MMI @ katong shopping centre

hi jamie,
some version can even mop floor but i only have the type that can vacum. Check out this website.

the cost is around $800, still cheaper than hire part time maid.
yes, it can vacum by timer even when you are not at home. Then if it get stuck on an object, it will stop. For instance if it knock onto the kid's leg, it will bounce back and go to another area, very clever. It is flat so able to vacum under the bed, cupboard, etc.

hi jamie,
but IT show does not have demo, could be due to lack of space. Will be better that you go to the showroom. CNY coming, are you all busy with spring cleaning or shopping?
not much spring cleaning to do

still early to get cny goodies, but not much time for me to go shopping though, since i'm only "free" after i drop chloe to school. most shopping centre only open ard 10.30 or 11am, i'm left with the miserable 1hr or 1.5hrs to shop. must make several trips lor

wat abt u? goin anywhere over the cny holidays? actually i dont really like cny, most of the places are closed, so normally just stayed in.
hi jamie,
yes same here, most of the places closed. I only go house visiting on the 1st day. Will need to find things to do for the other days.
hi mummies,
how's everyone? must be busy with CNY preparation.

Hi jamie,
was telling elaine that the childcare center (cherie hearts), next to my house just obtain the infant care license. i will send my gal there soon. Only worry is the falling sick part, hope is not too bad.
hi small bell
been quite busy recently but not with CNY preparation. From the beginning of the yr, boy was down with HFMD... then followed by me and baby. While recovering from HFMD, he was down with a viral fever that lasted 4 days and broke out into rashes becos of that. Been away from cc for almost 2 wks. SO TIRING looking after 2 of them at home. Now it's back to readapting back to school life for him.... crying every morning again. A bad way to start the year manz...

Now busy moving house... so happy after waiting for so long. This is definitely a very busy January.

Which cherie hearts branch is that? U r sending yr gal there?
yeah, i bz shopping for cny clothes lor. cant seem to slim down after birth till now so abit difficult to find plus size clothes
tot of signing up those fitness program to keep fit & slim down

i didnt know there's a cherie heart just next to your place. so when u starting your gal? ya i also worry my boy will fall sick once i put him in school but its unavoidable lah, just hv to go thru it. initially plan to start him together with chloe full day but i didnt realise shaws full day fees are very ex, so will put him on half day till prior to k1 then start full day.

how are u? didnt see u here for awhile, tot u already moved house. yes its mentally & physically drained looking after our sick children.
hi babyethan,
hope your boy will adapt back to school again. My boy also had viral fever last week. Let's hope the CNY will chase away all the sick bug. I am sending to cherie heart at east gate branch for infant care. This is the same childcare location, previously kinder U.

hi jamie,
can give the fitness program a try. But if your boy is on half day, then how to send him home? or you need to go twice to pick up?
I should start infant care when they settle down and open next month. When i visit the infant area, only have changing table, warmer. Still don't have baby cot yet.
ya will hv to make double trip to fetch them back. hv not really think abt it yet but hopefully my hubby can pick chloe up unless he works late.

u mean kinder U already close down? tats very fast since they just open not long. but i think cherie heart will stay long as its more reputable & affordable compare to previous tenants Mindchamp & Kinder U. its nice to start in a new premises as everything is new & clean

do they give sibling discount? will u consider transfering patrick over for convenience?
hi jamie,
if not put both of them in half day.

Yes, kinder U close, think the charges too high. Cherie Heart has 5 branch in this area and still can survive. Guess should be doing well. This east gate branch is more spacious compare to mmi, playground indoor as well. I definitely wish to put patrick there but he refuse to change school.
full day program is more structured compare to half day so tats why decide to put chloe full day later half of this year to let her get used, then all the way to K2 in preparation for P1. think most students would hv gone full day when they start K1 rite? as they would learn more things compared to half day.
maybe u can tell patrick tat meimei attending the same school, he may change his mind??
haha... very long since i talked abt moving. Finally the day is coming. It's been super duper long.

