Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Sleek, enjoy your book shopping with Shauna ...

sleek- i'm goin today. if u keen, can sms me. will pm u my hp.

melody- i love the ladybird books! i have some touch n feel which i painstakingly picked for sidney. but he still has a terribly strong preference for his personal favs. 30% is a good deal. but must c if they are new titles. gonna check out that store for books.keke

welcome fion, my boy is 14 months.
Hi Sleek:
Yes the principal is still Ms Wendy Ang.

Hi Alanie:
welcome ...
Will send my BB sometime in May and will do the trial cum observation before me go to work.
All BBs cry at the same time = that's socializing... hahahha..

Hi Flower:
PGS - Wee First @ Ghim Moh is located Blk 5 Ghim Moh Road #01-238 - as Sleek posted - near Ulu Pandan CC - At the void deck of HDB flat - non-aircon. Yu may check it out the website.

Hi Fion:
Welcome ...

Hi to all Mummies:
When BB will sleep more in the night? Hence the after mid-night feed will only takes once? As currently, my BB will wake up 2-3 from 0000-0700Hrs. Any tips?

Have a GREAT & FUN day...

angela: wah... so envy... my boy last nite due to blocked nose, he took 3hrs to drink a supply tat usually takes him only 30mins...
then he slp for half hr then siren for milk again... cause he drink too slow, all digested liao...

i'm been latching on n off for whole nite frm 10pm - 4am... then 4am i buay tahan i went to spray his nose n dig some things out. but he cry n cry so i only managed to dig some out. after which he managed to drink better...
by then already 6.30am... haiz...

then he went to slp till 7am n siren for milk again. OMG manz...

then he quieten down after milk. BUT! my hb wanted to play wif him b4 work... piangz.. so kept him awake till 8am then he went to zzz.
8.45am siren for milk again...
then slp till 10am. then feed again... then 11.15am juz fell aslp...

i really wanna die liao...

sleek: i think my boy is cured of his confusion of time. it's his blocked nose tat kept me awake all nite. cause he kept choking during feeds. need to stop n breath after some sucks.
Hi Petrina:
mine too - last week got blocked nose - BB cries & cries.. Give me a hard time tooo... But after massage his nose area & clear his nasal, then he is alright now...

Hi Shauna:
Mine - going to 1mth old this sunday.
Just email you

welcome fion!

petrina: heehee, 1 day only then you say he is cured? :p poor thing, when did he start having a blocked nose?

shauna: too bad I didnt get to go with you today, I may be going down tmr cos I want to get some BPA free bottles for my son when he has to drink EBM and apparently Bugis BHG has the pigeon PES range.

angela: Some TBF babies never get out of their night nursing even at 2 yrs old, some auto stop nursing at night on their own. Also your 1 mth old is still too young to stop nursing at night. My boy is now 8 1/2 mths and he still nurses at least once a night from the midnight to 6am stretch, but of course I am a SAHM so it's ok for me even though it's tiring and I understand it will be extra tiring since you are going back to work.

You can try to make sure your baby drinks till he is full at the last feed at midnight. Also some people say you can try to give water during the night to discourage the baby from waking up to nurse for comfort but TBF babies don't need to drink water till they are 6 mths old, and I tried that with my son and he knows the difference, so will still wail for milk. Or you can get your husband to try and help by carrying baby away from you, since baby can 'smell and sense' your presence and will want to nurse.

Hope other mummies can chime in.
sleek: i sprayed the nasal few days le... actually it's almost been a wk since i brought him to PD.
i on my purifier everyday. so i tot he's cured. then last nite nv on. i din noe tat purifier can relieve him of his blocked nose. i tot it's natural for him to feel blocked.
now at this time, he wasn't like last nite. he's slping fine beside me now. so i not sure if he's allergic to dust.. as my purifier is on currently.

how? daytime he's ok. w/o aircon w/o purifier.
only nite then he cant seem to suck well w/o purifier.
no prbs. we can look for good books together somewhere else next time..

sidney was still up several times a nite until he was onto solids. sleeping thru? he only started to sleep thru when he turned one, n that was becoz we sleep trained him. before the age of one, we had to be up many times in the nite to pat him (which is a terrible habit i do not encourage). now he just sleeps from 8pm -7am right thru.
my hb was against letting him "learn" to sleep on his own, since he felt tat he was too young to do so. but if u ask me, the sooner u do it, the easier it is for u n the baby.

there are many mommies who have commented that their babies slept thru from as early as 2 months old. there really isnt an average and i think its abit hard to tell u when to sleep train (if u see the need to do so), unless u n baby are ready.

