Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

angela: i locked myself in the room today, his mom called my hb to complain. also called his cousin to complain that i hog the bb nv let her carry.

i juz quarrelled wif my hb. he say i unreasonable...
my own mom i can scold. mil how to scold? so i confined myself in order to avoid saying wrong things...

i super buay tahan her liao... how?? i told hb long ago tat i dun need her.. she volunteered herself de.

sleek: thanks for the advice. I think I got to get myself a wooden chopping board for raw meat and a plastic one for fruits and vegetables.

petrina: are u staying with your mil?
hi petrina:
dun be sad, dear...
old ppl are stubborn and will complain to the whole wide world... - so let her be.

Do have patient & stay cool...
dear - just tolerate for another 2wks+ and our confinement is over = then we can all go out...
And breathe some fresh air without MIL...

see you soon dear...

have courage and faith - be a strong mummy...
Hi ladies

- where exactly is Sunset PD at? Can give me and name of clinic + dr?

- Pet: tahan, tahan! It's tough one. I didn't have to go through but I can just imagine. If me, I have big fight with MIL already (I very high 'D' for DISC profile, don't take instructions well). Your case like my friend but her MIL dropped by almost daily and had key (the hubby) so always "surprised!" type. One day she tak boleh tahan, screamed at her own mom instead who was also there that day to help. Her MIL shocked into silence. Not recommending you do this though!

2mr Princess joining waterplay in school for 1st time, wish I could be there to snap photos. I know she'll love it but would love to be there with her. Unfortunately workload is terribly heavy this period. I also need to tahan, last night work till 5am coz she kept waking up and crying for me. She knows this past month I put her in early and pick her up late. Sigh - the role of mommy so tough and tiring at times...

Okay, I gotta clear more work. Looking forward to the meet up next weekend. You each have a blessed week ahead!

Ryan is about 3 weeks old already? It could be that he's going through a growth spurt and needs to nurse every hour or so. But sometimes, it could also be he just needs to suck something to self-soothe. Since he hasn't found his fingers and you dun want to intro the pacifier, his only form of self soothing for now is your breast lorh... When we latch on, the bodies are closer, there's more warmth and baby probably feels more secure.

We need to teach baby to sleep on their own, without us carrying them. Louisa was like that too for a while. Then we tried to put her down to sleep in her cot. She will cry. So we picked her up and soothed her. She quiet, we put down. She cried again. Picked her up, pat pat, put down. It's what Baby Whisperer talked about in her book too...we did that for I dunno how many times for a couple of nights. After that, she's ok liaoz. No need to sleep on me anymore. The first night of trying that method, we almost went crazy. HB was saying (after 3 times) that the method does not work. I was like, "HELLO?? where got so fast one? I know your DD is smart lah, but must be patient mah...3 times and you expect a baby to get the habit of sleeping on her own??" At the end of the night, we lost count of the number of times we picked her up, pat pat and put her down. I remember just pulling a chair and sitting next to the cot so that it would be easier to pick her up when she cries the moment we put her down. Easier on my back and legs...hahaha.

If it's not a growth spurt, baby just needs to suck something. Gotta be careful not to overfeed too...coz when we suck (esp bottle or breast), milk will fill the mouth. So what's the next thing to do? Swallow. Then what happens? There's a vacumm in the mouth. So how? Milk will fill the mouth again to fill up the vacumm. Oh, then gotta swallow again. And it repeats itself. And parents / grandparents often mistake that for hunger in the baby. When all it was, is baby wanting to suck something to self soothe.

Petrina, has your MIL had a chance to feed Ryan? He's rejecting the bottle right? Maybe she feels left out?

