. i go over n get frm u tmr. hehe.. thks..

very grateful to all who gave ryan clothes... he got so many nice ones.. hehe, his silly mummy only bot him single coloured super plain ones..
i dressing him all the nice clothes given by frens n family now.
he outgrow the clothes rather quickly.. hmm...

welcome coolmama!!
heehee...thanks mummies!

sleek, petrina: wah, got competition liaoz ah...hahaha...nevermind, next time there will be Baby Dana too...more girls for the boys to choose from liaoz.

baby clothes...yah, the babies outgrow their clothes very fast. dressing them up is fun, but the washing...haiz. so many clothes! hahaha...

Angel, regurgitation is quite normal. some babies just have more reflux than others. Must burp her more. I have a friend, her daughter used to merlion / projectile...everybody who's in the "line of fire" will get it lorh. Think it will pass after a while, when their system matures...
Hi Ladies,

Anyone interested to let your child attend art lesson. Found a lady who take Art & Craft lessson at home. She charges $170 for 1 kid and $240 for 2. But only taking in 4 yrs old onwards. Course fee includes all materials.

I was thinking since we all stay near each other, we can organise a class at one of our home and ask her to come over.

Here's my suggestion :

1. I can only do it in the week day evenings, prefer Thurs.
2. Do it at my downstairs swimming pool area, but of couse setback is no air-con or fan. Where the rest of the siblings can swim or paly at the playground.

Anyone interested, pls pm me and we can discuss how this can work out.
Coolmama, welcome ...

Flower, how old is your baby? Actually, I started doing art - rather helping my son do art - scribbling, painting, drawing when he's able to hold a crayon/ marker and now have been making turtles/ faces on paper plates, bunnies from toilet rolls, etc... (he's turning 2 soon) - all these you can start to do at home without spending $$ ... hee ... very stingy mummy here ...

But, if you are talking about really doing art and the basics, than your child must be old enough to understand concepts ... would love to send mine when he's older ...
welcome coolmama! your nick is very familiar, have I 'talked' to you before this? haha, dont know how come it is here, cannot ask the thread starter either cos she is in trouble on this forum also.

petrina: haha, tell your hb it is a in thing to have older wife and younger hb, anyway 3 mths diff only (so what if diff yr)!

CSI: somemore yours is a girl, would have even more clothes to dress up! haha my boy already has so many.

koori: if you can latch on as often as bb wants, it can be as often as less than 1 hour sometimes, and sometimes each nursing session can be 1hr or more. so it's up to you lo.

flower think most of our kids are too young to have the art class yet le. btw will you be willing to let us have a gathering at your place? think we should organise a gathering for this month if possible

Sure, but I can only do it on Mon - Thur cos I'm usually at my mum's plc on Fri.

We can do it at the poolside so that the children can run around in the playground too. The only setback is that we dont have a function room that we can use. Let me know so that I can make arrangement.
Melody, my no 1 is turning 4 this yr, no 2 is turning 2 & no 3 is only coming 4 months. So only the no 1 can start only.

Let me know if anyone here interested.
ok who wants to go for a gathering this mth at flower's home either mon or thurs afternoon, pls leave your name

1) sleek
Din long it for quite a while, welcome all new joiners!
Angel: Congratulations to you and your hb for your baby girl!
Petrina: congrats to little ryan 1 month now, phew, its amazing 1 month passed so quickly!
Kidz and sleek: you ever try calendula or aloe vera cream from california baby for insect bites? My girl has very bad marks left behind after insect bite, I bought the 2 items and haven't try yet.
petrina: you very on le! so fast want to decide the date for the gathering, heh I thought let everyone see when they are free first then decide.

Fairlady: I have never tried using the calendula for scars left after mozzie bites. Normally those scars have to be left to fade on their own otherwise if they are very severe as adult may have to use laser.
What you can do is use the calendula or aloe vera when the bite is still present so that it will heal faster (less scratching). I use the calendula for a fresh mozzie bite on my son and it is gone in a few hours. I know that Jorubi aloe gel (bought from watson or guardian) can be used on a mozzie bite that is 2-3 days old and it will still be effective for faster healing so that the child won't keep scratching at it, though there will still be minimal scarring.
sleek: haha, i put nxt wk's date... if anyone not free then reschedule. if not tentative date, very hard to arrange...
Hi all!
Sleek: yeah yeah! we "spoke" b4! in 2004 thread i think...
you here too! where do you stay?

am keen in the gathering too, but can join after 2.30pm? cos kids nap time is till 2.30pm.

myfairlady: my big princess also has bad scars from her scratching the bite marks... they go away very very very slowly....