Milk feeds in the night-
i stopped giving milk feeds in the nite from the age of 6 months since he's been on solids. he does not "cry" for milk, but he did wake in the nites. we would sooth him back to a month old, i really think u shld just nurse him as much as he wans n needs. "on demand" will be appropriate until they commence solids (so they are not hungry, but wake more to seek comfort n reassurance).
Sleek & Angela, Thanks for the info. Will check it out.

As for sleeping thru, my girls sleep thru from 6 months old. In fact, my eldest girl sleeps thru when she's 4 month old. As both my hubby & I sleep pretty late, I give them a last feed around 12 plus before I go bed. Once they can eat solid, I put rice cereal in their milk so that the milk can last them till morning.

I'm now also training my boy who just turned 3 months. Giving him 1 feed around 12 plus and only wakes up around 5plus, sometimes 6, to have his 1st feed.
I trained my gal to sleep throughout the night too. She can even sleep 10-12 throughout without waking up for milk. But I worried she might get hungry so always wake her up for milk at 6.30am and she will go back to sleep till 11am. My mum says I gave birth to a little pig.
petrina: you know how we adults get more severe blocked nose in the night too, guess ryan could be allergic to the dust and other things at home. do a google search on allergy rhinitis, it's not sinus problems as many people or GPs will tell you.

shauna: at bras basah, there is a bkstore selling chinese books for kids on the 3rd floor called Maha Yu Yi Pte Ltd #03-11
Petrina: did you get my sms that I can't make it this Sun? Will pass you gift for Ryan when we meet up.

Angela: Wee First price has gone up as when we enquired last May it was $580. We actually were really keen on their flexi-hour prog (as I wk PT) but changed our minds when they objected that I asked to have the hours as 9.30am-4.30pm instead of morning or afternoon half days. So we went to checked out Agape instead and decided to pay for full-day care to give ourselves the flexibility to send there and pick up according to our schedule. My girl really enjoys her time there and we truly thank God He directed us to infant care. There's more structure compared to leaving baby with nanny (who's usually aunty-type). My girl's learnt various nusery rhymes and songs (recongition that is, can't sing or say these yet) and she's got friends to play with. Best of all the environment is purpose built vs a nanny's home setting with regular and often dangerous furniture and household items.
sleek: i noe... tats y last nite we changed the aircon to dry - our aircon is the sharp ionizer. in the end, worse, he no more blocked nose as the aircon is super drying. he drinks well. but he's throat is super dry.. *i can feel it too*
so in the end he end up drinking for comfort. meaning few drops to wet his mouth then he zzz. then he cry again for the milk to wet his mouth. so end up i latch whole nite again.
usually we slp wif ionizer on - humidifier. last nite we tried the de-humidifier button... so we realised tat either option also got prob..
i think we'll off both option tonight n try again.

kidz: yes. i got ur sms. no probs.

i really lack slp.. haiz... is there any medi to keep awake type? i was feeding last nite until my boy delatch i still din noe... end up my milk leaked all over my clothes n my boy's clothes. i only woke up when my boy cried for feeds again.then i realised wat happened...
i so blur until i left both sides dripping.. forgot to cover back after feeds each time.

cecilia: i was like ur gal when i was a bb. *my mom told me*
i was hoping my boy was like me. but it seemed tat my boy chose to be like my brother.. a super cranky bb...
my mom told me she was so pissed wif my brother that she sent him to our aunt's plc frm mon-fri n fed him FM as she cannot tolerate caring for him.. it only took my mom 1wk to breakdown n make tat decision.. =

i think i need to persist... cause FM will worsen my nites unless i throw my bb to my MIL... *cry - prepare milk - feed - wash up* comparing to *cry - latch - slp*

Hi, hi! I started to feed my baby lying down when he was about 2 months old I think. It's convenient and doesn't disturb my sleep that much.

Think babies do sound congested and phlegmy sometimes, I didn't bring my baby to see doctor.


Maybe your baby needs a burp after a few mins of feed, or maybe he drinks too fast, or milk flow too fast? There was a time my son seems to have blocked nose/breathing problem too. But it went away. Sorry, I didn't take note how old is your boy?
You try lying down feeding, you'll know when to 'wake up' (semiconsciously) to feed, it's quite magical when I first try. I get to rest more that way.