Haiz, we'll all have something with our MILs lah. I can't remember if I've mentioned it here or in my other mummy thread...One recent day at MIL's place, she wanted to feed Louisa with water. (MIL looks after BIL's 2-yr old son). I purposely didn't pack a bottle there, coz I dun want her to feed water mah...(that generation have this habit of feeding with water). So HB used a bowl and spoon. Small bits of water is ok lah, esp since Louisa had her jab that day. In case she has a fever mah. MIL asked, why you use bowl. So I said, never bring bottle lorh. MIL's reply? <font color="0000ff">"Oh I have bottle!"</font> and she rushed out of the room to get bottle. HELLO???? (a) Whose bottle? Not sterilized, not hygenic!! (b) Teat is of different size!...
Best part, MIL is a retired nurse. *faintz*

When I heard her, I couldn't take it. Worried she'll just rush in with some bottle. I just latch Louisa on, even though it's not her feeding time and could tell that she really wanted to soothe herself only. True enough, Louisa was quiet after that. The power of the breast...hehs...
kidz: I'll email you the details of the sunset way PD since I have your email add.

Btw all mums who are planning to go to Petrina's Ryan 1st month, you want to pm or email me sleek[at] to consolidate information like contact number, pax and such? Then I can just past the info on to Petrina. Think we better don't consolidate attendance for gatherings on this thread anymore for safety.
It's in the 16-22mar archives

location: hillside condo
date: 6th apr
time: 12noon - 3pm


Dont post here if attending or not, better to just directly contact petrina or me ya
CSI- looks like we have alot in common. my mil is a nurse too. just that she hasnt retired. but she has some of her "classic" moves too. eh i din do PUPD method. mine is controlled crying. it always sounds very scary to apply these methods coz there will inevitably be some amt of crying. but it really wasnt that bad.
CSI: i juz posted over at the other thread...
tat time i posted b4 i delivered. i think u missed it.. hehe.. nvm. u coming hor?

u all can either pm me or sms me for those who have my hp or Sandra also can. cause i maybe too busy wif cranky Ryan, i may miss out ur post.

CSI: i haven't intro bottle. cause he already rejected long ago. n i lazy to pump liao. hehe.. so i leave it. when he hungry then i latch.
yesterday was alittle better. he's back on our bed btw... sigh.. i think it's the mattress in the cot.
after confinement, we need to source for a good firm mattress liao. otherwise i will nv have alone time wif hb.

i dun let MIL carry him cause she smells. come back frm market nv change out of her clothes. i dun wan contaminate ryan.. today i broke the ice by letting her carry him. after she carried him for abt almost 1hr, i bathed Ryan. so i think i'll prob do it this way. Bath immed after carrying.
He kept crying in her arms. cannot calm him down. so she auto pass back to me. so not i dun wan let her carry, it's she cannot handle him.
hehe, my boy also smart la. he noes his mummy dun like..

i stopped swaddling him long ago cause he dun like. but i realised tat swaddling him keeps him aslp a longer period of time. due to shock during sleeping if not swaddled?

i tried the method also. PUPD? cannot... carry, sayang abit then stop then put down. he'll start again. so in order to let my hb slp peacefully as he gotta work, i can't take the risk of him crying whole nite.

Ryan still hates bathing. dunno if the water is too warm or wat. i dun give hot water. only warm water. n in aircon room i bath him. but he seems to like cool water instead? not good rite?

I sometimes let Ryan cry if he's fussing only. but hb n mil scared he cry too much will have wind in tummy. so they tend to carry immed if Ryan cries. which i dun like. Sometimes i press his tummy n hold his hands while he's slping it also calms him down.

so i really dunno when he's fussing, when he's uncomfy. except tat if uncomfy, his cries r sharp n loud, fussing - he'll cry n stop n cry.

only time he cries until he turns lobster n no sound comes out is during bath time. tats y i dread bath time. i really dunno wat i m doing wrong... haiz...
heehee...yah..seems like we have lots in common...
the PUPD method, it worked for Louisa, and I'm crossing my fingers that she'll stay that way! hahaha...if she goes back to crying during bedtime again, I'll have to go back to carrying her and patting her to sleep, cuddling her etc...before finally putting her down. Coz PUPD is really tiring manz! back breaking ah...also quite heartpain to have her cry, stop, cry, so torturous.

hey pet,
oh...heehee...okie. I'll reply you on attendance.
Is his baptism that day too? 1st Sunday of the month...

Baby cot mattress, yah, babies need firm mattress to support their growing spine. Better for them lah. now that your MIL has had a chance to carry Ryan, she may not want to anymore lorh, since he keeps crying in her arms. hehs...

