MMI @ katong shopping centre


wow landed $$$ lah.....


yes rhe pte is too exp in MP and in the end we will just settle in HDB in MP...

keep arguing with HB abt school....he said can go to normal neigbourhood schools need branded...I said only Tao nan is gifted and branded bt the rest like CHIJ, Ngee Ann and haig girls, geylang methodist etc are normal neighbourhood!!!....i told him not all negigbourhood school are good...of course I dun want my kids to go to eunos pri nor TK pri or changkat pri etc......he just dun understand....he said last time we are also in neigbourhood schs...yes bt times has changed the kids now and the kids during our time is diff liao...

anyway, he dun even bother to check abt schools or concern abt the kid.....till i so so so fed up!!!!!

is still phase 2b if u r a parent volunteer but if there is a balloting at that phase they will let those within 1 km to get into e sch 1st then followed by 1-2km then if still got places left then those after 2km can get in....

sorry i dont know much abt ngee ann pri but is not a SAP sch rite?? cos kong hwa n tao nan are SAP sch.....

hi smallbell,
then i help u visit ur baby daily lor... :p heehee then i will become her godmother :p
your gal still need night feed? actually for my boy i didnt wake him up for night feed unlike chloe, i was very ON then as its was my 1st time being a mum. didnt want to starve her haha... but eventually was told babies will cry for milk when hungry, need not wake them up.

i understand your concern. not all neighbourhood schools are good, given a choice we sure want the best for our kids.
if u are settling in MP, i would think there are more options esp both your kiddos are gals but i think geylang methodist is abit far for u leh, nearer for me though

so means if i dont do PV i still in phase 2b rite? then might as well dont do?
lazy me, finding excuses!!
hi elaine,
kekeke...that's a good idea.

hi jamie,
she will wake up at least 1-2 times for night feed. And i also need to pump out milk in the middle of night (4 hrs gap) to store. She does not latch on, only drink from bottle.

I thought doing PV will give another extra chance for the ballot, plus the 1km distance chance.

hi nuahcouple,
same as my hb, also don't understand the importance of a good school. He also insist that going neighbourhood school is fine.
small bell,

guys are like that...sigh sigh......

wow ur gal dun latch eldest gal refused to drink from bottle and bcos of that I hv to resigned from my previous job!!! till she went to CC and still nurse at nite time, nap time etc.....then slowly slowly wean her off

I stored so may pkts in the freezer and ended threw all away
oic, that case once she starts infantcare, your sleep will be disrupted. haiz ... really tough being a mum hor.

so wasted all your BM!! my supply was low when i hv my gal. but supply was good when it comes to my boy but i was too tired to nurse him.
shouldn't hv thrown away. let her bathe in it. my girl refused to drink frozen ebm. end up i store until all over 3mths n i use to bathe her instead.
hi nuahcouple,
that's a big sacrifice to quit your job. Your gal is smart, she prefers fresh milk as compare to the strange smelling frozen ones.

hi jamie,
are you still breastfeeding your boy?
hi jamie,
if u dont do PV n had no connection with e school then u will be under phase 2C.
But if u do PV u will be under phase 2B if cant get in then can try again at phase 2C.

my mom and auntie took to wash their feet and hands etc and the rest i threw away as after that they found the smell too strong as during that time I ate lots lots of fishes ;)

small bell,

till now my girl dun drink from Formula milk too....she hated it...kekeke...she has been drinking BM then now she is drinking UHT pkt milk or fresh lots of $$$ ;) and also no need to bring milk powder or find hot water....i just buy from Mac or anywhere that they sell or bring along 1 or 2 pkt whenever we go out..drink liao can throw the pkt need to wash bottle...kekekeke...go holidays also beri easy...just bring a few pkts for 1st or 2 days after that buy from the country...kekekeke
hi jamie,
i went into kong hwa school website check and saw e students with at least 250marks in their PSLE stands 20.7% of the whole cohort... which i find is very high... dont worry to let chloe go into that sch

84.8% goes into special/express stream...
hi elaine,
so we will be given an extra chance with pv.
i just submit my form for pv this year, need to cover 40 hours. I opt to do all the traffic duty, library and excursion. but this is for weekdays only, so i got to take leave. The school is hong wen primary at bendeemeer (as i will be moving there next year).

hi nuahcouple,
drinking fresh milk is so convenient. Would this be more expensive than formula?
Small bell,

most of the time is Marigold UHT pkt milk..much cheaper than FM...I ordered thru her CC... ;)

I calculated liao cheaper...kekeke

Hong wen is a gd school too...hb was thinking abt moving there too bt inconvienient leh as need to find school bus to my parent's hse etc....
hi nuahcouple,
just trying my luck at the pv. Not sure if they even want to accept parents for pv work. I will have another chance at the 1km.
ok i understand what u mean liao. double chances if i do PV. my hubby already went to kaypo & check with 1 of my neighbour who also did PV, need to clock 40hrs.

thats very convenient drinking fresh milk, esp on holidays

anyway in OZ, most kids after 1yr drink fresh milk so thats why their FM range is very limited.

hong wen is another good SAP school. so will patrick & patrina change preschool when u move over? otherwise its still quite a distance to travel to mounbatten.
just came back after visiting hollywood dino. nothing fantastic though. we almost "melted" in this climate. really cant imagine how Universal studio can tahan such hot & humid weather!! good luck to them!!
hi jamie,
some good schools need 80 hrs of pv. Oh yes, i will need to change childcare centre by then. How is the hollywood dino? wanted to go but too far away.
wow 80hrs! but actually its very fast esp it include excursions.
honestly i dont think its worth a visit to see those dino unless u gg to the bird park.
is there any cc around there? hv to start sourcing liao rite? coz most preschools are already open for next year intake.
hi jamie,
nope, it is not very often that they have excursions and only limited to a few parents to help out. Most of the duties are traffic duty. And each time traffic duty is only half an hour. So it's quite tough to clock the hours. They also request that parents who have special skills can indicate on the form, eg. organize camp, workshops, etc.