Nice that some of you get to meet up. I stay in Clementi Central, at my mum's place.
alanine: hihi
i already lying down to latch since he turned 2wks old... he's currently 3wks.
he doesn't like it as he tends to delatch easily tat way.
Petrina: My girl also tended to sound phlegmy for about 6M but I realised it was because of the mucus, etc. collecting after she cried. She wasn't nursing a cold at all. Things got better when she was able to sit up from around 6M. But before that I also tried to hold her upright when she was crying.

Ryan likely delatch as the position's not correct. I bought a Nursing Nest which is like a raised little bed that baby can fit into for nursing alongside mommy. That helped greatly and my girl would just sleep comfortably in it for about the 1st two months. After which she was able to sleep alongside us. You can check out the website for info --
kidz: ya. i noe the position isn't right.. cause at nite too dark i can't see. so i juz push my brt into his mouth.. hehe...
daytime i dun have this prob..
phew! missed out on a few posts...been quite busy.

my gal started sleeping through since 6 weeks old. Dunno how come also. I mean, other than giving her cluster feeding and dream feed...that's all I did. And she just slept through lorh. She still does wake up once (like 3am or 4am), but that's like, once a month or once every few weeks. I would think that's during her growth spurt. Other than that, nope. She sleeps right through. I guess each baby will start to sleep right through when they are ready to do so's tiring for us, but what to do? We just have to plan around it lorh...
Hi Sleek
Thank you for your tips...
I guess all BF mummies will have to go thru' this stage and our faith in BF is so strong that we standby it - no matters what happens...
Way to go - mummy!!

Hi Flower:
Thanks for your tips... Will bear in mind...
After 6M - put rice cereal into milk...

Hi Cecila:
Thanks for your tips... Little pig? - I guess not lah - Rat also zzz alot in the day.

Hi Shauna:
Thanks for your tips...
Can understand BB wan comfort & reassurance at times... Not easy but I will learn along the way. So let me know abt the pigeon thingy.

Hi Kidz...
I agree with you on the babysitter versus infant care centre... See you around..

Hi Alanie..
Thanks for your tips...
Unfortunately, BB cant latch while lying down leh. so got to sit upright position. No choice lah... Just bear with it - for next 5M...

Hi Petrina:
No need to push brt into your BB mouth...
BB knows where nipple is - can smell it when BB is close - As mine just auto latch during early dawn hours - no need to on the lights also..

Hi CSI...
Thanks for your tips...
Yes I will have bear with it and wait for the right time for BB to do so...

Have a GREAT & FUN weekend..

shauna: cos of the rain I didnt get to go to bras basah before the shop closed, was stuck at bugis till the rain lightened abit and by that time, it was already 6pm. Only lucky that the chinese bkstore was just closing and managed to buy 4 books.

petrina: Do sleep in the daytime when ryan sleeps if not you will really exhaust yourself with staying up with him all night. Also on the weekends when your husband doesnt have to work, get him to look after baby as much as possible so you can rest/ sleep. don't bother about housework and try to limit the visitation hours by friends or relatives, dont feel obliged to let them stay long hours if you are really feeling tired.
Btw when you lie down to latch, do you put your arm under his head so that it is easier for him to reach your nipple? If you already do that, what you can do is have a night light next to you that if possible, you leave on the whole night or else just turn it on when you need to nurse/ change ryan, cos that's what I did for the first 6 months with my pumpkin boy. Makes life much easier since don't have to fumble in the dark to see the baby's mouth or when changing diapers.

angela: yw, jia you! if you have a good supply, do try to breastfeed as long as you can, I think you will miss the special time with your baby once you have to stop. I know I will
sleek: yup. already did that. juz tat my boy super seeker type... though brt in mouth liao he still go searching ard... blur lor...

night light
my hb bot it already. torch light. rather good. i stick it between wall n mattress so it can stand. then during feeds i on it.

during diaper change, i need to on rm light as my boy tend to think i m **thirsty**. so sometimes he treat me to a *drink*
so i need to watch out. last nite i too tired, nv cover.. in the end had to mop my rm floor... luckily my reflexes r fast enuff otherwise will kenna our bed liao... *fountain mah*

i love to latch my boy also.. except for the times he's being cranky n do the latch - delatch scenario wif me.

i look forward to wkends cause tats the only time i can wake my hb up to help me cuddle ryan to slp after feeds if he doesn't wan to slp yet.
Angela & Petrina: Glad you're both enjoying the BF experience. Awesome, isn't it? More to come. Like now my princess' teething so she'll bite me occasionally. When I yelp in pain, she'll smile at me, while still latched on. But as your babies grow older, you'll spot them stealing glances at you, smiling at you, etc.

