MMI @ katong shopping centre

i'm not sure coz the school dont accept gifts during teachers day & they also dont allow treats during birthdays for classmates too. i'm contemplating if should get something just for the class teachers, as a thank u gesture. but not sure will they accept.
hi smallbell,
finally e concert is over, patrick had dance very well.... so cute.

as for my Zhaohui, he is quite good too... i manage to spot him in e begining but by e time my sils spot him e performance finish liao... heheheee cos they all wear like a small chick with e head cover up too so cant really tell who is who.... hehehe
hi elaine,
i saw the video, all the kids so cute. ZH very cute in the suit. I know his location as the other time Lily posted the rehearsal on fb.
we should all be happy as no crying kids this year. I only saw a boy who was quite lost on stage and stood there. I didn't get to see other performance as hubby only took video of katong. Will need to wait to purchase the vcd.
i didnt finish seeing all e performance too cos Sizhen keeps making noise after they close e lights... i think she is scared so after Zhaohui performances i see manage to see patrick performance then no choice bring her out, tat is where i get to see patrick n e rest waiting outside n get a chance to take some photos.
hi elaine,
ic, think SZ is afraid as the sound can be rather loud too. Now ZH don't like to attend school? or he's looking forward to the new school.
hi elaine,
that's alright, no rush.

hi jamie,
are you getting ready for your KL trip? book hotel yet?

Normally around this time of the year, i will be busy bringing patrick to the x'mas show at shopping mall. This year might be difficult to go out with baby to watch the show. But still hope i can catch one or two show at least this weekend.

yeah already booked accommodation in KL. will be staying in serviced apt instead of hotel.

wow u really ON leh, i also wanted to bring chloe but the afternoon show always clash with her nap time. still thinking when is a good day to skip nap haha....

i also wont be bringing my boy coz he really cant sit still, super hyper active.
hi jamie,
service apartment will be better, can cook the kid's meal.

how about during weekends as they normally have morning or evening session show on weekend. Do try to go early before the show timing, need to queue but worth it. Sometimes you can get photo taking ticket without having to purchase any item. I like to go AMK hub or tanglin mall as they have bubbles and snow time as well. Not sure if they have snow this year.
yup can cook for the kids. moreover the rates are comparable to hotels.

i passed by tanglin mall recently, their xmas decor doesnt seem nice compare to last year. so not sure if they still hv snow this year.

i try not to go during weekends coz will be super crowded leh. but will try to make it on one of their weekday show since u said its worth it. actually i hv not been to any of these children xmas show before, very swa ku haha ...
coz the tot of long queues & joining the crowd really puts me off liao. this is one lazy mum here!!
hi jamie,
if you go during weekdays should be ok, not that crowded. There is a thread in this forum on the mall show, you can check out the timing first. Will be better to go to a mall that is convenient for you, don't need to specially go for the show.

i only intend to bring chloe to the barney show at united square. although she also likes mickey/ minnie & friends but heard the 5min show its really nothing great. must make time to bring her see barney before the show ends!
hi jamie,
i normally go an hour before the show starts. For weekday, 45 mins before show start. You can check to see if anyone started the queue, if nobody, you can shop around. Perhaps can ask your hubby to queue while you sit down with the kids. Don't think children can queue for so long. Barney is normally very popular so if possible, do go earlier.
ok thanks but hubby cant go coz need to take care of my boy after work. so i'm the only one bringing chloe lor.
hi jamie,
some queue allow you to take the entry ticket first and return to watch the show and some shopping mall allow you to wait while sitting down. Enjoy the barney show tonight!
hi jamie,
how's the barney show? how many days are you going malacca?

hi elaine,
i tried to purchase the genting discount card at the last minute but could not make it, all sold out. But quite alright as 1st day, i thought better purchase adult ticket so that i could accompany patrick for the rides. But he can take the rides himself. So the next days i bought only one day child ticket and he sat the bumper car and Eiffel tower car ride non stop. How's your trip?

At first world hotel i had a shock of my life. Around 6 plus in the evening, we were eating pack dinner inside the room. I thought since we are eating and going out to play soon, therefore did not bother to double lock the room door. Then suddenly 3 guests (male) opened the door with keycard and step inside. He asked me how come i was still inside and show me his keycard with the correct room number. I told him that i am not suppose to check out. Then i went to clarify with the reception and realized they made a mistake on my check out date. Just imagine if my mom or me was alone and undress. Or worst if we were sleeping at night and someone could just walk in with the card. First world service is terrible.

the barney show was good but queue was really super long! queue already started abt 1hr 15mins before the show! lucky i was there really early so was the 1st few in the queue. i think no more next time, rather pay to go for the show then queue haha!!

i came back last nite fr malacca. only stayed for 2nites. didnt do much site seeing at all coz its really crowded & we couldnt find any parking. so only site see in the car & swimming in the hotel's pool. the hotel also a kids' playroom to entertain the kids so not too bad.