Yah, swaddling is good for babies, though they tend to enjoy struggling out of the swaddle. At first I also thought Louisa didn't like being swaddled, coz she keeps struggling to free her arms. But I realised she sleeps better, being swaddled - less fretful, the "shock" / moro reflex is less (coz tightly bundled up and more secure). So I went back to swaddling her. After her 1 mth, I changed to half-swaddle (swaddle from below armpits (arms are free to move) or from waist). You can try to see if it works lorh...

Personally, I dun think babies fuss for no reason. So, maybe he's not fussing but exercising his lungs. kekekekeke....otherwise, maybe he's just slightly uncomfy somewhere.

Oh, dun worry about the bath time. Think it will pass. Louisa also hated her bath time initially. I used to also wonder what was I doing wrong. Same thing lorh. She'll cry till all red, got tears, and then no sound come out but still crying...Dunno why also. I just kept talking to her, assuring her, singing to her, and just quick quick bathe her to quickly end her misery...till today, she doesn't like her hair to be washed (and she has lots of hair lorh...dun wash, smelly leh) but bathe body, she's ok. haiz.
CSI: wah... bath time.. very sad to hear him cry till no sound leh... i also quickly bath him.. use the towel quickly clean his genitals n back n body.. then carry him out on dry towel. once i wrap towel ard him, he auto stop. so i think he hates being wet...

slp time
i'm trying to swaddle him tight n let him slp on tummy. hope he slps better this way. at least his spitted milk can flow out instead of choking him.
but he cries like hell when he's struggling n he can't move his limbs... i also dunno how liao... haiz..

i also realised 1 thing, he chokes occasionally during feeds. lips all purple.. then he'll cough for awhile then i'll relatch. normal? i think the milkflow is too fast for him to swallow?

not on tat day. cause holy cross does baptism every 3mths only. so the nxt avail date is may. it'll be a quiet affair la. for his baptism. cause both occasions too close..
Wow din check the thread and it moves so fast!
Petrina, you want to try letting ryan sleep on his tummy in the afternoon? My ryan also everytime scare easily in the 1st three months so we try this method, he sleep longer. But must have an adult around in case he turn his head and can't breathe.

Maybe you don't bath him but wipe him at night? Only morning bath him, as baby is very clean, no need to bath too much, can cut down his crying.
yah lorh...maybe hate being wet. Louisa also the same. She also used to choke during feeds. Like quite badlyl like that. Then ca only stroke her back and chest to help her, then after she's ok liaoz, latch on again lorh. Probably milk flow too fast lah. Now no more choking.

Baptism quiet quiet also quite nice lah. More meaningful, I feel. Calm and serene....Louisa's baptism was also 1 mth after her 1st mth. Coz this mummy was too tired to arrange or plan anything other than 1st mth then...heehee...

Did you get a sleeping bag? LIke the Grobag, those kind? If swaddle too tight, ryan doesn't like it, can try putting him in the sleeping bag. May be better...
i wanted to buy. haven't bot yet. cause i not sure wat temp to buy it @. furthermore i only use cloth diaper to swaddle him, he already perspiring liao. but he slping in aircon room.. 24-25deg temp.

Ya, baptism i want it to be quiet. only family ard.

myfairlady: i tried slping on tummy method. he dun like. when he wakes up he'll be cranky cause he's swaddled n he can't turn.. haha...
i bot the bean sprout pillow... no use de. haha..

i bath him once a day only. i dun think i can tahan his pathetic crying twice a day...
petrina: why are you bathing ryan in the aircon rm? it will be very chilly for him when he is wet and that can cause him to fuss/ cry, maybe you should switch to bathing him in a non aircon rm.

btw, if you want to let him sleep on his tummy, cannot swaddle him.
angel: i have a 2nd hand pram for NB.. passed to me by a fren. but the lock is faulty. u can fold it but cannot lock it. so it does not suit me who do not have a car. if u have a car, u can fold n store it in boot after use.

it's frm capella. u can get a replacement lock frm them. i lazy. so if u wan, u can collect frm my plc.
Hi Petrina

thanks for offering the pram to me. I've been following your post, reading abt the challenges to care for a NB baby. You are doing very very well, hang on there. Sometimes, post-natal mums are prone to mood swings, just be aware of it and manage your expectations and things will just ease away. Baby Ryan should be growing cuter everyday. I'm eagerly waiting for news of my baby daughter's arrival into this world. Once she comes, am sure you can be my advisor!