Btw, I encourage you to pick up baby signs. I learnt from a VCD and taught princess signs for milk, eating, etc. Now she'll come to me and make the "eating" sign while going "mum-mum-mum" at the same time. Or she'd do the "milk" sign and say the word in her own baby lingo. As well as point at my breast sometimes. Prior to this, I would be asking her, "You want to eat" or "You want milk-milk" while making the correct sign. I tried teaching her "cat-cat" sign but she ended up saying word first with a very pronounced 'K' sound. Baby signs can be picked up via VCD or through courses conducted by this organisation, <--- My ex-colleague working there now. Very worthwhile to look into.
Hi mommies - there's a BP on right now till Sun for California Baby organic products. Prices are very good and can collect at Clementi Central instead of paying for postage. Check it out

I highly recommend the Calendula Cream -- wonderful on diaper rash, scatches, etc. Read more here Or visit their website for details of all the products
Hi Sleek
Yes I do have the supply of BM &amp; enjoy the POWER of BF - where BB will ONLY comes to me...
hahahaha... thanks for your encouragement.

Hi Kidzkidz
Nw my BB smile &amp; steal glances all the time...
kinda of cheeky. Really incredible!!
Have heard of baby signs - but when to teach BB?
As for the california baby organic products, me pass.

hello! I have some NEW clothes to give away..... never used before. A friend gave the whole pile to me..... The clothes are bought from australia. Here are the pic..... I'm staying near clementi mrt station... those interested please sms me 9436 0319.... I can meet up to give it to you.....
Angela: Yeah, I agree that BB stealing glances is both cheeky and cute! My gal wld look away immediately then later chk again to see if I looking. Adorable like anything.
Then later came the stage where she nurse half-way and unlatch to stare at breast + babble something -- as if checking authenticity. Heehee, that also very adorable. My nephew used to do that when given his bottle, he wld hold it up and stare intently before resuming to drink -- as if checking if parents gave him less than suppose to! Saw him doing it once and it was hilarious to say the least.

Abt BB signs, I'm afraid I don't know when is good time to start. Maybe you check out the website? Coz by the time I was passed the VCD to watch, princess was already around 9-10M old. This morning she just did the "hug-hug" sign and then said "cat-cat". So I passed her the cat cushion and she hugged it tight and even kissed it. I think the next sign I have to teach her is for going to use the potty -- as toilet training is next on the list. Hope it's not going to be too tough a process.

the Calendula Cream can be applied in replacement of diaper rash cream? I've just placed order for 2 tubs in the BP which you recommended. I've not gotten my diaper rash cream, any recommendations?
Hi i just gave birth on 1 Apr 08. Now challenge is breastfeeding, not enough milk for bb, need to feed with formula and prob is she gets mixed up now with EBM &amp; formula, doesnt really like EBM. I scared she totally reject so i also try to latch her on.
hey angel,
You're looking for diaper rash cream? I have some BN tubes of Desitin diaper rash cream to let go...coz I bought together with some friends, and in order to make our shipping costs more worthwhile, we ordered extras. They just arrived want?
angel, yes the calendula cream can be used as a diaper rash cream, dont need any other cream. calendula is a natural plant with healing properties. you can also use the cream for scratches, mozzie bites, even as a face cream for yourself.

koori, did you latch your girl on for as long as possible right from the start?

baby sign language can be started from 6 mths on.
today has been so hectic for me... juz managed to wake up after slping n latching all evening n nite...

ryan was affected by e huge number of guest at his party tat he kept crying all afternoon.. made me nurse him all afternoon.
in the end i had sore nipples as i adjusted 1 side for nursing only.. din expect him to nurse all day..

brought videocam but so many ppl i din noe where to start fliming.. haha, waste storage space.

