Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

charmmama: not really vomit milk.. it happens in midst his slp... suddenly will have spit ups.
they say because digestive system not good? not often. so i dun bother myself much.

very itchy... doc gave me anti-histamines n cream. but i not sure to apply cream. as i dun wan cream on ryan.. i already lower air-con to 23deg... so i let ryan wear long sleeves.

Petrina: yeah, many changes still taking place in our bodies after delivering baby. The pores on my right upper arm and upper thigh popped up so can always feel bumps when I run hand over these areas. Still like that. But never itchy. Dr told me so long as I bf, hormonal level won't go back to normal. Now I just used to it. But thank God I didn't have huge acne outbreak during pregnancy -- enough of that during teen years!

Since this AM Princess lau sai -- don't know if coz she drank too much fruit juice y'day. But her system seems to be clearing and it's only been three episodes since this AM. Not like in Dec, she just kept letting go watery poop -- sometimes within 30mins of a diaper change.

Anyway, discussed with hubby liao that no matter what, we will not go back to pedi @ Clementi Central -- her bedside manners are total turnoff.

Btw mommies, I saw a BP for California Baby Organic products from US. The Calendula Cream worked wonderfully to heal diaper rash and resulting blisters on Princess. Here's the US website for further info
kidz: wat pedi? bedside manners?

i having little pimples on my chin area. currently managed to keep them in check. hope i dun explode wif acne now... preg, my face was in perfect condition...
hello... Petrina, good to know you are coping well ...

Any mummies here knows any good 'entertainer' who can blow and make cute/ nice balloons into different animals/ shapes/ etc ... for childrens' party?
petrina- i think kidz is tokking abt dr.chia at clementi central. ive been to her. indeed, she's not one who toks to u abt the kid. she didnt even quite try to tell us what was wrong with sidney the one time we were there. simply prescribed and was ready to send us off, as if we were ignorant enough to say "thank u, bye bye" n return home to feed our son with whatever she has given.

kidz-my boy is abt ur gal's age. urs is jan or feb bb?
Shauna: Princess born CNY eve i.e. 17 Feb. Heehee, she insisted on being puppy instead of piglet. Arrived 2 wks early too.

Any one got reliable pediatrician in or around Clementi to recommend? Weekends and nights can't go back to her original one at Mt A.

Petrina: Sounds like your skin holding up well. Think don't sweat small stuffs.

Melody: I know a guy who's now with Uncle Ringo - kids and fun fair entertainment company. In fact this guy used to be the licensed Ronald McDonald Clown in Sgp. I can look for his contact when I back in office Mon. Besides this, I personally know the lady running Kooky Arts -- think the website also has contact of another children's party entertainer. Check it out.
kidz: I commented before in this thread about the PD at sunset; her diagnosis, course of treatment and medication (she is the type who rather not prescribe antibiotics for mild cases) are all great, only problem is her bedside manners, she seems to be on the cold side as well. However she is still considered ok (I've never been to the dreaded chia PD so cant compare), she opens mon- sun morn and mon - thurs nights. Consult charge is $40.
oh yeah for california baby products, my friend just mentioned to me that it is slightly cheaper by $1-2 to get from a spree rather than the BP. Dont know how come those US sites can sell it cheaper than california bb themselves, so if you don't mind waiting for it to arrive, can order from a spree or we can organise it ourselves off this thread since I am using the calendula cream and the body wash for my boy.
Hi kidzkidz,
Thanks for the infor. will check them out ...
actually i just need a balloonist cos my boy is just turning 2 and would probably not appreciate magic shows and the like ... thanks!
Hi all,
I realized that Fidget, some kid's place at Turf City, was mentioned here some time ago. Just fyi, I read from another forum that a child was badly hurt whilst playing there. Here is an excerpt of the info from an expat forum:

Fidgets are a new indoor soft play area at Turf City. For parents eager to find something new to do with their kids, especially when it is raining, the indoor play area is bound to be popular. Unfortunately, the place seems to be unsafe for kids and what's even worse - the owner is careless and irresponsible.