P.S. As for the stroller, my mum wants to buy a BN one for us as it'll be her 1st grand-daughter so perhaps you can bless other mummies?
Kaylen, Here's the address for Commonwealth GP :
Healthpoint Family Clinic &amp; Surgery
Blk 48 Tanglin Halt Rd #01-337 Singapore 142048
Tel : 6474 0408
I personally perfer Dr Surani than Dr Wong but dont worry, both are very motherly doctors. Can ask lots of questions about children issue and they are happy to share with you.

Kidz, Here's the adress for Sunset Way PD :
Dr Yvonne's Clinic For Children &amp; Babies Pte Ltd
41 Sunset Way #01-07 Clementi Arcade Singapore 597071
Tel : 6463 5001
Operation Hrs :
Mon - Sun (Morning)
Mon - Fri (Evening)

I just went to Dr Yvonne this morning as my son is coughing. The bill came up to $55. So I think this is the price for general flu and cough.
Hi Flower

I've walked past Dr Yvonne's Clinic before, my hubby and I even commented it's very nicely decorated like a children's playland. We love the ice-cream shop next to it called 'The Daily Scoop'. Mummies who haven't try it should reward yourself and try their range of homemade ice-creams and the waffles with ice-cream there - simple DELICIOUS!

This is their website: Perhaps we can have a get-together there?
yvonne see's consult is $40 and $15 for medication is still reasonable I guess. My PD from MAH, the consult charge is even more exp at $60-100!
angel: heehee, somehow I dont like the daily scoop's ice cream. I love haato's (japanese ice cream) at ridgewood condo or Estivo Gelateria at greenwood ave. oh btw I posted in the zapp thread, you pm me if you want to discuss, will definitely adjust my selling price for you but I dont have the nice maxi cosi infant car seat.

You gals should also try the Radish Cake next to Yvonne's Clinic. Also their black Forest cakes taste delicious too. But the price is pretty X, $7 for 1 small pc.
wah... cakes, ice cream... I thinking of bringing Ryan to PD this sat. cause he's blocked tear duct is not recovering. I apply BM in it or use clean water also no use...

i better avoid Dr Yvonne's clinic at least till my confinement is over. otherwise i think i cannot resist myself liao...

i gg on strict diet now manz... trying very hard to slim by 6th apr.. hehe
hi - good morning to all mummies...

Had my post natal massage started since wed..
Boy, lots of tension &amp; knots on my shoulder and back! After the massage, it feels great, man!
And I could see my tummy blinge is getting smaller.. Like Petrina, I wish I can slim down ASAP... hahaha...

Have a GREAT &amp; FUN day ahead...

Petrina: you better dont diet too much since you are nursing, you need alot more calories now than when pregnant. you took 9 mths to put on the weight, you should let your body take at least 6mths to lose most of it
Hi Sleek
thanks for informing me abt your Zapp for sale. Hubby and I will be going down to BB Hypermart to take a look first at all the other brands before we decide cos my SIL and BIL says Quinny looks stylish but heavy to handle. Is that true?

Angela, post-natal massage is very important. I was warded on bed rest at KKH for 3 months. When my massage lady finally came 1 month after my C-section, she said my water retention VERY bad (i didn't even realise it). Thankfully, after 1 week of massage, the swellings all subsided. If it hadn't been the cost, i wouldn't mind having massage for an entire month!