CSI: i din save ur no. so paiseh, i din send u a thk u msg for coming to ryan's party...
liked the gift lots. save my time searching for it in ltr mths. hehe

u so *ke qi*, gave ryan so many things... i tot u juz bring urself, ur hb n louisa can liao..
sorry for being a bad host. Louisa is really cute wif huge eyes.. i was commenting to hb abt *matchmaking*
but hb say he dun like idea of elder wife.. haha... otherwise i wanna *book* louisa as my DIL la...

u had extra desitin.. i din noe. i juz ordered not long ago. wasted manz. but i use excessively, so if i finished, n u still wanna let go, then i get frm u bah.

sleek: i blur liao. so i not sure if i also thanked u for ur goon diapers for ryan? used them today as the huggies were leaking liao.
i think the huggies s size too small for ryan's fat thighs already...
goon s size fits him well leh. except for tummy area where i stick the tape very closely. so i think he can wear s size for quite some time.

sleek: i got the hang of using the sling liao. only 1 position. tat's the lying down position - suitable for nursing bbs. i can't get the cradlehold position properly still. i gave up trying liao.
Announcement: Our bb daughter <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">'Dana Joy Sim'</font></font> would be coming home to us today.
She was delivered on 5 April at Gleneagles, weighing 3.22kg and we named her after her sister in heaven 'Ashley Joy Sim'. After waiting for so long, she's finally here. My DH and I prayed together last night and were filled with so much emotions as we open this new chapter in our lives. Once everything's settled, I hope to share her pictures with all of you.

CSI_Fan, yes, can I buy some of the desitin nappy cream from you? It's quite urgent as I've none to use today. How can we meet up? Would you be free to drop by my place in Clementi later to meet bb Dana? PM me

Kaylen, <font color="0000ff">Congratulations!</font> Your bb and my daughter is only few days apart. Try to overcome the initial difficulties of BF and seek advice from the mummies here as breastmilk is really the best source of nutrients for them. Taking care of newborns is so daunting but I'm so glad we can share bb milestones together with each other and with all the mums here! Please rest well during your confinement ya?

Petrina, <font color="ff0000">Happy Full Month!</font> Glad the celebrations went well. Baby Ryan must be showered with lots of gifts and attention. Sorry I couldnt' attend it as was so busy running errands to prepare for bb's arrival after receiving the phonecall on Sat evening. Hope you'll get some rest these few days.
Hi Angel

I need to hold back my tear as I read your announcements hehehe.... I think it is a worth long wait ya.

Welcome to Motherhood. I warn you it is not ez ya to be a mother hehehe... but I am sure yu can handle it with all the helps and supports.

Good Luck and take care
angel- congrats to urself and ur family with regards to this joyous event. pls take time to enjoy ur beautiful daughter and we would be happy to share the photos of ur loved one.
petrina: haha never thanked me yet for the diapers and small gifts :p your welcome dear. Huggies wasn't really suitable for my pumpkin too when his thighs were fattest at 4-6 mths. You can consider getting goo.n for him if you really like it, it works out to be about $0.23 per diaper for small. also try not to use the desitin excessively if ryan doesnt have diaper rash.

angel congratulations to you and your hb!!! it is such a joyous and momentous occasion for your family, really great to hear the good news
Maybe kidz has a spare tub of calendula cream you can buy first? personally I feel calendula is better to use longterm cos it's a natural prouct esp since you will be constantly applying it.

Congrats! Feel free to ask for advice and help if you need. I believe everyone of us here can contribute some advise somehow.

You're welcome...aiyah, I was buying one for my gal, then thot it's sooo cute...couldn't resist lorh. heehee...yah, can keep for use next time...kekeke...hope Ryan likes it though.

No lah, u're not a bad host have so many guests to entertain and still have to look after Ryan. Think he was over stimulated at his party...too much noise and too many pple wanting to look at him. heehee...

Hahaha...elder wife...only 3 months older nia (almost exactly 3-mths some gal born on the 8th. Ryan born on the 9th, right?), sekali next time Ryan really gets a gf older than him, how? hahaha....

Oh, my desitin stash only arrived on Saturday...then I was also so busy (weekends always very busy one) that I forgot to SMS you also...I also bought First Teeth. kekeke...think can start to use on Louisa liaoz.
Hi Angel,

Congratulation to you and your husband. This is the biggest gift from god.

I will drop by to say hello to your little one of these days. Take care..

sleek: paiseh... i din thk u arh.. sorry... thks for ur GOON diapers...

CSI: 10th march.. 3mths 1day. but hor, different yr. so technically is 1yr difference...

Angel: congrats on ur gal's arrival... 3.22kg is a good wt... so u intend to take medi to create BM or using FM?