On March 18, 2008, at around 12:30pm, a 7-year-old child who was playing in the ball pit zone of Fidgets was hurt by a sharp cut in her inside right leg around the knee area. She sustained two wounds, one was 9cm long 4 -5mm deep, and the cut went through her skin down to her muscle; the second wound was beneath the first 5cmx4mm on the skins surface. The gash was so deep; it was obvious that a sharp metal object must have caused the injury.

A parent who was assisting the child requested for the first aid box. Surprising the first aid box lacked a, b, and c. When the parent asked the owner Sandy why the box was insufficiently stocked, the answer was there had been some accidents during their first week and they had yet to replenish it. The parent stated for a children's establishment surely ensuring the box was sufficiently stocked should be a primary requirement.

After the wounded child was being sent to the Emergency Unit, the staff at Fidgets said they were unable to locate where the accident had occurred. A parent informed them that the child had indicated it was on the metal slide, which is part of the ball pit. incident occurred during the week which was the Easter break for some of the international schools. The entire play area was still open at this time, as was the ball pit area. The International schools; hence the cafe area was full with not a seat spare. But once the accident occurred the premises were almost empty. It was the parents themselves that were deterring the children from entering the ball pit area, and the staff had not cordoned off the section.

The parent who had administered first aid went down the metal slide to check, and noticed 4 exposed metal screws on the left hand side of the slide, each screw protruding approximately 4mm. The padded area around the metal screws was covered in blood, which begs the question how the staff or the owner’s husband who had "inspected" the area were not able to notice this. The parent showed the screws and blood to the staff, they cleaned the blood from the area. The parent took some photos of the exposed metal screws. A number of parents came forward to the parent taking the pictures, and they stated they were happy to recount the events that had occurred and act as witnesses should any be required, details were exchanged.

Another parent who witnessed the accident contacted her friend who was going to visit Fidgets with her children in the afternoon, and advised her against the visit. The mother who had planned the trip contacted Fidgets, she inquired as to whether they were still open as she had heard that an accident had occurred. The staff responded by stating that a child incurred a "graze", some netting had come loose which had been made "good", hence it was business as usual and all parts of the play area were open.

An open wound of 9cm through the muscle was described as a "graze" - if this were the case why would the child have required surgery? Why would the majority of parents remove their children and leave the premises?

The mother of the wounded child has sent a message to Sandy the owner on the day of the accident. She urged Sandy the owner to take responsibility for the injury and make sure the safety for children in Fidgets. However, Sandy the owner hasn't responded a single word or taken any action.

Fidgets have been opened Business As Usual after the tragedy happened on 18 March, 2008.

So for all who plan to go, put it on hold first.
aiyo... thks for the info... better avoid fidgets manz...

i'm pleased to update that ryan has slept in the playyard for the first nite w/o crying... so tiring... feeding him very 2hrs, humming him to slp. luckily he's guai enuff. finally managed to slp wif my hb for the *first time* after my delivery...
i hope every nite ryan will slp in his own bed frm tonight onwards.
thanks for the info abt fidgets.

petrina- try to train bb to sleep in their cots early. sidney has been on his own since day one. n his sleeping early gives us some couple time. ive heard of stories where they never wanna get off ur beds as they grow older! well, its not a problem if u dun mind sleeping with ur kids up till they are 7 or 8 years old!

anyway, he sleeps in a play yard? or play pen? if in the yard, i assume he has plenty of space to toss n turn. the boy must be having a wild time!
Hello ...
hiaweh, thank you for the infor. It is very important to us mummies and i will definitely NOT bring my boy there! Will also spread it to my family & friends. Don't want any more children to get hurt!!
Petrina, what shauna mentioned is very true & my son is one fine example... he sleeps with us and only goes to bed past midnight - that is also because i go to bed very late too (bad example). He knows he has his own bed but has volunteered to sleep (at night) there on his own though, truth be said, we have never made him do that either.
melody- hey its good he wans to sleep on his own. actually, to each parents' own way. some parents sleep really late and would like to spend time with child after work. i cant deal with tat personally, since i look after him 24/7 single handedly. if i have to chase him till the wee hours, i think i will be quite haggard (as if it aint enough already!) in a month's time.
shauna: my bb bed as per pic. shld be playyard.