Petrina, how are you today? Did you hire a massage lady too?
angel: i m fine thks for asking... ask me lah.. regarding prams... i did so much researches.. hehe
dun go baby kingdom/hypermart to buy. more ex than taka/robinsons sales...
when taka or robinson sale, their strollers r really cheap...

maclaren - for car users. *stylish &amp; sturdy* *long lasting till 3-4yrs kids* *suitable for NBs*

quninny - for car users. *stylish &amp; sturdy* *not for big kids* *suitable for NBs*

capella/luckybaby/gracco/combi - for normal bus or car users also can. *light &amp; sturdy* *long lasting till 3-4yrs kids* *suitable for NBs*

the above info is based on their standard popular strollers... does not apply to all. meaning - eg; maclaren XT is heavy for NB. maclaren VOLO is super light, not suitable for NB.

post natal massage
too ex. so i'm gonna do it the TCM way. acupuncture sessions starts after confinement.

sleek: i drink 2 glasses of mamil mama per day. eat my fish n veg daily... on diet meaning i dun eat meat, dun snack. i wanna look great on my boy's full month celebration. cause i was quite plump to begin with.. and my gossiper aunties made fun of my cousin this CNY. she delivered in sept 07. then my aunties asked if she's carrying another baby!
then another cousin of mine, during her baby's full month celebration, she wore baggy clothes. then my aunties say she look very ah soh!

i dun wan them to say me on tat day. i wan to be happy. not upset...
or i scared i may break down n scream at them... then spoil my baby's celebration...
angel, yw. my friend told me baby hyperstore will grudgingly match the price at robinsons on sale, you must tell them you saw it cheaper outside though. cos that's what happened when she bought her maclaren from them.

petrina ah, quinny is for kids up to 4 yr old or 40lbs le, you only see it with the infant car seat attached?

aiyoh, I can understand but these type of women will say whatever they want to say lo, cannot let them affect you. I bet if you lost alot of weight, they will also say you are not eating enough or you shouldnt bfeed your baby anymore! then even better, some will ask, when are you going to have your next child ah!!!??? peng san right.
sleek: haha.. ya.. but i feel better than they say i ah soh ma..

quinny - is it? i think i talking abt e infant ones. ya. it's a 1 position stroller? e 4yr old one?
Hi Angel:
Yes I agree - post natal massage is impt &amp; good for my well-being. Relives water retention and soothes my tired muscles. At the same time, the binding makes my tummy goes flatter. Even 'my old man' says its smaller liao... heeehee...

I got my pram from BB hyperstore - think its rather reasonable - mine is Quinny Zapp - kinda of dual function with infant car seat and removeable pram seat with 2 position if I recall rite - as BB grows alittle older - they dun like to lie down anymore - so it last longer in terms of BB's age.

Go &amp; check it out 1st... Good Luck &amp; God+Bless!

Petrina - don't forget that BF burns lotsa calories so you should also thank Ryan for his current fussy "eater" sytle -- it's his way of helping and thanking mommy too for her hard work and commitment!!!

My princess was similar and helped me loose the 10+kg I gained + another 6kg pre-pregancy. My hubby says she's the most effective slimming prog and best of all FOC! Heheh...

This past week very busy @ work so been pulling her out of bed to go infant care early so she's been somewhat unhappy, clinging to me on the way there and crying to be held when I put her down in sch. *Sigh* Need to make up to her big time next two weeks as I clear off. But can also see she's growing more sociable this past week, waving bye-bye to taxi drivers and smiling when she meet our overseas conference speakers. That latter is a breakthrough as previously when strangers spoke to her, she would plop her head against my chest and shyly lift her eyes to look at them. Past week too she would take her own shoes and sit on the flr trying to put them on -- only getting her big toe in. Heehee. It is truly such a fulfilling experience to see her grow.

Petrina &amp; Angela -- jia you! Each month will bring you new surprises to warm your heart so don't let the current discomforts, upheavals, etc. side-track you from enjoying what matters -- your new addition! Remind your hubby that too and look for the joy to be found in your new roles. This baby is special coz its the one that makes you mommy and daddy!

Btw mommies, i attended Bill and Pam Farrels' workshops (they're speaking @ Marriage Convention these two days) and they're wonderfully insightful about marriage and parenting. Encourage you to get their books to read up if you have time, available @ Harris (Suntec) as well as Campus Crusade As a testament to their parenting skills their eldest son was named San Diego Citizen of the Year when he was only 18! Note that they are Christians and thus their books have Christian references.