To all new mummies, congrats!

Koori: Try to latch as much as possible, so long the baby shows inclination to latching, latch her on. for a start, maybe a bit "irregular",slowly, your baby will regulate and so will your breasts.
happy breastfeeding!

looks like there are a lot of new mummies here, am i right?
2nd Gathering
Location: Flower's Hse (thank you so much!)
Date: 14th - mon / 17th - thur
Time: Approx 2pm

1) sleek
2) petrina
3) coolmama (just come after 230pm)

coolmama: not the 04 thread i think, I never been inside that section before! I stay in clementi. yeah, there are a bunch of new mums here!
sleek: then its in e '07 chat. Cos my 2nd was born 07, nw 7mths old. Anyone with '04 kids here? =) by e way, where's ur hse flower?
Myfairlady: my gal hasn't had any insect bite so far. But the calendula cream works wonderfully on her rashes and scatches (from finger nails). Each time after application, the redness is reduced within the hour and by the following day the scratch mark is largely healed. May only have some scab by then. On her diaper rash, the moment I see one pimple of a rash I apply the cream and within a few hours it is gone. But not sure how the cream works on hold scars.
2nd Gathering
Location: Flower's Hse (thank you so much!)
Date: 14th - mon / 17th - thur
Time: Approx 2pm

1) sleek
2) petrina
3) coolmama (just come after 230pm)
4) kidzskidz

I will likely bring my princess. Any plans for the kidz to swim? I have abt 8pcs S size Huggies Swim Diapers to give away -- too small for my little Pooh Bear already.
ooo kidz, are you on leave that's why you can join us??
I guess we can have a swim session if flower is ok with it. Can I exchange for some of the S swim diapers with you? I bought a pack of M cos wasn't sure how long more my son can wear S in the coming months.

coolmama, flower's place is at regent park. btw, paiseh ah I actually keep track of the mummies in this thread on excel but my excel siao liao and my hb hasn't fixed it so I havent posted the table in a while. You can see an older version of the table in the Archive through March 22, 2008
angel, dana's so sweet & precious, congrats again!!! The photos are very well taken, taken by your hb?
Coolmama - yupz am latching on bb as much as possible during day time. Night time i let CL feed her FM.
Hey, sleek, Koori, Hapi_Melodius

thanks for sharing our joy and and leaving your well-wishes on Dana's Page! Just came back from PD. Yes, photo taken by my DH (dear hubby). He's a freelance photographer remember?
He takes children photos too.
angel: dana is very sweet... such a darling.. ur hb skills very good... hehe, i wanna arrange a family portrait taken soon... how much? hehe
Hi Angel,
Baby Dana is very sweet... Congratulations and Enjoy motherhood!
btw, have seen your hubby's gallery - his shoots are really nice! ... very classy & tastefully done ... is he available this Sat. (my son's birthday)? If not, there is always next year!
... Can you PM/ email me his charges, etc.. ?
Hi Petrina, Cecelia and Melody

thanks for your well-wishes and compliments. Yes my hubby does potraits and family events too and I'm sure he'll love to help if his schedules allow. However this Sat, I'll be working so he has to be 'daddy-nanny' to take care of bb Dana. Next year ok Melody?
Angel - tak boleh tahan leh, Dana is really so sweet and angelic! I love her nose -- it's so cute! David is really very "skill-ded" too - such lovely photos! Congratz again!
kidz: ya.. dana so sweet right.. like those poster NBs i find frm internet...
did david touch-up e pics?

angel: i think when my bb ard 3mths i wanna take family portrait.. pm me charges.. ard June 08.
ask him call me ard may time.. so we can arrange. thks.
Hi all mummies,

I'm not a mummy yet, but my HB and I are gunning for a 2009 baby... Can I still join? *hopeful*
Dear Mummies,

Need your help to do a simple survey for my final year project. It will take less than 5mins to complete
If you are able to help, pls provide me your email
Yup, our own homes, the lighting may not be optimal for a good shot. June is fine for me...coz by then, Louisa would be 6 mths, and shd be able to sit up on her own...would be easier I think. heehee...Hopefully at that age, she would be more responsive to the camera... Now, whenever the camer is in front of her, she stops smiling and stares at it...probably wondering "why did my ma's face change?" hahaha...