we want him to slp alone. but he's cranky in midst his slp. so i gotta wake up often to check on him. tat was thr msin reason y we put him in between us initially.
i hope he slps well by himself in days/mths to come... otherwise i cant slp at nite if he whines every 15mins.
petrina- actually no diff lah. yard or pen. its coz i always say yard for the big plastic round up area i have for sidney... keke. ryan's starting to look more boyish n have pple told u his features have started to change? he looks alot like his father now! ")
anyway pet, ive got some beginner's cereal and step 2 milk powder samples. if u wan, i can pass to u.. but they would oni come in handy for u when ryan is 6 mths old..
Hi Petrina:
itcy skin - try GAIA skin soothing lotion.
It works for me effectively during my preggy times.
You may get it from Guardian at HV...

* Certified Organic Calendula - an amazing little herb - with fantastic skin repairing qualities
* Wheat Germ Oil, naturally high in Vitamin E, to help revitalise the appearance of skin and scarring.
* Certified Organic Chamomile to calm redness and irritation
* Certified Organic Lavender to provide soothing relief and stop the ‘itchies’.
* Zinc and Castor Oil for skin repairing and assisting with healing
* Beeswax to provide a barrier making this lotion last longer on skin

Dun tink I can meet you with some of the mummies here and you... as my bb shower is on 5 Apr, Sat, either lunch or high-tea. Venue: To be advised...

for both my kids when they was bb i put them slp on my chest for 1mth then after their full mth,they slp yao lan liao....
Hi ... another question ... sorry ah...
Any mummies know where i can get party stuff (Thomas the train)? plates/ decor./ etc.. Went to Party with Us at Raffles City but it's really expensive!! Super XX ...
Thank you!
hi angel,mayb u can try alexandra.those shops opposite alexandra hospital.i got saw e shop there selling...
melody: i ever saw carrefour selling. not sure if they have thomas e train though. i saw barbie ones...

elvis: my boy also like to slp on my chest...

angel: my plc. blk 40 holland drive - ban hin furniture shop. i get my supplies frm there. mention my name. maybe can cheaper abit.

Do they know you as 'Petrina'? Will be looking for a good/firm single mattress so I can dress/clean bb on it and sit on it when feeding bb
angel: ya. the boss - lady wif long hair. she's my client. i m her prudential agent. we r rather close.
i bot my mattress frm her too. but i changed to tempur after marriage.
but tempur is not suitable for NB baby.
angel, clementi ave 2 has 2 furniture shops that sells furniture/ mattresses, they are facing clementi road and normally will send the items FOC.
I would like to get some feedbacks from all mummies - what type of chopping board are you using? Plastic /wooden type or any other kind? Which is better? I'm currently using the plastic board but my MIL say no good.

So need some advice from you all. Thanks.
Hi Cecilia

we have 3 chopping boards. One big wooden one to lay across the sink for poultry and meat (but very bulky/heavy and it gets mouldy at the side very fast). We have a much smaller plastic one (from Ikea) for fruits and small veg. Then we bought 1 bamboo one from Robinsons last year (around $30 for medium size) which is our fav as it's very light-weight and does not turn mouldy as quickly as the wooden one. You can check it out at Robinsons when they're having sale.
Hi Petrina, it is quite difficult to get Thomas the Train (i think because of copyrights issue... sighz) went to middle rd to look but 'no stock'!... there are some selling at Raffles City but those are quite XX ...
melody, what about making your own by printing from the net and pasting over those plain generic ones?

cecilia: I think it's more important to ensure you don't cross contaminate by having separate chopping boards for your raw meats and making sure you just keep your boards clean and in good condition.
hi sleek,

thanks for the thought... actually I've got the decor stuff ... banners and such, only thing i need now is plates/ cups (no stock!) and napkins, etc ... hmmn... wonder what else i miss ...
melody- go to the forum conducts sprees on these. u can find the cups there if u wan. duno abt napkins.. if they are in time for the party!
shauna, that's the problem - should have ordered it from spree earlier - it's too late now.. never mind i will do so the next year..