did u make a complaint to first world? i too also usually dont double lock the door unless its bedtime. but this is really bad service

my friend recommend the theme park hotel as the room is much bigger but walking will be quite a distance i think.

did patrick enjoy himself? after this malacca trip, my hubby is convinced no more driving into malaysia esp during school holidays! traffic is really bad. lucky we hv dvd players to entertain the kids in the car
hi smallbell n jamie,
finally manage to see e posting here cos last week i couldnt see mmi katong posting dont know why... almost half of e 2006 posting are missing.

this is scary, tat means they dont need to have u to check out before they check in other guests...
really poor service, wat if all of u r not in e room n they just come in n touch all ur things... ai yo cant imagine...

after my genting trip i also drop by malacca for dinner, cos me n hubby missed e "lok lok" those satay sauce steamboat. but wen we get into malacca town also heavy traffic jam, glad tat we r there only for dinner n not shopping.
But as for e traffic, it was still quite smooth throughout e whole trip.

btw when r u coming back from cruise?? MMI having party on wed n wondering will patrick be back for e party??

wow u still drop by malacca for lok lok. we cant really hv a decent meal outside esp with my younger boy, very hyperactive. so normally we order room service.

i think smallbell still on the cruise.
hi jamie,

we got no choice hahahaa cos really craving for it. then tis is going to be e last luxury trip with maid heheheee
my maid leaving on monday...... i really cant imagine my day without a maid.... hai....
for my case Sizhen is so much easier to look after while eating compared to Zhaohui lor.... so we always loves to bring SZ out as compared to ZH heeehehee

so fast your maid last day liao. dont worry u will manage lah. both ZH & SZ look forward to new school?
i think girls are easier to take care, like chloe. its much easier to bring her out for food & shopping compare to my boy. really cant shop & eat in peace!!
hi jamie,
wow, barney is so popular. And that's weekday, if weekend worst. Long distance is quite difficult for kids to sit still. When i travel to genting, the coach didn't have tv screen but on our return trip, some passengers asked for upgrade to a higher class coach (with massage chair, tv screen with video games and more space). The show on the tv is similar to the SIA flight ones. Therefore we got to enjoy this service without paying for it. Patrick kept quiet during the journey with the entertainment.

No use complaining to first world hotel as i told the reception desk and the lady also didn't know what's going on.

hi elaine,
oh nice to eat the lok lok at malacca. Hope you can manage without maid.

I just came back from cruise this afternoon but not able to join the party. This will also be ZH last day at mmi, sob! sob! I am sure he will enjoy his new school with SZ.

Ahhh, seems like girls are much easier to take care compare to boys.

wow free entertainment, thats nice! i cant imagine without on the way to genting haha...

hows the cruise trip? i hv never bring the kids to cruise coz both hubby & myself dont quite like being confine inside the ship. but i heard good reviews though, everything is taken care of - food, entertainment ... etc so i think its not that bad lah.

yes girls are definitely more kwai, so u dont hv to worry haha... u will hv an easier time taking care of patrina.
hi ladies

long time never come in. Merry Xmas to all of you. Enjoy the long holidays

Jamie/small bell
i do agree that girls seem to be easier to handle. But i was told that when they are young, they are easier to handle than boys. When they grow up into their teens, they are more difficult to handle than boys.
Hi Jamie,
i will recommend cruise for kids, more space for kids. Lots of entertainment, pool, kids buffet table with kids food and childcare center. For larger ships such as star cruise virgo, there are kids program. I recall going for face painting, origami folding session. Childcare is charge at around $10-$15 per hour. But this is good if you are going for shore trips and do not want to bring kids along. Last time i went snorkel at the island so didn't bring patrick along. This time i went on starcruise Libra, a smaller ship but still have entertainment (china acrobat and russian dancers performance). I left patrick at the childcare and went to the casino to take a look. There is a wide choice of food throughout the day, western, chinese, international. So if they are serving something not suitable for your kids, can always bring them to another restaurant.

Hi babyethan,
Merry xmas and happy new year to you and your family. I should expect girls to have more issue during teenage years. choice, just hope will not be that difficult then.
hi jamie,
oh yes, the rest could still be in holiday mood. I am getting all gear up to return to work next week. After a long rest of about 8 months, looking forward to going back. Hope i will not be very blur when i start working.
hi smallbell,
well going back to work is still so much better than staying at home rite??? heeheeee
i'm also waiting for next wk to come so i can start working as i'm on leave these few days, then both will go CC... even i take leave they can still go CC n i can have some free time alone :p
yesterday my maid finally leave..... she cried before going into the gate.... hai~~~ she miss ZH n SZ.... lucky e 2 kids didnt see her crying becos SZ wants to go toilet so i faster bring her n ZH leaving my mum with my maid.
hai so sad tat she left cos she is with me for 3yrs liao.... moreover we can talk every thing, she is just like my good friend.
hi elaine,
yes, quite odd to hear someone saying excited to return to work isn't it? hehehehe...But for SZ starting stage, think you better save your leave, just in case she fall sick for starting months. And now you got no maid to help out, might be tough.

so sad.
your maid is nice, met her during the bbq party. She carried SZ all the time and play with her. While doing that she also watched if ZH was eating. Pity that she got to leave.