birdpark is another entrance fee right?
oic, coz my neighbour clock most during excursion & she completed 40hrs in 3mths.
yes, bird park got to pay for entry.
hi all,

Happy Chinese New Year

Hi Jamie,

yes indeed beri convienient ;) my cousin's 4 kids...drink cold BM and Fresh milk since wat the ang moh do loh...they dun heat up the BM at all ;) and all 4 so strong and heathly

wow 80 hrs of PV? thot 40 hrs ... kekekek ........
hi nuahcouple,
oh, can drink cold BM? then i give a try when baby is older. I always thought that BM must be warm up as sometimes it takes too long to warm up the BM and baby crying loudly (especially embarassing outside).
small bell,

up to cousin beri ang moh she dun care the ang moh in other countries also do just that our mom said no good for kids etc my gal...she also drink cold fresh milk..I dun even heat up...wahahahahaha...........she is fine
I dun belive in those FM where stated has 6X DHA etc....
hi nuahcouple,
i agree, nothing wrong with cold fresh milk as my older boy also drinks most of the time, unless coughing.
after subsidy, half day is $700 & full day is $1000. chloe still on half day, when my boy starts, every seems double!!
wow!!! that's really high. Maybe your boy can start with a few hours class, those flexible hours a few times per week will do.
<font color="0000ff">Hi

Sorry to intrude. I'm looking for MMI Phonics material. Saw this thread and tot of trying my luck here.

Anyone has used set to giveaway? Pls pm me, thks.</font>
hi jamie,
wow... never know shaws fees are so high. if not then u start ur boy somewhere else 1st then when he is older then go to shaws. most cc the fees between fullday n halfday is almost e same so i'm surprise that shaws had such great different... BTW u r taking e $150 subsidy or $300 subsidy??
ya lor i also agree most cc their full &amp; half day fees are only slight diff. i did highlight my concern to them but was told the high fees its due to their in house program/ enrichment class in the afternoon. so we do not need any additional enrichment program unless we want.
i'm currently taking $150 subsidy, if we decide to put chloe full day then will take $300.

i did think of putting my boy somewhere else but i would prefer them to attend same school together.
hi elaine,
i am not able to access FB from office pc, so reply you here. I am going beijing tour group in april, only a short trip of 5 days. Is your HK including city tour or only disneyland?
sibling got priority but no discount.
wow u going beijing? with the kids or just hubby &amp; u? actually 5 days for 1 city is just nice.

ya the fees really ex leh so dont know should change school or not. but chloe likes shaws so makes me reluctant to change.

when u leaving for disneyland? hubby also wanted to bring the kids but i dont really like HK disneyland leh. small &amp; dont hv toon town (mickey &amp; minnie's house) &amp; the queue to take photo with disney characters are really super long
but its the most affordable compare to japan &amp; US. the kids must be very excited
hi jamie,
i thought most cc will have discount for sibling. Chloe already adapt well to school, will be quite difficult to change. There will be natas this weekend, you might like to take a look to see any holiday that you can go.

I am only bringing patrick along as baby is too young. Actually longer china trips are much cheaper but i am breastfeeding so could not afford to take such long holiday. There are other cities under promotion, such as Sichuan, Fujian but was worried if the temperature, food and toilet condition might be suitable for patrick. Therefore chose beijing (suppose to have better living standard due to olympics).
only some cc hv sibling discount, i remember MMI also dont hv, only priority leh.
ya natas this weekend but i wont go lah coz will be crowded. for long trip, most likely will head down to oz again in june or jul, maybe to perth again for the last time for farmstay/ fruit picking, otherwise to melbourne. for short trip, maybe go genting, finally!! haha...

beijing &amp; shanghai is good in terms of better facilities.

last Dec we went to HK disneyland and yes is really really small........also the queeue to take pictures is indeed beri overall the children enjoy themselves
hi jamie, finally. i would like to go australia but patrick does not eat much western food, only take a little bread/pizza/pasta. And i don't think i want to stay at service apartment, would probably join tour group. So main issue is the food.

hi nuahcouple,
when i went to HK disney the last time, small small world not completed yet. Is it open when you went last year?
yeah all children loves disneyland

the disney small small world completed liao.
if u joining tour group, food definitely not a problem coz they usually serve chinese food. unless u going F &amp; E then its better to stay in service apt where u can cook. i'm lucky my kids both loves bread &amp; pasta so even if i dont cook, its pretty easy to feed them outside
hi ladies,
smallbell-- wow going bejing ah... i still never go china before.
As for e hk trip we only choose to go disneyland solely staying there only for 2 nites cos we want the kids to enjoy themselves, as for shopping part i'm not really keen on it but will still take e mtr to go ard. 2 year back when i brought ZH to disneyland e small small world also not ready.... this time will go n take a look. more over we are not going during e march holidays, will leave few days before e holidays n it will be a wkday thing so hopefully dont have to queue too long...

jamie, mmi got sibling discount of $50.

hi elaine,
that's better, the kids can take their time to play the rides and watch fireworks for 2 days. it comes with the free disneyland entrance pass right? would you be staying at the hollywood or resort hotel? i didn't get to stay at the resort hotel as much more ex.