Petrina, the first few months is like that ... very tiring... but than again, when he can walk n run, we will also complain cos we have to chase after them!! hee ....
he's latch 24rs!! after he fall aslp. i put him down, he'll cry. then i latch. then he suck abit, fall back to slp. cycle repeats e entire nite. until i buay tahaN, slp wif him on my breast.
petrina- u can try tapping his chin to wake him.. or rubbing his palms (n u need to constantly do it while u've got him latched on). i think all newborns tend to be really sleepy so they need alot of help to finish their milk duties.. ")

some mothers rely on latching on to put bb to sleep( an eventual subconscious method when bb just cant stop sucking!). nothing wrong with doing that, but if u let it go on, he will always need ur breast to put him to sleep in the long wakeful nites ahead.
shauna: he finished his drinking le. when he's slping on my breast, i tried to put him on bed. e min he realises tat he's not slping on me, he'll start to cry.
n my sickening mil is doubting my milkflow. attributing ryan's crying to my incapability to feed him.

i'm gg crazy soon. if she ask me 1 more time to feed FM, i think i'll run away frm home wif ryan!

I also recommend PD from Sunset, Dr Yvonne. We tried Dr Chia once and also ban her. I like about Dr Yvonne is that she's a specialist in Child Skin Allergy which both my girls have. So when come to such issue, she's able to advise me. Also her operation hrs too. Opens on Sun morning.

The only setback is her charges are on the high side but I guess all PDs charge much higher that a GD. So no choice.

We also go to 1 good GP @ Commonwealth. Both my hubby and myself like the 2 female doc there. Very motherly as both of them are mothers too. One even have 7 kids! Charges are much cheaper and got good medication. So when the children are having runny nose, fever, we prefer to go there. They are also opens on Sun morning too.

All old folks are like that. Even when I 1st have my girl, my mum also thinks that my milk is not enough and I insist going on Full BF. Now as she knows the goodness of BM, now that my sis wish to stop after her girl turn 6th month, she even encourage her to continue.

Give her more time to understand and explain to her the goodness of BM. She will soon understand.
this is but the start of ur struggle as a mother to convince the older folks abt modern child rearing techniques. alot of folks, to this date, advocate sleeping in yao lan, drinking cereal from milk bottle, advising against BM (keep saying not enough)n routines.of course there isnt anything wrong with these methods,we were all brought up this way. but we used DOS then, n which one of us here is still using the black screen with the green words?! time to upgrade.
(hope no one here is taking me personally..keke)

stick to ur guns, babe! if its too hard to explain, just do it n they will in time be convinced that u as the mother, knows best.
i've locked myself in the room. i dun wan to talk to her liao.

i cannot stand her staring at my bb's face while i m breastfeeding...
i cannot stand the fact that she ONLY uses water to wash my bb's clothes...
i cannot stand her nagging at me for not feeding my bb well, insisting i intro FM.
I cannot stand the fact that she barge into my room unannounced as and when she likes.
I cannot stand the fact that she comes home frm a wet market smelling like a fish n requesting to carry my bb w/o showering or changing clothes.

She dun BF for her sons because she smoke in the past. i can't be bothered to explain to her abt goodness of BM cause i already said NO to FM.

i intend to prepare all the stuffs n put in my room so that I do not have to go out of my room at all during the day. Cause I do not wish to see her at all.

sorry, i juz need to vent my anger. i dun even want to talk to my hb... i think i'm gg crazy liao. i predicted this will happen while I was preg. my hb din believe me then... i really wanna leave this hse... i really dun wanna see her...
Hi Petrina,
Dun worry & everything will be fine, can understand hw u feel as ti is not easy staying with old folks. Just let out whatever unhappiness you have in you & everything will be fine

Just ignore her & stand firm in yr decision, what most important now is take care of yrself & "Prince Ryan"
Hi Petrina...

Dun be dishearten...
Coz I am experiencing the same thing too...

BB cries alot lately - zzz after BF - put him on cot to zzz - after a while - cries & cries...
Maybe tummy-ache at times or maybe discomfort or maybe attention-seeking lor.. Wanted to be cuddle all the time...

MIL & my mum olso thinks that FM is better coz they can see the volume tat BB is drinking. Only BF can't see the volume then they thinks its not enough - so both of them kena my frustrations.

And poor HB olso kena frm me - coz he must keep our vows mah - in happiness & in sorrow...

Cheer Up babe - listen to your fav music & chill out.