Will you hire part time maid to help with the house work?
time really flies, u going back to work liao. can understand your excitement of returning to work
. so u only get to see your gal on weekends?

its understandable your maid feel sad, afterall she's been with your family for 3yrs. sure got feeling one mah.
hows ZH & SZ doing in school? adapting well?
hi jamie,
i bring her back on friday night. But for the beginning part, i will try to take more leave during weekdays so that can accompany her.

Regarding enrichment class, did you register any program yet?

u can take your remaining maternity leave during weekdays.

i hv not enrol chloe for any program yet coz will only start full day probably in june. ever since she transitted to N2, she doesnt really look forward to school liao. coz change of teachers & classroom. she's very attached & really like her N1 teacher, so this transition seems abit tough for her. hopefully she will get over it soon.
hi jamie,
oh yes, that's normal when they go to the next level. Classmates should be the same right? only teacher changed or everyone changed.

only change of teachers, classmates still the same. cant imagine hv to go thru this every year during transition to next level.
hi ladies,
finally manage to find time to log in here while they are taking their nap....
Thanks for e present tat u have given to Zhaohui
Tentatively will not hire any P/T maid la... so far i can still manage as long as my mil dont fry any food. we tried to reinforce to her tat steaming n boiling soup is alrite if she cleans up after tat but no frying!!! hopefully she can really listen.
But must really see after sch reopen n i start to work n both start to attend sch... but hopefully can manage without taking a PT helper lor....BTW I have sign up a english enrichment class for ZH at seeds d learning house every sat cos i'm worried cherie hearts EL not tat strong... am i giving my little boy too much pressure???
e 2 kids will only start e new CC next monday. Hope everythg will be fine...
Happy new year everyone!

hi jamie,
not to worry, when chloe get used to the school system then she will not be bothered by the change of teachers. Actually when they get older, the same classmates are more important. As they would have form close bonding and friendship.

hi elaine,
your mil likes to eat fried food? i think should be ok to let ZH have english class and that's on weekend. Is he still attending the piano/music class at funan?

Finally i saw the whole performance by ZH during the concert via the dvd copy, he's so cute.
gonna miss him.
hi ladies

wishing everyone a good 2010!

dont worry, i'm sure both of them will adapt well

does cherie hearts hv enrichment in school? i may let chloe take their speech & drama when i put her in full day.

yes i agree, classmates are more imnportant as they grow older. so hopefully transition for her will improve as she gradually progress to next level.
hi jamie,
speech and drama would be a good choice, can learn to be expressive. After speech n drama lessons in school, patrick became quite dramatic in his actions, good thing is that he can use body language combine with language skills.
hows 1st day at work after a long break?
good to hear that patrick really benefit from the speech & drama class

hows the kids 1st day in school?
hi jamie,
oh well, super blur, like a new staff working.
now still trying to cope with the changes from comfy state to a stressful working life. But i am glad to be away from the cries of baby during weekdays.
hi smallbell n jamie,
finally got a chance to chat here again. so far both are well in e new sch except for e normal crying when i pass them to teacher every morning.
Glad thing to know is tat Sizhen is able to eat very well in sch n is able to finish watever teacher gave her.
as usual Zhaohui keep telling me tat he dont want to go sch n he wants to stay at home..... ever since he is at mmi he is also like tat so i'm used to it :p
going back to work is so nice rite after such a long long break....

now my maid is not around so other than sweeping n washing clothes everyday i only mop e floor ard twice a wk.... hai.... life without a helper is really tiring.... tired until i also dont want to go out unneccessaily....
hi jamie,
after a week of re-adjustment back to working life, i am finally back to normal.

hi elaine,
glad to hear that SZ adapt well. Looks like ZH is just making a daily complaint about school. Do hope he will also enjoy going to school in future. Does he mention any favourite classmate that he likes? I can imagine the amount of housework that you need to go through daily. For sweeping, how about getting an auto vacum cleaner? i am lazy so bought this robot vacum, set timer and it does the daily suction while i am out at work.

great to know SZ adapt so well. i just attended shaws parents discussion yesterday, was told its normal for N2 students to react this way. chloe also tells me she doesnt want to go to school when she begin her transition to N2 last mth. its due to the change of teachers, classroom & school program. N2 program are more structured, the school try not to make the change too abrupt but the kids can still feel it. not sure if it applies to MMI but i guess it should be the same ba. now chloe is back to normal liao & looks forward to school so i think maybe ZH just need some time to adjust to changes.

your MIL dont help in the daily housework? must be tough & tiring for u do both!

great to know u are back on track!

wow a robot vacuum! didnt know such thing exist!! haha... u mean it will auto vacuum when no one is around? hmm... sounds interesting!! think the cost is also very "attractive"