Count me in for June!
Hi Angel
Dana is so sweet & lovable...
Yes I am keen to do the portrait- let me know the schedule in June... see ya..

Hi to all Mummies...
I am stressed out & worry - as I have not been pumping BM since 4Apr (after CL left & MIL is here) - today I tried to pump out BM - the volume of BM decreased (only 20ml - from 2sides - 15mins). What should I do?? Mummies - pls advise.
2nd Gathering
Location: Flower's Hse - Regent Park Codo, Jalan Lempeng (next to Nan Hwa Pri)
Date: 14th - mon / 17th - thur
Time: Approx 2pm

1) sleek
2) petrina
3) coolmama (just come after 230pm)
4) kidzskidz
5) Flower

Let me know once you gals have confirm the date and time. I'm fine with the either date.
Welcome sylphide (yuene)
just post if need advise...

are u tat mummy whose MIL will stare at u while u latch on? sorry i don really follow so abit lost everytime i come in. If so, just to share cos mine did and i simply ignore all comments and reactions who watch me( eg. sis, mum, MIL and frens)

dun worry abt ur supply when u pump out cos there's a lot of factor to it, eg stress and tiredness and mastitis etc can cause it to drop... mine did after i developed mastitis 3 times and was devastated but i told myself later tat at least i tried my best. I stop when my son turns 7mth cos e one inside was unstable so gynae advise me to stop else i would have continued no matter how little the supply may be... hope it helps!

Actually try to latch on ur baby more (mine increases slightly everytime i latch on more often) and take more soupy stuff, fish and if u believe in supplements (try frenugreek, more milk pls or goat's rue) heard from my fren pig stomach soup help also....

Actually, no matter wat u let ur baby take doesnt equal whether u're a gd mum anot, or whether bb got enough nutrients anot etc... wat matters most is u're a mum that loves ur bb and wants the best for ur bb and tat u've tried ur best.

Dont be discourage k
Hi Angela,

My suggestion is you try to latch the bb for 15 mins every feed till the flow returns. Nevermind if the milk is not sufficient, just supplement with bottle feed 1st.

I believe the flow with come back in a week's time. Try to drink more water and soup. Fish with papaya soup really helps me alot, if you want, I can give you the recipe.
Hi Jamie
it's not me - it's Petrina MIL - who stared...
I tink it's more stress than anything - lack of sleep & BB is cranky last night - Din sleep well.
Plus MIL at home - so die die must wake up early - not my habit to wake up early - after BF ard 7am - BB sleep then me sleep too...
So i guess its stress!

Will make more soupy stuff, milk & fish to eat
where to find frenugreek then?
thanks dear..

Hi Flower:
thanks - BB feeds abt 10-15mins.. will prolong his feed.. Hopefully flow will come back soon.
Pls give me the fish & papaya soup recipe.
thanks dear..
angela: eat *ngor he* - fish
then b4 feeds, drink a hot drink. be it milk or milo or horlicks... also, drink more plain water or red date water.

frenugreek - take as last resort la.. cause ltr oversupply u'll have another prob. :p
papaya soup n ngor he will help already...

papaya soup -
green papaya *unripe*

*amt of ingredients - depends on how u wan the soup to taste..* eg; i like pork ribs. so i use pork ribs. if u like chicken, u can use chicken also.*
peanuts, abt 100g.
papaya - 1 medium sized

personally, i like to add white fungus. make the soup sweet.

pls eat some red meat as well. i juz realised tat beef helps thicken the milk. initially my boy drink often n cry often. watery milk. i ate beef.. then he drank less often n cry lesser.

try to latch longer. so tat ur bb stays full longer.. it's ok if ur bb delatch after 15mins. give ur bb a short break n try to relatch..
welcome yuene~ where do you stay?

angel: depending on price and what is included in the photography package, I would like to be added to the list. Thank you!

angela: jia you! do latch bb on more, sometimes what you can pump out is very little but bb drinks much more when latched on so dont feel disheartened

flower: I will pm you my contact num.

Hey, thanks for the welcome!

sleek: I stay at Blk 364 Clementi Ave 2, right next to the MRT line. Very noisy but okay la, can tolerate since it's so near my workplace. =)