small bell
wah... cherie hearts is really making big money. opening up so many branches everywhere.
Ya lor... i heard so many kids down with viral fever recently. Really hopes he gets back to shape soon cos he lost a bit of weight from the 2 episodes one after another.
hi jamie,
he still refuse to change as his friends are in mmi. He says that only if his friends change to cherie heart, then he will follow.

hi babyethan,
yeah, new house to celebrate the new year.
hi jamie,
heard that pap kindergarten learn more things and higher standard compare to childcare center K1 and K2. But they only have a few hours class daily so not suitable for me.
oic. the pap near my place timing also not suitable coz its in the afternoon, which clashes with the kids' nap time.
actually i think for all kindergarten, its only 3hrs daily coz the one at chen li church also 3hrs.
yeah!!! in time for cny.

is that so? all along i got the impression PAP is really basic. that's why a lot of parents send to private cc. then again, i always ask how do we know whether the standard is good or sufficient?
hi jamie,
for church kindergarten also 3 hours...oic.

hi babyethan,
same thinking too, i also thought that pap is just the normal standard. Think standard will be base on how the child can adapt to primary education in future.
hi ladies,
long time never chat with u all here....
have been very bust with e kids n hsework recently... hai n ZHaohui is sick since last monday.... really tiring looking after him especially when he refuse medicine... think he is really unlucky this year....
1stly he almost got drown in a condo swimming pool when we attended a party 2 wks ago.. then he is down with running nose n cough... then high fever....then diarrheoa n vommiting....

is really an unlucky year for him to start with... hai....
tot u MIA since didnt see u around here.

oh dear, is ZH better? try to coax him with sweets, thats what i did last time when chloe was very sick. i know your job doesnt encourage to give sweets but once awhile shd be ok lah. i usually gave those dinasoar gum (cut into half) which doesnt taste sweet & no artificial colouring.

nobody is watching him when he plays in the pool? its so dangerous, lucky nothing happen. u must take care too coz its really tiring both physically & mentally looking after sick child.
hi elaine,
Oh dear, condo pool quite dangerous as no life guard.

same thing, patrick will refuse medicine when sick. I could only feed plain water and hope he recovers.

hi jamie,
i use the sweet method, does not work either. i also tried using soft drinks or sugar water with medicine, also not working.
hi elaine
same as ethan... bad start for 2010. 1st week hfmd and 2nd week viral fever. back to sch n now running nose.

luckily for him... he LOVES medicine. He takes medicine like drinking sweetened water. Will demand for it when he sees med bottles lying around. Prob cos since young, whenever we feed him medicine, we says "sweet sweet"... LOL
hi jamie n smallbell,

tat was really a scary moments which i wont forget... is all hubby's fault n also my fault for trusting him so much.
we went to e party happily... both kids wants to play with water so after hubby changed ZH swimming costume n i'm still changing for SZ, i let hubby bring ZH into e pool which is 0.5m. after putting ZH there hubby walk back to me n wanted to wear his sandal so i start scolding him telling him should stay beside ZH n hold his hand n let him walk ard e water will do..... just after i said tat ZH was struggling in e water cos he dont know how to stand up .... hai...
then i faster ask hubby to save him... his 1st reaction was wanted to walk ard e pool n go nearer to ZH
OMG.... i faster jump into e water n walk towards ZH n carry him up... he looks so scared... n whole lips turn black...
I hate hubby soon much tat i feel like giving him 2 slap on e face...!!! how can he over estimate ZH by leaving him there!!! i almost lost my boy....
so sad....
today i leave him at home looking after ZH cos i have taken too much leave n cant leave e clinic unopen everyday... hope nothing happens at home.
hi babyethan,
ZH used to love med too... n can feed himself after i prepared for him.
but there was once i brought him to GP n GP med was horrible.... from then on he start to hate taking med even we tell him tat e med is from PD not e GP.... hai...
hi babyethan,
you are so lucky...your boy loves medicine.