But hosting them this past week, I've seen how they truly walk their talk. Like how committed they are to each other: after saying grace at meals, Bill will give Pam a peck on her lips. Can check out to read some of their articles or pick up their boook if you like. Thus far, all the participans @ training wkshops, public sessions have been very blessed by them. May you be too!
kidzkidz, will check out their books but this wk busy with preparation for my son's birthday ... sighz... still looking for thomas the train party stuff .... btw, do you know any good caterer? I ordered from Tunglok last year but my guest are half of last year's thus cannot meet their min. pax ... am looking for a good caterer now ... any mummies has any good one (on par with tunglok) to recommend?
angel- the zapp is heavy abt 7kg but good to manoeveur. ive got a combi and a maclaren volo. the combi is light and u can open with one hand. if there are many occasions that u need to bring bb out alone its always good to have a one hand fold. my combi can be face both ways so easier to check on newborn. i use the volo when i take sidney out in the car. but its not suitable for newborns.

petrina- ignore these aunties! they shld know better than to have such things to say to a woman who has just achieved the greatest thing in life! the weight will come off in good time. i put on 18kg when i was pregnant, which was SCARY. keke.
hi I stay in Dover. sorry to interupt.

I hv 4 packs of pampers dry 42 pcs which my baby has outgrown for exchange to similac or brands. Pl pm me if keen, thanks.
thanks Shauna for sharing your experience with the strollers. Hubby and I spent an entire afternoon shopping for one and we've finally decided on the 'Maclaren xlr' - pink for our Princess who refuses to be born yet. Her EDD is 4 April so hopefully by this time next week, we can hear some good news.

wow Melody, you engaged Tunglok as the caterer for your son's birthday. Did it cost a bomb? How much do they charge per head and how many pax min? We're now planning for our bb's 1st mth celebrations. It's going to be the very 1st time we actually get to announce her arrival formally to our family and friends so cracking our brain what to do...

KidzKidz, glad the convention is finally over and you're on to your well-deserved 2 weeks' leave! Let's hope it can coincide with my bb's arrival and you can always pop down to lend a hand
hi kaylen koori

yes she is.. very experienced lady.
does infant massage too.
she does massage for our neighbour 20th flr too.
will sms you the contact.
hi kidz

thanks for your encouragement...
Please tell me what are the BF things that I need to prepare when I send BB to infant care centre? How many packs of BF? Please advise.

Thanks dearie...
hi to all mummies

anyone knows where can I get breastmilk storage bag? pigeon is kinda ex - $16.30 for 20 bags.
any cheaper brand??

please let me know.


any of you have parenting/motherhood/bb magazines (past or current issues) to pass to me to read up before my bb's arrival? Would be happy if I can borrow them from you...
Melody, you can try Neo garden. One of the neighbour ordered in Jan and the food not bad. I agree Tunglok's food is good but not sure if it's comparable coz only ate at their restaurant.
sorry I can't attend as on standby to receive bb anytime. Hope you'll have a great celebration. Btw, where are you going to order your full month cake/kueh sets for relatives and friends?

angela: if you need alot of bags can consider playtex, but you have to buy the clips to close it, it doesn't come with a zip as they are actually bottle liners.
Working mum is selling hers,

Also what you need to prepare as a nursing mum for infant care are just bottles and pkts of BM. If your baby starts at 2mths old, you'll need a minimum of 6 pkts of BM if he drinks every 2 hourly since infant care is 12 hour session. Basically you need to see how much your baby is drinking and ensure that you have enough packets since you don't want the bb to be drinking other people's bm or FM.

You should also label each BM package with your name, bb's name, amount and date packed so that you can try to minimise human error of taking the wrong milk pkt by mistake or 'cant-be-bothered attitude' of teachers. I am just being honest with you cos my mum worked in an infant care center and there are teachers who are very irresponsible and will just anyhow take BM packs, so if you label it properly at least you can check/ question the teacher if you suspect anything.

Also to ensure hygiene and cleanliness, you might want to take back the milk bottles and bring new sterilized ones every alternate day.