Hi elaine,
oh dear, don't think your hubby forgot about him. He could have under-estimate that the water is deep. Hope that ZH will not have fear of water in future. As patrick was once drop into the pool at jurong west. It was a wave like pool, he's sitting in the middle of the float. But the float hole is too big and he fell into the hole. Nothing serious as the water is not deep but he is scared of water from then onwards.
hi smallbell,
ZH tell me tat he will not want to go swimming pool but he still want to go ZOO... swimming pool. he loves e pool at e zoo. I also scared ZH will be phobia with e pool water... anyway see how when he is 6 yr old then i will let him learn swimming to protect himself....
so now patrick still dare to learn swimming??? maybe wait till he is much much older before letting him learn swimming.
maybe u can try giving patrick his fav tidbits since the sweets doesnt work on him.

now my gal loves medicine. dont need to resort giving her sweets liao, think she immune to all the medicine taste

poor ZH, that must be a very bad scare for him. but i'm sure he doesnt hv phobia for swimming since he still looks forward to the Zoo's pool
hi elaine,
he only play with water when he goes swimming pool, refuse to enter whole body into the pool. For zoo or wild wild wet type of waterplay is alright, he will go in but not into the actual swimming pool.

hi jamie,
tidbits tried as well, not working.
hi smallbell n jamie,

now is SZ turn to get diarrheoa n vomitting... hai~~
i'm really very stress with juggling between work n kids , which one should come first...
last wk i had taken lots of leave to looking after ZH n also i'm sick so yesterday i didnt dare to take leave even thought SZ is sick... i ask my mum to come n look after her.. but at work... lots of things keep running in my mind... i really broke down n call my friend for advice.. hai~~~ then i call my manager.. n she ask me to faster go home to bring SZ to see doc... if really got complaint from sch or parents they will let them know tat i got emergency at home recently... i'm so glad n faster pack n bring SZ to see doc...
now i'm really in a dilemma... wat should i do... paul wanted to get a maid but i prefer to work PT for the time being so tat after doing hsework i can bring e kids back earlier to look after. But tat would means tat i will have a paycut... which paul thinks tat getting a maid is more worthing... argggghhhhhh.... how?? i'm so so stress by all these...

oh dear, hope SZ get well soon. most likely she got it from ZH. poor u, must be both physically & mentally exhausted!! thankfully u hv a good & understanding boss.

well, there's no rite or wrong. if u want to spend some quality time bonding with the kids, then work PT will be a better option but of coz pay cut which u hv to compromise with. otherwise just hv to get another maid. does your current job hv PT?
hi elaine,
in your case, probably need to try out a maid first. As a paycut might not be worth. And even with part time job, when they fall sick, still need to take leave and that might affect your job eventually. Hope ZH and SZ will recover soon. Do take care, sms me when you need someone to talk with.

anyone has children learning phonics at MMI kee sun road?

Can share experience whether is this good and how the lesson being taught?
hi nuahcouple
nowadays i let my hb send him to sch. on days that i bring him there, it's usually early ard 8am.

when r u giving birth?
Hi snowball,

There is one mommy helped me to understand how Montessori works. This helped me to better disccused with MMI teacher and supervisor.

MMI at kee sun changed their method of teaching. They have many resources they can used just lazy but take the easiest way that is drilling based on worksheet. Blend words by words for about 60-70 words in one hour.

I have problem sending him to MMI as he refused this kind of drilling.

Things changed when an ex-MMI teacher helped me to understand how does MMI work and resources avialable, then only i able to convience the teacher to change.

After the 2nd lesson, i had given them a month notice as i find that drilling method not for my son and talked to the supervisor on 3rd lesson. It was sales talk and the 5th lesson i blow up my frustration, then they changed.

The last lesson was doing fine. My son learns with smily face.

Hi all,

am due in Mid May
Fast hor....gonna be full term liao...keke

can i ask any1 plannig or already planned to move hse where there are schools for ur kids?

am currently staying in Pasir Ris and we can finaly sell our hse in march or April and at the mean time we are also looking for hses ard Marine Parade etc...nearer to my parent's hse and also hv 4 schools nearby....we are a bit kiasu...cannot hv 1 sch must be at least 2 school in case one cannot get in ;)

the prices of HDB in MP is too high liao and the price they ask for can buy a Pte apartment!!!!
